The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1920, Image 1

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    rT3H 'state TIMeri- .
No. G9
And as Soon as Completed Work of
Rebuilding will Proceed New
Rocf will be Required.
From Friday's Dally.
The building that was so badly
damaged by the fire early Wednes
day morning is to to placed in firs
class shape as toon as the work of
the insurance adjusters is completed
has been dteided upon by the own
ers of the building after a survey
cf the wreckage caused by the fire.
It will be necessary to practic.illy
re-roof the entire building as. the
timbers and supports of the roof
wera almost entirely destroyed in
the Holly and Soennithsen sections
of the building and in the portion
owned by R. A. Dates of the Jour
nal the timbers are eo badly char
red that it will be necessary to re
place them with new one3 and this
will mean that the entire roof will j
have to be reconstructed. The upper
floor of the building will alo re
miire replastciing and decorating as
the water has loosened the plaster
ing in all three of the buildings and
fii the Holly building it will re
quire a great deal of work in replac-
Tut; the partitions and wood ' work 1
which was burned to ashes as well
as a portion of the flooring of the
second story and the ceiling of the
ftore room on the ground floor. The
insurance adjusters will be here to
dny and tomorrow to check over the
los with the owners of the build
ings and upon the settlement of the
claims the work of reconstruction
will be commenced at oir-e. The
Hol'y and Soennichsen buildings are
rfill watersoaked and it will be
frmc time before it will be possible
tr have the lower floors so that they
ran be occupied and it will not be
until the repairs are made on the
t:pper floor of the Holly building
thct it will be possible to occupy the
rocms in that structure.
P. V.T. Zimmerman of Western Ad
justment snd Inspection Com
pany Makes Settlement.
Fmm. FrWay'ii ?nl'v
This morning P. W. Zimmerman
of Omaha, manger of the Western
Adjustment & Inspection Co. of Om
aha arrived in the city to make the
adjustment on the fire loss sustained
rn the Journal building and equip
ment as the result of the fire of Wed
nesday morning. Mr. Zimmerman,
who is one of the expert and effi
cient insurance ntaH of the state,
made a speedy and satisfactory set
tlement rf the claims and his able
manner cf. handling the matter made
the work of settlement very satis
f?etory to all parties. R. A. Bates,
the publisher of the Journal and
or.ner of the building occupied by
the newspaper plant, was insured
in nine companies, including the lo
cal TMatte Mutual company and set
iimfil n-JH 11 nt thesjv. was made i
. , , r
in a verv satisfactory manner and.
especially pleasing in the short time
required for the adjustment.
Eanshter of Edv?rd S-ivers Suffers
Loss cf Hurband and Two So'Js
Is in Serious Condition.
From TrMnv' TWIIv
The relatives in th's county have
received word of the death last week j
at their home near Marquette, Neb.,
of almort the entire R. Shaneyfelt
family, who reside near that place,
. Mrs. Shaneyfelt is a daughter of the
late Edward Selvers and a half sis
ter of the late Mrs. J. L. Thompson
and the old friends of the family
i throughout the county will learn
with regret of the misfortune that
befallen them. Last week Mr.
leyfelt and two sons, Don and
111, were taken down with the flu
and their condition rapidly develop
ed into pneumonia and from the ef
fects of which Don died on last Wed
nesday, the father passed away
Thursday and on Friday the young
est son, Irl, was taken from the
household by death. In the mean
time the mother and wife, who was
formerly Miss Kittie Sievers, was
stricken with the malady and also
developed pneumonia and is now in
very critical condition. The Seivers
family formerly resided in the vicin
ity of Cedar Creek and are well
known to the residents of that por
tion of the county.
Rev. Sherman Powell of Omaha
Gives Address at First Methodist
Church on "Stewardship."
From Frlrtnv'n tmllv.
Last evening. the auditorium of the
First Methodist church was well
filled by an interested audience to
hear the address of Rev. Sherman
Powell of Omaha, one of the leaders
in the interchurch movement, who
spoke in the interests of the stew-
ardship campaign which is being
conducted by the churches cf the
nation and state during the present
The speaker pointed out the im
portance of this movement which is
to place the church in a position
where its material affairs can be
properly" conducted on a, business
like basis and do away with the
careless and doubtful methods of fi
nancing the church as has been the
practice in the years gone by. The
responsibility of the individual of
the church was outlined by the
speaker and the hearty co-operation
in all lines of the deligious work
urged by Rev. Powell during the
time he occupied.
This meeting is in line with the
great program of stewardship that
has been launched vcr the nation
to strengthen the hands of the
church in their work in the spread
of the Christian teaching and the
able manner in -which it was pre
sented by Rev. Powell made a deep
impression upon his hearers.
from Fri"y' Dally
Jchn F. Cook and wife of near
Reaver City. Neb., are enjoying a
visit in this county with the rela
tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Cook have just returned from a vis
it to Oklahoma and Texas and spent
some time at Big Cabin. Okla.. with
W. L. Hull and family and other
relatives and friends. Mr. Cook was
looking over the land in the south
but returns home convinced that old
Nebraska has it on any other state
as a farming country and looks
mighty good to him after looking
over other land.
Friends of H. J. Helps in This City
Receive Word of Forthcoming
Marriage of Son.
From Friday's Dally.
Friend3 in thi scity of the H. J.
Helps family have recived announce
mcnt of the marriage of Mi. Flor
. .. f .
ence. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Er-
nest A. Woodward to Mr. Daniel P
Helps, which is to take place at the
St. Luke's church. Long Beach.
Calif., on- Tuesday, February 24.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Helps and will be remembered
by the young people of the city with
whom he was associated during his
resIdence here during the time that
bi!? father- H- J- HelPs- was the sup-
erfntendent of the Burlington shops .
in this city. The young people will
reside at Long Beach. -
William Holly was among those
going to Omaha this morning to
spend a few hours attending to some '
matters of business.
TUC n?"l II P 1 f
I BIB. u J - -V
At High School Auditorium Under
Auspices of Local Post of the
American Legion.
From Friday's Dally.
- In grateful remembrance of the
services of the American boys, who
on land and sea aided in successful
ly repelling the forces of the cen
tral empires during the world wr,
the Republic of France has caused to
!e prepared and sent to the Unite!
States certificates expressing to the
-elatives of those who have fallen in
jattle or died during their term of
ervice. the deep honor and respect
that the sister republic feels for the'
brave sons of the United States who
have made the supreme sacrifice for
liberty and humanity..
These certificates were sent to the
.var and navy departments of the
United States by the French govern-
,-uent and in turn the American gcv -
?rnment has turned over to the
American Legtion the task of dhKc t3 inclusive, .for the first semes
tri'outing the certificates to those J tPr was yn 4 aml f.)r the n5t;h KCUOO:,
who are entitled to receive them a-, s ' '
from the lists in the ottice of the ad-
jut ant general and secretary of tiiepiipjls Who bavei'ieen neither tardy
...... . , . ...... . i
The work of mailing out the cer
tificates has been somewhat delayed
and the war department has been
inable to deliver the certificates for
those who have died in service in
the United States, but which will ,e
sent la.ter to the post for distribu
tion and those now on hand are for
the members of the American Expe
ditionary Forces who have made the
upreme sacrifice.
The locai post of the American
Legion in connection with the posts
over the United States, will make
the presentation of these certificate
on Sunday, February 22nd, an occa- Edward Schlieske, George Schmidt
sion worthy of the memory of their mann. Edward Waintroub and liar-
comrades in arms' who so vely (
and fearlessly gave their lives in
the battle field and camp that the
cause for which they served might Miss" Sehulhot s Room t.iara ui
triumph and that the government .to son. RoomLaura Ska.
which they had sworn their alleel- laU Margie Braun, Charles Lara-
ance and loved even unto death ohere. Esther Cowles, Kenneth Trive
might not perish from the earth. ly. Clarence Xielsou and Leonard
The services in this city will be
held at the auditorium of the his:h
school on Sunday afternoon at
o'clock, and to which the relatives of
,.,.. bo a, well h. P,JSS,'SiS?, VTiaord II.
lie is cordially Invited to be pres- j.jrasky
ent. This is the lirst public service
in honor of the nation's dead and
the program will be devoted to the , anny l GnheTt
honor of the fallen and to the par- clark Merritt Pat ton. Alice Peter
ents and relatives who -have lost sen. Howard Wittstruck and James
loved ones. The program i3
as follows:
Overture Orchestra
Remarks Aubrey Duxbury
lost c m man dor
Scripture Reading Rev. Hunter,
'rayer Rev. H. G. McClusKey.
The Flag Without a Stain"'
( Male Quartette!
A. V. itiint.-r l. ('. York I
II. i. McCluskev F. A. Cloidt
Reading, "France in Battle Flame" i
Mrs. William Baird
Address Rev. M. A. Shine
"The Vacant Chair". .Male Quartet
The Honor Roll Ben W indham
"The Star Spangled Banner" i
Benediction Rev. W. S. Leete
Friends Gather to Pay Their Last
Tribute of Respect to the Mem
"ory of Philip Meisinger, Jr.
From Frlaay.8 Daily.
The friends and ass
associates of the
late Philip II. Meisinger, Jr.,
ered yesterday afternoon at the St.
Paul's Evangelical church to
their last tribute of love and esteem
to the memory of this splendid young
man who had been called away so
suddenly. The wife and children as
well as the aged father and mother
and two brothers wore unable to at
tend the services o'.vir.g to serious
illness. J
The services were in charge of
Rev. Robert Kuns:ndorf of the Eight
Mile Grove Lutheran church, who
spoke briefly in English and German
tr the forrowitl- relatives ancl
friends cf tlje worthy life of the de-
ceased and held. out the vision to
' theni'of the tirr.e w in :i the loved one
misIU gather on' the shores of the
better land in ve-uni'.-jj love and
peace. During the Mr vices the choir
of the church gave :i number of the
old familiar hymns which the de
ceased had loved ; :. v.eli in his life
time. Alter ine Fervios tlie nodv wsg
..... . . . .
I hoyie to Oak Hill cemetery where it
was laid to re?t in the family lot.
the pall bearers being selected from
among the formtr friends of the
young man being I'rank M. Restor,
Louis Kroehler, Henry G. Soennich
sen, C. G. Frieke, E. J. Weyrich and
F. A. Cloidt. "
The A vera;;; fcr.Uie First Semester
i Makes Good Serving 93.4 in
Grades; 95.3 in K. S.
In determining the success and ef-
j fieiency of a scho.d. attendance is an
important factor. . At the beginnin
of tIie present : school year plans were
j adopted whereby good attendance
wrs encouraged, with the result that
Hip nverncro attpnhnrn for trades.
F.-:l!owl is th- list of names rf
or absent duriatfjpMio- Crt: .eiftlitcea,
weeks of school:
Virla Archer, Raymond Bookmey
er. Leonard Born, Herbert Campbell.
Frank Gradoville, Minnie Hild. Cle
one Me"isinger, Harold Mullis, Esther
Olson, Harriet 'Peacock. John Svo
boda, Fred Tritsch. Theresa Weber.
Merna Wolff. Karl Wurl.
Miss Rys' Room Connie Allen,
Joseph Buttery. Harlin Gorder, Ru
dolph Ivcrson, Helen Braun. Edna
Klinger. Marie Petersen, Edith Quin
ton, Catherine Schneider and Helen
Airs Tnr frill's Tinnm (Innrep Ell-
ersoie' Frank Koubek. Albert Pendl.
tempers Room-Theodore
AIPMakrri. v ionise Kalasek. Marian
Ka,K"T , . omlm
denhall TotT,my Mendenhall, George
Olson and Norman Warthen.
Miss Prohaska s Room Josephine
Miss Hawksworth's Room Wayne
Jacks, Harley Meisinger, Catherine
Miss Swoboda s itoom I heouosia
Ptacek, Herbert Patterson, Rozina
Mrs. Carlson's Room Chris Bu-
iin. Richard Herold. J:thel Quinton
and Donald Warner.
We desire to express to th many
. i
K,na irienus i.:U neign.,.,rS ..r
neartteit appreciation oi tneir ter-
der sympathy and assistance in the
h of orr0w. at the death of our
, ,
beloved husband, father, sen and
brother and we desire also to thank
the many friends and Cass camp No.
332 of M. W. A. for the beautiful
floral remembrances Mrs. Philip
Meisinger, Jr., and familv. George
A. Meisinger and family, Mr. aud
Mrs. L. G. Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs.
Emil J. Meisinger.
From Friday's Dally.
George A. Kaffenberger, of Lin-
, coin, has been secured by the Cullom
Elevator company to act as grain
buyer for the company and to have
charge of the interests of the eleva-
tor at that place. Mr. Kaffenberger
is one of the successful farmers of
the county and will make a valuable
man for the elevator company in
handling this line of the business.
As Direct Challenge to W. J: Bryan
in His ITatilve State Being
Freely Signed.
The name of Edward I. Edward?,
the s.mi-prnhibition governcr cf the
state of Ne.v Jersey, is to be filed
with the tecretary cf state within
the next few days as a candidate for
president, and a strong effort is to
he made to secure an instruction for
him at the hands of the democratic
voters of Nebraska in the oncoming
spring primaries.
This, at least, is- the statement
made in in yesterday by a
democrat who belongs to the irre
concilable wets. He said that peti
tions are in circulation in various
parts of the state, and that one now
in circulation in Douglas county is
btii'.g signed by the hundreds.
So. even though Bryan has un
dertaken to read Edwards out of
the list of democratic possibilities,
it looks s.oniewhat like Bryan's home
tate may get a chance to express
itself. On every test in the last
sif'ht or ten years the democratic
party of Nebraska has shown the
r'eis..tobe. the.uu,merical ..majority.
It was because of this fact that 'Mr.
Cryan was unhorsed as the stat
The women of Nebraska, however,
will vote for The first time this year
in a presidential primary, and it is
by i".o means certain that the demo
cratic women generally will follow
their wet husbands in voting for
Eagles and the Members of Their
Families are Entertained in
Most Delightful Manner
The social gatherings of the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles have long
been noted for their delightful fea
tures and the spirit of sociability
and enjoyment prevailing and the
gathering on Wednesday evening at
the club rooms in the Coates block
va.5 in keeping with this same spirit
of r:ire pleasure.
The ladies and gentlemen who did
not care for the fascinations of the
dance were entertained in the club
rooms at cards and much enjoyment
was derived in the playing of the
various games while in the dance
hall the pleasant music furnished by
the Eagle orchestra gave several
hours of delight to young and old.
At an appropriate hour a luncheon
was served that added to the enjoy
ment of the evening and reflected
great credit upon the members of
the committee who had the enter
tainment In charge. The attendance
was the largest that has been pres
ent at 'any of the social events and
the members of the party were de
lighted with the excellent time af
forded them.
Khezekone Campfire Girls Gathered
at Propst Home in Honor of
14th Birthday There.
Last evening the girls of the
Khezekone campfire very pleasantly
assisted Miss Roberta Propst in the
observance of her . fourteenth birth
day anniversary and the occasion
was one that will long be pleasant
ly remembered by all those taking
The evening was spent in the
playing of games at which the
young people found very pleasant
diversion for several hours and in
henoi' of the occasion. Miss Roberta
received a large nunVber of hand
some and attractive gifts which tslve
will treasure as keep sakes from the
good friends with whom she has
been associated.
At a suitable hour verv daintv re
lreshments were served by Mrs. R.
L. Propst assisted by her daughter,
Loretta, and this portion of the ev
ening certainly had ample justice ac
corded it by the merry young peo
ple. At a late hour the members of
the party wended their way home
ward, wishing Miss Roberta many
happy returns of the day.
Those of the members in atten
dance were Misses Blanche Braun.
Florence Cecil, Marie Hunter, Ethel
Warren, M?rna Wolff, Ethel Stone.
Edith and Helen Farley, Ruth Shan
non, while Mioses Dorothy Cowles
and Sylvia Klossner were guests of
the camplire on this pleasant occa
Billy Edwards, of Nebraska City,
Tosses Frank Schmader of Louis
ville in Hour and a Half.
Billy Edwards, of Nebraska City,
wno claims the state wrestling cham
pionship, ednesday evening was
the victor over Frank Schmader, the
Louisville wrestler, in a contest cov
ering one hour and thirty-two min
utes and which was forfeited by
Schmader, who suffered a severe in
jury to his leg.
The contest was a one fall affair
which required one hour and thirty-
two minutes for Edwards to pin the
Louisville man to the mat and after
a ten minute rest Schmader forfeit
ed the contest on account of the
sprained leg which prevented his go
ing on with the match.
The match was held at the Eagle
hall in Nebraska City and was at
tended by some 500 of the wrestling
fans of this portion of the state.
This is the second defeat for
Schmader at 'the hands of Edwards,
who is claiming the state champion
ship at 170 pounds. Tom Ray, of
Omaha, was present at the match
and challenged the winner and the
offer was accepted by Edwards for
a match in the near future.
Four grader men for work in Cass
county are desired at one. Resi-
I dents of county preferred:
Head grader man acting us fore
man, 80c an hour, with a minimum
of $100 a month to protect against
bad weather.
Rear grader man. 7Cr per hour,
with same minimum.
Sleeping accommodations and' a
cook furnished by state but men must
board themselves.
Apply to C. F. Vallery, county
Mehway commissioner, Plattsmouth.
Neb. tf-d&w
M'.es Vera, Marguet and Fran-
cv' Moore and .".lar.'orie Brinklow
were i. ong those going to Om il' t
this ?norning to visit for the day
vith triends and looking after 3omc
business matters.
Wiik Perfect Safety!
UfK 'Sis ,
There are few surer or more dependable
tests of a bank's soundness and stability than
the test of time.
With 1920 this bank enters on its 49th year
of seivice to the. people of Plattsmeut and
surrounding territory.
First National Bank
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home. V
Eut He Has Made Good and Put
Life Into the School Work
Very Good Selection.
From Friday's Pally.
The Plattsmoiith Board of Educa
tion at a recent meeting re-elected
to the office of city superintendent ,
Mr. Carl E. Pratt. who has had
charge of the work of the school
during the present term. Mr. Pratt
came to this city list fall from but
ton, Nebraska, where he had charge
of the schools and since his coming
to this city has made the city
schools here a very effective unit in
promoting the advance of the educa
tion of the young people of the city.
The friends of the school will be
pleased to learn that Mr. Pratt will
remain at the head of the educa
tional system and ho will have the
hearty co-operation of the public in
promoting the advancement and wel
fare of the schools.
Mr. Pratt has brought to th
Plattsmoiith schools a new vigor and
energy that will tend to place the
school system of this city on the
plane with the other progressive
cities, of the state and increase the
standing of "the""school among I fi
other systems of the state.
Plattsmouth High School Encounters
a Snag: in Game at Omaha Last
Evening Defeated.
Prom Saturday's Daily
The basket ball team representing
the school for the deaf at Omaha
who were defeated in this city sev
eral weeks ago by our snappy basket
ball team staked a come back last
?vening at the game held in Omaha
with the result that the local high
school team was defeated by the
score of 39 to 27. The school for
the deaf possessed some very husky
players who were able to break up
the plays of their locals while their
own offensive was of such high type
f.hat it was impossible to check their
onslaught and they easily got away
with the contest. The result of the
game was somewhat a disappoint
ment to the followers of the high
school team but they are consoled by
the thought that it is 50-30 with the
two teams.
Cottonwood and maple block
wood $4 and $5 per load delivered.
Elbert Wiles, Telephone 3521. tf-dw