The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i. .
Chairs of Lodge Filled by New Offi
cers as Veterans Seek Rest from
Long; Years cf Servic?.
with frs. V. S. Leete and Madame
Leete. Mrs. Leernekers was one of
the active war workers in the Red
Cross at Omaha during the tim of
war and was assistant commandant
at the Red Cross canteen hospital at
the Union Station in that city dur
ing the war and assisted in the care
of the disabled, sick and wounded
soldiers passing through that city to
the government "hospitals or their
homes and in this work was very
active. Miss Andrews is also a train
ed nurse and was prominent in the
war hospitals. These ladies are two
of four sisters, the entire four being
trained nurses and were engaged In
the task of assisting the sick and
wounded during the time of war.
From Wdn:d.iy Daily.
Kast evening l'lattsuiouth lodge
No. 7.'!!) B. I. O. E. held their annual
election of officers at the lodge rooms
in the handsome cluL house on North
Sixth street, and the occasion was
very largely attended by the mem
bership to participate in the selection
cf the officers for the year. The
election resulted in the following be
ng chosen for the different positions:
Exalted Ruler Jess F. Warga.
Leading Knight Leslie Neil.
Loyal Knight E. Martin.
Lecturing Knight Claus Jess.
Secretary James V. Holmes.
Treasurer A. B. Smith.
Trustee Henry A. Schneider.
Tyler Robert M. Walling.
The lodge in this city has made
wonderful progress in the past year
in the point of membership and now
embraces probably the largest fra
ternal order in the city and the effi
cient work of the officers with the
hearty co-operation of the live mem
bership has made the lodge here one
cf the b-st in the state and one that
in its fullest sense exemplifies the
principles upon which Elkdom is
On next Tuesday evening the lodge
will hold a large class initiation and
the mysteries of the order fully re
vealed to the young men comprising
the clss. Judge George F. Corcor
an of York, deputy grand exalted
ruler will be with the local lodge on
this occasion as he is to make his
annual visit of inspection and the
distinguished juri-t will be royally
entertained by his f raternarbrotiiers.
Following the meeting of the lodge
the remainder of the evening was
spent in a social time by the .mem
bers and in meeting the newly initi
ated brothers of the order.
Result of Census Will Fail' to Lift
City Into 5,000 Class That
Had Been Hoped for.
From Wednesday' Hally.
While no official figures on the
result of the recent census of the
city have been obtained from the re
sults of the rough figures on the
recent census, from the information
available the result will be disap
pointing to the citizens and the com
mercial club who had been hoping
to have the 5.000 mark passed this
year in the total population of the
As far as can be ascertained the
population will range from 4.4 00 to
4. ."00 as the result of the work of
the census takers and this still lacks
a few of the number needed to place
the city in the larger class. While
the census takers did a very faith
ful and earnest work in the gather
ing of the names of the inhabitants
of the city there is no doubt that
quire a large number were overlooked
through being absent from home at
the time of the visitation of the
census taker end also from the fact
that a number who were temporarily
absent from the city were not gath
ered in the harvest. However much
the increased population might give
the city relief from (he necessity of
yearly elections as well as a num
ber of other advantages it is offset
by the fact that many public im
provements can be made effective by
the smaller class city than would be
possible without appealing to votes
of the people.
Frnn WVflp -sdn V's Tallv.
The many friends in this city of
Miss Mable Gravitt will rt-grot very
null to learn that he lias been tak
en to the hospital in Omaha where i
it is expected she will be compelled J
to undergo a very severe operation.
The pati?r.t ha- hen suffering from
a gathering in the had and this has
dovelped into the forming of an ab
ccss ju t bnok of the ear and which
will necessitate an operation. This
is the second operation that Miss
Mable has had in the last few months
having been operated on in Septem
ber for appendicitis. This morning
Mrs. J. C. York, grandmother of the
patient, departed for Omaha to visit
with her for a short time.
F'-'ni Wi-flnwila'" rat?v.
Mrs. A. leernekers and si-ter.
Miss Jennie Andrews of Omaha, are
guests at the Ft. Luke's rectory to
C?y. coming c'own for a short visit
Front Wednesday's Pally
The condition of Mrs. Joseph
Krapvil of Omaha, formerly Miss
Mary Novotnry of this city, has fo
far improved that the patient will be
removed today from the hospital
where she has been for the past
week and will be taken to her home.
Mrs. Krapvil has been In very seri
ous condition with an attack of the
flu and for several days her recovery
was considered doubtful but she is
now doing very nicely and is thought
to be well on the highway to recovery.
From Wednesdays Daily.
This morning action was filed in
the office of the clerk of the district
court entitled Tillie Zaar. et al. vs.
the Village of South Bend, et al. in
which the plaintiff sers to have
title to certain lots in the village of
South Rend quieted in them." Attor
ney C. A. Rawls appears for the
plaintiffs in the action.
Possession Can be Given on
March 1st, 1920.
1n acre: west of Plattsmouth. well ironroved and well fenc
ed. 2" acres in alfalfa, fenced hog tight. Price $30,000.00. Good
terms on this.
y.O acres south of Plattsmouth and 4 miles from Murray.
Well improved. Land lays good and is clean. Price $18,000.00.
Terms to suit purchaser. !
20 acres close to Plattsmouth. Improvements are extra good
and land lays smooth. This is a very fine place and priced right at
$8,000.00. Good terms.
5 acres 1 y miles south from business portion of Plattsmouth.
Good house: land lays well. Price $2,500.00. Good terms.
?. acres with very good house and close in. Only 8 blocks
from Main street. Price $2,500.00. Will not take much cash to
handle this. ' L
These places are priced right for quick sale, and as we are
offering possession March 1st, there is no time to lose.
J. P. Falter & Son,
Real Estate
Phone No. 28
Many Friends of This Excellent
Young Woman and Family Do
Honor to Her Memory.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The last sad rites were held over
the mortal remains of Miss Helen
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Omaha Woman's cluh at their
annual election on Monday afierii'on
at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium in that 'M
city, chose as the three leading oifi-irj
cers of the organization three former li
Cass county women and two of whom jjj
made their home in Plattsmouth forjl
a number xf years. For the presi-jk;
dency of the club Mrs. Charles L. H
Ifpmnle was re-elected and in the .f- I1.
i 1
$ One Minute Store Bunk!
Gilmore, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. j flee of first vice president Mrs. Har-iy
G. II. Gilmore,. at her home in Mur
ray Tuesday afternoon, before laying
jthe body to rest in the churchyard
where she will await the call on,
resurrection morn. Miss Helen, who
has been ill for the past two months
with an attack of the influenza,
which at that time was very sevtrc
in this neighborhood, with a forti
tude she bore the ills of the disease
as few can do, always patient and
appreciating every effort which was
done to assist her in the return cf
her health.
She fought for life heroically and
it was hoped that she would win.
No care or medical science was spar
ed that she might be brought back
to health, but after all had been
done that was possible, the spirit de
parted for its Maker, leaving the
hearts of the relatives and friends
torn and sore, but realizing that,
from this world where, notwithstand
ing the lavish love of relatives and
frilends. one is subjected to the
cruelty of the elements and dread
disease which always imperils one's
life and happiness and was trans
planted in the other world where sor
row is unknown, and ejoy reigns su
preme, she shall await the coming of
parents, brothers and all loved ones,
when the glorious resurrection
morn shall reunite all friends and
there happiness shall rule for ever
more. Tuesday afternoon, the friends
from Murray and far and near came
in the hush of a most magnificent
day when nature itself seemed to
mellow the minds of the friends, and
put them in accord with the fact
of the departure for the land be
yond of the soul of this favorite of
all. The funeral was held at the
home of the parents and the number
of friends was such that there was
no room for them in the heme, but
n the yard and about the premises,
n groups, the friends talked in hush
ed tones of the excellencies of their
friend who had been called away.
Rev. J. B. Jackson, who had been the
former pastor of the young lady, de
livered in very impressive tones the
ermon, which was listened to by all
who were able to hear. The sing
ng by her friends was a token of
the love which all bore for her.
At the conclusion of the services
at the home the cortege proceeded to
Plattsmouth where the IkkIj was laid
to its last long rest in Oak Hill cem
etery. A large number of the friends
and neighbors accompanied the
family to the cemetery.
riett MacMurphy was
Miss Katherine V.'orley selected
iiti.rii u i! .i
tne second vice president. .Mrs. Mae- '(
Murphy and Miss Worloy are among 3
the best known newspaper women of ,iJ
the state and their selection insures H
added force to the staff of the club, ifj
Mrs. Hem pie has been one of the ab
lest executives that the Omaha club
has ever possessed.
Men's pants $4.50 a lerj.
Seats free.
i Good Things in Life Come
in twos and fours
to get clothes for Spring, a couple of suits at a time. Here are
Ike latest arrival
"Y"ouns mcnV brown, green stripe its real upish, being quarter
lineu, i,i!k piping, long soft lapels, high vent, and long graceful
i kiri, two button, extra outiide ticket or match pocket, and tailored
by the 1 louse of Kuppenheimer thasall. Size 37 and 38. $65.
Hon. W. H. Newell Arrived in Platts
mouth on Marcli 2. 13C3 Has
Been Resident of Ccunty Sines.
like it
one matches in workmanship, appearance and wearing quali-
but is a dark green flannel with a tiny blue stripe. Youll
t fits you. Size 37 and 33. $50.
J'actnltie; uiri inierc.-.t in the affairs
ff the world Lie as s-tronr i..; in the
; ears gone by and he still ranks as
or.e of the lead- is in the public life
of the county an! state despite his
weight of .'.. s. ' Mr. Xewell was
horn DecemVci- 2, 1S"S. in Ohio and
made his home there during his
young manhood and entered the Ohio
volunteers at ihe outbreak of the,
civil war. jfrvir.g faithfully to the
tr.d of the conflict when with his
tr..k r. ish'vl and peace restored
aspirations of the ycuns stranger "e rtnur':,-(l ( ' - I1:1'- !" " uv'""
have been more than realized -in the ' i'irc ide t. resi from the ydars of
j conflict and in the year 1 $( 3 he came
i wiili his family to Plattsmouth and
j for the greater pai4 of his time has
From Wednesday's Ially.
On March 2, 1SG5, there arrived
in this city a younr-T man, fro:-h from
the scenes of the treat civil war,
and filled with a determination to
find his fortune in the then com
paratively new state of Nebraska,
and this young man wa-; William II.
Xewell. who has sin en become or:?
of the leading figures in the public j
life of the county. The !.opo? and i
years that have interevt r.ed since his i
arrival in this city and tr-day in the
pleasant sunset cf hi- Y.Tc he can
rest n peace and comfort for ihe
good fortune that has heen his lot
and the result of his yar of ener
getic effort in advancing himself to
fortune and to success.
William II. Xewell is now in hi?
S2nd year of life but his keen mental
been a resident of tins city, with
short periods spent on the farm.
Shortly after his arrival here the
ability of Mr. Xewell attracted the
attention of hi neighbors anel
friends and lie was selected for the
office cf county judge which he
tilled acceptably and well and was
later called to the position of treas
uier of Oast; county which he held
lor two terms and after a period of
retirement was honored by being
elected mayor of the city of Platts
mouth and this position he occupied
for several terms and was also
chosen as j;tate senator from Cass
county in one of the heated cam
paigns that were a part of the po
litical life of those days. For the
past few years Mr. Xewell has re
tired from political life to devote his
efforts to caring for his business and
enjoying a rest that he has so well
With the advent cf the spring sea
son quite a number of changes in
the residence property of the city
tins been made by the residents of
the surrounding territory moving
into the city and other of the resi
dents of the city seeking new ho:;i-9
in different sections of the ciry.
Ralph Ilynie. cue of the progressive
residents cf northwest oi rue cvy
has come to make T:is home in
'Plattsmouth and located in one of
the ncit modern bunaiov.r whb.-h
bus been erected by Peters fc Parker
at Eighth and Oak streets while W.
II. Kaincy has purchased the !-ut:ra-low
erected by thi? company at
Tenth and Flm street. Joseph S iii's
sel. oiip of the leading farmers frm
west e;f the city, has novel ir. and
will make his home in the residiiive
property at Fifteenth and Oak : trcet.
which was for a number of ye-:i:;
owned by Mrs. A. Kmtfmann. V'. K.
Krecklow. the cashier at the I!i-r-lington
."iat ion, is another affect d
ry the Mtrch wanderlust and has lo
cated in the P.ti ie residence ;t Kb v
enth and Main street :uid th fat iily
is now getting settled i:i the new
Captain 0. Overton, Who in Steam
boat Days Operated Line of Pack
ets, Dead at Council Blnffs.
mi, Sk.'
iA l v f
ft; ir?
M 3
FOR f a
Jl &
It Will Soon Be Here!'
. r '. ' r . i m w t l
Hei rr?v for Fsstpr r.nw- You kno'A" whs.1 vou need and what you want.
Kave von'i! h t.;,re in find it here. Easter Ieralds the arrival of spring that gladsome
discarded and we vie with Nature m expressing trie spirit
No matter what you
time cf
of Sprinrj.
Crom Wednesday's Tally.
Captain A. Overton, aged SS years.
and pioneer Missouri river navigat
or, passed away Monday night at his
home in Council Illuffs, following a
six weeks illness.
The life of this pioneer boatman
was closely interwoven with the ro
mance of the earl3r days in the west
and on the Missouri river where he
was long a familiar figure as he pos
sessed what a rare attribute with the
average river navigator, a profound
religious feeling. .
Captain Overton ran away from
home when he was IS years old and
obtained work upon a Mississippi
river boat as bootblack. A few
years later he was in command of the
same craft. In the late '50s he made
his first trip upon the Misouri river.
carrying mernbers of the Missouri
legislature from St. Louis to Jefferson.
The captain purchased his first
boat in 1862, the Emma, which sank
between Council Bluffs and Sioux
City. Three more boats were pur
chased within the next few years,
but each met with misfortune, caus
ing Captain Overton to give up navi
gation. He established a lumber yard in
Council Bluffs and operated it until
he went to Missouri and was ordain
ed a ' minister in the Methodist,
church. Tie returned to Council
Bluffs and established a mission.
For a few years he was the owner
of the line of boats plying from
Plattsmouth to St. Joseph, Mo., and
the late Peter Mann of this city serv
ed under him. as the captain of the
steamboat, Emily, that was in ser
vice between this city and the Mis
souri city, and to many of the pioneer
residents the name of Captain Over
ton is a rery familiar one.
decide to
the year when winter clothing is joyfully
This seac-cn, more than ever, there is a wsdih of beautiful fabrics from which to choose your new
apparel, and fashion designers hava more than risen to the occasion by giving us beautiful designs, so simply
constructed that ti
t 4 T - 1
is it hand made UiH you
of those who know the "joy cf achieving" are constantly growing.
We have endeaored to overlook nothing in the way of fashionable accessories all those little
touches that make a dress or suit correctly smart.
lion designers nave more man risen to tne occasion oy giving us uwumw "r-j
the woman who takes pride in sewing her own clothes, will be most delighted vith the result,
land made?" "Did you make it?" we have heard credulous voices exclaim and the ranks
Here Are th
Silks yards and yards of lustrous, drapey
satins, taffetas, crepes, foulards; soft, velvety-to-touch
woolens side by side with wash goods
from foreign and domestic looms. The designs
represent the best work of the designers and
the color combinations and quality of material
are beyond reproach.
To further carry cut the spirit of helpful
ness, we have arranged these fabrics in such
manner as will suggest many novel and stylish
ways to employ them to especial advantage.
of Sprig!
--- - ft
m f
v- ;-T
Laces and
in such a charming
profustion as to meet
every conceivable need
and fashion has de
creed that we use them
in abundance. You'll
be sure to hnd what you want here.
are arriving daily. There is something new to show
you all the time.
have again come into
their own yards and
yards of them will be
used. Touches here and
there.. "Streamer" gir
dles, wide sashes and
beautiful bags. A bag
to match every dress if
you like.
Of course a "dress up" hair bow for the little
miss has not been overlooked; and she has an almost
endless variety from which to choose.
u xf y