I THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWC SER VICE is a word you often see in advertising with many it is only a word here it is an'actual fact. Service means to us just what it means to you. Service is some thing we practiceas sincerely as we preach. aim 111 off UNION, Rev. J. B. Taylor was a passenger to Omaha last Wednesday, where he was looking after some business mat ters for a short time. Mrs. A. J. Stokes and son will move this week to the farm of C. W. Chris wisser near Murray, and the place which has been farmed for some time past by Frank Hogue. Miss Jessie Todd is reported as being sick at her home in Union, but it is hoped the illness will be of but short duration, and will soon be well again. Misses Clarice and Amy Streight. f South Bend, were visitors in w. uv. "-.v. ,.w. Uuion for a few days, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. McCowen, ami also of their many young friends here. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter. Miss Rachel, who are making their home at University Place, where Miss Rachel is attending school, were visitors with friends in Union over Sunday. Fred Young, who has moved to the west, but who was here look ins after some business matters, de parted last Monday afternoon for Stratton. Colorado, where he will make his home in the future. Mrs. Louis Straw, a granddaugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. Morrison, who makes her home at Syracuse, is re ported as being very sick from the aller-effects of influenza, and it ie feared that an operation may have to bo resorted to in order to relieve the affection on her lungs. Friends here who know her are hopeful that she may soon be on the road to re- cover?-. 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are making trips to Colorado every week. Come and make a trip and see the country. Special prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to $50 per acre, according to location and improve ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles east of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box 11. Union, Neb. MR. FARMER BE READY FOR SPRING PICS! Mure is an Easy Hog: House to Build. Frans Bros. Phone 63-A Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. y 01 Bo oil NEB. G. W. Cheney and family were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday evening, driving up in their car. Carl W. Stone and family, of Ne hawka, were visiting with friends in and near Union last Sunday, driving over in their car. Ray McMaken was a visitor in Union last Monday, driving a trav- ! eliug man. On the trip they made Murraj Nehawka, Avoca. Weeping Water, Elmwood and Eagle. Charles Bowdish was a business visitor in Avoca and Nehawka dur- . , V, ... ,1, " , , ,nff after completing the sale of some excellent lands which are lo- laicu in caaici u vuiuiauu auu xiatc proven most productive of wheat. Mrs. Geneva Kendall, who has been making her home at Milford for the past few months, returned the other day and will remain in Union for the present. While at Milford the good lady enjoyed her self very well, considering the fact that she was separated from her many friends here. Wm. Pickering, formerly of Union, but for some time a resident of Car roil, this state, has been visiting in and near Union the past few days. returnine last Tuesdav eveninsr to his home in the northwest. While i here. Mr. Pickering was a guest attnat any time 1,e chooses. the home of his friend. Dean Aus- Miss Verna Harris, who is era tin. who accomnanipd him as far as Omaha when he was enroute home, and tarried in the metropolis a few hours to look after some business matters. Lumber Co. 3 Union, Neb. 3C Henry H. Becker was busy shred ding fodder the first of the week at the farm of Robert Willis. L. W. Crawford departed for Hart ington a short time ago, where he will make his home during the com ing year A. L. Becker was a business visi tor in Omaha last Tuesday, going up on the early morning Missouri Pa cific train. Ellis LaRue was a visitor in Ne braska City last Friday, where he attended a dance given by some cf his friends. R. U Stine has- been under the weather the past few days and has been confined to his home a part of the time. C. V. Clarke, proprietor of the Union hotel, was a business visitor in Nebraska City for a few hours last Monday. J. H. Brown, of near Murray, was a visitor in Union for a short time last Monday afternoon, coming to look after some business matters. John Frans, Frank Mead and John Finkle attended the dance in Ne braska City Saturday evening and re port having had a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gerkin visited with friends and acquaintances in Nehawka over the week end, being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarroll. Gust Minnier, who has made his home near Union for some time, moved to near Plattsmouth the first of the week, where he will farm during the coming summer. Rue Frans and wife and Mrs. Jen nie Frans. mother of the former, were looking after some business matters at Nebraska City last Mon day afternoon, driving down in Mr. Frans' automobile. Earl Merrit is doing some paint- ins: and decorating at the heme of Charles Dysart, northeast of Union. Fred Clark is making arrangements to move to his farm in the near fu- I ture and will conduct the work on the place during the coming year. John Farris and family, of Mur ray, were visiting in Union Sunday, being guest3 at the home of C. F. Harris and wife. They spent the day together most pleasantly, re counting the time when they all lived in "Ole Virginy." 11 is reported that a young man of the community made a hasty de parture from Union a short time ago, fearing that some of his acts might Lring down on his head something more than maledictions. It is thot he was most fortunate in making his get-away. Frank Boggs purchased a car at the sale on the Davis farm and has had the buzz wagon brought to town with the intention of making it over into some useful article, that is unless he sells it at a handsome profit, and it is reported he can do ployed by the Sheldon Manufactur inS company in the office at their Plant in .-senawKa, was a vwior ai ,ier home in Union over Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss Aue line Crow, another employe in the Sheldon company's offices, who visit ed here over the week end. The sale held by Mrs. Clara Da vis on the Davis farm, with Will Carraher, as manager, proved very successful, there being a large sized crowd and spirited bidding.. Con sequently the property offered all brought good prices. The weather was far from being favorable for conducting a sale, and many had to go to the house to get warm, but the more eager bidders stuck it out and vied with each other for possession of the property offered Will Teach Factoryville School I Miss Bessie LaRue, who is one of the capable young women of Union, has accepted the tender of the Fac toryville school and last Monday be gan her duties as teacher at that place. Miss LaRue is a capable young woman and will make a suc cess at school teaching. Has Purchased a Fine Home J. D. Cross, manager of the Farm er's Co-operative store in Union, has just purchased a fine home, the one which was formerly the residence of Rue Frans, and which is one of the finest residence properties in this part of the state. Mr. Frans has purchased a farm and will in a short time move to the country. Will Have Services Sunday . Services at the Methodist church Sunday will include Bible school and preaching services in the morning, while in the afternoon both the Jun ior and the Intermediate Epworth Leagues will meet. In the evening the Senior Epworth League will meet followed by the usual preaching ser vice. All are invited to attend these services. Made the Trip in Car Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Eaton and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shrader. which latter couple reside near Nehawka, departed in their cars a few days ago for Arriba. Colorado, where they will make their future home. They had shipped their household goods and furnishings a few days be fore in a car from Nehawka, and ex pected to reach their destination be fore the arrival of the goods. These, two families expect to meet with prosperity in the west and be ing progressive, hard working peo ple they will no doubt make an ex cellent success of their endeavors and do well out there. At least this is the wish of their many friends in old Cass county. Made Merry with Friends The people of Union met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cross. where they tendered a farewell re-1 ception to the families of Messrs. and Mesdames Ray and Carl Cross, and a most entertaining time was nau. The- evening was spent in games) and social conversation, including the expressed wishes of all present that good health, happiness and pros- perity might be showered upon thein in abundance in their new home in the west. The climax of the even- ing came in the delightful manner in which the hostess served the delic- ious refreshments and which were greatly enjoyed by those present. Visited vith Friends in Union Editor A. B. Rutledge, of the Ne hawka News-Ledger, and senior partner of the publishing company, was in union a tew nours last iMon-1 The woman's Christian Temper day looking after some business ance unjon held an excellent meet matters and meeting his old friends ing and pr0gram at the home of Mrs. here. Mr. Rutledge is a very gen- j B Taylor Wednesday. A large ial gentleman and with his son, who,,uiraber ot the members were in at is one of the popular young men ; tendance and an excellent time was about Union, as well as at the coun ty seat and in his home town of Ne hawka, is making the News-Ledger a live newspaper, as well as succeed ing financially in the business. Getting Ready to Farm ien i nacKer, wno uy reason oil his broad acquaintanceship, doesn't need any introduction to the peo- pie of Union, where he and his wife have a host nf friends, has moved to near Union and will farm the George perintendent McDonald of the pub Eaton Dlace this summer. Mr. Thack- lie schools gave a very learned ad- or is i-Pttinf- thinsrs in readiness for his spring and summer work. Attend the Basket Supper While you are helping to provide a library for the public school, have a good time as well. You are now presented an opportunity that has for its purpose the drawing together of the whole community for the pur pose of securing funds for this excel lent cause, when a box supper will be given at the M. V. A. hall on Fri day, March 5th, the proceeds of which will be used for the purchase of books for the school library. The ladies are requested to bring boxes and baskets, containing a suf ficient supply of food for two, and the gentlemen are requested to lay aside a liberal sura for the purchase of the boxes. A program will be given and an excellent time is in store for all who attend. Come, have some fun, and at the same time assist in securing some good books for the boys and girls to read. Yes, you may enjoy thenr yourselves as well, as they will be for general distribution through the community the same as books from a public library. A Rather Tangerous Place The crossing over the Missouri Pa cific tracks at the foot of Main street is developing into a very dangerous place, and near fatal accidents have occurred in plentiful number there of late. Some damage has been done and by the most miraculous escapes have lives been spared. Last Monday a string of opts 4'ithcr slipped away or were left standing over the street and it was hours before an engine was sent to remove them so people could cross the tracks over the high way intended for uninterrupted trav el. It looks like an electric gong should be placed there or a flagman employed to give warning of im ponding danger from the approach of trains and thus protect the lives of those who might desire to pass over the tracks. Eben Peck Very Sick E. E. Leach Las been called to Eagle on account of the illness of his grandfather, Eben Peck, who is the father of Mrs. Hattie Leach. Al though his advanced age is against him, it is hoped that he will soon be well again. LATER Mr. Peck passe daway at his home in Eagle Monday evening, and the funeral is to occur Thurs day. A more complete account of his life will be given in a later issue of the Journal. Grand Daughter Has Arrived Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Swan are rejoicing because of the arrival at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Swan and husband, of the daintiest little bit of femininity, whose coming has gladdened the home of the parents as well as the heart of the grandparents. All con cerned are going nicely and not withstanding appearances, Grandpa Swan is expected to pull through. Series of Special Sermons Rev. J. B. Taylor of the Baptist church i3 inaugurating another, of his special series of sermons, those this time touching upon the events at the Mount of ' Transfiguration. The first of the series will be deliv ed this coming Sunday morning and the culmination of the series will come on Easter morning, Sunday, April 4th. The subject next Sunday will be "Ascending the Mount," and the one the following Sunday "A View of the Master." Succeeding subjects in the order of their dis cussion will be, "A Talk with the Celestial Visitors," "The Awe of the Bewildered Disciples" and "The De scent from the Summit," on Easter morning. All those who are inter ested in knowing more about the love and care of the Master, had bet ter be in attendance at the Baptist church each week and get the bene fit of this series of sermons in its entirety. a complete general line of Staple EVSerchandise When in need of anything call on A. L. BECKER, Union, Nebraska Will Hold Easter Program Mrs j B. Taylor has in hand the matter of a program for the Easter services at the Baptist church and is preparing a delightful entertainment Which will be given In conjunction With the regular sermon on Easter morning. One of the excellent fea- tures of the program will be the spiendid special musical numbers and sontrs ied bv Miss Bessie LaRue. and provided through courtesy of the young people of Union, among whom some very excellent talent is to be found. Held Very Pleasant Meeting had. The first on the program was an address by Rev. J. B. Taylor on the "Origin of the Bible," and which showed deep study in the subject on which he spoke. This was followed by a masterly address by Rev. L. Morrison, who spoke on "The Debt the Public Schools Owe to Chris- -. , tianity." In his reasoning, the logic of his remarks showed very profound research and an application of the facts to the question at hand. Su-( dress on the subject of "Moral Edu- cation," emphasizing his remarks by applications of the effect on those who have come under the influence of good training and the results ex hibited by those who lacked this requisite to good education. Miss Rabe and Professor Ward gave a beautiful instrumental recital, while Misses Crozier and Anderson sang a very pretty duet. The entire fac ulty of the public schools attended the evening program. Will Hold Village Caucus The voters of the village of Union will meet in mass caucus next Fri day evening, March 5th, at 8:00 o'clock, for the purpose of consider ing the placing in nomination of eight candidates for village trustees at the coming spring election, and to secure some preference from the voters for the position of Clerk and Treasurer. All voters are urged to be present. The call has been sign ed by Mayor D. R. Frans and Clerk F. H. McCarthy. Two Jacks for Sale I have two large jacks, one G years and the other 8 years old, which 1 am offering for sale. The younger one especially large. Their colts can be seen here. Address or telephone me. E. E. LEACH, tf) Union, Neb GEORGE WOOD RETURNING TO OLD BOYHOOD HOME The friends of Mr. and Mrs George Wood of Malta, Montana, will be surprised and pleased to learn that they are moving back to Louis ville, where Mr. Wood will accept the position of cashier of the Home State bank left vacant by the resig nation of his brother, C. E. Wood. C. E. Wood has been with the Home State bank for years and has been highly respected by the officers of this institution and well liked by the general public. He is courteous and affable, always abliging and PUBLIC AUCTION! Having hold my place I will offer for sale at public auction at my home east of the Burlington lumber yard, South Park, Plattsmouth, on Saturday, March 6 the following described property, to-wit: One team of iron gray mares, sev en years old, weight 2200; one bay colt, 11 months old. One extra good milk cow, giving milk; one heifer calf. Two brood sows. Five dozen Rhode Island Red chickens. One wagon; one buggy; one cart; one Deering mowing machine; one Deering hay rake; one alfalfa reno vator; one Janesville walking culti vator; one 2-section harrow; one walking plow; one hay rack; one corn drill; one cider mill; one power feed grinder and 3-inch belt; one 1 horse power gasoline engine; one .1 minute 2-tub power washing ma chine, new; one corn sheller; one grindstone; one set of harness; one Old Trusty incubator; one canvas cover, 16x24 feet; 125 feet new 3-4 Inch rope; three iron pulleys; one Hot Blast heating stove; one 7 -gallon churn; one ice box; one scales; one garden plow; one hand' corn planter; two steel gasoline barrels; two bushels of seed corn; six bush els of seed potatoes; six tons of oats; 35 fence posts; two wood piles; one Edison phonograph with 55 records; and many other articles too numer our to mention. Sale commences at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credit of six to eight months time will be given, purchaser giving bankable note bear ing eight per cent interest from date. No property to be removed until set tled for. JAMES DVORAK, Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. R. F. Patterson, Clerk. Ready for Spring Work! i I have paper books from three different firms, with very beautiful and tasteful patterns contained therein. I am prepared to do your interior decorating and out side painting. Call at hy home and see samples, or phone me and I will call on you. EARL MERRITT, Painter and Decorator Phone No. 86 -:- -:- -:- Union, Nebr. Things Good to Eat! I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we will help you solve the problem of the high cost of living. We have everything in the grocery line in season, and sell at the lowest price, consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial. . D. STBWE, UNION "That Baby We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the "Baby Overland," which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. BERT UNION will be greatly missed by the patrons of the bank. He has been offered a splendid position in a bank at Peetz, Colorado, where relatives of Mrs. Weed now reside and where they visited last summer. Peetz is a flour ishing little city and Mr. Wood feels that the opportunities for greater advancement justify the change. Their many friends In this vicinity wish them every success and happi ness in their new home. George Wood, who is now return ing, has been at the head of the bookkeeping department of a large mercantile company in Montana, but since the death of his father a few years ago. he has felt a desire to be nearer his mother in her declining years and when the offer came to take his brother's place, he decided to make the change. He needs no Introduction to the people of Louisville, having lived here the greater part of his life. He is an expert accountant and the Home State bank is indeed fortu nate in securing so experienced and popular a man to conduct its busi ness affairs. He will move his fam ily into the home of his brother when they leave. Louisville Cour ier. 80 ACRES FOR SALE Eighty acres, 34 miies northeast of Union, known as the Wm. Albin farm, offered for sale if taken with in the next four weeks; large brick house. For further particulars call on J. E. Shrader, Nehawka, Nebr. MILK COWS FOR SALE Two good milk cows, just fresh. At reasonable prices. Come and see them at Murray. Theo. Bouton. tf For Sale Ten acres on Lincoln avenue. Will take some other prop erty in part payment. Also two lots on North 8th street and six-room cottage on North 9th street, R. B. Windham. 3td - 52nriB:ii!gTi!iEim B. K. F. Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every , B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN ! We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. ! Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. j. fTwolff, Main St Garage Block South NEBRASKA Overland W3LLI NEBRASKA PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction at his home, three and one-half miles northwest of Plattsmouth, one-quarter mile west and three-quarters of a mile south of Oreapolis, on Monday, March 8, ' the following described property, to-wit: Seven Head of Horses. One team of gray mares, nine and ten years old, weight 2250. One brown mare, two years old, weight 900; one black horse, two years old. weight 950; one team mare colts, coming two years old; black colt, seven months old. One full blood roan Durham cow. f-osh; one heifer calf, four months old. Farm Machinery. One set of inch and a half work harness: one set of single harness; one Weber wagon with two sets of wheels; one Wood Chuck low wheel wagon; one hay rack; one buggy; one Rradley sulky plow, 16-inch; one John Deere walking plow, 1G inch; ono Moline Avalking plow, 1 fl inch; one S-foot disc, 16-inch; one 3-section harrow; one New Depart ure cultivator; one Deering mowing machine, 5-foot; one LitUe Dane haw sweep; one Deere hay rake, 11 foot; one sleigh; six rods of heavy corn crib wire; two butchering ket tles; one barrel churn, 5-gallons; some chickens and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale starts at 10 o'clock. Lunch served at noon. Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under cash. On sums over $10 a credit of six months will be given, purchaser giv ing bankable note bearing eiht per cent Interest from date. No proper ty to be removed until settled for. J. F. STULL, Owner. W. R. Young. Auctioneer. l.tonard Meisinger, Clerk. Telephone 79 $ of Postofhce j? K 1