The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 12, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
0 MURDO SK BEPMMTm 1EMT PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Sank of burdock Murdock, Nebraska , Conducts a general commercial banking business .arid is equipped to attend to your wants in every manner consistent with honest and conservative banking. We also draw up leases a- contracts for sale of real estate, affidavits, wills and testaments, and other- legal blanks as deeds, conveyancesmortgages, etc. Our land set tlements for March 1st just past, totaled over half a million dollars, and were for dozens of our patrons, and every settlement had the individual attention . of the president and cashier. We are here to serve you and serve" you well, and invite you to join the hundreds of satisfied customers doing business at this bank, and who are the best testimonial we have to offer as to our ability and willingness to assist in every manner pos The Bank of Pi2urdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President " J. E. GUTrTMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier" NEW WAR RISK IN SURANCE OFFICIAL From Satriay Pally. Charles E. Thompson arrived iu may well consider herself proud in having such excellent men in charge citizens' Wm. Nelson and George Utt were looking after some business matters in Omaha . Thursday, goings up on the noon train. ' Wm. Stachinsky -and wife were visiting with friends in Omaha for a short, time during the latter part of of the supervision pi the the week. . ; . ' . business affairs. Joe Johanson and A. J. -Bauer were - looking after some business matters in the ..county seat for a few hours last Monday. ' Herman Schmidt is reported as having been on the sick list for a short time last, week, but he is now able to be out again. . E. L. Pothast, of Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock last Thursday, coming to look after some business matters for a short time. day at the meeting of the board Uncota yesterday to assume the po were duly inducted into the offices sition of -field representative of the made vacant by the expiration- of bureau of war risk Insurance for their terms. The village of Murdock Loses a Very Valuable Cow Fred Deikman, living a few miles northeast of Murdock, suffered the loss of a valuable cow early last Thursday, morning. The cow had a young calf only a few days eld. which had been placed in the pas ture near the barn, and during the night, hearing the calf bellowing. the state of Nebraska. ; 'Mr. Thompson's work will consist in straightening out all problems between , the ex-service men and the war department and other govern ment agencies. f ine oureau 01 war risn insurance is connected with the treasury de partment and the new Nebraska rep resentative states that he will be able to get quick action '.on; all matters pertaining to allotment of allow ances, compensation claims, all ques- its mother became frantic and in Mottled and Stippieu .wails of ex-- h. ,,n- ,o,i .. charming colors and true r.'L ,..... lV. k F0T; 3l.coaTertl,18 V lnto term insurance, ceedingly charming artistic value. You will find them in Max Dusterhoff's wall paper stock. Miss Marie Schmidt was a visitor in Lincoln for a short time last week, being a guest of friends there while looking after some trading. J Jesse Landholm was a visitor for a short time at the home of his broth er at Duncan, where the latter is train and killed, being found the claim for back pay and travel following morning near the road claims, and all other differences be tween the former soldiers and the government. Mr. Thompson attained the rank of major in the army during the world war, joining in May, 1917, crossing. The cow was well worth a-hundred dollars and her loss will prove a severe one to Mr. Deikman. Now Has a New Garage engaged in the automobile business. purehased a part of the old building s and ing discharged two weeks ago tngienarai, iormeny ui jn jne south part or. town from Mr. iromine v auer fieea nospuai, wutrre this place, but who has been away Frank Eveland. which he has moved he was convalescing from a serious for some -time, is visiting at the to tne gite of bjs blacksmith shop. tiiinea He served overseas with the uuluv. v. v.0- ana nas nau ivuy uaiuwiu convert i Friendly Servce is a productive force; it makes for better un derstanding and the fullest co-operation be tween a bank and its clients. This is the spirit of the Farmers and Merchants Bank service. How can we serve you? v Farmers Merchants Bank : ' All ways at Your Service.. HENRY BECKAMEYER, Pres. AUGUST PANSKA, Vice-Pres. O. J. POTHAST, Cashier MURDOCK NEBRASKA it into an excellent garage, which 'A. E. F.. and was with the. Forty- short time. . Rev. John Oehlerking was a visi- wjii nmv preat rnnvonipnrp for second infantry when discharged. tor in Murdock during the past Mr Buck in the us Qf nis A!. He is a raember of Post No. 1 of the week, driving from his home at West vin Bornemeier moved the building Ameriean Legion in Washington, D. Point. He found the roads pretty for jtr Buck . good until he reached Ashland, but C.. and also a member of the Veterans from there to Murdock they were , ' ' t.. lof Foreign Wars, having served in not so good, - Quarterly Conference Postponed the pnUippiaes from 1M8 to 19G2. Miss Esther Schmidt drove the On account of the serious illness headquarters of the Ameri can to Plattsmouth a few days ago, of Presiding Elder Sohl of Lincoln, , : . . , - taking her Barents. Herman Schmidt who has charee of this district of tea is arranging a series of The finest varnish that money can 'and wife down to lonk after some the PvonceiiMi nssnriatinn thi Dost conferences at which the war buy at Max Dusterhoff's. j business at the court house. They vv&n no quarterly conference held aa risk insurance representative will ad- Martin Bornemeier was a visitor were also accompanied by her sis- had been announced. It is hoped ,iry, h members in regard to ad in the capital city last Monday, to ter. Miss Hilda. , that he will soon regain his normal , " ITa J.n,! which place he was called to looks c. Obitz. of Binger, Oklahoma, health and be able to meet with the Jn tDeir claims and settling after some business matters. ' j was a visitor in Murdock last week, church membership here at an early , their difficulties through his depart- nev. j. w. .peters was a Dusiness lookms after some business matters flare. . .s ..naent. The first conference is ar- You can get oor wax at all times of Max Dusterhoff. tf. Special Varnish - for table tops, window sills, 'flutside doors. Won't turn white under water. At Max DuyterbtT's. II. A. Guthmann was a passenger on Friday morning for Lincoln, where he looked after some business after concluding his business, return- home of his father, Arthur A. Rikli, ' visitor in Lincoln last Thursday, and while here and also visiting at the matters for. the day, and also visit-jed home on the evening Jersey ed with friends. . John Gakemeier was a business Arthur Wellman, writing to his ! visitor in Weeping Water last Thurs- returning to his home last Thurs day evening via the Rock Island. : James Gilmorc, who had his eye ranged for the Lincoln post at its regular monthly meeting Monday. friend. Uncle George Skilcs, tells of j day, driving down to that place to ! Injured While working on the farm - I " - - , . . IIIIUIVU V 1111V tl Ul BlUh VW , , - . ... . , ira hoirc frn7on t n o rlonth rf fmir ' Irkrtlr a ft or c.m c lnn1 npAls .ncnipn ! x - . . zcl. liAVfl rwPTi vifiitiner in ftlnrdnck . "1 :;s A " V" V.r:r., 7r " nis uncie, j. j. uusun. ana wno -":,; . x-' :, "V liiciies ill uurii:iiuu, cuiui auu, uui- uv was luieresieu iu tune. Spending: a Few Days Here I . Tlfra T T ArnftlH an1 liar twn fheter f SrRrrLCu:'cAlII)n)ATErOB DISIKICTCIEEK ing tha storm of a week ago. "Sanitas," a superior quality of oilcloth, on the walls of your kitch en, wash room, pantry and bed room, etc.. is easy to wash, strengthens the plaster and is more economical than paint. For -particulars see M. Dusterhoff. C. F. Hite. the carpenter, depart ed last Thursday on the evening train in roivini trpiitmpnt n the Mpfhn- Henry Amgwert and Dillar Utt' t ,n)!ri?ti in Omaha i rpnnrtoH were quite busy last week excavating: a3 mkinff exceiient progress and and preparing for the installation of ; . t ble , leave the insti. i a furnace at tne nome or j. h.. jmc Hugh, which is being installed by our enterprising dealer-A. J. Tool. J. E. McHugh, of the Murdock tution -at an early date. W. O. Gillespie and Gus Wendt as guests at the Neitzel home during ! I wish to announce that I am the past few days. They stopped off candidate for the nomination for tfc; here while enroute from their - home ffice f mtlrvt clerkf Bubject to in Englewood, a suburb of Chicago. ... - . w n Ran Pr.miUn u-Wo -a-iU . IH9 Will OI III TOierb HI IU Itp..u- make their home in the future. The husband, . Mr. Arnold, while were looking after some business in rtl,rni-nr frnm 1rin h.l last rnursaay ana t naay,,' ., : " " . r, C . one oi me luioeriy oona anves, naa i j lican primary, to be held en April . 2th. I served about eighteen for Holyoke. Colorado, where he will business matters in connection with work at his trade. He intended, to the business of which he is manager leave for there sooner but wa3 de- here. . layed on account of the prevailing Ed Vanderberg is a sure enough w. . - ----- T -ihp nrtrthwest dnrin" the n&st week ' , . r ' " T, " monins as uepaiy Jjismtv utrn ii - Mercantile company was a visitor in;'ue nortirwesi uurin& ine past een. was makinR addresses in behalf of . - ln TT - .... r i. - tv,,,.. ., r ,wi ir-si-. l they having some interests in tne Your support will be apprec? " CLAItRNCE L. DEAL, Omaha where he was looking after snnip:" '" "l iimiub, t." nt mwrnrtnno .fn sin tin tha nlat. ' Tice. promise oz developing into goou in- form and fall vUh his feet across ated vestments, - as - mucn on is Being the traclCf ,n guch manner tnat they xuuuu m iudi cuoii. Iwere cut off by a passing train. He Miss Marie bchmidt, accompanied was at that time connected with , rustler when it comes to work and' by her brother, Louis Schmidt and In, 'as just as faithful as "can be, keep- wife, were visiting with friends In bank in Chicago. bad weather Arthur Bornemeier. of Lincoln, ' as just as faithful as can be, keep- wife, were visiting with friends in Later, being, called to San Fran- was a visitor in Murdock last Friday ( ing the masons supplied with mor- Omaha a few days last week, going Cisco on business, he liked the place evening for a short time, looking af- tar and materials at the new bank . up Friday evening on the" Jersey, bo well he closed out his Chicago in ter some business.matters.. He came building. As a hustler he is hard i The ladies remained until Sunday terests and engaged with the Bank down on the belated noon train and j to beat. (evening while Mr. Smith returned of Italy, in Frisco, where he is now returned home on the evening trainj On account of the impassable ' home Saturday to look after affairs interested. . so his time here was necessarily of, roads and the inclement weather at home. Mrs. Arnold and daughters will Sunday and Monday of last week, John Ramsey and son, Leslie, and soon continue on their way west those teachers who spent the week-J. Clyde Funk, of Plattsmouth, who ward. end vacation at home were unable to are employed by the Monarch En- ! ' reach here before noon Monday to ' gineering company of Falls City, f Attends Funeral of Cousin resume their school work. (were working in tljis 'vicinity for a , , , George Toole was a visitor in Mur- short time, camping at the edge of , rs; L" Meln daughter, dock last Thursday, coming down town, but departed , Friday morning Miss Jesse. were in attendance at from his home in Lincoln" to look af- for Eairle. nt-ar whir thov. ri the funeral of. a cousin of Mrs, Mel- ter some matters of business. While building a bridge. .vin, Mrs. John Shaw, who died at short duration. Chintz papers. Tapestry and plain colors for beautiful combinations arc part of our Cue wall paper stocks. Let us show you how to make up such combinations. Max Dusterhoff. Robert Williams, who is -employed in Lincoln, was a visitor at his home in Murdock last Sunday, coming to spend the week end. Mr. Williams is an excellent workman and is well qualified for the position he holds in. the capital city and may later make his home there. Uncle Jacob Goehry was a passen ger to Lincoln last Thursday even ing, where he visited with relatives and friends and looked after some matters relative to a pass, port which he has made request for, having it in mind to depart soon for a visit of several months in the old coun try. Dr. and Mrs. Blattspeiler, of To bias, was visiting in Murdock last Thursday, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie for a short time. Frop there they continued on to Omaha on. the afternoon, train, where they were looking after some" business matters . and also visiting with friends. J. E. here he also visited for a short time! , j. j. Gustin was on the Omaha- hospital in York after having un at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 'market last week with a car loatf of "frgone an operation the day pre- MfHneh and familv. - fine attio -.hin u-o fort n hi ous. . jurs. jvieivm ana daughter Contractor Matt Thimgan assures farm southwest of Murdock. The aniJ'Uirned home Ust Sunday evening. us that the new bank building with mals brought within fifty cents of . good weather will be pushed to com- the top price paid that day. Mr.' " Notice to Patrons i pletion at an early date. He had ex- Gustin is feeding a large number of To tl' Datrons of the Murdock pected to have the building com- cattle this spring and has some eight R ura 1 Free DeH very route You will pleted by May 1st, but owing to bad carloads more to market. These will pieSe oroVlde o7ral v ' wt luf - weather this cannot be accomplish- not be in shape for some time yet. postage suV ' tor ni5ng ed now. He also has a number of .. Fred Lawton. brother of Homer your letters and Dai4e4s. as it is in other contracts on hand awaiting his H. Lawton, was released from ser- convenient-for the carrier to search attention. vice in the navy a few days ago at the man hnv. fnr nMni noet. Volt CIinonn n n-oa a uitltnr in njr.J i- A v.nn v . uvuvviuBu . xvc-uxiu, a., auu iiao i ciui ucu iu age, as is necessary when Murdock several days during the his home at Wabash. Mr. Lawton -hano-o to i,j .!L.t pctsi uciufi umcu ucic vj i"- euiereu me st-ivite uu j une is, 1911, death of his sister, Mrs. W. G. Mei-and during his term of enlistment' singer, who died while on the op--has traveled about the world to a! erating table of an Omaha hospital, j considerable extent. He was a mem- where she was to have undergone ( ber of a submarine crew for several an operation. Mr. Schoeman, who Is months and had some thrilling -ex-1 from Oklahoma, reports that things loose Yours respectfully., F. A. MELVIN, P. M. in the south are" looking fine. O.1 tftf. TIKI8CV3GAN Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOB TvlITCHELL AND DODGE CARS . CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. Ve are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. " - WE CAEEY A LARGE LINE OF ALL. KINDS OF TIEES - I T MOT MM Phone 3SB Murdock, Neb. Have Pleasant Evening The Lucky Thirteen" club, which periences. iseeuiess to say, he was is composed of exactly that number highly gratified at getting home and of young misses about Murdock! met being able to see the folks again. - at the home of their patroness and Rev. A. H. Schwab and G. Bauer, friend. Miss Margaret Amgwert. last one of our local merchants, attend- Thursday evening, April Sth, and en- ed the Inter-Church World Move- joyed the evening greatly in games ment meeting - which was held in and social conversation. They had .Weeping Water Wednesday afternoon present with them as their instruc- and evening. Mr. Bauer, returned tor in domestic science, their teach- i home during the afternoon, while er la the. public schools, Miss Lois Rev. Schwab remained for the even- Jackman, who demonstrated to them ilng meeting, returning home the fol- the making of pineapple salad.. The i lowing morning. The meeting was evening was a very profitable and ! productive of a spirit of co-operation profitable one to all present, j among the workers representing the The young cooks in attendance j various denominations, although each were Misses Marvel Amgwert, "Babe" I church will conduct its campaign Bauer, "Tuts" Bauer,". Hildegaard along the lines definitely mapped out Baumgartner. Irene McDonald, Mar- oy its own organization. 4 guerne mciJonaia, rneima Kelly, , Florence Thimgan and Francis H. Fonnd a Lady's Pocketbook .TbeiJe. .r Found, a lady's pocketbook,- near j Murdock. Owner hay have same, by proving property and paying for this notice Will Have Class at Alvo Miss Catherine Tool, who is a stu- Eesume Work on Bank Buildin? AAtwaca Tnn.n.t Dl.ito. Va.H mouth, Nebraska. ; , . , " ' ;7 - ui uu'lc at the state university in Lincoln, while spending her Easter vacation at home, visited in . Alvo and there James Pilklngton and Douglas organized a class of pupils which Stevens, the Alvo masons, who have she will instruct in music at the been doing the work oh the Farmers close of the school year at the uni-vac .ift nr nre miu i uaua uunuiug, Ac- I Oil J . x ww 19 nen IJUsLlllieU turned Friday and resumed the brick to impart instruction - to the young laying after an absence of nearly a people of our neighboring town. NOTICE TO REPUBLICANS Under the existing primary law, but few voters have any knowledge whatever of any of the candidate.- for the various state offices. Mr. Thorne A. Browne is up for re-elec tion for State Railway Commission er. He is about 45 years of age. have known him for about 15 years. and know him to be a clean, versa tile and practical man, and believe he will look after the interest of the taxpayers. i This is wholly without his know ledge and I am responsible for it. lt-w. CHAS. E. NO YES. , SPELLING CONTEST The Cass County Spelling Contest will be held in the Plattsmouth high school auditorium on Saturday af ternoon, April 17th, at 1:30. Two contestants will be. selected to represent Cass county in the ctate contest to be held in Lincoln, April 30th, 1920. ' The County School Exhibit, will be on display in the ofSce of the county superintendent at this time Premiums will be awarded to schools having the best exhibit. . ' This will Eive narents, teaehers and pupils an excellent opportuaity to get In touch with the work done in the different schools of Cass county. ... " The nublic is cordially invited to attend' the contest and to examine the display of school work. ALPHA C. PETERSON, - . . ' Superintendent If you are not a eubcrfber to the Dairy Journal let us enter your nam on our subscription list. If it's in the stationery line call at the Journal office. EGGS FOB HATCHING Buff Orphington's eggs, fl.CO per setting S7.00 per 100. SAMUEL GOODMAN. A 12-4w. Mynard, Neb. Modern Wall Paper v the latest, the most exclusive in Blends, Stipples, Mottles, Plains, Velour Engraveures and Non-Fadable Inks. Colonial and Japanese Silk Tapestry for Moulding and Border Panels' KS.'DUSTERMOFir, MURDOCK -:- . -:- NEBRASKA THE LADIES' TRIMMED esH.ATSi :z3 FOR SPRING ARE HERE! A Good Assortment of STYLES AND. COLORS Prices Range from $1.75 to $6.00 Also a nice line of children's straw hats. Hats for the little fellow in cloth and silks. Our Line of MEN'S AND LADIES' STRAW HATS for every day wear is the most complete ,we have ever had. . - filurdocii Rliercantile JERKY E. McHUGH,, Manager MURDOCK -:- -:- - NEBRASKA GOi, USED TOURING CARS FOR SALE. .' Have one each used 'touring cars. Dodge and Ford. See me at Once for price on these. dawtf) JOHN GORDEIt. FOR SALE week due to inclement weather. Good progress is again being made and if the weather continues favorable fHHW4"H-mW it is hoped to have the work pleted in a short time. corn- City Dads Reelected- : The" popular aldermen, or more correctly speaking, members of the town board, William H, Rusf and I. G. Hornbeck, were reflected at the election held last week and Thurs- 15 W. A. ROBERTSON, La-wye r. 1 80 acres 1 miles of Iola, Kas., town of 11.00$. Prie 150 per acre. 16V acres it nines oi uarp. 80 acres & miles from Thayer, $75 per acre. All size farms, from $75 to $150 per aere. DUNN REALTY CO. 4t-w 3t-d. Iola, Kas. Threshers - Tractors Power Machines J. L. Smith of Nehawka, was in Eut ot Riley Hotel. Coates Clock. Second Fleor. the city yesterday for a few hours., attending to some matters of, busi- . neSs. . ,' f....''.V".' , The Inlemaiional Lino. Complete! Power plenty of power and elliciency at all times, reliable and dependable is what all want. We h&ve it in the International Line Wc carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Caro line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separator.. Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks. Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine. CALL. ON US FOR YOUR WANTS IN OUR LINE WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska Dally Journal. 15c a weelc