The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MOUXAY, MARCH 22, 1920.
Required to Furnish Nine Times the
Value of Stolen Cars He is
Charged With Receiving.
Chief State Agent Gus Hyers de
manded $3,500 bond from a prom
inent farmer south of Sidney who
was arrested for receiving a stolen
automobile and the chief was sus
tained by the court- The head of
the state department of law enforce
ment has just returned from a round
up in the western part of the state.
State Agent Joe Wilson accompanied
At Sidney, the officers with the
assistance of SherifT McDaniel and
the chief of police recovered three
stolen cars and while there, Mr. Hy
ers filed a complaint against Simon
for the Wrestling Fans of Plattsmouth will be on
Thursday Evening,
MARCH 25th,
when Frank Schmarder, champion light heavyweight
of Nebraska, 175 lbs., will meet the Stanton County
heavyweight champiota, Cal Woods, 205 lbs., in a fin
ished match, two best out of three falls, at the
' Two good preliminaries, the Price Brothers, of
Plattsmouth, in one contest and Geo. Reichart, f Louis
ville, vs. Carl Graves, of Plattsmouth, in another.
Tickets $1, plus war tax. Ladies Free!
When Mothers Come to Look!-
The boys knicker bocker suits we
offer, and prices at which we
offering them, are attracting much
attention among parents who be
lieve in dressing their boys well and
When we offer you all wool, sty
lish boys' clothes at from $12 (a
few as low as $9.50) to $20. "there
is a reason" for trading in Platts
mouth. In addition to wearing qualities,
range of colors and fabrics these
clothes have "LOOKS."
Yon can rave money by" buying
here NOW.
Philip 3hianc
A Fine Black 2-Thread
Silk Lisle Sock
Here men is a snap you don't want to
overlook. Wear better than silk and
look nearly as good.
Guaranteed Fast Black!
Not over six to a customer
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Goeman for receiving a stolen car
valued at $400. The bond demand
ed in the case is sufficient to buy
nine such cars. It was made large
because of the supposition that Goe
man may have received other stolen
cars. Bond was furnished by a
wealthy neighbor of Goeman. The
car was stolen by an ex-convict
whose name is withheld pending fur
ther development. The state case
will be prosecuted by County Attor
ney Radcliffe. The defendant is
represented by W. P. Miles of Sid
ney. The proprietor of the Overland
garage at Sidney was arrested for
failing to properly register cars 1n
transit as required by law. The
proprietor admitted guilt and was
fined $100 and costs. Mr. Hyers
found Sidney to be one of the best
towns in the state in regard to en
forcement of the automobile laws.;
State Journal.
are r3
Courier f-
Grandpa James Terry berry reports
the birth of a little daughter at the
home of his son, Dan, at their farm
home' four miles south of the home
place. The little miss is a beauty
and arrived on- Saturday, March 13,
1920. ; ,
Mrs. y. Reister and her 'sister,
Miss Rose Scheel, were Plattsmouth
visitors Saturday, Miss Rose' going
down to see the county superintend
ent. Miss Alpha Peterson bri busi
ness. Miss Rose has taught a very
successful school at College Hill this
Miss Dora Meisinger is back at
her place in the dry goods depart
ment in F. II. Nichols general store
after a week's absence. In company
with Miss Florence Gauer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs." John Gauer, she
went to Plainview to visit the fam
ily of Philip Schafer, who are form
er Cass county residents. The young
ladies report a splendid time and
say the Schafers are getting . along
nicely and are enjoying their "home
out there very much.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wiles drove
up from their farm near Murray last
Sunday to 'help celebrate the birth
day of Mrs. Wiles' mother, Mrs. C.
M..Lau. Mrs. Lau's son; Charles and
family could not be present because
of sickness in the family. In the
evening Mr. and Mrs. Lau entertain
ed a few friends and neighbors in
honor of the occasion, refreshments
being served and the time passing
, pleasantly with conversation .and
Charles Mclntyre has been hired
by the board of education 'as janitor
for the balance of the vear, the
place having been left vacant by the
resignation of H. N. Taylor, who
has been janitor for the past ten
years. Mr. Taylor had been receiv
ing $65 per month and asked for
$S0, which request was refused by
the board, whereuon he resigned
Edward Gess filled the place a week
after which Mr. Mclntyre. who is
giving excellent satisfaction, was
elected at $70.
Mrs. Mary Gaebel is in receipt of
a recent letter from her sister. Miss-
Katherine Gakemeier, who is mak
ing an extended stay in California
with . relatives and. Iriends, . and, she
writes of a pleasant visit she en
joyed recently with Mrs. J. D. Fer
guson and family in Long BeacH.
She reports them all well and. de
lighted with California. Miss Gake
meier went to California last fall in
company with Mr. and Mrs. George
Berger and remained with them at
Orange for a time. She also visited
her niece, Mrs. Leonard- Bertrand,
in Long Beach.
Mrs. James Ingrim, of Broken
Bow, has been here for some time
assisting in the care of her mother,
Mrs. E. Spence, who is in failing
health at her home in the country.
Her son, C.V. Spence and wife, of
Ilavelock have also been at the farm
helping the family. A trained nurse
arrived on Monday and Mrs. Spence
is "given every care and attention,
but little hope is entertained of her
being able to leave her bed again,
as she has never fully recovered
since she "fell recently, whlch-was
too much of a shock to her system,
on account of her advanced years.
-M-fr-frM-I-fr-M-i-M 1 I ; I I I ! 1 M-H
4 ' Republican
Lloyd Philpot and Humphrey Mur
phy who went to Detroit to drive
home a couple of Dodge Bros, cars
returned Wednesday evening. " They
found the. roads quite good barring
a few mud holes. They, left Detroit
The Republican is in receipt of
the news of the arrival- of a fine
daughter at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Sheldon of Nehawka. Mrs.
Sheldon was formerly Miss Florence
Todd and has a host of friends in
and around Weeping Water.
Claude . Canaday who 'recently
graduated from the State Farm
school has rented a rarm of Ray
Wiles five miles northeast of town
and . was taking our furniture from
the C. H. Gibson store Monday,
which he told our reporter was a
bachelor outfit. However, in the re
porter's judgment the furniture was
of a quality that would necessitate
a more skilled hand to care for and'
we are quite sure Claude's good
judgment would prompt him to buy
the best of furniture even if he had
to get a housekeeper to care for it. .
An important business change on
Main street took place late Saturday
night when Crozier Bros, sold their
large merchandise stock and busi
ness to Johnson brothers (Andrew
and Mogens). The deal came as a
surprise to the public and the
change was a sudden one indeed.
( irr-a TO-NIGHT-1
I rl Tomorrow Alright
Keys to the store were turned over
Saturday night and the new owners
opened the place of business Monday
morning under the firm name of
Johnson Bros? General Merchandise.
The members of the new firm are
weir known tb most of our readers
and are two young men of excellent
qualities and business experience.
The junior member, Mogens, was for
merly with his uncle, Hans Johnson,
In 'the mercantile business and is
now living on a farm south of town
which he will have to make ar
ragements to get away from before
he can devqte his entire time to the
store. -Andrew, the senior member
also had some experience in the gro
cery line before taking a position
as clerk at Boone & Davis' store,
where he served the public for a
number of years prior to moving to
Chappel, where he has been employ
ed hy a large mercantile firm until
moving back to Weeping Water about
a week ago. Hence the new men
are not strangers to our city or in
experienced atrthe business, but are
fully competent and capable of hand
ling the enormous business estab
lished and carried on by Crozier
Beacon .
Mrs. Ed Betts Is able to be out
on crutches after a couple of weeks
with a lame foot. v
Mjs. Kate Oberle was taken tc
Lincoln last week and underwent
an operation on one of her feet. It
vas painful, but not serious, and
necessitated carrying the' member in
cast for several days.
Little Ruth Elenor Umland, the
nfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
iam A. , Umland, died last Friday
norning at 7:3J, only nine days af
er her advent into this world. The
sympathy of the. community goes
ut to the young parents in their
Col. Phil Hall, Jr., cashier of the
J'irst National bank of Greenwood,
vnd former Adjutant-General : of
he Nebraska National Guard, was
n Eagle last week in. the interests
if Jhe American Legion post at
greenwood, of which he is the Com
mander. He secured a number of
icmbership requests from here, and
e informs the Beacon that when
e have 11 members, if desired, he
will institute a .post at this place.
Something like ten or a dozen of
hese have already been secured and
he probabilities are that Eagle will
oast of a good strong post of this
vorthy organization in a very short
ime, as there are more than a suf
3cient number hereabouts to make
t go. '
The Agriculture class, under the
Lirection of Miss Spence, has been
esting seed corn lately and have
ound some excellent seed. The
lighest test was 98 per cent, others
anging down from this as low as
50 per cent. This corn was all, a
.'air sample of that grown around
Sagle, having been brought by the
pupils, and proves that farmers
hould be exceedingly careful in
be 'selection of the corn they use
.'or seed this spring.
Friday of last week all .pupils of
;he school were examined for defects
jf eye ear, teeth, nose and throat.
complete tabulation of the results
las not yet been made, but the de
fects will reach a high percentage.
vVe are safe' in saying that 40 per
;ent of the children have defective
teeth; 20 per cent have eye trouble;
10 per cent ear trouble and about 5
er cent nose and throat trouble.
Murray will have another one of
those popular "Community Picture
Shows" Saturday. This will be one
of . a very pleasing character. The
community spirit shows much growth
in this hustling little city, -and is
working wonders for the solution of
the problem which -confronts the
community. ,
Remember that this exhibition is
entirely free, being given in the
spirit of friendliness and all are ex
pected to attend. Tell your friends'
and be at the Murray half at eight
o'clock. No admission. Only , come
and enjoy yourselves.
Rheumatism and Other Troubles
Began to Disappear After
Taking Tanlac.
. "There's no mistake about Tanlac
being a real -medicine, for nothing
but -a real medicine could do what
it has for me,'v said Mrs. Hattie
Campbell, of 1808 Grace St., Omaha,
"Beginning with indigestion four
years ago" continued Mrs. Campbell,
"my troubles multiplied till my life
became one of constant suffering.
Everything I would eat soured on
my stomach and almost tortured me
to, death. The gas would press on
my heart at times so I could hard
ly breathe and I Would almost
smother. I suffered from heartburn
and had nervous sick headaches and
was so dizzy that I would almost fall
every time I stooped over. I had
rheumatism in my hands so bad that
my fingers were all bent over, and
at times they would become so numb
as to be almost useless. My appe
tite was poor and I fell off from one
hundred and thirty pounds to ninety-four
and nobody will ever know
how much I suffered.
"I was in an awful fix, and while
I tried everything recommended I
found no relief until my sister and
some of my friends got me to take
Tanlac. While on my second bottle
my appetite returned, I could eat
most anything, I wanted and my
other troubles began to leave me. I
have regained sixteen pounds of my
!ost weight and am now able to eat
anything I want without suffering
from gas or indigestion afterwards.
My hands and fingers have become
upple again and I hardly notice
my rheumatic pain in them. Those
headaches and dizzy spells are gone
nd I have improved so much that
I hardly" feel like the same person."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company and the
eading druggist in every town.
George Penterman, Emil Rosenow
tnd Herman Fleischman are in Col
rado, near Burlington, this week,
ooking at land.
Wm. Sack, the auto and garage
nan from Eagle, was in town Mon
lay the first time for a number of
weeks. He, is still getting around
m crutches, but is much better since
his bperation.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gustin returned froirf Cali
fornia, where they spent the winter.
They report that they enjoyed their
sojourn in the balmy climate there.
Frank's friends accused him of being
responsible for the cold snap on
Wednesday, but all he can say is
that he came home a little too soon.
Last Saturday morning as the
Missouri Pacific flight engine was
doing some switching on the side
track one of hte cars and the tender
o the, engine was partially derail
ed. It seems that there was .'a sharp
?urve in the switch and the force
against this was sufficient to tear the
rail loose partly dejailing a car and
tearing out several rails. Things were
quickly gotten back in shape again
and the freight on its way again
with a short "delay.
On Tuesday evening a caucus was
held at the city hall for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates
for the city board. L. A. Tyson 'was
made secretary of the meeting. A
ballot was taken and Harry Tolhurst
W. N. McLemon, Elmer Boyles, C.
Sv Aldrich, L. A. Ts'son and F. J.
Fitch were nominated for the two
year terms; Guy Clements. Fred S.
Backemeyer, H. ,A. Williams, J. S.
Deering and L. F. Langhorst for
one year terms. There are to be
three candidates elected from those
nominated for the two year term
and two candidates from those nom
inated for the one year term.
Omaha. March 19. William How
ard Taft will arrive in Omaha April
3 from York, Neb., to speak here
under the auspices of the Concord
club and the Northwestern War
riors. Governor McKelvie and May
or Smith have been invited to Join
the reception committee and Lieu
tenant Colonel Wuest, Fort Omaha
commandant, has been asked to pro
vide a military escort for the occa
sion. Mr. Taft will speak in the ev
ening on "Americanism and Bolshe
vism." iicui j jb. uci lug taiuc uunu luia i s
afternoon from the metropolis to p
visit relatives here over Sunday.
Mrs. R. p. Hayes and little daugh
ter, Jeanne, departed this afternoon
for Omaha and from there will go
to Lincoln for an over Sunday visit.
! Notice to Ford Owners! I
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak- A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 inslalled. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gome In and Let Us Explain!
Garage Phone 650
f. ... -5
I Mrs. Z. W. Shrader returned home
, f rora Omaha Tuesday afternoon af
jter a short visit with relatives at
that place., '
Mr. and Mrs. 1$. J.. Moore and son
returned home from Pawnee City
(Tuesday afternoon after a few days'
- - . - r . 1 ' 1 . 1 ; 11
vibii wiiii relatives mere.
Word was received here this week
announcing the birth of a baby girl
to Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice of Wayne,
Nebraska, on March 10th.
On Tuesday of this week occurred
the marriage of Mrs. Edith Duck
worth to John A. Leonard, both of
Nehawka. The couple went to Ne-
jbraska City, procured a marriage li
cense and the marriage ceremony
was performed by Judge Bischof in
the County Court room of that city.
The couple returned to Nehawka at
once and will make their home
Mrs. R. C. Bailey, who is well
known to the people of Nehawka
and' the country north of town, died
in a hospital at Omaha Wednesday,
March 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey re
sided for a number of years on the
Troy Davis farm five miles north
and 'one mile west of Nehawka. Sev
eral years ago. they removed to Min
nesota and later to Hartingrbn, Ne
braska, in the northeastern part of
the state, where they still lived up
lo the time of Mrs. Bailey's death.
Mrs. Bailey, died in the Omaha hos
pital following an operation for gall
ctones. She leaves a husband and
one son seven years old to mourn
for her. The funeral was held Sat
urday and interment was made in
Graceland cemetery in Omaha.
. The meeting of the commercial
club last night revealed the very
pleasing pet that while not a great
deal of progress has been made on
incorporation of the village, the
committee appointed to map out the
boundry lines of said incorporation
limits are meeting with practically
no opposition. There are no difficult
problems to solve and it would seem
that everybody realizes the great
importance of incorporation and is
willing to concede certain points and
concessions in order that we may de
rive the benefits. A small delay in
getting the petition ready to 6ign
was due to the fact that two or
three parties had not yet decided
whether or n.ot they wanted to be
annexed and the committee is wait
ing for them to decide. No' doubt
but they will decide one way or the
other quickly, when it will then be
only a matter of circulating the
B. R. F. Timers
This little accesory on your Ford car will work
wonders. Starts easily , in zero weather, puts pep into
the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford.
No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
j. ;f WOLFF,
Main St Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
House Phone 502
On Wednesday afternoon, March
17, 1920, there was one of the mer
riest gatherings of the season when
the Social Workers' club met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Stava,
south of the city.
Thirteen members and several vis
itors participated in a short business
session after which a very Jolly so
cial hour was spent in conversation
and music.
At a late hour a most bounteous
luncheon was served by the hostess,
and as the shades of evening began
to appear the "Workers" wended
their way homeward.
I wish .to inform the people of
Plattsmouth and Cass county that I
have moved to Plattsmouth and
started a blacksmith shop on the
corner of Sixth and Pearl streets, in
the Dawson building. I will appre
ciate your patronage and guarantee
complete satisfaction.
Man's heavy work shoe lost. Was
wrapped in newspaper and had Just
been repaired. Finder leave
at the Shining Parlor. 22-1 w; 3d
I have some, wonderful bargains
for you if you can raise a little mon
ey and have liberal terms on balance,
suit yourself, 7 homes, one 3-room,
three 4 rooms each, two 8 rooms
each, and one 16 rooms, all close in.
Offered for a few days only. See me
at once for particulars or phone 575.
F. M.. Welshimer. d&w
The popular line of Dennison stick
ers and cards at the Journal office.
I will pay 30 cents per lb. for
hens delivered at Mynard Wednes
day and Thursday, March 24th and
25th. Remember the days.
22-lw;-2S , Mynard. Nebr.
fcgli,, 4f .