The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MONDAY, MARCH.-22,. 1920.
More Than Merely A Tire
GATES TIRES are are built with one idea in view - auberb
service anH endurance. Correct materials are selected, to ac-
co.nplist these ends.
GATES TIRES have done better than 10,000 miles. Some
have run 1 5,000 miles. As near as can be determined, 8,000
is only an ordinary performance for a GATES.
Since these tires are built to attain sooerb service and en
durance, and every process of construction assures these more
mile? for less money.
BUY JUST ONE GATES let us register it keep track
of its mileage mileage yourself. Make Gates establish its repu
tation with YOU on YOUR car.' It's the logical and safe way.
e WeSdlmmsum
Tore -.
Also One Lincoln Woman Winner of
Homestead Carl Wheeler of
v Nebraska City lucky.
From Friday's Daily.
Dispatches from Cheyenne appear
ing in this morning's papers state
that of the 57 successful applicants
for farms in the Shoshone irriga
tion project for which drawing was
made at Powell, 31 were Nebraskans.1
Including one woman. Ruth Franklin
of Lincoln.
Entries closed last Friday, none
but world war veterans being allow
ed to file. There wero total o
546 applicants for the half hundred
farm units.
The Powell list of Nebraskans in
cludes the name of but one man from
this part of the state, Curl Wheeler,
of Nebraska City, who was a member
of the first contingent sent from Otoe
county to the National Army Train
ing Detachment quartered at the
University of Nebraska. The list in
cludes the names of eight Lincoln-
ites, the others being largely from
the central and western part of the
From Friday's Dally.
The Eastern Star enjoyed one of
their most interesting and pleasant
meetings of the season at the Ma
sonic temple Wednesday evening,
when eleven new members were re
ceived into the order. At the con
clusion of the initiatory work the
members of the order adjourned to
the banquet hall, where dainty and
delicious refreshments were served.
The banquet hall was very charm
ingly arranged with the St. Patrick
decorations of green and made a
beautiful setting for the splendid ev
ening that followed. A number of
toasts' were responded too by mem
bers of the party. Judge J. T. Beg
ley, W. R. Young, E. P. Lutz and S.
S. Chase being members of the Ma
sonic order who were called on for
short remarks while a. number of
the ladies also responded with ap
propriate addresses.
Mrs. B;ss Draper United in Marriage
Yesterday Afternoon to
Mr. Claus Speck
From Thursdav's Dally.
A very quiet home wedding oc
curred late yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Claus Speck Sr.,
when her son. Ciaus, was united in
marriage to Mrs. Bess Draper, the
marriage lines being read by County
Juuge Allen J. Beeson. The cere
mony was witnessed by the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Speck are well
and favorably known to a large cir
cle of warm friends who will wish
them well in their future years as
they go through life as one. The
bride is the sister of J. L. Russell
and has been making her home with
her brother and family. The groom
has spent bis life time in this city
and is one of the popular and well
liked young men of the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Speck will make their
home on Locust street in the resi
dence property of the groom.
From Thursday Dallj
Today was the tenth birth anni
versary of Edgar Wescott and to as
sist him In celebrating the anniver
sary, has been the duty of the rela
tives of the young man. The festl-
11 U Gold Seal
i f vPguabanteei j
Congoleum Art-Rugs make
any room brighter and cheer
ier. Their soft, harmonious
colors are pleasing to the eye.
They are really beautiful in
spite of their low cost
No fastening needeof because
the felt base has no tend
ency to curl or "kick up"
at the edges. Thesurface
is hard and smooth and wear
resisting. "The most durable
printed loor-cocering" filly de
scribes Congoleum.
All Congoleum Product now bear
a Gold-Seal Guarantee that inaures
your money back if the service is
not satisfactory. Look for the
Gold Seal before you buy
. Jj
i Mm
j especially pnntea ruga. i
r.f r l t mm
val occasion was dampened, not only
by the rain but also by the fact that
the motherof the lad is out of the
city and has put the chief burden or
the celebration upon the father and
sister who are determined that this
occasion shall be observed with more
than passing interest. The cleaning
up of the big birthday cake as well
as a movie party are among the
things planned for the birthday.
Name of Local Woman to be Placed
on Ballot as Candidate for
District Alternate.
Lincoln, March 17. A voters pe
tition requesting that the name of
Mrs. ,Frank H. Dunbar, of Platts
mouth, be placed on the preferen
tial primary ballot, April 20. as a
candidate for District Alternate to
the republican national convention
from the First district, was filed
with the secretary of state this
Mrs. Dunbar was active during
the War In Red Cross work and at
present is taking a prominent part
in the activity of organizing home
service work for the ex-service men.
She is well known throughout Cass
county, and while inexperienced in
politics, has a large number of
friends and admirers who have in
sisted upon her candidacy. -
In filing the petition, Mrs. Dun
bar issued a statement in which she
"In order to prove that we are
capable of discharging our duty as
voters, the women of Nebraska must
take an active Interest in the poli
tics of our state. Participation in
politics is as much an innovation
with me as it is with the majority
of women.
"I realize how great an honor it
would be to represent the republi
can voters of the First district at
the National Convention and I have
accepted the filing made to place my
name upon the republican primary
ballot as a candidate for' District
Alternate from the First Congres
sional district. (
"I hope that the republicans, of
iNeDraska will instruct .the delega
tion for Nebraska's own, John J.
Pershing, whom I believe to be the
best fitted man to lead our country
to victory. Regardless of my per
sonal preference, however, I will
support at the convention the man
for whom , the electors of Nebraska
instruct me to vote."
"The Bird of Paradise," Richard
Walton Tully's romantic drama of
the Hawaiian Islands, produced by
Oliver Morosco. will play an engage
ment at the Parmele theatre in this
city on Thursday evening of next
week; March 21th. This novel play,
with its wealth of beautiful scenery,
its native band of Hawaiian singers
and dancers will be given by the
same capable cast that is playing it
in the larger cities over the country,
it now being on its ninth successful
tour. ,
The story of the play deals with
the downfall of one white man thru
the insidious influence of the tropics
and the uplifting of another thru
the pure influence of an American
girl. Through "it all runs the tragic
love story of Luana, the pretty little
Hawaiian princess, who thinks she
can hold the love of her American
husband with her lips and her arms,
and failing to do so, gives herself as
a human sacrifice5 to save her people
from the wrath of Goddess Pele.
Mr. Morosco will present a new
comer in the part of Luana, in Miss
Ann Reader, a young lady who has
not yet passed her teens, but of
whom great things are promised, in
the dramatic line. Others in the
cast are Frederick Forrester, Guy
Harrington, Agnes Cappeline, Tay
lor Carroll and the Hawaiian sing
ers and players.
from Thursday's Daily.
The names of Alfred Anderson,
Carl D. Ganz, E. A. Knight, H. L.
Bornemeier, James Greer and J. A.
Shaffer of Alvo, have been filed for
delegates for tile republican county
convention from Greenwood precinct
and Mrs. Claire Bornemeier has been
named as candidate for committee
woman. W. A. Armstrong has filed
as committeeman and John M. Mef
ford as delegate from Salt Creek pre
cinct to . the republican county con
vention. - v
This afternoon Mrs. J. B. Higley,
accompanied by Mrs. George Barr,
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Elledge and Mr.
and Mrs. Haywood Elledge departed
for Council Bluffs, where they will
visit at the home of Jack Elledge,
a son of Mrs. Higley and brother of
the other members of the party over
Sunday, attending the birthday an
niversary of the little son of Mr.
Has Had Stomach Trouhle for 7 Years
Theodore Sanfoid of Fenmore,
Mich., has had stomach, trouble for
seven yeaTS and could not eat vege
tables or fruit without pain in the
stomach and restless nights. By tak
ing Chamberlain's Tablets he is now
able to eat vegetables or fruit with
out causing pain or sleeplessness.. If
troubled with indigestion or const!-
. At 1 At t.l.lAtn n 4.1.1
UttllUU KIYB inese iai.Mci.3 u uiai. I
They are sure to provti beneficial.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning in Omaha occur
red the marriage of Miss Esther
Hawkenbery and James Persinger,
Loth well known young people of
thi3 city, who decided to steal a
march on their many friends and
have the happy event consummated
in the metropolis where the groom
is employed at his trade of electric
ian. The wedding was a very quiet"
one and wa attended only by he
brother of the bride, Leonard Haw
kenberry. .
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank E. Hawkenberry
and well known in this city, where
she is held in the highest esteem by
a very large circle of warm friends
who will join in wishing her many
years of happiness.
The groom is the oldest son of
Mrs. Stella Persinger of this city and
is a young man of splendid charac
ter and one universally respected in
the community where he has grown
to manhood. During the late war
he was a member of the naval force
of the United States and has for the
past two months been employed in
To Mr. and Mrs. Persinger the
best wishes of the friends will be ex
tended for a long and very happy
wedded life.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
Klwooil M. Buttery, Plaintiff. vs.
I'lattsmouth Ferry Co. et al. Defen
dants. To the lefentlants l)attsmouth Fer
ry Company: Abl.Jah Harris: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ami all oilier
persons interested in the estate of
Miijah llarri. deceased: Mrs. Abi.iali
Harris, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, letu-tees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Mrs. Abijali Harris, first real name un
known, deceased: Mary Jennings; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
?ersons interested in the estate of
John W. Jennings, deceased: and Lots
1. 2. 3 and 4 in Block 99. in the
City of I'lattsmouth, in Cass county.
.NeiirasKa, and an persons claiming
anv interest of anv "kind in said real
estate or1 part thereof:
ou and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 19th day of March,
l'.fdU, plalntifr In the foregoing entitled
cause filed his petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, where
in each and all of you are made par
ties defendant, the object, purpose and
prayer of which said petition is to oh-
A tractor that will fit your
Farm the Fordson
YOU can make your farm produce more at less
cost and with less . effort on your part by
using the Fordson tractor. Not only will it help
you prepare your land and cultivate the crops, but it
furnishes power for many other farm jobs. -r .
The Fordson tractor is the result of long study of
farming conditions and it has proved a success. Burns
kerosene easy to operate and care for practically
trouble-proof. ' .
There's an Oliver No. 7 Plow
for; your Fordson
Just as the Fordson tractor gives ideal power, the
Oliver plow means ideal plowing. It is scientifically
designed for tractor service and is backed by a half
century of experience in making plows. - It buries all
trash and weeds at the bottom of the furrow
maintains an even depth of furrow and is controlled
from the tractor seat. ,
' Come in and let us show you this remarkable farm
T. H. Pollock Garage,
Telephone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb
tain a decree from said court remov
ing clouds from and quieting the rec
ord title to the following described
real estate in the plaintiff, Elwood M.
Buttery, to-wit: Dots one (1), two (2),
three (3) and four (4), in Block ninety-nine
(99), in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you and to exclude and en
join you and each of you from ever
UsTserting or claiming any estate, right,
title or interest therein adverse to
plaintiff, by reason of plaintiff's ad
verse possession of said premises for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit, and for such
other ami further relief as may be
You are required to answer said pe-"j
tition on or before the third day of
May, 1920, or your default will T.e duly
entered therein and a decree entered
as prayed for in said petition.
Dated March 19, 1920.
m22-4w. , His Attorney.
In the District Court of Douglas
county, Nebraska.
Doc. 172: No. 1G5.
In the matter of the Application of
Alice AY. Kiewit, I nurd Ian of-the Per
son and Estate of Charles D. Wood
worth, a Minor, for leave to sell real
Notice is hereby gjven that in pur
suance of an Order of the. District
Court of Douglas county, Nebraska, by
Hon.' Willis O. Sears, Judge, made on
the 17th day of March, 1920. there will
be sold at public vendue, to the high
est bidder, for cash, at the front door
of the court house in the City of
I'lattsmouth in Cass county, Nebras
ka, on the 12th day of April. 1920, at
ten o'clock a. m., the undivided one
fourth Interest in and to all of the
following described real estate, situat
ed in Cass county, Nebraska:
Dot four (4), being a subdivision .
of (iovernment Lot four f4)l also
Lots ten (10) and sixteen (16),
being subdivisions of government
Lot five (!) and accretions there
to, all in Section fifteen (15),
Township twelve (12). North Bange
eleven til), east of the 6th P. M.;
also Lots twenty-seven (27), twen-tv-eight
(28), twenty-nine (29) and'
thirty (30), in the Village of Louis
ville. Cass county, Nebraska,
subject to all unpaid taxes thereon.
Said sale will remain open one
Dated this 20th day of March, 1920.
Ouarrifan of the Person and Estate
of Charles D. Woodworth, Minor.
Four past yearling registered
Shorthorn bulls for sale. Telephone
3521, Plattsmouth.
For Sale!
Dodge 1918 Touring $750.00
Buick 1917 Touring ..$650.00
Ford 1920 Touring $650.00
and Several Other Good
1916, 1917 and 1918 Fords
. New and used cars sold on
payment plan one third
down, balance in 12 or less
equal monthly payments.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
moo anyiniogr
want ad.
Try a lournai
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs for hatching. Chicago Nation
al. Coliseum, St. , Louts and Kansas
City fcrize winning strain. Eggs,
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per setting
of 15. - Write or phone. '
: , - A. B. RLTLEDGE. ,
ra22-2sw, 2d) ..' Nenawka, Neb.
"The "merchant who' d6esn't adver
tise only when business Is good will
eventually quit it entirely.
' The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an
enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may m a mmute be
, changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the
sim. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof.
Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and hcjtme aystraa
demotablerunswith3-inchtiresall around. A real family car. Anybody can
saly drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy
which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation
and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it?
T. M. Pollock Gorogo
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.