The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I 9
MONEAY, MAY 3. 1920.
The Barak of Rlurdock
With our facilities for doing a good general bank
ing business we can handle your problems to the best.
We aim to keep a business institution, for the best ser
vice of the community in which we live.
The Bank of Rflurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President . J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
' ('.us Wendt was a visitor in Omaha
a short time last Friday, going up
t look after some business matters.
Special Varnish Tor table tops,
window sills, outside doors. Won't
turn white under water. At Max
I i-t t rhelFs.
II. A. Toed and Win. Weddell were
down near South Bend last Satur
day getting some trees for planting
about their places.
A. IHpner is still working at
the home of Wm. Lau. where he is
i making rome needed changes in the
buildings for their improvement.
William Itush. with his assistant,
Robert Crawford, were shelling con
siderable corn hiJit week. Among the
jobs which they did was one for
Fred Stock.
IMlhr I'tt has accepted a position
in Omaha and is now installed us a
baggage man at the union passenger
static n. He likes the job well and
is making goo'L
G. Uaur was a visitor in Omaha
Ia.-t Monday where he was looking,
after tome business matters' J Or" "a
short time, making some purchases
for the business which he conducts
I'rof. Jackm.iii assisted P.ud Anig
wert haul dirt last Saturday, prov
ing hiim-elt' a good worker notwith
standing the fact that he has not
het-n accustomed to hard work since
last summer.
W. O. Gillespie was running the
city dray a ( v days during the past
vr.'k o:i account of the illness of
Mrs. Harry Havis, who ha been
having an attack of pneumonia, Mr.
Havis being compelled to remain at
home to take care of her.
K. 1,. I'o'bast. who has been visit
ing in Murdock for a short time
with his sun. ami also looking after
so'in of the ilt tails of construction
-oi netted v.i'h the new bank build
in . departed foi his home in the
capital city last Friday evening.
Civile Funk and the remainder of
tin- bridge crew which has been
working in the western part of the
county, constructing and repairing
county bridges, have j'.ist completed
a bridge near l'ai:le and are now
working on a bridge a short distance
northwest of Murdock.
The little friends of Master tes
ter Thimgan surprised the young-4
ster last Wednesday by assembling
at his home and entertaining him'1
for a few hours on the occasion of
his eighth birthday. A general good
time was had by the young people,
and which was made all the more
enjoyable by a delightful luncheon
served by Mrs. Thimgan.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-clags workmen. We
arc ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetylinc welding.
Phone 35-J
Miss Lena Reike, the seamstress,
is doing some sewing at the home of
Herman Schmidt.
Art Ward was a visitor in Man
ley lar-t Saturday where he went to
procure some seed corn for planting
his Rummer's crop.
J. A. Bauer and daughter, Miss
Hazel, the latter being one of the
operators at the Murdock telephone
exchange, were visiting in Lincoln
last Monday.
Mrs.- C. A. Burke of Lincoln ar
rived in Murdock last Thursday and
visited at the home of her sister.
Mrs. W. H. Tool and family until
.Monday of this week.
August Stamier and family, who
have been visiting in Omaha, missed
the train home last Friday and were
compelled to come to Murdock on
the Kock. Island and go home from
here in an auto.
J. E. Mcllugh. who has been at
Excelsior Springs for the past week
visiting with friends, returned home
last, -Thursday, having been- groat ly
benefitted by the rest obtained while
at the resort.
E. W. Thimgan and John Gake
meier enjoyed a trip to Fremont
during the fore part of the week,
where they took part in a shoot
being staged there. Both gentlemen
are mighty handy with a gun and
needless to say, did some excellent
Miss Leah Schmidt, who hasjeen
employed for a number of months
at the department store of Pentcr brothers, in KImwood, was a
visitor in Murdock, being a guest at
the home of her parents over Sun
clay, and returning to her work last
Monday morning.
Frank Eveland, who is a wonder
worker, has a process which he is
placing before the chicken growers
for feeding as a kind of tonic that
will transform the loafers to layers.
There are a few people whom, al
though it might not make them la
it possibly might eliminate them
from the loafing class. Perhaps it
would be better to try it on some of
' t
the town loafers before giving it
to the chickens.
Jacob Goehry anil wife departed
last Thursday for Wisconsin, where
they will visit for a short time with
relatives and friends, after which
they will also depart lor Washing
ton. I. C. where they will visit for
a short time with a son. and later
embark for overseas, going to France
ami probably other points in contir
nental Europe. They expect to be
away for several months and prob
ably most of the summer.
Murdock, Neb.
The finest varnish that money can
buy at Max DusterholT's.
Mottled and Stippled walls of ex
ceedingly charming colors and true
artistic value. You will find them in
Max IJusterhoff's wall paper stock.
Airs. Louis liornemeier was a visi
tor at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hall, who live near
Alvo, a few days during the past
week. '
Mrs. Backemeyer and Mrs. Charles
Schneider were visitors in Omaha
with friends for a short time last
Friday, returning home on the Hock
Island train that evening.
II. H. Lawton was a visitor in
Lincoln, accompanied by Mrs. Law
ton, and they spent the time at the
home of Mrs. Iiwton's parents, M.
Sorick and family, who reside there.
The Order of Eastern Star, of Elm
wood, numbering among its mem
bership numerous Murdock people,
wil hold a meeting at the home of
Mrs. Henry A. Tool on Wednesday,
May 19th. when a most excellent
time Is anticipated.
Among those to arrive Friday from
Lincoln, where they are-attending
the state university, for an over
Sunday visit with home folks, are
Will Meyers. Walter Baumgartner,
John Paul Pickwell. Glen Pickwell,
Kenneth Tool and Gale Pickwell.
Mrs. J. M. Ileymer of Lincoln and
Mrs. Alice Burnham, of Worcester,
Mass.. were visiting at the home of
Mrs. Robert Lawton. of Wabash and
were also joined by Homer Lawton
and Mrs. Grace Reymer, of Murdock,
all taking Sunday dinner with their
Max Inisterhoff, who is ever look
ing out. for the , betterment of the
service he can give his custodiers,
was a visitor in Ashland last Thurs
day, where he was looking after the
matter of making some signs for
Gordon Block, who is engaged in the
meat market business there and who
formerly was a business man of
Murdock. Mr. P.lock knows a iirsi
class workman, which accounts lor
his selection of Mr. Dusterhof!.
Will Receive Treatment at Lincoln
Horace Reeves, who has
been having some trouble with
one of her feet, was compelled io'
go to Lincoln. where she entered j
the Saint Elizabeth hospital, ami is;
receiving treatment. It is nopeu sue
niav be able to obtain relief.
Will Carry the Mails
L. B. Gocrthy went to Plat ts
mouth the middle of the week to
take up his work as mail carrier on
route two out of that city Saturdiy.
May 1st. Mr. Goerthy has an -jx-ceptionally
long route, some L"J
? miles ifi" length, w hich adds much
to the p:iy, and brings in $1,770 a
yeAr. Harold Cool, of Elinwood. al
so went down to take the position of
carrier on route number one.
Great Joy Over First Girl
I jioys nave uei 11 iiic- im.- in im
familv of Fred Slock, who had seven
sons and no daughters. Gus Stock,
one of the sons, himself became the
father of a boy or two. but last
Thursday j;rcat joy came to his
household as at that time a dainty
little blue-eyed baby girl made her
appearance, chaperoned by the stork.
Grandpa Stoch is unusually happy
over the arrival of a baby girl at the!
home of his sun.
The Electric Light Question
Just what is being done at tlu's:
time regarding the electric light mat
ter is not definitely known, but the
I committee having the question in
nami are nouii; ;m null t-yinii:.ui v
can "be done to secure lights in the
city at an early date. At South
Bend last Saturday a large crew of
men were busily engaged removing
'trees from the roadside that the
transmission lines might be con
structed between that place and
Louisville. !
Will Give Music Recital j
Wallace Allen, of Lincoln, who has
been conducting a class in musical
instruction for the people of Mur-t
dock and vicinity, has met with ex
cellent success, and with the closing
of the course will give the people ot.
Murdock and vicinity an opportun
ity of enjoying some of the excellent .
things his puipls have accomplished.!
He has accordingly arranged to give
a recital Tuesday, May 4th, partici-j
! pated in by the following named per
sons: Mrs. Emma Ward, Mrs. Martha
! Thimgan. Misses Irene McDonald,
Ethel Schwab. Lydia Streich. Flor
ence Thimgan, Mary Isabel Tool,
Clara Woitzcl. Margarite McDonald.
Elcnor Stroy, Henrietta Bauer. Mer
edith Weddell and Masters Walter
Stroy and Lester Thimgan. This re-
jiiwu i.i li tc ciii'i an iiiu luuuaiij 111-
viteu to attend.
The Show at Hurdock
' All of the people of the eomniun-j
ity (it seemed) were gathered to-;
gether.'in one place last Saturday,'
it being the day Campbell Brothers
circus was to exhibit. The day was
all that could be desired, but the
show was a little late 'in getting to
town, so far as a parade was con
cerned. The afternoon show was at
tended by a fair sizod crowd, while
the evening performance was unus
ually well patronized.
" Notice to Patrons
To the patrons of the Murdock
Kural Free Delivery route: You will
please provide yourselves with suf
ficient postage stamps for mailing
your letters and parcels, as it is in
convenient for the carrier to search
the mail boxes for pennies for post
age, as is necessary when loose
change is placed therein.
Yours respect full v,
State Railway Commission Decides
That Murdock Company is En
titled to More Revenue
Tiie Nebraska state railway com
mission which has had tinder consid
eration the application of the Mur
dock telephone company for an in
crease in rates from $1 per month for
a I lclasses of service to $2 gross or
$1.75 net for individual line service
and $1.75 grass or $1.50 net for
party line service commencing May
The company desired to charg2 $2
and $1.50 for these two classes. The
commission finds that the charge of
$1 per month brings in an annual
revenue of $1 a month while the ex
penses of the company aggregate
$3.'4 20 a year.
The matter of the raising of the
rates has been pending for some time
as the Murdock company has found
t he operation of their lines at the oJd
r;ites one that was very hard to do
business on with the increasing cost
of the maintainance of the lines and
operating expenses.
Had Some Boxing Exhibitions
While the boys congregated at thf
barber shop Friday evening await
ing their turn for work, they put on
an exhibition consisting of a few
bouts with the gloves. Although, a
few unusual love taps got in by ac
cident, good nature reigned supreme
and the participants were doubtless
benefitted by the exercise.
Entertained R. h. A. Kensington
Ne'arly half a hundred of the la
dies of Murdock gathered at the home
of Mrs. H. A. Tool last Thursday at
the meeting of the Royal Neighbors
i f America kensington, which they
were holding at that time. The home
ivhich is one of the most beautiful in
this portion of the country, wa-s ap
propriately decorated for the occa
sion and p resected a bower of beauty.
The ladies spent the afternoon in
looking after the business of the club.
lirst. and then the remainder was
given over to the social features and
a very delightful time was enjoyed
by all present. The climax of the
pirasant afternoon was the delightful
luncheon which was served by Mrs.
Tool and her son. Richard, who i
one of the handiest of young men,
;uid assisted also by six little girls
who also waited tables, they" being
Misses Irene McDonald. Thelma Kel
ly, Margarete McDonald, Florence
Thimgan. Henrietta Baur, and Mary
Isbel Tool. These six little girls
danced around a May pole, and in all
the afternoon was one most pleasant
ly spent Ity all who attended the
meeting. Mrs. J. E. Mcllugh read
a paper touching the work of the
state department of agriculture,
which was very instructive. Misses
Irene McDonald and Lulu Reever
ang some very appropriate songs.
Will Restore Traffic on. Bridge
Scott Hare, who has neen spend
ing the winter in the east, being a
visitor at his home in Uniontown.
Pa., returned to the west a short
time ago, and was a visitor in Mur
doch, where he lived for a number of
years conducting an elevator here for
some time, and visited from a week
ago last Friday until the following
Monday with friends, then going to
Plattsmouth where he visited with
friends for a few days. He returned
to Murdock last Saturday morning,
and attended the circus and spent
the day with friends. Mr. Hare will
enter the employ of the Rock Island
again as an operator at the Meadow
Tower in a short time as the trains
of that road which have been detour
ing via Ixmisville will shortly be re
stor?d to their own road and pass
over the Rock Island bridge, which
will be so far advanced as to permit
the use of traffic in a short time.
Telephone Rates Increased
The matter of the raising of "the
rates of the telephones on the lines of
the Murdock Telephone company, is
one which has been In agitation for
i-ome time. With the raise of other
things, the rates have persistently
been kept down on account of certain
formalities which are required by the
state laws governing telephone com
panies. The laws require service and
certain conditions of lines and
equipment, as well as records, and a
prescribed system of book keeping is
required which costs much in expen
diture, as well as the hours of ser
vice, making it obligatory to have
Overland Parts for Sale!
' On account of an accident which put my car out
of commission, I have .many parts on hand, as good as
new and which I will sell cheap. Included in them are
an excellent magneto generator, gears for r69 model
Overland, a good radiator, in perfect condition. Also
have a 7 h. p., one cylinder Cadillac engine for sale
cheap. See any of these at the Henry Oehlerking home.
three shifts of operators. Those',
things have materially added to the (
operating expenses of the company, !
and have, with other things, required
the increase in. rates which were or-;
dered by the state railway commis- j
sion late Friday evening and went :
into effect on Saturday morning. May ,
1st. The rates which went into ef
fect, make the rates for party line
subscribers $1.75 per month, which
if paid before the 10th of the month,
is only to be $1.50. , While the pri
vate line subscribers are charged $2,
and a deduction of 25 cents made if
the rental is paid in advance, or be
fore the tenth of the month, which
makes it $1.75. The rate has been
before, one dollar straight per sub
scriber, however they were situated.
Warmed the House, Sure
Last Friday some of the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Tool
got their heads together and organ
ized a surprise on the owners of
the new and elegant home and went
prepared for the occasion, and did,
in fact, surprise the friends for when
the people had gotten there the house
which is commodious, was well filled
and there was no occasion for any ex
tra fire, but it wras plenty warm
enough. Games and dancing pre
vailed until a late hour, and pro
vision had been made for something
to greet the inner man, and a de
lightful luncheon was enjoyed by all
present. The gathering was a dem
onstration of the high esteem in
which this family is held by their
many friends.
Celebrates Grandmother's Birthday
Last Sunday being the fiftieth
birthday of Mrs. L. Amgwert, her
sons and daughter made her an ele
gant dinner at the home of her son,
John Amgwert, in which a birthday
cake figured extensively. Little
Marval Amgwert who is of an in
ventive turn of mind, designed the
birthday cake aid placed ten can
dles thereon, one for every five years.
They all enjoyed the occasion great
ly and we are wishing that Grandma
Angwert may enjoy many more such
happy birthdays.
Depart for the West
Last Monday. L. Neitzel and wife
were passengers to Omaha, where
they went to bid good bye and "bon
voyage" to Mrs. J. J. Arnold, sis
ter of Mrs. Neitzel's and her two
daughters. Misses Thoda and Herta.
who were departing for their new
home in San Francisco. They went
to Kansas City via the Burlington
nnd from there to the coast over the
Santa Fe.
Surprise Party Given Miss Scheel
A very pleasant surprise party was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Scheel. near Murdock, when
friends of their daughter. Miss Clara,
came in unexpectedly to a.ssist her
in celebrating her sixteenth birthday
anniversary Friday evening. The
party was planned by Carrie Thie
man and Hildegard Banmgaertner,
the latter celebrating her 13th birth
day on this very day. The evening
was spent in playing games. At the
usual hour a most delicious supper
was served, which was enjoyed by
all. -The guests departed at a late
hour, wishing the Misses Hildegard
and Clara, many more happy birthday--.
Those present were: Carrie
and Elda Thieman. Sara and Willie
Lau, Hildegard and Carl Banmgaert
ner. Henry, Fred, and Louie Wendt.
Alieda. Ixiuie and Leonard Lau. John
Rose, Anna. Clara, and Elma Scheel.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiester, and
daughter. Irene, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Scheel.
Will Spend Some Time in South
Professor J. H. Burwell was a pas
senger to Lincoln last Friday, where
he went to assist in Mrs. Burwell
starting for the home of relatives in
Oklahoma, where she is going, ac
companied by a sister, to spend some
time with another sister in the hopes
of benefitting her health. Mrs. Bur
well. who had pneumonia during the
winter, has not been making the.
progress which is desired she. should
and her going south at this time is
in the hopes that she may be restored
to her wanted health.
The many old friends of Mrs. J.
N. Wise in this city, will regret very
much to learn that she is not show
ing any improvement in her present
illness and her condition has given
her family but little .hope of her re
covery. Mrs. Wise has been making
her home in Omaha for the past few
years, Mr. and Mrs. Wise residing
with their daughter, Mrs. Jesse L.
Hoot and family. Another daughter,
Mrs. F. W. Jackson of Chicago, has
been summoned to the bedside of the
Chintz naners. Tanostrv and nlain
colors for beautiful combinations
are part of our fine wall paper stoclcs.
Let us show you how to make up
such combinations. Max Dusterhon.
You can get 4?oor wax at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. tf.
O. J. POTHAST, Cashier
Farmers Merchants Bank
Transact General Banking
Wc Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits
All ways at Your Service.
If you are not a subscriber to the
Daily Journal let U3 enter your name
on our subscription list.
arts of today.
put into it by
than, say for pictures or other wall deco
ration. From the mere covering of an
unsightly wall surface, it has grown to
the dignity of a decorative art.
Can there be any surprise, therefore,
in the fact that the public is evincing a
greater interest in better wall decoration?
And having helped to lift wall deco
ration to its proper place in home beau
tification, we feel this concerns the in
terest of every home owner who feels
justly satisfied with only the best in home
Painting - Decorating
Wood "Finishing
ax Dusterhoff,
yN A i"V S . f
Threshers Tractors
The International Line Complete!
Power plenty of power and efficiency at all times, reliable
and dependable is what all want. We have it in the International
We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso
line Engines, Kerosene, Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators,
Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks. Manure Spreaders,
Stjilk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine.
Senator Dunhip variety, $1.25 per
hundred post paid. S. O. Cole, My
nard, Neb. lw-w.
if yfX
walls is one of the
iMore money is being
the average family
N T N v
Power Machines
JM'&ftn wop :