The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 01, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmouth journal
Entered at Postoflflce. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
"Tis a wise man who knows his
own income tax.
-:o: '
" Viscount Grey should he decorat
ed as the world's champion butter-in.
In 14 93 when Columbus mide his
terond voyage to America, the cow
come with him.
If Sir Oliver Lodge is really an
xious to find departed spirits he
should go to Cuba.
Washington, Jefferson, Madison,
Jackson, Fillmore, Harrison and
Wilson married widows.
Wanted- A new secretary of state
a Tumultyoiis one, rather than the
usual tumultous character.
A promising future is desirable,
but a paying present is more apprec
iated by one's acquaintances.
And Mr. IJurleon and Mr. Pan
ic's ami Mr. I inker continue to be
more re-igned than resigning.
A!l men are liars, of course, but a
goo many of them are not found out
until after they are married.
Now that lent is here milady will
spend a good deal of time meditat
ing on ways and means to cure a
certain easter bonnet.
According to General Wiss. lT. S.
A., "the renewal of war in Hurone
is not improbable." l!y no means
our idea of general bli-s!
In the beginning was created the
b-;'guc of nations. Eight months
they labored and then said "Let
there be peace." And then came the
Mr. MeAdoo ttow says it is the
imperative duty rf any man to take
it if be can get it. To which Mr.
Hoover probably would add, on ei
ther ticket.
Kedfield and Lane, resigned, an
nounce that they vor? equally jruil
y with Lansing. Iuker, Durleson
ar.-l Daniels with t'i3 others still in
s frice announce that it is :i fine day.
Comparing itself with foreign
brands of money, the American dol
lar may swell with pride if not with
purchasing power. Unfortunately
the dollar we have doesn't seem to
have comparing itself.
"Herbert A. Hoover, who stands
head and shoulders above, etc.,"
Lays a contributor to the New York
Tost. One thing about a presiden
tial boom, if kept up long enough,
it teaches people what a man's ini
tials are and are not.
A I5ritish statesman, or politican,
or philosopher or something says
that feminism will steer the world
straight into chaos. It would be re
grettable if anything should run the
world off its present sane, orderly
Compt roller of Currency John
MkeWon Williams lias recently made
the important discovery that there
i ; too iiiueh money, which we can't
mi and too little food, which is de
fi;?ned especially for eating. per
haps the comptroller can help the
5.i'.i;atKn by bringing the currency
once more under control. ,
In leap years of yestcr year it was
predicted that leaping would be in
terfered with considerably by the
hobble skirt3. The prediction proved
to be not even respectably visionary.
Many leaps this year, it is predicted,
will he nipped in the bud by the fact
that the girls have good paying jobs.
Well, maybe so, maybe so.
Some men live and learn, but
buyers of wildcat oil stocks merely
Senate appropriations committee
estimates that it will take fifty mil
lion dollars a year to keep the coun
try dry.
Mr. Hughes says ho is not a can
didate for president. Wei!, to bo
perfectly candid, we never hear any
body says he was.
Somebody has started a boom lor
Vice President Marshal. After sev
en years' observation of Mr. Marshal
in office, too. We call that loyalty.
The only trouble with the busi
ness man for president idea is the
uiincuity mess davs of finding a
good business man who could afford
to take it.
In his refusal to permit the crown
price to give himself up to the allies,
the kaiser seemed as much in earnest
as if he really thought the crown
prince was.
Contrary to recent reports, says
the telegraph, "Kerensky is not in a
Russian prison, but is still in Eng
lond. The most important of that
item is that he's still.
"What," somebody is always ask
ing, "if; the farmers should go on a
strike?" Well, the niiddelman have
already given us a pretty fair taste
of what it would be like. Eh. Mr.
Why it it, that a fellow who says
he wouldn't take a. million dallars
for his baby or give a cent for. an
other will pay fifty dollars for a lop
eared pup to raise? (Company for
the baby?)
A famous British scientist says
there can be no social rest without
feminine contenment. So that's all
that now remains in the way. Ev
erything else even suggested is now
in practice.
The project for an "American day"
advanced in New York docs not seem
too much to ask. About everybody
else has a day in the country. Hy
all means let American have one if
there are any left.
The Continent, a religious week
ly. asks "Why, after all, is it so hani
to Americanize the immigrant?" He
comes to America, it is suggested,
prejudiced in its favor. That is
what brings him here. It ought to
be easy to strengthen that prejudice
and develop a real American spirit.
The Continent answers its own
question by saying that the trouble
is that "the immigrant has not fotind
friends among the Americans."
There is a large part of the whole
case stated in that sentence. To
Americanize the foreigner, the Amer
ican must be his friend, but the
trouble is that the real American has
failed to be a friend in a majority
of cases. The immigrant has been
left on his arrival to shift for him
self as exploited labor or as an im
properly related and unabsoTbed
contribution to the surplus popula
tion in congested industrial centers
and little or nothing lias been dome
to locate him properly and adjust
him to conditions best calculated to
meet his anticipation as to the ben
efits to be enjoyed as a citizen of
America. On the other hand, the ;
ii jxiuvi lias uceil uusy
filing his mind with un-American
As the Continent remarks, "real
Americanism is just being friend3
to strangers," and then it puts it up
to the Christian church to perform
this friendly office. It may turn
out, after al, that the manifestation
of friendship!! the extension of
helping hand, the proffer of well
considered assistance on his arrival
to the immigrant, by the Christian
chursh, may be its most effecti
missionary effort and its largest ser
vice to the country as an American
izing institution. But to do this
with the best results the church
must get in touch with the immf
grant very soon after his arrival.
Minneapolis Tribune.
"To work for the league of nations
is today the most important political
task in Germany,1" declares a state
ment issued by the Liga fuel
Voelkerbund, a German society,
which was 9,000.000 members, i
eluding the president of the repub
lic and all the ministers and political
It is in the league that Germany's
hope for revision of some of the
overly stringent provisions lies. That
there is no disposition on the part of
the victorious nations to break Ger
many's bended back is indicated bv
a frank statement made by Lord Cur-
zon. in the house of lords. He said
that several articles would have tc
be rewritten, particularly the in
demnity clauses. He is joined by
IJonar Law, who tells the house of
of commons that if Germany pro
posed a lump, sum it was not likely
the allies would be unreasonable.
Germany needs the United States
in the league. Our voice would do
much in correcting blunders made
in the treaty. Without the league,
there would be no means of making
revisions. Sioux City Tribune.
rented a smaller farm, I
a portion of my personal
will offer
property at private sale, priced right
to sell quick, before March 1st. Lo
cated 2 i miles east of Murray and
7 miles south of Plattsmouth, on
what is known as the old Wm. Oliver
farm, now owned by T. II. Pollock,
of Plattsmouth.
I am offering this property on the
same terms as the public auction
siiies. ajA iiiuiims i one win ue einu
i all sums of $10 and over, bear
ing eight per cent from date of sale,
purchaser giving good bankable pa
per and cash in hand for all sums
under $10. All property must be
settled for before being removed
from the premises.
5 Head of Horses
One span of bay mares, i and 11
years old, wt. 240U; one sorrel mare,
9 years old. wt. 1200; one brown
mare, 8 years old, wt. 1250; one steel
ray mare, 5 years old, wt. 1500.
Cattle and Implements
One cow, fresh with calf one month
old; one yearling heifer.
Three sets of harness; one low
wagon; hay rack; spring wagon;
buggy; 7-foot cut Acme binder; Jno.
Deere disc; John Deere combined
walking lister; John Deere sulky
plow; new Big Four mowing ma
chine; Acme hay rake; 3-section har
row; 2-row stalk cutter; bob sled;
Jenny Lind spring trip cultivator;
New Departure cultivator; John
Deere riding cultivator; broadcast
seeder; feed grinder; cream separa
tor; gas tank; drag and many other
J. H. GRAVES, Owner
Phone No. 3103 Murray, Neb.
have two large jacks, one .6 and
one S years old, which I am offering
for sale. The younger one especial
ly large. Their colts' can be seen
here. Address or telephone me.
Msw-tf) Union, Neb.
Wanted Man with family desires
permanent employment with good
farmer or stockman. Must be fur
nished with house and garden.
Walter J. Kigdon, Festus, Mo. 3tw
I'l HI.ISI!i:i MITK I' K.vrm ati; .
State f Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
I. ticorf !:. Sayles, County Clerk of
(Vss oiiiitv, hereby certify that the
Ciuintv Hoard at its meeting on Jan
narv "i:ith, J-0. made the following
Kstimate of Kxpcnse for the said coun
ty for the year PJL'O:
Ceneral fund . . . .
Hriilse fund . -
Ui-id-je fund ( ICmersency) .
I!n?il I'ii ml
.$ r.r.,ooo.oo
. . ., 000.00
(ill, (IIKI. IHI
the seal of
.Mothers' Pension fund
Uid Soldiers Kelief fund...
Ti H a 1
"MTXi;SS my bund and
inv office at Plattsmouth,
this .'I'lh day
of February. A. D. 1920.
County Clerk.-
The State of Nebraska, Cass conn
ty. ss.
In th Countv Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mae
E. Goodman, deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room In Platts
mouth in said county on the loth day
of March. lS'O. and the 16th day of
June, 19l'0. at ten (10) o'clock a. m., of
each day to receive and examine all
claims ajralnst said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance
The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
months from the loth day of March
A. D. Hijo, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 15th dav of March, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
aid Countv Court this 10th day of
February, 1920.
(Seal) fl2-4w. County Judge.; i, xotk k
Order of hearing on petition for ap
pointment of Administrator or Ad
ministratis. The state of Nebraska, Cass county,
rn the County Court.
In the matter of estate ofjohn Nich
ols, deceased.
On rcadinir and filing the petition of
Karl, John and. Clinton 'A. Nichols, pray
ing that administration of said estate
may be granted to Harry Nichols as
administ rat or.
Ordered, that March 9. A. IX 1P20, at
ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for .bear
ing said petition, when all persons in
terested in said matter may appear at
a county couit to be held tn -in.l for
said con nt v. P. nd show cause why th?
praper of petitioner should not be
srranted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and tne neanns?
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated. Pehruarv 13. 1920.
ALLKN J. ttlCKSON. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Jessie H. Todd, Plaintiff, vs. The
Scottish American Mortgage Company,
Limited: the east half of southwest
luai ter iV.u, SW'i ) of Sec. 29; the
ast half of northwest quarter (KVa.
N'W'Ul: si. nth half of the south half
of northeast ouarter (S'i. S. N K V ) .
md north half of the southeast quar
ter ( N 1 . SH'i) rt Sec. S2, an in Town
ship ten (10), North Kange fourteen
(14). ea.-t of the 6th I'. M.,
in Cass
kind in
Loan &
ounty. Nebraska: and all
laiming any Interest of any
aid real estate or any part
t'nderwond A: Clarke: Iowa
rrust Company; William If.
KM Katon; John Katon; Vernie Uar-
num Cheney: 12 u gene Austin; Almond
1. Austin; the following named per
sons ami also their unknown neirs.
levisees, legatees and personal repre
sentatives of each of them, to-wit:
Albert Katon: Albert Katon; ' David
itewart: David Stuart: Dixon.
(first name, unknown), husband of
lessie Dixon: S. N. Merriam: Selden N.
Merriain: Francis Met'ourt; John
Katon: Sarah Katon; Wm. II. Katon;
l. F. Katon: James Jerome; Mrs. James
lerome. wife of James .ler.-me: .lames
C. McClurs: J. K. McCliirg; illiam
5. Parks: W. P. Parks; Isaac Coe; I.
'oe; Daniel 15. Kobb; .Joseph H. Aus
in; A. II. Austin: Almond H. Aaustin;
'-ida M. Austin; Ky.lia M. Austin: Kl-
ira Austin: Alvira Austin; Alvira
Sard well: Holland Pardwell; Joseph-
ne McCling; Thomas McClurg; John
H. Austin; Anna Austin; Clysess Aaus-
in: I'lisses Austin: K. S. Austin; I.eon-
ird S. Austin; Mary Austin; G. M.
MacKenzie: George Millar MacKenzie:
Margaret Busier; Magite Buster;
Iargret U lster; James Kuster; Kugen
Vustin; Kuene Austin; Kugeane Aus-
in: Stella Austin; Kmiline F. Rakes;
Kmaline -F. Kakes; . Hakes
first name unknown), husband , f
Kmiline F. Pakes; Khnire Fletcher,
wife of Jacob Fletcher; Klizabeth
lacobs, wife of John Q. Jacobs; Puoehe
union, wife of Joseph T. Cannon; Cal-
,-in Stewart; Calvin Stuart: Calvin
Seward: Marv Stewart: lihnda Kong;
leorge; Jacob Gish; KebeccaGish;
avid Urn;; Aunley II. Barnlull; A.
!I. Uarnl.ill: K. H. Townsend; K. 11.
:aton. Defendants.
The above named detendanrs and
.-ach of them are hereby notified that
on the 27th day ot January, jy.'u, piain-
titT filed her suit in the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, the object
md purpose of which is to quiet and
nfirm plaintiff s title in and to the
ast half of the southwest quarter
Vi. SW'J) of Seetion twenty-nine
29): east half of the northwest quar
ter (K',2. NW'i): south lia'.I of south
ialf of the northeast quarter iS'i. S"fc,
"K'4 and the north half of the south-
ast quarter (N'i. SEV4 of Section
thirty-two (n2), all In Township ten
10). N. Kange fourteen (14), east of
the 6th P. M.. in Cass county, Nebras
ka: and to permanently enjoin each
and all of said defendants from hav
ing or claiming to have any right.
title, lien or :nterest. either legal or
quitable in or to said real estate or
inv part thereot ano to enjoin snio
lefendants from interfering in any
manner with plaintllt s possession, en
joyment and title of said premises
and for general, equitable relief. This
notice is .given you pursuant to the
jrder of said Court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the loth
day of March. 1929, or your default
will be entered therein and decree
quieting title entered In favor or
Jiiibbiej is. luui),
Bv Plaintiff.
29-Iw- Her Attorney.
Notice is hereby given of the in-
orporation of I he -Murray liorary
ssociat ion. '
The name of the corporation is ' llie
Murray Library Association.
The principal place of transacting
its business is at Murray, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business
to be transacted by said corporation
shall be the purchasing, receiving by
donation or otherwise, all kinds of
books.' magazines. daily and weekly
papers and other periodicals, , and
keeping the same for general circu
lation among the citizens of Cass
countv, either with or without charge,
and to fix the limit of time which any
one shall retain any book, xaper or
periodical, which may be given out to
read: to purchase and own real estate,
together with necessary buildings for
the maintaining of the property of the
corporation, ard tin; accommodation of
the public in the way of reading rooms,
reception room, vaults and places for
safeguarding the property of the com
panv, and to make any .and all neces
sary, needful and proper rules and
regulations for the conduct of the
general public library business.
The amount of the capital stock
authorized Is S10.O0D.00.
, The time of commencing business
shall be the 21th of January, 1920, and
the time ,f termination twenty-five
vcars from tin- ftate of commencement.
The highest amount of Indebtedness
to which said corporation shall at any
time subject itself shall not be more
than one-half toe aggregate of its
capital stock.
The business all airs of the corpora
tion shall be managed by a Hoard of
Directors composed of not less than
three, nor more than five members.
f9-4w. President.
The State of Nebraska. Caas coun-1
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate or James
Deles Dernier, dei cased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hercbv notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in flatts
juoutli in eaiJ county, on tUe 2nd day
of March. 1920, and on the 1st. day of
June, 1920, at . ten (10) o'clock a. in.,
of eacli day, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 2nd day of March, A.
D. 1920, and the time lim'ed for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
2nd day of March, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this .'SOth day of
January, 1920.
(Seal) f2-4w. County Judge.
In the County
Court of Cass
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estates of Kate
K. McMaken. Deceased and Huttie 10.
McMaken, Deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tates, creditors and heirs at law:
You are hereby notified that on the
19th day of February, 1920, Joseph H.
JkMaken tiled a petition in this Court
alleging that Kate K. McMaken, lato
a resident of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, departed this life in
testate on or about the 11th day of
September, 1900. in said city, atid left
surviving her as her sole and only
heirs at law, Heurv C. McMaken, her
husband, and six children, viz: Kva C., Kdward M. McMaken, Joseph
H. .McMaken, Guy 1 1. McMaken, Carrie
Scott and Ilattie K. McMaken, all of
legal age, and that said decedent was
seized and possessed of the fee simple
title to acres of land in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, described as follows:
ommencing 12 chains and 72 links
north of
the southeast corner of Sec-
tion 12, Town 12.
North. Kange IS,
: chains and 6
12 chains and 12
:' chains and ((
12 chains and 12
Kast: thence west
links; -thence north
links; thence east
links: thence south
links to
was tlu
the place of beginning, which
homestead of said deceased
and lier husband. Henry C. McMaken. I
and that the title thereto descended i
according to the decedent law than in
for-e to the children of said deceas- .
-d In-fore named in common and un- i
divided. I
Also that on
the day of April.-
McMaken, one of said
said Kate K. McMaken,
a resident of Platts- j
county, departed thisl
I9(i2. Hattie K.
heirs at law ot
deceased, then
mouth, in said
lite intestate, a;
id without issue and I
left her surviving ' as her sole and
only heirs at law, her father the said j
Henry C. McMaken, who thereby be- seized of an undivided one-sixth
interest in said land according to the
lecedent law then in forte; that the
petitioner is entitled to an undivided
one-sixth interest In the estate or sunt
Kate K. McMaken. deceased and that
more than two years have now elaps
ed since the death of said decedents,
and that no application has been made
in the state of Nebraska for the ap
pointment of an administrator, either
by the heirs of said decedents or by
persons claiming to be creditors of
said decedents, and praying for a de
termination of the time of the death
of the said Kate K. McMaken and also
of the time of the death of said Hat
tie K. McMaken. and of their heirs at
law, and the degree of kinship, and
the right of descent of the real prop
erty belonging to said decedents in
the State of Nebraska, and for an or
der barring claims against said es
tates, and for such other orders and
proceedings as may be necessary for a
correct determination of said matter.
Said matter has been set down for
hearing at tb County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
27th day of March, 1S2, at ten tin)
o'clock a. in., at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated Fcbruaiv 19, 1920.
l"2::-.".w) County Judge.
In the County
op lit: KING
Court of C
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
belli Philips, formerly Klizabeth
er. Deceased.
To all persons interested in
estate, creditors and heirs at law:
You are hercbv notified that ori the
21st day of February, 192(. Frank
McCarthy filed a petition in this court
alleging "that Klixaheth Philips, form
erly Klizabeth Walker, late of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, died
intestate, in said county, on or about
the 17th day of April, 1902. seized and
possessed of the title in fee 'Simple of
the following described real estate, to
wit: Commencing at a point on the
one-eighth section line 7.0 chains
north of the sout-hwest corner of the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of Section 3 9, in Town 12.
North, Kange 1). Kast and running
thence east at right angles to said
one-eighth section line, 2.90 chains to
the west line of the county road No.
.".": thence north, (Va.-ll degrees 10. i
2G'i degrees west, on the west line of
said county road i chains, intersect
ing said one-eighth section line; t,hence
south on said one-eighth sectioil line
.r.2t chains to the place of beginning-,
all In Cass county. Nebraska: and
that said decedent Klizabeth Philips,
formerly Klizabeth Walker, left sur
viving her as her sole and only heir
at law. a daughter. Nancy K. Patton
nee Walker), the scde issue of a prior
marriage, and a husband. John Philips,
of Glenwood. Iowa; that the petition
er is now the owner of said premises
bv virtue of mesne conveyances in
which the title of the said Nanev K. i
Patton was conveyed to petitioner,'
and that more than two years have '
now elapsed since the death of said
decedent, and that no 'application for
the appointment of an administrator!
of said estate has ever been made In
the State of Nebraska, and praying for
a determination
death of the sal
of the time of the
d Klizabeth Philips. .
formerly Klizabeth Walker, deceased
nnd of her heirs at law, the degree of,
kinship and the right of descent of'
the real property belonging to said
estate In the State of Nebraska, nnd
for an order barring claims against
said estate, and for such other orders
atid proceedings as may be necessary i
for the determination of said matter." !
Said matter has been set for hear
ing at the County Court room in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Ne
braska, on the 27th day of March. A.
D. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. rn., at which
time and place all persons Interested
may appear and contest said petition.
Dated February 21, 1920.
f23-3w.) County Judge.
ti ud lir- on 1'rlitioii for Set
tlement of Account.
Ill the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass enmity, ss.
To sill persons Interested in the es
tate of Henry Knnfmann. deceased:
i In realnjf the petition of Maggie
Kaufmann, Administratrix, praying a
final settlement and allowance of her
account filed in this court on the 21st
day of February. PUO, and for distri
bution and assignment of said es
tate find the discharge of said ad
ministratrix: It is hereby ordered that you ami
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in anil for said
county on the Mh day of AJarch, A. D.
I!i20, at to o'clock a. m.. to show
cause, if any tlx re be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of siild petition and- the h-ar-Inu'
thereof be Kiven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a ropy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper . printed in said county, for one
week prior to' said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the Seal of
r-'aid Court, tin's 21st day of February,
A. D. 1920.
(Seal) County Judge.
If you are uot a subscriber to the
Daily Journal let us enter your name
on our subscription list.
1 ia uistkiMiifiSi'
. ' V?-... 1 UL
. - WJ-H vh -oft
tup man WITH THE BIG
The ui
lieine, three
fl r-reirr"
II cue:-
and one-half miles
ene-hedf miles southvest
Mile Grove church on
eclnesday, march 3d
Twenty-three head of Whiteface cows, high grade, with calves
from Whiteface bulls; 25 head of native red cows, 4 and 5 years
old, some good mlk cov;s, fresh scon; 8 cows with calves 6 weeks
old, make gcod milk cows; 4
steers and heifers, coning yea:
lace registered bulls, coming 3
This s,tcef: is all in rood
:rm implements offered for sale.
TEEMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over
$10 a credt of ten months wll be given, purchaser giving bankable
note bearing eight rer cent interest from date. Froperty must be
settled for befcre being removed.
j. R. VALLERY, Owner
YOUNG, Auctioneer
Saves Your Momy and
Doubles Life of Your
Here's your chance to double the -life of a suit you
buy. A extra pair of pants FREE with every suir or ov
ercoat. There is a limited yardage on these rich fabrics.
Order it today and you will not be disappointed.
Phone 166
Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy. "j
Gass County Monument Company
H. W.
Telephone 177
State Bank
Icr t'lz at Tublic Auction at his
northwest of Murray, three and
of 1'iyr.r.rd, snd cr.e mile east of Eight
Whiteface yearling bull calves; 10
lings; 5 Whiteface steers; 2 White
years old.
condition. There will also be some
GEO. 0. E0VEY, Clerk
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb.