The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 18, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
V THURSDAY, MARCH IS, lx).- P1ATTSSI0ITTH SEMI WEEKLY JOTTEKAI. page five. JESS QUEEN SUFFERS INJURED SHOULDER Schmarder Takes First Fall from Queen in Eleven Minutes Queen Suffers Injured Shoulder From Wednesday's Dally The wrestling match last night be twef-n Frank Schmarder of Louis Tille and Jess Queen of Omaha was terminated after the first fall had b-en secured by Schmarder In eleven minutes with a lxidy scissors and arm lock that forced the Omaha man to the mat, as Queen suffered a very se verex injury to his right shoulder, the ligaments being torn and bruised so that it was impossible for the plucky lad to remain in the match. In the fast preliminary between 1a-v Tickler of this city and Ray Car ten of llailan. Iowa. Lee wa9 the winner of the fall in eleven minutes. the head scissors and wrist lock be ing used in the undoing of the Iowa lad. Doth men were in good shape and made a nice exhibition of this manly sport. The bovs wrestle between Joe Schlater of this city and George Rei hnrt of Louisville, resulted in a tie as both boys were still hopping to the match when the referee at the close of eleven minutes decided that the lads had given the spectators a run for their money. A challenge was received at the match from Carl Woods, the Norfolk wrestler, who extended to the winner of the main event a challenge and this will be accepted by Schmarder for a later date. MRS. J. E. VANDERCOOK DIES IN SOUTH From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. J. E. Yandercook, who for merly was a member of the family of the Masonic Home in this city, but who went south accompanying L. A. Moore and family to Lutz. Flo., and who has been making her home there for several years past, died at her home there about March first this year. Mrs. Vandercook will be re membered as being greatly interest ed in the work of the YV. (. T. U.. while here being their president for some time. STECHER-CADDOCK MATCH AT PARMELE Local Movie House Will Show Mo tion Pictures of Match in Addi tion to Washtum Film The management of the Parmele theatre have contracted for the showing of the great world's cham pionship wrestling match which was held in New York City January 30th. It is said that these are some of the clearest movies ever taken of an event of this kind, and have drawn great crowds wherever shown. Messrs. Moore & Cloidt have se cured these at a great deal of ex pense, but will show them along with their regular Iiryant Wash bum feature. "Why Smith left Home." which, by thjs? way, is a cork ing good comedy-drama, for their regular admission of loc for child ren and 25c for adults. This big double bill will be shown both Friday and Saturday, with two Fl.ows each night, and the Parmele will probably be taxed .to its ca p tcity both nights. C. D. St. John. F. P. Sheldon, Ernest C. Giles. II. P. Sturm, J. W. Thomas, J. II. Steffens, have filed for dele gates and Mrs. Edith L. Palmer as committeeworoan for the party from that precinct. William Schneider has filed as committeeman and dele gate from Eight Mile Grove precinct and T. J. Ilennings and A. O. Ault as delegates from that precinct. In Mt. Pleasant precinct Cyrus Living ston has added his name to the list of delegates. TOSSES CHAPEAU INTO THE RING County Judge Beeson Decided on Urg ing of Friends to Enter Race for Re-Election to Office From Wednesday' Dally. County Judge Allen J. Beeson in response to the general demand of his friends over the countv has de cided to enter the lists at the forth coming primary and election as a candidate for another term in the office he has so well filled for a num ber of years. The petition filed with County Clerk Sayles bears the signatures of over 600 of the voters of the various precincts of the county and the judge is well pleased with the very generous manner in which his friends have raised and prepared these petitions. The filing of Judge Beeson leaves the race a two-man affair with M. S. Briggs as the candidate opposing the judge and the primary will be a preliminary heat as both candidates will have a shot at the main chance at the November election the law providing that the two highest men in the primary go on the ballot at the regular election. The election of judge Is non-parti- son and the ranks of all political parties are open for the candidates to get in their best efforts in the cam paign that will be soon stirring over the county. DANCE VERY SUCCESSFUL From Wednesday's Dally. The K. K. G. club pleased a large ilumber of the lovers of dancing at their dance on Monday evening at Coates hall, when the DeFord Jazzers of Lincoln came down to assist In the big dancing event. The remark able success of these exponents of the new style of raggy jazz has pleased all of the young dancing set and the dances have all been very liberally lpatronized. George F. Dovey assist ed as entertainer at the ball. To en joy the occasion a large number of the young people came up from Ne braska City. RIVER IS RISING MORE MAKE FILINGS Ftotn Wednesday's Da My. The republicans of Nehawka pre cinct have prepared and filed a list cf their delegates to the forthcom ing county convention. John P. Stoll. From Wednesday s Daily The Missouri and Platte rivers at this point are both showing an in creasing volume of water following the opening up of the river and this morning the river showed a raise of three feet over yesterday. The Platte is now entirely free of ice. but a body of ice is reported as floating down the Missouri from the head waters and a slight gorge was form ed yesterday above the mouth of the Platte. The channels on this side of the main Missouri - river are filled bank full of water and a much furth er increase in the water will mean that a portion of the land on the bot tom will be flooded. A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It i3 pleasant to take and you are sure to he pleased with the relief which it affords. This remedy has a wide reputation for its cures of coughs and colds. c P P 1 R I g !? C . M i- H B. K. F. Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a sAock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. J. F WOLFF, Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postoffice v1 adiant New Raiment for aster with the Charm of "J- j. i f Spring in Line and Fabric is yours almost for the asking. Never have fabrics been so beautiful so varied so readily adaptable to the fashions of the day as those ve are now show ing. And never has the Derolexino- oroblem of ii i i - wearing apparel been so easily solved so absolutely placed within your own hands. There is a tremendous amount of home sewing being done and daily the number is increasing. In fact the savings are so pronounced as to enable you to afford several garments in the place of one. To prove to you the truth of our statements we are conducting a week of "Home Sew ing' giving you an opportunity to come in and see the beautiful fabrics that we are showing. SUITINGS, in all the latest weaves. COATINGS, Polo Cloth, Tweeds, Velours, Etc. SILKS, such as Sport Skirtings, Satins, Charmouse, Taffetas, Foulards, Pongees, Etc. VOILES and WASH GOODS of all kinds in all the newest weaves and colorings. DRESS ACCES SORIES of all kinds and new things arriving daily. Children's Apparel for Easter! From the tiniest tot up to the young miss is also an easy matter to solve. There are the most adorable patterns found in our Mc Call Books, and our shelves are brimfull of pretty fabrics, out of which to construct the most adorable frocks. Here yu find DOTTED SWISS! ORGANDIE! VOILE! NAINSOOK! BATISTE, ETC. The ight Trimming is Often the of the Frock! 2 k i H g And we have been careful to not overlook a single item that would add just the right touch to make a garment'complete. Picot Edged Ribbons; The New Belts; Beautiful Laces; Newest of Collars and Vestings; Buttons, Etc. ! Here too are "Needles and Pins N' Everything.' Items too numerous to mention, but needful for the home sewer. All your wants in dress maker's find ings have been anticipated, and many helpful ideas are here waiting for you. PHONES 53 and 54 PHONES 53 and 54 FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE From Wednesday's Dally. Action was filed yesterday in the office of the clerk of the district court by Attorney C. E. Martin ap pearing for the plaintiff in the ac tion, Grace Bell Stander, who is seeking to have the marriage ties be tween herself and Morris Lee Stand er, sundered by the district court. The parties in the action were mar ried at Council Bluffs in January 1919. SENDS SOME VERY FINE FRUIT L. A. Moore and wife who have been making their home in the south, for some time being located near Semper, Fla., where they have had a fruit farm, write to their friends here and have Just sent a box of citrus fruits to their friends in Plattsmouth, among the members of the W; C. T. U. and also included some for the publisher of, this pa per. The oranges and lemons, which are grown at their place are wonderful in size, and delightful in flavor and quality. We are pleased to know our old friends are prospering in the sunny south. LEAVES FOR NEW HOME from Tuesday's Dally. This afternoon Paul Stadelmann departed for Omaha with the inten tion of making that city his future home and engaging in business there. Paul has made arrangements to carry on his work of selling pa pers and will have a stand on -one of the principal streets of the me tropolis, where he will be able to Idok after the needs of the public in the reading line. Since childhood Paul has made his home in Platts mouth and has long been a familiar figure as he traveled over the streets in his wheel chair, disposing of his line of papers. Since the death of his grandparents, Paul has made hist home at the Masonic -Home in -this city and leaves this shelter to do battle with the world In the line of business. That his brightest antici pations of success may be realized is the sincere wish of his many friends throughout the city and vicinity. CELEBRATES NINTH BIRTHDAY From "Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday was the ninth birth an niversary of little Miss Catherine Mc Clusky and in honor of the occasion a number of her young friends were invited in to spend a few hours with the guest of honor and the after noon spent most delightfully in the childhood games and enjoyments. A suitable luncheon with the tradition al birthday cake was served at an appropriate hour that served to add to the delights of the members of the party. PURCHASES NEW HOME. from Tuesday's Lally. Ralph Haynie, w!io recently pur chased the new bungalow erected by Peters & Parker on Oak street, be tween 7th and 8th streets, has made a further investment in Plattsmouth real estate and purchased the John Rueland home just east of his new home. Mr. and Mrs. Rueland are expecting to remove to Los Angeles, California, as soon as the final ar rangements can be completed and will join their son Roy, who is mak ing his home there with his family. The new purchase will give Mr. Hay nie a nice piece of property as it is well situated near the main portion of the city and only a few seconds walk to the business section. The matter was handled by A. C. Mutz, the real estate man. Notice to Ford Owners! ii How are your lights? Docs your motor crank hard? If you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge your magneto without taking your motor down for $5.00. Gome In and Lot Us Explain! W. W. WAS LEY, Garage Phone 650 . House Phone 502 Subscribe for The Journal I i I i I