The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1920, Image 1

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    Nebraska Stat Ehtori
cal Society '
No. 73
Leakinj Roof Causes Plastering to
Become Loosen sd and Does Dam
age to Braces and Trusses
Fiom Thursday's Dally.
The upper floor of the Cass coun
ty court house which has been in
very bad condition for the past few
years and badly in need of repairs
is in even worse condition today as
the result of a large section of the
plastering on the ceiling of the dis
trict court room falling during the
night and ' it is now possible to
glimpse the Bright sunshine through
the ceiling as the slate shingles
which covered that portion "of the
building have evidently long tince
been broken and out of commission.
The court house i3 one of the
handsomest of its type in the state
and cost at the time of Its erection
$80,000 but TTie same building now
would cost at least $350,000 and the
manner in which ft has been cared
for in the years gone by is not a very
good reflection of the good judg
ment of those who were in charge
of the care and keeping in repair of
the county building. It has been only
been In the past six year that any
effort has been made p do anything
toward keeping the building up and
a number or Improvements -have "been
made in the basement and second
floor of the building that have made
a great change for the better but the
years of neglect have caused damage
that will require considerable work
to replace and the outlay to the
county will be much greater than if
the work of repairing -and keeping
in shape had been carried on a little
each year. .
The district court room is quite
large and a beautiful interior was
prepared when the building was
erected but through the years since
1890 the effects of time have been to
wear awav the roof the hiilldlnjr nnd
the rosnit ha Wn tht thp wntr
- - - - - i
seeping in has caused a great deal of uu luc ",'c, 4UC " - ' " , 6
damage to the trusses and also to I erected at the workshop of Mr. Cole
tte plastering and now a great jag- ! manand win be "bout doubt the
ged hole in the plastering points finest Piece of vork tnat bas been
clearly to the need of immediate ac- seen on tne river lOT many a long
tion. The equity court room is also , da- The carpenter work has been
in need of renalr with eitTier nlaster- looked after by Bert and. his skill
ing or modern steel ceilings and walls
as this plastering is about to follow
that of the district court room.'
The board of county commissioners
are out of the city today by the. mat
ter will be brought to their attention
rt the meeting tomorrow and some
pctiou will probably be taken.
From Thursday's Dally.
The meeting of the American Le
gion last evening was not as well
attended as had been hoped for ow
ing to the inclement weather condi
tions, but a very interesting time
was enjoyed. The local post endors
ed the position taken by the nation
al executive committee
6 6
passage of the Morgan land bill as
wen as aaaea ami nuequ
jkumuuu iur me luiiui .. u.itne i,eautifui graft.
of the nation as represented by the
$50 a month compensation for each
month in service of the nation.
The report of the formation of'rrom Thursdays Daiij
the Woman's Auxiliary of the Legion
was received and as the necessary
number of signers have been receiv-
ed for the charter,-the organization
of a post of the auxiliary here will
be carried out as soon as tne charter
is received from the east and the
wives, mothers, daughters and sis-
ters of the membeis of the Legion,
or of those men who died while in
service will be eligible for member-
ship. j
Some alfalfa hay, also twoIncu-
bators. Call phone 4S0-J.
From Thursday' Dally.
This afternoon John Bednarik der
parted for Omaha, from where he
will 'go to New Jersey -where he is
to enter the government auto train
ing school. John was in the service
I of the United States during the war,
having enlisted in Co. C, 4th Ne
braska National Guard, which was
afterwards made the 127th Field
Artillery and with this organization
served in France. On his return he
made application for 'admission to.ierday when It. E.. Hickman, station.
the government school and this has
received favorable consideration and
he will at once enter on his new
work. The course covers a period of
eleven months, during whibh time he
is to receive $72 and all board and
other expenses." -
Mrs. Pannelia Newland Schooley
Passes Away at Home in Co.
Bluffs-Burial at Thurman
From Friday's Dally.
The death of Mrs. Parmelia New
land Schooley, who was born and
reared. to womanhood in this city,
occurred on Monday night at the
Mercy hospital . in Council Bluffs,
where the unfortunate lady had
been for several days ill with . the
flu and other complications that
made her recovery impossible. . The
body was taken back to her old
home 'at Thurman, Iowa, for burial,
the funeral services being held yes
terday. Mrs. Schooley was a sister of Mr.
Will Newland of this city and also
leaves to mourn her death the hus
band and six children, the oldest of
which is fifteen years and the young
est six. .
New Craft Constructed by Bert Cole
man and Fred H. Wynn to be
Niftiest Craft on River.
Frntn Thursday's Daily.
One of the most trim and largest
boats lhat has been prepared for
i service on the waters of the old Mis
' souri is being constructed by Bert
Coleman and Fred H. Wynn and will
be Put into commission this summer
1 and science has made it an object of
(beauty as well as service.
The dimensions of the new craft are
26x6 and it is constructed of espe
cially prepared lumber and from
plans that were prepared for the use
of a wealthy boating enthusiast in
the east and having been secured by
Messrs. ColemaD and "Wynn they have
adapted them to the new -Missouri
river cruiser. The boat when com
pleted will be very commodious and
comfortable and will be a source tot
great pleasure to the owners in the
hot summer days. It is to be equip
ped with an eight-cylinder, 40 horse
power engine and will be able to
show a clean pair of heels to any
of the craft on the river. The work
j is progressin gnicely and by the time
, the river. is ready for navigation it
l crnArf Arl tr have thft new craft hit
I the water and the owners are now
delibrating on the particular brand
( of grape juice with which to Christen
' The Loyal Workers of the Chris-
tian church were entertained, by
Mrs. L. L. Wiles and Mrs. George
Goodman at the home of Mrs. -Wiles
yesterday afternoon.
Although the weather, was very
unfavorable, quite a large number of
ladies were in attendance. After
the business meeting Mrs. Wm. Baird
and Mrs. A. J. Beeson gave some
very delightful. readings.
The ladies were-further entertain
ed by being served by the hostess,,
with delicious refreshments prior to
departing for their homes.
Read the Journal for all tne nawa.
E. Hickman, of Payne, Iowa,
Killed by Contact with Charg
ed Telegjaph Circuit.
From Friday's Dally.
A distressing accident was mat
which occurred at Payne, Iowa, yes-1
oo-Aifr- a t f Ka 4unttrtn tnujn r nnnc iff
Nebraska City was electrocuted while
attempting to adjust the switch
block leading from his key to the
telegraph lines. He was standing on
the table reaching over his head to
make the adjustment, which normal
ly is not dangerous, but it is evident
one of the high tension lines carrying
heavy electrical voltage was either
in direct contact with or so close to
the telegraph lines that the current
might have jumped from the one to
the other in the humid atmosphere.
Hickman called for aid but Road mas
ter Perkins of the Iowa division of
the Burlington, who was in the sta
tion at the time was unable to ex
tricate him from the loaded wire on
account of being severely shocked
himself and was in the act of get
ting one of the .wooden train hoops
to again attempt it when Hickman
fell backwards to the floor dead. It
was found that one of his fingers
had been nearly burned away and
others were badly scorched.
Hickman had been agent at the
Payne station for some ten years and
leaves a wife and 4-year-old daugh
ter. He was a member of the Ma
sonic lodge at Hamburg, Iowa. Bur
ial will take place at Nebraska City.
From Thursday's Dally. - '
There Is still pronounced short-
ire or desirable tenant properties
n Fiausmouio anu were we oui
able to furnish more families living
accommodations in our midst, we
would be able to attract people in
large numbers to Plattsmouth.
The housing problem is one that
should be looked into and arrange
ment made at once to provide more
adequate facilities for people desir
ing to locate in our fair city.
First Papers" Will Not Allow the
Aliens to Vote Only Fall
Fledged Citizens May.
From Friday's Dally.
Although in the years past the
alien voters of the state have been
allowed 10 cast a iree ana umern-
fied ballot, they will find a snag this
year as the law bas been changed
so that only the simon pure "blown
in the bottle" brarid of citizenship
can vote at the election. No matter
if the voter has previously voted on
his "first papers" this will not go
this year in Nebraska and if the
would-be voter has not completed
his naturalization he will be out of
luck in voting for either any candi
date for public office or on public
questions that may be submitted to
the voters.
The law is stringent and plain.
Men without final papers, no mat
ter where they were born, cannot
exercise the full rights of citizen
ship. Judges and clerks of election are
to be warned that men who have not
completed their citizenship shall not
be permitted to cast a ballot.
Methodist Church Parlors Scene of
Very Pleasant Gathering
Last Evening.
From Thursday's Dally.
The parlors of the Methodist
church which have often witnessed
many a very pleasant social gather
ing Viaa Vtn h nrpn a rf xr mnvA
delightful event than that held last
- J evening when, the young ladies of
the Golden Rule class entertained
; members of the young men's class at
a most .delightful banquet.
The parlors were very tastefully
decorated and made a charming set
ting for the enjoyable event, the
banauet table being arranared in the
I shape of a large letter "IT' and with
. its snowy linen, sparkling silver and
brightened by the glow of the at
tractive red candles made a most be
witching scene and especially when
the store of the dainties of the ban
quet were nerved by the young la
dies. - .
Miss Mable Lee Copenhaver ex
tended to the gentlemen the address
of welcome on behalf of the ladies'
class and to her 3eer and appropri-
ate remarks Jesse P. Perry respond
ed for the members of the bible class.
Mr. Perry presided over the feast as
toastmaster and short addresses were
given by. Mason Weseott, Harley Ce
cil. Lionel Ashman, Byron Babbitt
and Rev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the
church, and in which the gentlemen
took occasion lo return their apprec
iation of the dainty and delectable
banquet that had 4;een prepared and
served in their. honor by the ladies
and their : teacher, Mrs. E. II. Wes
eott. The event will long be one of the
pleasant recollections of those who
were fortunate enough to be present
and the ladies proved themselves the
most royal hostesses.
Well Known Republican Attorney of
.Nebraska City to Tile for Dele
1 . gate to National Meeting
From Friday's Dally.
The friends in this city of An
drew P. Moraif, the well known Ner
braska City attorney, will be pleased
to learn that Andy will seek to rep
resent the republican voters of the
first congressional district at the
big political pow-ow at Chicago.
Mr. Moran is hafing his petitions
circulated and intihe courstf ol thrii
they will be filed at Lincoln witt
the secretary of state.
The Nebraska City Press has the
following statement from Mr. Moran
relative to his position and which
seems to be one thai should be ac
ceptable to the voters:. j
"In seeking to be a delegate to; the
republican national convention I am
mindful of the fact .that it carrie:
with it the same duties and respon
sibilities of any other office and when
one seeks to serve' the public h
should carry out the will of the ma
jority, insofar as the same can b
Jascertained, and if I am chosen a
'delegate to the national convention
j vote and work for the noml.
nation of the man who receives the
endorsement of the voters of this
state for presidential preference."
Heirs of Late Stephen Wiles andj
Elizabeth C. Wiles Ask Court to
Determine and Confirm Shares.
From Thursday's Daily.
An action was filed yesterday af-
ernoon in the office of the clerk of
the district court by Attorney A. G.
Cole, . representing- Thomas Arthur
Wiles and others against Rebecca
Murray, et al. in which partition
and determination of the amount of
interest of the heirs in the estate of
the late Stephen Wiles is asked
In the petition of the plaintiff it is
stated that Stephen Wiles departed
this life November 29, 1895, leaving
last will aild testament in which
he' devised to Eli7beth C. Wiles, his
wfe, a Jife interest in his real and
personal property that was not oth
erwise- disposed of in the will and
that In February, 1920, Mrs. Elis.a
beth C. Wiles departed this life and
that the life interest held by her in
the real and personal property was
divided among the heirs of the estate,
It is asked in the petition that the
court find and determine and v con
firm the various shares of tire heirs S- JVhite were held yesterday after
and that if the property cannot benon at the old home where for i
divided in a fair and equal manner
among the various heirs that- the
court order the same sold and the
proceeds thereof be divided among
the heirs in keeping with the amount
of interest held by the court to
fair and Just. j
j , -
For Sale Four or five tons of fine
fresh prairie hay. Call Mrs. W. A. I Methodist oburcb. of this city, was
Taylor, phone 3230. ; 2twlin charge of the service and in a
Born n Plattsmouth in 18G3 and
. When a Lad Was Taken to Ara
pahoe, Neb., With Parents.
'rum Thursday's Dally.
The death of Barton Colvin occur
red at Akron, Colo., yesterday morn
ing, a message to that effect having
been received in last even
ing by relatives cf the deceased. The
leath of Mr. Colvin came very sud
denly and was quite a shock to his
relatives in this city who had not
ceen informed of his illness.
Barton Colvin was born in Platts
mouth in JS5S, the yon of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Colvin. and
when about. 10 years of age. he, with
his parents, moved to Arypahoe,
Neb., where he grew to manhood.
At the time of his death he was en
gaged in the banking business in
Akron, Colo., where he has been lo
cated "for a number of vears.
The deceased was a cousin of Dr.
F L.. Cummins and Miss Kittle Cum
mins and Miss Ella Kennedy of this
ity and a nephew of Mrs. Rebecca
Kennedy and Mrs. Rasmus Petersen.
Another aunt, Mrs. Emily Drew, re
sides in Omaha.
The funeral services will be con
ducted by the Rev.. A. V. Hunter of
the Methodist church at 2 o'clock
Friday at the home of Dr. Frank L.
The Rev. James A. Tancocfc; Dean of
Trinity Catherudl, Omaha, Gives .
Address at St. Luke's Church.
During the forty days of observ-
mce of the Lenten season, the St.
Luke's church of this city each
Tuesday evening at 7:45 have in ad-
lition to their evening prayer an ad
dress by one of the clergymen of the
Nebraska diocese and in keeping
with this series of. addresses they
j-ere given a very pleasant and force-
'ul address on Tuesday evening by
'he Rev.'James A. Tancock, dean of
the Trinity cathedral at. Omaha. The
ubject chosen by Dean Tancock was
bat of 'S in" and the matter covered
thoroughly by -the able churchman
vho pointed out the aid and strength
hat, the Christian received in his
belief and which stood him in good
-tead in the struggle against , the
-ins of the world.
"r-:n Thursday's Dally.
This morning Sheriff C. D. Quin-
on departed for Kearney, taking with
iim Con Lakota. theyouftg lad who
was sentenced to the state reforma
tory in that city on an indeterminate
entence for breaking into the store
t H. Waintroub In this city a few
weeks' ago. The prisoner is very
young and boyish looking ad looks
aven younger than the 17 years that
he claims as his age. This is sec-
and visitation to the state, institution
for Lakota as he receivel a sentence
there from Omaha a month before he
was picked up here and was paroled
to the Salvation Army but broke his
parole and came down to Platts
mouth with the result tht he Is re-
teiving another trip to the big school
n tne western portion oi tne state.
Services Held Yesterday Afternoon
from the Late Home East of
Murray, Well Attended
From Friday's Dally.
The funeral services of Mrs. Ivon
period of over half a century she
Bad lived and reared her family,
I nestling among the bluffs that frown
I down upon the Missouri and from
this scene of peaceful home life she
hewas taken to rest in the cemetery at
I Rock Bluffs beside the body of her
I husband, who preceded her in aeatn.
j -Rev. A. v. Hunter, pastor oi ine
short service paid a tribute to the
memory of this splendid lady and
gave to the members of the family
words of consolation and hope. Dur-
nz the services Mrs. E. H. Weseott
j sang two of the beautiful hymns
of faitn "How Firm a Foundation"
and "Home or the Soul.
The service was quite largely at
tended by the old friends and neigh
bors of this splendid pioneer lady
and despite the chill and gl6omy
winter day, the cortege was largely
attended to the-cemetery, where the
body was laid to the last long sleep.
From Thursday's Dally.
The Becker school situated eight
miles west of this city on the Louis
ville road has been closed on account
of the. prevailing epidemic of colds
and flu and the teacher, Miss Agnes
Eajeck, Is enjoying an enforced va
cation until the malady among the
pupils subsides enough to permit the
young folks to resume their studies.
County Commissioners Considering
Plans to Put Building Back
in Shape Again.
From Saturday's Durir.
The necessity of repairs to the
county "courthouse, which has been
so strikingly demonstrated by the
falling of the plastering in the dis
trict court room has been given con
sideration by the board of commis
sioners and it is expected tnat as
soon as possible the work of making
the necessary repairs will be com
menced, as the failure to immediate
ly repair the damage will only re
sult in a greater cost to the tax
payers of the county.
It seems that the starting of the'
leakage- that -eventually" caused 'th-t
falling of the plaster occurred years
ago when the copper flushing that
was, used on, the waterways of the
i-oof, beeame loosened and this grad
ually allowed wa'terVto leak through
onto the trusses and timbers- and to
eventually cause the ends of these
to rot and .the ceilings then drop
ped several inches with the result
that the slates of the roof, became
loosened and the water found an
easier means of entering the build
iug and this finally led to the soak
ing of the plastering and its final
It is thought that it will be neces
sary to have the old plastering re
placed with a steel ceiling as this
is the most practical and the cheap
est' in the long run forthe county.
From Saturday's Dally.
Petition of determination of heir
ship in the estate of Anna Penter
raan, deceased, has been filed before
Judge Beeson by E. H. Penterman as
petitioner. Attorney J. A. Capwell
appears for the petitioner.
The last will and testament of
Ellas Peck, deceased, was offered in
the county court late yesterday "af
ternoon by Attorney C. L. Graves, of
Union. The petition for the appoint
ment of administrator will be pre
sented later.
For Idle Money L
If you have a sum of money which you do
not expect to use for the next six months, put it
into a Certificate of Deposit.
It will be safe if you need it suddenly, you
can get it. If left six months or longer, it will
earn 4.
Put your idle money to work. A Certificate
of Deposit provides a safe, convenient, profitable
place for it.
First National Bank
"The Dank Where
Effort3 Made to Give the Highways
Leading To and From Towns
the Best of Attention.
From Friday's Tsl!y.
One of the things that has long
been lacking in Cass county aud
which has been badly needed has
been a systematized method of hand
ling the count' highways so as to
give every sectiou of the county the
bert possible roads that the resources
of the county would permit and to
see that they are kept up in the best
of shape for travel.
This matter is now being taken up
by the board of county commission
ers and the outlines of the system
prepared. Under the plans made by
the commissioners it will be possible
to get over the county with ease and
the Intersecting roads will provide
good traveling for the automobile
owner or" the driver of horse vehicle
alike. The board has prepared the
roads so that every town can be
reached from any direction with ease
and traveling from one portion of
the county to the other will be made
much more pleasant and satisfactory
than heretofore.
With this organized system of
Wghwrays it will be possible to keep
them, in the best of condition for
travel at all times and under almos
any condition.
The federal and state highways
that traverse the county from the
north to south, from Union to thla
city, and from Murray west to the
Lancaster line will be reinforced
with a network of i-oads that will
lead to all the townj and it will be
possible to travel from the farther
est portion of the county to any of
the splendid little cities that make
up' the trading centers of our coun
ty over perfectly gpod roads, and
to get onto the main highways, the
government roads and the O street
road leading into Omaha and Lin-
Ths is a move that has been need
ed for a great many years and its
adoption will do away with much of
the trouble that has been experienc
ed In getting from one point to an
other over the county and it will be
possible under this system for the
county to keep the roads up In first
class shape so that all of the people
may benefit by them.
' When the plans are fully devel
oped they will be submitted to the
consideration of the people of the
county and there is no doubt but
that they will meet with the hear
tiest approval of the residents of
Cass county as a far reaching step
toward a modern and badly needed
system of roads.
Witk Perfect Safety!
You Feel at Home.