The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1920,
.Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Katered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb., a cond-claas mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
Fortunately for everybody except
mother, housecleaning time comes
close to the heels of the muss father
made fixing his income tax returns.
"I am convinced that vegetables
have nerves", says Dr. Wiley. They
also have "nerves" as witness the four
flushing carrot and the irrepressible
Governor 'Ritchie of Maryland al
so announces that he is openly for
beer and wine. But it's a long row
to San Francisco, and a long track
What a lot of work could be turn
out if all the energy now expended
on ouija boards could be applied to
that similar appearing instrument,
the fiat iron!
There is nothing that this age,
from whatever standpoint vre sur
vey it, needs more, physically, intel
lectually and morally, than thorough
:o: -
When a man finds out for himself
that he is wrong he will change in
an instant, but when someone else
shows him he is wrog he will stand
his ground a long time.
:o: :
The latest word from Amerongen
is reassuring. The kaiser is still at
his wood sawing. A good many had
begun to fear that he might be cut
ting some ice in Berlin.
If it turns ont that the blizzard
boat the Non-Partisan league in
North Dakota, Tuesday, that old say
ing about ill wind may get Into the
Dakota school books once more.
The Kansas Industrialist says a
$40 spring bonnet will cure any or
dinary case of hysterics. But it
won't cure the tendency of this
dread malady to become more "ord
inary." :o:
A Chicago man, convicted of
defrauding a number of credulous
women by promising to make movie
queens of them, has been ordered
to give them back their money. But
what is the use?
:o: i
Chancellor Bauer say's the Kapp
Luettwitz government aimed for an
other war of revenge on 'the allies.
All of which indicate that the Hun
faction In Germany is a mighty un
grateful outfit.
Even though our veteran overcoat
made a lot of blunders during its
third term Just closing, we haven't
seen any candidates in the field thus
far that give much promise of beat
ing It next fall.
If Champ Clark has concluded he
can serve the people of Missouri In
the house better than In the senate,
there Isn't any reason to doubt that
he has looked the senatorial situa
tion over as carefully as he says he
This is growing language. It I.-:
observed that the Oxford Dictionary
publication of which began in 18S8
and is not yet completed, does not
recognize the existence of appendl
citis. Happily the column dealing
with the letter "T" was postponed
to a date when there was no diffi
culty in discovering teeth and ton
A strong dislike towards any
change in his living quarters,
as new wall paper, new carpets, new
f'irniture, was one of the eccentric!
Ies of Walter Mather Smith, wealthy
manufacturer who died In ConnecM
cut the other day. The entire land
-rd fraternity has gone in to mom n
irf for ten days in memory of the
v.crld's only perfect tenant.
We have all heard of lukewarm
water, but Just how warm was
Luke? -
. :o:
A young lady likes a promising
young man, but others prefer one
who pays cash.
Running water has been made to
furnish almost every kind o power
in this country except "kick".
. :o;
Owing to thick fog - experienced
in London last week several daylight
holdups were unavoidedly postponed.
Sixteen thousand soldiers found
frozen to death in southeastern Rus
sia. Pretty tough, to say the least.
"Yes", said a woman, "house-
cleaning time will soon be here and
I hate it; It dirties everything up
i :o:
Cotton, it is announced, has gone
up to tenpense a reel. The new
American whiskey stands at the same
:o: !
All the Michigan "whisky rebel
lion" seemed to need to become a
real rebellion was a "kick" or at
least a "raisin".
Rumors of a coal strike to come in
April will cause speculation as to
where the miners got their informa
tion that a blizz?rd is due in that
month. v
All the partisan editorial writers
are as mad as ercr, and probably
will be untu after election, but there
are strong evidences that since the
war the paragraphers on both sides
have become slightly better natured.
: :o:
There are two way3 of running a
town. It may be run by its citizens,
the "folks", acting through repre
sentatives of their own choosing.1 Or,
when ,the citizens are negligent, it
may be run by professional politi
While Mary PicI;ford isn't going to
marry again, and hasn't the remotest
idea of such a thing, it looks as
though there would be a lot of new
eligibles out there in filmtown be
fore long, in case she ever does get
to thinking of it.
About the time your mind becomes
at rest over possible snows to clean
off the walks, along comes the neigh
bors chickens and scratch part of the
lawn in artistic designs over the
granitoid expanse you are supposed
to keep "policed".
Dealers in musical instruments say
"mouth harp" palying is apt to be
come a lost art. Those merchants
declare; that boys don't "take to it"
as their fathers did when little chaps.
But a good harmonica today costs
from $1 to $4 and the price used to
be a quarter. -
While recognizing, a diminution
of drunkenness, the' chief of police
of St. Paul, Minn., thinks that there
is "more crime since prohibition be
came effective. We have more thiev
ery and hold-ups". If the chief will
look around be will notice also, be
lieves the Topeka Capital, that prices
are. higher, and there has been more
now lately than six or eight months
Scotland Yard is Investigating the
possibilities of the airplane for crime
detection. It-is . probable that the
crooks have already been investigat
ing the airplane for their own pur
poses for many months, and when
the crooks and the police both de
cide to use planes, very likely , the
crooks will have the fast planes and
the police will be equipped with
Inrmini initio llllir nilini v
From Saturday's Daily. ' '
Tfi"e republican city central com
mittee met last .evening to take up
the matter of the withdrawals from
their ticket for the coming city elec
tion and decided on the treasUrer
ship t oendorse H. M. Soennichsen,
the democratic candidate for that po
sition. For councilman, Lee L. Mc
Carthy was selected as the republic
can candidate in place of Guy Mor
gan, and in the third ward C.
Hudson nammed instead of Will T.
Adams, who. has declined the honor
of making the race.
From Plattsmouth Backs Relief is
Proved by Lapse of Time.
Backache Is a. heavy burden;
Nervousness, dizziness, headache.
Rheumatic pain; urinary ills;
All wear one out. ' .
bften effects of kidney weakness.
No use to cure the symptoms,
Relief is but temporary If the
cause remains.
If it's the kidneys, cure the cause.
Poan's Kidney Pills are for kid
ney ills;
Read about your neighbor's case.
Ask your neighbor!
Here's Plattsmouth testimony.
The kind that can be investigated.
Mrs. D. B. Smith. First street,
Plattsmouth, says: "I had an awful
bad attack of backache and for sev
eral weeks was hardly able to get
around. I had never had' anything
cause, me so much misery. When I
got down, I would have to have
someone help me on my feet, my
back was so weak and sore. I tried
different medicines, but got no re
lief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills.
They made a permanent cure." -
Price G0, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the . same
that Mrs. Smith had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y.
In tlie County Court of Cass county.
Nebraska. . ,
In the matter or the estate oi roi
win Kinkoad. deceased.
To all nersons interested In said es
tate, creditors and heirs at law:
You are liereov nonneu inai on mr dav of Ma fell. 1920, James Kln
Ufail tiipl a netition in this court 'al
iening that Selwin Kinkead. late of
Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska,
died intestate on the 20th Jdy" of De
cember. 1911, in the State of Missouri,
while temporarily residing therein,
and left survivingh(m, ns his sole and
onlv heirs at law, his widow, Jennie K.
KJnKeau, anu a son, Junius imumou,
and a daughter. Bertha I Crisman,
noa Hortha T.. Kinkead. all of legal
age, and that said decedent was seized
of the title in tee simple 01 me
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Ixt four i) In Block sixteen (16 in
Townsend's Addition to Plattsmouth.
in Cass county, Nebraska, which was
the' homestead of said deceased, Sel
win Kinkead, and that same was w noi
iv o-remnt from attachment, execution
or other mesne process, and not liable
for the pavment of the debts of said
decedent, and on the death of said de
cedent the title thereto descended ac
cording to the decertent laws 01 -Nebraska,
to the said widow and child
ren of said deceased tn common anrt
undivided, that petitioner Is one of
the heirs of said deceased and as
sucn is me owner ui an uiiumucu vn-
third interest in said real property
and Irf now the owner of the other. two
thirds by virtue of a conveyance made
by the saJd Jennie K. Kinkead, widow,
and Bertha E. Kinkead. daughter of
said deceased, and praying for a de
termination of the time of the death
of said Selwin Kinkead and of his
heirs at law, the degree of kinship
and the right of descent of the real
propertv belonging to said decedent in
the State of Nebraska, and for an
Order barring claims against said es
tate and for such other orders neces
sary to a correct determination of
said matter. ' - . -
Said matter has been set for hear
ing at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 2tth day of April, 1920. at 10
o'clock a.-m.. at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated March 25th. 1920.
JOHN M. LEY DA, County Judge.
Attorney for Petitioner.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
in tUn fount v Court.
Tn tho matter of the estate of John
Nichols, deceased.
To iii criiitors or saia esiaic:
Yon are hereby notified. That I will
Kit u't tim Crmntv Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the 20th day
of April. 1920, and on the 20th day of
Julv, 192, at ten o ciock. b. m., iu c
ceive and examine all claims against
Kahi psiatc with a view to their aa-
liiHtment and allowance. The time lim
ited foe the presentation oi
against said estate is three months
from tli 20th dav of Aoril. A. 1. 1920,
and the time limited for payment of
debts is one year from said 20th day
of Anril 1920. .
Witness my hand ana tne seat oi
mntrl Countv Court, this 22nd day of
March, - 1820.
(Seal) County Judge ok iieui
nud Notice- of l'robate
of Will
In tire County Court of Cass coun-
State of Nebraska, County of Cass
To' all persons interested In the es
tate of John Kraeeer. deceased:
On reading the petition of Jacob
Krager and William Kraeger praying
that the instrument filed in this court
on the 22nd day of March. 1920. and
purporting to be the last will and tea
lament of the said deceased, may be
proved and allowed and recorded as
the last -will and testament of John
I'xaeger, deceased; that said Instru
incut be admitted to probate, and the
administration of said estate be grant
ed to .Horatio N. Dovey, as executor
It is hereby ordered, that you and
all persons- interested in said matter,
may. and 4I0, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 33rd day of April, A. D.
1920. at 10 o'c.'ock a. m.. to show cause
if any there be.'v why the prayer of tho
Ietitioner should ".not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of aid
petition and that the hearing therco
be given to all persons interested
said matter by 'publishing a copy of
this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing-.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 22nd day of March, A. D.
(Seal) m25-3w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska,
Eiwooa M. Buttery. Plaintiff, vs.
Plattsmouth Ferrv Co. et al. Defen
dants. -
To the defendants Plattsmouth Fer
ry Company; Abijah Harris; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all. other
persons Interested In the estate of
Abijah Harris, deceased; Mrs. Abijah
Harris, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persona interested in the estate of
Mrs. Abijah Harris, first real name un
known, deceased; Mary Jennings; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested In the estate of
John W. Jennings, deceased; and Lots
1. 2; 3 and 4 in Block 99, in the
City of Platts-moiith, In Cass county.
Nebraska, and- all persons claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estate or part thereof:
i ou and each of you are hereJiy no
tified that on the 19th day of "larch,
1920, plaintiff In the foregoing entitled
cause filed his netition in'the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, where-
n each ana all of you are made par
ties defendant, the object," purpose and
prayer of which said petition is to ob
tain a decree from said court remov-
ng c;ouds from and quieting the rec
ord title to the following described
real estate in the plaintiff, Elwood M.
Buttery, to-wit: Lots one (1). two (2),
hree (3) and four (4), in Block nine
ty-nine (99), in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, as against you and
eacji of you and to exclude and en
join you and each of you from ever
asserting or claiming any estate, right.
title or interest therein adverse to
plaintiff, by reason of plaintiff's ad
verse possession of said premises for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit, and for such
other and further relief as may be
ust and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
Itlon on or before the third day of
May, 1920, or your default will be duly
entered therein and a decree entered
as prayed for in said petition.
Dated March 19, 1920.
m22-4w. His Attorney.
In the District Court of Douglas
county, Nebraska.
Doc. Ii2; No. 16a.
In the matter of the Application of
Alice W. Kiewit, Guardian of the Per
son and Estate o'f Charles D. Wood
worth, a Minor, for leave to sell real
estate. . -
Notice is herebj given that in pur
suance of an Order of the IMstrict
'ourt of Douglas county, Nebraska, by
Hon. Willis G. Sears, Judge, made on
he 17th day of March. 1920. there will
be sold at public vendue, to the high
est bidder, for cash, at the front door
of the court house in the City of
Plattsmouth in Cass county, Nebras
ka, on the 12th day of April, 1920, at
tfn n'rlnrk a. til.. tli undivided one.
fourth interest 'in - and to all of the
following described real estate, situat
ed in Cass county, Nebraska:
Lot four (4. being a sutxiivision
of Government Lot four (4); also
iMta ten 10 and sixteen (16).
being subdivisions of Government
lMt five (5) and accretions there
to, all in Section fifteen (15),
Township, twelve (12). North Hange
eleven (11), east of the th P. M.;
also Lots twenty-seven (27), twen-tv-eight
(28), twenty-nine (29) and
thirty (30, iti the Village of Louis
ville. Cass - county, Nebraska,
subject to all unpaid taxes thereon.
Said sale will remain open one
hour. .
Dated this 20th day of March. 1920.
Guardian of the Person and Estate
of Charles D. Woodworth, Minor.
In the District Court of the Coun
tv of Cass, Nebraska.
".Too Felthauser and Thomas E. Hath
away. Plaintiffs.' vs. Henry H. Wilson
et al. Defendants.
To the derenclants iienry t. unson;
Mrs Henry H. Wilson, first real name
unknown: John Harvey; Mrs. John
Harvev, first real name unknown; Jo
seph L- Iteel: Eunice" L. Heel; Mrs.
Thomas K. Fenimore, first real name
unknown; James ll. Humoie: .venn
M. Willson; Willson, nrst real
name unknown: William Dorrough;
Wm. H. Spratlin; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons lnteresiea
In the estates of Iienry H. Wilson;
Mrs. Henry H. Wilson, first real name
unknown: John Harvey; Mrs. John
Harvev, first real name unknown; Jo
seph L. Reel; Eunice L. Reel; Mrs.
Thomas K. Fenimore, first real name
unknown: James It. Humble: Eveline
M. Willson; Willson, first real
name unknown: William uorrougn,
Wm. H. Spratlin, each deceased: the
northeast quarter (NEVi ) of the north
east quarter (NEVi) and the north
west quarter (NWU of the northeast
quarter (NE4) all in Section twenty
five (25), Township ten (10), North
Range thirteen (13), east oi tne diii
P. M.. In the County of Cass, Nebraska,
and all persons claiming any interest
of anv kind in said real estate or any
part thereof: -
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 17th day of March,
1920, plaintiffs" filed their suit in tne
District Court of Cass county. Nebras
ka, to quiet the title of plaintiff Joe
Felthauser to the following described
land, to-wit: the northeast quarter
- . . ... i i a. .r.. X TV
(M-J'i) OI tne norineadi qunci
v. of Section twpntv-five (25). Town
ship ten (10), North Range thirteen
(13), east of the tn r. m... in mc
County of Cass, Nebraska: and to
quiet the title of plaintiff Thomas E.
Hatliawav to the ronowing aesi-rm
land, to-wit: the northwest quarter
(NW'm of the northeast quarter (M
i. of Section twcntv-Hve (25). Town
ship ten (10), North Range thirteen
r -i ? i finer or tiiA tttii z - iti... in
Countv of Cai;s, Nebraska, because of
their respective adverse possession of
said respective tracts of land by them
selves and their grantors for more
than. ten years prior to the commence
mentv of said init and to enjoin each
and all of von from having or claim
ing any right, title, lien or interest
itiir lesmi or onuitahle in or to said
lands or anv part thereof; to require
you to set forth your right, title,
claim, lien or Interest therein, if any,
either legal or equitable, and to have
the same adjudged inferior to the
title of Plaintiffs and for general equl-
tahle relief.
This notice ts made pursuant to the
order- of the court. Tou are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, May .!, 1920, or your default
wm ue auiy entered wierem.
ral8-Iw. Atty. for Plaintiffs.
For State Senator . -I
desire tn announce iny candi
dacy for the nomination to the posi
tion of state senator for the second
senatorial district of Nebraska, com
posed of-Otoe and Cass counties, sub
ject to the decision of the voters of
tho republican party at the primary
election to be held on April zu. tau
Nehawka, Nebr. -
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Joseph A. Everett, Plaintiff, vs. Sa
mantha Jamison lnng et al, Defen
To the. defendants Belle Henderson
and Henderson, her husband;
Donald Nichols and Mrs. Donald Nich
ols, his wife:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 28th day of June.
A. D. 191S, plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, the object and purpose of
which is to quiet and confirm platni
tiff's title in and to the E of NE
of Section 29, and the west ten acres
of the NWi of Section 28, all in
Township. 10 N. of Ilange 14, east of
the 6th 1. M., in Cass county. Nebras
ka, and to enjoin each and ail of you
from having or claiming any right,
title, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable in and to said laml or any
part thereof, and to . enjoin you , and
each of you -from in any manner in
terfering with plaintiff's possession
and enjoyment of said premises and
for eiuitable relief. This notice is
given pursuant to an order of the
said court. You are required to an
swer said petition ' on or before the
19th day of April, 1920, or your de
fault will be entered therein.
By A. L. TIDD,
mS-4w His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
F. M. Welshimer and Company, a
co-partnership, composed of F. M. Wel
shimer, C. E. Welshimer and James
Welshimer, Plaintiffs. - vs. Peter E.
Kuffner et al. Defendants.
To the defendant, Jojin W. Ttuffner
You are hereby notified that on the
21st day of August. A. D. 1919, plain
tiffs filed their .suit In the District
Court of Cass county,- Nebraska, the
object and purpose of which is to
foreclose a mechanic's lien on the
northwest quarter of Section five (5),
Township 11 N. Range 13, east of the
6th I'. M., in Cass county, Nebraska,
in the sum of $166.72, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per annum
from April 9, 1918, and equitable re
lief. This notice is given pursuant to an
order of said court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 19th day of April, 1920, or your
Qefault will be entered therein.
a co-partnership, composed of F.. M.
Welshimer, C. E. Welshimer and James
Welshimer. Plaintiffs.
By A. L. TIDD.
m8-4w. Their Attorney.
Emma Eikenbary, defendant, will
take notice that on the Sth day of
March, 1920, Alice Johnson, plaintiff
herein, filed her petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are to enforce spe
cific performance of a certain con
tract for the sale by the aeienaani or
an undivided one-third part of the fol
lowing described real estate, towit:
The south hair or tne soutnwest
ouarter of Section twenty-four (24);
also the north half of the northwest
quarter of Section twenty-five (25),
excepting twenty acres off the south
side thereof; also the east half of the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section twenty-three izi).
all In Township twelve (12), North
Range thirteen (13). east of the 6th P.
M.. Cass county. Nebraska: also the
following described tract of land, to
wit: Commencing at the northeast
corner of Section twenty-six (26) in
Township twelve (12). Range thirteen
(13). east or the 6tli I'. Al.. trass coun
ty, Nebraska; thence running west
forty (4) rods; thence south sixty
ifiOl rods: thence east forty (40) rods;
thence north sixty (60) rods to the
place of beginning, containing in all
174. 6S acres more or less, accoramg
to Government survey.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the .26th day of
pril. 1920.
Dated this Sth day of March. 1920.
John Rouse, if living, if deceased.
his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
personal representatives and all other
Interested in his estate: An
drew M. Rouse, if living, if deceased
his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in ins estate; me
American Freehold Land Mortgage
Company of London (Limited) and all
person? claiming any interest of any
kind in the north half of the south
east quarter of Section twenty-eight
(28). Township twelve (12), North
Range nine (9) east of the 6th P. M.,
Cass county, Nebraska, or any part
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 28th day of Febru
ary, 1920, a petition was filed in the
District Court or uass county, Ne
braska, ki which Peter Halmes is plain
tiff and John Rouse, if living, if de
ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
les-atees. nersonal representatives and
all other persons interested in his
estate: Andrew Al. :ouse, u living, iir
deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees,--personal representatives and
ah other persons interested in his es
tate; The American Freehold Land
Mortgage Company -of London (Limit
ed) and all persons claiming any in
terest of any Kind in me -norm nan
of the southeast quarter of Section
twenty-eight (28), Township twelve
(12). North Range nine () easi oi
the 6th P. M.. Cass county, JSeorasKa,
or any-part thereof, are defendants.
The object and prayer oi wnicn pe
tition is to quiet the title In the plain
tiff Peter Halmes to the north half of
the southeast quarter of Section twen
ty-eight. Township twelve, iNorin
ifnnirp nine east of the 6th P. M.. Cass
county, Nebraska, because said plain
tiff, nd his grantors, nave naa tne ac
tual, onen. notorious, exclusive and
adverse possession thereof, and every
part and parcel tnereoi, lor mure man
ten years last past prior to the com
mencement of this action, and for
equitable relief.
You and eacli or you are iuruier
r...ti(ierl that vou. are reauired to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 19th day of April. 1920.
ml-4w. Attorney
Manota Vallery, defendant will take
notice that on the Sth day of March,
1920, Alice Johnson, plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, against said
defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to enforce specific perfor
mance of a certain contract for the
sale bv the defendant of an undivided
one-third part of the following de
scribed real estate, towit:
The south half of the southwest
quarter of Section twenty-four (24);
also the north half of the northwest
quarter of Section twenty-five (2u),
cvr-t-nt insr twenty acres off the south
side thereof; also the e,ast half of the
southeast quarter oi ints .-uu uiran
quarter of Section twenty-three (23).
all in Township twelve (12), North
Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M.. Cass county. Nebraska; also the
following described tract oi lanu iu
wit: Commencing at the northeast cor
ner or Section twenty-six (26 in Town
ship twelve (12) Range thirteen (13)
east of the 6th P. M., Cass county. Ne
braska; thence running west forty (40)
rods; thence south sixty (60) rods;
thence east forty 40 rods; thence
north sixty 0i rods, to the place of
beginning,- containing in all 174.68
acres more or less according to Gov
ernment survey.
You are required to answer eaid pe
tition on or before the 26th day VI
April. 1920. '
Dated this 8th day of March. 1920.
m8-4w. Plaintiff.
Dusterhoff Interiors
bear the distinctive mark or
They are always recognized by those
who appreciate the BEST!
We strongly urge that you book
your orders for SPRING WORK with
us now, so thaf you may be sure to
have your work done well and with
out any delay.
Call, write or phone today.
Uax Dusterhoff,
Exclusive INTERIOR DECORATING and Practical
Painting for 23 years.
5 .
We carry the newest and finest Wall Paper in st6ck! J
To the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons Interested In the
estate of S. N. Merriam, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees. legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
William H. Wright, deceased; Hugh
Henrv, If living, if deceased, his un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in his estate; all
persons claiming any interest of any
kind in that part of Lots two, three
and five, in Section thirteen. Town
ship twelve. Range ten. Cass county,
Nebraska, lying north and east of the
B. At M. Railroad right of way. or any
part thereof, and Myrtle P. At wood:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 3rd day of March,
1920. a petition -was filed in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
in which Tillie Zaar, Oscar-W. Zaar
and Axel I). Zaar were plaintiffs, and
the Village of South Bend; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons Interested in the estate of S.
N. Merriam. deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate, of William H.
Wright, deceased; Hugh Henry, if
living, if deceased, the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in his estate; Catherine H. Parmele,
widow of Calvin H. Parmele, deceased;
Myrtle P. Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew,
Charles C. Parmele and Thomas E.
Parmele, sole heirs of Calvin H. Par
mele, deceased; that part of Lots two,
three and five in Section thirteen,
Township twelve, Range ten, Cass
county, Nebraska lying north and east
of the B. & M. railroad right of way,
and all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in ' said real estate, or
any part thereof, were defendants.
The 'object and prayer of which pe
tition are to quiet title in the plaintiff
Tillie Zaar to Lot two in that part of
Section thirteen, Township twelve,
Range ten, Cass county, Nebraska, ly
ing north and east of the B. & M.
railroad right of way;
To quiet the title in the plaintiff
Axel D. Zaar, to Lot three in Section
thirteen, .Township twelve. Range ten,
Cass county, Nebraska, lying north
and east of the B. : M. right of way;
To quiet the title in the plaintiff
Oscar W. Zaar, to lot five in Section
thirteen, township twelve. Range ten,
Cass county, Nebraska, lying north
and east of the B. & M. railroad right
of way;
Because said plaintiffs, and each of
them, and their grantors, have had
the actual, open, notorious, exclusive
and adverse possession thereof, and of
every part and parcel thereof, for
more than ten years last past prior to
the commencement of this action, and
for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to' an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 26th day of April, 1920.
" Plaintiffs.
C. A. RAWLS, "
mS-4v. Attorney.
If it's in the book line, call at
the Journal office.
The Cass County Monument Co. has a
fine lot of Monuments and Headstones from
yvhich to select. The prices are right. Remem
ber, there are not many days left in which to
have your work done by " the 30th of May.
We also cut inschiptions at the cemetery.
Give Us a Trial!
Cass County Monument Company
H. W. SMITH, PRopr.
Telephone 177 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb.
on Petition for Appointment of
A ilmlnln I rat or.
The State of Nebraska, Cass county,
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
W. Long, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Alva O. Long praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to
John W. Edmunds, as administrator;
Ordered, that April 6th, A. D. 1920,
at ten o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested In said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons In
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated March 13. 1920.
ml5:3w. County Judge..
' ' '" - !
and Notice of Probate of
In the County Court of Cass county,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Ann White, deceased:
On reading the petition of Mark
White praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the Sth day of
March, 1920, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Ann White, deceased; that
said instrument be admitted to pro-
bate, and the administration of said
estate be granted to D. J. Pittman aa
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the lSth day of April, A. D. 190.
at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of tho
petitioner should r.ot be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly -newspaper printed in
said county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said,
court, this 8th day ot March, A. D.
(Seal) mll-3w . County Jui. '
Five pedigreed poland china gilts,
farrowed Sept. 29th, weigh 170
pounds, $40 each. Telephone 3513.
A. O. Rarnge.
Read the Journal.
f 1