The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    : ; mh : f
THUESDAY, APRIL 29, 19:20.
Notice to Ford Owners!
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gome In and Let Sis Explain!
Garage Phone 650
(Continual From First Page.)
lodge consolidated with Platte lodge
in what now the present effective
organization. The lodge has at pres
ent a membership of 77 and a greatly
renewed interest in the work that
means for the growth of the order.
The local lodge has at present a re
serve of ?.j96.S7 in stocks and
Joseph C. Warga gave a history of
the activities of Mystic Encampment
No. 31. which was instituted on Feb
ruary C. 1SS9, with the following
charter members: L. 15. Larson. L.
K. Kearns. L. Davis. 1J. t Kerr, Frank
Boyd. Thomas E. Williams. J. ('..
Eikenbary. Since that time 121 mem
bers of the order have joined and
received this higher degree of Odd
Fellowship and 31 now are I
in the membership as others have
passed away to their final degrees
in the great hereafter or have re
moved from the city. Mr. Warga
Perchorn Black Stallion
Weight 1950 .
17 Hands High
Will make the season at my
$15.00 to insure Colt to Stand
. i ,
ana sucn.
.... . W
' ' ' f '.
rBz:B':;B::xB::;B'::::s'rB:':;B.ii';B;;i!;:B'!:: si-b sbtxklh .aBixiBHiKKXBimiCiBiiiiaiai
B. K. F.
little accesory on your Ford car will work
Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
the motor.
Easily installed
No oiling required.
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
Main St. Garage
Block South
House Phone 502
(ordially invited the members of the
Odd Fellows to join the higher de
crees of the order and to aHii'n the
fullest conception of the work of the
I'is. Alien J. p.eeson. in hei usual
."iftec! manner siave a most cr.arriing
dramatic reading as a tribute to the
memory of 'mother" and one that
gave the speaker the fullest oppor
tunity of displaying her unusual tal
ent in the art of elecution.
The history of Bud of Promte
lodge Xo. 4, Daughters of Rcbekah
'v;.' given ''y Miss Marie Kaufmann.
secretary of the lodge and detailed
as complete as possible the progress
of the lodge from the date rf its
foundation, September 26. 1SSS.
t'o'.vn to the present time. Th's 1 dge
has been a powerful assistant t'
the work of the Odd Fellows cn i at
the present time Is enjoying the pros
perity that is being shared by the
Odd fellows in their growth. Ol :he
charter members, one L. E. lvearn.-..
i. Mi!l a member in the great orgia
iiaiin. At the conclusion of the reading
of the hietory of the Kebekahs by
Miss Kaufinann. a most delightful
humorous reading was given by Miss
Hazel C'lugy. one of the talented
young ladies of the city, and which
was most heartily enjoyed by every
one present.
a very complete history of the
origin and purposes of Odd Fellow
ship was given by James II. Short,
district deputy grand patriarch, and
in which Mr. Short traced down
through years since the early Roman
conquest of the Rrithh isles the pro-
i gress of the movement that was to
i be developed into the greatest of
American fraternal orders. .Mr. Short
recited the differences in the Eng
lish order that resulted in the for
mation pf the Manchester Unity of
the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows and from the membership of
which came the American order. In
the winter of 1818 Thomas Wildeyone and one-third fare (withj mini
and John Welch arrived in the Unit
ed States and learning that they each
belonged to the Odd Fellows they at
once instituted a search for other
members of the order and through
newspaper notices in the Baltimore
American secured a meeting on March
2. 1S19. at which John Duncan and
John Cheat am were present and on
April 2f. 1S19. Richard Rushworth
joined them and the five" members
made application for the first lodge
I of Independent Order of Odd Fellows
in the United States and named it
Washington lodge No. 1. in honor of
i the first president of the nation. The
Krand lodge of Maryland and of the
United States was instituted in 1821.
It was ,n 18 that the first lodge in
Nebraska was founded in Nebraska
City and since then the order has
lasts the life of your Ford.
No rollers to wear out and short
Telephone 79
of Postoffice
I grown until it represents a great
membership throughout the state.
At the conclusion of the remarks
of Mr. Short the formal program was
closed with the singing of the ode
and the benedict ion by the chaplain
after which the members were Invit
ed to the banquet hall where a feast
awaited them and which the ladies
of the Rebekahs had prepared in a
manner that certainly was all that
could possibly be asked.
The banquet tables were decorated
with the colors, pink and green car
ried out in the three Jinks of Truth,
Love and Friendship, which were
made a part of the table decorations,
while at each place were the emble
matic napkins of the I. O. O. F. or
der and furnishing a pleasing touch
to the table decorations. At the seat
of the toastmaster, Mr. Hauler, a
fine birthday cake with the tiny
green and pink candles made a pleas
ing feature of the feast. The decor
ations of the banquet room were in
the national flag interposed with
the flags of the allies and the em
blems of the order.
During the progress of the fcas. a
delightful concert was given on the
Edison phonograph, and upon which
the masterpiece of the musical world
were made very realistic for the en
joyment of the guests and proved
truly that it was an instrument with
the soul of music captivated by the
wizard inventor.
The main feature of the banquet
was the enjoyment of the many good
things that the ladies had prepared
and nothing was omitted from the
menu that might add to the enjoy
ment of the members of the parly.
County Judge Allen J. Bceson was
requested to offer a few remarks by
the toastmaster and responded in Lb:
usual pleasing manner on the good
of the order and as the judge is very
versatile his remarks brought forth
a great deal of approval from the au
ditors. -
The members of the party enjoyed
a short social visit at the conclusion
of the banquet and then departed
homeward feeling that the Odd Fel
lows and the Daughters of Rebekah
had more than fittingly observed the
great anniversary of the order and
that the committee in charge of the
program antf banquet had certainly
won a high honor as entertainers.
Good Only for Members, Auxiliary
Societies and Their
Department Commander J. B.
Strode, by Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral Harmon Bross, is notifying
grand army posts that a reduced
rate of one and one-third fare has
been granted, by the western passen
ger association to the state erfcamp
ment of the G. A. R. which is to be
held at Fremont, May 17 to 19.
"Round trip tickets will be sold at
mum $1) for the round trip from
posts In Nebraska, for this occas
ion, upon presentation of identifica
tion certificates applicable for mem
bers of our organization and auxil
iary societies and dependent mem
bers of their families only and the
tickets will be good via same route in
both directions. Identification certi
ficates will be furnished upon appli
cation to the office of assistant ad
jutant general at the state house.
"Tickets will be fold on May l.r
21, inclusive, with return limit of
May 25, 1920. On date of depar
ture from Fremont tickets must be
presented to the ticket agent at that
point for validation, without which
they will not be honored for return
passage. Tickets will be validated
May 19 to 24, inclusive.
"One ideatification certificate will
suffice for each member of the or
der, including dependent members of
his or her family, and it will not be
necessary to furnish separate certi
ficates for dependent members of the
"These identification certificates
will be signed at the G. A. R. office
and sent to posts on request of adju
tants. Prompt action is needed on
the part of officers of posts and all
allied organizations.
"Post adjutants will inform the
assistant adjutant general at once
how many certificates will be needed
for. that point. This count should
include delegates from the post and
the woman's relief corps with their
dependents who plan to go. Identi
fication card is not required, as here
tofore for each passenger, but one
will answer for the family. Circles
of the ladies of the G. A. R., Camps
of Sons of Veterans and their aux
iliary, corps of. Daughters of Veter
ans, will be supplied from their own
headquarters. All applications for
entertainment should be sent direct
to George H. W'olz, Executive Direc
tor of G. A. R encampment, Fre
mont." Dally Journal, 15c a -weeK.
Petition Filed in Districl Qourt
Claims Marriage Performed in
Iowa Contrary to the Law
From Wednesday's Dally
A petition was ti led today in the
office of the clerk of the distrkt
court by Robert Siirader of Mm :y.
through his attorney Matthew (Jt-rin;;.
asking that the court st-t aside as nuil
and void. marriag-of plaint ill'. The
title of the action U Robert Siirader
va. MargaretU' Siirader, and in :1.c
petition of tin- pi.: in lift" it is allt..,i;!
that on May the defendant
started a suit for divorce asainst'her
husband, Raymond L. Morris and
that on November , 1919, a dj icc
of divorce was granted in the district
court of Cass county to the dei'en.l
ant from Mr. Morris. It is furlln-r
alleged that to ev: .de the laws of the
state of Nebraska covering the mar
liage of divorced persons, the piaiM
tiif and dcfendai.t were united it.
marriage at Gknv ood. Iowa, on Jan
uary 24. 19L'i. an 1 returned to C'a-s
county, where they resided until the
middle ol April. 1!20. when the de
fendant departed from the home
the plaintiff. It i 'also claimed that
cruelty and desertion have made
their married life impossible and the
plaintiff petitions the court t; set
ai ide the marriage performed at CiL.n-
wood as null and void owing to the
fact that the tiiiR' limit set by the
laws of Nebra'r-a as to the marriagi
of divorced persons had not b--en
complied with.
County Cleik George R. Sayhs Noti
fying Delegates Elected of the
Date, May 11. at riattsmouth
from Wednesday's Pally.
County Clerk George R. Sayles if
engaged in sending out certificate.",
to the delegates elected to the dem
ocratic and republican count con
ventions which under the law will be
held on the second Tuesday n Mjv.
vhLh makes the date May 11th.
The law passed by the last session
of the state legislature fixes the place
of the county conventions as tin
county seat of the county so that
both conventions will be hi Id in
Plattsmouth on May 11th at the
court house at 10 o'clock in the
The holding of both conventions
at the same place and on the same
date insures that there will be much
political dope floating around on the
occasion. The republicans of the
county have almost all precincts rep
resented by full - mi, not more than
-2 of one per cent delegations while
the democrats will have but a scat
tering group of delegates.
From Wednesday's Pattv.
This morning Mrs. Frederick En
gclkemeier and daughter. Miss Rose,
returned to their home in this city
after an absence of four months on
the Pacific coast end in the south.
Mrs. Engelkemeier and daughter
spent the greater part of the time
in the California cities and escaped
the cold weather that has character
ized the past few months in Nebras
ka. On their return they enjoyed
visits with relatives and friends at
points in Oklahoma for a few weeks.
They report a most delightful outing
and have enjoyed to t he utmost the
time spent in the west. Their rela
tives and friends are delighted to
welcome them home and to learn that
they have had so pleasant a visit.
From Wpiinpjiia Vs Pally.
Petition for divorce entitled Lora
Bokelman vs. Frank BoKeJman, has
been filed in the district court and
in the petition the plaintiff states
that they were married at Weeping
Water December 23; 190S, and have
since made their home in thu; coun
ty. Six minor children are named
by the plaintiff who asks their cus
Six-room house, good cellar. Three
lots for gardening, city water, good
cement and brick walks. Close in.
Will put the house in good repair
for any one who will take care of
property. Call at Perkins House af
ter 4 p. m. tf-d&w.
Kodaks for Sale
, Some special high class kodaks at
the right price. We teach the pur
chaser to use them. Pnone G45.
D&w Plattsmouth, Neb.
19 Years Tractor Building Experience!
The Tractor With the Most Power for the Longest
Time at the Lowest Cost!
Weighs 5158 Pounds
Phone 2304
riiT'Call at the reason Garage and see them in Plattsmouth.
vVilbur Olson, Son of Mr. p.nd Mrs. j
G. W. Ohon. Gets in Close
Connection wiln Animal.
From Wednesday's Dolly.
This morning Wilbur, the young J
on of .Mr. and .Mrs. ( I. W. Oisrm, re-,
eived a very severe injury as the;
result of being kicked by one of the
mules belonging to the I nn of K. G.
Dovey Son.
The young man had left home to
ittend school, but as he war; l ite de
;i(!eil not to attend the morning ses-
ion and visited the barn in the rear
,t' the K. G. Dovey A- Son store and
.as engaged in playing with the
nulo which were in the barn at
he- time. There was no one with
he young man and when h-e was!
;kked by the mule on the side of
the head, he was knocked to the
'nor and remained tlurt unconscious;
for two hours.
When he recovered his senses af
ter the encounter with the mighty
left hoof of "Springer." he discover-
d that he had been bleeding very
profusely from the nose and ears,
but was able to get up and go home.
and did not say anything ot the ac
cident at the time. As he was lying
down the mother bean an inquiry
md discovered the- story of the
kicking. A physician 'was called,
but as far as could be learned, the
young man was not injured danger
iiislv. FOX SALE
Liberty V. B. church building. See
committee. t
(. L. JEAN,
d&w E. 11. POXTUIS.
Several Good Re-built Fords
Priced Right!
on payment plan cash,
balance in 12 equal monthly
T.H, Pollock Garage
Phone No. 1
320 Acre Improved
Cass Co. Farm
The Jacob Vallery, Jr. farm
for $250.00 per acre. Terms
to suit purchaser.
The unimproved 120 acres ot the
Stephen Wiles estate sold a few days
ago for $295.00 per acre and is just
one mile east of the im proven
acres I am offering for $250.00 per
Phone No. 1
and Has Abundant Power for Three Plows!
I'ro'.i Wf dnesday's Dally
Last evenj'ng, Of'icer Henry Trout
ook into custody two young lads,
who stated that their homes were
in Omaha, and they are being held
for the arrival of their parents from
she metropolis. The boys were no
ticed bv Of'icer Trout while they
were apparently engaged in trying
to dispose of a watch to. one of the
employes of the Russell cafe and the
boys called across the street
and Mr. Trout asked them if they
had a w. t. h lor sale and they
once produced one of the famous In
gersoll watches and attempted to ped
Ghrist & Ghrist,
PHONE 64-5
1 2 Hour Kodak Service. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Some Real Bargains in
Farm Implements!
For the next few days or until this ad changes, we
will offer the following exceptional bargains in farm
ing implements:
New Departure cultivators $ 24.50
Two-row New Departure cultivators 105.00
Jenny Linde Cultivators 29.50
New Century cultivators 49.50
Badger cultivators 49.50
All two-wtheel riding listers 67.50
All four-wheel riding listers 79.50
All wide tread listers 104.50
High wheel corn planters ..... 77.50
Two-row lister cultivators 79.50
Deering and McCormick mowing mchs, 5-ft. . 74.50
1 0y2 foot hay akes, 32 teeth 43.50
I. H. C. and Sterling loaders, with fore carriage 105.00
Deering binders . . . 240.00
One 7-foot McCormick binder 232.50
Two 34 Peter Shuttler wagons . 160.00
One 3'4 Newton wagon 150.00
VERY LOW PRICE OF, per lb . .
This twine price is going to advance soon All
of these goods have advanced from 10 to 20.
Three-bottom Titan tractors . ,
. o. b. Factory
One 2d hand Dodge touring car, 1918 model . $ 650.00
One 1918 Ford touring car. . . ." . . 350.00
One Model E, I. H. C. truck, complete, grain
box and stock rack 2,000.00
Also Attractive Prices on All Goods Carried
by a First Class Implement House.
The Implement Man Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Plattsmouth Dealer
dle it to the police and Mr. Trout
then requested them to go with him
to the police station to be held for
investigation. It was thought by Mr.
Trout that perhaps the watch might
have been yne taken from the M
Klwain stock, but it was stated by
Mr. McElwain that the watch was
not one of those taken from him.
Word was received later from Omaha
that the relatives would com? after
the bovs.
Accidents will happen, but the
best regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil for such emer
gencies. Two sizes, 30c and 00c. at
all stores.
'Si HEN you invest in that
new Spring finery which
you have already picked out,
don't forget that your friends
have long been waiting for a
photograph of you and your new
spring suit would make a most
appropriate costume.
Sunday sittings by