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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1920)
1 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1920. 1 ' u i! i ; ii : i 1' i 'J I - i r i if 7 il F f i Ij ii p. 0 ft snsa Notice to Ford Owners! How are your lights? Does your motor crank hard? If you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would cost you $20.00 . installed. We recharge your magneto without taking yourfmotor down for $5.00. Gomo In and w.w. Garage Phone 650 ::a:rflL:::B:iftrHn:ffii;:Ki!:o:'!!;R:i:B;ia I WABASH NEWS a i Written exclusively for. the Semi-Weekly Journal by Our Wabash Correspondent ;:a:!::B.:!fl:iz::r:mia3:ii OIlie Allis spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. CJ. Murfin spent Sunday with his family. I-. H. Stanley a u toed to Lincoln Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dowler were in town Tuesday. Henry -Denning is here on a visit from Bis Springs. Rev. Mitchell preached in Itev. Au. gtista's place Sunday. " . Mr, S.-M. Bagley was a caller in town Friday morning. K. M. Cook the Overland agent was lntown Tuesday. The farmers are busy in the Gelds preparing to sow oats. C. 'K.- Mockenhaupt is building a fine new home in Mar ley. T. H. Richard came down from Lincoln Friday morning. F. E. "Weddle from Lincoln' was iji town Saturday morning. - jM-4worh. wna z. WeepingjVa- tcr passenger Saturday. - -.-... Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert were in town Friday'morning. ' " II. II. Gerbeling autoed to Weeping Water Thursday afternoon. John Brown and Iva McCrory spent a few days of last week in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller were Lincoln passenger Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs.' William Langhorst were Elm wood visitors Saturday ev ening. ; . . Adolph Steinkamp has moved to Manley. His son will live on the farm. INSURANCE Do not neglect having your -buildings, household furni ture and livestock protected against loss by Fire, Light- ' ningr or Tornado. . - I write ; infctirahce - in.the. ' Farmers Mutual otXincoln, -Columbia or' Springfield " -. Ydur Business Appreciated - - w; T.nicHanbson, MYNABD .f.- : NXBR. Cleaning and Pressing IS OUR SPECIALTY! Hen's and Ladies' Garacnts Hade as Good as Hen! Will call for garments when, requested ancTwill also pay parcel post charges one way on all mail orders. Prices Host tlcasonoblo.cncj Gclisfcdtion Guaranteed! : Wheh'in need of a fine hand tailored suit call and look our tailoring department.- We can save you money. FREE) LUaSW, DRY CLEANER S' "- Phone 166 Lot Us Explain! WAST RY 5 House Phone 502 mjuoiaiiiiv Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Every spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends. Mrs. Edgar Golden's two neices from Lincoln came down Saturday morning. The ladies of the Baptist church met with' Mrs. C. S. Allis Thursday afternoon. - ' Miss Pauline Miller visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller Tuesday. Arthur Rough of Weeping Water vicinity: helped Guy Lake to put in a new pump last week. There will be choir practice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell Saturday evening, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Gerbeling and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosworth autoed to Murdock Saturday afternoon. Miss Edna McCrory went to Elm wood Thursday and Friday to take the eighth grade examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pool, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool and family were Sunday guests at the Albert Pool home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ohms, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and family autoed to Lincoln Saturday. The soffmore class of the Elmwood high school met at the home of Miss Ella Gerbeling's Friday evening. A Jolly evening, was spent. J. H. Bennington and G. S. Sharpe held a meeting In the Baptist church Friday evening. The meeting was held for the benefit of the) New World Movement. Franklin Murfin, Orval Gerbeling, Otis" Wilson, Marie Golden and Buells Little, weiit to Weeping Water Thurs day and Friday to take the eighth grade examinations." Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. Guy Lake and Mrs. Chas. Murfin were among the enthusiastic supporters of the Hon. Wm. J. Bryan at Elmwood last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murfin and Franklin, Arthur Rough and Theress Wiles, Zella Mitchell ani Merrill Mc Donald, and Miss Agnes Rough were Sunday dinner guests at the Dr. Lake home. Mr. ,nd Mrs. Richard Deles Dernier and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles and Miss Labean were afternoon callers. CASS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE For sale, a farm' of 125 acres, well 'improved, hog tight, 11 acres prair ie, good house, barn, hay shed, ce nient walks, garage, granary, corn crib, wash house," wood house, cob house, chicken house, hop, machine shed.- Located miles from Union on state road. . : s . . J. M. CHALFANT, J19-2w;2d - Union, Neb. AND. TAILOR ....... ' Plattsmouth, Neb. CANTATA ENJOYED BY LARGE NUMBER! Combined Choirs of Methodist Church Render 'Sentence, Pardon, Peace" at Cantata Last Evening. From Saturday's Dally The auditorium of the Methodist church was comfortably filled last evening by a congregation who en joyed to the utmost the special musi cal program prepared by 1 the com bined choirs of the church presenting the beautiful cantata, "Penitence, Pardon and Peace", tlje words of which were seelcted from the scrip tures and the musical setting by J.' H. Maunder. . At the opening of the service Mrs. J. D. Ironmonger of Glenwood gave a very charming solo number which was a fitting opening of the splendid evening of music. The solo parts of the cantata were given by D. C. York, Mrs. Mae Mor gan and Miss Clara Mae Morgan. The accompaniment for the cantata was played by E. H. Wescott, organ ist of the church. The effects of the mixed choruses of the male and fe male voices was most delightful and brought out the full beauty of the story of the passion, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. SHELDON COMPANY INCORPORATES PLANT Corporation to Have Capital Stock cf $250,000 and Place of Busi ness Nehawka. Fium Saturday's Daily. The Sheldon Manufacturing 'coni ptthy, the largest corporation ii our ii'feb'boring city of Nehawka, ha.5 dc ciued to file their articles of corpor ation and enter upon the full transac tion oi? their manufacturing bny'ues'i. Viie articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of County Cterk George R. Sayles and gives the capital stock of the company as f 250.000 divided into 2.500 siipre of the par value of $100 each. The place of business of th- com pany is given as Nehawka and the business of the 'company as that of the manufacture and sale of concrete mixers and barrels of all kinds, and the owning and operating of saw mills and planing mills and the sale of the products thereof. The incorporators of the company are as follows: George C. Sheldon, F. P. Sheldon, Alfred C. Anderson, Frank A. Boedeker, V. P. Sheldon, n f! Pollard. M. N. Tucker, ituin Hinton, Verna L. Harris, P. M. Boeck D. C. West, L. G. Todd, C. M Chris wisser, and Truman Tyson. SURELY APRIL F00L- From Saturday Daily. The weather this morning proved a real April fool Joke on the inhab itants of this portion of Nebraska, when the daybreak brought with it a snowstorm of real winter intensity The fact that the 7th of April will mark six months of winter and makes the average citizen long for the good old summer time. The wintery weather conditions which give little indication of moder ating will prove a hard blow to the usual Easter parade of the new hats and garments' which is such a plea sure to the feminine heart, but to the old man who is raising the funds to combat the h. c. 1., the weather will not make much difference as he would iave only the old clothes that have stood the winter storm 'and strife to wear anyway. One of our prominent citizens who was looking over the stock of B. V. D.'s and Palm Beaches at one of the local stores has decided to apply his money in the purchase of an additional ton of coal. . . ' IIIIIIKIl OK YIKAItlMi f rn IVfltton for A ' AdntinlNtrulrix ' Tlie Statu of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. ss. In tlm Conn tv Court. In the matter of the estate of Al bert Vallerv. deceased. n reading and filinrc the petition of Frances Vallery prayinjr that aanun miration of nall estate may be grant ed to her as Administratrix; Ordered. - That May 3rd. A. I). 1920 at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned for hcarlrs' said petition, when ail per sons interested in saia matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be icranted! and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearinc thereof be jriven to all per sons interested In said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal,, a. semi-weekly newspaper orrnted in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated April 2nd. 1920. . ' ALLKX J. BK1CSOX, aD-yW.' - County Jtiagf. Are You Happy? To be happy you must be well. If you . are frequently troubled with constipation and indigestion you can not be. altogether happy. Take Cham berlain's Tablets - to - correct these disorders. They are prompt and ef fectual, easy and pleasant to take. LOCAL NEWS From Monday' Dally. Ed. S.' Tutt of Murray motored up this afternoon to spend -a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness. Miss Alpha Peterson, county super intendent, was out in the'vicinity of Elmwood today looking after school work. Mrs. Rachaei Ford of Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours attending to some trading with the merchants. County Commissioner C. F. Harris of Union, was in the city today for a few hours driving up- to look after some matters of business. Henry Heebner departed this morn ing for Cedar Creek to resume his work in the elevator in that place following an over Sunday visit at Murray. Attorney J. A. Capwell of Elm wood, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters in the county court . in which he is ap pearing. ' Everett Ward, principal of the Un ion schools, was a visitor in the city over Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward and other relatives and friends. Ralph Larson of Louisville, who was in the city over Sunday visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson and his many friends, return ed this morning to his duties. From Tuesday's Dally. William , H. Puis of Murray, was in-the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness. . Attorey C. S. Aldrich of Elmwood, was in the city today attending to some matters of business in the coun ty court. , ': W. G. Boedeker of the Murray State bank and L. D. Hiatt of that city, motored up yesterday afternoon to spend a few hours here with friends and looking after some mat ters of business. ' II. W. Smith motored out to Alvo yesterday, where he was called in the interest of the Caes County Monu ment works to have several of the residents of that; locality look over his line. ' From Wednesday's' Daily. Dr. JV F. Brendel of Murray, was in the city today fox' a few hours looking after some business matters. Ceorge Duell and family of Louis ville were in the city today for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. George A. Kaffenfcerger departed this morning for Cullom, where he will look after his work aa manager of the elevator in that place. I. M. Davis of Lincoln, who has been visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Melbern near Murray, motored to this city today and spent a few hours. Albert Fickler came down last ev ening from Omaha, where he has been with a load of cattle on the stock market and taking advantage of the occasion dropped down to vis it the home folks and also look after some business matters. Bert is lo cated on the farm near Stanton and has been very successful in his farm work the past season. From Thursday's Dally George W. Cheney of Union was in the city today for a few hours look ing after some matters of business at the court house. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water came over this afternoon to look after some matters of business at the court house. Father M. A. Shite and Father W. L. D. Higgins of Manley, were among those going to Omaha this afternoon to visit for a few hours. Charles E. Heebner or Nehawka, was in the city last evening for a few tours visiting with his mny friends and looking after some ncss matleis. From Friday's Dally . John Schwartz departed this morn ing for Cedar Creek, where he was called on some matters of business. A. 13. Fornbff of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city today look Ing after some trading with tha merchants. Albert NIelson who has been making his home in this city for the past four months and has been em ployed in the Burlington shops, de parted this afternoon for his home at Dannerbro'g. Neb., where he will npend the summer on the farm. lie was accompanied home by Jake Adams who will visit there for a few days. 6m Saturday's IMily. V. E. Contryman of near Ne hawka was in the city yesterday aftcrnoon for a few .hours lookfn? after some matters of. business. fn Anton ileisinger and family and Two sister-in-law, Mrs. Nettie Horn f'om the Cedar Creek neighboihood. were in the city yesterday-for a few hour? looginb after some trading. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray and O. T. Leyda of the same community were in the city yesterday looking af ter some matters of business and vis iting with their friends in the cointr seat. James Gilniore, who had his left eye injured so severely a "short time ago at Murdock, was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha, where he will consult Dr. Gifford in regard to the Injured member. His father, W. L. Gilmore, accompanied him to the metropolis. mti)i:it or iikwiinc: on Petition for Appoiutmrnt uf A0mliiitra(or The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Barry, deceased. ' On reading and filing the petition of Mary K. Carney, praying that admin istration of said estate may be grant ed to A. G. Bach as Administrator: Ordered. That May 3rd, A. I. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer ot petitioner should not be granted, and that -notice of the pendency of xaid pt-tition and the hearing thereof li given to all persons interested in said matter by publish- j ing a copy of this order in the l'latts- . mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news- paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated April 2. 1920. ALLKX J. BKKSON. au-3w. County Judge. XOTICE OK APPLICATION for Llreuse t Operate n Pool and Ilillinrd Hall Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will, on the 6th day of April. A. 1. 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the court house In Plattsmouth. Ne braska, make application to the board of county commissioners of Cass coun ty. Nebraska, for a license to operate a pool hall in the building situated on Iot five 5).-Block three (3). in the Village of Manley, Cass county, Ne h rfls k 8 Dated this 29th day of March, A. D. 1920. ' J. L. BURNS. XOTIC'K OK IlKAHIXi on Pel i I Ion for Determination of UrirMhip Estate of Andrew Barry, deceased. In the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said estate, creditors and heirs, take notice, that Marv K. Carney has tiled her petition alleging that Andrew Barry died intestate in Cass county on or about June 15, 1914. being a resident and inhabitant of Cass county and the owner of the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Thirty-three acres off the south side of Lot six (6) In Section thirty-three 33) and Lot twenty-seven (27) being the South half of Lot three 3 of Section thirty-three (33), nil in Town ship twelve (12) North, Kange four teen (14), together with all aerations now made or hereafter acquired, all of said lands being in Cass county. ' Spring Will Soon Be Here! T t T T Yes, the birds will soon be singing and spring work will be rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new farm implements and need them badly. We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere, International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are . well equipped to furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery, engines, tractors, etc., at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will be complete, and in addition to this VJ- H. Puis, the (Implement Man, f will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I. Case and John Deere lines. See Either of These Gentlemen When Wanting -Anything in the Farm Machinery Line. r i f T T t f s Murray, Web. M$n! Things Never Fail arch Winds and We've had the fcrxt artd the next call is for the Spring Rains. Are You Proparod? Vo Arc! AorocATs are the only answer. We can show them in men's, women's and children's. They are the best garment for the cool days and the showers that are bound to come. Men's and Women's $6 95 to $40.00 Children's $5.00 to $10.00 C. E. Wescotfc's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S Nebraska: leaving- as his sole and only heirs at law the following named per sons, to-wit: His widow, Klix.abeth Harry; Lena Jordan, daughter; Kobert Harry, son: Kdward Barry, son: Mary Carney, daughter; Asnes Bach, daugh ter; George IJarry. son and Kllen Vo boril, daughter; and praying- for a de cree barring claims; that said decedent died Intestate; that no application for administration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been administered in the State of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law of said de cedent as herein set forth shall be de creed to be the ownei-s in fee simplt; of the above described real estate, which has been set for hearing on the 10th day of May, A. L. 1920, at ten o'clock a. in. Dated at ''lattsuiouth. Nebraska, this 2nd day of April. A. 1. 190. ALLKX J. KKKSON. County Judge. mm WHAT' WOULD ,BF. THE USE TO PLANT A FIELD OR A GARDEN AND THEN DESTROY II? WHAT'S THE USE OF MAKING MONEY, THEN WASTING IT? IF YOU HfcVE A LEftKrIN YOUR PAIL OR TUB OR BARREL OR PLUMBING, YOU STOP IT. WHEN YOU CARRY YOUR MONEY AROUND IN YOUR POCKET AND WASTE IT, IT'S A LEAK IN YOUR FUTURE -STOP IT. PUT YOUR, MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES AND ZX70 ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT. BRING IN YOUR 2ND AND 3RD ISSUE OF LIBERTY BONDS AND WE'LL SEND THEM IN AND HAVE THEM CONVERTED FOR YOU. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA E. B. EBSRSLE, Plattsmouth, Neb. S2S April Shower STORE I M How is Your Complexion T A woman should grow more beau tiful as she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet and exercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels in good working order. If you are haggard and yellow, your eyes losing their lustre and whites becoming yellowish, your flesh flab by, it may be due to indigestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders. Read the Journal want-ads. no use unless .you Cultivate" the mm HMIT 1 r V T V T Y V T T f v r ! r I 1 f 1 i r