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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1920)
" cal Society DC omnia vol. xxxvn. PLATTSMO UTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY. MARCH 1, 1G20. No. 71 NONPARTISAN LEAGUE ENTERS A FULL TICKET CAMP OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS TO SUFFER INVASION. ELMER YOUNGS FOR GOVERNOR Dawson County Fanner Picsed as Organization Candidate for Chief Executive. THE TICKET NAMED I For governor, Elmer E. Youngs, farmer of Dawson county. For lieutenant governor, G. J B. Wylie, engineer, Jefferson J county. .J. Following the adoption earlier in the afternoon of a program of polit ical action which included a declar ation to enter the republican pri mary on Thursday, April 20, the state convention of the non-partisan league proceeded tn name Elmer it. Youngs, a successful farmer of Daw son county who specialized in alfal fa raising, as its candidate for gov ernor. G. B. Wyile. a Rock Inland engi neer living at Fairbury, and promi nent in union labor circles, was named for lieutenant governor, and Anson II. Gigelow, a union labor at torney of Omaha and a member of the state constitutional convention, for attorney general. The convention showed a disposi tion to place on its ticket State Auditor George W. . Marsh, State Treasurer D. B. Cropsey, Land Com missioner Dan Swanson and Secre tary of State D. M. Amsberry, who have no opposition for renomination, but it was not willing to do so un less these gentlemen were willing to be endorsed. A committee consisting of George C. Porter of Morrill. Ilyio Aden of Ilazzard and Edwin Reed of Ilaigler. was named to confer with the four Mate officers and report the resuTi of thie rinterview. Although Lieu tenant Governor P. A. Barrows and Attorney General Clarence A. Davis have no opposition they were not similarly favored. Labor Supports Bigelow. It took three hours to do tlie work of nominating and adopting a plat form and a declaration of principles. Each candidate was vouched for by one or more oratorically inclined gentlemen. One of the delegates, a member of the plasterer's union, vouched for Mr. Bigelow. He said that he and other union men con tributed $1 a month to a fund which went to Bigelow, and in return he acted as their attorney and adviser in all legal matters. The meeting was behind closed doors, but the doors were largely composed of glass. An occasional look through these showed the in tensity of interest on the part of the delegates and the presence of a con siderable number of gentlemen with a desire to get into .the discussions. Very few of the delegates were Ger mans; in fact there were more Irish than Germans. League men fay that there has been a large addition of Irish to the membership in recent months because of the attitude of the democratic administration to wards the Irish question. Although most of the old-time - leaders were present, the generai average of the delegates was higher than at previous gatherings, more representative farmers and fewer of the intense radicals. Farmers un ion men say that the league leaders are thoroughly justified in their "claim of a membership of 20,000 and that through the use of local farm ers as organizers the list is mount ing 400 or 500 a week at the pres ent time. Mr. Youngs had an easy, time o'2 It capturing the gubernatorial nom ination, although none of those men tioned for It were In any sense cau . didates. He received 91 votes on the first and only ballot. The re- mainder of the votes were scattered between R K;I.owe.l of Omaha, junn u. cumiui, ineiuoer ui ine icg- islature from Saunders county. Sen ator W. J. Taylor, democrat from Custer,' and Charles Wooster of Mer rick county. The other nominees won out by substantially the same vote as Youngs. The league will make legislative nominations in a number of districts where is has a goodly membership, and it will also enter the republican primary in the third, fifth and sixth congressional districts where it is strongest and where it must buck the present incumbents, who have no opposition to date. The state platform is substantial ly that of the North' Dakota organ ization the preamble declaring that the fundamental purpose of the na tional nonpartisan league is correct in principle. State ownership and operation of packing houses, flour mills, stockyards, creameries, termi nal elevators and beet sugar factor ies are included. The delegates were very optimist ic over the outlook. They say that if they do not win this year they won't mind the whipping very much, as they take this to be only a begin ning. The leaders are quite san guine that the massed vote of the league behind Youngs will put him across in a field made up of five or f ix opponents. WASHINGTON-LINCOLN PROGRAM Pupils of Columbian Schools Rsndei Pleasing Entertainment Yes day at Library. From Thursdays Daiij The time of the regular v.e kly st oy hour yesterdi-y at tha public library was taken up with the ren dition of the Washington-Lincoln program given by the pupils of the Columbian school under the direction of Miss Nettie Hawksworth and Miss Jessie Whelan. The young people had prepared a very interesting and im pressive program that was given in a most pleasing manner and which taught the lessons of patriotism as well as the wonderfu. part that the two great presidents had played In the history of the nation. The pro gram consisted of recitations and se lections by the young people culmi nating in a patriotic playlet in which the patriotic songs were interwoven, making it a very pleasing feature of the occasion. There was a very large attendance present at the li brary and the young people taking part as well as their instructors re ceived many words'of praise for the pleasing program given. BRIDGE WORKER TAKES GOLD PLUNGE Fred Fancer, Employed on Platte River Bridge Gang, Takes Un lock;! for Cold Plunge. Prom Thursday's Daily. Quite a little excitement reigned yesterday afternoon at the Burling ton Platte river bridge for a few minutes when Fred Fancer, one of the employes on the work there op ened the bathing season rather pre maturely with a dip into the cold waters of the river. The young man was engaged in carrying a large section of sheet piler and as he reached the' track on top of the bridge his load became overbalanced and with the result that he fell back ward over the side of the bridge and down into the current which is quite strong on this side of the river, the main current setting in close to the Cass county shore. The cries of the young man as he fell called the at tention of the companions of the me.n and their prompt work in the follow ing few minutes saved him from drowning." One of the workmen grabbed a large section of rope used for hauling material and raced from the Burlington bridge to the auto mobile toll bridge and getting there lowered the rope in time for Mr. Fancer to catch it as he was swept down toward the toll bridge. He was hauled out of the ley waters al most frozen and hurried to the warmth of a fire aud was later sent to his quarters to remove his 6oaked clothing, and take steps to prevent his catching- cold from the effects of the dip intc the,riatte. - j"TP KICDD A 0 A , R NtDHHOlvH BANKERS TO HAVE HEARING Governor Hardiner a Little More Open to Argument in. Behalf of the State Concerns. CHARGES MET BY CHALLENGE From Thursday's Dally. Washington, Feb. 25. Pressure upon Governor Harding of the fed 3ral reserve board by members of the Nebraska house delegation have brought about the governor's consent that the committee of three repre enting the Nebraska state banks hall have a hearing here before the board at some future time, to be fixed by mutual consent. Governor 'larding last week refused to post one the hearings set for today over he protests of the state banks, who 'ound that their committee could '.ot attend the hearing. The verac ity of witnesses appearing for the federal reserve banks of Kansas City and Omaha 'was challenged at the hearing today, which occurred in he rooms of Governor Harding at the treasury department and was at tended by all the Nebraska house lelegation except Representative lefferis, who has persistently re fraind from taking any part in the feud between the state and federal -eserve banks. Representative Andrews of the fifth district refused to accept the statement of M. L. Bishop, one of the 'mployes of the federal bank at Ora iha, that the methods used by the' federal agents visiting the state banks were at all times "polite and In strict observance of the usual banking courtesies." Charges Met by Challenge. He said he could not allow such testimony to go unchallenged, be cause of the numerous affidavits to the contrary that had been sent here by the Nebraska state banks. "Governor Harding, in behalf of the federal reserve board, assumed the entire responsibility for demand ing payment at par of checks issued against non-member banks in Ne braska." said Mr. Andrews, after the hearing. "A fact held in suppression until today." Officers of the Kansas City and Omaha federal banks iestified that they had used nothing but the most gentlemanly methods, and denied that there had been any display of guns as charged in affidavits from the state bank at Pierce. They tes tified that they never had employed even the appearance of a threat against the state banks and acted along the lines of strictest banking courtesy. Our delegation, however, had in their hands at the time num erous affidavits absolutely contrary to that testimony. "Governor Harding coached their witnesses over many difficult points, and assumed the attitude of counsel for the defense.- and also the duties of judge and jury. As none of the state bankers were present, only their affidavits could be used in an informal way during the hearing. "When Mr. Bishop completed h,B testimony I asked him if his course had been In accordance with instruc tions from his superiors, to which he answered 'yes.' I wanted that ad mission to stand in the record be cause of the affidavits which show that his course had been improper and that it might not go unchalleng ed." DENIES LIVERYMAN STATEMENT From Friday Dally Robert R. Ross of Lexington, who is a candidate for nomination for the office of president of the Unit ed States at the primary election in Nebrask.a has issued a statement In which he denies the story printed in a large number of the papers of the state as to his connection with a liv ery stable and states that he has had nothing to do with a concern of this kind In the 53 years of his life. This story was first published In 1916 when Mr. Ross was a candidate at the primary election and he now makes the statement that the origi nator was misinformed when he put out this stAry. FIRE DOES SMALL DAMAGE From Thursday's Pally. This afternoon at 1 o'clock the residence of William Tippens on North Eighth street was discovered to be in flames and the alarm was at once turned In by the neighbors dis covering the fire. The origin of the fire seems to have been from a defec tive chimney as the Tiro first appear ed on the roof of the house. Prompt action on the part of Mr. Tippens who was at home at the timo as well as the neighbors who hurriedly formed a bucket brigade and held the flames in check pending the ar rival of the fire department. The loss to the building will however amount to quite a little as consider able of the shingle rcof was burned and charred. FUNERAL OF MRS. STEWART THURSDAY Services Held at St. Paul's Church Conducted by Rev. Eraun of Om ahaBurial at Oak H'll. Krom Friday's Dally. The feunral services of Mrb. Fred Stewart were held yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock from the St. Paul's Evangelical church and were quite largely attended by the friends a-.d neighbors of this estimable lady who Irad fceen so suddenly taken from the heme circle. A short service was held at the home by the officers of the Woodman Circle of which the de ceased had been a member for a number of years and from there the body was borne to the church where so often the departed lady had wor shipped, for the last services of the faith in which she had been so faithful in her lifetime. The ser vices were conducted lTy Rev. Braun of Omaha, who spoke briefly in Ger man as well as English and gave to the sorrowing relatives and friends words of comfort with the promise of a uniting in the future in the land where the desolation of grief is un known. The choir of the church gave a number of the favorite hymns during the service. The interment was had at Oak Hill cemtery, the pall bearers being selected from the the old friends of the deceased, Wil liam H. Ofe, William lleinrich. Ed win Fricke, Waldemar Soennichsen, Otto Wohlfarth and John E. Schutz. Bertha Tarns was born in Platts- mouth on December 4. 1S94, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Tarns, and was reared to womanhood in this community where she won a world of warm and loving friends by her bright and cheerful disposition and who will feel bitterly the loss that her death has brought to them. At an early age she was united with the Lutheran church and during her lifetime was a faithful and devout member of that faith. On July 11. 1917. she was married in this city to Fred Stewart, and the married life enjoyed by these worthy young people was full of happiness that was so suddenly terminated by death. To mourn her death which occurred Tuesday. February 24, there remains the husband, one infant son, Harold, the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tarns, and three brothers and one5 sister. Claus Tarns of Nebraska City. Fred Tarns of Stewart. Neb., William Tarns of Omaha and Miss Anna Tarns of this city. One child preceded the moth er in death a few days having lived but a short time and awaited the coming of the mother on the farther shore. VERY PLEASANT SURPRISE Fr'Mr Tnrisrtay'i. 7"al A number of the old friends and neighbors took W. R. Bryan and wife by storm last evening when they went fn to tell them how sorry they were to have them remove from our midst, and also to wish them success and happiness tn their new home as they are to make their fu ture home in Colorado, leaving here next week. A very merry tim was had in conversation and the renewing of youth by playing some of the old games, Mr. Bryan being one of the most active players. At a suitable hour very dainty and delicious refreshment were served. After bidding the host and hostess good, night all departed for their homes, having spent a very pleasant evening1. MAKES AT TEMPT TO END HIS CAREER JAMES COWAN TAKES CONTENTS OF BOTTLE OF CARBOLIC ACID TODAY. DOMESTIC TROUBLES CAUSE Family Affairs Culminated in Wife Leaving Home Ascribed as Reason for Rash Act. Krom Thursday's Dally. This morning about 11 o'clock James Cowan, who resides in one of the rooms on the upper floor of the Anheuser-Busch building at the corner of Fourth and Main streets, decided that life was a useless prop osition and attempted to hasten his journey to the green fields of the hereafter by drinking the contents of a small vial of carbolic acid and as a result the man is still in a very critical condition although it is thought that he will probably recov er from the effects of the rash act. From what can be learned of the causes leading to the attempted su icide it feems that the domestic af fairs of the family have not been as peaceful and tranquil as. they should Uq and. the events culminated in the wife preparing this morning to sever her home tie3 by returning to her former home in Iowa. Shortly after the family differences the husband returned to the rooms that the fam ily have been occupying and proceed ed to drink the poison and by. this action greatly alarming the other residents of the building who had learned of his rash act. As soon as Mr. Cowan had taken the poison efforts were made to give him relief and the services of Dr. P. J. Flynn. who happened to be in that section of the city at the time was secured and the suffering man given medical treatment. It is thought that he will recover without any ser ious effects from the poison but at this time he is not entirely out of danger. The family have resided in this city several years, coming here from eastern Iowa. The victim of the case is a young man of 2fi years and has been married for the past four years. YOUNG PEOPLES' SO CIETY ENTERTAINED Epworth League and Queen Esther Societies of M. E. Church Hold Social and Box Supper. BVntn FrMv'i DaMv The parlors of . the Methodist church was the scene of a most de lightful gathering last evening when the Epworth League society and the Queen Esthers entertained jointly the young people of the church and the occasion was one that will long be .very pleasantly remembered by all those who were fortunate enough to be present. The forepart of evening was oc cupied with a program consisting of musical selections' and readings a,nd which were greatly enjoyed by the members of the party. Mason Wes cott gave a most pleasing piano num ber while a vocal solo was rendered by Rev. A. V. Hunter, both of whom were very much appreciated by the members of the party. Byron Bab bitt and Miss Velma Elliott each gave very pleasing . reading and a ladies trio composed of Mrs. R. B. Hayes. Miss Florence Balser and Miss Mable Lee Copenhaver favored the gathering with several selec tions. Following the program games of all kinds were enjoyed by the members of-the party under the di rection of Miss Velma Ellfott, fourth vice president of the league, who was In charge of the program of the ev ening and then the chief feature of the evening, the box social was' op ened. F. W. Elliott officiating as the auctioneer and the handsomely ar ranged boxes of the dainties offered for 6ale to the youngr men aad the sale of the boxes broueht a vers 4 lafaetory sum 'to the proceeds of tW evening. 1 JURY CALLED FOR MARCH 6 From Friday's Dally The docket for the forthcoming March term of the district court was called on Wednesday by Judge Beg- ley and the trial list for the term arranged by the court. The court has decided not to summon the jury until Monday. March S. The cases assigned for trial are: John F. Mor ris vs. Missouri Pacific Ity. March 8, 10 a. m.; O. 11. Dennis vs. Deitrich Kostcr. March 10, 10 a. m.; C. L. Stull vs. Missouri Pacific Railway, March 10. 1:C0 p. m.; C. L. Stull. vs. Burlington railroad. .March 11, 9 a. m.. Robert Kyles vs. C. B. Q. II. R.. March 12. 9 a. m. SGHMADER VICTOR OVER KANSAS MAN Louisville Lad Defeated Edwards, the "Kansas Cyclone," at O'Neill Last Week. From Friday's Dally. Frank Schmader returned Monday from O'Neill where he met and de feated Billy Edwards, the "Kansas Cyclone," after one hour and forty minutes of hard wrestling. Frank has more friends out at O'Neill than Dad Nelson's bull dog has fleas and when he lands in town they know there is going to be a real contest and that Schmader will be there at the finish if it takes all summer. The "Kansas Cyclone" was no novice at the game but after one hour and forty minutes with the ex sailor he came nearer resembling a hot wind from Kansas that a cy clone. Like the Stecber-Caddock match, it was a one fall affair, but not prearranged. The "Cyclone" blew out aud refused to come back and receive another flop. Louisville Courier. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Thursday's Dailv. . ; Raymond, sou of Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Grauf, residing south of the city, who has been suffering for Eome time with the flu and pneumonia, has been taken to the St. Joseph hos pital in Omaha, where he was oper ated on to relieve him from the com plications which has followed the at tack of pneumonia. It was neces sary to tap Mr. Grauf and draw of f a large amount of puss that formed on one of the lungs and the young man is now getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grauf, parents of the young man, are in Omaha today and will visit for a short time with the patient. PURCHASES NEW HOME From Friday's DaJlv. The Cyril Janda. Jr., home on West Elm street has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Beverage, who will move into the new home as soon as it is vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Tanda who are expecting to leave for New York to make their future home. This is a very pleasant mod ern bungalow that will make Mr. and Mrs. Beverage a very comfortable home. They recently sold their resi dence on Chicago avenue to Martin Propst who is moving in from the farm. With Perfect Safety! The Right Way to Handle Money! If a checking account hadn't proved itself the safest and most satisfactory way of handling money, nine out of every ten people wouldn't handle theirs that way. 3 If you haven't a checking account, open one with us now. This service costs nothing; all supplies are furnished. Requirements as to bal ance are within the reach of everyone. First National Bank "TheBdnh Where Yoa FeelatHome." HUNGER KNOWS NO ARMISTICE IS KEYNOTE CAMPAIGIN FOR RELIEF IN FAR EAST TO BE RENEWED TO RAISE COUNTY QUOTA. MOVING PICTURES, SPEAKERS First Meeeting on Sunday to Start Work to Secure Funds for Relief Work. From Friday's Dally. The committee in charge of lh relief for the sufferers iu Armenia arc preparius to renew the cam paign iu this county in order to complete the quota that was assigned to Cass county by the state orgaHi- zation. In order to facilitate the work of securing the desired funds there will be special meetings held iu th city on Sunday. At the close of the af ternoon matinee at the Paruiel Sun day, four special reels will be cbowu of Armenia, the country and a part of the hardships that the inhabi tants have been compelled to under go under the Turkish rule. These pictures will be striking illustrations cf the effects of the hardships on the people of that desolated nation aud give the American public tow ap preciation of what they have Lad to endure. On Sunday evening there will l a union service of the churches of tb City in the iuterest of the far east relief campaign and at which two special speakers will appear. Mr. Varji. a native of Armenia, and Miss Butter, who has been engaged in relief work in that country, and both of whom have just returnej from their sojourn abroad. Thee speakers will give first hand Infor mation of the condition cf the peo ple of Armenia, who have suffere.l the ravages of war, massacres and starvation and who will perish from the earth if a helping hand is not extended. On Monday afternoon there will be a free exehibition of the pictures made at the New Moreland theater as well as addresses by the two speakers and these will give every one an insight into what is happen ing and what has happened iu that war ravaged country. The committee are also arransius 'o send out cards under the unit sys tem so that those who desire to sub scribe may do so. MARRIED BY COUNTY JUDGE From Friday Dally. This morning County Judge Allen J. Beeson was called upon to join In the holy bonds of wedlock Mr.. Henry H. Woodring and Miss Jessie P. Thieman, both of Omaha. The wedding was performed In the usual accommodating manner of the cea lal judge and at its close the newly weds returned to their home in the metropolis. I... -i 1. -ijj ' w-