The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
MONDAY. FEBEUAHY 23, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE. 1 PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of Murdock "The Real Service Bank Yes, we have been rather busy during the past several weeks, but we are here for business, and being busy with work which is helping the town and com munity is exactly what pleases us the most. Make this your place when needing our assistance, in the drawing of papers, or filling out your tax schedules. Come in and see us; we are always glad to serve you. Yes, business is good, and that is what we are here for. Yours for service, The Bank of Murdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home- HE2EY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier i H. H. Lawton has just coniplet- Burr Oak Posts and Poles Telc- cd a flue piece of interior decorating phone Murray 2704. H. L. Saver, v.t the home of John Schell north of rUttFinouth. IC. F. D. 1. 4tsv-2 i town, and will in the course of a . II. P. llines hat; accepted a pjsi few clays legin on the j-jh at theition with the Missouri Pacific and liome of T. R. Rager. northwest of ! is assisting in the track work bc Murdcck. which includes the entire I t ween Elm wood and Weeping Wa; prenmes. the house inside aad out. er. E. II. Miller was a visitor at the county seat lust Thursday on busi ness, driving down in his car. Cliarle Long was called to Ash land last Thursday where he had Eome business matters to look after. Rev. A. H. Schwab was called to Milfcrd last week to look after some business matters for a short time. Henry Wcndt was looking after tome business matters at Ashland last Wednesday, driving Here with his car. William Rush was shelling corn during the pas! week for S. M. Vox. Horace Reeves. Will O. Sehowe. Frel Towle. and E. E. Marshall. O. E. McDonald. E. E. Marvolill and I.eo Rikli were selected from Elmwood precinct as fur the coming term of the district court. M. P. Agent Langhorst of Wa bash was a buinecf visitor in Lin coln last Wednesday where he was looking after some railroad bus Lie?.-,. II. A. Tool, who was in atten' ance at the funeral of his brother-in-law at Ackley. Ia.. hist week, rc turred home last Tuesday evening. A number of young people of Wa bash and community were in at tendance at the box supper v hich was given at Elmwood last Tlmrr day evening. H. I. I'.ands of Lincoln was a viti! or in Murdock last Tii-.irsday, corning to look after some of his work hero in placing the pianos in this sertien in nroper order. Fred Leuchens and wife denirr ed lact Friday for Mn.-kogee. Okla.. where they went to vi:it with rcl--tives and ".ill be the guests while there of Mrr,. Georg? JV-auhu rter. E. I-. PoJhast cf Lincoln vns a vi - itor in Murdock from his home in Lincoln last Monday, coming to f-o about some matters connected wiin Are Entering; Transfer Business Clarence Heebiur and Alfred An derson of Xehawka have entered in to the transfer business, making the j purchase of a Patriot truck through j the firm cf St. John & Cunningham ; and going to Lincoln where they re i ceived the truck from the Hebb Mot j or Co., driving it to their home in ! Xeliawka. The two young gentle men started ia on their work Fri day morning, having a weeks' work ahead of them on the initial day. They will do a general, trucking business, hauling cattle for the farmers to any of the nearby mar kets av.d will endeavor to arrange for ieturn leads in order that it may become a paying institution from the beginning. "oF salt," A. J. Bauers, shall have the honor of being the first cap tain, while Harry Gillispic is slated for first mate, Lacey McDonald for second mate, with no one as yet to claim the honor of bos'n. The boat is to be launched in the early spring when the daffodils are in bloom. We are mistaken if, before the summer has faded into autumn, that the captain, Mr. Bauers, will not think that iomc one has wished on him' the position of a galley slave if he has to furnish the propelling power for the craft. Spring Hustling fcr The enterprising iVm of c- Creuber of X"hawk. are Ins themselves busy at this time in making all kinds vf cement blocks, having their working place in the basement of the Xehawka auditorium. Surprised Their Friends Uncle Martin Waltz and Mrs. Jos eph Miller, living betwean Elmwood and Wabash, uuietly took a trip to Lincoln last Wednesday and while there secured a marriage license and were united in marriage and on re turning home surprised their friendf. who congratulated them, and are wishing thorn long years to enjoy their newly found happiness. i : Dusterhoff Interiors bear the distinctive mark of STYLE and QUALITY! i; mm EXCLUSIVE! They ars always recognized by those who appracis-t? the BEST! We strongly urge that you book j-cur orders fcr SPRING WORK with us no v. so that you may be sure to have your work done well and -without any delay. the Farmers ard Merchants l- Mrs. S;irsh Srhewc. who rereritlyj rett'.rre home from - Lincoln 'vli !! she was reeeivinsr treatment 'it r institution, has been laved up on ac- ' count f an attack of the grip, fro.-' 1 which she is now recovering. j August I'r.nka departed for Mi:-j ford during the early portion cf 1j : wteK wni re lie naa some bu-ine matters to engage his attention an-i remained there until Thursday en. he had completed the work. Richard Tool. Walter Meier an'i John Schell weie in attendance at ;. box supper which was given at Elm wood la:.t Thursday evening ami which was attended by a large crowd Building Comfortable Home John Shoe-man. wtio has made his t home southwest of Louisville for a long time, and who had a sale a few weeks since, disposing of his surplus stock of farming implements, live stock and the like with a view of making his home in town, has also been a very busy man of late, in that he has had to look after the matters rr tbo f.irrr" for the folks Et heme-who have the influenza, and! suoerinten Jirg the construct ion of 3 i "ov; in Lnui.-wille where the I family will make their home in the ! future. The home, which will be a:i j hou-'. is now nearinT cm1 pie ion. i n.--!orn in all re? pent ; cud will make a most comfortable heme for 'the Shreman family. Ele:- t r if lights, fun. ate heat and water , with lath beins among the thinui ; which go to make the home pl-:isrin. j William S.valm and William Gra i hnm being the carpenters, while the olr.Ktering is being dine by Charles ; Vi'ii-iCtiyoc and James Alloway. The i Hinting will be the work of Rilrh Tv.iss which as.-ures a good job in every respect. Attend Convention at lincoln Messrs. Henry Schulhof. Fred Stcck and G. Baur were delegates from the churches in and near Mur- Millerjdock to the convention which met at keen- i Lincoln during last week for the consideration of the Intercaurch World Movement which is receiving much consideration at this time. Many speakers of national and in ternational reoute were in attend ance and spoke at this great convention. Farmers Merchants Bank The Thing Needful! To do the regular routine operations of banking requires no uncommon effort by the banker, but to live up to the slogan "All Ways at Your Service" means to do the thing needful, at the time needed, for every customer. This is our interpretation of service. Isn't that what you expept? Farmers anil Merchants All ways at Your Service. Bank, HENRY BECKA MEYER, Pres. AUGUST PANSKA, Vice-Pres. O. J. POTHAST. Cashier -:- -:- NEBRASKA MURDCC1 Will Prune Trees and Vines County Agent L. R. Snipes has arranged to be at the home of Her man Schwcpna. some three miles I fi southeast of Murdock on February 27 and to give an exhibition of apple tree and grape, vine pruning. This will be a kind of school of instruc tion in this line of farm work and all are invited to come and receive such instruction as can be furnish ei. The demonstration will begin at 2:"0 in the afternoon. The Dress of Many Uses! Some their Attended Tractor Shew William Gehrts. Chris Kupkc. Henry Wendt and Gust Gakemeier wcic all in attendance at the trac tor show which convened at Kansas City last week. The gentL-men making up ! decarted v the party a Wabash from last Murdock Thursday of jotinj; peapJe, ail having a i,ot d time. II. W. Tool and wife visited for :i short time at the home of the .sif ter cf "Mrs. Tool. Mrs. f. 1". Stew art and husband who for merly resided in Murdock. having taught school :ind published a paper here. Among those who have ;id"i their names to the .subscription lists of th? Journal during the ux-. irv Worked at Trad? Forty-Three Years Frank Wheekr of Louisville cu ! last Wednesday completed 43 vt-as of work at harness making and has worked all the time at the 'business with the exception of about eight months. He b gan his trade a February IS. 1! 77. at the factory of Jacob Essex i-i Chicago, and hp worked in many places, amongvhii h he scent many years at Louisville and Flattsmouth and withal an erc cellcat workman in his line. Call, write or a phone to Jay. usterhoff, Exclusive INTERIOR DECORA TING and Practical Painting for 23 years. f Murdock, Nebraska X We carry the newest and finest Wall Paper in stock! D. W- THIEUJGAN Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOK MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped modern machinery and first-class workmen. We 0 all kinds ot repair worK, including acetyline welding. WE CAREY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES with are ready to ED. TK mm, Phcne 35-B Murdock, Neb. days are K. C Twiss. Martin gren. Hilli.-im M. Hc:er. .7. (;. Shoernan and Walter Wake of Louis ville. The Misses Roirkman. d;i;:r.;.ter of Mr. and Mr:;. Henry i. living southwest of Murdock. enter tained a large number of their friends of the Murdock r-:chool Ir "t Thursday at which of lh" teachers were also in nttFtidarce. Mrs. H. K. H.-incn of Sioux "iry. who has bee! visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. O. .1. I'o:!ias for tn p-i--t week o;- n ,ro. returned to her homo in the noth l-t Thurs day, after having enjoyed ?. very de lightful time with the folks here. ; Jacob Ooehry aid wi'f" have v:i 'ated the place- which they sr.'d to G. Raur and Frank Roseno-.v ard a--making their hr-me for the present, at the home cf W. H. Tm! and wiil in the sprirg depart for the conti nent where they will vi: it for sev eral months. A. A. Lindell and family, who have been havinc a tussle witli thn influenza, are all down, having sr.f fered a relapse and while thev n-e all rather sick it is hoped that thr will in a short time be able to be out again and be on the highway to com plete recovery. Fridav I'aul Schewe was rejoic ing in that he wa.s jut ;'S of age ard has spent marv of tho-e years in and about Murdock where he has a host of friends and still gaining more. May his birthday an- untrisduus ie many ana nappy in j t ne years to come. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lake at Wabash is .still very sick with a gathering in one of her ears, but is progressing nier lv. Miss Agnes Rough of Weeping Water, who has been assisting in tbe crre of the little one, departed for her home last Friday morning. Jan es Rerry, who had a sale of his Dersonal ff.ft i,r. "i"""" ana iarmtnc fninlr-nnTis I -i n:piti leu jar j Arriba. Colo., where he has ourcho i ed some land and will pn?aro in id.juiing in mat country He chaed a farm through" the a; or Henry A. Cuthmann i Mr. Hollister cf the firm of Koenig . Hollister. consulting e-igf- I neers of Lincoln, was in Murdock .last week to talk over the proposi tion of bringing the elertric line to Murdock and met with the members ; of the town board with a view cf selling his services as supervisor for cue installation. Nothing was decided upon as to his nient. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tool, who aro spending some tim in the west writes to William Weddell. telling of the nice times which thev ure h3vn and saying they were "going from the time of writing, to Boise.'lda.. wnere tliey have ' relatives, for a! short visit before tLev ro to 7?rew- f cter. Wash., where thev will also' visit. J Were Married at Lincoln Lat week Mr. Warner Rodger:, who is well known in and about Murdock. having worked at raai.y ;lates here, and among them for Frank Rosenow. near Murdock, am E. M. Jumper, near Wabash, wit'i a Miss Schtikle. of ntar Waverly. quietly went to Lincoln where thev wcra united in marriage. They wiil mske their home between Murdock and Greenwood, luing on the farm of I. Lee-d'-v. Mr. Rodgers dork ing for Mr. Lefsley on the farm. With the many friends in and nerr Murdock the Journal extends ulc.t ions, wishing them a and happy life. at midnight. arriving at Kansas City the following morning. They found one of the most wonderful exhibits ever shown at this meet, as all kinds of tractors and for every purpose were on exhibition at the show. The attendant also gave each man a schooling in tractor work which was the result of demontra tijus given during the entire time. Entertained Young Friends Mrs. Matt Thimgan last week en tertained her young friends of Mur dock at a 6 o'clock dinner at her "beautiful home at which a very en joyable afternoon was spent, and the evening also passed with music, games and conversation. One of the most enjoyable features of the ev ening being the telling of dream?. With all of us there is a time when we wish that our dreams may come true. Those who were present and enjoyed the social hours with this entertaining hestess were Misses Ed na Miller. Lola and Ethel Schwab, Grace IJackemeyer. Selma Schlie-fcrt. who all on their departure trounced Mrs. Thimgpn one of the most pleas ing of entertainers. ;. r;;i::r i h If ;: Villi R women know them for sturdy quality and durability. Olhers linger over their clever pat terns their distinctive touches of style. They all agree on the utter desira bility r or- Mina Taylor Dresses For Discriminating Women We are presenting them to you in a wide range of styles which will per mit you to select one for every ac tivity. Daiker "service" dresses dainty afternoon frocks dresses of the best of materials, beautifully made, designed by experts and perfectly finished to the last stitch. con-Ion-: Await Ccming of Spring imp .ut. iiivinmis has oeen con;-, pb'ted. the boat which has be i ' constructed by four of the enterpri--! iv men of Murdock and now only , awaits in the sheds-of the Tool Lu"i- her company all glittering with th. riew p iint and being a thing s rare beauty when its cracefnl j curves aru taken into consideration ! 't een.s wonderful bow. remove ! j f'O'n the marts of trade and shin j building scenes, it could so scie"-' tificallv and wonderfully built. It! veem to b.i the common consent of "11 the asocinted capitalists which. have irtrro-tert themselves in the construction of the craft, that the Harried Forty-Two Years On the ISth day of February. ISTS. Louis N'eitr:cl and Miss Lydia j iioenn were united in marriage in j South Bend. Tnd.. where they con 'tiiuied to live for some time, and i come to tin's state and to the vicin- i'v of Murdock in arriving about April 1. and have made their I I'nme here ever since. They have a j large numlcr.of very close friends i who have enjoyed their friendship here and here they have seen the ! family grew no around them ' mrVo homes for themselves while they have also enjoyed a good and (Continued on 'Page 3.) Wm. H. Bohn, Auctioneer PHONE 290; ELMWOOD NEBRASKA i hold will in 7ur- rency definite employ- Threshers Tractors Power Machines The Internationa! Line Complete! eff.ciency at all times, reliable We have it in the International Power plenty of power and and dependable is what all want. Line. We carry a full and complete line of Keror.ene Engines, Gaso line Engine, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators, Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks. Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine. CALL OX US FOR YOUR WANTS IN OUR LINE WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska If your dress has the "Mina Taylor" label in it, you may depend on satisfaction. And at a price which is by no means the least satisfactory part of your purchase. liordook iercentile Go. JEREY E. McIIUGE, Manager MURDOCK :- NEBRASKA f iTT s- ki ' m $r m Wm e Oh Grsl D m o m O YOUR own threshing with your own help when the prain is just riff fit. . Save loss from sprouting if the season is wet and save loss from shelling out if the season is dry." Hitch your tractor to THE 0 ULJNtOF? The saving of threshing hills will soon for vir.ii i.iv for ilsclf L saving your crop tlii.t yen. llubc-r is known the worltl over as the machine that "save; the grain." The Juaisir Thresher is lunje enough to do your own hreshing and your neighbors if you lik?. It is i-rmall enough to he run by a lO-'O tractor. The Ilubcr Lirht Four, the efficient 12-25 tractor shown above, fur liisiies ample; power for the thresher with all attachments. lUadc only by The Iluber Manufacturing Co., Marion, O. it. . The Fhcne 16-B FOR SALE BY WILUAT! RUSH -:- -:- Murdock, Nbr. m. ,i id Subscribe for The Journal N