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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1920)
MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH : 'o'EMI-VTEEEXY JOIHINAX Some Real Bargains in Farm Implements! For the next few days, or until our present stock and all goods bought at this time is exhausted, we will offer the following exceptional bargains in farming implements: New Departure cultivators .....$ 24.50 Two-row New Departure cultivators 105.00 Jenny Linde Cultivators. 29.50 New Century cultivators. . 49.50 Badger cultivators 49.50 All two-wheel riding listers. . . 67.50 All four-wheel riding listers 79.50 All wide tread listers . . 104.50 High wheel corn planters 77.50 Two-row listers . . 79.50 Deering and McCormick mowing mchs, 5-ft.. 74.50 104 foot hay rakes. 32 teeth , 43.50 I. H. C. and Sterling loaders, with fore carnage 105.00 Deering binders 240.00 Two 7-foot McCormick binders 232.50 WE ARE NOW SELLING DEERING BINDER TWINE AT 16Kc Per Pound Three-bottom Titan tractors . .$1,000.00 . Ox b. Factory J. F. G ORDER, The Implement Man Plattsmouth, Nebr. DODGE, CLEVELAND AND CHANDLER CARS One 2d hand Dodge touring car, 1918 model . $ 650.00 One 1918 Ford touring car 350.00 One Model E, I. H. C. truck, complete, grain box and stock rack. 2,000.00 J as, and Nellie and Margaret Earls desirable lot fell through. Conae- autoed to Plattsmouth Saturday to quently he opened negotiations wllh attend the spelling contest. I Park Otte was a Lincoln passenger Friday evening. t Miss Ella Gerbeling stayed at the Jesse Landholm for the purchase of the new home Mr. Iandholju con structed last summer, and a dnil Ium since been made. . This is'a.tery ln C. C. Jackman home last Thursday siranie place, modern in evry r evening. j spect and will make Mr. Potluist and I Miss Pauline Miller visited-with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller Friday. I A number of young folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackman Thursday evening, April 1 15th, in honor of Miss Mary. It was her seventeenth birthday. The even ing was spent in games and con wife an ideal residence. OnilKK OK HKAItlMI on Pet It Inn for Aitpoiutniriit of AdinlniMlrntor The State of Nebraska', Cu9 'nii t y. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate or.l'nlle erina Tnm.s- deceased, ,,.6 a f "7 On reading ana lillnK tbe p.-tltl.... versation and at a late hour refresb-or Haiw Tains, praying-that miniln la ments were served, after which all nation of wid estate may grann-il departed, wishing Miss Mary many more happy birthdays. (1 I UNDERGOES AN OPERATION Mark White, who is at the sani tarium in Lincoln, underwent an operation last Saturday morning, from the effects of which he is re ported as getting along as well as could be expected. He and his wife went to Lincoln a few days prior to the operation and Mrs. White called from there telling friends here- that her husband bids fair to recover- at an early date. INTERESTING ITEMS OF WABASH FOLKS x MURDOCH ITEMS- Sfi 9fc p (Continued from page 5.) to said I lans . Tams. as Adminixtrntnr: Ordered, that May 20th. A. I). 1J '(, at .nine o'clock a. it... Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all j r srms interested in mild matter muy up pfar at a County jL'ourt to be held In and for said roiinly, anil fhuw cause why the prayer, of petitioner should not. he granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof he Riven to all persons In terested In said matter ly publishing a copy of this oj-ler in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated April 24th. 1920. AL.L.KX J- UKKSOX. (Seal), t'ountv Judge. JOHN M. LKYHA, a26-Hw. Atty. for I'etitioner. M-Uill, MITIf'K . In the District Court of Crps cotin tv, Nebraska. Robert Klotz, Plaintiff, vs. West half of Northeast quarter of Section 17. Many Kinds of Business Art Bornemeier, who some time ago went to Lincoln to engage in the realestate- business, has gotten lots of business on his hands Just at present. Iri addition to selling lands, he has his farm here. and a threshing outfit, which would seem enough to occupy any one man's time. Not SO with Mr. Bornemeier. Township 12 North, Range 9, In Cass however, for he has traded some land epunty. .Nebraska. and all persons " ... . . t . , claiming any Interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof: Also the following named persons and their unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees and personal representatives of each of them, to-wlt: S. N. Merriam, Selden N. Merriam. I.ydia Mrrlam, A. Corbin, 'Austin Corbin. I. AY. Newsum, J. V. Newsum, Israel V. Newsum, William Durfee, William Durl'ua, Den nis Dean, Samuel O. Bryan and S. (J. lirvan, Defendants. The above named defendants ami S7 holdings in the West for a hardware business in Burchard, and has had to go there and look after the busi ness until he shall be able to trade It for equities requiring less attention. Spending: Some Time in South J. E. McHugh. manager of the V- ' -1 - f - - - ....1. rocO MurdOCk Mercantile company, de- each of them are hereby notified that parted last Wednesday for Falls Clt, J a.- .Jntm where he spent a couple of days with , Cass t.ounty Nebraska, tiie object and his mother, Mrs. Kate Mdlugh as purpose of which is to confirm plain well as his brothers and sisters liv-1 tift's title in and to the West half or . . j , !n,i , the Northeast quarter of hecMon 17, lug there, after which he continued , TowwshiI 12 N-Jrth. Kanj?e 9. in Cass on his way to Excelsior Springs, Mo., county, Nebraska, ami to permanently intending to Spend a week or ten enjoin each and all of said defen- tn ikt rvr, nonlth rpsnrt dants from haviner or claiming to have days in that popular health resort right, title, lien or interest either town Deiore returning 10 resume legal or equitable in or to saia real work at the store. Storm Extends Their Visit H. A. Tool and family, drove to Springfield last Sunday in their trus-.the order of said Court. estate or anv part thereof, and to en join said defendants from Interfering in any manner with plaintiff's posses sion, enjoyment and title of said prem ises and for general equitable relief. This notice is given you pursuant to ty car expecting to visit briefly with You are required to answe r mm ye- . , j 1 . v. v.,. tit on on or before Monday, the Hth friends and then return home, but (lav of jUne 19::0 or your default will the weather was not conducive to i,e entered therein against you end the returning part of their program, each or you ami decree quieting title so they were compelled to remain yo of you entered 51 over night. Mr. Tool came home on the train Monday morning; Mrs. Tool and daughter came in the evening and Dick remained until Tuesday a26-4w. liOUKItT KLOTZ. Plaintiff. By T). O. DWVKU. His Attorney. lUUlUillg W .w. " J , , 4 , 4 . , " 4 . 4 " " k Mrs. Burwell Imnrovins: Slowly Mrsv J. H. Burwell. wife of Supt. John Wood autoed to Omaha one - Burwell of the Murdock schools. day last week. who had such a severe siege of Grover Otte autoed to Lincoln on pneumonia during the past winter Friday afternoon. and early spring is recovering but l Mrs. Ollie Allis went to Lincoln t not' making the progress it was hoped luesaay evening to live. she would. Froi. Burweu was a C. S. Murfin was an over Sunday passenger to Lincoln Thursday even visitor with his folks. t ing to see his wife and to consult Ollie Allis was an oyer Sunday with the physicians, relative to the visitor with his folks. " j advantages of a trip south at the !Miss uerdeune Listen was an Kim- present, time. , wood passenger Friday evening. j , c ir j o u -u tr j a number of the ladies from here Spend Enjoyable Evening Ssverai Good Ke-built Fords wont to Murdock to vote Tuesday. I The voune Deonle of the Wabash Mrs. Henry Rugna and Eunice i n,c raoiAfn ho. few days with Mr. and t.n anA there had a verv de- Foir Salle' Priced Right! VJE SELL FORDS on payment plan J3 cashj balance in 12 equal monthly payments. t. II. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 visited a Mrs. Frank Marshall. . Miss Grace Staton was a Sunday ; visitor with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Wood. Albert and Art Sylvester, Zella Mitchell and J. D. Gerbeling were Weeping Water passengers Monday. Fred Lawton came in Monday evening. He sure is looking fine. It seems good to see Fred back in Wabash again. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler were Omaha passengers Monday morning, going up to see Ralph's father, who is in the hospital. ' Mrs. James Taylor and son, Thom- j lightful gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McCorey on last Thursday evening. They enjoyed themselves immensely with games, music and a fine program besides. At a suitable hour refreshments were served which also helped to liven the spirits of those in attendance. The Host Comfortable Hat in ihe World! ''In, 1 . ?iy'ii,;!i!iiHiil'!if!M If you ever had a felt hat (hat lost its shape, every time you pulled it down on your head, then you will appreciate; one of the extra tissue weight STETSONS , - - . v ... that is light weight, but still retains its shape thereby living up to the Stetson Family record. Your color and size awaits you here! Will Move to Plattsmouth . LeRoy B. Goerthy, who has been employed by Joe Johansen for. some time, has resigned his position to ac cept the appointment of. rural mail carrier on route No. two, running out of Plattsmouth and departs this week for the county seat to take up his work Saturday, May 1st. He had the Journal man drive a rig over for him last week, Attended Spelling Contest Last week Miss Lois and Willard Jackman, teachers in the Murdock schools, accompanied by a number of their pupils attended the spelling contest which was held at the coun ty seat. Miss Irene McDonald was a contestant in the oral test and Miss Margarlte McDonald took a part in the written work, both showing ex ceptional ability. ' , Philip yiumci Makes Purchase of Home O. J. Pothast, cashier of the Farm ers and Merchants Bank, has decided that it is best to have a home of one's own", and while he was figuring on the purchase of a lot and build ing a home thereon, his deal for a oitiiKK ok nr. m; On Petition for Appolutnieut of Ailminlxtral rl. The State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. . In tiie County Court. In the matter of the estate of Hum phrey . Lee Oldham, Deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Sarah M. Oldham prayins that admin istration of said estate may be grant ed to Sarah M. Oldham as Adminis tratrix; Ordered, that May 17th. A. D. 1920. at ten o'clock a. im.. is assigned for hecirins' said petition, when all per sons interested in saui maner may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should ot be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of tills order in the Hlattsmouth journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said dav of hearing. Oated April 24. lfl.'O. ALLKX J. BKRSOX, SeaI a26-3w County Judge. More Power to your Tractor Perfection Kerosene Oil is all fuel every , drop packed with live, energetic power. ' Its even vaporization and clean, complete com bustion assure maximum power to your tractor. There is no sediment in Perfection Kerosene Oil to clog the carburetor and interfere with efficient engine operation. It helps to keep your tractor smooth-running and full-powered right through from spring plowing to harvest when delays prove mighty expensive. Perfection Kerosene Oil is clean, uniform and de pendable the same high quality product you have always used for household rirposes. Telephone our nearest agent and he will arrange for immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in any - quar.tiiy. For t;asoline-burning engines use Red Crown Gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha part with him but trust that he may find success In the future in the new location. to their new home this week by the Nehawka Transfer company via the auto truck route. ! NEHAWKA News-Ledger LEAVES FOE KANSAS CITY From Friday's Dally. . Anton Toman, Jr., departed this afternoon for Kansas City, where he expects to take up his work in the automobile mechanical school in that city together with Monte Franks of this city. Mr. Toman has been de layed in leaving for Kansas" City as he expected to leave several days ago, but In company with Mr. Franks departed this afternoon. The friends of this popular young man regret to Mrs. Alta Candy, of Atlanta. Ga., a sister of the late Mrs. Bert. Lloyd, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for some time left on Thursday afternoon for .Lincoln, when? she will spend a few days be fore returning to her home in the south. , About fifteen members of the I. O. O. F. order at this place went, to Weeping Water Wednesday after noon where the annual district meet ing was held this year. The towns of Avoca, Elmwood, Weeping Water, Louisville and Nehawka were repre sented. A big time' was reported by the delegation from this place. Herman Stoll, who moved from this place to Grant, Neb., a couple of years ago, held a . public sale on the street here Saturday afternoon. The stuff sold was odds and ends In farm machinery and some live stock left on the place when he went west. The sale netted good prices for this time of year. Mr. Stoll returned to Grant Sunday afternoon. B. J. Moore, who has been work ing as clerk in the - Sheldon store for several months left Tuesday for Johnson, .Nebr., where he has se cured another position. During his short time in Nehawka he and his wife gathered a host of friends who regret very much to lose them from our midst. Their poods were taken MURRAY CHRISTIAN AID SOCIETY The Ladies Aid society of the Christian church of Murray will meet on Wednesday, May 5th with Mesdames Charles Creamer and Wal ter Sans at the Creamer home; All members and friends are cordially invited. ' a26-3w. Kesidence property ror sale on East Vine St. Call phone No. 279. MRS. ARCHER QUITE ILL From Friday's Daily. The many friends of Mrs. J. B. Archer, one of the old residents of Plattsmouth, will bevsorry to learn of her serious illness at the home of her daughter at Springfield, Neb. Mrs.-Archer has for several months been making her home in that city and in the last few days has become quite poorly as the result of an at tack of erysipelas. She Is eighty-six years of age and the sickness has proven quite serious in her advanced years. PHOTOGRAPHS m il IS WITH US! 77THEN you invest in that Vlnew Spring finery which you have already picked our, don't forget that your friends havs long been waiting for a photograph of you and your new spring suit would make a most appropriate costume." Sunday sittings by appointment. Ghrist & Ghrist, PHONE 64-5 1 2 Hour Kodak Service. Plattsmouth, Neb. 320 Acre Improved Cass Co. Farm The Jacob Vallery, Jr. farm for $250.00 per acre. Terms to suit purchaser. The unimproved 120 acres of the Stephen Wiles estate sold a few days There's no iise talking- American boys are hard on their clothes. : Not much use to buy them cheap or ordinary clothes they'll go right through them, and it takes two suits to . last them where one good one would do the job. That's why we want to tell you about BcDojBiBEii-i30orrd63t33 f If you buy your boy one of these suits you know it's going to hold him it's got to because it's guaran- . teed for six months' service. Of course they cost you more, but they are double at every point where the : strain comes, which means double wear. Ordinary clothes nowadays will cost nearly as much. These are $14.75 to $20.75 for good quality fabrics. IN H a i if ft i 4 V1 i ) i A V i V -5 ago for $295.00 per acre and is just one mile east of the improved 320 acre's I am offering for $250.00 per ' acre. :T.-G3.-P0H.L9CK Phone No. 1 sC E. Wescottfs Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE' l ! t