MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1920. ELATTS2I0UTH SEMliWEESET JOUBHAI PAGE FIVE. MtJRDQK The Bank of Murdoch ' Murdock, TJebraska . CALLS YOUR ATTENTION: That all income tax returns must be properly made out, and r'aced jn the United States mails not later than March 15th. That we are ready to assist all of our -friends and patrons in making correct returns, and will always use our"best efforts to have these leturns correct, and at "the same time, we are looking out for our friends', and will see that they are allowed all proper deductions, expenses, depreciation and exemptions. The -Revenue Officers look" out for Uncle Sam and insist that all income be Included in the returns, and the tax. payer is left to look out. for himself. We do everything possible to see that he gets a square, fair deal, in his income returns hen we make them out. Remember, that we have been here a long, long time; that we have always given excellent service in general . banking, real estate settlements and personal business affairs of our frtends and customers. Our resources are ample and our personal standing, both morally and financially, enable us to take care of you in time of plenty, as well as in time of scarcity. , Our settlements for March 1st business transacted through this b?nk will total just about HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, per haps more. We have at the present time over FOUR HUNDRED satisfied depositors in our bank. Every year sees our number of depositors increase, and this is because they realize that we give all a square deal, and make their interests ours. If you are not at the present time one of our customers, why not drop in and talk .matters over with us, and join the satisfied Hit of the customers of . THE BANK OF MURDOCK "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier You can get floor wax at all times of Max Dusterhoff. tf. Burr Oak Posts and. Poles Tele phone Murray 2704. H. L. Saycr, I lattsmouth. 11. I D. 1. 4tsw-2'd Some time ago Wm. Bauer took up on his farm one red heifer calf that i he is holding pending its being) claimed by the owner. About the same time A. A. Lindell lost such a described calf. Wonder if they had not better get into communication with each other? Are You j Proud !&S of Your MM Home? as: W Let us redecorate it for you now with new 1920 wall paper GOOD WORK FAIR PRICES CALL, PHONE OR . WRITE and we. will be pleased to 'bring our books for your selection of the very latest patterns. Estimates and spec ifications for all kinds of papering, painting, outside work and interior decorating pladly furnished; Only the very best of work at all times. H. H. Phone 34-J. LAWTON Murdock, Neb. rmnm e b. . w. ran ugato Automobiles and Accessories ' AGENCY FOR MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE XINEOF ALL KINDS OF TIRES r 1 Phone 35-B .PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. You are safe in buying varnishes for every purpose of Max Duster hoff. tf. Oscar Zaar of near South Bend was a visitor in Murdock last Fri- day, looking after some business matters. E. W. Thimgan was a visitor .at the auto show in Omaha during the last three days of the week. He thought the exhibition a real show. Joseph West, who has lived . near Weeping Water, has recently moved to the Murdock neighborhood and will farm here the coming season. 'Albert Bluma of south of town, traded three mules and a 1600 pound bull to Leo Rikli for four mules, and both are well satisfied with their bargain. The exceedingly strong winds of last Thursday blew in two large win dows at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thimgan, doing considerable damage. Fred Cordes, living northeast of town, has "had the Journal sent to Mis address and --will- in. the future be one of the .family of readers Of this paper-a,t Murdock, -although be gets his mail through the Wabash post office. Wm. Netilson, northeastof town, shelled corn during the week, being assisted by A. J. Bauer. George Utt and son, Diller, while Joe Johansen was one of those who helped haul the grain to market. Messrs. Max Dusterhoff, Fred H. Oehms, O. E. McDonald and E. W. Thimgan were visitors in the coun ty seat one day the fore - part' of last week, driving over in Mr. Thim gan's car to look after some mat ters of business. W. M. Luetchens. who was Is town looking after the filling out of his income 'tax .blanks last Friday, also had his name .placed on the Journal subscription list and will be num bered among the large "family of readers of this enterprising news paper in the future. August Panska was selected a few days ago as a member of the United States grand jury which convenes at Lincoln, where -they will take up the investigation of some matters that are new before the clerk of the U. S. cOurt. The work of the jury will Tegin on March 10th. Uncle George Vanderberg, Jiving south of Murdock, ; is -reported as suffering-at his home with inflamma tory rheumatism, which "is keeping him confined to the house. ' He has been suffering considerably during the. past week but is reported as showing some improvement now. llj J i Murdock, Neb. IK), BEPMR TMEMT, For those who are discriminating. Max Dusterhoff's selection of wall pa per will surely please. - tf. Superintendent J. H. Burwell, of. the Murdock schools, was a visitor at his home in Lincoln over bunaay. Misses Margaret and Catherine A. Tool, who are attending school at Lincoln, were visitors at their homes in Murdock over Sunday. L. B. Goerthy, who has become -market man for Joe Johansen, has had the ill luck to have his family confined at home with the flu. It is reported that Mr. Dillar Utt, made a record in unloading a car of coal for the lumber yard during the week, not being at work more than a half day. - E. L. Pothast of Lincoln was a visitor in Murdock last Wednesday coming, to look after some business matters, and to see how work went , on the new bank building. Mrs. L. Amgwert who has been making her home at the farm of Wm. Bourke where she was the house keeper, has"moved to Murdock. and 'will live in her own home vn. the fu ture. Wm. Gehrts and Charles Shaefcr were both attending the auto show at . Omaha during the week, and found it one of the most successful exhibitions which the old city, has ever produced. , Kenneth Tool was a visitor at his nome nere over duuui v. ujunui, down Saturday from Lincoln to .visit, his parents and returning Sunday. evening to resume his studies at the state university. J Mrs Alva Kenworthy of Cheyenne, Wyoming nas oen v s. l'1 'WZlr dock for the past few days, a guest at the'horae of her mother. Mrs. David Thimgan and sister, Mrs. Henry Gakemeier. O. J. Pothast and wife were vis iting in Lincoln over Saturday even ing and Sunday, and attending the finals of the state basket ball tourna ment end returned home on the Jer sey Sunday evening. Mrs. Lela Taylor of Omaha, wa? a visitor in Murdock at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Utt last week, coming to see her daugh ter. Miss Genevieve Taylor, who is making her home at Grandfather Utt's. A. A. Lindell and family who-havf been confined to their homes for some time past are all making good improvements from the flu, which . hps been keeping them in for the oericd. They are all now nearly well. . Last Tuesday Mrs. Dr. McDermid of Omaha came down for a fbort visit at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L- Neitzel. and were 'join ed by Dr. McDermid. . who . enjoyed a short stay here, both returning home on the Jersey, Tuesday evening. Fred Zink who has been at the Everett Hospital. at Lincoln for th? oast few weeks where he was treat de for hernia, was able to return home last Sunday having beer greatly benefitted by his treatment, saying he never felt better in iiii life. A. J. Tool, is working rather hand icapped, as he has a sore finger which the stitching machine in the harness shop, caused when it sHope up unaware .and pierced the finger with its needle. It is getting along o. k. though, and will soon be as good as new. Harry Davis is just now moving to the former home of S. M. Cox west of Murdock. and will engage in the raising of fine chickens, as well ac looking after- the draying and ex press business in town. He will breed the Fisher strain of ."White Plymouth Rocks; and White Wyan dot tes, -which have a reputation of being the very best. 'Calf for Sale vSubject to register, a 5 months old double standard bull calf for sale, write Albert Blum, South P.end. . . ' - M82W, Shipped Two Cars cf Stock Wm. Bourke shipped last Friday two cars of stock, to the. markets of Omaha, which covered all thq farm products, with the exceptions cf chickens, having hogs, cattle, horses and sheep. The Town Board Met The town board met last week and held a shorl -meeting, and adjourn ed until March 22nd. - when ihey will meet again, and with the voters of the city, place in the field a ticket for the election of officers of the vil lage for the coming year. Better all attend this meeting. . Have .Foundation Begun The foundation for the new build ing for the use of the Farmer's and Merchants bank, has been begun and barring the ppell of severe weather the work had to be stopped when It had proceeded that far. Attended Basket Ball Games Harry Gillespie and Lacey McDon ald were in attendance at the state basket ball tournament, last Thurs day going over on the Rock Island freight while James Mills drove his cr to Elm wood, where he took the Missouri Pacific train for the capital, city.' they attended all the games in cluding the evening games, return ing to Elmwcod via the Missouri Pa cific and driving home in the car oi? Mr. Mills. They were all well pleas ed witbi the games. Wm. H. Bohn, Auctioneer PHONE 23 05 I ELMW00D NEBRASKA Wabanh Cemetery'Committee toMeet'rn tKriVSr.iSSTtiSX There was arranged a meeting for -and five, in Section thirteen, Town- the Wabash cemetery' committee a few days ago. but on account of the exceedingly cold weather of last Thursday, there was no meeting and arrangements have been made for the calling together of the com . mittee. on March 18., when they will I look after the business calling them I lUgetaer. i ue cut io oa&iitru uy iur. J. c Brown as 'president and Harry V. McDonald as secretary. This com mittee has not had a meeting far-sev eral years. This Should be Some Move In a Short time the home Of Henry 1 rr- i ii i, kt, j A. Tool Will have been Complete, and he will vacate the place where he lie win vjicttte iuc yiavc wiiero lie has been living, that being the par- srmazp Mr G Baur will thpn op- sona.e. iur. u. uaur m inen oc- CUpy that place, after Which Harry who nurchased that nro- nortv u i ncoiinv it. With the . - t' - r . . cation of the property where Mr. Gil- lespie has been living, A. J. Bauers w ill move into it, he having been liv ing with his son-in-law, Mr. .Ray mo,nd Bollin and wife. This will make quite a moving bee. but will not provide any extra places for anj' one to live. Has Improved His Shop While J. H. Buck has been very i..,,. v,j ritv, ot. whJ h hag come tQ him he , flnds t,me to make improvements in his place of business and wltn each week Ilk the other "Village Black- gm,th,. he has commencd thins, and has done something as well. He has . just put the shop in much better condition and with a coat of white paint has decorated the interior so that he has secured much better light. . Hires Sick with the.Fla Frank Rosenow who has just be began to move, last week wastaken with the flu. and had to stop. This kept E. H. Miller also from moving, awaiting the returning health of Mr; Ro-enow. At the same time Messrs. Wm.Rikli and Otto Miller were also sick with the same malady, but all are improving. Implements. Hard to Secure Looking ahead, Wm. Gehrts has placed orders and secured a. large supply of implements, for the trade tide, and has at all times advised those who would need machinery to make the purchase and get it to their farm so as to enable him to replen ish the -supply. He was at the wholesale market a,. short time ago to purchase -some particlular piece of machinery and was compelled to take another articl. He has a good sized stock, but still advises those who know they will want some par ticular machinery to purchase it at once, as .they will' surely have it then, and not have to wait until they are ready to use the same. SLIPPED fl SURPRISE OVER 0!l FRIEIIDS Slipped by hoth their friends, was what Chris' Kupqe and his winsome bride, formerly Miss- Hattie Renn what Chris Kupke and .his "winsome they quietly departed a few days ago for Lincoln, and there, were married la?t Tuesday, returning home last Friday in their car, ready for con ;?ratulations. This is a very popu Jar young couple, and are well known to the people in .and .about Murdock. They will -make their home on a farm east of . Murdock, and will, be at home to their friends in a short time. Just About Completing Work The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Tool, which has been under construction for the past number of months, is just now . about nearing completion and is receiving the last finishing touches of the painters and decorators. . Max Dusterhoff, and his corterie of artists, they being .Joseph Wuschinek, who has been with Mr. Dusterhoff for some time and of whom all know of his excellence in workmanship. Also Mr. John-Church and Noah Murdock, recently of Oma ha, but who have been employed by Max-for some-time past, and both of them the' finest -of workman. The new home will be ready to move into in, a short time. Ses This Harness You no -doubt have seen the fam ous "Boyt" harness advertised. You can examine the harness for your-; self at the store -of A. J. Tool and judge of its merits. .Absolutely the best harness in the world for .the money. mj.-4w. ' FARM HELP WANTED Married men, good wages, and house to live in. For particulars ad dress E. W. Melburn, Murray, Neb. 2td ltw. JAZZ DANCE WEDNESDAY The Cosmopolitan club will : give e. bier jaas dance at the Coates hall on Wednesday evening. " Music will be furnished by the Avard jazz or chestra and the latest shoe tickling music will be put' out by this aggre gation of jazzing musicians. Ad mission, Gents 75c; Ladies freer Spectators 25c, plus war tax. : If it's in the stationery line call r at the . Journal office. UE6AJL ijumes i To the unknown heirs, -devlseee. M legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in -the f estate of S. N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown iieirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the 'estate of William H. Wright, deceased; Hugh Henry, if. living-, if deceased, his un 4t no w n heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives -eund all other persons .interested .in -his estate; all f.,,fP tw.elYf Hange ten. Cass county. B. &. M. .itailroad right of way. or any ' part thereof, , and Myrtle P. At wood: You and ;aeh of you are hereby no tified that on th 3rd day of March, 1920, a petition was filed in the Dis trict Court of Cass eounty, Nebraska, in which filiie i.aar, Oscar V. Zaar and Axel -D. -Zaar were -plaintiffs, and the 'Village -of South :Bend; the un known heirs. -Tdevisees. -legatees. or- - sonal representatives and all other persons mieiesieu in iu esiai? ui o. N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other - persons In- ; terested in the estate of William H. Wright, deceased; -Hugh Henry, if living-, if deceased,' the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa- ,tlve,s, and all other persons Interested in his estate; Catherine H. Pannele, widow of Calvin H. I'armele. decease!; Myrtle P. Atwood. -Nellie P. Agnew, aiyrue j Atwooa, .fteuie i . A Charles c. Harmele and Thoma Pannele. sole heirs of Calvin H. mete deceased; that part of ' Lota Thomas K. Par- . three and five in iieation thirteen, Township twelve. ltd rise ten, Cass IV . - kT.L.l.. v"'i. ) "'B ;'' i0 of -the B. & M. railroad riftht of way. and all persons rlalminf? any .Interest of any kind In j&aid real estate, or any part thereof, were defendants. The object ajid prayer -of which "pe tition are to quiet title in the plaintiit' Tillie Zaar to Lot two in that part of Section thirteen. Township twelve,, l.ange ten, Cass county, Nebraska, ly inp north and .east of 'the B. & M. . railroad r is: ht of way; To quiet the title In 'the plaintiff Axel I. Zaar.: to Lot three in Section thirteen. Township twelve. Range ten, Cass county, Nebraska, lying- north and east-of the B. & M. right of way; To quiet the title In the plaintiff Oscar W. Zaar, to lot five in Section thirteen, township twelve. Range ten. Cass county. Nebraska, lying north and east of the B. & M. railroad right of way; Because said plaintiffs, and each of them, and their grantors, have had the actual, open, notorious, exclusive and adverse possession thereof, and of every part and parcel thereof, for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of this action, and for equitable relief. You and each of .you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day the. 26th day of April, 1920. I TILLIE ZAAU OSCAK W. ZAAK AXEL I. ZAAU Plaintiffs. C. A. KAWLS, m8-4w. Attorney. I.KGAL XOTICB Ala not a Vailery, defendant will take notice that on the $th day of March, l!2-o, Aliee Johnson, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the -District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to enforce specific perfor mance of a certain contract for the sale by the defendant of an undivided one-third part of the following de scribed .real . estate, towit: . , The .south half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-four 24 : also the north : half o.f the northwest quarter of Section twenty-five. (25, evceptins twenty -acres off the south side thereof ; .also the .east half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-three 23). all in Township twelve (12). North Itanse thirteep 13). east of the tli P. Cass county. Nebraska: also the following" described tract of land to wit: Commencing- t . the northeast cor ner of -Section-twenty-six (26) in Town ship twelve (12 Kange thirteen (13) east of the 6th I. M., Cass- county. Ne braska: thence running west "forty (40) rods: thence nowth sixty (60) ;rods: thence east forty (40) rods; theru-e north sixty (60) rods, to the place of beginning, 'containing In all 174.68 acres more or less According to Gov ernment survey. Vou-are .required to answer said, pe tition on or before the 26th day of April. 120. Dated this-Sth dav of March.-1920. . ALICE JOHNSON. mS-4w. .Plaintiff. LEGAL XOTICE Kmma Kikenbary, 'defendant, .-will take notice that -on the 8th day of March, 1920, Alice Johnson, plaintiff herein, filed her -petition .in-theDis-trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska against said defendant. the object and prayer of which .are -to enforce spe cific performance of a certain con tract for the sale by the defendant of an undivided one-third part of the following-described real estate, twft: The -south half of the .southwest quarter of Section twenty-four 24); also the . north half of the northwest quarter of Section twenty-five (25). excepting twenty acres off -the south side thereof: also the east iialf of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-three (23). all in Township twelve (12), 'North liange thirteen (13 , east of the 6th P. M.. Cass county. Nebraska: also the following described tract -f .iand. to wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section twenty-six (26) in Township twelve (12). Jiange thirteen 13). east of the 6th 1 M.. Cass coun ty, Nebraska: thence running -west forty (40) -rods; thence south sixty 60) rods: thence east forty (40) rods; thence north sixty (60) ,rods .to the place of beginning, containing in all 17 4.6S acres more or less, according to Government survey. You are required' to answer .said pe tition on or before the 26th day of. April. 1920. Dated this Sth day of Marrb. 1920. ALICE JOHNSON. m8-4w. Plaintiff, i LK(i L :!VOTI(K In the District Court Of Cas coun ty, Nebraska . Jos-enh A. Everett. Plaintiff, vs. Sa- mantha Jamison Long et al, .Defen dants. To the defendants Belle Henderson: nd Henderson, her husband; Donald Nichols and Mrs. Donald. Nich ols, his wife: - . x bu and each of you are hereby noi tified that on the 28th dav of June, A. 1. 1918. plaintiff filed his suit in tne iisirici uouri oi jass county, aci braska, the objett and 'purpose or which is to quiet and confirm plain trff's title in and to the SE of NEVi of Section 29, and the west ten acres of the NWV4 of Section 28, all lin Township 10 N. of , Kan fee " 14, eastof the 6th P. M., in Cass county.-Nebras-ka, and to enjoin' each and -ail of you from having or claiming any riglitj title, lien or interest, either legal oc equitable in and to. said land ortany" part thereof, and to enjoin you .and each of you from in any manner in terfering with plaintiffs possession and enjoyment of said Ttreraises -and for equitable relief. This notice la given pursuant to an order of the said court. You a,re required to -answer said petition -on r before - the 19th day of April. : 1920, or : your de fault will be entered therein. JOSEPH A. EVEKETT, f PJaintiff. 1 By A. LI TIDD, , m 8 -1 w His Attorney. '. Attorney Charles L. Graves and Edward E. Leech, of Union, were in the city yesterday afternoon and last evening, looking after some mat-! ters of importance at the court house. ! Farmers Merchants Bank Thi$3ank has the Facilities, Ability and Willingness to render-consistant service to farmers and merchant?. Farmers and Merchants Bank, , All ways at Your Service. HENRY BECKAMEYER, Pres. AUGUST PANSKA, Vice-Pres. O. J. POTHAST, Cashier MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA LGAL 2SOTICK In 'the District Court of Ca-ss coun ty, Nebraska. K. M. Welshimer and Company, a co-partnership, composed of F. M. Wel shimer. C. E. Welshimer and Jamen Welshimer, Plaintiffs, vs. Peter E. Iiuffner et al.- Defendants. To the defendant, John W. Kuffner You are hereby notified that on the 21 st day of August. A. D. 1919, plain tiffs filed their suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, tlie object and purpose of which is to foreclose a mechanic's lien on the northwest quarter of Section five (", Township 11 N. Mange 13. ea-st of the 6th 1. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, in the sum of $16.73. with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per nnnum from April , 191S, and equitable re lief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of said court. You are required to .answer said petition on or before the 19th day of April, 1920. or your default will be entered therein. F. 11. WEI,SHIMKU AND COMPANY n co-partnership, composed of F. M. Welshimer, C. E. Welshimer and James Welshimer. Plaintiffs. By A. I TIDD. m8-4w. Their Attorney. Everett Maxwell and wife of Van Buren, Arkansas, arrived in the city last evc-irr, called here by the ill ness of Ilr.-. E. C. Tewksbury, great aunt of Mr. Maxwell and for. a visit with Mrs. Anna May Wooley, moth er of Mr. Maxwell. o vera WOcldQ EACH SPECIALS STEIFEL STRIPE HEAVY WEIGHT A limited lot on sale at this price for Wednesday Thursday and Friday only. A cracking good line of Work Shoes at prices that will -sure surprise you. iirdoc'li Mercantile Go., . v JERRY -E. McHTJGH, Manager MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA Threshers Tractors X Tlio International Lino Gomplcto! ..Power plenty-of power and emciency at all times, reliable and dependable is what all want. We have It in the International Line. ...We-. carry. a full and complete. lino of Kerosene Engines, Gaso line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators, Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders.and Binding Twine. CALL ON 1 US FOR YOUR -WANTS IN OUR LINE WM Murdock NEHAWKA The roads have been in fine con ditions the last week and the Ne hawka Transfer Co.. has been busy with their truck practically every day. C. C. Trotter and wife loaded their household effects the first of the week and left for Auburn, la., where they expect to make their future home. Mr' Trotter is employed at garage work there. The News-Led- rger was ordered to follow them to their new home. They have our best wishes as well as their numerous friends. The public dunce given at the au ditorium in Nehawka last Friday ev ening drew one of the largest crowds that ever attended a dance here. The evening was superb, the roads were in excellent condition and many were in attendance from all the towns nearby. Some came from as far as Plattsmouth and Eagle. The Harvey Teten orchestra from Ne braska City furnished the music. Power Machines 5 Nebraska 11 and Jacket GEHRTS