The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 18, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If my of the readers of the
Journal knor of any social
rent or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will uiall
ime to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all ewaitema Editor
Make Safe
The protection of princi
ple should be the first consider
ation of every investor. But it's not
always an easy matter for the ordinary
investor to determine the safety of the
issues offered him.
The character of an invest
ment, however, is usually
reflected in the concern
which offers it. Invest
ments offered through
this institution war
rant your confidence.
Safety Honesty CourtesyService
Four per ceut interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
For Sale Che ice timothy hay. II.
G. Todd, rhonc 1211 Murray. Imsw
Fur Sale Hred hjvs, the best of
the herd. Oldham Stock Farm.
Mrs. Chauncey Schepp of near Xe
hawka was a visitor in Murray last
Tuesday making Home purchases and
visiting with frieuds.
Mr. I'uls and wife and Joseph Mar
asek and wife, were attending the
funeral of the late Mrs. Hans Tarns
at IMattsmouth last Sunday after
noon, having driven up in Mr. Puis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gansemer, A. L.
Haker and Hen NoeM. were visitors
in riattsninuth last Monday evening,
where they were at '.ending the De
Ford jazz dance which was the fea
ture of the evening.
Miss Anna Wagner, who is an at
tendant at the institution for the
feeble minded at Glenwood Iowa, and
where she is making an excellent
nurse, was a visitor for the week end
at her home east of Murray.
Contractor J. A. Scotten add A. A.
Young, were passengers in Mr. Scot
ton's car for IMattsmouth last Tues
day evening, where they attended the
wrestling match between Jess Queen
of Omaha, and Frank Schmarder of
Harry Lohnes. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Lohnes, was sick for a few
days during the first part of the week
at their home northwest of Murray,
but is reported as feeling some bet
ter now, and it is hoped that he will
soon be wtll again.
Mrs. Lena Lyman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Young, whose home
is at Sturgis. South Dakota, and who kept pretty busy though, with the
- T. J. Brendel- was 'looking mfter
some insurance business at Nehawka
last Tuesday, driving down in his car.
Col. V. It. Young of Plattsmouth,
was a visitor in Murray last Tues
day, bringing his parents from the
farm, and looking after some busi
ness as well.
Harry Puis is making good gains
every day now, and with the rapid
advance will be stout again in a few
months. He had a hard tussle with
pneumonia, but won out and is feel
ing pretty good over the result.
Dr. 13. F. Brendel and O. T. Leyda,
members of the board of the Chris
tian church of Murray, were in
Plattsmouth one day this week con
sulting with the board of that church
in Plattsmouth relative to securing
a minister for both the churches.
Walter Tower, the mechanic for
the Puis garage has been kept from
his work during a portion of the past
week, on account of a troublesome
boil, which pre-empted a portion of
one of his arus. He is now nearly
back to normal, and rapidly improv
ing. Col. W. II. Young secured the ser
vices of Mr. Wilber and family who
have been living west of Mynard, for
Eale V. Cole, who lives in Brule in
the western portion of the state, they
departing for there Monday evening
last. Mr. Wilber is getting one hun
dred dollars per month, with house
to live in and two cows to milk.
Morton Bartlet who has been sick
for so long, is now working most of
the time, but has to go very -slow-
under the doctors instructions. He is
lias '.een in a hospital at that pbice,
where she underwent an operation as
the result of a cae of the influenza,
is reported as bring much improved,
as she has left the hospital and re
turned to her home.
custom of the shop, and the laundry
and suits for cleaning and pressing
which he sends off. and receives for
the customers. He is gaining in
strength all the time and it is hoped
he will soon be himself again.
You've heard the name before and know
jast what it stands for the BEST overall
made. Exclusive agency at this store.
Blue Denirn
Blue Denim
Dib Overalls
liatt . Tutt,
Harry Todd was a visitor in Platts
mouth last Tuesday afternoon, where
he was called to look after some busi
ness matters.
Mrs. H.G. Todd who has been vis
iting for a short time at Lincoln re
turned home last Monday morning,
and was met by her son Glen, with
the auto.
Walter Tower and Morton Bartlett
were visitors in Plattsmouth Tues
day evening, going to attend the
wrestling match, which occurred at
that place. They drove up in Mr.
Tower's car.
Harold Hull, who is taking the
enumeration for Plattsmouth precinct
was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday
getting some one who has moved
away from the precinct, after the
beginning of the taking of the cen
sus.. Mrs. B. A. Root, who has been sick
at her home in Murray for several
weeks is now showing some very
good progress, and it is hoped she
is now well over the troublesome in
fluenza, which has kept her so closely
in bed during so long a time.
Douglas, the twelveryear-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tilson, is sick
at his home with stomach trouble.
which has been bothering him for
some time. He has been kept at
home for the past week, but it is
hoped that he will soon be able to
be out aagin.
Fred Warner has finished picking
his corn, and notwithstanding the
fact that it had stood in the field all
winter, much of it went as high as
forty-five bushels to the acre. Many
have to take off their hats to this
yield, as last year was far from being
a good year for corn.
Alex Rhoden of Council Blurts was
a. - W 1 t, fT. A.'Jnl
a visitor in Murray jasi 1 uwua:
spending the day with his parents
and friends, as well as looking after
. . . T- 1 1
some nusiness mailers. -irs. i. .
Rhoden, his mother, returned to
Council Bluffs with her son for a
short visit with the family.
Henry C. Long last Monday de
parted for Omaha, where he visited
with his grandson Chester Shrader.
and his daughter Mrs. Robert Shra
der and husband, as well as the re
mainder of the family, for a short
time after which he went to Blair,
where he visited for a short time
with his brother J. J. Long, whom
he had not seen for a number of
Alfred Gansemer, who is superin
tending the store as well as the farm
north of town, is kept pretty busy
these days, and last Tuesday began
cutting stalks on the farm for the
commencing of the summers work.
He is having Mr. Harry McCulloch
conduct the farm and is giving him
some assistance, as he can spare the
time from the store, where he has a
force of sales-folks looking after ev
ery department.
Twigs Cause Wire to Burn.
Last Sunday some green limbs of
trees, which the wind caused a short
circuit of two wires of the Nebraska'
Gas and Electric company, were re
sponsible for the burning off of two
of the service wires of that company
near Murray. iur. james Kukendall
of the company was in Murray Mon
day and looked after the repairing of
tne injured lines.
Fractures Bone in His Foot.
Last Saturday while assisting in
removing an electric lighting plant
from the basement of his father's
cellar. Glen Todd suffered a fracture
of one of the bones in his foot, by
tne supping 01 tne rope which was
being used for the hoisting and
catching his foot. Glen had a plus
ter cast built around the injured
member, and with a pair of crutches
for getting to and from his car and
truck, went on with the work as
though he had not been Injured
This is the kind of pluck which builds
Child Badly Injured by Horse.
krnest. the four-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse vallery, vas very
severely injured at their home near
Murray last Saturday morning, by
being kicked in the face by a horse
which was loose in the lot, whers
the little fellow was playing. The
foot of the horse striking the little
fellow in the face, covering the
mouth and cutting the flesh so se
verel ythat it required twelve stitch
es to close the wounds. Dr. Brendel
did the dressing, and Ernest is get
ting along as well as could be ex
pected from the nature of the injury.
Purchased Home in Plattsmouth.
Frank Vallery who has disposed of
his holdings in Murray, a short time
ago. has been looking for a suitable
home in the county seat, and not
finding just what he desired, conclud
ed he would have to make a purchase
and then make what alterations he
needed, and there purchased what is
known as the Sherwood place on Chi
cago avenue, the place where M. S.
Briggs has been living for the past
vear. As soon as Mr. Briggs can find
a place to move and probably he will
have to purchase one, he will vacate
the place, then Mr. Vallery will
move to Plattsmouth leaving the
house in which he now lives vacant
for the occupancy of Mr. E. S. Tutt
and wife. The place in which they
Jive will then be occupied by Mrs. W.
A. Brown.
Will Build a Bungalow.
Uncle S. G. Latta has decided to
build a house on the north side of
his lot. where there has stood for
some time a garage, and which will
be used in the construction of the
new edifice, and which, when com
pleted will be used as a home for Mr.
G. W. McCracken and family. Thus
two cases of being out of a home is
being solved, and two business men.
which it looked like would have to
go elsewhere, are kept in Murray.
Sslls Large Bill of Goods.
Last Tuesday Joe Marasek, the
hustling salesman of the W. H. Puis
hardware and implement store, load
ed a truck of Mr. L. H. Puis, with
farming implements, which Mr. W.
H. Puis has sold, with the intention
of he and L. H. Puis taking them to
the home of Joe West, who is moving
some five miles west of Murdock. Mr.
L. H. Puis and Mr. Marasek essayed
to make the trip, as the truck went
into the ground on the soft place
almost to the hubs, they decided to
wait until the roads were a little
more solid.
Will Soon Resume Saturday Suppers.
The nice arrangement of the ladies
of the Murray community club, who
for so long maintained the practice
of giving a supper on Saturday ev
ening for the benefit of the Murray
library, and which was interrupted
by the scourg of influenza is again
soon to be returned and the remain
der of the course of suppers given.
Announcement will be made of the
resumption through the columns of
this paper.
Buys a Hudson Speedster.
A. Gansemer has just purchased
from L. 11. Puis a new and very
fancy Hudson speedster, which is a
very fine car, one of the best and
highest class of the good cars, and a
goer without doubt. Mr. Puis had
gone to Omaha and driven the car lo
Murray for stock in the sales room
and had only gotten it home when it
was taken by Mr. Gansemer. Mr.
Gau&euier has acquired a fine car.
which he is well satisfied with, and
Mr. Puis is compelled to go after
another one for his salesroom.
Frther Suffers Stroke of Paralysis
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt was calcd to
Plattsmouth last Sunday evening by
the sudden illness of her father, Mr.
Fred Heinrich sr., who suffered a
stroke of paralysis, while walking
about his home in the south pari of
Plattsmouth. When he returned
home near the noon hour, Wm. Hein
rich found his father as he had fallen
a few moments before in the yard and
carried him into the house, where
medical service was summoned ad
every care given the aged parent.
Monday evening Mr. Heinrich was
resting some easier and Tuesday Mrs.
Hintt returned to her home in Mur
ray for a short time, to return again
and assist in the care of her father.
Will Pull Some Stumps.
Green Piggot is busy these days
rigging a truck for his stump puller
in order to make it portable, that be
can- take it more easily from place to
place, as his work may demand it.
He will, when he has it in the proper
condition, pull some stumps and trees
in a grove which occupies a good
amount of land, on the farms of W.
E. Jenkins, at Eight Mile Grove. Af
ter that he will be ready for what
mav be offered in his line.
Received Five Dollars Each.
The medicine show which is exhi
biting in Murray this week, made a
hit with two people last Monday,
when they presented a package of
their medicine and five dollars each
to the presumably oldest man and
woman in the audience. When they
asked for a show of hands for the
oldest, J. W. Berger hoisted his
handy right hand, and was called by
the medicine man. telling that he
was 74 years of age. At the same
time Mr. Puis sr.. put up his hand,
but like Zacheus. was a man of small
stature, and his hand was not seen,
and Mr. Berger pulled down themon
ev. Mrs. Wm. Marsh, who is 54
years of age, won the purse for the
Died at Murray Tuesday.
The two-months-old baby boy of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Murray, of
npar Murray, died at their home
Tuesday afternoon, of an aggravated
case of whooping cough. The little
one had been sick for some time and
every care had been extended with
the best of nursing and medical af
tendance. Monday a nurse arrived
from Lincoln and all was done possi
ble for the little one, but of no avail.
After much suffering in which it was
hoped against hope that Its life could
b saved, it passed to that great be
vond. where pain and sorrow never
come; there lo await the coming of
the parents whose hearts are sorely
torn by the loss of their loved one.
Dr. J. McConnaha in Missouri
Dr J McConnaha. who for many
vears was the practicing physician
living near Murray, and where he
practiced medicine and raised a large
r' ,uai at the home of his son
hcimer McConnaha. near Fulton, Mo..
March 7th. of indigestion, aime u
vanced age of 81 years and a few
months. , ,
The older settlers of Murray and
vicinity will well remember this man
and his family, who so long minis
tered to the sick of this community.
Sevearl years since they removed to
Herman, north of Omaha and after
a short residence there, went to
Blair, but had moved to New Bloom-
17. R. VOUWG
Always Ready for Gale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Murray Exii&qre
field, Mo., where they have resided
for some years. There, Dr. McCon
naha followed his profession and had
only a short time given up the prac
tice. He was an a visit at the home of
his son Elmer, when he was taken
suddenly ill, and lived only 24 hours.
The funeral was held and burial
made at his late home at New Bloom
field. A daughter has written Mrs.
C. R. Troop, telling of the death and
burial. Dr. McConnaha was over 81
years of age at the time of his death
and leaves an aged widow and several
children, with 24 grand children.
Thelma Pitman Doine Nioelv.
Mrr. and Mrs. J. V. Pitman return
ed home from Omaha last Saturday
morning, where they had been for
some time bringing with them their
little daughter, who has beein in
the Saint Joseph hospital for some
time, nad where she had to undergo
an operation. She is much improved
and while the trip home made her
very tired and sore from the jolting
of the train, she is feeling much bet
ter now and is making very satisfac
tory progress.
For Sale
Five Red Polled registered bulls
for sale. Also some good timothy
and clover hay. Phone 3114.
m4-4w. Murray, Nebr,
Horses and Harness for Sale
I have two good horses and a set
of good "harness for sale. Call and
see them at Murray.
mll-3w HENRY C. LONG.
In the District Court of tlie Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
Joe Feltliauser and Thomas E. Hath-
awav. F'laintifTs, vs. Henry II. ilson
et ai. Defendants.
To the defendants Henry If. u ilson;
Mrs. Henry H. Wilson, first real name
unknown: John Harvey: Mrs. John
Harvey, first real name unknown: Jo
seph 1 Keel: Kunice I. Heel; Mrs.
Thomas K. Fenimore, first real name
unknown: James II. Humble: Kveline
M. Wills'on: Willson, first real
name unknown: William Dorroueii;
Wm. H. Ppratlin; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of Henry II. Wilson:
Mrs. Henry H. Wilson, first real name
unknown: John Harvey: Mrs. John
Harvey, first real name unknown: Jo
seph L. Tieel; Eunice L. Keel: Mrs.
Thomas K. Fenimore, first real name
unknown: James II. Humble: Eveline
M. Willson: Willson, first real
name unknown: William Iorrourh:
Wm. H. Spratlin. each dec-eased: the
northeast quarter XE! of the north
east yuarter (XK'l and the north
west quarter (NWVj) of the northeast
quarter iXKUi all in Section twenty
five (25. Township ten (10. North
Kaiise tiiirteen (13), east of the 6th
M., in the County of Cass. Nebraska.
ami all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real estate or anv
part thereof:
i ou and each of you are herebv no
tified that on the 17th dav of March.
19i'0. plaintiffs filed their suit in the
Mstriot Court of Cass county. Nebras
ka, to quiet the title of plaintiff Joe
Fclthauser to the following described,
". to-wit: the northeast quarter
(XKli) of the northeast quarter (XK
i of sv.:c-tmii twentv-hve (2j), Town
hip ten (10), Xortli llansre thirteen
U:ll, east of the th I M.. in the
County of Cass. Nebraska: and to
piiet the title of plaintiff Thomas H.
lathaway to the following: described
and. to-wit: the northwest quarter
XV'i of the northeast quarter (XK
i of Section twenty-five (25). Town
ship ten (10, Xorth Ranpe thirteen
Mm, east of the 6th H. M.. in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, because of
heir respective adverse possession of
said respective tracts of land by them
selves and their grantors for more
ban ten years prior to the commence
ment of saiil suit and to enjoin each
and all of you from having or claim-
nir any riht. title, lien or interest.
either legal or equitable in or to said
ands or any part thereof: to require
you to set forth your riarht. title.
laim. lien or interest therein, if anv.
either legal or equitable, and to have
lie same adjudged inferior to the
itle of plaintiffs and for general enui-I
tarie rener.
This notice is made pursuant to tin-
order of the court. You are required
o answer said petition on or before
Monday, May 3. 191:0. or your default
will be duly entered therein.
mis-lw. Atty. for Plaintiffs.
Why Pay Prevailing Pri
for Your
We always carry a very complete line of
shoes and have invested lots of money be
fore the present high prices and are willing
to give you the benefit of our buying fore
sight. Come in and be convinced we have
the right price on all kind of shoes you may
need either work or dress.
The Service Store
Lloyd Gilmore came up this morn
ing from his home near Murray to
attend to a few matters of business
and calling on his friends.
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray
State bank was a visitor in the city
today for a few tiours enroute to
Omaha, where he was called on business.
Mrs. H. J. Miller returned this af
ternoon to her home at Alvo and was
accompanied by her nepehw. George
II. Becker, who will remain there for
a few days.
L. J. Mayfield of the Courier, and
wife, came down this morning from
their home at Louisville, to look af
ter tome business matters and visit
with their friends m the county
tune to have his right hand tangled
up with a saw while at his work and
received several severe lacerations as
a result, the tendons of the hand be
ing severely cut.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Rev. J. H. Steger of St. Taul't!
Evangelical church of this city, w ho,
for the past several weeks, has been
at the hospital iu Omaha taking
treatment for a severe case of stom
ach trouble as well as a nervous
breakdown, is now reported as being
fomewhat better and his family and
friends are greatly encouraged In
their hopes for his speedy recovery.
Lester Wunderlich came up last i
evening from Nehawka and visited
over night in this city at the home
of his sister, Mrs. C. A. Roesencrans,
going to Omaha this morning, where
he is attending school iu that city.
j Mrs. F. A. Jones of Ruskin. Neb..
! ia t 4 V a nnvlnnr i ..It-It a t It n
ir III llic nib u nan iiiv
home of her mother, Mrs. J. T.
Baird and with other relatives and
Bishop E. V. Shaylor of the Epis
copal church of Nebraska, returned
this morning on the early Burlington
train to Omaha after being here ou
church work.
A number of Duroc Jersey fall
boars, at a reasonable price if taken
at once.
mlS-tfsw) PHILIP HIRZ.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a pas
senger this morning for Greenwood,
where he was called on some matters
of business for a few hours for the
county. . "
From Tuesday's Dally.
Attorney Carl Ganz of Alvo was iu
the city today attending the session
of the district court.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray, was
among those visiting in the city to
day motoring up from his home.
A. B. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was in the city today looking after
some trading with the merchants.
W. F. Gillispie accompanied by
Charles Barnard of near Mynard,
were among those going to Omaha
this morning to look after some mat
ters of business on the grain market.
Frank Rauen, one of the Burling
ton shop employes had the misfor-
George Ossenkop of Louisville, was
among those coming in last evening
to take in the wrestling match be
tween Schmarder and Queen at
Coates hall.
For State Senator
I desire to announce my candi
dacy for the nomination to the posi
tion of state senator for the second
senatorial district of Nebraska, com
posed of Otoe and Cass counties, sub
ject to the decision of the voters of
the republican party at the primary
election to be held on April 20. 1920.
Nehawka, Ncbr.
- Fistula-Pay When" Cured
A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and
other Recta I Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chlorotorm. Ether or other general
v w snnsthfin A ctire Bnaranieea id eer case aoDewiew
for treatment, and no money to be paid nntil cared. Write for book on Recta I Diseaseswlth names
and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OKI All A, NEBRASKA
Drs. Mach & Mach, The Dentists
The largest and best equipped dental oflices in Umaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant Mod-
TA frLmW'A erate Prices. Porcelain finings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.
Spring Will Soon Be Here!
Yes, the birds will soon be singing and spring work will be
rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new
farm implements and need them badly.
We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im
plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere,
International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are well equipped to
furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery,
engines, tractors, etc., at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will be
complete, and in addition to this
S3 C-5. Puis, the implement Man,
will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge
of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I. Case and John Deere lines.
See Either of These Gentlemen When Wanting
Anything in the Farm Machinery Line.
. . . At- m.t 1
Murray. Neb. piausmouin, mco.