The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1920.
3a nk of Cnurdocti
Murdock, Nebraska
You have money to deposit on checking account.
You desire to deposit rtoney on interest earning time
You have deeds, mortgages, contracts for rental of
farms, contracts for sale of real estate, agreements, af
fidavits, or other legal blanks to execute.
You desire Insurance for fire or windstorm.
You desire to make out your income return.
You sell or buy real estate have provision in your con
tract that settlement shall be made at this bank. You
will then get satisfactory and efficient service.
You find it necessary to borrow money, or have use for
our service in other ways.
You will rest satisfied that you are dealing with people
who have your interests at heart, and will not only
give your matters very good attention, but your trans
actions will be known to only the officers of this bank,
who are also its directors, and whether you have money
deposited with us, or borrowed from usr nobody else
will know about it.
The Bank of Murdoch
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
You can get floor wax at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. tf.
The finest varnish that money can
buy at Max Dusterhoff's
Redecorating C. L. Miller Home
Max Dusterhoff, with. Joseph H.
Wechknecht and Noah Murdock have
been busy the past week redecorat
Mottled and Stippled walls of ex
ceedingly charming colors and true
artistic value. You will find them in
Max Dusterhoff's wall paper stock.
Erail Kuehn of Pittsburg, Pa., and
formerly of Murdock, where he has
a large number of close friends, thru
his friend, John Amgwert, has had
his name placed among the readers
of the Journal and will in the future i
receive the paper.
Are You
1 Proud
' of Your
Burr Oak Posts and Poles Tele
phone Murray 2704. H. L. Saycr,
Pl&ttsmouth. It. F. D. 1. 4tsw-2d
W. H. Rush was shelling corn last
Friday for Ralph lingers, being as
sisted by Ray Baldwin and J. A.
John Schell and wife were visit
ing in Omaha, and also looking af
ter some business matters on last
F. E. Weddell, of Lincoln, was a
business visitor in Murdock last Fri
day, coming for a load of chickens
and eggs.
A. L. Depner, the carpenter and
contractor is working 'this week on
the home of Wm. Lau northwest of
Dr. Mansfield, of Ashland, was a
professional visitor in Murdock last
Thursday, coming to see Grandma
iachewe, who was feeling badly,
Wm. Meyers was home from hisine the home of C. L. Miller. When
studies at-Lincoln last Sunday and completed, the place will look like
visited with his folks. 'new. . . '
Earnest Reike and Dan Nebon, ofi "
UklVS? e?ghTaV Finished Plumbing Home .
taCarSriehTheiemaS. ofnearheVse The newly ucted h t
Vale school was taking the eighth eaXl "d ,1?Ha
grade examination last Friday. j Murdock, which was completed laSt
Clarence Ohm. of nefcr Wabash, ' U. has Just been piped and the
delivered a load of hay last Friday ?xtre? for b1 ndK wter lced
to O. A. McDonald for the feeding in their proper place by those enter
of his fine stock - prising gentlemen. Walter A. Hil-
G S Slinger. of Alvo. was a visi- M and Frank Buzzel. of Lincoln
; t., .,.,, , ioCf who have put in so much of the
Friday morning, bringing Robert plumbing work hereabouts during
.n , !,. ni, ir hia the past few months. After finishing
"u"6 VL their workf ther returned to their
, 3,. t,itiiw home on the evening train Friday.
Glen, Gale and John Paul Pick-
well, who are all students at the ......,, -
state university were visiting with Make EatutaDle .Lxcnange of Teams
the home folks last Saturday and Gus Stoke, who is farming one
Sunday mile west of Murdock, traded three
John' Church, the painter, went to horses a few days ago to Herman
Omaha during the week to assist in Boeller. of near Ashland, for a span
the work of moving to Murdock and ?f large mu es which he V 1 1 use on.
returned with Mrs. Church last Sat- he a-this summer. t Airthani-
y" " j , cellent ones and both gentlemen are
Amanda gtroy, who is-a student well please(J witn their deal.
in the state university at Lincoln,
was a visitor at the home of her par-
ents near Murdock last Saturday Came Near Being a Bad Fire
and Sunday. Last Thursday while LeRoy Goer-
County Commissioner Henry J. thy was. rendering lard at the city
Miller, of Alvo, was a visitor in Mur- market for Joe Johansen, the fire
dock last Thursday, coming to look spread to part of the building and
after some business matters regard- in a short time gave promise of dc
ing the roads . I veloping Into a real conflagration,
Misse's Agnes Risernann, Elsie but for the quick action of Mr.
Deikman and Jessie Oehlerking. of Goerthy. who was alone in the shop
the Rose Dale school took the eighth at the time doubtless .would have
grade examination given in the Mur- dnc .so. He seized some palls of
dock schools last Friday. water, and Boon had .the flames ex;
Messrs. Kenneth Tool, Walter tinguished although he was good
Baumgartner and Dan Bornemeier. and excited for a few minutes,
who are attending the state univer-
sity spent the week-end at their . Are Holding Revival Meetings
Homes in aim auoui iuiuu. , tua r,snHr'l icenolaMnn
Murdock is conducting a series
most fertile farming regions in the I
middle west. ' '
Mrs. Crawford has lived continu
ously in this vicinity and is held, in
the highest esteem by a large circle
of fr lends.
The guests brought well ' filled
lunch baskets and a very fine din
ner was a big feature of the birth
day celebration.
.Those present were Mrs. V. M.
Copple, W. L. Copple and wife, from
Alvo; Glenn Copple and wife; Beth,
Amy and Robert Crawford, Mur
dock and Mrs. M. E. Bushnell and
children South Bend..
Light Proposition Up Again I
Last Friday Harry K. Davis, rep
resenting the Omaha Electric Light
ing . company, was in the city and
met with a -committee of interested
citizens relative to the furnishing of
electricity to this: town. It is pro
posed to extend the lines of the
company this year, taking in the
towns of Manley, Weeping Water i
and Murdock, and possibly Alvo, as
well 'as Louisville 'which is already
served from a high tension circuit
passing through the town en route
to and from Plattsmouth.
The committee appointed to meet
the company's representative was
composed of August Panska, H. V.
McDonald, J. E. McHugh, H. A. Tool
and Wm. Weddell. These gentlemen
went over the matter of routing, etc.,
-as well as discussed the matter . of
being able to Interest farmers along
the line in the use of electrical ap
paratus on their farms.
It is generally considered that
much progress is being made toward
the securing of, electrical service in
Murdock in the near future.
E. W. Towle, of South Bend, a
son of Art Towle, was in Murdock
last Friday taking the eighth grade
examinations which were being giv
en -at the Murdock schools.
Chintz papers, Tapestry and plain
colors for beautiful combinations
are part of our fine wall paper stocks.
Let us show you how to make up
such combinations. Max Dusterhoff.
revival meetings, which are meeting
with much interest and good atten
dance. Rev. A. H. Schwab, pastor of
the church. Is conducting the ser
vices and is listened to intently by
all those in attendance as he deliv
ers eloquent and forceful addresses.
Mr. Schwab is not only an able min
lator hut n fnn win finer fpnsnncr nnrl
Diller Utt, who is one of the best a pleasant 8peaker, and is very pop
of workmen and willing at all times ular among the members of his own
10 uo n is pan, nas acpicu p,- con?regati(m and the community at
ition for the summer on the farm of laree
E. H. Miller, where he is now work- . 6
ling. I
tv. '0k" .i t- wm T-nTi jr.. I H. H. Wilson, who is now making aiorx visueo. neignDornoa
were visiting friends in Plattsmouth his home in Lincoln, was a visitor in jst Tuesaay the stork, with a
- Sundav. drivintr down to the , Murdock for a few days this week, message of Joy lathe form a bounc-
county seat in the car of Mr. Schell. coming ciown io ueiiver .dt .u- ,ng baDy boy, vlSitea tne nome or
' .t. u ot'iner's crop of wheat to the elevator Andy Zoz and wife southwest of
Lit'UrtK ItltfTKlc. u xiao uccu i , I . . . . . . ....
his home sick for so many weeks,
was able to be down town last Sun
day and is rapidly recovering his
former strength.
Let us redecorate it
for you now with
new 1920 wall paper
and we will be pleased to bring our I
books for your selection of the very
latest patterns. Estimates and spec
ifications for all kinds of papering,
painting, outside work and interior
decorating gladly furnished. Only
Is an Excellent Workman
W. E. Palmeter, who is the inven
tor of. a barrel cement mixer, and
who resides in Elmwood. is making
here. ! Murdock and left the family happy
Homer. H. Lawton is the artist over tne arrivai Df the little Amer-
who recalled tne auto or biepnen lcan A11 concerned are doing nice-
j Leies from the world or tne oiu to ly At tne nome of John Bornemeier
I realms of new. The work shows that i t,to flight
ADoui ny cnuureu um uB Homer knows his business ana urn and left a fine little American who is
rounaing commumiy ,u wjt it well. a joy to the proud father and fond
county were here the latter part of, H. W. Tool and wife were visit- mother Both the ronnir men and
. i. . i, h aiirhth irraric , , . j moiner. uoin me young men ana
i "' -e"" o- mg in umana last i nursuay anu ,!- ....( rA o-pttirnr ainnt? nlrp.
AVo,mnoi,r,o koinf hM in thu Mur- .... .i.. ineir parents are getting aiong nice-
V.oXr I ..V , OCT, 6U8 ly and Joy reigns supreme.
dock schools. Df friends and at the same time Mr.
John W. Cobb of the American Tool was attending the meeting of
Exchange Bank, of Elmwood, accom- Shriners in that city,
panied by Mrs. Cobb, was visiting I "I. J. Pothast and wife visited for
with friends here and incidentally the week-end at the home of his par
looking after some business matters . ents in Lincoln, driving over in
in Murdock last Friday. their car and returning home Sun- the machine at his new place of
Henry A. Guthmann and wife were day evening after having enjoyed, a business there and has one of the
visiting with friends and looking af- most excellent time. best mixers that has' yet been con-
ter some business matters in Omaha Grandma Henry KHmme. who has structed, it being made entirely of
last Tuesday and Wednesday, taking been sick at the home of her json. iron and steel with the single ex-
advantage of their visit ,ln the me- Henry, whose entire family have ception of the barrel in which the
troDolis to attend. a good show be- also been down with the flu, is get- cement is mixed. When ready for
fore returning home. i ting much better and all are expect- shipment all the parts are packed
Louis Neitzel, who has been kept ed to toon be well again. in the mixing barrel, making a most
at home for several days with an at- While on his round of' carrying compact package and one that may
tack of grippe and bronchitis, was the mail last Friday, Lacey McDon- be shipped cheaper and safer than
able to return to his work last Mon- aid saw a wolf pass across the field f it had to be crated.
day. and thus relieve Mr. Wed- of Herman Gakemeier. The animal A certain Dart of the"machine con-
dell from his work in the store, so was seemingly unafraid as it pass- gists of an angle Iron in the shape
' a A. 1 a t -1 S-4 . .
he coma resume nis auues ai ine ea oeiween tierman anu uus uane- of a ring, which. Is drilled full of
elevator. ' meier, who were working in the holes and afterwards welded togeth-
Letters from Harvey Schwab and field at the time. er by Edward W. Thimgan, the work
Victor Thimgan, who are attending S. M. Cox and wife departed last being done electrically. " This is a
college at Naperville, 111., state that Thursday on the evening train for difficult task, but is skillfully per
they are making good progress In Los Angeles, where they will" visit formed bv Mr. Thlmean. which nnW
the very best of work at all times. . their studies. These two young men for some time with friends and later serves to demonstrate beyond ques-
are very ciever ana oeing mieu wilii wm go iw urrgun viij, wrugoii, wuere tion of a doubt his excellent work
ambition to succeed, they are mak- they have a son making his home, manshiD and his abilitv to do a fine
Farmers s Merchants Bank
A Readiness to Serve Yoil
coupled with the ability to serve you well and the
resources to serve you adequately, form a tiio, of ex
cellent reasons for your patronage of ;his institution.
farmers and Merchants Bank,
All ways at Your Service.
O. J. POTHAST, Cashier
Sell Two Farm Tractors
Wm. Gehrts, the popular and gen
ial implement dealer, received two
Titan tractors last Thursday .which
he unloaded and sold both of them
the following day. Simon Schleuter
got one while the other one went to
the. Hempfce brothers. Mr. Oehrts
handles only well known lines of
implements and just' now is finding
the sale of goods easier than the
matter of getting the goods to sup
ply his customers.
Gus Stokes made a brief business
trip to Plattsmouth last Friday af
ternoon, the Journal, reporter accept
ing a ride home with him. Thanks
for the kindness, Gus.
Miss Jeanette Guthmann is the
proud possessor of a new tricycle that
is surely a beauty, and one which
will be of much service to the little
Rev. A. Brauchle has had his name
added to tfcg list of readers .of the
Journal in lurdock and is thankful
to bis daughter, Miss Selma, for
the kindness of providing her par
ents with the paper.
Written exclusively for the
Semi-Weekly Journal by
Our Wabash Correspondent
Phone 34-J
urnWUffi. Hot, ,in every opportunity count for the and where they themselves will re- joD when he tackles it.
TauraocK, HeD. best of work in their studies. iside in the future. V
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class, workmen. We
are ready, to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding. ' '
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
Art Towle, of South Bend, where ; ,, , , ,, ' , . .
he is eniDloved bv the Rock Island i Will Hold Election Next Week
in construction work on the new1 The spring election of the village
bridge being built by the company at of Murdock will be held this com
that place, was a visitor in Murdock ing week. The nominees for the po
last Friday, looking after some mat- sition of village trustees are W. H.
ters of business and visiting with Rush, J. E. McHugh, I. G. Hornbeck
his numerous friends here. (and H. A. Tool. The caucus which
J Alva O. Reid, of west of Elmwood placed these men In nomination
'and southwest of Murdock. was a. demonstrated excellent " judgment,
I visitor in Omaha last Friday and as all are of the highest calibre it
Saturday, where he was in atten-, would have been possible to choose,
dance at the conclave of Scottish No one can go wrong in supporting
rite. Masons. Besides being a mem- any of these men. Only two ; are to
ber of the Shriners, Mr. Reid is a be honored by being, elected, but
pretty jolly old scout as well. i whoever these two maybe of the
James Pilkington, Ernest Friend four named, one thing is certain,
and Douglas Short, all of Alvo, who and that Is that the affairs of the
are employed on the new bank build-. village will be in capable hands.
Friends Celebrate llirthday
The relatives of Mrs. M. J. Craw
ford gathered at her -pleasant .home
ing, are making a good showing In
the erection of the walls. The build
ing is begin to assume shape, and
shows good proportions , as well as
nanuv interior arranp-pmo-nt -
E. L. Pothast, of Lincoln, was a Jn xne no"n pan oi lown last Thurs
business visitor in Murdock on last day to helP her celebrate- the 78th
Wednesday looking after some mat- anniversary of her birth,
ters pertaining to the building now' Mrs- Crawford was born in Pike
in course of erection for use as a county, Illinois, March 25. 1842.' She
home for the Farmers and Merchants with her husband, James Crawford,
bank of this place and also for a now deceased, came' to Nebraska in
visit with his son, whom he consult- 1866, crossing the Missouri river on
ed regarding business matters at the June 6fh. . Their first stop was ;7t
oariK nere. mues west oi r'aiisnioum ; at - the
Pearl Reynolds returned Saturday
T. H. Richard was in town the
first of the week.
. G rover Ott was a Lincoln passen
ger Monday evening. -
Jim Bosworth was a Weeping
Water visitor Saturday.
I. H. Wilson was a Lincoln pa3
senger Monday evening.
Ira Bosworth and M. V. Wood are
on the sick list this week.
O. O. Thomas was In town Tues
day looking after some business mat
The ladies bible class met with
Mrs. Albert Pool last Friday r.fter-
noon. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson were Sun
day visitors with relatives and
The ladies aid of the Baptist
church made 146.00 at the dlnner'In
the hall. .
Mr. and' Mrs. S. A. Jackman and
family were Weeping Water callers
Sunday afternoon.
Ollis Alls .went to Lincoln Sun
day evening. He commenced work
Monday morning.
' The ladies of the M. E. church
met with Mrs. S. A. Jackmau last
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. EttarMcCiag came Tuesday
evening to visit with her parents,
Mtt and Mrs M. V. Wood
Mrs. S. A. Jacobson and baby came
up Saturday evening to spend a
week or so with relatives' and old
friends. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stander, of
Louisville, jirere Sunday guests - at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ger
beling. MJss Belle llulflsh was .called to
Plaftsmouth Tuesday for witness.
Her sister Grace Is taking her
as teacher. . .
Mrs. J. W. Staton and two daugh
ters and Miss Ethel McCiag, were
t Sunday visitors at. the home of"Mr
arid Mrs." M. V. Wood. , .
for Uernne io Op-rte a Iol
and Hilllnrtl Hall
Notice is hereby tfiven that the un-
derslg-ned will, on the 6th day of April.
A. D. 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at
the court house in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, make application to the board
of county commissioners of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for a license to operate
a pool hall in the building- situated oh
It five 5. mock three 3), in the
Village of Manley, Cass county, Ne
Hated this 29th day of March, A. D.
roal estate or any part thereof, and to
enjoin you and each of you from In any
manntM- interfering with plaintitl'H
title, possession and enjoyment of suid
premises and for equitable relief.
This notice is friven pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or beforo
Monday, the loth day of May, A. 1.
1920. or your, default will be entered
X'LATTSJIOfTH 1.01X5I-: NO. 8.
Ancient Order United Workmen.
By A. L. TIII,
m29-lw. Attorney.
In the Idctrict Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth l,oltre rso. 8, -nclont
Order of United Workmen, Plaintiff,
vs. Knos Williams et al. Defendants.
To the defendants, JOnos Williams
and wife, Catharine Williams; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons Interested in the estate or
Onos Williams, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Catharine
Williams, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 19th day of Janu
ary, A. I. 1920, Plaintiff filed its suit
in the District Court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the object and purpose- of
which Is to quiet and confirm plain
tiff's titi' la and to that part of lxts
1 and 2 in P.Iock 42, lyins outside of
the boi ndary of Chicago avenue, in
the City of Plattsmouth, In Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to enjoin each and
all of you from having or claiming. to
have any right, title, lien or interest,
either legal or equitable, in or to said
Ideal one-man 100 acre farm, 70
acres in cultivation, 30 acres in pas
ture and alfalfa. Well improved.
Soil the best. Trice $275.00 per
acre. Inquire of Gollaher IJroti.,
Elmwood, Nebraska. ni8-4tsw.
EBt of Riley IIot&:.
Coates dock.
Second Floor.
9 J JJJ1
W. E. Rosencrans. son Blvthe and home of Mrs. Mary A. Garrison, an ! Robert Earl and Howard Wilson
Highway Commissioner C..F. Vajlery aunt of Mr. Crawford. They stayed j autoed . out to the western part of
drove over from the county seat' last there two weeks, assisting Mrs. Gar-fthe state one day last week, and rer
rruiay morning anu were looking wun corn inanung ana letting-turned Momlav eTening.
anu DUiUC lUiJUl i uau wuriL 111 iuuu auioco icav.
the neighborhood of Murdock. Mr. They then moyed on, settling on
Vallery was consulting with Jload. a homestead two and a half miles
Overseer Joe Johansen about the north of Murdock. There they en-
All UboM
To the one who shall bring to the Murdock Mer
cantile Company's store during this week, the most
eggs, we will give a cash prize of $5.00. To the one
bringing the second largest number, we will give a
each prize of $3.00. In addition, the one bringing the
dozen eggs weighing the most, during the week, will
receive $1.00 for the dozen eggs.
This Contest Will Continue
rurdoc!; aJorcantilo Go.,
JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager s
- Sinsle comb White Leghorn, Eng-i
oest way or nananng some particu- dured the hardships and privations strain il ner 15 16 Der 100.
ii "uin nx imo i iiiiut. lilts trio ui. a piuiieer inc. . i uey -llTeu IO- Boo
returned to Plattsmouth Just before eastern Nebraska . transformed from
Threshers Tractors Power Machines
Iid International Lino Complete!
Power plenty of power and cdlcicncy at all times, reliable
and dependable is what all want. Wc have it in the International
We carry a full and complete lino of Kerosene Engines, Cho
line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators,
Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain. Tanks. Manure Spreaders,
Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine.
Mrs; Henry Stark John, phone 115-J.
. 2tw-.
the noon hour.
a vast treeless prairie to one of the