The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920.
- i
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and 8urroundingr Vicinitj Especially for the Journal Readeri
If tnyoftbe readers of the
Journal knor- of any social
event or item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
itme to tbis office, it will ap
pear tmder this heading-. We
want all newsltenja Edjtob
Jr Protect
Jf Yoiir Earnings Yy
cash for
part of II
sit if
you J
B. 15. Danniher and G. M. Manners
of Plattsmouth were in attendance at
the funeral of Miss Helen Gilmore
last Tuesday.
Roy Cole, the .telephone man was
looking after business for the com
pany in Murray during the fore
part of the week.
Dr. S. Y. Swab and Banker J. M.
Patterson, of Union, were in Murray
fwm . mj Linn rAr
ing ready
sudden emergencies is possil
cnly when you have saved a
your salary or wages.
Start with a small depc
necessary. Increase it as
can and soon you wi
have a substantial interest-bearing
and a feeling of
safety, content
ment, pride and
Safety Honesty CourtesyService
Four pr cent interest on time deposits."
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All businets transactions held in i!ri:t confidence
Your Personal Bank.
For Sale flic ice timothy hay. H.
G. To fid. T'honc- 1211 Murray, lmsw
For Sale Bred sows, the best of
the herd. Oldham Stock Farm.
Win. B. Virgin iturned on last
Tuesday afternoon from
visit at
Varren Wiley and family depart
ed this week for their new home in
the western portion of the state.
Last Tuesday Frank Marasek, who
has been farming on the C. W. Chris
wisser place west of town, moved to
the Robert Good place on the eastern
. lll 'l.. -t.v. aw . . . , " , , r
bom- business matters for a short u Ui J,UUflJ- , .,
tirn, Edward Murray and family de-
Al Bartlett departed last Monday parted during the week for the nor
with a car of goods belonging to thern portion of the state and will
Warren Wilev, for the west, and will make their home in Knox county,
again take up his residence at Im-jwjhere they will engage in farming,
perial. j Rev. J. B. Jackman and wife, of
Col. V. R. Voum was a visitor at Omaha, arrived in Murray on last
Eagle last Mor.dav. where he held a Tuesday morning, coming to officiate
s-ile at the home of Henrv Rheuman, at the funeral of the late Miss Helen
driving out in his car in the morn- Gilmore, and also to visit with old
ing am! returning in the evening. friends here.
Little Cleone Farris. daughter of i Fred Beverage is confined to his
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris, is confined , home on account of an attack of the
to lu-r bed by severe case of inflam
matory rheumatism, which has af
flicted her for a considerable length
of time. The disease is one of much
p;iin. and the little patient has suf
IV red much with it. It is hoped that
she will soon be able to be out
w.' e. YQU?JS
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511
grippe which has been giving him
quite a tussle. But he is now get
tins the best of the malady and is
hopeful of soon being able to be up
and around again.
Glen Vallery, who has been down
for some time with influenza, was
able to be out for a short time the
fore part of the week, and made a
trip to the county seat Tuesday. Al
though he is feeling much better,
he is far from well yet.
A. Gansemer and wife and James
Marasek were visitors in Omaha
last week attending the events of
"Merchants' week." They drove up
in Mr. Gansemer's new Velie car.
They had intended to drive on to
Central City to adjust some land
deals Mr. Gansemer had in hand at
that place, but as the business was
concluded at Plattsmouth the trip
was no longer necessary and they
i were thus permitted to remain long-
Muraiy Exa lane i er ;in Omaha before returning home.
Again in Business in Murray
Seemingly without a break, ,'.
Gansemer, who has a host of friends
' in and about Murray, is back i.n busi
ness again. Mr. Gansemer a short
time since disposed of the business
here and took in payment a farm
' near Central City. Neb., the purchas
er, Mr. Paul Magel. disposing of the
busineso here to another man, who
last Tuesday attending the funeral in turn soid the store back to Mr.
of Miss Helen Gilmore. Gansemer.
Roy Frans, of Union, was in Mur-' while the store was at all times
ray last Tuesday, coming to attend jn thc handling of the force of em
the burial of the daughter of Dr. ! Pi0ves now conducting the business,
and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore. i lt 5s now back to where it started
i. i. i-ampueii, oi near ciuon, before the trading besan. Mr Gan
semer will remain as one of the pot
ent factors in the business life of
Murray, and will as ever exert him
self for the upbuilding of the town.
was a visitor in Murray during the
fore part of last week, looking af
ter some business matters.
Paul Magel, who for a very brief
time owned the Service Store in
Murray, has located in Kansas Citv, j TT , n . .
Mo., where he is engaged in the ho-' Undergoes Operation Tuesday
tel business for the present. ' Little Thelma. daughter of Mr.
T. II. Pollock and wife, and J. IL aml xMrs. J. V. Pitman, has been
McMaken and wife were in Murray troubled nf late with indications of
last Tuesday in attendance at the appendicitis and op-m advice of the
funeral of Miss Helen Gilmore. ; family physician. Dr. P. F. Brendel.
Frank E. Woods, of Eight Mile i:i' accompanied her to Omaha, un
Grove, was a visitor in Murrav, com- (,rr tne care of Tr- Rrendel. last
ing with Mrs. Woods to attend the Monday evening, where at St. Jos
funeral of Helen, daughter of Dr. and hospital she underwent an ooer
Mrs. G. II. Gilmore. jntion for relief from the disease. The
Phillip E. Tritsch and Phillip II. ono wa" resting nicely after
Horn, both of Cedar Creek, were vis--" operation lat Tuesday evening,
itors in Murray Tuesdav, coming to;anfl is hoped that rhe will soon be
attend the funeral of the late Missjon llie wa" to recovery. Miss Carl
Hel?n Gilmore. I nn accompanied the party and is
Miss Gussie Robb and John Van-' rising for the little patient. Miss
tine and wife, of Wvominir. were in . Carlson is an excellent nurse, which
Murray, called here by the death of
Miss Helen Gilmore, the families be
ing old time friends.
Frank H. Johnson and wife, with
their little son, drove over from
their home near Weeping Water tu
attend the funeral of Miss Helen Gil
more, they being very close friends
of the family.
Chester Minnier, who has been
making his home near Union for
some time past, is moving this week
onto one of the C. U. Troop places.
He was ably assisted Tuesday by
Geo. J. Meisinger, father of Mrs.
W. E. Contryman departed last
Tuesday for Tekamah, near where
he will make his home in the future.
He took a truck load of goods with
him on his departure. His many
friends here wish him success in his
new home.
Mrs. Lena Lyman, of Vale, South
Dakota, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young, a short distance north
east of Murray, is reported as being
very sick at her home in the north.
The many friends of this excellent
woman will be pained to learn of
her illness. '
Col. W. R. Young and cousin, Dal?
Wolliver, of Morehead, Iowa, who i
visiting here and James Rainey, of
Plattsmouth, were in attendance at
the sale of Mrs. Ruth Roddy near
Union last Tuesday, stopping in Mur
ray for a short time to look, a fur
some business matters.
Mike Rys, the new blacksmith,
arrived the last of the week and
opened the place of business which
he recently purchased on last Mon
day, March 1st. Mr. Rys is an ex
cellent workman from all appear
ances and will doubtless make many
friends here as well as enjoy an ex
cellent business.
G. W. McCracken, the druggist,
who has been living in the house
which was formerly owned by Will
S. Smith has been compelled, on ac
count of it having been sold, to store
his household goods and if he is not
able to find a place to live have to
make some other arrangements. Mr.
Robert Good, who purchased the
place, with his family moved into
the property Tuesday and will make
their home there.
injures the little one the best of care.
Enjoys A Stroke of Luck
W. 11. Puis of Murray, while do
ing an excellent business and being
jene of the popular fellows of the
j town, is taking something like a rab
, 1 ir foot with him in his trips to Om
j aha. Last week he was an attendant
; 1 1 the merchants' week and besides
enjoying the occasion and getting
sr. me excellent ideas of business he
had the good fortune to draw a prize
which is annually given on mer
chants" week, and in this instance
was a lot in the Mir.a Lusa addition
to Omaha, and which is valued at
pnme twelve hundred and fifty dollars.
Will Depart for Dayton. 0.
Searle S. Davis departed this week
for Dayton. O.. where he will visit
f:r a short time with relatives and
friends, and will return with Mrs.
Davis and their son Stephen, who
h. ve been in the east for some time,
the guests at the home of Mrs. Davis
r.nther. Mrs. Lee Corbin.
Will Held Services Sunday
At the' Presbyterian church next
Svnday there wilj be services during
thr- morning and which will It1 con-d-ctcd
by the Rev. W. X. Ilalsey.
Tlire w ill be bible school as well. All
members of the congregation are
tirgd to be in attendance, and a
cordial invitation to all others is
given to attend the Fervices.
Salections Now
Surprised by Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue were
very pleasantly surprised by their
friends and neighbors Monday even
ing, this being their last night in
their former home. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and
family; O. T. Leyda and family; Har
mon Beck and family; Ira Queen
and family; Ben Dill and family
and Oscar Nailer. After a most en
joyable evening a dainty lunch wan
served. Mr. tml Mrs. Hogue are
moving to the Perry farm to make
their home the coming year.
Weather Stops Vallery Sale
The public sale which was to have
been held at the home of J. R. Val
lerv. a few miles northwest of Mur
ray on last Wednesday, March 3. was
interfered with on account of the
rain which made it impossible for
the sale to go on. A goodly crowd
we.-e gathering: when the sale was to
begin, but when the weather became
so that no one could stay out of
I;.'!'!.-, it a i in s lut j t i oesi lo post
pone tne sale lor a week and the date
was accordingly changed and the
sale will now be on Thursday. March
11. at the home of J. R. " Vallery.
when the goods will be offered as had
been arranged before. See the ad in
this issue of the paper, and also bills
telling of the list of property which
is to be offered.
Beautiful line of Voils in the new shades and patterns.
Red Seal Toil Du Nord Ginghams.
You will pay more elsewhere, then we have
this merchandise marked.
nan mil,
For Sale
Five Red Polled registered bulls
for sale. Also some good timothy
and clover hay. Phone 3114.
m4-4w. Murray .Nebr.
which would in a measure serve to
alleviate the congested condition
but just the proper location is diffi
cult to secure. If this could be done
and a system of water works se
cured for the town it would greatly
enhance the opportunities of the
town's progress.
Celebrates Seventeenth Birthday
A large party of friends of Miss
Willa Parks met at her home last
Saturday, February 28. The evening
was most pleasantly spent in games
which delight the young folks, inter
spersed with music and all who were
present surely fully enjoyed the oc
casion. Miss Gladys Like gave some
very appreciative readings and
which were just suited to the occa
sion. A delightful two-course lunch
eon was served by the mother of the
young lady whose birthday was be
ing celebrated, and assisted by
Misses Mary Parks and Rose Reed,
which was enjoyed by all. At a late
hour cake and ice cream were also
served and at the departure of the
guests all declared that an exception
ally fine time had been had. and
wished Miss Willa happy returns of
the occasion and also that she would
hame many more such happy birth
days. Those present to help make
the occasion one most enjoyable were
Misses Helen. Rose and Malvern
Reed, Alice Creamer. Violet Keil.
Grace. Marie and Sophia Waener,
Alice Nickels. Grace Long. Ethel and
Lois Farrie. Margaret Snaneler. Wil
la Parks. Sarah and Margie Wiley.
Mesdames. Perrv Nickels. Charles
Rped. Mar" Wiley. Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Wiley and Mr. and Mrs.
George Parks.
From Wednesday's Daily.
This morning E. C. Harris and
wife departed for Omaha where they
will attend the funeral of Edgar
Wenquest. brother of Mrs. Harris.
Mr. Wenquest died at his home. 70",
Martha street. Omaha, on Sunday
and funeral services were held this
afternoon from the Masonic temple
under the auspices of that order.
The deceased was 30 years of and
married and leaves a wife and sever
al children lo mourn his deafh.
Returns Home from Visit
Mrs. E. W. Milbourn and littlei
child, who have been visiting in Lin
coln for a few days, the guests at. the
home of rfer parents. Mr. and Mrs. I.
M. Davis, returned home last Satur
day, and were accompanied by her
parents, they driving down in their
car to visit with relatives and
friends for a short time.
Making Satisfactory Improvement
Master Raymond Grauf. the 13-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Grauf. living east of Murray, who
was taken to the St. Joseph hospital
in Omaha last week where he under
went an operation for the purpose
of draining an accumulation of pus
and water from one of his lungs,
caused from the influenza. Since
the operation the young man is show-
ing some improvements, and it is
' hoped that he will toon be able to
; leave the Institution and will soon be
Bursting Gun Causes Injury
Andrew Stohlnian. making his
home between Louisville and Mur
dock. was a business visitor in Mur
ray last Tuesday, coming to look af
ter the sale of nursery stock. He tells
of the injury to a nephew of his a
few days since who had attempted
to shoot a shotgun and which ex
ploded cutting the arteries very bad
ly in one of his wrist. The little
fellow, who is Fred Stohlnian. Jr.,
son or i reu sioninian. Sr.. was
immediately taken to Weeping Water
on account of the absence of the
family physician at Louisville, but
as me worn or dressing and admin
istering required two physicions, as
an anaesthetic had to be given, he
was taken to Omaha where he had
the wound dressed at the Methodist
hospital, and at which institutions
he will remain until the injury shall
have mended.
Fred Stewart departed for Omaha
today taking his little son Harold
to tliat city where the little one will
be placed in the hands of a child's
specialist. The little babe has been
suffering from a severe case of stom
ach trouble and to secure it relief it
was found necessary to consult the
specialist in the childish diseases.
Omaha, March 1. Harry S. Mc
Kay was sentenced to the state peni
tentiary for a term of one to seven
yars by District Judge Troup thi.-.
ni'irning. McKay pleaded kuilty last
night to a charge of bigamy. Three
of McKay's wives were present in
ccurt when he pleaded guilty. They
were Mrs. Mary E. McKay of St.
Paul, his legal wife; Miss Margaret
Fillenworth, who was Mrs. MargareJ
Fillinworth McKay until he? niam
ace to McKav was annulled last
January, and Mrs. Mary Milledge
McKay, the woman whom he marri
ed most recently and who is going to
stick to him, she says. The two wo
men last named live in Omaha. Mc
Kay married Miss Fillenworth, Au
gust 6, 1919, and Miss Milledge, No
vember 1, 1919.
It was rumored when McKay
pleaded guilty last week that an ef
fort was on foot to have him paroled
because of family conditions in his
latest marriage. Judge Troup, how
ever, sentenced him to the regular
indeterminate penitentiary term and
any efforts looking toward parole
if there are any. must now go
through the state board of pardons
Official Washington Not Wanting in
Brains, But Handicapped and
Washington, March 3. Official
Washington, "a combination of po
litical caucus, drawing room and
civil service bureaus." containing
"statesmen who are politicians and
politicians who are not statesmen" is
poorly organized for its task, which
"fewer men of alrger capacity would
do better."
Such is an epitome of the views of
Franklin K. Lane, retiring secretary
of the interior, expressed in a char
acteristic parting report to the presi
dent on the occasion of leaving pub
lic service last Saturday after more
than 20 years' service the last sev
en in the cabinet.
"Washington," says the retiring
secretary, "is rich in brains and
character. It is honest beyond any
commercial standard. It wishes to
do everything that will promote the
public good. But it is poorly organ
izetd for the task that belongs to it.
Fewer men of larger capacity
would do the task better."
Net Lacking in Ability.
"Ability is not lacking, but it is
prosed to the point of paralysis be
cause of an infinitude of details and
an unwillingness on the part of the
great body of the public servants to
take responsibility. Everyone
seems to be afraid of everyone. The
self-protective sense is developed ab
normally, the creative sense atro
phies. Trust, confidence, enthusiasm
these simple virtues of all great
business are the ones most lacking
in government organization. We have
so many ch-.cks and brakes upon our
work that our progress does Vio
keep pace with the nation's require-
ments. ,
"We could save money for the gov
ernment, if wo had more discretion
as to how we should use that given
us. For the benefit of the civil ser
vants there should be quicker pro
motion or discharge and a sure in
surance when disability comes. For
the higher administrative offices
there should be salaries twice as high
as those now given, and they should
be made to feel that they are the
ones responsiole for the work of the
departments; the head merely as ad
viser and constructor of policies. As
matters are now devised there are
too few in the government whose
business it is to plan. Every man is
held to details., to the narrower view
which comes too often to be the de
partment view or some parochial
view. We need for the day that is
here and upon us men who have lit
tle to do hut study the problem of
the time and tet their capacity at
meeting them.
Need of More Initiative.
"In a word, we need more oppor
tunity for planning, for engineering.
statesmanship above, and more fixed
authority and responsibility below
Describing the interior department
fii- an "abiding place for a group cf
unrelated government agencies" the
retiring secretary characterized it
none the less as "the most distinctly
American of all the departments,"
and reviews briefly the aims and
accomplishments of his administra
tion, some of the former unrealized.
Construction of the Alaskan railway,
opening of the Alaskan lands by a
leasing system, water power develop
ment, legislation and a leasing sys
tem of oil and mineral lands on the
public domain ars enumerated among
the latter.
.ilaika. the secretary thinks. Is
hampered by too much "red tape" in
Washington whicu is a "state policy"
i i many of the government's bu
reaus. Alaska, Mr. Lane says, should
be administered by a federal board
in the territory, be policed by a con
fit abulary as was northwestern Can
ada, and should have her coast made
safe for navigation and have Canadi
an musk ox crossed with native rtin
c"eer to furnish a new meat supply
to the Pacific coast.
Americanization, the development
cf the capital as an educational cen
ter for the country, farms for sol
diers and developments of natural
resources, are among the projects Mr.
Lane leaves behind him, and his re
port argues for the wisdom of tlitir
prosecution. State Journal.
All ladies of Plattsmouth who
have reached the age of 70 or up
wards are requested to send their
names to either Father W. S. Leete.
Father M. A. Shine" or Dr. J. S. Liv
ingston, in order that this Informa
tion may be given the trustee of the
legacy of the Tate Mrs. Paul Gering.
W. R. Holly, who has been her? fr
Thr- past two weeks assisting his fa
ther in the store, departed this if
ternoon for Omaha where he will
join his friends, Elmont Preston, and
attend the auto show and from there
will return to Kearnev.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his place on Ninth and
Gold streets, Plattsmouth, immedi
ately after James Dvorak's sale, on
Saturday Afternoon, March 6,
the following described property,
Two Head of Horses.
One black gelding, seven years old.
weight 1450; one black gelding, sev
en years old, weight 1200.
One red cow. fresh, six years old,
extra good; one Holstein cow, elx
years old, fresh March 20.
Farm Implement, Etc.
One low wheel wagon, flat hay
rack; one high wheel wagon; Evans
ville buggy, pole and shafts; set
work harness, two sets collars; one
set light harness; one 2-horse disc,
one disc cultivator; one riding culti
vator; one 2-section harrow; one rid
ing attachment; one 14-inch "stirring
plow; one cider mill; one feed mill;
one sliding top desk; one 20-inch
wood saw blade, new; one saw man
dril, new; six hens, One Plymouth
Rock rooster; one large dresser, two
rockers; two iron beds; one baby
cart; one high chair and other arti
cles. Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand. On sums over $10 a credit
of six months will be given, purchas
er giving bankable note bearing eight
per cent interest from date. No
property to be removed from the
premises until settled for.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
John Beeson, Clerk.
bpnng Will boon tfe rierei
Lee Kniss Makes Some Gains
Lee Kniss. who has been confined
to his home for a number of weeks
on account of an . attack of
pneumonia, and with which he has
had a very severe' struggle, is now
showing some improvement but is far
from well as yet. Mr. Kniss, who is
a strong young man with a good
constitution, put up a valiant fight
with that dread malady and we.
with his many other friends, are
pleased to know of his improvement
nd hope that he may recover rap-
A Hue of btatlouery a.the Jour
nal office that can't be excelled and
Is bard to equal.
lack of Available Lots
The question of the housing of the
people of Murray is getting more ser
ious and aggravated as time passes
There is money seeking investment
in buildings in Murray but the mat
ter of available lots stands in the
way to some extent. There has been
some talk of an apartment house
Yes, the birds will soon be singing and spring work will be
rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new
farm implements and need them badly.
We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im
plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere,
International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are well equipped to
furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery,
engines, tractors, etc, at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will be
complete, and in addition to this
W. H. Puis, the Implement Rflan
will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge
of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I. Case and John Deere lines.
See Either of These Gentlemen When Wanting .
Anything in the Farm Machinery Line.
'Murray, Neb.
Plattsmouth, Mcb.