The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I Notice to Ford Owners!
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gomo In and Lei Us Explain!
Garage Phone 650; B"."fl"' w-.m
House Phone 502
Widows. Wei Known in
This City. Passed Away at His
llonzz in Iowa City Todav.
Fr'-m V,'-or:
Co. I
of li n;e::.h. rs of the famous
lt.Sth Infant rv. which wns
formed at !! r: u !;:., ha passed
:.u.;y the result ui' hi-- injuries
i . . (! uv r a y-.rr a-jo ill the Sr.'"!. -ivc in whuh the 4':id
':ivii!,i; U'7f : ih): a prominent part.
This young man was Frank M. Wid
ows. . !J kmw:i id a h.rg number
:' tl.i- n -:uuts i,( fhis city and the
('.'! i i. t -1 n -ii i ms of a nuiiilitr oi
l'i: t:: rii'.nt !i ';.- who trw.I in this
er.u i ni;; t imi. Mr. Widows was 22
?... (I' aw and tiic full flu-'n of
hi j oung manhood when the call
to a':,,- i:,ih : th" nation and h
r.'.!.?';! J. is home town company
on Ju;!'-' .".. I f i 7 . going v. i;h his
' ny to ':.. p .Milis. Nnv York
if tr-- r ' 2 i : 7 ;;! Unidirrir
i. fi.-.t.'c- i-i the of that year
M.'.rt It in all of the arrive
''' k the wa r up to the time of
his le I: u- u.-..J. He served 110 I
ii- the Lorrairt sppit and !
toucht in the terrific conflicts of
the Champagne. Chateau Thierry
campaigns and while fighting in the
St. Mihiel offensive was gassed,
front the effects of which he never
fully recovered and since his return
home has gradually failed in health.
The funeral services were held yes
terday at the Christian church at
Glenwood conducted by Rev. I). S.
Thompson, and the body laid to rest
in the cemetery in that city.
Event to be Held at Coates Frank
Schmarder of Louisville and Tom
Ray of Omaha Principals.
From Wednesday's Dalty
An athletic event of more than
usual -worth is arranged for Friday
evening, March f. at Coates hall
when Frank Schmarder of Louisville
is to appear on the mat with Tom
Ray. the fa.t Omaha wrestler in the
main event while Lee Fickler of this
city will also appear with one of the
wrestlers of the V at Omaha as hia
opponent in a fast preliminary. Both
Schmarder. a:Ttl Fickler are we!!
known throughout the county as
two of the best men in the game and
Tom Ray is cue of the leaders in
the wrestling game in the big city
jup the river so that the event will
I be one of great interest. Mr. Fic
i kler will .referee in the main event
r.f the evening according to the pres
ent program.
From Wednesday's Paily.
The office of Clerk of the District
Court James M. Robertson has re
ceived notification that a represent
ative of the federal government will
be present at the opening .session of
the district court on March 1 for the
purpose of conducting the hearings
on the final applications for citizen
ship of a number of n-iny aliens.
The federal authority ;- are dp: : rat:.
of making this occasion one of iin
pressi veil ess to give the newly au
thorized citizens an id-a of the im
portance of the occasion and the. sig
nificance of the fact thiu tliev have
mained over Sunday, guests at the
home of Mrs. Feller's sister, Mrs.
Flnier Webb and husband. Mr. Fel
ler was employed here as a machin
ist in 1!17-1S and they enjoyed the
opportunity of renewing acquain
tances about the city during their
brief isit.
Trom Wednesday's Dally.
V.. U. Taylor, one of the leading
resilient-; of Weeping Hater, was in
cay vtiterduy for a few hours
looking after visum matters of busi
fi( ss.
t ion.
a part of the American
Fanners' Union Mercantile Co. is
Formed and Incorporated
Witli County Clerk.
.". 101'. H II Todd.
From Wednesday'? raily.
The articles of incorporation of
the Farmers I'nion Mercantile com
pany have been filed in the office of
ISLAND RED EGGS ' c'ouni v Clerk George K. Saylos by a
large number of residents of Louis
ville and vicinity. The place of busi
ness of the new company is given as
Louisville. Neb. The capital stock
cf the company is named at $a0.u00
divided into "0o sharts of $100
I have the pure strain of single
comb Rhode Island Red chicken
eggs for hatching, can deliver
promptly. SS.00 per hundred or
$1.."0 per setting of la eggs. Rhone ,
The Cedar Creek school will give
a box social and program Friday,
February 27. 1920. Indies bring
boxe:-;. Everybody invited Lelia 15.
Duff. Esther L. Noyes. Teachers.
Or.e night nurse, one assistant day
rrp. dining room girl and other
l.e'p. Masonic Home. Phone "?..
We have a few Sacks of Flour left which we are dis
posing of for
il-r rest! 4!
I WWW . -
Other brands
Golden West .
Little Hatchet
Goochs Best
Be sure and place your order in at once as we have
only a few sacks left at this price.
Fay-Day Specials!
Rio, (broken) two pound? for 25c
Pork and Beans, three cans 25c
EL. C. Corn Flakes, three packages 25c
Bulk Macaroni, per pound 1 5c
Lencx Soap, five bars 25c
D. C. Soap, five bars 25c
2!2-pcund can Tomatoes 20c
Navy Beans, 2-lbs for 25c
Brown Beans 3-lbs for 25c
Apricots gallon can 90c
Peaches gallon can 90c
2 lb can Pumpkin 10c
Baby Lima Beans, 2-lb can ISc
Coffee, 3-lb for $1.00
Potatoes, (Minnesota White) per bushel 3.50
Potatoes, (Red River Eaily Ohio) per bushel 3.75
Monarch Coffee, 3-lb can, $1.65
. 1 SOEfllCHSEN.
Phohe 53 and 54 Plattsmouth, Neb.
It is provided in the incorporation
that when the sum of $6,000 has
been Fold in ttock that the new cor
poration will start operation. The
business of the company is named as
the buying and selling of grain, hay
end all farm produce as well a"? gen
fral merchandise.
The company is incorporated by
the following: A. J. Deitrich. Lee A.
Cole. Charles Fetzer. George Vogler,
John Gakemeier. M. L. William?.
John Gauer. Philip Hen n in gs. Dewey
Spangler, Dan W. Sbocman. Arthur
C. Shoeman, August Stohlman, J. A.
Stohlman, J. G. Shoeman. Joe John
son. Edward Jochim. Will Kehne,
Ray Harper. E. A. Ingram. Louis
Mayfield. John H. Busche, William
V.. Hoover. Lawrence Group. C. G.
Mayfield, Henry H. Ragoss. Andrew
Stohlman. William C. Kraft, An
drew A. Shoeman. Ernest Pankcnin,
Lloyd R. Group. Edwin Group. El
mer Johnson. Gust Jochim. Charles'
Voigtmann. William Stohlman, Her
man Roeber.
The weather today was a forcible
if not altogether pleasant reminder
that the first of March was upon
us and that blustery weather that is
so characteristic of the first of the
spring months might be expected.
Flurries cf :-now made it disagree
able getting around and a sharp
north wind served to remind one that
it was not summer by several
months. Reports from out in the
state last night indicated that con
siderable snow had fallen in the
western portion of the states but
fortunately the worst of the storm
seems to have worn itself out before
reaching here.
From Monday's Pally.
W. II. Heil of Louin.vldlle was in
the city for a few today look
ing after some matters i business.
Miss Opha Stone of near Cedar
Creek was among those going to Om
aha this afternoon to visit for a few
L. H. Puis of Murray was in the
citv todav for a few hours looking
after some matters oi Harness with
the merchants.
V unrv cc hi:T W , i v. ;o; vki' '
over Sunday at IMurr-.v with hrn:f
folks, returned this morning to his
duties at Cedar Creek.
Commissioners Harris and l';tz and
Highway Commissioner C. F. Vallery
were down in the vicini'v of M:trrjv
today looking after road v. ork.
Walter I lessen How. who has b'en
attending to some bu-iness master
in this city lor a shoj i time, returned
this morning to his !;!:: n-or t'erlar
From Wednesday's Dauy.
Attorney C. S. Abiiic-h and Pearl
Rover of Elmwood were in the city
today where they w:e (a! lei on
some matters in Conner: ion with the
probate of the estate of t!:: father cf
Mr. Rover.
Sitiion Clark departed this after
noon for Evansfnn. Wyo.. where h.
was culled by the dai.ger.ius illne----of
his brothtr. Robert dark, having
received a message calling him to
the bedside of the sick broiher.
Mrs. John Sneed of ?.o'if!i S'ou'C
City. Ia.. who has bn visiting her
aunt. Mrs. Joseph Adam-, in this
city for a few- days, departed thi1
morning for Greenwood for a short
visit before returning to her home.
Mrs. Joseph Xovatr.y an 1 daugh
ter, Mrs. Emil Stenik. were among
those going to Omaha this morning
where they will visit their daugh
ter and sister, Mrs. Mary Kvril.
who has been very poorlv for the
past few days.
Peier Schroeder and family return
ed la.-t ; from Ctdar
where the
Creek IS
e been for a few days ja
enjoying a visit with relatives ar.d
frientTs in the old Imme.
Alfred G:nis-n:er of .Murray was
rauong the visitors in the city ye.-ter-d.ty
afternoon f- i- a fv' hoars at-
.cnaiflg to sori:e mutt.-rs r.f 1 iic
in the
ha j
i u
i n
r ay
vi- i! ing
1--a. at
been f.r
e'n en
iis i'.irni
!:.-? J 4
a::d calling 0:1 i; is
county seat.
Ir. (;. 11. :;. ;ort
i 'i t he c i? y 1 or lay :
:?.'ai:a vhere h
with hi; d-:ug!.'er. M i s
the ho-pitai where she ha..:
t!ie past few weeks.
V.'a.-h A. Young, who ha.-,
gaged i a Mac in: it h in ir at
west of this city for the
years. cu:i:" in this afternoon and
d-parted on the afternoon Kurling-t-)::
train for Omaha to secun- cjme
snprdies for his slaip.
'. Couittryma;) of t!:e Citizens'
bank of Oga.lala. Xei.. was in the
City today i:i company with his
i rr. her. Y. l;
-Ve.'.awk.t. engaged in the cio.-in
(l their fathers etate and thi
t ( moon ( '. s.
for his Lome
ports condiihms there as being the
i" -: f.rr several vears.
I "
B. K. F. Timers
This little accesory on your Ford car will work
wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford.
No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
J. I-". WOLFF,
Main St. Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
i t
U after some matters of busi
ness. lr. Ci. II. Gilmore of Murray wa&
a passenger tiris afternoon for Oma
t'a where ! v. ill visit villi his
daughter at the hospital i ; few
Lester Wunderlicn came up last
evening from his home at Nehawka
Countryman, of near ! and visited here over night at the
C. A. Rosen-
( 'Oitn 1 1 ;:ian depui'ted .Omaha where he is attending
in the west. He re- ' --chool. '
Captain Hamilton Thorn, wife and
two baby daughters will depart this
evening on No. - for their future
Lome at f'amp Upton. N. Y., where
the captain is now stationed. Mrs.
Thorn has been visiting in this city
at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. O. Dwyer, since the birth of
the two daughters.
ut 1 heme of his sister. .Mrs.
af- ! crans. departing this mornin?
Krern WcJr'-sdavs Oally.
George Smith of Rock Bluffs was
in the city today for a few hours
looking af'tr som'e matters of business.
in the
visit with
Cork, and
From Wednesrtav'n Tiatlv.
A marriage license was issued yes
terday afternoon in the county court
to Mr. Charles G. McCarthy of Wy
oming: and Miss Edith Ost of Ne
hawka. The bride-to-be is a daugh
ter of William Ost. one of the prom
inent resident of Nehawka neighbor
hood and the groom comes from one
of the prominent pioneer families of
Otoe countv.
From Friday'r. rallv.
George Cook of Alvo
city yesterday enjoying :
his brother. Charls-s K.
spending a short time in the county
Nat Huston, of Ln"hitte. was in
the city today for a few hours, be
ing the first time in several weeks
that he has been able to leave the
Mrs. Fred Schliefert. of Louisville
va in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants and (tilling
on her friends in the county teat.
From Saturday's Priily.
D. E. Eaton of Union was a visitor
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some business matter?
at the court house.
John Gakemeier of near Murdoc";
-was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters,
of business and calling on his
friends in the county seat.
Frank Schmarder ef Louisville was
in the city teday for a short time.
icturniiig this afternoon to the mp
t roped is. .
Attorney C. 1Z. Te ."ft of Weeping
'iiir ctnno in last evening to spend
a tew n ours todav at the- court hoii-c
looking after ictal matters.
". M. ('hriswis:er of Nehawka
nr. up lar veii:it- freni his- heme
zr.-d visited over night in this city
looking uftc-r Lusiae.-i.-i crs.
W. J. Phiipott came in last even
ing from Colorado and spent a few
ro;:!-; i nthis city enroute to Weep
ing Wrter. Mr. Phiipott is inter
ested in lpnd in the west.
E. K. i,:. niberlain of Cedar Creek
was in ti.r- city today for a few hours
'iro'lte hon e 'rem Kansas City
. lore ! had been for a few hours
Four grader men for work in ( ass
county are desired at onctt. I;e.-I-dents
of county preferred:
Head grader man acting us fore
man. SOc an hour, with a minimum
of $100 a month to protect a gin list
bad weather.
Rear erader man. T0 per h. nr.
with same minimum.
Sleeping accommodations and a
cook furnished by state but men mu:t
beard themselves.
Apply to C. F. Vallery. countv
highway commissioner, PlaitMuouth.
Neb. tf-dJC-w
Journal want ads pay.
We have a large stock of the latest style ladies hats
in beautiful creations.
Come take a look they will please you and at prices
which Omaha cannot meet.
Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb
Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg
horn eggs, selected for hatching pur
poses. The egg laying machines.
See our flock. H. H. Cotton, d&w-tf
For Sale Ten acres on Lincoln
avenue. Will take some other prop
erty in part payment. Also two lots
on North 8th street and six-room
cottage on North 9th street. R. B.
Windham. 3td&w
The Russ Todd improved SO acres,
3 miles uest of Plattsmouth. at $250
per acre till March 1, possession giv
en March 1. T. II. Pollock, phone 1.
Fine line of stationery and cor
respondence paper at the
From Mondav lni!y.
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray
fltate bank was a visitor in the city
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
ACornev C. A. Rawls was a visit
or in VTiion this morning where he
v?.s called to attend a meeting of
the co-operative elevator company
being held in that place :oday.
Henry Heebner. manager of the
Cedar Creek elevator, was in the
city for a few hours today enroute to
his duties after an over Sunday visit
with relatives at Murray.
Joe Bulin and wife were over
Sunday visiters at the home of Mrs.
Bulin's parents near Pacific Junc
tion, returning home this after
noon. Ralph Larson of the Bank of Com
merce of Louisville wa3 an over Sun
day visitor in this city with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson,
and to attend the memorial exer
cises of the American Legion.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Feller and
Journal their young son came down from
Omaha Saturday afternoon and re-
'TT7.'. .'''5
iit Vasi -
I ISOf Our
-! 1 "
Advance Showing
of exclusive and authentic models of
Friday and Saturday,
February 27-28
After weeks of careful preparation we will offer for your approval the larg
est selection of authentic styles we have ever shown for this early season.
Hair Cloth
Off-the-Face Models
Side Rolls
Flexible Brims
Draped Effects
Maline Hats
Handmade Hats
Gage Sailors
Flowers and Fruit
Glycerined Ostrich
Raffa Fins
Gros Grain and Satin Ribbon
In all the wanted color combination
Parisian models $7.50 Up Many new designs In ehenile and embroidery eftct.
Gage patterns $10 to $15.00 jg, J j VjJ