The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, IXBEtJAP.Y 23. 1920.
Farms EH SaiDe
Possession Can be Given on
March 1st, 1920.
160 acres west of Plattsmouth, well improved and well fenc
ed. 25 acres in alfalfa, fenced hog tight. Price 530,000.00. Good
terms on this.
80 acres south of Plattsmouth and 4 miles from Murray.
Well improved. Land lays good and is clean. Price 118,000.00.
Terms to suit purchaser.
20 acres close to Plattsmouth. Improvements are extra good
and land lays smooth. This is a very fine place and priced right at
18,000.00. Good terms.
5 acres 1 miles. south from business portion of Plattsmouth.
Good house; land lays well. Price 12,500.00. Good terms.
3 acres with very good house and close in. Only 8 blocks
from Main street. Price $2,500.00. Will not take much cash to
handle this.
These places are priced right for quick sale, and as we are
offering possession March 1st, there is no time to lose.
J. P. Falter & Son,
Real Estate
(Continued from page 5.)
successful business. They have re
joiced in the fact that this is a good
ly place to live.
Former Murdock Citizen Dies
Albert Zabel. formerly engaged in
the mercantile business in Murdock
and having a general store on the
si of the Baur & Kraft store, died
at his home in College View last
Thursday and was buried there on
Saturday. Mr. Zabel was associat
ed with Herman Detman in the
mercantile business in Wabash some
30 years ago and was later located
in Murdock. and from here went to
Lincoln and was at the time of his
death engaged in business at College
View. He was about 55 years of
age at the time of his death. Mrs.
Zabel was a sister of Mrs. Albert
Streich and Mrs. Fred Stock, who
attended the funeral on last Satur
day. But Few Youns: Men in Murdock
The population of Murdock is
showing about 214 people and not
far from the last census and with a
comparison made outside of the
enumerator, whose work is not to
be reported as yet. ther seems to
be a shortage of yorug men in the
city. There are. as shown, only sev
en youne men between the ages of
13 and 25 whose homes are in Mur
dock and on.,1 two who live here as
the remainder are attending school
elsewhere. This loks like a very
peculiar condition. The seven young
men are Messrs. Victor Thimgan.
"William Meyers. Diller I'tt, Harvey
Schwab. Carl Schneider, Richard
Tool and Kenneth Tool, all being
awav to school with the exception of
Diller Utt and Richard Tool. Can
any town in the county beat this for
a small number of your men be
tween these ages with a like popula
tion. Misses Gladys CaCwell. Elsie Ho
Lerg and Marjor'a Heine of Lincoln
deported this miming for Oinha
where they will spend the day vith
frkrds. ' " v
while yox
lour .
: Harvest
will - be
S and
UlMS and
Farmers Stale Bant:
When So Many Plattsmouth People
Are Pointing the Way Out.
You may be brave enougii to
stand backache, or headache or diz
ziness. But. if, in addition urination
is disordered, look out! If you don't
try to fix your sick kidneys, you may
fall into the clutches of dangerous
disease before you know it. But, if
you live more carefully and help
your kidneys with Doan's Kidney
Pills, you can stop the pains you
have and avoid future danger as
well. Don't experiment use the
remedy Plattsmouth people are pub
licly endorsing. Read this case:
Mrs. J. M. Hiber, 1403 Vine St.,
Plattsmouth, says: "Once in a while
jl get a dull ache across my kidneys,
but a few doses of Doan's Kidney
' Pills soon overcome this trouble. I
' . . 1 , 1 i ' , raAnmmontl a It O f t O T mfdi-
cine for backache and kidney com
Price 60c, at all dealers. -Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Hiber had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, X. Y.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
I. Oeorire II. Say les. . County Clerk of
Cass county, hereby certify that the
Countv Board at its meeting on Jan
uary 13th. 1320. made the following
Estimate of Kxpense for the said coun
ty for the year 1920:
General fund $ 55.000.00
KrMsre fund 60.000.00
Rridsre fund (Emergency)..' 15,000.00
Road fund 60,000.00
Mothers" Pension fund 5.0O0.00
Old Soldiers Relief fund 1.000.00
Total 1196.000.00
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
my office at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 10th day of February. A. D. 120
(Seal) fl-4w. County Clerk.
Many a man has been up in the
attic all his life and never knew it.
No. 28 X 1"! iImH"M"M' i"M"M-'!!"! - H -
I J -
. T7 I Mi Y7 i r
I4. i I 1V1 VY W W J- '
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.
Bauer on Monday morning. Both
mother and baby doing nicely. Mrs.
.Bauer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs
William Wilken of this city.
I. M. Ward, our fellow townsman.
who has been so seriously sick, is im
proved enough so that he was able
to be up town on Tuesday and hia
many friends were delighted to see
him about again.
C. A. Braun and Mr. Goodridge
will take possession of the Gollaher
Bros, hardware the first of March.
An inventory will be made at once.
Mr. Goodridge has rented the Fergu
son property and will move there
from Roca at once. We welcome
these two men to our business and
social life.
Roy Rhoden was In town on Sat
urday the first since he has recov
ered from, the flu. The entire fam
ily were sick. Roy says it is not the
most pleasant thing in the world to.
have an attack Of the flu and says
he does not care to undergo the ex
perience again.
This week we were somewhat sur
prised to hear from G. L. Berger of
Orange. Calif. He did not write us
a letter but sent us a copy of the
Oranee Star marking a number of
interesting articles. We assume
that George is enjoying life as usual
from a number of articles that he
Mr. and Mrs. C. Schneider .recelv
ed word on Thursday that a bounc
ing baby boy was born to Rev. and
Mrs. Frank A. Lenz of Denver,
Colo. Mrs. Lenz is their oldest
daughter and they are very happy
with their new title of grandpa and
grandma. The parents have the
congratulations of their many
friends here.
Mrs. Henry McCartney, who had
been very sick with influenza died
at her home south of town on Tues
day night. Mrs. McCartney was the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Schultz and besides her parents
leaves a husband, three little daugh
ters and other relatives to mourn
her loss. The death of Mrs. McCart
ney comes as a shock to her many
friends here. Funeral services will
be held Friday afternoon from the
Methodist church at Elmwood.
M I'M M'l M I M I I'M' VXX-l
Mrs. Edna Shannon come over
from Plattsmouth Sunday evening to
see how her mother and sister were
getting along after the fire. She
found them being comfortably cared
lor at the J. M. Teegarden home.
Mrs. Fred Wolf of Omaha, Mrs.
Walter Powers of Paul, Neb., and
Paul Fowler of Lincoln who were
called here last week by the serious
illness of their father, John Fowler,
returned home the first of the week
as Mr. Fowler had Improved some.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Smoots arrived
Sunday morning from Hamlet for a
week's, visit with ' their daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd Harmon and other rela
tives in the community. Mr. Smoots
was surprised at our weather here
Sunday morning which was about
zero, with a cutting wind. He said
it was fine weather at Hamlet and
plowing was being done.
A small blaze at the Meyers gar
age Saturday evening was checked
by the quick action of our fire' boj-s
before much damage was done. The
fire had started in the attic of the
work shop evidently from, the flue
and was getting under pretty good
headway in the celling and Joists
when discovered. The contents of
the chemical engine had practically
put fire out bp the time the big hose
was brought into play but to make
sure some water was thrown on.
Mrs. P. Glasgo. who has been very
sick for some time, died Monday
morning at the home of her son. Al
bert, in Omaha where she and her
husband have made their home for
some time since leaving their home
down by the Anderson quarry where
they lived a good many years. Mrs.
Glasgo was past 80 years old. The
remains were taken to Farragut, la.,
fcr last resting place by the side of
other relatives buried there. Those
attending the funeral from here
were her two daughters, Mrs. A. An
derson and Trs. S. Armstrong, who
were at her bedside at the time she
passed away.
The E. E. Day family Just west of
town" who hare run a dairy for more
than 20 years are buying milk today
as the entire 65 head of Jersey cows
and calves were sold two weeks ago
today to a speculator In dairy cows
who is selling them at public auc
tion in South Omaha this Thursday,
the 19th. The selling of this herd
i like removing an old land mark
from the community and no doubt
1 Mr. Day notices the vacancy around
thfj Lorn varrt in a PTPat PTtfnt flno
" - -
of his hobbies was fine cattle and
hogs and he not only had the repu
tation, of having the best and larg
est herd of Jersey cows in this part
of the country, but has the distinc
tion of bringing to this community
some of the best Hereford cattle and
Poland China hogs that money could
buy and from these strains of stock nis parents and other relatives and
descendants can be found today far frjends.
and near. Since Mr. and Mrs. Day, Mr and Mrs George C. Sheldon
had an attack of the flu some weeks 'returned home from California Tues
ago Mr. Day has not been strong and day afternoon. Mrs. Sheldon had
was compelled to take treatment in been tnere for seVeral months while
an Omaha hospital for a time return-4 Mr Sheldon was only there for a
ing home Tuesday evening quite a
little improved and able to walk
down town Wednesday to get shav
ed. But the years of hard work in
running nis Dusiness. auu caring ior ( chriswisser, who had been with her.
the dairy farm has not passed un- returned home Wednesday after
noticed in his health. This, and the j noon. The last word from hex
difficulty in getting suitable help at states that she is improving as well
the dairy, and the fact that his son ' as ca71 be expected
.... . .. ..i ' '
reward naa to gie up nis school
work at the state university last fall
and come home to keep the dairy .go
ing, no doubt were the direct causes
of the decision to sell the dairy herd
and not that Mr. Day had lost any
of his interest in caring for and
handling the best strains of stock
;,,;,, ,).,t ; j ! -g. .j. .
M xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxxxxxx
Mrs. Will Sacks was taken to
the hospital the first of the week
for medical treatment. The flu did
not leave her in a satisfactory state
of health.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luning re
turned last Saturday evening from
their trip to California. They were
gone about six weeks and of course
enjoyed the trip immensely.
Ed Oelschlager returned last week
from Chappell, where he had been
for several weeks, and where he
purchased a home. Ed has been un
able to live in this locality owing to
asthma and will sell his home here
and move out west.
Last Friday afternoon a telephone
message came that the flu had in
vaded the family of our daughter,
Mrs. Ira L. Kidd, in Adams county.
and Mrs. Gardner went at once to
the rescue. She writes that the en
tire family are afflicted, but Jhat
she hopes all will pull thru safely.
Floyd Myers returned last week
from a visit with his brother in
Oklahoma. He reports the spring
season considerably advanced down
there and everything booming. He
?ays all the farmers are buying sug
ar by the sack and dealers having
no trouble getting all they want.
Rather strange, but remember Okla
homa is a favored southern state.
frA.t. J. .-j, .t. .t, ! ,1. .t i t -iii;;,.i,
i niiicwii i c
JJ W 1 V A t-t M-t M-i
The family of Otto Sprieck in the
country are reported as ill with the
flu, all of them being bedfast. Many
other cases of the flu are known.
among them the family of Philip
Fornoff, also in the country.
Postmaster Ossenkop has been
under the weather for several days
with a severe cold that could hard-
!y qualify as the flu. although it
had the ability to keep him by his
fireside for part of several days.
John Ossenkop, one of Cass coun
ty's pioneer citizens, is serinndi "
at the home of his son. William Os
senkop, suffering from Bright's dis
ease. Mr. Ossenkop has been living
alone in his building on Main street,
where he was very comfortable un
til his failing health made it impos
sible for him to remain there and
he was then removed to the home of
his son. He has a wide acquaint
anceship over the county and' his
many friends will regret to learn of
his illness.
George Myers has returned from
a trip to Sidney, Cheyenne county,
where he went to help his brother,
Henry Elsen, move from that vicin
ity to Custer county, near Merna,
where he will reside on a farm.
Henry had a fine farm in Cheyenne
county but decided he would rather
live In Custer county, and he is now
nbout '18 miles from Broken Bow.
He had a sile which turned ft
very successfully on January 14th.
He and his wife and two children
all had an attack of the flu, which
prevented them, from moving as soon
as they had expected. His new- place
Is well' improved and he has 160
acres. His old friends in Louisville
wish him success.
Periodic Bilious Attacks
Persons subject to periodic bilious
ittacks will observe that their appe
tite fails them just before an at
tack. That is, they do not really
crave food, but eat because It is meal
time. If they will eat only a light
meal and no meat, then take two of
Chamberlain's Tablets, the attack
may be avoided.
I -
3ft 9$
Rev. Lovelle Massie, who now re
sides in South Dakota, came in on
the midnight train Monday. He wilr
remain here for a few days to visit
few days on his last trip.
Mrs. R. H. Chriswisser underwent
a surgical operation at the St. Jos
eph hospital in Omaha Monday. Mr.
j. g. Wunderlieh held his nnhlio
sale as advertised last Saturday.
While the weather was rather dis
agreeable a fair sized crowd was
; present and Mr. Wunderlieh was
j well pleased with the result. He
will move to Nehawka in the very
near future and Fred Linville will
operate the farm.
J. M. Palmer was busy with his
truck dragging the roads in town
Tuesday afternoon. R. Ketelhut was
also busy with a four-horse drag.
The road south of town was given a
Sod dragging by Ray Whiteman a
few" days since and is reported to be
in fine shap. Keep er up fellows,
there's a nice fund for this purpose
In the county treasury and all you
have to do is end in your time and
get the "kale."
A visit to Louisville this week war
made by the reprcsentativt of ihe
Journal where he found the city
rlive and astir with business activ
ity In all its branches, the mer
chants being busy and happy, and
doibg a good business. Louisville
a:- well as having a good 3jt of lire,
activfr business men, who arc oxrr
lookir.R to the interests of tV town
m d fciiirounding country. ha$ also
a live, newspaper which is ever
working for the good of the city
and commuity. Those who are rend
ers of that paper know the fact
while those who do not shoul 1 im
mediately have their names annexed
to the list. We found people who
were also well pleased to add their
names to our subscription list, being
glad to read another live nswspaner.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estates of Kate
K. McMaken. Deceased anil Hattie K.
McMaken. Deceased.
To all persons interested In said es
tates, creditors and heirs at law:
You are herehv notified that on the
19th day of February. 1920. Joseph H.
McMaken filed a petition in'this Court
alleging that Kate K. McMaken, late
a resident of I'lattsmout h. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, departed this life in
testate on or alout the 11th day of
September, 1900. in said city, and left
surviving her as her sole and only
heirs at law, Henry C. McMaken. her
husband, and six children, viz: Eva C.
Ileese. Edward M. McMaken, Joseph
H. McMaken, Guy P. McMaken. Carrie
.Scott and Hattie E. McMaken. all of
letcal age. and that said decedent was
seized and possessed of the fee simple
title to 4.36 acres of land In Cass coun
tv. Nebraska, described as follows:
Commencing' 12 chains and "2 links
north of the southeast corner of Sec
tion 12. Town 12. North. Range 13.
East: thence west 3 chains and 60
links: thence nortli 12 chains and 12
links: thence east 3 chains and 6o
links; thence south 12 chains and 12
links to the place of beginning, which
Mas the homestead of said deceased
and her husband. Henry C. McMaken.
and that the title thereto descended
according to the decedent law than in
force to the children of said deceas
ed before named in common and un
divided. Also that on the day of April.
1902. Hattie E. McMaken. one of said
heirs at law of said Kate E. McMaken,
deceased, then a resident of Platts
mouth, in said county, departed this
life intestate, and without issue and
left her surviving as her sole and
only heirs at law, her father the said
Henry C. McMaken. who thereby be
came seized of an undivided one-sixth
interest in said land according to the
decedent law tfien in force; that the
petitioner is entitled to an undivided
one-sixth interest in the estate of said
Kate E. McMaken. deceased and that
more than two years have now elaps
ed since the death of said decedents,
and that no application has been made
in the state of Nebraska for the ap
pointment of an administrator, either
by the heirs of said decedents or by
persons claiming to be creditors of
said decedents, and praying for a de
termination of the time of the death
of the said Kate E. McMaken and also
of the time of the death of said Hat
tie E. McMaken. and of their heirs at
law, and the degree of kinship, and
the right of descent of the real prop
erty belonging to said decedents in
the State of Nebraska, and for an or
der barring claims against said es
tates, and for such other orders and
proceedings as may be necessary for a
correct determination of said matter.
Said matter has been set down for
hearing at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in naid countv, on the
27th- day of March. 1920, at ten (10)
o'clock a. m., at which time and place
all persons interested may appear and
contest said petition.
Dated Februarv 19, 1920.
f23-3w) County Judge.
A good 7-room house with 2 fine
level lots close in, most desirable lo
cation in city. Will take horses and
farm machinery. See me at once or
call phone 575. F. M. Welshimer.
If you want a bargain in a NEW
Western Electric sewing machine,
see E. A. Webb, at Journal office.
1 B. K. F.
This little accesory on your Ford car will work
wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford.
No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
Main St. Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
The undersigned will offer for
sale at public auction at his home,
three and one-half miles northwest
of Plattsmouth. one-quarter mile
west and three-quarters of a mile
trouth of Oreapolis, on
Monday, March 3,
the following described property,
Seven Head of Horses.
One team of gray mares, nine and
ten years old, weight 2250.
One brown mare, two years old.
weight !00; one black hore. two
years old. weight 50; one team
mare colts, coming two years old;
black colt, seven months old.
One full blood roan Durham cow,
fresh; one heifer calf, four months
Farm Machinery.
One ?et of inch and a half work
harness; one set of single harness;
one Weber wagon with two sets of
wheels; one Wood Chuck low wheel
wagon; one hay rack; one buggy;
one BradU-y sulky plow, 10-inch;
one John Deere walking plow, 16; ono Moline walking plow. 16
inch; one S-foot disc, 16-inch; one
3-section harrow; one New Depart
ure cultivator; one Deering mowing
machine, 5-foot; one Little Dane
haw sweep; one Deere hay rake, 11
foot; one sleigh; six rods of heavy
corn crib wire; two. butchering ket
tles; one barrel churn, 5-gallons;
some chickens and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Sale starts at 10 o'clock.
Lunch served at noon.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eiht pT
cent interest from date. Xo proper
ty to be removed until settled for.
J. F. STULL, Owner..
W. n. Youns. Auctioneer.
I.tfinard Meisinger, Clerk.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his home on the oM
Terry Marsh farm at Rock Bluffs on
Friday, February 27,
the following described property,
One bay horse, six years old.
weight 1400; one black horse, sev
en years old, weight 1450; one blac'.':
horse, seven years old. weight 1200.
Eiirht Head of Cattle.
One red cow, 6 years old, fresh
March 1; one Holstein cow, 6 years
old, fresh March 20; one red cow, 3
Notice to Ford Owners!
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gome In and Let Us (Explain!
Garage Phone 650
Timers I
years old, fresh; one Holstein cow, 8
years old, giving milk; one White
face cow, 5 years old, giving milk;
one white Jersey, 8 years old, giving
milk; one good Holstein bull, 3
years old; one bull calf, 6 months
Implements, Etc.
Three sets harness, two heavy,
one light, extra collars; three high
wheel wagons; one 16-inch sulky
plow with extra lay, new; one 5-foot
Champion mower; one wood saw, 20
inch blade; one 60-gallon tank and
pump; twelve Plymouth Rock hens;
several pure bred cockrels; one low
wheel wagon; one buggy; one hay
rack; two discs-one 2-section har
row; one 14-inch plow; one saw
mandel; one incubator; one walking
lister; one feed grinder; one Yankee
Boy disc cultivator; one Ilapgood
riding cultivator; one New Depart
ure cultivator; one John Deere
walking cultivator; one Kingman
corn planter, check wire; one
Deere planter, 100 rods wire; Rid
ing attachment for plow or lister;
one feed mill, belt and extra burrs;
one Hoosier seeder, grass seed at
tachment; one anvil and forge;
some household goods, including or
gan, rocking chairs, dining table
and other articles.
Sale starts at 10 o'clock.
Lunch served at noon.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight r-er
cent interest from date. No proper
ty to be removed until settled for
F. G. HULL and WM. SEAY.
W. R. Young. Auctioneer.
George O. Dovey, Clerk.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In tb County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
Htat of Nebraska. Cass countv. s
To Emma Eikenbary and Manota
Vallerv and all pernons Interested in
the estate of Henry Eikenbary, de
ceased: On readlner tbe petition of Alloc
.Tolinson. administratrix, praying a
final settlement and allowance of her
aorount filed in this Court on the ISth
rtav of February. 1920. and for an
order of distribution of the estate of
the deceased, and for an order barring
claims and determining heirship;
It is hereby ordered that you . and
all persons interested In said matter
mav, and do, appear at the County.
Court to be held In and for said coun
tv, on the 27th dav of February. A. -IJ.
1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
praver of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dencv of said petition and the hearing
thereof be jriven to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copv of this order in the I'lattsmout h
Journal. a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said countv. for one week
prior to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
et mv hand and the Seal of said
Court. ' this ISth day of February. A.
I. 1920.
(Seal) County Judfe.
House Phone 502