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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1920)
ir Ftte Kutcri cal Society SplatteiriitOMilb VOL. XXXVTL PLATTSMQUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1920. No. 79 BURLINGTON SECTION HAND IS KILLED ROCK ISLAND FREIGHT TRAIN NO. 95 STRIKES MOTOR CAR FILLED WITH BRIDGE MEN OOF) SOHL DANGEROUSLY HURT Foreman of Gang Will Probably Die and Charles Bullock is Killed in the Accident. From Friday' Dally. This morning at 9:30 as the freight train Xo. 95 of the Rock Is land was traveling from South Bend to Louisville over the Burlington tracks, the train ran into a' motor car filled with Burlington" bridge men and as a result Charles Bullock, aged 50 years, of Cedar Creek was Instantly killed and Con Sohl, the foreman, received injuries from "which it is thought he will die. Wnere the accident occurred, one mile west of Louisville, there is a very sharp curve and the approach ing train was not In view of the bridge gang who were hurrying to their work traveling on a railroad motor car and the train was upon them before they discovered It ap proaching. Bullock was instantly killed in the wreck while the fore man suffeerd severe injuries to the back and chest as well as a danger ous cut on the head. The train was stopped as soon as possible and the injured man. Con Sohl placed on a train and hurried to Lincoln, where he was placed in the hospital. The injured men are all employes of the Burlington on the Cedar Creek bridge gang and make their home at that place. The bridge men claim that the approaching train did not whis tle or offer any other indication of its approach until too late to avoid the collision. Conductor W. E. Brown was in charge of the freight at the time of the accident. Since the starting of the work on the. Rock Island bridge at South Bend the Rock Island has been de touring its- trains from that place over the Burlington to Louisville and from there to Meadow over the Mis-r-ouri Pacific. RECEIVES INFORMA TION ABOUT BONDS 'Department of Justice at Lincoln In Forms County Cl?rks of the Pro ceeding in Issuance of Bonds From Friday's Dally. County Clerk George R. Sa'yles has received information from Lincoln from the state department of justice in regard to the issuing by counties, municipalities and school districts of bonds and which will be of Interest to all the taxpayers of the state. The letter Is as follows: The attention of this office has been called recently to certain bond transactions in this state, which have teen very unsatisfactory to the mu nicipalities and school districts vot ing such bonds. Inasmuch as there will be confusion and innocent per sons may be defrauded and the re putation of Nebraska bonds may be In jured if great care is not used In the issuance and sale of bonds In this state, this office deems it advisable to make the following suggestion virat rr.nntlpi municiDalities or . school districts voting bonds should see to It that, the record or history of: their bond issue be made up by their officers, by a duly authorized 'agent or an attorney representing such dis- trict or municipality and represent Ing no other person, persons or cor poration. O nnr A Tliat imMi aniorfn? into UCVUUU. AUab - - E" ----- ft contract with anv nerson or cor- poration for the sale "of such bonds it would be advisable, in the case of a foreign corporation or non-resident rf ihli ttntf tr ranuire Kiirh nerson or corporation to deposit in a local ; n nis city will regret very mucn bank the sum required' under the tQ learn of the unfortunate accident contract for 'the purchase of such an)j trust that he may recover from bonds, the bond transaction to be I ue ordeal without the permanent In completed at the local bank where j jury of the eye, but at thla' time the knoney and bonds are to be de- this seems doubtful. . posited in escrow, subject to the terms of the contract. . Third. Be certain of the bidder's financial responsibility and his right to do business In this state, and keep the bonds in the state until the bi der performs his contract.' . FROST DAMAGES PAVING Prom Thursday Dai. ' The frost coming out of the ground has raised several varieties of trou ble with the paving on Main street and a section of the cobble stone pavement In front the store of F. P. Busch has been pushed several feet above the surface of the street by the action of the frost. The use of the roller la tamping the pavement "will be necessary as soon as the weather conditions settle." PRESBYTERIAN LADIES WERE ENTERTAINED Met on Wednesday Afternoon at the Church Parlors Refresh ments Served. From Friday Dally . The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church was very pleasant ly entertained on Wednesday after noon at the church parlors by Mes dames G. L.. . Farley. C. E. Hartford and E. A. Wurl. The parlors were very charmingly arranged for the occasion with a large number of potted and flowering plants whose bright flowers and pleasant green foliage made the scene one of rare beauty and charm. The decorations throughout were in keeping with the Easter season and showed much care and thought fulness in their preparation. The auxiliary has secured several large ornamental screens for use in the church parlors which had beeD deco rated and completed by Rev. and Mrs. McCluskey and which were in use for the first time at this meet ing and made a very pleasant addi tion to the decorations of the rooms. Following the business session of the society ' the. members of whom there were a large number in atten dance, proceeded to enjoy a fine so cial time which was featured by very dainty and delicious refresh ments served by the hostesses and which were in keeping with the spirit of the Easter season. OLD RESIDENT RECOVERING From Thursday) Daily. Albert O'Neill, who was Injured several weeks ago by being struck by the Missouri Pacific northbound pas- , senger train, is so far .recovered as to return home from the hospital in Omaha and Is now up and around. He is still carrying his arm in a sling but is feeling greatly improved. Mr. O Neill is also without a dougt. Platts mouth's oldest resident as his parents were among the first white settlers in the county. In speaking of this, Mr. O'Neill says that he was here when Drury Graves, who was consid ered the oldest settler, came to the city. MAY LOSE SIGHT OF HIS LEFT EYE James Gilmour of This City Who is Employed on the John Gustin Farm Meets With Accident From Friday' Dally. James Gilmour, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gilmour of this city, met with an accident a few days ago that irlll nrnhahlv rpsillt in the loss Of Ihia left eve. The young man has haon owti st(h in workinsron the farm Qf niS uncle, John J. Gustin, near Murdock and while he was engaged n cutting a strand of wire with a pair cf cutters a small piece of wire fjew Up and struck him in the eye, lacerating the eyeDau ana irom what' can be learned will prob ably result in the destruction of the sight of the eye. Mrs; Gilmour, LUC Slf)UV mw - J - . . the mother of the young man left yesterday for Murdock and will as sist in looking after the mjurea young man. . - The many friends of Mr. Gilmour FREE BRIDGE OVER PLATTE IS ADVOCATED AUTO OWNERS AND RESIDENTS OF COMMUNITY ARE STRONG FOR SUCH A PROPOSITION WILL PETITION COMMISSIONS To Take Up With State the Matter of Getting The Platte River Auto and Wagon Bridge for People From Thursday's Dally. The matter of a free automobile and wagon bridge over the Platte river at this place has been taken u? by a number of the prominent resi dents of the community and will. soon be brought to the attention of the board of county commissioners as the boosters for the proposition have a petition being circulated that is be ing filled up by the auto owners and those who have had occasion to use the bridge as a means of travel. The question of the free bridge has long been in the minds of the resi dents not only of this city and county but also of the neighboring counties to the south that find the government highway running through from the north to south an ideal means of travel and one that should be open and free to all. The federal govern ment as well as the. state has ex pended quite a sum in making the highway, but their efforts will not extend to improving the final road way to the bridge if it is privately owned as there is a strict TUling against the government aiding any private enterprise of this kind. rne cost of the bridge would be di vided one-quarter to both Cass and Sarpy county and a half by the state and the Omaha good roads boosters are willing to get into the game, we are Informed and help out the Sarpy end of the proposition so as to give this free bridge which is an important link on the Omaha-Kansas City road. The encouragement that the pe titioners have met with has greatly encouraged them and they will con tinue their work until a good repre sentation of the people of the county is found on the petition that will be put up to the county commissioners for action. The general espouse seems to indicate that it is a very popular move. ENJOY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Mesdames L. L. Wiles and Allen . X. Beeson Entertain the Members of the B. H. W. Club. From Friday's Dally. Last evening the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke L. Wiles was the scene of a most pleasant gathering when Mrs. Wiles and Mrs. Allen J. Beeson entertained their friends of the B. H. W. club in hon or of the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Wiles 'and Judge Beeson. Now as to what anniversary was celebrat ed we tire unable to state but the guests of honor blushingly acknowl edged . that they were "over eigh teen". The anniversary of Mr. Wiles occurring yesterday while Judge Bee son was celebrating his natal day today. . ' . ' The hostesses had prepared a most charmingly arranged 6 o'clock din ner that was thoroughly enjoyed by the members of the party. The ta bles were arranged in a large "T" and were very beautiful with the tasteful decoration of cut flowers and ferns, which with the snowy linen, sparkling silver and handsome china made a picture of beauty. The dinner was served In four courses by the daughters of the hos tesses. Misses Elizabeth, Grace, Vir ginia and Helen Beeson and Mar guerite Wiles. One of the features of the dinner was the birthday cakes with their candles denoting the yearn J that had been enjoyed by the gentle men in whose honor the event had been prepared. ;Durlng the progress of the dinner the guests of honor were toasted as well as "roasted" by their friends anil res-ponded gracefully to the marvj' kind remarks of their helpmates and associates. In honor; of the occasion the gentlemen were; presented with many handsome tokens of the esteem of their friends. Followingthe dinaer the medb'ers of the party were entertained at a theater party at theParruele to en joy the "Bird of Paradise". Those who participated in. the pleasant ev ening were MessersVaud Mesdames William Baird, Allen J. Beeson, E. II. Wescott, Robert B. Hayes, L. L. Wiles, J. E. Wiles arid Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wiles of Omaha,' Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill of BeemerJ who were for mer members of this social club were represented at the gathering by a letter of congratulations to the guests of lioonr. . ' 1 DEATH OF GEORGE H. BECKER TODAY ) . Passes Away After a Weed's Illness Due to Pneumonia and Flu Was Making Home at Perkins House Pivm Thursday's Daily This afternoon at If: 15, George H. Becker passed away after a week's illness due to the flu and complica tions of pneumonia. Mr. Becker had been visiting at Alvofor a few days af'the home of his aunt, Mrs." H. J. Miller and on returning to this city la.'St Saturday was taken down with a slight attack of the flu which rap idly developed into pneumonia. A trained nurse has been caring for him at his room in the Perkins hotel but he had steadily grown worse un til this noon when the death mes senger Came to relieve him of his suffering. George H. Becker was the oldest sen of John H. Becker, one of "the old residents of this community and was 55 years of age Jat the time of his death." He has W&U his lifetime in this community, residing at the parental home on the farm until the f&milyiremoved- to this city and has since lived In Plattsmouth." Of a kindly and helpful disposition the de ceased found no greater pleasure than assisting someone in their tasks and to those who knew him best his kindly and friendly presence will be missed. The father, J. II. Becker is spend ing the winter with Mrs. Becker at Long Beach, California. George H. Becker leaves surviving him three sisters and -three brothers, Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger of Lincoln; Mrs. C. T. Peacock and Mis. Frank A. Cloidt of this city; William A. Becker, Philip T. Becker and H. E. Becker, all of this community. The mother preceded George in. death some four years ago. The departed was also a nephew of Mrs. Frank Brinkman of this city and Mrs. H. J. Miller of Alvo. RECEIVES DEATH MESSAGE from Thursday's Dally. This afternoon B. B. Daniher of this city received a "message an nouncing the death In Chicago of his nephew, George Evans. The mes sage did not give the particulars of the death. Mr. Evans has been in the employe of the Burlington in Chicago for several years. He was thirty-five years of age and leaves a wife and two-children to mourn his death. The deceased was also a nephew of Mrs. E. F. Grimes of Oma ha. TWO MORE CANDI DATES WITHDRAW R. W. Knorr for City Treasurer and Guy W. Morgan for Councilman ' Withdraw From Thivsday'i Daily - ' The lure of running for office in tho city government does not -seem to appeal to the average citizen and the effort made to enlist the best j available man is not meeting with I great success. A number on both tickets have pulled out of the race . and the latest to have their declin ations filed with City Clerk McEl- wain are Roy W. Knorr, who was nominated by the republicans for city treasurer, and Guy W. Morgan, who has declined to run for council ' man In the first ward. Both of these gentlemen feel that to make I the race would be too much of a sac rifice and even if selected they would .find difficulty In serving and-doing justice to themselves.- BELIEVE JOB NOT WORK OF KANSAS GANG GREENWOOD BURGLARY FAILS TO CARRY EARMARKS OF THE PROFESSIONALS. SAFE PROVES BURGLAR PROOF Withstanding Three Charges of High Explosive Loss May Not be Heavy as Expected. From Thursday s Dailj ' Peace officers who- inspected the work of burglars at the Greenwood First. National bank Tuesday were not convinced that the Kansas gang of bank burglars had moved into Ne braska. When they first heard of the burglars, they were ready to gamble that the Kansas gang had invaded the state and that the long series of burglaries there, where hundreds of thousands of liberty bonds had been stolen, might be repeated in this state. s A close inspection of the work made it apparent that the work was not participated in by those accus tomed to safe cracking. It also showed that the so-called burglar proof safe might live up to its name. Three charges of high explosive had been tried on it and the worst that 'jad happened was that three blot ches had been made on the paint and the lower compartment combi nation lock would not respond to the touch; of the banker who knew how it- -should -open. . ., ;"- W- The burglary started bankers and peace officers to discussing v bank robberies where government bonds and securities are taken. The value of registering bonds was shown when it was stated that although there may be much delay in replacing se- urities, owners of government bonds that were registered will not lose. rhe bonds will be replaced. After the Greenwood bank bought its new burglar proof safe about a month ago the customers were urged to place their valuables, kept in the safety deposit boxes, in the vault of the bank, that they-might be placed in the bombproof safe at night. Some of the customers, in fact a large number of them, did so. They did not lose. ' If it develops that the work was that of professionals a strong sus picion will remain that the bank was on their list of easy marks and that the yeggs had not heard that the bank had replaced the old safe a few weeks ago. While the yeggmen took bonds they prefer cash. It is less dangerous to handle. If the registered government bonds form as large a part of the loss at Greenwood as the bankers think it will, the actual loss in the end will be small. The bank's loss was about $150 in money, while the loss in coupon bonds is thought to be con siderably undeY the $4,000 mark. Practically all of the government bonds kept In the deposit boxes eas ily opened with a pinch bar were be lieved to have been registered. There is a possibility that the total loss, including war stamps and cash, will not greatly exceed $4,000, counting the registered bonds' as recoverable. State Journal. . CIRCUS DAYS COMING The 'Joy of circus days will soon be with us in all its glory and a re minder of this fact was given this morning when the special train of the Sells-Floto company passed through' this city over the Burling ton for the east where they are to open the season. This Is one of the big circus organizations of the na tion and has pleased thousands of the old and young of America in its showing. ' MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE From Thursday's Daily. ' Yesterday afternoon County'Judge Eeson was called upon t6 nn:.e in n.arriage Miss Ruth Monroe of this ity and Mr. William R. StelLke of Cmaha, The young people expect to make their home in Omaha !.i the future. The bride is a daughter of 73!mer E. Monroe, formerly of Paci f: Junction, and. well known in this e:ty. The parents of the br-de at i .resent are residing in Wyoming. Marriage license was isseud In the -.;unty court to Louis G. Meisin-.;tr, and Miss Frances M. Heil, born of C dar Creek. The bride-to-be j tlu d.-.iighter of Mr. and Mrs. WVmV.l J I - J i and the groom a son of John Meisinger. SELLS HORSES from Thursony'n Dailv. Q. K. Parmele yesterday disposed of five head of bis horses to A. S Will and the stock will be removed to the farm of Mr. Will for use in the work there. Mr. Parmele has had some excellent stock in his barn here and his good judgment in the selecting of the horses gave him the best that could be secured. FRANK SCHMARDER GRABS OFF ANOTHER Defeats Cal Wood of Stanton in Two Out of Three Falls at Coates Hall Last Evening. From Friday's Daily. Frank Schmarder of Louisville, who has been grabbing them off reg ularly for the past few weeks, last night added another win to his rec ord when he successfully pinned Cal Woods of Stanton for two falls. Woods weighs in the neighborhood of 210 pounds, while Schmarder wrestles at 175, but the difference in weight made little difference to the Louisville man in. pinning down the shoulders of bUopponent. In the opening fall Woods at the conclusion of thirteen minutes was able to get a head scissors and wrist lock which brought Schmarder to the mat for the decision. In the second fall Schmarder -was able - ta.-conae back when with the toe hold he forced Woods to quit at the end of twenty-one minutes. The third and decisive fall came after twenty-four minutes with Frank getting a head scissors and bar arm lock, which laid Woods down for the decision. Lee Fickler, the veteran wrestler officiated as referee of the match. Andy Schmarder, the boxer and brother of Frank was present at the match. FIND JOURNAL A VALUABLE ADJUNCT TO HOUSEKEEPING From Friday's Dally. Adam Meisinger, one of the prom inent farmers of near Cedar Creek motored in this morning from his home accompanied by his mother, Mrs. J. H. Meisinger, and his daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Meisinger and spent a few hours here trading and visiting with friends. While here Mr. Meisinger called and had the name of his son, Rudolph Meis inger enrolled for the Journal for the coming year. Rudolph and bride are Just starting housekeeping and find they need this valuable as set in the enjoyment of their new home. If it's in the stationery line call at the Journal office. A Help to Young men engaged in putting by money with which to finance a home or enter a business will find our Certificates of Deposit an ideal place for suchJ 'savings. They are safe our entire resources are behind them. They pay a fair rate of interest. Your money can be obtained at any time on demand. Ask us about the various ways of building capital through their use. First National Bank "The Bank Where PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWLY DECORATED INTERIOR OF BUILDING NOW RE STORED TO ITS FORMER BEAU TY BY SKILL OF DECORATORS AUXILIARY WAS IN CHARGE Ladies Organization of Church Has Been Big Factor in Getting Work Completed This Season. From Friday' Dally. The First Presbyterian church of this city, one of the handsomest of the houses of worship in the city, has Just been redecorated and pre pared for the use of the congrega tion, and the regular services will be held in the main auditorium of the structure on Sunday, the services having been held in the basement of the church during the redecorating period. The large auditorium of the church has been decorated by N. K. Peoples, who has the contract, in a very h'andsome manner and the inter ior of the church is one of great beauty. The lobby of the church has been finished in the soft cream tints of the walls and the rich mahogany of the woodwork makes it very beau tiful to the eye. The swinging doors have also been prepared in the dark. staining with leather covering the main part of the doors. The interior of the auditorium is where the beauty of the new decora tions" can be best appreciated a here they show to the greatest of advantage--The lars;a fcam- MippoxUn the ceiling have been finished in the wark mahogany shades while the walls and ceiling are in the cream tints which produces a .harmonious and artistic effect The frescoing that formerly was on the walls has been replaced by the plain and sim ple decorations which are much more pleasing to the eye and adds to the richness of the interior. The win dows and woodwork 6f- the room have also been touched up with the mahogany finish and as the 6oft light fro mthe large colored glass windows enters the auditorium It produces an effect that is Indescribable in Its beauty. The woodwork of the Sunday rchool rooms in the basement of the church is receiving a coat of the fin ishing varnish and the floors are to be oiled and placed in fine shape. The building is a beauty and a credit to the splendid membership of the church. MILK COWS FOR SALE Two good milk cows, just fresh. At reasonable prices. Come and see them at Murray. Theo. Bouton. tf For Sale Three busnela of red clover seed, re-cleaned. $30 per bushel. O. A. Ramge, telephone 3513. w Dally Journal 16c per week. Young Men! m m rtl. j Yoa Feel at Home.