THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEHI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE In mm niniMO nnnrrn I HUILU IMUIHU UI1IVLH A SPEED TRIP VICTIM Murray Department Why Pay Prevailing Price for Your s If tor of the readers of the Journal kDOT" of any aoci&l event or Henvof Interest in this Ticlnltj. and will mall tme to this office, it will ap pear under this headine. We want all news items Ejmtob Dave" Jwis'- Identity is Revealed Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader dy itick Mystery still . Shrouds Car. A great deal of interest has been MOl (Off flDmur ClIeMs The depositors on our books include the leading busi ness and professional men people whose financial transactions through us often involve considerable sums. Their faith in us has been established by careful atten tion to every detail a service wnicn is ex tended to all depos itors, both large and srnall. We solicit in vestigation from all. Safety Honesty Courtesy Service Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our depos'.ts are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK A'l busioees transactions held in strict confidence Your Pcrtocal Bank. U Joseph Biel was unloading a car of line hay from the Missouri Pacific last Tuesday, which went in part to som? of "his neighbors. I;. It. Davis of Union was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday evening, com ing on the evening train to look af ter seme business matters lor a short time. Green Pigsot vas a visitor in Oma ha last Monday looking after some business - matters returning in the evening having driven up with his tar. Searl Davis and wife, the propri etors of Mapl? Grove farm drove In their car Irst Monday to Omaha, where they were looking after some business matters and visiting with friends. Grandpa Barrows, who has been making his home at Milford, in the soldiers and sailors home, for a num ber cf mouths' past, arrived in Mur ray last Tuesday morning and will visit here for some time, being the guest of his son, T. S. Barrows and family. Jefse McVey. who has been mak ing his home at. Murray and staying at the Hotel. Berger, was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Saturday, renew ing his acquaintance with his many friends there and returned home in the evening. Mr. McVey will, in the course of a few weeks return to Plattsmouth to make his home, for the summer. A party of young folks from Plattsmouth. were Sunday visitors at the home of D. A. Young, bring guests of them and Miss Clara Young for . the day, they being Mr. Guy White, Mrs. C. L. Creamer and two daughters. Misses Hose Mae and Clara, they having drove down in a car and returning home in the even ing and enjoying a very pleasant visit while there.. Mrs. John Campbell who has been visiting in Weeping Water and Un ion for the past few days returned home last Monday evening. Arthur Troop was a business visit or in Murray last Tuesday afternoon and drove down from his farm near Plattsmouth in his car. The contractor J. A. Scotten with his force of workmen have just com pleted a porch on the home of T. J. Brcndel. which is a convenience to the home. Mrs. Geo. Parks was a passenger to Omaha last evening, where she went to visit- with her daughter. Miss Willa, who is receiving treat ment at the hospital. Mrs. G. W. McCracken and little daughter Elizabeth, are -visiting at the present with relatives at Cres ton, Iowa, during the interval of construction of the house in whicn they are to live here. Mrs. Geo. Meisinger and eon Har ley of Plattsmouth and Mrs. Robert Farrar of Omaha, and a daughter of Mrs. Meisinger, were visiting for a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mannier, west of Mur ray. Mrs. Mannier is the daughter of Mrs. Meisinger. Samuel Click of Hicksville, Ohio, who has been visiting in and near Murray for several days past, the guest at the home cf his son, Wirth Click and wife, departed last Tues day evening for his home in the east and was accompanied as far as Omaha by his son and wife. J Last Tuesday T. J. Brendel was ! looking after some business matters at Lincoln, where he drove in his car, to consult with the home ofiice of the Auto Insurance company for which he works. Mr. Brendel is making good with this company and securing a large amount of good busi- ness. PHENOMENAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN Hat v Easier time is drawing very near. Why pay twice or three times for that hat. Our line offers you the 1920 styles. Colors black, Copenhagen, dust, navy and cardinal. Trimmings Imported wreaths, silk ribbons, circe ribbons, fancy ornaments, etc. ' Prices $2.75, $3.25t $4.50 Don't let loose of six to ten dollars, for the very same millinery. Hiati m Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Ben Dill was shelling some corn for the feeding of his stock last Tuesday afternoon. Creamer and Minford shipped to : the South Omaha market, a car of fine hogs last Tuesday. Frank Marasek took a truck load J of hogs to Omaha las-t Tuesday for the leverage brcthpr. Lee Fickler was a visitor in Mur ray last Tuesday looking after some business matters for a short time. Mrs. D. C. Rhoden is making gar den and is endeavoring to give moth er earth an opportunity to furnish some early vegetables. A. Gansemer was a visitor in Cen tral City for some time during the week, where he is looking after some business matters on his farm, which he recently acquired. J. W. Edmonds was hustling about making preparations for the institu tion and early garden, which is to supply him with an abundance of things to eat later on. Dr. G. II. Gilmore and wife, with their little son John, and Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter Miss Margery, and Gladys Marasek, were visiting with friends in Union last Sunday. John Farris drove his Reo sedan to Nebraska City last Monday, accom panied by Messrs. Alva Long and G. M. Minford, where they were all looking after some business matters. W. H. Puis was a visitor in Oma ha last Monday, where he was look ing after some purchases! for his hardware and implement stocks, in which he is doing an excellent busi ness here.. L. H. Puis and family were vioit ing at the home of J. W. Peters' at Avoca last Sunday driving over there with their car and after having en- ; joyed an excellent visit returned heme in the evening. Galen Rhoden, little son of Glen Rhoden, has been sick at the home of his parents with a bronchial trouble, which is causing the little fellow con siderable suffering. It is hoped that he will soon have regained his health. Messrs. David and Fred Rutherford of Plattsmouth . and their cousins Misses Agnes and Jane Rutherford of Omaha, spent Sunday in Murray, the guests at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dull, driving down from Plattsmouth in the auto and returning home in the evening. Claus Tams of Nebraska City, ac companied by Lee Gilbert, also of that place, were in Murray for a short time last Tuesday on seme business, and also on their way to Plattsmouth, where they had some matters to look after; and on their return were accompanied by Miss Anna Tams, sister of Mr. Ciaus Tams, where she will visit for some time. Will T. Hutchinson surprised his good wife a few days ago by the purchase and intallation of a power washer, which will greatly lighten the washday tasks of Mrs. Hutch inson. The washer was purchased at the business emporium of W. H. Puis, who carries all needed farm machinery and household devices which go to make the farm and home life worth while. L." H. Puis sold a few days ago., one of the larger Alamo farm light ing plants to Harry G. Todd, which is to be shipped to Ainsworth for in stallation in the ranch home of Mr. Todd at that place. Mr. Todd ha.s exercised good judgment in the se lection of this lighting plant, which is handled by Mr. Puis, and of which he has sold a large number, all giv ing excellent satisfaction. Mrs. Minnie Wood and son and daughter, who were former residents of this place, but have made Lincoln their home for the past several years, entertained the boys from Murray who are attending the State University this year, at dinner Tues day evening of last week. The toys greatly enjoyed their visit at the Wood home and were treated to a number of piano and violin selections by Miss Velma and Master Lelaud Wood, who are splendid musician? as the people of Murray well know, having heard them at an entertain ment which they gave here last year. The boys who had the pleasure cf enjoying this occasion were Everett Spangler, Walker Gilmore, Virgil and Russell Perry and Virgil McDun iel of Nebraska City, but formerly of Murray and all voted the Wood fam ily splendid entertainers. High School Notes. Willa Parks Is out of school on ac count of sickness. ' Violet Keil was absent from school Monday. Gustav Bouten leaves Wednesday for his new home at Grant, Neb. Gustav i9 an excellent scholar and we wish him the best of success in hia new work. Eighth grade examinations will be given in the high school room Thurs day and Friday, of this week. Violet Vallery, who has been a pupil in. the eighth grade, has now moved to Plattsmouth. We are sor ry to lose Violet from our class here, but hope she enjoys her work in the Plattsmouth school. Evelyn Moore was visiting in Mur ray Saturday. Lorene Hatchett was absent from school last Friday. Monday all the pupils of the gram raer room were at school again. This was the first time there had been a perfect attendance since last Decem ber. We are glad spring is here and all are well again. , aroused in - motor-wise Detroit by i the appearance of "Dave" Lewis, the noted racing driver, in a new speed i creation, the identity of which Is shoulded in mystery. Lewis, who holds all the world's track records from one to one hund red miles and is known as the most Bridge F?re Delays Train. Last Tuesday afternoon just as the northbound evening train on the Missouri Pacific was pulling into the station it was discovered that the bridge just south of town was on fire, and backing to the place, the crew with the section workmen, soon had the blaze subdued, and the time made up before reaching Omaha. I i ; fearness of the younger generation of drivers, first appeared on the roads around Detroit three weeks ago. For some days his identity was unknown, but the performance of the car he drove aroused so much curiosity, that several factory tester- set a trap, stationing a friendly traf fic policeman on one of the roads en tering the city which was used by the "mystery car". The policeman stopped Lewis, but let him go with a warning after obtaining his name. The identity of the car was not re vealed. Lewis first gained fame on the In dianapolis Speedway and later won much fame at Tacoma, Oklahoma City, Sheepshead Bay and in the Santa Monica road race. Last De cember he drove the stock Essex chassis which set a new world's long distance endurance record on the Cincinnati Speedway by covering 3,037 miles in 50 hours. This car is handled by L. H. Puis of Murray and Is warranted by him as well as the manufacturers, who stand behind this, one of the best cars on the mar ket. Call on him at Murray for a demonstration. Will Give Supper Saturday The ladies of the Christian church will give a supper Saturday evening, this being their portion for the work of the library fund. It is always an assured fact that when the ladies of the Presbyterian church provide the eats, that they are something worth while. Do. not forget to be present at the supper for you 'will get all you can eat and of the best and at the same time be promoting a worthy cause. You will have but a few opportunities to enjoy the Sat urday evening suppers this season, so do not neglect to be present at sup per Saturday evening. Population Growing Nicely At the home of Edward Murphey west of Murray, there came a boy a short time, ago to gladden the f home, and to say that he did so would be putting it very mildly. A little girl also gladdens the house hold of Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Smith. All concerned are doing "icelv and gladness Is the feature of the home. At Henry Engelkemeicrs also came a little blue eyed girl announcing her intention of making their home her abiding place, and where she was gladly received, and all is joy in this household. j He is Now Sporting a Ford : W. J. Philpot, who has been in the west for some time, returned last Monday from Overton to find that a new Ford car was awaiting him at Plattsmouth and return ed to town bringing it home. He j found things looking pretty well in the west, but like here, .a consider able wind blowing. Will Engage a Minister Last Sunday afternoon the mem bers of the board of the Christian church, located at Plattsmouth and their wives, were meeting with the board of the same church at Mur ray, in a meeting, wherein the churches of the two cities got to gether in the arrangements for the employment of a minister for the two churches, arranging for the" pro rata of payment for the two church es and which seems equitable, with 1 Plattsmouth to furnish the parson age for the minister. The arrange ments were made for the holding of services at Murray every Lord's day morning, and at Plattsmouth in the evening. Those to come down and meet with the board of Murray church were: Thomas Wiles and wife, O. C. Hudson and wife, C. E. Whitaker and wife, and John F. Stander. This arrangement should place the two churches in position to secure a very able minister. Are Pushing the Construction The work on the new house which S. G. Latta is having constructed just north of his home, for the oc cupancy of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mc Cracken. is to be rapidly pushed for ward by J. A. Scotten and his two efficient helpers. Ralph Kennedy and Wm. Hcman. The building is to be modern with the single exception of heat. There will be a bath together , with electric lights and water which ; Mr. Latta is having furnished from his pressure tanks at his home. This will make a good home for Mr. and Mrs. McCracken. High Winds Do Some Damage The wind last Monday blew a windmall tower over at the home of Frank Dill and the end of a ma chinery shed out for Mr. Ben Dill, but otherwise did not do much dam age, other than the blowing away of the dry dirt from the roots of the wheat. - Sewing Some Seed Just Now Glen Poedeekr purchased at the t're ot W. H. Puis, one hundred ''A s vi-nty-five doll?" wortl of tlor feed for use on fan: (.t T.'oiray, getting isho'.s This seems pretty high, but when it is considered that that amount will seed a large area it Is not so ex pen sive per acre. Henry Creamer also left orders for some '.wo hundred dollars worth of the same kind of seed, which he will sow on his farm. For Sale Five R.ed Tolled registered bulls for sale. Also some good timothy and clover hay. "Phone 3114. A. F. NICKELS & SON. m4-4w. Murray, N-jbr.. Will Make Extended Visit. Last Wednesday Mrs. B. A. Root departed for Chicago, where she will visit for some time with her son, B. C. Davis, after which she will go to Canton. Ohio, for a visit with her sister Mrs. J. E. Wagner, for a while and later will go to Cincinnati and spend some time with another sister, Mrs. Mayme Johnston. On her return she. will stop at Manistee, Mich., where she will visit for a time at the home of two of her sons. Mrs. Root will make an extended visit while away. 17. r. voire AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES SEASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 1511 Hurray Ext zanje We always carry a very complete line of shoes and have invested lots of money be fore the present high prices and are willing - to give you the benefit of our buying fore sight. Come in and be convinced we have the right price on all kind of shoes you may need either work or dres's. The Service Store ALFRED GANSEMER, Proprietor LEVIS TO DRIVE ESSEX IS RUMOR Announcement of Speed Demon's NeM Connection Causes Sensation in Detroit. Indianapolis, this year, but so far as is known no American manufacturer t has yet signified any intention of entering this track classic, the task of upholding the honors won by America in past years being left to individual drivers. L. H. Puis is handling this es pecially excellent car in his sales rooms at Murray, and would be pleased to demonstrate for you at any time. The announcement that "Dave" Lewis has abandoned the eight cylin der Deusenberg with which he cap tured every world's track record from one to one hundred miles to sign up with the Essex motors has. caused something akin to a sensation in De troit. In view of (he fact that the Essex was designed by the same men re sponsible for the Hudson Super-Six and that it is built in the Hudson factory, there is much speculation as to whether the signing of Lewis forecasts another sensational cam paign such as won for the Super Six the American Speedway cham pionship. The Essex proved that it possesses the same qualities which made the Hudson Super-Six famous when it set a new world's long distance en durance record on the Cincinnati Speedway by covering 3,037 miles in 50 hours. This record was made by a stock chassis and it is also wrothy of note, that the Essex was driven on this occasion by Lewis. It is several years since any of the big manufacturers have taken part in any kind of contests. One reason for this has been the unprecedented demand for cars which has caused them to devote their entire energies exclusively to production. This year, however, it is known that many of the larger European manufacturers are preparing special racing cars for an American invasion in an effort to regain the prestige they lost during the war. Peugot, Bollot and Sunbeam are all to be represented by entries at Gu23ts'at the Oldham Home Last Sunday Col. M. A. Bates and wife, and Robert A. Bates and wife, were visitors inMurray, being the guests for a short time of Mrs H. L. Oldham and other friends. . This is the first time that Col. M. A. Bates and wife have been in Murrav since 1 he recovered from his illness several ' months ago. Services at Presbyterian Church Arrangements are made for the holding of service on Sunday morn ing at the Presbyterian church at Murray, the Rev. "W. N. Halsey of Omaha, coming down to deliver the sermon. Mr. Halsey is a very able minister, and is very popular with the members of the church at this place. There will also be bible school In the morning. Visiting Friends Here. M. S. Davis, who has for some time made his home at Haxtun. Col orado, has been visiting with friends and relatives in and near Murray for the past week, being the guest of his mother Mrs. J. A. Davis. 'He at the home of O. A. Dav is," John Davis and Frank J. Davis as well as at the home of his niece, Mrs. W. E. Milburn. Drugs Prescriptions TQE2 V,"r. have purchased the Drug Stock cf "The Meier Drug Cc." at Murray and will continue operation of same uplr the same management as heretofore. The only change will be in name, which will in the future be known as "The Murray; Drug Co." All book accounts are also transferred with the business, so we can con tinue without a break in our business relations. We have endeavored to give you good service and fair prices while conducting the business for Mr. Meier, and feel our effor.ts have been appreciated, judging from the patronage we have received. Under our very own con trol we can give you even better service Jhan in the past, and while we expect to profit ourselves in this commun ity, it will be our earnest endeavor to so conduct our selves and our business that our coming among you will be a benefit and not a calamity. Thanking you for your patronage, and hoping to merit a continuation of the same, we are, yours for a bigger and better Murray. Drag G. W. McCracken, Mgr. Drug Sundries Patents I m Ha T I Repub m TrupM ? lib I! II IliuliWo f t T t r r y t Y f Y Y Y f T T T r Besides retaining the agency for the Fulton Truck, I have accepted the agency for the REPUBLIC line of trucks in Eight Mile Grove,' Plattsmouth, Rock Bluffs, Liberty and Nehawka precincts, and am ready to furnish you with trucks of one ton, one and a quarter ton, one and a half ton, two and a half ton and three and a half ton capacities. The Republic truck is handled by Andrew Murphy & Son, which Con cern has houses in Omaha and Sioux City. Its Omaha plant alone has 70,000 feet of floor space. The Murphy company has been in business in Omaha since 1869, and has specialized in Republic trucks for a half score of years. There are thousands of truck orphans left on the hands of their owners. Their makers have gone out of business. It is- reported that of 555 companies or ganized since 1909, 331 no longer exist. Half of the remainder are less, than two years old. 228 makers went out of business in less than one year. Out of 42 dealers distributing trucks in Omaha territory since 1909, 23 are no longer in business. 10 of the remainder no longer handle trucks. 35 dif ferent makes of trucks formerly distributed by them are in no way represented now, or are known as Orphans. 1 0 factories formerly manufacturers of trucks sold in this territory no longer exist. f T T Y Y Y f Y Y Y t t Y Y Y Y z are Built by the LARGEST TRUCK MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD Reliable Truck and Car Dealers 1 Y Y X f Y Y MURRAY NEBRASKA