MONDAY. APRIL 26 1920 PAGE PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTHINAL 4 A ALVO DEPARTMENT Miss Rachel Stander was in LJn-j coin Saturday. I Mrs. A. I. Bird and daughter. Miss Marie, were Lincoln visitors Friday.1 Mrs. A. I. Bird returned Monday from Waverly. where she visited rel atives since Saturday. S. C. Boyles shipped cattle andj hogs to the South Omaha market, ac companying the shipment. P. J. Linen went to University Place last Wednesday to stay with his son. Verl Linch. who was ill.' while the latter s wire atienaeu me funeral of her grandfather, Paul Frohlich. t,,vjj-v.vM-?-:-:-:-!-M-!- . RVW. STEWART DEALER IN Pumps Wind Mills Paints, Oils Gas Engines Well Work a Specialty CALL ON US FOR ANY THING LN OUR LINE . 4 -w-h-i--:-k-x-:-x-:x-:---:-x-h ALVO NEBR. i Mrs. John Murtey is visiting rel atives in Clay Center, Nebraska. J. A. Shaffer visited over Sunday with Fred Weaver in South Bend. Miss Irene Friend and Miss Mil dred Brown went to Lincoln Thurs day evening. Mrs. Margaret Trewdson, of Lin coln, who spent a few weeks recent ly with her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Harlan, has returned to her home. Miss Bertha Bucknell - and Mr. Alva Skinner were1 married in Lin coln April 15th and left at once for their new home In Canada. We ex tend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nickel left last Thursday for Diller, Nebr., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Nickel's uncle, Jake Lottmann. They return ed home Tuesday noon. Miss Dell Sutton visited a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Tom Sutton, of Chappel, Nebraska, who is in an Omaha hospital, where she underwent an operation last week. Among those going to Lincoln on Monday were Mrs. C. M. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Boyles, Wm. Ault house, Mr. and Mrs. , H. L. Clapp, Sam Hardnock and Mrs. George P. Foreman. The Senior class play, "Polly Lou," was given last Friday night at the high school auditorium to a crowd ed house and was a decided success. The proceeds amounted to the . neat sum of $162.00. E. G. Harlan and J. W. Hanks were Lincoln visitors Wednesday forenoon. They were accompanied home by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Harlan, of Lincoln, who will spend a week here with both families. Buying Grain and Stock! Farming only pays when the man who manages the farm receives at least one half of the net income from the farm. Grain and stock should be bought by individual buyers who take, an interest in keeping posted on the market. 1 Co-operative associations will never be a success until they sell at least one-half their stock to their managers. Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six years" experience on "market conditions" and "grading up" grain. Free to our customers. Murtey-Curyea & Co., Grain and Lumber Alvo, Nebraska fifi 3? TliQ lanbof'ioiruieo We believe we can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We are always ready to make good farm loans for long terms at .reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a farmer must now deal. Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Bank, ALVO, NEBRASKA S. f . HOY I.KS. Prm. I 1I.K S. IIOVI.KS, (anklrr Fl.Olt A II. (iAX, mnt. .. M. IIOVI.KS, Yl-r-lrrf. ( AIIL I. Ci 7., A trr-Prn. The Alvo National Farm Loan Association S. C. BOYLES. President IAL.E S. BOYLES. Sec'y-Treas. IIOl I.KS GAS, .tlrarr-at-Uw A FULL LINE OF International and John Dooro Farming Implements. We also have all kinds of grass and garden seeds, harness, and a General Hardware Stock. We can make you a good price on Deering stand ard twine. Yours for service, Coalman Hardware ALVO, NEBRASKA Mrs. George Philip Nickel Catherine Eidenmiller was born In Hesse Darnstadt, Germany, No vember 5, 1847. When she was six years of age, she came with her par ents to the United States, settling at Pittsburg, Pa. From Pennsylvania she came with her parents to Tazewell county. Il linois, in 1864. Here she was mar ried, in 1867. at Pekin. to George P. -Nickel, and in the spring of 1875, with 'her husband, came to Cass county, Nebraska, settling on the farm which has been her home con tinuously since that time. Here were born and reared her family of ten children, two of whom died in early life and two after ar-' riving at maturity. Those living are Anna C, George P., Martin J., Louise. ! William and Nellie M. Nickel, all residing in the vicinity of Alvo. Mrs. Nickel was "baptised in the Lutheran church when a child and never united with any other church, but was an attendant at the church in Alvo as long as her health per mitted. , auoui a year ago ner xieanii ue-. g d comDany Diarits here. Thev gan to rail and in octoner or last operate ,three plan9 fon the Sarpy ypar she took to her bed. where she side of the river and two on Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop sick headaches, relieve bilious attacks, tone and regulate the eliminativ organs, mako you feel fine. " Better Than Pills For Liver Ills" Get 25c Box. F. G. FRICKE & CO. remained continuously until she was released by death Monday, April 12, 1920, at the age of 72 years, 5 months and 7 days. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Philip Nickel, who passed awayjn August, 1905. . Her 1 -r-r this side. Mr. Sunestrom has been with the company for a number off years and has been a most conscien- tious and faithful worker and his friends are pleased to know that the company has recognized this fact." I Richard Loberg has received word immediate relatives inciuae jonn frnm uta hrnthor. Swan inhere- nf Eidenmiller and Miss Mary Eiden- clay center. Kansas, saying that miller and George Eidenmiller, of Mrs Loberg is in a hospital in Kan Portland, Oregon. sa3 city for treatment for cancer of The funeral was held at Elmwood tne stomach and is not making very Wednesday afternoon, April 14th, favorable progress. She suffers a conducted by Rev. E. A. Knight, of &reat deal but they are doing every Alvo. Burial was made in the Elm- thing they can to relieve her suffer wood cemetery. ings and effect her recovery. The The many friends of the bereaved Louisville friends of the family will - sis r7 v V Jk 9 ' mm: . i v.ui -a r.-t'.v-" .. . "evs-v -v v..ui family extend sincere sympathy. Obituary Paul Frohlich Paul Frohlich was born in Ger many, June 29. 184S and died at years. 10 months and 10 days. At "n.-!!!..!? d- dL? the age of three years he came with his parents to this country, they lo cating near Niagara Falls, N. Y. Here his early boyhood days were spent and in 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Soflin and to this union four children were be sorry to learn of Mrs. Loberg's serious condition. Probably the happiest boy in town Just at present is Marion Ossenkop as their handsome new car has ar rived and with summer at hand, he The car ia certainly a beauty, a Stutz, and is one of the best on the market. Mr and Mrs. Ossenkop Have been con siderably tied down by business and with this fine car they will be able to get out a little more than they have heretofore and they are antici wnYvtn miiAri T rtvm ont in Vl o nHQ born ln880 Mr. Frohlich. with his "ft? nde "a tils T to near Eagle, but later moving to Alvo, wnere nis wire aiea on jviarcn ,, vranv Rphlater and familv Rinio that time has marie C T : 1 1 . - Plattsmouth the first evening it ar rived to visit Mrs. Ossenkop's sister P. Petersen. Louisville s veteran shoemaker and a highly respected 1907 his home with his daughter, Mrs. Clyde w. lioyies. or Lincoln. nioneer citizen. Dassed his eighty The funeral was held Wednesday fifth hirthdav last Tuesday. ADril afternoon, April 14th, from the M. E. 20th. His daughter, Mrs. Claude church in Alvo, being conducted by geiver, who lives with him. was un j Rev. E. N. Tompkins, pastor of Trin- able to get the family together for uy juemoam cnurcn at Lincoin ana a regular celebration, but she served 66 HE'S THE OLD RELIABLE GRAND old "Bull". He's the best there is. He sold over 300,000,000 bags last year. You know genuine "Bull" Durham never an enemy; millions of friends. Genuine "Bull" Durham tobacco you. can roll 50 cigarettes from one bag. That's some inducement, nowadays. GENUINE 90 burial was made In the Alvo ceme tery beside his wife. The deceased is survived by his four children, Mrs. J. M. Robotham, Burlington, Colo.; Mrs. C. C. Buck nell, Alvo; George C. Frohlich and Mrs. Clyde W. BoyleQ Lincoln, all of whom were in attendance at the . - j ji a quiet iamiiy Diriuuay uiuuei i honor of the occasion. . Mr. Petersen was . born in Denmark and came to America when a youn.g man. locat ing first in Cincinnati He came to Louisville in 1882 and has resided here ever since. His wife passed awav in 1904. Mr. Petersen has funeral. Their many friends extend never lost his grasp of'the affairs of sincere sympathy . to the bereaved the world and keeps himself well, in relatives in their hour of grief. 1 tormed as to what is going on around I him. , Card of Thanks I " We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for their many acts of kindness and for the beau tiful flowers sent us during the ill ness and death of our beloved father. Mrs. J. M. Robotham, Mrs. C. C. ; Bucknell; Geo. C. Frohlich, Mrs.' Clyde W. Boyles. efc WEEPING WATER Republican . fr...;..!-,.,;,.! ; ; 1 I I U I II I Mr. and Mrs. John Domingo are expected home this evening from California, where they have spent the Bud mm TOBACCO iSSisfcCN 10c .r : ! '..'iUJIji''. ' -M- To pipe smokers : Mix a little "BULL" DURHAM, with your favorite to bacco. It's like sugar in your coffee. Installs Electric Pnmns R. W. Stewart, the enterprising winter. j pump dealer of Alvo, and withal a Dr- B- F- Brndel of Murray, county, very genial gentleman, last Friday Physician, was in town Wednesday installed the electric pumps on the morning. He had been out to Sher- 1 farms "of Charles Warner Sr., and man brans' home west of town to see Mr. Frans. who Is afflicted with what west of town, which are Klvinir the has been pronounced smallpox. best nf Katisfnrtlnn Air Wnrnor Sr Mrs. Helen Wallick who had been - . . . , , was recently nom lc1atlltA n TlH ts-111 fore the fall election for the honor a trlct. chief, returned to rTr om a stay of several monthS at the . . . . i'llltcmnnth ViinHdu strsn nv trio T in " . ucicc .'iiso inated for the-lee- from Plattsmouth a few days "reJ?" make a valule helpmate to a message announcing tho illness be a candidate bf- looking over matters at the telephone ?? 5?0eyoung tti Ch1Ce cf ner son' 0scar' who has 3ust come .. .... De nffi HictriM hr t,, to We are unacquainted with the groom ,r 0 cto vQ of representing Lancaster county in that agust body of lawmakers. Mr. Stewart's business is con stantly increasing due to the careful attention he gives to it. Plattsmouth Sunday evening via Lin coin, accompanied by her friend. The Methodist Church . We want to assure all the people of this community that they are wel come at . all the services of., our siacerely hoped that Harolds trout church. This includes the services Me will not be serious as he has had of the minister, in all the matters of his share. I Interest to the community. We can- Word was received that Mrs. Dave not go everywhere at once, but we Foltz of Omaha was in the Nicholas Ruby has made no mistake in her st- Joseph hospital, where he un Mi T t i a. Pnclor u hn ama nvr i it uusunuu. 1 lie weUQing utri w cm. a. ici J scrcic upciouuu. us Saturday evening was vlry quiet on account of the r?- car and wife have been at' the J. D. Harold Wiles was taken to a bos- !nA,f iat,f Nutzman' fathf,r , McBride borne on the South cide for pltal at Omaha Thursday morning fne tb.rd,f-. The yunS couple wil davs and on Tuesday Ha was accomnanipd bv his father make their -home on a farm near, tne Past Iew aas ana on 1 esav llLT?VllS? K?5J Lt have been told the young man was taken with a the last ten days and it was thougtt we JOIn our reaa.er8 in wishing them very severe attack of pleurisy that became so serious, that it was thought best to call the mother The last reports from his bedside however, state that he is doing very nicely best that he go to. a hospital. It is a Prosperous and happy life. SUFFERS SLIGHT BELAPSE Yesterday Mrs. L. u. Larson de t q thone-ht. the attack will will go anywhere at once, if we are Senn hospital suffering from the af- Parted for South Omaha in response not produce any serious after-effects. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife hereaf ter and notice Is hereby given to the public. 3td 2tw. ROBERT SHRADER. D. A. Young, one of the old resi dents of Murray, was in the city yes terday for a few hours looking af ter some malters of business at the court house. We print everything bm son and butter. Let us serve you. needed, and you will but send us ter effects of the flu. For severa the word. We are at the service of days she was in a critical condition - . the entire community In our line, but word came from there Saturday m?W?? saying she was Improving slowly Also her mother Mrs. Mary c. Daw- Just as fully as your doctor. Use us. Sincerely, E. A. KNIGHT, Minister. H II I 1 II I 11 1 I 1 I II I i HI I H 1 - f LOUISVILLE Courier son who is with ner aaugnter, Mrs James Phllpot at Gandy, is reported X very sick and the last word tha came from there (Thursday last week) stated that she was no bet- JX Courier ' County Commissioner Harris was - in town Monday morning while on a j.,;. ..;,, ,,...t. f..; i . . ti3 way to the overshot bridge, three : J and one-half miles north of town .Fred Schleifert moved bis stock Mr. 'Harris has succeded in getting cattle out on his farm southwest of ne M- p- R- R- to lessen tQe grade towjs. this week, purchasing six head oI the approaches to this bridge, of William Lau to add to his herd, ne work of which commenced Mon which makes him fourteen head in' day. A better grade over this bridge J all. His cousin. Andrew Schliefert will 1 a great favor to the farmers will farm one of his eighties and he in that - community and even to all will farm the balance himself, as- that go that way. t siated by his son, Melvln. The .funeral of Mr. Fred Ronne Mr. and Mrs. John Diers, of Ful- who died last Thursday morning was lerton. Neb., arrived Saturday for an held Saturday afternoon at- 2:30 at over Sunday visit with the W. F the M. E. church, services being con Diers family. They spent the winter ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. F in Florida and are on their way Haiskins. A large number of old J home after an extensive eastern trip neighbors and friends from the farm f during the course of which they vis- neighborhood attended to show their ited many points of interest.' They esteem for this fine old man. Pall spent Easter Sunday In Atlantic City bearers were Jim Terryberry, Thom- P The stork left two sweet little as Akeson from the farm neighbor- daughters .at the homes of Mr. and hood. Wm. Pankonin and Theodore i Mrs. Henry Vogler and Mr, and Mrs Harms of Manley and Wm. Jameson George Vogler. south of LouLsvill and Albie Hobson of Weeping Water. recently, and the two brothers and ' Miss Ruby Nutzman and John X wives are receiving the congratula Sweenie were quietly married at Ne tions of their friends. At the Henry braska City Wednesday of last week. Vogler home, the. little miss arrived flie bride is the daughter of the late on Thursday, April 15th and at the Ernest Nutzman, Sr., and has resided V George Vogler borne, she came on near Avoca all of her life. She has Saturday, April 17th.' been teaching in Springfield -untl Elmer Sundstrom has been maa 'tho nuRt vear. She is a charming 1 9 Years Tractor Building Exporionco! The Tractor With the Most Power for the Longest Time at the Lowest Cost! Weighs 5158 Pounds and Has Abundant Power for Three Plows! Phone 2304 YyAJlTllKCm?JF, Plattsmouth Dealer Call at the Mason Garage and see them in Plattsmouth. t f T 4f V Y r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Elmer bundstrom has been made the past year. She is a charming Ta.aaaa.. AAA LA AAAA iAAi!i Ay general foreman of the Lyman-Rich and amiable young lady and we are M!ttM$t