The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1920, Image 1

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vol. xxxvn.
No. 70
French Government Honors Nation's
Dead Who Perished in the
Caus; of Democracy.
From Monday's PaTlv.
Yesterday afternoon the auditori
u:n of the high school was the
scene of a gathering that market!
the first memorial service in honor
f the dead of the nation who had
perished in the world's war and was
also signalized by the presentation
to the nearest relatives of the cer
tificates presented by the republic
of France as a token of gratitude
and homage to the memory of the
men who had made the supreme sac
rifice in the cause of world liberty
and the preservation ot civilization.
The fact that the war department
had been unable to get the full num
ber of certificates into the hands of
the Lesion posts will make neces
sary the giving out of a number of
these certificates later when they
have been filled out by the depart
ment. The memorial services were pre
sided over by Aubrey Duxbury, com
mander of the local post, who in a
few remarks stated the purpose of
the gathering and the opportunity it
had afforded the Legion' to honor
the memory of those who now sleep
the rest of the just, having fallen
in the cause of their country.
The opening number of the pro
gram was a fitting overture arrang
ed by the orchestra under the direc
tion of Dr. A. D. Caldwell and con
futing of Mrs. Caldwell, violinist.
Kj II. Schulhof and nr. Caldwoll
cornets, and Miss Catherine
riick. pianist.
The scripture lesson was given by
Rev. A. V. Hunter of the Firt Meth
odist church who selected as his
text the 27th Psalm.
Rev. II. CI. McClusky. pastor of the
Presbyterian church, offered the
prayer and calling the divine bless
ing upon the memory of those who
had served and fallen in their duty
to their country, to those who had
loved and mourned their death and
upon .the aim and purposes of the
service men who have joined them
selves together info the American
Legion. ;
The male quartet gave a very
pleasing patriotic number. "The Flag
Without a Stain." at the opening of
the program and preceding the read
ing of the honor roll , sang "The
Vacant Chair," one of the great
songs that will live forever as long
as the love of home and country re
main in the hearts of men. The quar
tet was composed of Rev. A. V.
Hunter. Rev. II. G. McClusky, Frank
A. Cloidt and Don V. York and the
voices make one of the most pleas
ing quartets that has been heard in
t"ie city and their selections were
given with much impressiveness.
The poem. "France in Battle
Flame," descriptive or the arming
ad arousing of the French nation
rf their invasion and their struggle
for liberty and life was given in a
most artistic manner by Mrs. Wil
liam Baird. one of the city's talent
ed ladies. The accompaniment for
Mrs. T'.aird as well as for the quar
tet numbers was furnished by Mr. E.
H. Weseott.
The address of the afternoon was
gfven by Rev. Father Michael A.
Shine, rector of St. John's Catholic
church and the address rang with a
fervid patriotism that was most ap
propriate to the gathering that hon
ored the patriots who sleep on land :
asd sea as sacrifices that the nation J
might live. The soeaker pointed out
to significance of the date to the
French people as one filled with
memories of the greatness of Wash-
ington and the caue of liberty and
which bad been fittingly chosen by
the French government to honor the
American boys who had made the
supreme sacrifice in the world's
war. That it was impossible to add
to the glory that was -theirs by mere
idle words, when their deeds of
greatness would remain forever was
stated by the speaker but the pres
ervation of the ideal for which they
died was urged by the able orator
and it was the task of the American
Legion and the citizenship of the
United States to see that the.e sac
rifices had uot been made in vain.
Father Shine paid a glowing tribute
to the American Legion and its ob
jects and aims and urged the full
est co-operation of the citizens in
making it possible for the organi
zation to carry out the tasks for
which their comrades had given
their lives.
The honor roll of those for whonr
the certificates had been prepared
was read by Ren Windham and the
following certificates were awarded:
Hngh J. Kearns.
Matthew Jirousek.
Harold D. Marshall.
Robert Jacks.
Edward Ripple. Jr.
Henry Hirz. Jr.
Edward J. Wight.
George Kopischka.
Relatives of others who have fall
en on the field of battle or died in
service wilt be reached later when
the additional certificates are re
The- meeting was closed bp the
singing of "America" by the audi
ence and Rev. A. V. Hunter des-
missed the gathering with the bene
diction of the Holy Spirit.
Uniformed ushers selected from
the Legion membership consisted of
Eugene Vroman, Edward Rebai.
Ralph Allen. George Kearns and
Eugene Lister.
Owner of House Has Narrow Escape
From Suffocation in Fire
Sunday Morning.
Prom Monday's Daily
The home of Cahrles M. Parker on
Chicago avenue .was entirely de
stroyed y fire early Sunday morn
ing, the conflagration being discov
ered a few minutes after 1 o'clock
bv Mr. Parker who awoke half euf-
focated to find the flames bursting
through the ceiling of the room he
was occupying and the whole struc
ture ablaze. The fire is thought to
have originated from some defect in
the chimney as the fire had gained
great headway on the roof and ceil
ing when discovered. The owner of
the building had a close call from
death as he was half dazed and suf
focated when at last he awoke and a
few minutes more and the flames
would have made escape impossible.
Only a few trifles that could be hur
riedly gateher from the rooms not
abloze were saved from the fire and
the house and contents will be prac
tically a total loss. At the time of
the fire Mr. Parker was alone in
the home as Mrs. Parker had left
Saturday for a short visit in Omaha
and returned to find the home wiped
out of existence. This property was
formerly owned by J. C. Petersen
and was located just at the foot of
the McConkie hill from Chicago ave
nue to the county road south of the
city. The house and contents were
partially covered by insurance so
that the loss will not fall so heaT
ily on the owner of the building, al
though many of the household ef
fects will be impossible to replace
at any price.
In their loss Mr. and Mrs. Parker
will have the deepest sympathy of
the many friends as the loss of the
home will be one hard to replace as
it destroyed many of the treasured
articles that they had possessed for
a number of years.
Yesterday morning Mrs. . Byron .
Reed sustained a very severe fall at j
her home in the south portion of the
city and as a result will be confined
to her home for some time. Mrs.
Reed had stepped out of the kitchen
door for a moment before the other )
members of the family had arisen .
and slipped and fell to the ground,
badly spraining: and wrenching her
back and was in such condition that
it was impossible for her to arise or
reach the house. Tbe cries of the
injured lady brought her two sons
to her rescue and she was carried to
the house and medical assistance
called to look after aer iajuries. I
Co-Operative Mercantile Establish
lishment Proposed by Number
of Residents cf Citv.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon quite a !arg
number of the employes of ihe Uur
lington shops as well as farmers and
others interested in the formation of
an association for the organization
of a co-operative mercantile estab
lishment met at Coates hall to take
the first steps in the organization.
A. R. Johnson presided over the
meeting as chairman while Attorney
A. L. Tidd assisted the temporary
organization as to the legal phases
necessary in the formation of such
an association as has been suggested.
Mr. Tidd was acting in behalf of
Attorney C. A. Rawls who has been
the advisor of the committee in the
drawing up of the tentative plans
of the association. Mr. Johnson ex
plained some of the steps that are
necessary to get the co-operative
store in existence such as organiza
tion and requested that the members
present give some idea of what they
thought should enter into the chief
points of the new organization, such
as capital stock, the value of the
shares and the limitation of the
amount that might be owned by one
person. Mr. Tidd explained that un
der the law that a stockholder could
have but one vote no matter how
many shares they might possess, as
this was a part of the law adopted
in 1919 by the legislature.
The matter of the amount o.- cap
ital stock of the proposed store was
also discussed at some length by the
auditors and the facts as to other
towns that have adopted these stores
was read by Mr. Johnson ranging
from $200,000 to $100,000. After
ome discussion it was decided that
the capital stock of the proposed as
sociation be placed at $100,000 in
a series of shares which should have
a par value of $10 each and that the
limit of stock owned by one person
should be $500.
The placing of the value of the
shares occasioned some discussion as
a higher valuation of $25 a share
was urged by C. E. Whittiker and
John II. Hallstrom while the smaller-
valuation was explained by Frank
Libershal that it would permit a
'arger number of the laboring men
to participate in the shareholding
of the association, and the meeting
finally adopted tbe lower price for
the shares. It was also decided that
as soon as the sum of $25,000 had
been raised that the store would be
put. into operation.
To canvass the city to secure sub
scriptions for the proposed store a
committee is to be appointed and
when they have completed their la
bors a more permanent organization
made and the by-laws and
permanent organization effected.
Passes Away at Horns in South Por
tion of City This Afternoon
After Short Illness.
from Wednesday's Daily.
The community was profoundly
shocked this afternoon by the an
nouncement of the death of Mrs.
Fred Stewart which occurred at 2
o'clock following an illness of short
duration. Mrs. Stewart was strick
en with the flu about two weeks ago
and following the birth and death of,
the little babe which occurred a fe
days ago the condition of Mrs. Stew
art became a great deal worse and
her recovery was recognized as a
matter of great doubt and this af-
lernoon she was called home to eter-
nal rest and to join the little one
that had gone before.
Mrs. Stewart was formerly Miss
Bertha Tarns and had been reared
from girlhood in the city where her
friends are legion and to them the
news or her death comes as a great
shock. To mourn her death she
leaves the husband, one sen, Harold.
aged two years, the parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hajis Tarns, three brothers and
one sister. Fred Tamjj of Stewart,
Nb.. Will Tarns of Omaha, Claus
Tam f Nebraska. City and Miss An-
na Tapis of this city,
There Mat Wee arraageMeats
made for the funeral as yet, and an
nouncement of the idate for the ser
viced will be made later by the fain
In their hour of grief at the part
ing that has come so suddenly upon
them the husband and little son and
the parents and brothers and sisters
will have the deepest sympathy of
the entire community.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin Married
in Texas on February 22,
FY'irn .Monday's Pnt!.
?.Ir. and Mrs. Elisha M. Godwin
of this city, whom all the citizens
know and honor, and who have made
their home in Plattsmouth for many
years past, were united in marriage
in Dixie. Tex., February 22. 1SS0.
The bride was'' Miss Sophia Ann
Wynn and the groom Mr. Godwin.
They continued to make their home
in the southland for soino time but
have made their borne in Platts-
mouth for some time.
This union was blessed with eight
fine Americans whom we are pleased
to number with the inhabitants of
this city, while others of ihe family
have gone out into the world to
make homes for themselves.
Mr. and Mrs. Godwin, with their
family have made the best of citi
zens, have been members of the
Christian church of this city and
have wielded their influence for the
betterment of the city.
Many friends in city congratulate
them in the returning of the 40th
anniversary of their wedding dav.
V peculiar thing hns happened this
vear which has not occurred since
the year of their ? wedding. This
couple were marfleifo'n FebrTiary22!
on Sunday and on the anniversary of
Washington's birthday, there being
five Sundays in February that year
and the like has not occurred since
until this year.
The Journal with their many
friends extend congratulations and
best wishes to this estimable couple.
Aged Lady Who Pcssed Away at Me
ridian. Ida.. Thursday to be Laid
to Rest at Liberty, Neb.
"Vom Monday's Patlv.
This morning the body of Mrs.
M. H. Tulene, who passed away on
Thursday at the home of her son, I.
J. Decker, at Meridian, Ida., arrived
in this city enroute to Liberty, N'eb..
where the funeral services are to be
held tomorrow. Mrs. Tulene was
83 years of age at the tim? of her
death and has for a great many
years made her home in this city
with her son. W. A. Tulene and fam
ily, going last summer to Idaho,
where she was to spend the winter
with a son by a former marriage. I.
Jerome Decker, and it was while at
Meridian that she was stricken
down and passed away. Mrs. Tu
lene was the mother of W. A.. J. W.
and A. C. Tulene of this city and was
well known to a large number of the
old residents of the city who had
known and loved her during her
long residence here. The three sons
accompanied the body from this
city to Liberty, it being transferred
from the Burlington to the Missouri
Pacific at this place and the funeral
will be held tomorrow at Liberty
owing to the lateness of the trains
which made it impossible to held the
cervices today. In addition to the
three sons residing in Plattsmouth
Mrs. Tulene is survived by three
children from her first marriage, I.
J. Decker of Meridian, Ida.. George
Decker residing in Colorado and Mrs.
Tom Gilmore of Hastings, Neb.
I wish to express my heartfelt
thanks to the friends who in many
ways have displayed their kindness
during the funeral of my little
daughter, also to the choir of the
Christian church. John W. Lewis.
Some alfalfa hay, also two ineu
batorr Call phoae, t480-J.
Services Held Friday Afternoon at
Christian Church and Body Laid
to Rest in Oak Kill Cemettry.
"-om !ifnri-iy's rnllv
The fiiner:;! s .t !. cf lililv Elsie
Marie Lewis, ditimhtcr f .'ohn W.
Lewi.-; "of Fort Morgan. Colo., wu'
held on Friday afternoon at ;! o'clock
from tl.e Christian church :md the
body laid to rc.-.t in Ouk Hill ceme
Elsie Marie Lewis was born Au
gust 21, 1912. at the liac near Te-
kamah. Xeb., and died January
1920. at the home of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. V.". II. Barker, at
Fort Morgan. Colo., where the ha:
been making her home for the pasi
year since the death cf her motlu-i
rhe little one was also a grand
la.igliter of Mr. and Mr. C. II. Lew
is of this city and besides the grand
parents leaves to mourn her deatl
the father and two sisters. Thtlma.
aged nine years, and Violet, aged
five. The little one at the time cf
her death was aged seven vears. five
months and 13 davs.
The father, John W. Lewis, was
summoned back to his home on Sat
urday by a message announcing the
serious condition of his eldest
daughter, Thelma. wlio is suffering
from a severe case of bronchial
pneumonia, and whose recovery is a
matter of doubt. Mr. Lewis, who
has just completed the sad task of
laying one of his loved ones away,
f.t once hastened home trusting that
his loved one who was so ill might
be spared to him.
Jess F. Fair, Former Rsndent of
City and Talented Musician, Has
Great Success in East.
v.Trr Mmn'ny's T'lllv.
!n the graduating ciass of 1 T 0 -"5
of t lie Plattsmouth high school was
a young man who. at that time, had
developed an unusual skill in the
musical line both as a pianist and
vocalist and from the reports receiv
ed from the east the youthful prom
ise of a musical career has been
mere than realized in the success he
has found in his chosen line of life
work. After leaving this city Mr.
Fair studied at the university of
Nebraska and the conservatory cf
music in that city where his remark
able skill and capacity for musical
work was freely recognized by the
authorities of the state school and
from there he went to the larger
schools in the enst to complete his
musical education.
Mr. Fair is now engaged as a voc
al instructor in Boston where he
has been remarkably successful a"nd
has been spending the past two
weeks in New York. Mr. Fair ex
pects to return to New York in the
spring to carry on his musical work
until in August when he sails for
Italy for an indefinite stay at Milan
where he will study and cultivate
the Italian methods so much in favor
with the great vocalists of the world.
From Wednesday's Pally.
The committee of the "Hitchcock
for President" organization appoint
ed to plan a campaign to obtain Ne
braska's endorsement tot Senator G.
M. Hitchcock for the democratic
nomination for the presidency, has
announced that state state officers
as follows: President, John H. Mith
en; treasurer! H. S. Daniel; secre
tary, Edwin Boehler.
Headquarters will shortly be
opened and an executive committee
will be chosen for the various con
gressional districts.
The committee which made the
choice was composed of J. C. Dahl
raan, chairman; John FJynn, South
Side; Sophus Neble, H. S. Daniel,
George Parks, Dr. Fred Sedlaeels aid
Isaac Donecky. It was appointed
under authority of a mass njaetlax
held February 12, at which a local
club was formed with Jonn A. Itine,
From Wednesday"? Pally.
T. L Todd and family, who have
been spending the past three
months in the delight of the Cali
fornia climate and vi.sitiug at Long
Beach and Los Angeles, have return
ed to their home near tills city. The
visit on the o:it was one that was
enjoyed to the utmost by the mem
bers of the party and the trip botli
:o and from California was one that
-4a ve them an opportunity of seeing
a great deal of the country, and the
trip was made in safety and comfort
While in the California cities Mr.
Todd and wife had the pleasure of
meeting many of tiie old friends of
their family who are now located
there as well as their relatives who
ire making their "uc me there and it
is needless to say that tbe occasion
was one that was much enjoyed.
Close Contest Saturday Evening; at
High School Gym Results in
Victory for Visitors.
from Monday's Pally.
Saturday evening a close and ex-
citng basket ball game occurred at
the high school gym aud in which
the team representing the Havelock
railroad shops won from the Platts
mouth town team by the dose score
of 31 to 29. The game was one of
the closest and best games witnessed
this season on the floor of the gym
aud while the locals were defeated
they put up a splendid struggles and
it was not until the last second of
play that the contest was decided.
-The locals are anxious for a re
turn game as they are confident
that they can reverse the story of
the score and take the measure of,
the Lancaster county basket eal!
H'rnm Monday's Dallv.
The many friends of Victor Sher
wood of Omaha, and old time Platts
mouth boy. will regret to learn that
Mr. Sherwood is having a very seri
ous time with hi eyes as the result
of a tumor that formed on th op
tic nerve and which was later re
moved by the surgeons at the Mayo
hospital in Rochester. Minn., in a
very delicate operation. The oper
ation was successful in the removal
-f the tumor and saved the life of
the young man who was in very ser
ious condition as a result of the
tumor and a few weeks longer would
have brought fatal complications.
Since the operation the right eye
has been affected as tbe result of
the growth and it is now sightless
while the left eye is beginning to be
affected and it is feared that this
too will be rendere sljatless the
result of the tumor.
George P. Meisinger of near Ced
ar Creek was in the city todav for
t few hours looking; after some mat
ters of business.
With Perfecl Safety!
Your Down Town
Modern service and modern equipment for
the convenience of our customers will be found
at this bank.
Patrons will find here a private office room
for their convenience. They are invited to make
use of it. Stationery and local telephone service
And when you are here, if you have any
perplexing problem to solve, talk it over with one
of our officers. You will probably find his ad
vice valuable and helpful.
First National Bank
"The Bank Where YouFeel at Home.'
Nuptials of Mrs. Hazel B. Smith of
This City and J. W. Klossner of
. Omaha Occurred Yesterday.
From Monday's PaiV.
Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents. Mr,
and Mrs. O. C. Bell, at Lincoln, oc
curred the marriage of Mrs. Hazel
B. Smith cf this city and Mr. J. W.
Klossner of Omaha. Only the immed
iate families were present at the
ceremony. After the wedding
luncheon the bride and groom de
parted on a tbort honeymoon and
will be at home to their friends af
ter April 1 at Omaha.
The bride has. during her resi
dence in this city, been one of the
popular ladies in the social life of
the community, being very promi
nent in the Kastein Star lodge as
well as in the Daughter of the
American Revolution ami is the rec
ent of the local organization. She
has been very successful In h r man
agement of the Last em Star or
phanage In this city of which she
has been matron, greatly endearing
herself to the little flock over whi'h
she has been to faithful. The groom
is a well known business man of Om
aha and highly respected among the
large circle of friends and associates
and is also very active in the Ma
sonic circles of the metropolis.
Prom WiJnexdiy'a Palty.
A very pleasant farewell party
was given ou Saturday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. V.
Beins in honor of Herbert, who i-
to leave with the fatuily soon for
their new home near Murray. Th
evening was spent, in dauciug and
playing games of all kinds at which
the young people derived much
pleasure. At a suitable hour a dainty
luncheon was served which adJed to
the enjoyment of the occasion. TUo.-e
who were iu attendance were Misses
Rose Baker. Lucy Stava. Iyis. Em
ma. Doris and Mildred Smith. Fran
ces and Hose Lepert, Olive Fulton.
Violet and Jesie GouHienour.
Messrs. Glen and Jesse Fitchorn.
Fritz Manners. Gilbert Hull. Wil
liam Gouchenour. Floyd and Bert
Fulton. Roval Smith. Wavne Goiuhe-
nour. Cleo btone, John Newton. Leu
Baker. Gilbert and Roy Reins. Tom
and Louis Stava. George. Cljrure
and Carlton Munim.
Reports received from the bedside
of Mrs. I. S. White from near Murray
state that the patient is still iu very
critical condition and her recovery
is in the gravest doubt. Mrs. White
has been critically ill for the past
few weeka and at her advanced as;e
of 8" years but little hopes are en
tertained that she will survive the
sickness. Miss Dora Glenn of this
city is assting the members of the
familv in the care of Mrs. White.
Business Office