The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
-fW - it MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWC LEAVES FOR GRANT TODAY ' SEEKS REMOVAL OF GUARDIAN. , ! . ' V; An all-around good shot. That's us." ---'Chesterfield WHAT we're aiming at, is that it takes both skill and precision to blend tobaccos the Chesterfield , way. Maybe this is why you find "Satisfy" in Chesterfields and ' nowhere else- . " t - " ' k i w -. - f r From Friday's Daily. Today Frank Steppat and family are leaving Cass county . to in the Frances Val-' their future home at Grant, in Per- lery through her attorney, Matthew A i i From Friday's Dailv. : A petition has been filed make , county court by Mrs. ansa lb a OP kins county, where Mr, the' oicppai ; uci 11161 i nuicu sue jreimuus iu. extensive land interests and where court for the removal of the guar-!. , ft T TTli 1 'H r-s ,0 mike ,heIr home 'rpSiv'rTopr Nebraska Spotted Poland . Lhma Mrs. Steppat has beeu visiting: in petitioner also asks that she be given ik . K 9 w Mrs. Steppat has beeu visiting in petitioner also asks that she be given Omaha with her relatives and goes full and-!i Red.' control and from that city to the new home to management of her. property, join her husband. As a farewell to!' Mrs. Vallery has. under the will this excellent family a large nuni- of her husband, the late C. II. Val ber of the friends and neighbors lery. a. life interest and use of the tendered them a very pleasant fare-' rents and profits of the real and per well on last Saturday evening at .eonal property of the estate, butin their home west of the city, and der an order issued by the .county which was in the nature of, a very:court, the matter has been in charge jolly dancing party. - jof Robert L. Propst, as guardian, The 'friends part reluctantly with j under a petition filed by the other Mr. and Mrs. Steppat and they will heirs of the estate. ' carry with them in their new home "T,he hearing on the petition has the best wishes of the old friends in been set for Thursday, March 18th, Cass countv. at wuicn time the court will mane V7hy Colds are Dangerous You are often told to "beware of a cold," but why? We will tell you: Kvery cold weakens the lungs, low ers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. Peo ple who contract flu and the pneu i:io;iia first take cold. The longer a cold hangs on the greater the dan ger, especially from the germ disease-. a3 a.ccld prepares the system ler the reception and development of the gorir.s of consumption, diptheria, rrarlct fevrr and whooping cough. The (iui"k-3r you- get rid of your cold th? U- one of these diseases. Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy has a great reputa tion' as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. It is pleasant to take. FARM FOR SALE My'farm of 219 acres, six and one half miles northwest of Plattsuiouth. Good improvements. 70 acres farm land, balance in pasture and tim ber, with good spring water in pas ture. Price $130.00 per acre. Pos cessiou given April 1st, 1920. John N. Beck, Route No. 2, Plattsmouth, the danger of contracting ! Nebraska. f26-4w mm Wff m Put aoidkeep oi irs Mrin'pv WHEN SOME WELL DRESSED STRRNGEfl VITH A SLICK LOOKING SCilEME AND A SMOOTli TALK COMES ALONG SOME DAY AND A3K YOU TO PUT YOUR MONEY INTO A GET.RICH QUICK SCHEME, LO'JK OUT! WHEN YOU HAVE MONEY, PUT IT IN THE BANK AND ASK THE BANKER'S ADVlCE ABOUT INVESTMENTS. HE MAY SAVE YCU FROM LOSING, WITH ONE STROKE OF THE PEN, THE MONEY YOU HVE WORKED MANY YEARS FOR. PUT YOUR MONEY IN GUR BANK. ' YOU WILL RECEIVE INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES. armers estate "l.ATTSWOUTH. MS-'BRRRK fi i.i m vwv m.m 1 'nun , -i ' m,m f 'I'. J' ' .? . m ' r. tJm'u'w't. v hhii m ' - - - - - -S- r-r . i. :.J . iinin'l' - i- I" )- IT 1 !! Postponed on Account of Bad Weather C3 H fist, n C3 M lliz rndersifned will effer for sale at Public Auction at his home, thres and .cue-half miles northwest of Murray, three and cne-half alios southwest of Mynard, and cne mile east of Eight Ililc Grcve church cn r I si 1 Thursday? Maroh 11th THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, TO-WIT: ' '' ' Twenty-three head -of Whitef ace cov;s, high grade, with calves from V.'hiteface bulla; 25 head of native red cows, 4 and 5 years, clu. some g-ccd rilk, cov.'s, fre-Ji soon; 8 cows with calves 6 weeks eld. nrke good milk cows; 4 Whiteface yearling bull calves j 10 Ltecis end htifcrs, coming yearlings; 5 Whitef ace steers ; 2 Vhite faco registered bulls, coming 3 years old. - Two bay mares, 7 and 8 years eld, wt. 1100 each; one bay. 3:crse, 7 years old, wt. 1SC0 ; one bay. mare 9. years old, wt. .1300; ens fciack horse 8 years old, wt. 1100. This stock. is ail in. good condition. There will also be some f;m iri'lerients efftred for sale. ' - . - 'SALE. STARTS AT 10" O'CLOCK A. M.- ' . LUNCH SERVED AT NOON ' 'CL5.I1S OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash. '."On sums over (JIG a trcdi of ten months wll be given, purcharer giving bankable rets tearing eight per cent interest from data. -Property must be settled for before being removed. . W. R. T0UKG, Auctioneer" " . "GEO.. O.TOVEY, Clerk jj SECURES MARRIAGE LICENSE From Friday's Dally. Yesterday in the office of Couuty Judge A. J. Beeson a license was is sued to Mr. Charles Knutson and Mis3 Fern Grassman, both of Louis ville. The bride to be is well known in this citv, where she made . her home for a number of years, being the oldest daughter of the'late Ed- randdaughter Wheeler, with whom she made her home for a considerable time. -The young peo ple are to be married this week at their home in our neighboring- city. ward Grassman and a of Mr. and Mrs. Frank disposition of the petition of Vallery. Mrs. WILL VISIT DENMARK RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA. From Friday's Daily. Yesterday Charles E. Haney and wife returned home from a three months' visit on the Pacific coast, spending the greater part of the time fn .the southern California cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and Long Beach. . The trp was greatly enjoy ed by both Mr. and Mrs. Haney and during their stay in Los Angeles they were very fortunate in running across a number of the Plattsmouth colony. Mr. Haney: had the pleasure of meeting our old friend Mike Mauzy on the street in Los 'Angeles and j later met Robert Mauzy and enjoyed a pleasant visit with both cf these gentlemen. Mrs. Haney also met Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Becker,, whq are spending the winter months ou the coast this year. Having- sold their home in .this city to W. R. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Haynie are still unsettled but for the present will make their home with the parents of Mrs. Haney, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hoffmann. From Thursday's Dally. Nels Sogard, the grain dealer of Weeping Water, with his wife and five children are expecting to enjoy the summer months in a most de lightful trip back to the native land of Mr. Sogard in Denmark. The ap plication has beeu made through- the office of the district clerk to the state department for the necessary passports that will the permit the party to make the trln and on the receipt of the permission it Is ex pected that they will leave at once for the east. The party expect to sail on the Frederick VIII sometime in May and will reach Denmark in the most delightful time of the year Other friends' of Mr. Sogard are ex pecting' to make application for pass ports and a very delightful party formed for the trip over the. big dring and amid the pleasant scenes of the heardy little kingdom of the northland. Mr. Sogard has been in the United States for SO years and this is his first trip back to the old home where he first saw the light of day. - X y x X X X X X X X X X V X X Breeders Association WILL. SELL. 40 HEAD 40 audi WHEN ADVERTISING PAYS - THE GREATEST RETURNS STORM RAGES IN NORTH From Friday's Daliy. The snow and wind of yesterday has apparently been much more se vere in the northern portion of the state than in this section, judging from a message received here last night by Fred Wei dm an from Plain view, Nebraska, and in which Mrs. Weidman informed her husband the weather there was very severe and that the snow had been badly drift ed by the, wind making the roads impassible. . Mr. Weidman had intended driv ing several cars from Omaha to Plainview today, but with, the un favorable weather conditions will probably delay the trip until the roads are better cleared up. RETURNS FROM ROCHESTER From Friday's Dally -D. J. Marshall, who has been at the Mayo Brothers hospital in Roch ester, Minnesota, for the past two weeks, returned home yesterday af ternoon and is feeling much better than on his departure for the hos-1 pital. . f Mr. Marshall was given a thor ough examination by the specialists and it was found that his condition was not as serious as he had thought and that an operation would not he necessary. After short treatment given him at the hospital, he was sent . back -home to continue the treatments with every assurance of soon being restored to his former ood health. This will be very pleasing news to the many, friends of this family throughout the city. As is the case with every other line of human endeavor, persistency pays the greatest dividends. Ad vertising, profitable as it is, cannot be . expected to produce the most gratifying results when done in a haphazardly manner. The large na tional advertisers, when they seek to bring a certin line of goods -before the public eye lay out a syste matic campaign extending over a period of months and even years, contract with the publishers on this basis and execute the job like clock work. It would be far better for local ad vertisers to follow some such a sys tematic plan, and once tried they would be surprised at results. It is a well known fact that news paper advertising is given preference as the most profitable medium thru which people are reached by all the advertising clubs of America, but it is often well, in a publicity campaign to augment it with other modes, in cluding circular letters, phamplets, blotters, catalogues, etc. If you would be interested in planning an advertising campaign, the Journal will be pleased to aid you, and give you expert advice as to the most effectual manner of at taining the desired results. And, in the line of newspaper circulation or job printing we can serve you most satisfactorily. FOR SALE 18 ACRES The. James Dvorak place about one mile southeast of Plattsmouth fourt house. Well improved with 6 room -house, running water, electric lights, toilet and bath,, all in fine shape. Large hay barn, cattle barn, huggy and auto shed, chicken house, etc. 15 acres in alfalfa: lots of fruit. All in excellent condition. Immediate possession. For price and terms address Joseph Pick, phone Douglas 4270, 1502 Dodge St., Om aha, Neb. Evenings or Sundays call Webster 4856'. 2w-d&w HAVE YOUR OWN CHOICE I have, some wonderful bargains for you can raise a little mon ey and ha ve liberal terms on- balance, suit . yourself, 7 homes, one 3-room, three 4 rooms each, ..two .S, rooms each, and one 16 rooms, all close In. Offered for a few days only. See me at once for particulars or phone 575. F. M. Welshimer. d&w "If you are not a subscriber to the Daily "Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. GRADER MEN WANTED Four grader men for work in Cass county are desired at one. Resi dents of county preferred: Head grader man acting as 'fore man, spc an hour, with a minimum of $100 a month to protect against bad weather. Rear, grader man, 7Cc per hour, with same minimum. Sleeping accommodations and a cook furnished hy state but men must board themselves. Apply to C. F. Vallery, county highway commissioner, Plattsmouth, Neb.. tf-d&w at .Nebraska 'City AT HALL Q. BRYAN'S SALE PAV1LLION V V T. t T T f r T T f f f v : t f T ? Thursday, March 1 t f z t t t 52 BEGINNING AT 1:00 P. M. t Here is the opportunity of a life time to start in the best hogs of the breed. There will be some grand bred sows and gilts sold in this sale. Arrange your work mm. m m V V V so that you may attend this sale and enjoy the banquet that night ana also hear toasts by notecj men. Neb ras C. A ssocsacion . R. H. STOOKER, Dunbar R. B. STONE, Nehawka SALE MANAGERS Auctioneer Chas. V. Taylor, What Cheer, Iowa. FIELD MEN F. L. Obenchain, Bainbridge, Ind.; Van G. Sutliff, Mobarly, Mo.; S. E. Ward, Brunswick f f t f x HATCHING EGGS Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horn eggs, selected for hatching pur poses. The egg laying machines. See our flock. H. H. Cotton, d&w-tf FOR SALE Good two and -one-half year old Shorthorn bull. J. J. Lohnes, My nard, Neb. 5tw -ACORNS 7 CENTS Owing to the advance of labor and the high cost of tobaccos, we are com pelled to advance the price of the "Acorn" cigar to 7 cents in order to maintain its present high quality. The Spanish open head system in the manufacture of the "Acorn" makes It superior to any cigar on the market today. PTAK & BA JECK, Manufacturers. lw-dw Has Er.d Ctomach Trouble for 7 Years Theodore Sanford of Fenmore, Mich., has had stomach trouble for seven years and could not eat vege tables or fruit without pain in the stomach and restless nights. By tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets he is now able to eat vegetables or fruit 'with out causing pain or sleeplessness. If troubled with indigestion or consti pation give these tablets ,a trial. They are sure to prove beneficial. Journal want ads pay. T f t 0 II I S i mm k3 Wednesday, 10 th '20 ? T f T T T f T t f T T t r T T x X X X X X X r X X x X Pacific Junction, Iowa 35 Head off Exceptionally High-Grade 35 - IpeJBeidljrDg.itfls- CQMING 3 AND 4 YEARS OLD Ten with calves at foot.; All the rest will freshen by June 1st. They are high grade milk strain as well as beef producers. One Polled Angus bull. These cattle are high' grade but not registered. 3M Ten head of pedigreed Poland China boars, 4 to 6 months old. They are crackerjacks. Also some nice stock hogs weighing from 1 25 to 200 lbs. ' I 1 " A big lot of farm tools of all ; kinds. All . nearly new. Sale will be TERMS, ETC. A credit s of eigh t months -at 8 interest, held at hog farm six blocks from the depot, rain or -shine. SALE WILL COMMENCE AT 1 P. M., SHARP. Col. Frank C. Boyle, Auct. Charles F. Davis, Clerk. f T T T T T T T T r T T T T v t y Y T T f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y- Y f Y 3 TV