The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattstnoutb journal
Eatered at Postofflce. Flattemoutn. Neb., aa aecoad-claas mall matter
Ra A. BATES, Publishe.
The ni(fV's horn aloud doth shriek
With iharsh and angry honk.
Leap, oh leap, poor human fish,
Lest thou invite a broken conk.
Anyhow the overall army is find
ing the weather auspicious.
This Nebraska climate well, it
fools the average Nebraskan as well
as eery one else.
How can the overall army be ex
pected to win its war without the
support of a kitchen apron auxil
iary? :o:
Governor Allen, for that matter,
might make a play for the spirtyistic
vote By giving his address as
Ouijata, Kas.
As a general thing, the reason a
man thinks he's having a good time
when he is spending a lot of money
Is because he knows he will doubt
It next day.
Years ago they were called "pho
tograph galleries". Now by some
curious process they have become
Vtudios". Perhaps they may yet
become clinics.
A West Dallas widow says that
the reason she broke her lst en
gagement was because her fiance
seemed to feel that all the wr:ld was
a stage and his function was to be
part of the scenery.
A vicar has written to the press
complaining indignantly of a Lon
don firm's offer to supply sermons
at five shillings each. We are not sur
prised. Five shillings is a. lot-of
money to give for a sermon.
One astronomer says Mars may
not try to send us a word message at
all. but might send a musical note
instead. If the note sounds -like a
saxophone, all further communica
tion should be abandoned.
A girl likes a promising young
man, but others prefer one who pays
"We have had occasion to notice
lately that men get into politics who
couldn't get into anything else.
The man who can't feel cheerful
these bright and beautiful spring
days ought to have his head exam
ined. :o:
The swindler watches with a
shrewd and all-seeing eye every de
velopment that may be turned to
Gosh darn it, here's more trouble.
The Pullman company has applied
for an increase of rates, thus adding
to the high cost of sleeping.
Just a friendly tip to the ladies
of Nebraska: This is the season of
fitful April showers, so be careful
about your new spring hat.
The weather man's idea of clean
up week was to start off with a good
soaking. It is hoped he will remem
ber that sunshine also has its cleans
ing qualities.
Jim Ham Lewis is announced as
a candidate for vice-president. That
set of pink whiskers would certainly
match the other furniture in the
senate chamber.
A Florida man claim lo own a
pullet that laid thirty-nine eggs in
thirty-eight "days, and some of them
contained double yolks, and we claim
that Florida man is merely a very
crude liar.
To be effective in time of war a
soldier must, in addition to wearing
a uniform, shoot, and in the time of
battle against the high cost of liv
ing, the citizen must, in addition to
wearing Overalls, get down and work
and increase production.
Farm Machinery!
We carry a full and complete line of the reliable
John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to fill yuur
order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming
implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest
ing machinery. Also threshers . necessities.
An astonishing editorial appeared
in a New York paper recently. It
advocated the nomination of a big
man for vice-president, contrary to
the usual custom of devoting that
nomination to making sure the elec
toral vote of some uncertaiistate by
playing on its local pride.
We can remember only one vice,
presidential nomination not disposed
of. on that idea. Governor Roosevelt
of New York was named on the Mc
Kinley ticket because Tom Piatt
wanted to get rid of him in New
York. The easy boss found him un
comfortable in his political business.
Hanna, at that time director-general
or patronage for McKinley, had no
desire for Roosevelt's selection, but
was won over by party policy argu
ments. Governor Roosevelt himself
was not itching to be shelved in the
vice-presidency, but again expedi
ency prevailed.
And now comes the suggestion
that no uncertain quantity be chos
en for second place on the Chicago
ticket. It is a good one. It might
be made a rule of national conven
tions that every man seeking the
presidential nomination should
pledge to accept seconu place if de
feated for the first honor. That
would usually insure the selection
of the two strongest men before the
convention a consummation dc-
voutlv to be wished.
"In dubbing Henry Cabot Lodge
the head of the poison squad in the
anti-Wilson conspiracy case John
Sharp Williams excoriates, but dots
not exaggerate", says the Louisville
Unlike many strong partisans, wo
do not believe Attorney General Pal
mer should be blamed for everything.
Th'ere are probably some conditions
in this country today which would
baffle an attorney general who was
not running for president.
s '- :: OK in:uii
,, Petition for Appointment of
A l miniMtrnlor
The State of Nebraska, Cass loitn-
t?irfSthe County Court.
In the matter of the estate of (ath
erina Tams. leceasel.
On reading and filing tlie petition
of Hans Tjmiis, prayinjr that adminis
tration of saitl estate may be Rrantt-d
to saiil Hans Tams, as Administrator:
Ordered, that May 20th. A. I. l'.-J".
at nine o'clock a. m.. is assigned lor
hearing saiil petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to lo held in
and for said count v, and show cause
wliv tlie prayer of petitioner should
not he granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof he jriven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
u copv of this order in tlie 1'latts
mouth Journal, a. semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Tated April 24th, 1920.
allkn J. i:i:i:so.v.
(Seal) Count v Judife.
a2-3w. . Atty. for Petitioner.
life ;pcr - m n ill i mmmMmM. &
Tlie Cass County Monument Co. lias a
fine lot of .Monuments and Headstones from
which to select. The prices are right. Remem
ber, there are not many days left in which to
have your work done by the 30th of May.
We also cut inschiptions at the cemetery.
Give Us a Trial!
Cass County Monument Company
H. W.. SMITH, PRopr.
Telephone 177 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb.
tiri( i:
In the lMstrict Court of Cass" coun
tv. Nebraska.
Kobert Klotz, l'laintiff, vs. West half
of Northeast quarter of Section IT,
Township 12 NorUi, l:anf?e !, in Cass
counlv, Nebraska. and all persons
claiming any interest of any kind in
said real estate or any part thereof:
Also the following; named persons and
their unknown heirs, devisees, le.i
Jees and personal representatives of
acfi of them, to-wit: S. N. Merriam.
Seblen N. Merriam. lydia Merriam, A.
Corbin, Austin Corbin, I. W. Newsum.
J V. Newsum, Israel AV. Newsum,
William Imrfee, "William lUirfna, I ten
nis I lean. Samuel G. Bryan and S. 5.
lirvaii, liefendants.
The above named defendants ami
each of them are hereby notified that
on the 21th dflv of April, VJ20, plaiutitT
tiled his suit in the District Court of
Cass ciMinty. Nebraska, the object and
purpose of which is to confirm plain
tiffs title in and to the West half of
the Northeast ouarter of Section 77.
l n i.a
!'DELCO-LIGHT is the Best
Time and Labor Saver
on My Farm"
Tht's what many users sny. Over a lulndrcd
thousand families located in all parts of the world,
ar enthusiastic about Dclco-Lio;ht. This is proof
of !he satisfaction Dclco-Liyht gives.. It is an in
diciion of the high place Delco-Light holds in the
het'ts of those who use it.
Clen, safe electric lights make the house, barns
ani premises as bright as day. Electric power
doK the pumping, separating, churning, washing,
irqing, sweeping, and a sccrc of other tasks.
Gmter convenience and comfort come to those
wl have Delco-Lipht.
Write or call for catalog, prices
and further interesting details
C. E. WAGNER, Snc,
Omaha, rich. Distibutors
1 fm
i- B v B d J n n
Tel. Walnut 999
A complete electric light and povcer plant Jar
farms end country homes, self-cranking
air cooled ball bearings no belts only one
place lo oil thick plates long-lived battery
runs on kerosene.
Valve-tn-Head Motor,
Satisfied Users
Manufactured by
User Near You
Miliri': ok i.iti;
oil 1VI it ion lor (terminal Ion
ot Helrli,
Kstnte of Andrew ju ry, tleivas.-d,
in tln Coi'm'y CourtL Cass county,
Nebraska. I
Tiie State of Nebrjtn, to all er
sons intcrest'-d i.i sai'tate, ciedito:
and heirs, take notieithat Mary K.
Carney has !i!id her 'itinn alietrin
that Andrew Dairy intestate in
Cass county on or abw.June 1.".. l'.'H.
lieinf? a rsi.lent amiiiu litant of
Cass county and the y r of the fol
lowing described real Wale, to-wit:
Thirtv-three acres offle. snutli side
nf lot six (I,) in Scctl thirty-three
C!J) and Lot twenty-S'h 27 beinLr
the South half of J.ol,,ee (?,) of
Section thii ly-tliice in Town
ship twelve (U) Nort!:an.t:( four
teen (111, together yit!ll accretions
now made or hcrea ft eijcj u jrrd, all
of saiil lands heini;' iniiss -ounty.
Nebraska: leaviim' as hi. -lie. and only
heirs at law the f ol lowi iiamed per
sons, to-wit: Jlis wid.i Klizaheth
airy: l.ena .Ionian, iiiuiior; Ilohert
r,u-uiiii l- rrrnth l:si-iirr !t. in Ca"
county. Nebraska, and to permanenuy i i;a i-ry, sun; .uwani i..iiiSo,,
enioin each and all of said defen- Carney, fiai;j;htei :
dants from liavinB: or claiming to have.ter: ieorre Harry, son aiKHen Vo
anv rieht. title, lien or interest eithe-r I boril. daughter; ami pray i tar a ie-
leal or euitable in or to said real
estate or anv part thereof, and to en
join said defendants frm interfering
in any manner with plaintiffs posses
sion, enjoyment anil title of said prem
ises ami for Keneral equitable relief.
This notiee is Kiven you pursuant to
the order of said Court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the I Mh
day of June, l'.ejo, or your default will
be entered therein attainst you, ar:d
each of you and decree quietinu title
atrainst you and each of you entered
In favoi of plaintiff.
Dy j. o. DVYi:r;,
aL'tj-4w. His Attorney.
t'.n iir,w'"-""M
Oh l'(itiii for Appointment of
AtlmiiiiMt rntrix.
Th- State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
i ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Hum-
phrey ;llliam, leceased.
On readiri'' and tilintr tlie lictition.of
9 ! Farah M. Oldham irayin that admin
istration of said estate may be grant
ed to Sarah M. Oldham as Adminis
Ordered, that May I7th. A. 1. lO-'fi.
'at ten o'clock a. in., is assigned for
hearimr said petition. When All per
il I sons interested in said matter may
anoear ut a t'uuntv Court to be helu
Hi in and for said county and show cause
ylwliy the prayer of petitioner should
Pliiot be Tranted: and that notice of the
namlAni'V nf ill T,,titifll, U tul tilt
-' V . . v v. - I- ......
I heiii-inir thereof lie iriven to all luT-
Ifi'lir. Illiri ci'n u fc...... ...... ....
.-I liuhini. ;i fiinv tf this onler in the
l'lattsmoutli journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printeil in said county, for
tliree successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Iated April 'Z t.
(.Seal; ul'6-Sv Couuty Jude.
cree tarrliir claims; tnal I iteeei.eut
died intestate; that no iiilation for
administration 1 as b-eii ij- ami the
estate of saiil decedent Hnot leeii
idministercd in the State Nebraska.
and that the heirs at lawl said de
cedent as herein set forth 111 o de
creed to be the owners i:l. simple
of the above described I estate,
which has been set for he:!' on the
loth day ot May, i. 4, at ten
o clock a. m.
Iated at l'!atl-iii'iitl:, Nka, tiiis
:na uay of April, -a. i . iv
Minn: to M,.iiri
ih:ki:.m ivrs
in the uistrtct .ouii ot -i coun-
ty. Nebraska.
icicnaro .. joiii'son, i-i;r vs
ni. I . Merriam and Irrinm
his wife i first r name ilowni;
V. K. sieck, a sinarle ma n :t i i ja m
Urokaw. a sinuie man: Franklprice.
a single man: Joh.i nat ha n J!. Vi and
Qu'n. his wii" (hist ili,nmt
unknown); Harjau U. ljuin .a l
iji i. ins wile hum i -hi i in,
known); the unknown hei rs. Jsees,
lesatees, personal representat l i n,j
all other persons interested irk '(.
fates oft tlie foi'U'dnr name lf(. .
dants, and each of them; and i;ast
half (K'i) of the Noi t lieast I,UOr
(Ni:M. less, however, a -strip land
one rod wide off of the soul-nd,
bein'; about one anil one-hal;lpSj
and also less a strio of land alb he
west side of said Kast iialf 0f
tlie Northeast quarter (NK'4
wide un the south end i herec lui
broadenirisr as 'he line is cid
northward until it 1 fort v-niril;
ieet vi.? on the imtii: enn: (i
the Northeast quarter (Nni)
Southeast quarter ISK', i. all i
tlon twenty-three (-:!. Townslilw
I counte, Ni hrasUa, and all persons
j cla imi ii y any interest of any kind in
said real ( state or any part thereof,
i 1 x fer.da nt s.
! You and each of you are hereby
notified that on tlie ,11st day of March,
the plaintiff in the above entitled
jm t ion tiled in the liistrict Court of
Cass Toenty, Nebraska, his duly veri
f.ul petition in an action atrainst you,
and eaeh of you, the object and prayer
of which is to obtain a decree or" said
court adjudging- Kichard A. Johnson
to bo the owner in fee Pimple of tlie
following described real estate, to
wit: East half ( E U ) of the Northeast
quarter NE1,,'). less, however, a. strip
of land one rod wide off of tlie south
end, beirm; about one and one-half
acres, and also less a strip of land
alontr the west side of said East half
of the Norih.a.-t quarter (XE1,) ten
feet wide n the south end thereof
and broadening as the line is extend
ed northward until it is forty-nine feet
wide on the north end: and also, the
Northeast quarter (NEU of tlie South
east quarter ( S K 1 1 , all in Section
twenty-three. Township twelve. XIanjio
allies il;ni"li- , .. i !. ., j . .,
.... i . i ' ' ii j " i ii . ' i . cm in ii ol i u , a mi ail
j other persons. from asserting any
riht, title, lien, claim, interest or
! cstat'-, in, or to or upon said described
real estate, or any part thereof; to
remove certain clouds from the title
thereto: to decree that Kichard A.
Johnson, and those under whom he
claims, has been in open, notorious,
peaceable, continuous and adverse pos
session, under claim of ownership
thereof and title thereto for more tiian
ten years last p:rst, made valuable
iinprovi jiients thereon, paid the taxes
as they became due; and for general
c.i'titablo relief.
You a nil each of you are lierebv Be-
quired to answer plaintiff's petition on
or before the 19th day of May, ir)',
or. tlie allegations of said petition will
be taken as confessed "und as being
Attorney for l'laintiff,
al- tw. Ashland, Nebr.
A healthy man is a kins in his
own ritrht; an unhealthy man an un
happy slave. For impure blood and
sluggish liver, use burdock IJIood
On the market
51.25 a bottle.
o.j years.
Daily Journal 15c per wcefc.
tion twenty-three t2.?).
twelve (12), Ilauae nine (3 Kastis
usterhoff Interior
One of Superior Quality!
For sale, a farm o 125 acres, well
improved, hog tight, 11 acres prair
ie, god house, barn, hay shed, ce
ment walks, garage, granary, corn
crib, wash house, wood house, cob
house, chicken house, fhop, machine
shed. Located 4 miles from Union
on state road.
jl9-2v; 2d) Union, Neb.
The merchant who Ooesn't adver
tise only when business is good will
eventually quit it entirely.
The skill of the "well train
ed mechanic and the wise
suggestions on practical and
artistic ideas; applied to our
jobs,- have resulted in gain
ing' more satisfied customers.
They considered and receiv
ed real value.
; When you intend to renovate, call on us for sug
gestions and estimates on painting and decorating.
io jod too large;. no job too small or too far away j
to rnrfi Vf our rarp f , , 1 nttnnlmn 1
Painting Decorating Wood Finishing