The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1920.
The Bank off rJlurdlocti
Murdock, Nebraska - .
Ycu have money to deposit on checking: account.
You desire to deposit money on interest earning time
deposits. ' .
JTou have deeds, mortgages, contracts" for rental of
farms, contracts for sale of real estate, agreements, af
fidavits, or other legal blanks to execute.
You desire insurance for fire or windstorm.
Tou desire to make out your income return.
You sell or buy real estate have provision in your con
tract that settlement shall be made at this bank. You
will then get satisfactory and efficient service.
You find it necessary to borrow money, or haye use for
our service in other ways.
You will rest satisfied that you are dealing with people
who have your interests at heart, and will not only
give your matters very good attention, but your trans
actions will be known to only the officers of this bank,
deposited . with us, or borrowed from us, nobody ' else
who are also its directors, and whether you have money
will know about it.
x The Bank of Murdoch
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President " J. E. GUTHMAHH, Vice-Pjres.
H. A. GUTHJIAHN, Cashier
Mottled and Stippled walls of ex
ceedingly charming colors and true
artistic value. You will find them in
Alax Dusterboirs wall paper stock.
Chris A. Kupke, who with his
new wife are just getting started in
the mysteries of housekeeping, be
lieves in taking the right plan, and
will have good reading matter in
the home, having just had their
name added to the large list of read
ers of the Journal in this vicinity.
Are You
mg ot xour
r -.X I . U "J
. Let us redecorate it
for you now with
new 1920 wall paper
and we will be pleased to bring oxir
books for yonr selection of the very
latest patterns. Estimates and spec
ifications for all kinds of papering,
painting, outside work and interior
dcciirating gladly furnished. Only
the very best of work at all time3.
Phone 34-J , Murdock, Neb.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shopjs especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work including
acetyline "welding:
Phond 35-B
Burr Oak Posts and Poles Tele
phone '.Murray 2704. H. L. Saycr,
liattsmouth. It. V. D. 1. 4tsw-2'd
Euiil Sturzenegger, of South Bend,
where he is merchant, banker and
postmaster, was looking after some
business in Omaha last Wednesday.
Edward L. Pothast, of Lincoln,
.was a visitor in Murdock Wednesday
( of last week, being called here to
I. ' G. Jlornbeck, the genial and
efficient agent of the Rock Island in
Murdock, was looking after some
business for the company at Meadow
last Wednesday.
Chintz papers, Tapestry and plain
colors for beautiful combinations
are part of our fin wall paper stocks.
Let us show you how to make up
euch combinations. Max Dusterhoff.
G. V. Pickwell, who resides a short
distance west of Murdock, shipped a,
crate of his fine light Brahmas to a
' breeder living at Hastings. Mr. Pick-
well is raising and selling some very
fine chickens.
J. J. Gustin was a business visitor
in Omaha last Wednesday, where he
was in attendance at a meeting of
the board of directors of the Skin
ner Manufacturing company, of
which body he is a member.
Mrs. Henry Tims, residing north
west of Murdock. has added her name
to the interested readers of the semi
weekly Journal and will keep in
touch with future current events.
Thanks, Mrs. Tims. Who is next?
Prof. Jackman andsister, Lois,
remained in Murdock over the week
end, spending the time looking over
examination papers of the various
pupils, 'and incidentally taking a
ride in a new car, testing the ser
viceability of the famous "Nash,"
which Miss Lois thinks is the "last
word" in automobiles.
Fred Newman, who has made his
home near Louisville for a number
of years, and who is well known in
that locality, for his industry and
thrift, has recently moyed to the
Charles Rau place, where he will
make his home in the future. Mr.
Rau will reside on one of the Gus
Wendt places northwest of Murdock.
George Becker, of Plattsmouth,
rai a visitor in Murdock for a few
days last week, being a guest at the
home of J. J. Gustin, of whom he is
a nephew. He also visited, while in
the neighborhood, at the home of
County Commissioner Henry J. 'Mil
ler, wno is also an uncie oi pis. lie
took the Rock Island train Friday
noon for Omaha on bis way to his
home in the county seat.
Murdock, Neb.
You can get floor wax ( at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. ' tf.
The finest varnish that money can
buy at Max Dusterhoff's. .
H. A. Guthmann was a business vis
itor in Omaha last Thursday, going
ud on the Jersey Wednesday even-
ing and remaining over until Thurs-
day when he returned home on the i
evening train. Cemetery Committes Meet.
Judge H. A. Cast who has been A rJcent meeting of the
feeling poorly, all winter, says that.Waba6h cemetery committee, there
with the return of warmer weather WOB ,,0ht of rii.,,esinn iv.
T T 1,7; ,i inS to better conamons about the burial services for Mrs. Elvira Tewks
and hopes soon to regain his UBual munt burylBg grounds, which ibv las, week Her father ame3
good health. ' are a place of beauty and have been! y wee. Her iatner, ames
C. F. Kite was a visitor in Platts- k t the best.0f condition by the' Walker, served with the New Hamp-
""""" iao- ucujr luuiime
Bume mailers m iub wuuijr wu. . fun,i3 available. In order to fur
He is now doing some carpenter work ther the good work it was decided
at the home of Ray Parcell and wife tQ ra,ge tne lce of lota (rom flQ
a few miles southwest of Murdock. tQ $20 which considering the else
Louis Neitzel was confined to his Qf the lots. (20 by 40 feet) would
home the. past few days on account make them cheap for farming pur
of sickness. During his temporary poses.
illness Wm. Weddell is looking- af-, The new officers selected are J.
ter the business. It is hoped that . Brown, .president; Albert Pool,
Mr. Neitzel will soon be able to get vice-president and Harry y. McDon-
out again. . - i
unaries letts ana wire, oi near
Council Bluffs, were visiting in Mur -
ray for a few days a week ago, be-1
ing guests at the home of Mrs. Letts'
mother. Mrs. L. Amgwert. Mrs. Amg-
wert returned home with ner aaugn-.iey
ter and wilt spend several weeKs in
the Iowa city.
II. V. Tool, who recently return
ed from a four weeks' visit in the
west is feeling pretty fine and saysj1"?'01 w VT , , iuruuc,
hpv t.wi thP hfrv rfav KMnt and here picked up John Gakemeier.
they enjoyed the thirty days spent
in. the west to the best. of advantage.
They return with new energy and a
determination to make the best of
the many opportunities which the
hustling little city of Murdock af
fords. John A. Alexson, of South Bend,
was a visitor in Murdock last Friday,
coming to look -after some business
matters at the Bank of Murdock.
While in town he had the Journal
sent to his address, recognizing that
it is the best paper for news. from
all parts of the county, as well as
all the current happenings in the
county seat.
E. M. Shatto, wao has beet visit
ing in the east, having spent tne past
fall and winter in Ohio and In
diana, has been visiting in Omaha
with his daughter for some time
past and ran down, to Murdock to
spend a few days with his many old
friends here. He returned Fridaj to
Omaha, where he will remain for a
wjiile before going to South Dakota
for the summer.
Joseph West, who has formerly
lived near Murray, has recently mov
ed to the John Ayers place, west of
Murdock and will farm there the
coming season.' He has had a truck
load of machinery, which he pur
chased from the Puis Implement
store at Murray, brought to his new
home. Mr. West is an experienced
farmer and a hustler and will make
a success, as well as cultivate many
friends in his new location.
Having' Home Decorated.
Emil H. Miller, who has just
moved to the farm north of Mur
dock, is having the home redecorat
ed and refinished, which will make
it one of the most beautiful homes
in the community and one in which
it will be a pleasure to reside. The
work is being done by Max Duster
hof and his three excellent work
men, Joseph Wachinek, John Church
and Noah Murdock.
Made a Trip to the West .
Emil Kuehn and Art Bornemeier,
both residents of Lincoln at present,
have just returned from an extend
ed trip to eastern Colorado, where
they are interested in lands. The'
are well pleased with the outlook
of the country at this season of the
year. Mr. Bornemeier came down
Thursday from the capital city to
visit with friends and look after
some business here.
Have Changed Date of Entertainment
The Glee club of the Nebraska
Wesleyan university, which was bill
ed to give an entertainment here on
March 23rd. has changed the date of
its appearance to March 24th, which
falls on Wednesday of this week.
This promises to be a most excellent
entertainment and one that will
prove pleasing to all who attend.
Moving on the New Farm.
Fred Tonac, who purchased the
J. C. Stroy farm northwest of Mur
dock last fall, has moved onto the
place, coming from his former home
in Sarpy county. Mr. Tonac is an
excellent farmer and knows a good
farm when he sees one. Mr. Stroy
will move to Lincoln to make his
home in the future.
All Materials on the . Ground.
With" the receipt of the cut stone
for the new Farmers and Merchants
bank during the past week, all the
needed materials are on the ground
for the construction of the new fi
nancial edifice. Contractor Matt
Tbimgan and his force of workmen
are Dushine the work ranirllv ahead 2
and with the advent of good weath-i
er conditions will make an excellent'
showing on the structure within the -
next few weeks.
Aged Lady Passes Away.
At the home of her soji, where
she and her husband have been re-
siding, Mrs- Henry Klemme, Sr., af
Iter .an illness extending over some
" length of time, passed away on last
Tuesday. Mrs. Klemme's illness was m'-. 1 1 '
brought on through influenza, she'
and other members of the family as'Wm. HL Bohn, Auctioneer
On account of the prevailing illness
in the home, as well as in that of
their daughter. Mrs. Henry Borne-.
meier. members of the families were
unable to attend the funeral and
burial otthe mother, the only son,BS ana outs tne fcusiness. Weep
being able to be present being Fred, ? log Water Republican.
who was sufficiently recovered.
Mrs. Klemme waa noted for her
amiable .traits of character and had
a host of , friends
who mourn her
death. The Rev.
Carl Piper, of
Elmwood officiated at the funeral.
committee commensurate with the;
ald rechosen as secretary-treasurer. 1
The annual meeting dates were
.changed from the third Thursday In
March to the first Monday ja May.
The trustees elected for the present
. year are George Miller, L. R. Stan-
and Albert Pool
'Made a Trip to Fullcrton.
Last Friday afternoon Frank Val-
. - . .1 i -mr J - .'
they then departing for Fullerton;
near where they have some lands to
look after.
Yifited in Lin cola. 2
A week ago last Friday, Mrs. O
J. Pothast. wife of the cashier of
the Farmers and Merchants Bank,
departed for Lincoln where she vis
ited the remainder of the week, be-;
inff Joined there by her husband who
drove to the capital city Saturday,
and they returned home
ne together in'
their car Sunday evening.
Shipped Hogs to Omaha. ,
Messrs. Carl' Scnlaphoff, Otto Mil
ler and Will Rikli shipped a car of
very fine hogs to the South Omaha
market during the past week. The
animals were accompanied by Mr.
Schlaphoff, who looked after the
marketing oi ia snipment uu rca
lized near the top of the market on
that day, the selling price being 15
cents a pound on hoof.
Is Receiving Some Fin Furniture.,
Gus Wendt has just received a con
signment of .veryrne furniture for.
his elegant home a' few miles south:
east of Murdock,' wbieb was con
structed during the past year. The
grade of furniture purchased is in
keeping with the elegant home, and
will make one of the most beauti
ful homes in the-state.
Has Elegant Car Now.
The car which Stephen Leis has
just gotten is in the finest condition
and stands Idly awaiting for some
young lady who .would like to take
a spin in the elegant auto. Both Mr.
Leis and I. G. Hornbeck are able
to drive the wagon and the young
lady may have her choice of these
two excellent gentlemen and be as
sured of a very pleasant ride. In
fact the young lady can do the driv
ing herself but for fear of accident
one of the gentlemen had better ac
company her. Who is it going to
be? Do not all speak at once.
They All Have Moved.
With the completion of the new
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. ToL
and the subsequent occupancy of it
by the Tool family, there has been
a number of moves, G. Bauer and
family moving in where Mr. Tool
resided, thus vacating the residence
property which Harry Gillespie pur
chased some time ago and he in turn
vacated a house which was immedia
tely occupied by J. A. Bauer, the
one move thus allowing a number of
others to change. ;
Are Improving Their Home.
Harry Gillespie and wife, who have
lust been able to get possession of
their home, and who have moved
therein are now busily engaged and
working like beavers to put it in
excellent condition. Painting and
papering of the interior is first in
order and this will be followed by
exterior finishing as well. Whea fin
ished it will make a very nice home
for this popular couple. Here's to
you, with your "Home Sweet Home."
See .This Harness
You nd doubt have seen the fam
ous "Boyf harness advertised. You
can examine the harness for your
self at the store of A. 3, Tool and
judge of its paerits. Absolutely the
best harness In the world for the
money. . ml-4w.
From Friday's Daily., -
In a deal that was completed
Tuesday,' Gsorga Mark becomes the
owner of the A. Anderson 80-acre
farm a mije and a half southeast ot
town and Mr. Anderson became own
er again of . the stock -business,
yards, buildings, etc. .
While Air. Mark has done a good
PHONE 2905
- ' .
business during the time he bas
been handling stock, the desire for
the (arm life in which he has speat
so many years, still had its fascina
tions. Mr. Anderson has handled the
stock business before and knew just
what he was trading for and all the
That two human lives should have
spanned the years since the revolu
tionary war to. the present day was
pronounced an unusual and notable
incident in longevity by the Rev. Dr.
Robert L. Wheeler as he coducted
6Bire mmtia at rort Ticonaeroga.
"It was the happiest funeral I have
ever attended", said a well known
woman. "Not happy in the sense of
festivity, but with appreciation of a
long life well spent, and of a readi
ness to go when the call came. As a
pioneer of Nebraska, who had spent
sixty of the eighty-nine years of her
life here, and with a revolutionary
soldier father, 'Aunty Tewksbury
was a notable figure in local his
tory." Commenting on these things, Dr.
Wheeler appealed to the friends pres
ent apd to Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, of Which society the
deceased was an honored member, to
cherish the ideals of the founders of
the American republic. There has
never been a period in American his
tory when greater need existed for
holding fast to principles on which
the government was founded. Amer
icans should stand by their colors,
not onyl old Glory, with its red
white and blue, but to the principles
of justice and liberty, religion and
borne, the things that make the mdi-
vjdual life honorable and praiseworr
thy a
thy and the national life an object
lesson to the world.
Clean living and upright " dealing
do not. necessarily make for puritani
cal and austere living, but they do
exalt the individual and the cause
he would support.
A child of the American revolution
jias joined the ranks over there, but
the patriotic principles she upheld
live on in the hearts of her friends,
among the most notable of them be
ing her pastor, Dr. Wheeler, who
erves his country and his pod by
serving bis-fellow men. World-Herald.
- . -.
Front Friaay'e Dallv.
The March wind and Paul lei
with his tractor and road drag work
ed wonders on about six miles of
road Monday afternoon along the
LouisvilJe-PUttsmouth highway. A
portion of this road has been impas
sable for some time and many an
auto driver has come to grief and
had to call on some farmer with a
team of husky horses to drag him
out of the mud. Paul is an expert
with the road drag and Cass county
should have more like him. Louis
ville Coprier. . .
From Fridays Dally.
This afternoon Mrs. John Hatt,
sr., was taken to the Ford hospital
In Omaha where she will be placed
to undergo treatment. Mrs. Iftt
has been suffering from the flu and
the after effects of the malady has
left her in a very weakened condi
tion that makes it necessary for her
removal to the hospital.
Mrs. Otto, Fnder departed .this
afternoon for Omaha,- where she will
itnfer the Ford hospital and will be
operated on as soon as possible.
iliss Lillian Sehessel was taken to
Omaha oa the afternoon Burlington
train today, where she was placed in
the St. Joseph hospital and wU be
operated on . there for a severe case
of appendicitis.
From Friday Dally.
Last evening the handsome ilall
sfrom home on South Sth street was
the scene of a very enjoyable social
gathering, when Miss Alpha Hall
strom entertained a number of lady
friends at a miscellaneous shower in
honor of Mrs. Harry Nieleon of Dan
nebrog, Neb., who has been visiting
In the city for the past few days.
The guest of honor was presented
by the friends at this post-nuptial
ehowfr with a large number of beau
tiful as well as handsome gifts that
she wjll treasure in the years to
come as remembrances pf the kind
friends la the old home.. The even
ing was spent in the playing of
games f all kinds as well as in the I
enjoyment of several piano numbers 1
by Miss JJouer Seybert, At a suit-
able hour . a dainty two-course
luncheon was served by Miss Hall-,
strom. assisted by Miss Mary Heth- '
erington. Those, who were present
were: Misses Sophia . Chaloupka,
Edith Johnson, Muriel JBartnoia,
Catherine Egan, Mary Hetherlug-
Farmers Merchants Bank
Banking Institutions, Being Composed of Men,
are Inspired by Success!
The Farmers and Merchants Bank, growing, unified,
and enthusiastic, is ever striving to make its service better
and broader. For we have found that banking growth
will take care of itself if the banker takes care of his
Farmers and Merchants Bank,
All ways at Your Service.
O J. POTHAST, Cashier
ton, Honer Seybert, Miss Hallstrom
and the guest of honor, Mrs. Niel
For sale, a farm of 125 acres, well
improved, hog tight, 11 acres prair
ie, good house, barn, hay shed, ce
ment walks,' garage, granary, corn
crib, wash house, wood house, cob
house, chicken house, .hxp, machine
shed. Located 4 V miles from Union
90 state road.
j!9-2w; 2d) Union, Neb.
My farm of 219 acres, six and one
half miles northwest of Plattsmouth.
Good improvements. 70 acres farm
land, balance in pasture and tim
ber, with good spring water in pas
ture. Price $130.TO per acre. Pos
session given April 1st," 1920. John
N. Beck. Route. No. 2. Plattsmouth.
Nebraska. " f2-4w
Fine line of stationery and cor
respondence paper at the Journal
Guaranteed service in every pair. Outing Bals, Good
year Welts, in soft flexible solef; soft pliable uppers.
Solid Foot
Murdock MorcantilQ Go.
JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager
Threshers Tractors Power Machines
t-TT? -!-:',C
Ylio International Lino Complete!
Power plenty of power and efficiency at all times, reliable
and dependable is what alJ want. Wy have it in the International
We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso
line Engines. Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators.
Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders,
Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine.
Ideal one-man 100 acre farm, 70
acres in cultivation, 30 acres in pas
ture and alfalfa. Well improved.
Soil the best. Price $275.00 per
acre. Inquire ' of Gollaher Bros..
Elmwood. Nebraska. m8-4tsw.
Single comb White Leghorn, Eng
lish strain, $1 per 15, $6 per 100.
Mrs. Henry Stark John, phone 115-J.
2tw- .
For tasty printing you can't g
wrong In having the Journal office
turn out your Job.
4" Lawyer.
JSaat of Riley Hotel.
.J. Coatea Clock,
Second Floor.
to $7.00