The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920.
. !
I i
Che plattsmouth lournal
Eatered at Fob toff Ice. Pl&ttamoutb, Neb., aa aecocd-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
"Peach". Crop Killed Again", says
a headline. Which will provoke the
same sort i of smile which greeted
Defaware's announcement of having
slain the suffrage dragon.
It is true that gasoline will kill
dandelions, but if properly admin
istered through a heavy car, it cuts
up your front yard pretty bad, es
pecially if it's a wet spring.
A Socialist newspaper is foster
ing a drive for $12,000 to be.used
in getting Eugene Debs out of jail
into the presidential race. $12,000
quotation on Debs sounds like profi
teering, x.
Bankers over the country say wo
men are beating the men in the
matter of saving accounts. Natural
ly and it is a great comfort to hear
that if that is what they're doing
with the money.
It's only a matter of a few years
now intil painless dentisttry will
be an actuality instead of a laugh
ing point, and when we hope efforts
will be turned toward the achieve
ment of painless banking.
The brial couple had left on the
wedding trip and it was up to the
minister to tell the newspaper what
the bride wore. "I think", he said,
"that it was a nicotine suit of some
kind, with a wine colored waist and
champagne colored shoes." -
: :o:
"Woman Assisted In Paroll llob
lery", says one headline. "Okla
homa Bank Robber ,a Woman?"
queries another. It appears ' that
those women are asserting their
rights a trifle precipitately. The
nineteenth amendment is not fully
idvified yet.
When Kerensky was ousted and
Lenine and Trotsky took hold, the
millenium was ushered in for down
trodden Russians. Wealth and work
alike were abolished, autocracy and
poverty went together to the dis
card, and common content and com
fort was made the lot of all. Save,
of course, for the unfortunate "booz
zwah", who had to be worked over,
so that they might become as the
gentle, lamblike proletarian, and en
dowed with his capacity for enjoy
ing all things but honest toil.. Sur
rounding all this like a beatific aur-
eole was the element of liberty, free
dom unbounded, an equality and ir
responsibility never approached any
where in human history until the
beneficent bolshevik' came upon the
scene. Happy, happy Russia, where
life was one round of pleasure, in
terrupted only by the presence of
starvation, misery, disease, crime,
brutality and bestiality!
And now comes the benevolent
and benignant Lenine, whose loving
care for his people has wrought all
these miracles for them, and tells
the world fair: "I have been work
ing to establish a strong govern
ment, and J shall establish it, wheth
er Europe likes it or not". Dictator
Lenine niajr be assured that what
the world really would like to see is
government in Russia, but he may,
perhaps, riot "understand the smile
on the face of civilization at the
word "strong" in his mouth, lie
goes a little furthe.' and warns,
concerning any objection another
Russian of any degree might raise:
Rebel? How is such a thing pos
sible against an army as well drilled
and disciplined as ours is today? We
can counsel the people to work.
Autocratic power supported and
sustained by the army what is the
difference between Lenine and Nich
olas And this phrase from the dic
tator might come from the czar as
well: "The greatest pity is that no
one seems to love Russia. I do,
though". Liberty, equality and
brotherhood have a wonderful er
ponent in Nicolai Lenine! Omaha
' :o:
The old clothes and the cheap
clothes movement keeps breaking out
fitfully here and there, but Is by no
means sweeping all before it-yet.
The latest feature of this method
of economy and protest against the
profiteer appears at Tampa, Fla.,
where five hundred citizens, dressed
in overalls and calico have had a
parade and signed an agreement not
to buy expensive garments so long
as present prices prevail. At the
same place the city firemen have
abondoned their uniforms and don
ned overalls. Presumably a census
showed that the most of them would
soon require new uniforms.
' This causes one to inquire about
the career of the Old Clothes club
that was recently formed by the em
ployes In the Douglas county offices,
whether they are sticking to it arid
how presentable they continue to be
as things of shreds and patches.
In Vienna a barefoot organization
has been formed by those of the in
tellectual classes, professional men
and otherwise, the members of
which are about to appear in pub
lic barefooted and erhibit on their
persons other dres sreforms in the
direction of economy.
It is a good season of the year
to start such things.If April 'behaves
itself as it should, we may soon dis
pense with considerable clothing,
and it would be possible, so far as
comfort is concerned, to make over
alls and bare feet fashionable. Those
who lean this way may be encourag
ed, too, by the fact that going shoo
less and hatless is -advocated by some
authorities as an hygienic practice.
But It will be some time before it
cna be said that "everybody's .doing
it", and until a good many people
are doing it the effect "on the prices
of wearing apparel will not be ter
rific. -:o:-
Last year at assessing time there
were some $300,000,000 in Nebras
ka banks. . The law required all
this to be taxed. When the asses
sors got through it was discovered
that they had found only $62,00tf,-
000 of cash altogether, in bank or
out. The local assessors are just
now being cautioned to indigence
There is still more nio'ney in bank
now. The assessors musrt find it
and tax it.
How? There is no way but to
ask the gentle taxpayer. The sta
tistics show that one-fifth of the
taxpayers remember their cash in
bank when they swear their solemn
oath in presence of the assessor.
That prbportion of virtue is astound
ingly high. Concerning how unfair
ly the tax on cash works put, it is
remarkable that the assessor finds so
Personal propertyis appraised-by
assessors at, perhaps, one-third its
actual value. Real estate is ap
praised on the average at, perhaps,
as much as one-half. Money is nec
essarllyi appraised at its full value.
The citizen who lists a hundred dol
lars of cash which the assessor can
not see is soaked 'for more taxes on
that amount, in all probability,
than upon his whole houseful of fur
niture which the assessor can see.
In effect, money pays two or three
times the rate of other property.
That works such unfairness that
the average citizen can -without
much anguish of conscience forget
his cash. He feels justified in lying
to the assessor about his cash as he
would feel justified In lying to a
burglar who demanded the hiding
place of bis diamonds. Such is the
average mortal. ,But O, the poor
saints, those glorious souls who tell
the truth at all costs. How they
are stung!
It is hard enough to be truly good
and truthful about having a govern
ment subsidy on lying. Yet that Is
what we have in this effort to tax
i ooV. in TianV nn the same footing
as land and houses. The perspira
tion which the constitutional con
vention expended on the subject of
intangibility in taxation will be
gloriously justified if it leads, as
perhaps it will, to an application o
common sense to the taxation of
cash as will take the penalties off
our none too numerous saints.
For State Senator
T rfesire to announce my candi
H9iv fnr thf nomination to the posi
firm nf state senator for the second
senatorial district of Nebraska, com
nnspri nf ntne and Cass counties, sur-
ipot to the decision or tne voters oi
. ... .
the republican party at the primary
election to be hf id on April zu, xszu.
A. t STUttM,
Nehawka, Nebr.
I wish to announce that I am r.
candidate for the nomination for ifco
office of Distirct Clerk, subject to
the will of the voters at the repub
lican primary, to be hejd on April
20th. I served ' about eighteen
months as Deputy District Clerk pri
or to my enlistment in the U. S. ser
vice. Your support will be appreci
I am a candidate for the office cf
clerk of the district court, subject to
the will of the republican voters at
the primary on April 20th. Your
support will be appreciated,
(Million (IF HKtKINO
on Petition for A ppul at went of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In tne cminxy i.ouri.
In the matter of tlie estate of Kliza-
heth Barry, deceased.
On reading: and fillTif? the petition of
Marv K. Carney, prayinn that admin
istration of. said estate may be grant
ed to A. G. Hach as Administrator:
Ordered. .That May 3rd, A. D. 1929.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned for
liearlner said netition. when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the praver of petitioner should
not be granted, and mat notice oi tne
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be Riven to all persons
Interested In said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in tle I'iattf;
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated April 2, 1320.
a5-3w. County Judge.
In the district Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Klehard A. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs.
Wm. I. Merriam and Merriam,
his wife (first real name unknown):
F K. tpeck. a single man; "William
Brokaw, a single man; Frank M. Price,
a single man; Johanathan B. Quln arid
Quin, his wife nrst real name
unknown); Harlan It. Quin and
Quin. Ivis wife (first real name un
known); the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives, and
all other persons interested In the es
tates of the foregoing named defen
dants, and each of them: and the Last
half iKYi) of the Northeast quarter
(NKVi ). less, however, a strip of land
one " rod wide off of the south end,
being about one and one-half atfres:
and also less a strip of land along the
west side of said East half (E) of
the Northeast quarter (NK'4) ten feet
wide on th south end thereof and
broadening as the line is extended
northward until it Is forty-nine (49)
feet wide on the north end; and also,
the Northeast quarter (NEH) of the
Southeast quarter (SKVi. all Jn Sec
tion twenty-three (23), Township tw
tion twenty-three (23), Township
twelve (12). Range nine (9) Kast. Cass
county, Nebraska, and all persons
claiming any interest of any kind In
said real estate or any part thereof,
You and each of you 'are hereby
notified that on the 31st day of March,
VJ'SO. the plaintiff in the above entitled
action filed in the District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, his duly veri
fied petition in an action against you,
and each of you. the object and prayer
of which Is to obtain a decree of said
court adjudging Bio-hard A. Johnson
to le the owner In fee simple of the
following described real estate, to
wit: East half E of the Northeast
quarter (NKV). less, however, a strip
of land one rod wide off of the south
pnd, being about one and one-half
acres, and also less a strip of land
along the west- side of said East half
of the Northeast miarter (NK'4) ten
feet wide on the south end thereof
and broadening as the line is extend
ed northward until it is forty-nine feet
wid on the north "end; and also, the
Northeast quarter ( N E V ) of the South
east qutrter (SE4). all in Section
twenty-tbrce. Township twelve, Kansre
nine East, Cass county. Nebraska, and
to enjoin you, and each o you, and all
other persons. from asserting any
right, title. Hen, claim. Interest or
estate. In, or to or upon said described
real estate, or any part thereof; to
remove certain . clouds from the title
thereto; to decree- that Blcharcl .A.
Johnson, and those under whom he
claims, ha been in open, notorious,
peaceable, continuous and adverse pos
session, under claim of ownership
thereof ana title thereto lor more than
tan years last past, made valuable
improvements thereon, paid the taxes
as they became due; and for general
equitable relief.
You and each of you are -hereby re
quired to answer plaintiff's petition on
or before the 10th day of May, 1920,
or I he allegations of said petition will
be taken as confessed and as being
. . Plaintiff.
. I. C. BUELL,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
al-4w. V ' Astiland, Nebr.
and Motlee of Probate
of Will
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
I State oi .Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persona interested In the es
tate of John Kraeger, deceased:
On reading the petition of Jacob
Kroger and William Kraeger praying
that the instrument filed in this court
on the 22nd day of March. 1920, and
purporting to be the last wilf and tes
tament of the said deceased, may be
proved and allowed and recorded as
the last will and testament of John
Kraeger, deceased; said instru
ment be admitted to probate, and the
&dministiation of said estate be grant
ed to Horatio N. Dovey, as executor;
It is tereby ordered, that you and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 23rd day of April, A. D.
1020. at 10 o'clock a. nr., to show cause,
if any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
le Kiven to ll pr.on interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this Ord;r in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
"Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, iris 22nd day of March, A. r.
(Seal) -m25-3w. County Judge.
In -the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Elwool M. Buttery, Plaintiff, vs.
Plattsmouth Ferry Co. et al, Defen
dants. To tho defendants Plattsmouth Fer
ry Company; Abijah Harris; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Abijah Harris, deceased; Mrs. Abijah
Harris, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Airs. Abijah Harris, first real name un
known, deceased; Mary Jennings; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
John . Jennings, deceased: and Lots
1. 2. 3 and 4 in Block 99. in the
t.ity or I'lattsmouth, in Cass county.
.-etrasi;.a, and ail persons claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estate or part thereof:
iou f.nd each -of you are hereby no
tilled that o:i the 19th day of March.
1020. plaintiff in the foregoing entitled
cause fled hia petition in the District
'-ourt or Cass county, Nebraska, where-
n each and all of you are made par
ties defendant, the object, purpose and
prayer of which said petition is to ob
tain a decree from said court remov
ing clouds from and quieting the rec
ord title to the following described
real estate in the plaintiff. El wood M.
Buttery, to-wit: Lots one (1) 'two (2).
three (3) and four (4), in Block nlne-
ty-nnie (a. in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you and to exclude and en
join you and each of you from ever
asserti ig or claiming any estate right.
title or interest tnerein adverse to
plainti:T, by reason of plaintiff's ad
verse possession of said premises for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit, and for such
other and -further relief as may be
just and equitable.
ou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the third day of
May. 1920. or your default will be duly
entered therein and a decree entered
as prayed for in said petition.
Dated March 19, 1920.
m22-4w. His Attorney.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska
Joe Felthauser and Thomas 12. Hath
away, Plaintiffs, vs. Henry H. Wilson
et ai, Defendants.
To tlie defendants Henry II. "Wilson;
Mrs Henry H. Wilson, lirst real name
uniiL-wn: John Iiarvey; Mrs. John
Harvey, first real name unknown; Jo
seph L. Heel: Kunice L. Heel; Mrs-.
Thomas K. Femmore. first real name
unknown: James II. Humble: Kveine
M. Willson: Willson, first real
name "unknown: William Dorrough;
Wm. H. Spratl'n: the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interesteu
in the estates of Henry II. Wilson:
Mrs. Henry H. Wilson, first real name
unknown: John Harvey; Mrs. John
Karviv, first .real iname unknown; Jo
seph L. Bcel; Eunice L. Reel; Mrs.
Thomas K. Fenimore, first real name
unknown; James K. Humble: Kveline
M. Willson: Willson, first real
name unknown: William Dorrough:
Wm. II. Ppratlin, each deceased: the
northeast quarter (NE Vi ) of the north
east quarter (NK'i) and the north
west quarter (NWi) of the northeast
quar-er (NK'4) all in Section twenty
rive (23). Township ten (10). North
Kanire thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska,
and all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 17th day of March,
1920, plaintiffs filed their suit in the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, to quiet the title of plaintiff Joe
Felthauser to the following described
land, to-wit: the northeast quarter
(NE4) of the northeast quarter (NE
M) of Section twenty-five (25), Town
ship ten (10), North Range thirteen
(13). east of. the 6th P. M., In the
County of Cass, Nebraska: and to
quiet the title of plaintiff Tlromas K.
Hathaway to the following described
lan!. to-wit: the northwest quarter
(NWVi) of the northeast quarter (NIC
4 of Section twentv-five (25), Town-shir-
ten (10 North Range thirteen
(13). east of the 6th P. M.. in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, because of
their respective adverse possession of
soici respective tracts of land by them
selves and their grantors for more
than ten years prior to the commence
ment of said suit and to enjoin each
and all of ytu from having or claim
ing anv right, title, lien or interest,
either legal or equitable in or to said
lands or any part thereof; to require
you to set fortn your right, title,
claim, lien or interest therein, if any,
either legal or equitable, and to have
the same adjudged inferior to the
title, of ultilntilfs and for general equi
table relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
ort'ler of the court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, May 3. 1920, or your default
will be dulv entered therein.
JOE f E LTI 1 A US 10 R and
. Plaintiffs.
ml8-4w. Atty. for Plaintiffs.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Nichols, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are htrehv notified, TJiat I. will
sit at tlie County" Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the 20th day
or April. 19'0, and on the 20th day of
July, 1920, at ton o'clock a. m., to re
ceive and examine all claims against
ssiid estate, wii.h a view to their ad
justment and a' lov.-ance. The time lim
ited for the rrescntatlon ,'of . claims
ajjainst said e ;iate - is ,; three ' months
from t)je aotli tlav of April, A- B. 1920.
and the time limited" for payment of
debts is one yar from eaid 20th day
or April. 1920. :' , .
Witness mv hand and the seal of
slid County Court, this 22nd day of
March, 19:'0.
(Seal) County Judge.
. The popular line of Dennison stick
ers and cards at the Journal office.
Yes, the birds will soon be singins and spring work will be
rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new
farm implements and need them badly.
We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im
plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere,
International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are well equipped to
furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery,
engines, tractors, etc., at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will be
complete, and in addition to this ' '
W. G-5. Puis, the Implement fcjan,
will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge
of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I. Case and John Deere lines.
i -
1 See Either of These Gentlemen When Wanting
Anything in the Farm Machinery Line.
Murray, Neb. , Plattsrnouth, Heb.
In the Dictrict Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
Plattsmouth Lodge No. S, Ancient
Order of United Workmen, Plaintiff,
vs. Enos Williams et al. Defendants.
To the defendants. Enos Williams
and wife. Catharine Williams; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Enos Williams, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Catharine
Williams, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 19th day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1920, Plaintiff filed its suit
in" the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to quiet and confirm plain
tiffs title in and to that part of Lots
1 and 2 in. Block 42, lying outside of
the boundary of Chicago avenue, in
the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to enjoin each and
all of you from having or claiming to
have any right, title, lien or interest,
either legal or equitable, in or to said
real estate or any part thereof, and to
enjoin you and each of you from in any
manner interfering with plaintiff's
title, possession and enjoyment of said
premises and for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Mondav, the 10th day of May, A. D.
l!20. or your default will be entered
t herein.
Ancient Ord;r United Workmen.
By A. L. TIDD,
m29-4w. . Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass county.
.Tii'inasKa. i
.1., !-. matter of th estate of Sel-'
wjn Kinkead, deceased. (
-T- oil norenne interested in said eS- j
tate, creditors and heirs at law:
You are hereoy notinea inai on me
- . i. ,1 . . UToc.Vi "I a ft .Tnmea TCIn-
OLIS lit J V ' ' t v, I
kead tiled a petition in this court, al-j
leging that Selwin Kinkead, late of i
.j ; . -i i n o t til. - nt u t i v- nf De
cember, 1911. in the State of Missouri,
. . . : i . . .' 1 1 thA.iiln
and left surviving him, as his sole and
onlv heirs at law, his widow, Jennie E.
Kinkead, and a son, James Kinkead,
and a daughter. Bertha L. Crisman,
nee Bertha L. Kinkead, all of legal
age, and that said decedent was seized
of the title in fee simple of the fol
lowing aescrioea real piopuiij,
Txt four (4) in Block sixteen (16) in
Townsend's Addition to Plattsmouth,
in Cass county, NebrasKa, wnicn was
the homestead, of said deceased, Sel
win Kinkead, and that same was whol
i ., AvomiYt frrhm flttflr-hmpnt. Avecutioil
or other mesne process, and not liable
for the payment of the debts of said
decedent, and on the death of said de
cedent the title thereto descended ac
cording to the aeeeaeni laws oi Ne
braska, to the said widow and child
ren of said deceased in common and
undivided,- that petitioner is ns vi
. i . . . rt caid dprpftfiiil find as
such is the owner of an undivided one-
third Interest in saia real prop;riy
and is now the owner of the other two
thirds bv virtue of a conveyance made
by the said Jennie E. Kinkead, widow,
and Bertha E. Kinkead, daughter of
. . : ,1 ,1 .i t- .1 o ri t nrnviTi!? for a de-
(1 IU VI L V V 11 - , - - I ' - "-- . .
termination of the time f the death
of said Selwin Kinkead and of his
heirs at law, tne negree ui mmu
i n. .ii.t tt H9ppnt of the real
property belonging to said decedent in
the State of Nebraska, and for. an
Order barring claims against said es
tate and for such other orders neces
sary to a correct determination of
said matter.
Said matter has been set ior neap
ing at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, Cass county. IsebrasKa,
,.-. .jjti, v nf 4nril. 1920. at 10
o'clock a. ni., at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated Aiarcn zuin.
JOHN M. LEYDA, County Judge,
Attorney for Petitioner.
on I'e-tltlon for Appointment '
The State of Nebraska, Cuss coun
ty, ss. 4
In the ijoumy i-ouii.
In the matter of the estate of Al
bert Vallery, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Fiances Vallery praying that admin
istration of said estate may be grant
ed to her as Administratrix;
Ordered, That aiay ira, j. u. istiu,
at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner- should
not be granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested fn said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth- Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county. for
three successive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
Dated April 2nd, 1920.
a3-3w. County Judge.
Fred Patterson and wife departed
this morning for Omaha, where they
Vwill visit for the day in that city
with their son Robert Patterson, at
the Birchmont hospital, where he is
recovering from the effects of the
severe injuries sustained a few daya
Will Soon
XOTIfE OF m;.ni.G
ou Petitiou for Determination
of Hetrahtp
Estate of Andrew Barry, deceased,
ia the County Court of Cass county,
The State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested in said estate, creditors
and heirs, take notice, that Mary E.
Carney has tiled her petition alleging
that Andrew Barry died intestate in
Ctss county on or about June 15, 1914.
being a resident and inhabitant of
Cass county and the owner of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Thirty-three acres ofT lie south side
of Lot six (6) 4n Section thirty-three
(33) and Lot twenty-seven (27) being
the South half of Lot three (3) of
Section thirty-three (33), all in Town
ship twelve (12) North, Range four
teen (14), together with all accretions
now made or hereafter acquired, all
of said lands being in Cass county,
Nebraska: leaving as his eole and only
heirs at law the following named per
sons, to-wit: His widow, Elizabeth
Fli..." 1 n n ' Trv, ..I..,. 1 .i i rw l a ,. rwl.
Barry, son; Edward Barry, son; Mary I
Carney, daughter; Agnes Bach, daugh
Dusterhoff Interior !
One of Superior Quality!
- ;: - x - - - - M -
The skill of the well train
ed mechanic and the wise
suggestions on practical and
artistic ideas, applied to our
jobs, have resulted in gain
ing more satisfied customers.
They considered and receiv
ed real value.
When you intend to it Vate, call on us for sug
gestions and estimates on painting and decorating.
No job too large; no job too small or toT""tr away
to receive our careful attention. !
jj. Painting Decorating
The Cass County Monument Co7 has a
fine lot of Monuments and Headstones from
which to select. The prices are right. Remem
ber, there are not many days left in which to
have your work done by the 30th of May.
We also cut inschiptions at the cemetery.
Give Us a Trial!
- '
Cass County Monument Company
H. W. SMITH, PRopr.
Telephone 177 -:- -:- PlatUmouth, Neb.
Be Here!
ter; George Carry, son and Ellen Vo
boril, daughter; and praying for a de
cree barring claims; that said decedent
died intestate; that no application for
administration has been made and the
estate of said decedent has not been,
administered In the State of Nebraska,
and that the heirs at law of said de
cedent as herein et forth shall be de
creed to be the owners in fee simple
of the above described real estate,,
which has been set for hearing on the
10th day of May, A. li. 1920, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
2nd day of April. A. D. 1920.
County Judge.
Searl S. Davis and wife from near
Murray, were in the city today fo-?
a few hours looking after sonic- maf.
ters of business.
Read "the Journal want-ads.
: - : - i - - ; - 5 - - : - - ::x - . -
Wood Finishing
-:. NEBRASKA. 4-
! A