THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1P20. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOtRNAL PAGE THRZX Cbe plattsmoutb 3ournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostofflc. Flattmouth. Neb.. ecod-clasi mall matter R. A. BATES, Publishe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The cabinet atmosphere is one ol resignation these days. -:o: Our observation is that an indus trious man is seldom indignant. -:o:- Laugh and the world laughs with you; sneeze and you find yourself alone. -:o: In stock speculation always buy at the bottom prices and then be prepared to see the bottom drop out. :o: Nc one knows quite as much about the wickedness of men as an old maid who knows nothing at all about it. :o: I'liday is usuallv shunned as a wadding day except by couples who have been divorced and are trying out a remarriage. :o: The Atchison Globe describes a man who has recovered from the flu as looking like a motor car that had been traded four or five times. -:o:- I'nU's; our memory is at fault, it was just about this time a year ago when our thoughful leaders first be gan seeing a drop in the cost of liv ing. :o: It appears that Admiral Sim? not only did not permit the British navy to pull the wool over his eyes, but alo did not permit anybody else to either. :o: The comptroller of the currency says much of the present prosperity is false, owing to the inflation of currency. There's one satisfaction to poor pa his poverty is no cheap imitation. :o: Sir Oliver Ixulge's estimate of twenty million years before the earth will become po cold as to inhabitable is based on the natural course of the earth's radiation, and makes no al lowance for coal strikes. -o: The allies musi want pretty badly to have the German war guilty tried if they are willing to let the Ger mans do the trying, but perhaps they have come to feel that half a trial is better than none. -:o: If you know of anyone who wants to send you to Berlin on a salary of say $".000 a year, now is the time to accept the offer. You can live like a millionaire in Berlin now on $2.00 a year. But who wants to be there? -:o: The French army is being recon structed so as to be stronger than ever before. At the head of it will be a supreme council of war presided over by the minister of war and in cluding Marshals Petain. Foch and Jorfre and nine generals. ; ; :o: A movement has been proposed to abolish the time periods from foot ball, in order that the leading may not injure its opponent's chances unfairily by delaying the game. Such a reform could easily be made, and then be carried on into congress. It is estimated that America spends six hundred million dollars a yer on music, and we arc opti mistic enough to believe that if all the jazz income were subtracted from that amount, there would still be I thousands dollars left for good music. :o:- The suggestion from Kansas to wfur; vour old . clothes and make prices come down is wel enough, if old clothes are new enough But the average clothier who has law and weather on his side probably wiil not Tioconi very nervous look ing at the average consumer in his average best suit. A woman is a creature who thinks the first result of a bachelor tax in this country would be a wholesale rush of bachelors to the marriage li cense clerk. -:o: About ever so often Charles Evans Hughes finds some new distinction. Four years ago. he was candidate for president of the United States. This year he is not. -:o:- On reason why a teacher used to be so well satisfied with $25 a month in the school room was because she didn't know she could make $25,000 in moving pictures. -:o: A humorist is not a man who speuds his life seeing the funny side of things, but a dyspeptic party who tries to make the public see the fun ny side of the stuff he writes. :o: The corkscrew has gone to join the bootjack. The only method of recalling these dear dead articles that occurs at present is enlistment in a regiment of Cuban cavalry. :o: The Pittsburgh pastor who offers his church to young people for love making purposes surely has forgot ten the adage, you can lead a couple to church, but you can't make them spoon. :o: As time goes on. it becomes more apparent that the president stands is about as much danger of having to select another postmaster general as Micawber stood of being forced to hunt another wife. ' : o : The shipping board is selling its passenger liners because it says the government cannot operate them dry. That encourages us to hope the government may sell the con gressional record. DECENTRALIZATION. Elihu Root was thinking primar ily of the president's war powers when he advised the republican party to go in for decentralization of national executive power. He wishes the repeal of the special war legislation giving the president ex traordinary powars. There can hard ly be any dissent from this. All the legislation based on the necessity of autocratic organization for war pur poses should be repealed, including all acts infringing on peace time freedom of speech and opinion. Besides these things, it would be interesting to know whether Mr. Boot and the country are not about ready for a still further decentrali zation. It has been evident of late that the federal government has more business than it can attend to. It has been taking on state functions one by one road building, educa tion and what not. Now it staggers under its burdens. We hear daily of its inefficicnecy with the postof- fice, the railroads, the army, the navy and ten thousand other things. Isn't it time the states took back some of these burdens in hope of carrying them more effectively and less expensively? One side of Mr. Boot's activties in recent years gives reason to sup pose that he has this in mind. He, along with such other big New Yorkers as Charles E. Hughes, have been trying to develop a state ma chinery in their own commonwealth capable of producing work. They have before the legislature now a carefully worked out proposal for co ordinating and simplifying the state departments. They propose something along the line of the Ne braska code, but going still farther toward securing responsibility and simplicity. This would bo h prep aration for the greater duties of the state in case it reassumed the re sponsibilities which the federal gov ernment has in recent years taken to itself. There ia no doubt that the perma nent welfare and happiness of the people of this country will be best subserved by keeping the govern ment at home as far as practical. Unfortunately more of our state gov ernments have not been built for work. They have been heavy and complicated because we feared evil more than we hoped for good. That is one reason why the government has been doing the state's work. The stales were not organized to do it. If the states could get rid of their obsoleteMdea that government is best which is weakest, we might develop strong, athletic energetic states which would relieve the central government of the weight now breaking it down. State Journal. :o: SIGNIFICANCE OF LIFE We do not know what the pres ent year shall bring to us. whether it shall be filled with sweet fulfill ments and those things that color life in bright, cheerful tones, or whether it shall bring only disap pointments and gray clouds. For many of the next 12 months will be a mixture of joy and grief, bright ness and sadness, of disappointments and realizations. But it takes just such combinations to make us un derstand something of the signifi cance of life. We learn to appreci ate our blessings when they take their flight more than at any other, and the knowledge that the brilliancy of life's sun must be tempered by shadows help us to make the most of the sunny days. Wo cannot expect to experience only tha brightness of life during the yeir that is just beginning to exist: th" gray days must come and the clouds must gather, sometimes wit 1; little warning, but such conditions aro not typical of any one life. There is always a little sunshine ju-t behind the clouds to be shared by all alike, notwithstanding the -J fact that for a while at least it does not seem to be evenly divided. The I longer we live the harder our prob-i lems are likelv to become, and the ' anxieties of ene year run over into J conditions to be taken into consid eration and disposed of. Charles ton News and Courier. -:o:- PRIVATE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Having rtntC'I a smaller farm. I will ofler a portion" tf my personal property at private sale, priced right, to sell quick, before March 1st. lo cated 2 '4 miles east of Murray and 7 miles south of l'lattsmouth. on what is known as the old Win. Oliver farm, now owned by. T. II. Bollock, of l'lattsmouth. I am offering this property on t ho same terms as the public auction si-les. Six months time will be given on all sums of ?10 and over, bear ing right per cent from date eif sale, purchaser giving good bankable pa per and cash in hand for all sums under $10. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. 5 Head of Horses One span oi bay mares, 9 and 11 years old. wt. 2 4 00; one sorrel mare, 9 years old. wt. 1200; one brown mare. 8 years old, wt. 1250; one steel gray mare, 5 years eld. wt. 1500. Cattle and Implements One cow, fresh with calf one month old; one yearling heifer. Three sets of hamus: ono low wagon; hay rack; spring wagon; buggy; 7-foot cut Acme binder; Jno. Deere disc; John Deere combined walking lister; John Deere sulky plow; new Big Four mowing ma chine; Acme hay rake; 3-stction har roy; 2-row stalk cutter; bob sled; Jenny Land spring trip cultivator; New Departure cultivator; John Deere riding cultivator; broadcast seeder; feed grinder; cream separa tor: gas lank; drag and many other article. J. H. GRAVES, Owner Phone No. 3103 Murray, Neb TWO JACKS FOR SALE I have two large jacks, one C and one S years' old. which I am offering for sale. The younger one especial ly large. Their colts can be seen here. Address or telephone me. E. E. LEAC H. .Msw-tf) Union, Xeb. Daily Journal. 15c a week. XOTICE TO CREDITORS The state or iveorasica, Cass coun ty. . In th County Court. In th matter of the e&tate of Mae E. ejoodman. deceased: To tlte creditors of said estate: You aie hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county on the lDtli day of, l'J-9. and the 1 6tli day of June, IHl'O, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., of each day to receive and examine all i lairns ag-ainst said estate, with a view tii their adjustment and allowance The time limited for tiie presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the loth day of March A. I . and th" time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 1 T. tli day of March, l!u. Witness my hand said the seal of said County Court this loth day of February, 190. ALLEN .T. BEESOX. (Seal) flj-4u County Judge. ti. o riri; Order of hearing on petition for ap pointment of Administrator or Ad ministratis. The state of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. In the County Court. in the matter of estate of John Nich- 1. !. used. n reading and filing the- petition of Kaii. John and Clinton A. Xichols. pray ins that administration or said esi-ate may be granted to jiarry richols as administrator. Ordered, that March 9. A. T. 1P20, Jit t n o lock a. m., is assigned for hear- tKX said petition, when all persons in . -rested in said matter mav appear at i county court to be held In und for aid county, and show cause why the praper or petitioner si.ould not nc- ranted; and that notice or th, ind iii y of said petition and the hearing thereof lie given to all persons inter- ImI in said matter by publishing a cony ot this order in tne riattsmotitn Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. I'ated. February 13. I9i'0. ALLEX J. UKEsON. County Judge. i.i:;i, otici: In tie Id-dricl Court of Cass coun tv. Nebraska. .T.T-de 1!. Todd. Plaintiff, vs. The Scottish .meiican Mortuatie Company, Limited: the east half of southwest l itter E 1 SV' of Sec. L'9; the ea-t half of nortUwest quarter (EVfc. XW'i): siith half of the south half of northeast quarter (S1... S'.v, NEU' aid north half of the southeast quar ter i.:, SK' of See. aN in Town ship ten 1H), North l.'aime fourteen it... ast of the 0th I'. M., ni!:':lv, Nebraska; and all (!:.i.n,ns nr.y i:it rest of any said real estate or any Trt in Cass persons kind in thereof : Loa n & l'i "i'v rwood v Clarke: Iowa i t " m i'.i nv : Williai.-. H Marks ; i:: !; o ii. i K.'iton: John Eaton: Vernie Bar-i-i Cheney: Eugene Austin: Almond Au.-tin: the following named per sons and also their unknown heirs, .; isi-y. legatees and personal repre sentatives cf each of them, to-wit: E;b--rt Eaton: Albert Eaton; David .; Oavid Stuart: Iixon. tti:-.-t name unknown!. husband of J-.-vie iiixoti: S. X. Merriam: Selden X. Meiiiam: Francis MeCourt; John Kat 'ii: Sarah Eaton: Wm. It. Eaton; M !'. Eaton; James Jerome; Mrs. James Jet me. wife of James Jerome; James K. JKChir;: J. K. M.-CltirK: William I: harks: W. 15. Parks; I;-aac Coe: I. Co.. Itaniel R Itobb: Joseph H. Aus tin: A. II. Austin: Almond H. Aaustln; l-e'.i M. Austin: I.ydia M. Austin: El v i ,. Austin: Alvira Austin; Alvira liar.' well: Holland Hard well: Joseph ine McClurg: Thomas MeClurR-; John It. AHstin: Anna Austin: Ulysess Aaus tin: I'lisses Austin: I S. Austin; Leon aid S. Austin: Mary Austin; G. M. Ma. Ken;:ie; ;eorge Millar MacKenzie: Margaret Fluster; MaKite Buster: Marxret Buster; James Buster; Eugen Ai:stin: Euene Austin: Eugeane Aus tin. Stella Austin: Emiline E. Hakes; Iii:i:'line F. Eakes: Hakes t ii i'-f name unknown . husband of Em, line E. Pake?; Elmirc Fletcher, wi,'e of Jacob Fletcher: Elizabeth Jae.-hs, wife of John Q. Jacobs: I'hfif he Cannon, wife of Joseph T. Cannon: Cal vin Stewart: Calvin Stuart: Calvin Seward; Mary Stewart: Khoda hnn?; : ue I .on it ; Jacob Gish: Eebecca Gish; Iiaxi'i Eons: Audlev H. Barnhill; A. !!. Parnhill: P.. B. Townsend; E. II. Eaton, defendants. The above named defendants and ;;. of them are hereby notified that op the 1'Tth day of January. p'ain tit'f filed her suit in the District Court of 'ass county, Nebraska, the object ;:?i.l purpose of which is to quiet and cT'iirni plaintiff's title in and to the ;-: half of the southwest quarter SYV'.,) of Section twenty-nine -!": east half of the northwest quar ter (E'. XW'i); south half of south I. ,ul' of the northeast quarter (S, S'i. XE' and the north half of the south east quarter ( N S;'.4 of section 1 1 r ; y -1 w o t :: J (lfi. X. Tin use all in Township ten fourteen 14, east of the ka : ami i n til le tJtli P. M.. in Cass county, Xebras and to permanently enjoin each all of said defendants from liav or claimiriir to have any ris?ht, . lien or interest, either lecal or table in or to said real estate or pait thereof and to enjoin said I e ndants from interfering in any manner with plaintiff's possession, en joyment and title of said premises and for general, equitable relief. This nonce is iriven you pursuant to the order of said Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 10th day of March, 19:. or your default will be entered therein an decree nuictinw title entered in favor of plaintiff. JESSIE n. TO PP. liy Plaintiff. 1. O. mVYEK. j.'it-lw- iler Attorney. MlTKK Notice is hereby given of the In corporation oi l ne .Murray liorary s soeia t in.ii. The name of the corporation is "The Merrav Library Association." The principal place of transacting i;s business is at Murray, Xebraska. The general nature of the business to le- transacted by said corporation shall be the inirihasinir. receiving by lo: nation or otherwise, an Kinas oi oks, magazines. daily and weekly pcis and other periodicals, and epiug l lie same for general edreu 'ion anions the citizens of Cass imty, either with or without (liai'KC, I to lix the limit of t'me which any e shall retain any book, paper or nodical, which may be given out to nil t"t- I: to pu red. a so and own real estate, tther with necessary huildinars for the n.ainta mini? of tiie property of the (orpoiaiion. and the accommodation of the public in the way of reading rooms, reception room, vaults and places for .-.i regarding the property of the com pany, atoi to make any and all neces sary, needful and proper rules and regulations for the conduct of the general public library business. The amount of the capital stock authorized id JIO.OOO.OO. The tim" of commencing business shall he the 24th of January, 1920. and the time of termination twenty-five yens from the date of commencement. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not be more than one-half tiie aggregate of its capital stock. The- business affairs of the corpora tion shall be managed, by a Board of Directors composed of not less than tluce-, nor luore than five members. PAULINE OLDHAM. I'J-iw. president. ' -M'TICE TO l ltEDlTOItS The State of Xebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In th" matter of the estate of James Deles Dernier, deceased. To the creditor of said estate: You are hereby notified. That T will sit at the County Court room in Platts inouth In said county, on the 2nd day of March. 1929, and on the 1st Jay of June. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock a. m.. of eacli day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a viw to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation ot claims against said estate is three month from the 2nd day of March, a. D. 1920. and the time liini'ed for pay ment of debts is one year from said 2nd day of March, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of paid County Court, this "Olh dav of January, 1920. ALLEX J. BEESOX. (Seal) f2--tw. County Judge. tick ok nt:itir; In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Xebraska. In the matter of the estates of Kate E. McMaken. Deceased and Hattie E. McMaken, Deceased. To all persons interested in said es tates, creditors and heirs at law: You are hereby notified that tn the 19th day of February, 192(1, Joseph J I. Mi'Makf n tiled a petition in this Court alleging that Kate E. McMaken. late a resident of l'lattsmouth, Cass coun ty. Xebraska. departed this life in testate on or about the 11th dav of September, 1900. in said city, and left surviving her as her sole and only heirs at law. Henry C. McMaken. her husband, and six children, viz: Eva C. Eeese. Edward M. McMaken. Josei.b it. McMaken. Guy I . McMaken. Carrie Scott and Hattie E. McMaken. all of legal age. and that said decedent was seized and possessed of the fee simple title to A.'.id acres of land in Cass coun ty. Xebraska. described as follows: i Commencing 12 chains and 72 links north of the southeast corner of Sec tion 12. Town 12. North. Eanee 1?.. East; thence west :: chains ami u links; thence north 12 chains and 1:1 links; thence east 3 chains and 0 links; thence south 12 chains and 12 links to the place of beginning, which was the homestead of said deceased and her husband, Henry C. McMaken, and that the title thereto descended iccordlng to the decedent law than in force to the children of said deceas- d before named in common and un- livided. Also that on the dav of ADril. 19"2. Hattie E. MeAIaken. one of said heirs at law of said Kate E. McMaken. deceased, then a resident of l'latts mouth, in said county, departed this life intestate, and without issue and lett her surviving as her sole and lily heirs at law. her father the said Henry C. McMaken. who therebv be- ate seized of an undivided one-sixth interest in said land according to the lecedent law then in force; that the petitioner is entitled to an undivided one-sixth interest in the estate of said Kite E. McMaken. deceased and that m.'io than two years have now elaps ed since the death of said decedents, and that no application has been made n the state of Xebraska for the ap pointment of an administrator, either by the heirs of said decedents or by persons claiming to be creditors of a:d decedents, and praying for a de termination of the time of the death of the said Kate E. McMaken and also of the time of the death of said Hat- ie E. McMaken. and of their heirs at law. and the decree of kinship, and the right of descent of the real prop erty belonging to said decedents in the State of Nebraska, and for an or der barring claims against said es- ates. anil for such other orders and proceedings as may he necessary for a correct determination or said matter. Said matter has been set down for hearing at the County Court room in l'lattsmouth. in said countv. on the th day of March. 1920. at ten lo lock a. m , at which time and place ill persons interested may appear and ontest said petition. Dated February 19. 1920. ALLEX J. BEESOX. "-Swj County Judge. OTK'K OF HKAHINfi In the County Court of Cass e-oun-. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Philips, formerly Elizabeth Walk er. Ufivasco. To all persons interested in said state, creditors and heirs at law: Vou are hereby notified that on the l.-t day of February, l.2e. Frank McCarthy filed a petition in this court alleging that Elizabeth Philips, form- r y Klizabel Ii Walker, late of Platts- month. Cass county. Nebraska, died intestate, in said countv. on or about the 17th day of April, 102. seized and possessed of the title in fee simple of the following described real estate, to wit: Commencing at a point on the tie-eighth section line 7.40 chains north of the southwest corner of the ontheast quarter of the southeast inarter of section l'J. 111 town l. rth. Kange 11, hast and running hence east at right angles to said one-eightn section line, s.V'J cnains to the west line of the county road Xo. thence north. Va. 11 degrees K.I degrees west, on the west line of lid county road chains, intersect ing said one-eigiith section line: tnence nith on said one-eighth section line 2 chains to the place of beginning. a'l in Cass countv. Nebraska: and that said decedent Eliza!etli Philips, formerly Elizabeth Walker, left sur- iving her as her sole anil only heir at law. a daughter. Nancy L. Patton (nee Walker . the sole issue of a prior marriage, and a husband. John Philips, of Glenwood. Iowa: that the petition er is now the owner of said premises by virtue of mesne conveyances in which the title of the said Nancy E. Patton was conveyed to petitioner, and that more than two years have now elapsed since the death of said decedent, and that no application for the appointment of an administrator of said estate has ever been made in ti e State of Nebraska, and prayi.ig for a determination of the time of the death of the said Elizabeth Philips, formerly Elizabeth Walker, deceased and of her heirs at law, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to paid estate in the State of Xebraska, and for an order barring claims against said estate, and for such other orders and proceedings as may be necessary for the determination of said matter. Said matter has been set for hear ing at the County Court room in the City of l'lattsmouth, Cass county. Ne braska, on the 27th day of March, A. 1 . l'J'JO, at 11 o'clock a. in., at which time and place all persons interested mav appear and contest said petition. Dated February ri, 192P. ALLEX J IJEESON. f2u-Sw.) County Judge. oitm:it in" m:itifi and Xtiee on Petition for Set tlement of Account li t Coijinty Court ef Cass coun ty, Nebraska state ot .senrasKa. eass county, ss To Emma Eikenbary and Mancta Vallerv and all persons interested in the estate of Henry Eikenbary, de ceased : On reading the petition of Alice Johnson, administratrix, praying a final settlement and allowance of her account tiled in this Court on the 18th day of February, 1920, and for an order of distribution of the estate of the deceased, and for an order barring claims and determining heirship; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in aid matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 27th day of February, A. O. ItejO, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of tin- petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of . th is -order, in t he -Pla tt smout h lou'rnal. ;a semi'-weekJ y newspaper printed In sa id conn t y. for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this lMli day of February, A. D. 1920. ALLEX J. BEESOX, (Stall County Judfe. If it's in the Journal the card office. line, call at FufoISc The undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at his home, three and one-half miles northwest of Murray, three and one-half miles southwest of Mynard, and one mile east of Eight Mile Grove church on Wednesday, March 3d THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, TO-WIT: Twenty-three head of Wliiteface cows, high grade, with calves from Whiteface bulls; 25 head of native red cows, 4 and 5 years old, some good mlk cows, fresh soon; 8 cows with calves 6 weeks old, make good milk cows; 4 Whiteface yearling bull calves; 10 steers and heifers, coming yearlings; 5 Whiteface steers; 2 White face registered bulls, coming 3 years old. This stock is all in good condition. There will altio be some farm implements offered for sale. SALE STAETS AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. LUN'CH SERVED AT NOON TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credt of ten months wll be given, purchaser giving bankable note bearing eight per cent interest from date. Property must be settled for before being removed. J. R. VALLERV, Owner W. S. YOUNG, Auctioneer GEO. 0. DOVEY, Clerk or m:itiM; ll nd Noliee on Petition fair -(- tlriix-nt of Account. Iii the County ejoui t ui e'ass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Xebraska. i "ass county, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Henry Kimfmann, deceased: in rading the petition of Maggie Kaufmann. Administratrix, praying a final settlement and allowance of her account tiled in this court on the 21st day of February. 1!2. and for distri bution and assignment of said es tate and the discharge of said ad m ui ist ra 1 1 i ; It is hereby ordered that yon and all persons interested in said matter may. ami do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county on the Mh day of March. A. I . l'.20, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any there he, why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all per.-'ons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the l'latts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this 21st day of February, A. I). 1!20. ALLEX J. EKESOX. (Seal) County Judge. imilimi:.:t mitkk estimate State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. 1. Ueorge . :. Sayles, County Clerk of Cass county, hereby certify that the Countv Hoard at its meeting on Jan uary 'lSth. 1920, made the following Estimate of Expense for the said coun ty lor the year 1920: Ceneral fund $ aD.ono.OO Kridge fund tWi.noo.00 Bridge fund (Emergency).. 1., 000. 00 Eoad fund 60.000.00 Mothers' Pension fund 5.000.00 Old Soldiers Kelief fund.... 1,000.00 Total $196,000.00 WITXESS my hand and the seal of niv office at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this lath dav of February. A. 1 . 1920. ui:e. n. sayles. .?. ill fl6-4w. County Clerk. A FEW BARGAINS LEFT One Real Estate steel range, plain nickel with water front included; one mission style fumed oak china closet; one fumed oak rocker with leather seat; one collapsible baby buggy; one iron bed; one Oliver type writer, good as new; one brass cyl inder spray pump and oaK barrel; ten bushels of very fine white seed corn, see this before you buy; my Ford roadster car with delivery body and boot; home canned goods; empty jars; jar rubbers and home canners, while they last. Thone 251, A. A. Alexander. lw-d&w W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East ot Riley Hotal. Coates Elock, Second Floor. 4- !a!!nm!K!!Bxm!:::!:!Kiu:a:!:::Br HEADSTONES AND Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring. To many wait until spring to buy. Cass County Monument Company H. W. Telephone 177 FUNERAL OF A. N. LAUDERBACK From Wednesday's Dally. The funeral services of the late Anjrelo N. Lauderback was held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of the brother, Melvin Lauderback, in the south part of the city and the remains laid to the last long: rest in Oak Hill cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. II. G. McClusky of the Presbyterian church and attended by the neigh bors and close friends of the family. Mr. Lauderback came here sevsral months ago from Iowa, he having made his home for a number of years at Chariton, la., and has been making his home here with the brother and family. He was 59 years of ages and leayes to mourn his death several brothers. CHILDREN ARE BAPTISED Yesterday afternoon at the St. Luke's Episcopal church occurred the baptism of the two little twin daughters of Captain and Mrs. Ham ilton Thorn. The little ones were given the names of Beverly Ann and Betty LaRue. The sacrament of bap tism was administered by the Rev. V. S. Leete. rector of the church and the service attended by a large number of members of the congre gation as well as the relatives of the little ones. MILK COWS FOR SALE Two good milk cows, just fresh. At reasonable prices. Come and see them at Murray. Theo. Bouton. tf 80 ACRES FOR SALE Eighty acres. 36 mites northeast of Union, known as the Wm. Albln farm, offered for sale if taken with in the next four weeks; large brick house. For further particulars call on J. E. Shrader, Xehawka, Nebr. FOR SALE Good two and one-half year Shorthorn bull. J. J. Lohnes, nard. Neb. old My 5tw Wanted Man with family desire permanent employment with good farmer or stockman. Must be fur nished with house and garden. Walter J. Risdon. Festus, Mo. 3tw If you are not a subscriber to the Daily Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. WOT a SMITH PlatUmoulh, Neb. H