f mowtjay, april 5, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL NAMES JUDGES AND CLERKS OF THE PRIMARY CLERK OF LIST. COURT JAMES M. . ROBERTSON SELECTS THOSE TO SERVE APRIL 20. DOUBLE BOARD REQUIRED HOW According to State Law One .to Re ceive and the Other to Count the Votes Through Day The time for thr state primary election is drawing rear end in con? r-.'i.ince i.h iv.-t Clerk f .nrs D'ftrlct Court Jcr M. Robertson, hi earned h vjiIous election l.tards for th? ffii?nt precincts of the county selsting 'the names from tfce lists furnl;h d )y Chairman I. M. Teegarden of the republican coun ty central committee and Chairman J. P. Falter of the democratic com mittee. The following is a list of the boards: Tipton Precinct ' neeemng board Judges George Petersen, George Reitter, Henry Snoke. Clerks. II. K. Frantz, George Oberle. Jr. Counting board Judges, A. J. Trimble. William Brothwell. Will Hudson. Clerks, Ray Hall, Ralph Allen. "" Greenwood Precinct. '. Recelring board nidges. Charles Goodbey, E. D. Friend. Fred M. Prou- ty. Clerks. C. C. Burwell, R. W. Stewart. - Counting board Judges, A. J. Leis, W. M. Althouse. W. Jordan. Clerks, J. D. Sutton. Charles Apple man. Salt Creek Pr&cinct Receiving board Judges, John W. Loughlin, Charles Stander, John Mef ford. Clerks, W. E. Palling, Elmer Mathls. Counting board Judges, W. E. Hand, O. F. Peters, George L. Files. Clerks. Guy Loder, Elmer Coleman. Store Creek Precinct Receiving -board Judges, Peter Kickel, Elmer Boyles, W. Kunz. Clerks. Earl J. Bailey. Guy Clements. . Counting board Judges, Ifenry ffffices, 1 Hayes, M. W. Waltz.. Clerks, Charles Hart, Louis Langhorst. Elm wood Precinct Receiving board Judges, W. A Cook, A. Panska. W. T. Weddell Clerks, Arthur Bornenieier, Frank E Buell. Counting board Judges, Lau, C. Gurr, O. C. ZInk. Albert Pool. J. J. Gustin. South Bend Precinrt Receiving board Judges, Reasoner, Julius Rieke. H. F. Clerks, H. L. Clerks,, Charles Campbell, George Bornman. Counting board Judges, James Busklrk, Fred Weaver, Oscar Zaar. Clerks, Glen Weay or ..-Joseph F. Gus tin. Weeping Water, Precinct Receiving board iucTges, Merle McKay, Ralph Graham. Henry Brook hoff. Clerks, Fred Carsten, Adolph Hansen. . - v- - - . Counting board Judges, Walter Wiseman, E. Dowler, N. C. Halraes. Clerks, Ralph L. Keckler, Fred Klep- ser. " Center Precinct Receiving' board Judges, Will Ronton, Ed Steinkamp, sr., Henry Kehne. Clerks. Carl May, Frank Bergman. '."..'. Counting board -Judges, Henry Vogler, Roy Wiles, James Murphy. Clerks, Dan Bourke, Harrison Liv ingston. , Louisville Precinct Receiving board Judges, E. C. Twiss, James Hoover, John Koop. Clerks, Charles Merriam, Lawrence R. Group. Counting board Judges. C. G. Maylield, Elmer Johnson. . Clerks, J. R. Noyes, Charles Reihart. Avoca Precinct Receiving board Judges, Stewart Rough, E. H. Norris. William Peters. Clerks, James Dunbar, Max Straub. Counting board Judges, T. E. Pit man. William Morley, C. W. Fahren stock. Clerks, L. J. MaTquardt, Au gust Meyers. Mt. Pleasant Precinct Receiving board Judges, Wilson Gilmore, Lee Brown, F. J. Hllrt. Clerks, Monroe Wiles. P. E. Spangler. Counting board Judges. Gus A. Hanson, Parr Young. John West. Clerks, Cyrus Livingston, Philip Schafer. Eight Mile Grove Precinct Receiving board Judges, Charles Johnson, George Hennings, John Gaurer. Clerks, P. T. Becker. E. H. Meisinger.. Counting board Judges. W. J. Schneider. Emll AM, P. A. Horn. W0TC eiraersiD gemift fft ass oMimfty It will revolutionize the automobile industry, because it means a saving of 66 in the cost off running your car. The use off kerosene instead off gasoline is easier on the engine and there is no carbon. And, by the way, carbon is about 40 off all your engine trouble. The Ford size carburetor will cost $45.00. - - Tremendous sales mean tremendous proffit- write ffor information today and have our representatives, Mr. W. H. Peters and Mr. John Salisbury, call on you and demonstrate for you. DO IT NOW! . The following guarantee is made: "Iff you are not satisfied in every particnlar with the United States Carburetor ten days after its purchase and payment, you can return it and get your money back. . You are not dealing with strangers- here are the offiers of the United States Carburetor Company: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, 1 1 4-1 mS.Farnum Si Clerks, Paul H. Roberts, Louis Fried rich. Nehawka Precinct Receiving board Judges, C. M. - Chrlswisser, J. . W. Magney. K. M. Pollard. Clerks, J. J. Pollard, Alvin McReynolds. . Counting board Judges, V. P. Sheldon, Albert Switzer, R. H. In gwerson. Clerks, D. Steffens, Edwin Shoemaker. Liberty Precinct. Receiving board Judges, G. W Eaton, J. C. Niday; Charies swan. Clerks, C. L. Graves, Rue H. Frans. Counting board Judges, J. T. Rey nolds, Earl Wolfe, W. A. Taylor. Clerks, E. W. Keedy, M. H. Shoe maker. First Rock Bluffs Precinct Receiving board Judges, Searl Davis, W. A. Fight, James Brown. Clerks. Louie Puis, Ora Davis. Counting' board Judge3, . H. C. Long, C. II. Boedeker. Roy II. Ward. Clerks, Arthur Baker, Ralph Bever age.' Second Rock Bluffs Precinct Receiving board Judges, F. W. Blel. W. P. Hutchison, John Beeson. Clerks, Roy Wiles. O. S. Smith. On ly one board In this precinct. Plattsmouth Precinct Receiving board Judges, Louie Born, S. Ray Smith, James E. Wiles. Clerks, R. O. Cole, Fred Tschirren. Counting board Judges, C. R. Todd, Gust Hackenberg, Ed Rum mell. Clerks, Henry Nolting. J. B. Livingston. Weeping Water 1st Ward 'Receiving board Judges, Isaac Wiles, Jesse Davis. Clerks, W. A. Cole, i Weeping Water, 2nd Ward. Receiving board Judges, W. O. Ogden. C. S. Newlon. Clerks, Har vey Swindle. " Counting board Judges, C. Band- rus, E. B. Taylor. Clerks, Glover. R. G. . Plattsmouth, 1st Ward. , Receiving board Judges. William Hassler, Chris Wohlfarth,., John Lindeman. Clerks, B. A. Rosencrans, O. C! Dovey. Counting board Judges, W. D. Messersmith, John WIchman, George Mutz. Clerks. G. O. Dovey, Leonard Meisinger. "' Plattrmouth, 2nd Ward. Receiving board Judges, S. H, Shumaker, W. B. Rifchel, William Starkjohn. Clerks, H. E. Becker, Jacob Tritsch. -: ' - Counting board Judges, . Frank Buttery, John P. Sattler, M. L. Fried- TulUST BE HDH HENRY R. GERING DR. E. C. UNDERBURG, DR. C. A. MARSHALL, HENRY F. GOOS, Ulf. H. REYNOLDS, rich. Clerks, I. C. Lyle, P. J. Han fen. ' -Plattsmouth, 3rd Ward. Receiving board Judges,- George Born, ('. C. Dcspain, Frank; B. Shopp. Clerks, Don Arries, Claus Jess. Counting board Judges, T. W. Glenn, John Llbershal, John Hirz. Clerks. C. R. Whit taker, B. G. Wurl. Plattsmouth, 4th Ward. ) Receiving board Judges, 'al Bur kel. George Dodge, John Kopp. Clerks, Edward Ofe, G. L. Farley. Counting board Judges, C. A. Johnson, John Kirkham, W. D. Smith. Clerks, Charles Petersen, J. A. Schulhof. Plattsmouth, 5th Ward Receiving board Judges, J. B. HIgley, August Bach. W. II. Ofe. Clerks, J. L. Stewart. L. E. Vroman. Counting board Judges, W. H. Sheldon, E. W. Maurer, George Schanz. Clerks, Robert Patton, Al bert Schwartz. t DEMAND FOR A FREE BRIDGE IS GROWING Sentiment of Residents of Eastern Portion of Southwest Nebraska Ssems to Be For Free Bridge Krom Saturday's Datly. The canvass of the counties that comprise the southeastern portion of the state seem to indicate that the residents of this portion of the state are very much in favor of the free bridge over the Platte river. A visit has been made to Otoe, Nemaha and Richardson counties, and the resi dents there are voicing the desire for the securing of a free bridge that will make complete the good roads plans of the government along the Missouri river section of the Etate. The residents of Sarpy coun ty are preparing a petition asking for fhe securing of a free bridge and Col. Nat Huston of LaPlatte has charge of the boosters who will look efter the work of securing the sig natures in his portion of the county. The boosters for the proposition In this portion of the county numbers some of our leading farmers who feel that to leave this portion of the government .aid highway system in complete would retard and check the accomplishment of the real object of the good roads that of a modern highway system stretching from Kan Fas City to Omaha'and from there to the northwest. . X "'.,' The matter will continue to 11 hvJ U Li UU m m ewt ays LASS, RESPOWSDBLE be pushed In the next few weeks and some definite action Is hoped for that will result in the Platte nt this point having a free bridge that will b dedicated to the people of the plate and nation. GETTING LINE ON CANDIDATES From Saturday's Dally. The headquarters of the prohibi tion party in this state aro eutaged in getting a line on the various can didates for senators and representa tives in the state by sending out and ?etting a list of the filings in onh rounty in the state. The New Voice, .he official organ of the party is pre paring an album of the candidates in the state and propose to 'iiv tlv-ir position on the question of bone dry jr a little moisture made cl-r with '.he intention doubtless of seeing that inly the bone dry candidates receive heir endorsement. QUINN CASE ARGUED From Saturday'? Daily. This morning the Quinn case in volving the validity of a deed made by Mrs. Ellen Quinn or Elmwood conveying to her son, Charles Quinn, her farm near that place, was ar gued before Judgo Begley in the dis trict court. The opening argument waif made for the plaintiff by Attor ney Wm. Deles Dernier and for the defendant by William A. Robertson. Hon. Jesse L. Root of Omaha con cluded the argument for the defense and A. L. Tidd for the plaintiff. How Diphtheria is Contracted One often hears the expression ''My child caught a severe cold whicl levcloped into diphtheria," when tlu 'ruth was that the cold had simplj eft the little one particularly sus eptible to the wandering diphtheria Term.' If -your child has a cold wher diphtheria is prevalent you should f.ake him out of school and keep him off the street until fully recovered, as there is a hundred times more langer of his taking diphtheria when 'ie has a cold. When Chamberlain's :'ough . Remedy is given it quickly rures th cold and lessens the dan 'er cf diphtheria or any other .germ lisease being contracted. FOR SALE OR RENT. Four room cottage and four lots. Telephone 96-J. 2w-d&w. for flhe U. Factory, 20fth ancll Boydimaha, TOisb, ALMOST GAVE UP HOPE OF RECOVERY Omaha Woman Suffered for Fifteen Years Troubles Ended by , Taking Tanlac. "I have had a long, hard struggle with ill health, but Tanlac has over come my troubles at last," said Mrs. John Madsen, of Seventh and K avenues. East Omaha, Neb. "For fifteen years," she continued, "I suffered; rem stomach trouble, nervousness and headaches. Nothing I ate' would agree with me and 1 felt nauseated most all the time. I had awful pains in the pit of my stomach and the gas pressure on my heart would almost cutoff my breath. Headaches and dizzy spells would al most drive me frantic, my strength would give out and I was compelled to stay in bed for weeks and had al most lost hope of ever getting well. "I had tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to help me. Finally, hearing such wonderful things about Tanlac, I got a bottle and it has proved to be Just what I needed. I began to improve right from the start and have been get ting better ever since. My appetite is picking up fast and I can eat most anything now without suffering like I did before. I am gaining in weight and strength every day and anf" so delighted with Tanlac that I am tell ing all my friends what a wonder ful medicine it is." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke and Company and the eading druggist in every town. Chamherlain's Cough Remedy 'The great benefit deriyed from the ise of Chamberlain's-Cough Remedy has been gratefully acknowledged by many. Mrs. Benjamin F. Blakeney, Decaturf 111., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs we have ever used in our family. I gave it to my children when small for croup and have taken it myself." Kodaks for Sale Some special high class kodaks at the right price. We teach the pur chaser to -use them. Phone 645 . GHRIST -& GHRIST, D&w Plattsmouth, Neb. EimW Omaha Stanton Plattsmouth Plattsmouth Chadron ( Tonirht If Tomorrow Alright 0rvft F, 0, FRICKE A, CO. WANTED -, . . ,r Mall carrier out of Mynard, tem porary appointment, will Jal about ninety day. Good thane for per manent position. W. T. RICHARDSON. I'ostraaf er. 2t-d lt-w. Mynard, Neb. HATCHING EGGS Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg- born eggs, selected for hatching pur pose. The eR laying machines. See our flock. H. II. Cotton, d&w-tf Dodgo Touring Gar in splendid condition PRICE 0750.00 Chevrolet Touring Good $400.00 Six Cylinder Buick Good $750.00 Several Good. Re-built Fords Priced Right! VJE SELL FORDS on payment plan cash, balance in 12 equal monthly payments. T. II. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1