The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
PAGE FIVE. MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEHI-WEEKLY JOURNAL C r - MURBO(SK BEPMR T. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. EmEMT 1; ' Q q (Keep this ad and let the first stock salesman who comes to see you, read it to you.) I Get Rich Quick! Promotion Stocks! Clot Air Salesmen! I I Naturally we all want to get rich, if we can, and it would be simply fine . o if we could do it in a short time. S I .... ... ii v I o n 1 Last year this country was literally flooded with solicitors who were sell ing promotion stocks, automobile tire stocks, automobile and truck manufactur ing stocks, creamery stocks, potash stocks, insurance stocks, milling stocks, pack ing company stocks, stocks in sky scraper buildings and hundreds of other kinds " oi stocks. Did you buy any and, if so, 1 what do you think of your investment today? - In 1919 alone permits were issued in the United States authorizing stock companies to sell over twelve billion dollars worth of stocks, involving an amount about equal to three of our Liberty Loans. These companies are planning on sell ing this stock in the present year if they can possibly do so. Of course, the man who will "Get Rich" from these stocks will not be the man who buys 'stocks, but the men who promote these propositions, and the "Hot Air" salesman who sells the stock to you. Usually he gets twenty per cent or one-fifth of the amount of stock he sells. If he sells $5,000 worth of stock, he gets just one thousand dollars. Pretty nice, he ought to get rich quick. ' When this "Hot Air" man calls on you next time, don't let him sell you the stock at once. Think it over and then call at your bank and ask about it. Find out what you are buying. Don't take the word of the felow who is getting a commission for selling you this stuff usually your banker can buy it for you much cheaper than the stock salesman sells it for. THE BANK OF MURDOCK has your welfare and interests at heart, and will always try to protect your investments, should you ask 'our advice. We do not make a practice of assisting in the sale of stocks, but if you want any par ticular stock, ask us about it, and we will see at what price we can buy it for you. Just now we have quite an assortment of stocks offered to us, at prices much be low what they sold for last year, and if you must buy stocks, why not buy them as cheap as you can? Tell your banker what you want, how many shares, price you want to pay, and he will attend to the rest. It may take a few weeks to get the stock, but you will be saving money by doing so. Better yet, don't buy them at all. At the present time we have offered to us the following Bankers Realty Bonds $82.50 Hebb Motor Company stock (a) 97.50 Higgins Packing Company stock 92.50 - "v - .JowaPacking Company stock 74.00., . ,. . . Overland Tire Company stock ..... ' 7.35 Skinner Packing Company stock . 85.00 Skinner Company stock ; 42.50 Sprague Tire & Rubber .Company stock . . 34.00 Some of these are from $30.00 to $40.00 less per share than the price at which the "HOT AIR" salesman sold them for. The Bairik of Murdock - 8 JTHE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME HENRY A. TOOL, President ' J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice President H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier. 5 I I I The finest varnish that money can buy at Max Dusterhoff's. W. O.. Gillespie was a visitor in Lincoln last Friday, where he had socae matters of business to look af ter. Max Dusterhoff is handling the well known No. 61 Fratt & Lambert's floor varnish, the best in the world for the purpose. tf. Mrs. Lacey McDonald is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Homer Hess, at Burns, Kansas, having been' there during the past week. Emil.Kuehn and Art Bornemeter, of Lincoln, were visiting In Murdock last Tuesday and Wednesday, looking after some' business matters. Mottled and Stippled walls of ex ceedingly charming colors and true artistic value. You will find them in Max Dusterhoff's wall paper stock. A new boy has appeared at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis and the household is happy over his coming. All are getting along nicely. James Landholm was a visitor in Omaha for a short time last week, being accompanied by Mrs. Land holm and the baby. They made the trip in their car. : Miss Clara Schell has a fine spot ted pony which she has just been breaking to ride and with her broth er John made a trip to town a few evenings ago. Henry Meierjurgen was looking after some business matters in Lin coln last Friday and attending a fine stock exhibition and lecture at the state farm as well. Harry Gillespie was a visitor in Ihe county seat last Wednesday, go ing to take the election returns for Elmwood precinct, and improved his visit by loklng after some business matters. John Amgwert, while conducting his barber shop, also has some time tor other things between shaves and hair cuts, and has improved his spare moments by painting his car, which makes it look like new. W. O. Gillespie was a business vis itor in Plattsmouth last Thursday, being called there to look after some matters connected with the final hearing of the Geo. Isenhut estate, of which he is administrator. O. J. Pothast and wife visited in' Lincoln over Arbor day, which on account of it being a legal holiday,1 afforded them opportunity- to get away from the duties at the bank and visit friends in the capital city, i G. E. Vandenberg, who has been j kept to his home by reason of a se vere attack of rheumatism, was able , to get to town last Friday for some j barber work, and while here looked : after some business matters claim-j pendence of action, and voted for 42 delegates on the republican side and some 20 on the democratic side. This shows plainly they were not influenced by any one in particular who might or might not wish to at tend the county conventions and participate in their deliberations. For the most part those voted for received from one to three votes ach, but there were a few honored by receiving as high as 20 votes, and to them will be delegated the task of representing the people at the county conclaves. Welfare Association Meets The noted lecturer, Theodore Han sen, of -Denver, and who has estab- lished headquarters in Omaha, was a visitor in AiuraocK iasc rnursaay and gave a very interesting " lecture relative to state, county and city wel fare, which is another reform move ment. A committee, composed of Rev. A. H. Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tool, Louis Neitzel, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool, H. 'V. McDonald, G. Bauer and Mesdames Otto H. Miller and Oscar McDonald was appointed to attend a county convention to be held at Plattsmouth May ISth. - ITfllT FOB THE HEAL SHOD IT COSTS NO MORE tl'e e::ov tijats diffeceht V V Miss Hilda Peters was a visitor in the capital city last Friday, going up to. take her weekly instruction in music. Special Varnish for table tops, window Fills, outside doors. Won't turn white under water. At Max Dusterhoff's. George Utt and son, Diller, have just finished the task of putting lightning reds on the barn and other outbuildings at the farm of M. S. Zaar. Mr. Zaar recently suffered the loss of one of his valuable, cows by lightning and concluded the plan of "safety first" about the best thing yet. Paul Schewe has had us place his name among the readers of the Jour nal", recognizing its worth ae a news paper as well as an advertising medium. ' Miss Anna Amgwert, who is nurs ing in Lincoln, was a visitor at the home of her brother, Bud, and sis ter, Margaret, for a few days last week, remaining over .Sunday. John Oehlerking is having a new house constructed on his farm east of Murdock and already has the frame up and boxed in, as well' as part of the rafters on. With good weather, the work will be pushed rapidly to completion. ED. W. THflCnGAW Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOE MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES "11 Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. Frank Glaublitz was looking af ter some business matters in Lin coln' last Friday, going up in the morning and returning on the Jer sey in the evening. Chintz papers. Tapestry and plain colors for beautiful combinations are part of our fine wall paper stock!?. Let us show you how to make up such combinations. Max DusterhofE. Messrs. O. K. Brown and T. T. Craig, both of Ashland, were visi tors at the farm of Mr. Craig north of Murdock last Friday and came on into town to transact some business matters. Louis Bornemeier shelled corn last week, having some 2.500 bushels to market and which he brought to the elevator here. W. H. Rush and Robert Crawford looked after the shelling job for him. A. E. Lake, residing southeast of Murdock, had a valuable cow. killed . by a Rock Island train last Tuesday. j The animal had in some way gotten out. and wandered onto the right-of- way, being struck by the train and i killed. The cow was a young oae and vas valued at $150. Mrs. Kenneth E. Sedraan, of Fre mont, has been visiting at the home of her parents, J. J. Gustin and wife, of southwest of town, during the past week, having driven their- sr down. She was joined Friday morn ing by Mr. Sedman and they visited over the week-end at the Gusuln farm, returning homo Sunday. While returning from the election last Tuesday, Henry Oehlerking tad the misfortune to have the colt he was driving become frightened and turn the, cart over, throwing bim out and bruising him up pretty se verely although no bones were brok en. Mr. Oehlerking is feeling much the worse as a result of his experi ence, but considers himself fortunate that his injuries were no worse. ; ing his attention. I. G. Hornbeck has been feeling I far from well during the past week, ; although by sheer force of will power he has remained at his post as . Rock Island station agent. We are ! glad to state he is succeeding in get ting his ailment subdued and is on the road to recovery, j Mrs. A. J. Hitchcock and two children, Olga Mary and John Lewis, .visited in Murdock, a few days this ' week, coming down from their home i in Havelock to be guests of Mrs. : Hitchcock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Neitzel. They returned home last : Thursday evening, j Robert McDonald was the victim ; of an accident which gave him a very sore eye the other day when he fell i in such manner as to drive a light i cd match into his face near the eye j ball. , The wound was both a cut and a burn and will of needs require considerable time to heal. H. W. Tool was a business visitor in Alvo last Friday, his business in terests being looked after by Wm. Weddell, who, by the way Is so well qualified that he is able to look af ter any business about the yard that I might claim his attention, and who is I withal a most accommodating gen- tleman. j Martin Blum, of north of Mur dock, though a resident of South Rend precinct has the honor of win ning the oral spelling test in the spelling contest held at the court house in Plattsmouth last week. Martin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blum and is a speller whom one can depend on. j More Ford Cars Now I E. W. Thimgan, who is one of the rustlers when it comes to supplying ( the demand for cars, tells us he is now getting more Fords and that he looks for an easing up of the strin gent demand for this make of car. 'For a long time now one has had to have his order in weeks and even months ahead in order to get one, but as production is being increased, they are coming easier now. Many Personal Favorites - At the election held last week there were many personal favorites brought out in the way of delegates to the county convention. The la dies,, who had just come in possession of the right of franchise,, were seem ingly anxious to prove their inde- Pf! nnnnn 2-PEnFonr.iAricES-2 RAIN OR SHINE AFTERNOON AND NIGHT DOOnS OPEN at 1 n 7 P. EK) Perfsrc:::s C:s C::r Lt!:r Startling -Sensational Frco Outside Exhibition cn tho Sfcsw Grounds Detoro Each Pcrf ormanco It's Ucrlh Coming IpoToSco unlock, Nebraska SATURDAY FJ3AY 1st Notice to Patrons To the patrons of the Murdock Rural Free Delivery route: You will please provide yourselves with uuf ficieqt postage stamps for mailing your letters and parcels, as it is., in convenient for the carrier to search the mail boxes for pennies for post age, as is necessary when loose change is placed therein. Yours respectfully, F. A. AIELVIN, P. I.I. ivorland Parts for Gale! On account of an accident which put my car out of commission, I have'many parts on hand, as good as new and which I will sell cheap. Included in them are an excellent magneto generator, gears . for 69 model Overland, a good radiator, in perfect condition. Also have a 7 h. p., one cylinder Cadillac engine for sale cheap. See any of these at the Henry Oehlerking home. . ALPHOfOSE GLATSEL, MURDOCK -:- .NEBRASKA HENRY BECKAMEYER, Pres. AUGUST PANSKA, Vice-Pre. O. J. PQTHAST, Cashier Farmers Merchants Bank AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $25,000.00 Transact General Banking Business! We Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits AH ways at Your Service. MURDOCK NEBRASKA You can get floor wax at all times of Max Dusterhoff. tf. If you are not a subscriber to the Daily Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. Senator Dunlap variety, $1.25 per hundred post paid. S. O. Cole, My uard, Xeb. lw-w. We do all kinds of Job prntlcg. M loaern Wail Paper the latest, the most exclusive in Blends, Stipples, Mottles, Plains, Velour Engfavcurcs and Non-Fadable Inks. Colonial and Japanese Silk Tapestry for Moulding and Border Panels. Ell DUSTERHOFF, MURDOCK NEBRASKA as: OR EXTRA PANTS IF FOG With every "World" tailored suit we will give an elegant made-to-order raincoat or extra pants FREE for a short time only. All Wool Suits at Low Prices HadC-io-Order By World Tailoring Co., Chicago Hundreds of superb all wool fabrics to pick from. Tailored to perfection with all wool linings. Guar anteed to fit and give the utmost satisfaction or money refunded. BUY nOU AUD SAVE $20.00 This is an amazing bargain. Nothing like it was ever attempted. Be wise ! Save mone3r ! Get an elegant all wool suit at a reasonable price and an extra pair of pants or a combined raincoat and top coat free. Clothes prices will . be much higher after July IsL Rliurdooli iercantile Go. 5 JEERY E. McHUGH, Manager MURDOCK -:- NEBRASKA Threshers Tractors Power Machines Tho International Lino Complete! : Power plenty of power and efficiency at all times, rt liable and dependable is what all want. We have it i:i the International Line. We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Truck's, Cream Separators, Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine. ' CALL ON US FOR YOUIl WANTS IN OUR LINE WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska