MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE 1 M UR 771) H) DEP. I V PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. O IT MM Mr H IT .M A&M MzztM XL M i Th e Ban k of Murdock "The Real Service Bank" The best service is the real test of the good bank, and the bank whLh renders the best service, with safety, is the one,, which is of the most benefit to a community. This is the time of the year when the filling out of the income tax schedules are to be filled. Bring in your lists, wc have the blanks and are willing to as sist you in getting the blank schedules filled out. We are always at your service and glad to render it. The Bank of Murdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHSIAJTN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Charles E. Stroy has had the Jour nal with the interesting Murdock page included in his reading mat ttr for the present year. The srlo which was held by J. C. Siroy wns a vtry pronounced success r.nd was well attended as well as the property bringing good round prices.. Burr Oak, Posts and Poles Tele phone Murray 2704. II. L. Saycr, I'lattsmouth. It. I D. 1. 4tsw-2'd Conrad Wehrman. living northwest of Murdock. had the representative of the Journal add his name to the list of the readers of this paper and will receive it regularly in the future. ........... ................ Dusterhoff Interiors bear the distinctive mark of STYLE and QUALITY! .5. Original! Exclusive! They are always recognized by those who appreciate the best! We strongly urge that you book your orders for Spriag work with us now, so that you may be sure to have your work done well and without any delay. V Call, write or phone today. Max Dusterhoff, Exclusive INTERIOR DECORA TING and Practical Painting for 23 years. Murdock, Nebraska We carry the newest and finest Wall Paper in stock! EE. W. THI&IGAW bibs and Accossorias AGENCY FOR MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CU5HMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetylinc welding. WE CAERY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES ED. Vi THImGAN, Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. The superintendent oi the Murdock schools was a visitor at his home Lincoln for the week-end. departing for there last Friday eevning. William Burks shipped a carload cf hogs to the South Omaha market last Friday via the Rock Island, and was a passenger to that place on the following day. E. W. Thimgan was a visitor in Lincoln for a few days the past week going lat Sunday and remaining un til Wednesday and while there met some of his former Murdock friends. Mrs. Kate McHugh. mother ot Jerry E. JIcHuah, the superintena ent cf the Murdock Mercantile com pany. i visiting at the home of her son tcr a few days, coming from her home at Falls City. James Brown of Lincoln. the Ga?s county agent fur the Bnick an tcinobilo wrs a visitor in Murdock last Friday and was looking after Feme business matters for a few hours. Misses Catherine and Margaret Tool, who are attending the Lincoln high school and state university re spectively, were home for the week end which they spent with tt.eir par ents. Hcmer Lawton. one of the finest cf workmen in the decorative line, has just completed a bit of in terior decorating at the Murdock ho tel which has refreshed the interior greatly. Henry Wendt was a passenger to Lincoln l3st Friday where he spent the day looking after some business matters e and also visiting . with friends for the day, returning home in the evening. Henry Meierjurgen was a passen ger to Omaha last Friday on the he later Rock Island train where he went to look after some business mat ters for the day and remained until Saturdaj as well. Mrs. J. E. McHugh and children were visiting for a few days with relatives in the county Feat. being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling of that place, re tuurning home Monday. Gust Wendt was a. passencer io Omaha la?t Friday where he was looking after some business matters for t lie day. remaining over right for the session of the live stock ex change on the following day. Mrs. IT. K. Hansen of Sioux City -visiting at the home of her daus'.itcr. Mrs. O. J. Pothast. and has beta a? Fisting in the nursing of the daughter during her sickness with tnns-niti" from which she is Ju?t at this time recovering. Guy Lake of Wabash with the good wife are beir.g kept busy at this time carina for their little daughter who has been down with the pneumonia, but who is getting along as wc!l a? could be expected from the nr.ture of the malady. Edward Guehlstorff. living ea?t of Murdock. was in the city for a Fhort time last Friday looking after rem business matters and while here had his name added to the large lin of readers of this paner in the city of Murdock and vicinity. John Miller, who has been working with the Murdock market, being in the employ of Joe Johansen. depart- j ed for Lincoln last Friday on the ev- j triuut, iid-M-urr litre lie spend seme time visiting with friends and alo was looking after fame business mat fers as well. Charles Long and Matt Thimgan are busy these times cetting the ma terial on the ground for the now resi dence which Mr. Lonr is lis vine erotP(j frr a home in MurdocV and wnich will be a substanial jdd;t?nn to the good homes in this city. The rressure tank for the home sunnlv of water has arrived and ha ber i t"ken to the File to he occupied br the new home. Louis Schmidt is looking for a red muley cow which wandered from his home a few days since and which he has not been able since to locate. Miss Amanda Stroy, who is attend ing the state university, was a visit or at the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stroy, near Murdock. Mrs. Kenneth Sedrnan of Wahoo who has been visiting at the home of her parents. J. J. Gustin and wife, for the pait week returned to her home Het Friday. William Kaupe. George Itt ana Frank Rosenow have been busy for the week baling hay which is being placed in the barn of Mr. Rose now. He going to farm the for mer Jacob Goehry place the coming year. Messrs. Glen and Gale Pickwell, who have been attending the state univerFity, were visiting at their home we-t of town :;vor Sunday." hey having corn. heme Fridav noon and returning to their studies Monday morning. During the.pat few days the home cf C. Mooncy has been having its thare of sickness ts a number of the in em hers of the family have been confined to their beds with severe of the grippe, but from which thev are now recovering. Mrs. L. Amgwert. who has been making her home r.ear Wabash, will shortly move to her home in Mur dock. which has b-en occupied by Mr. and Mrs. O. J Pothast, and who hnve arranged for some rooms to live in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thimgan. Miss Lois Jacknian. teacher of do mestic science in the Murdock high school, and her brother. Professor Willanl Jackman. spent the week end at tht-ir home near Elm wood, coing in time to attend the box se rial given by the Fpworth League of h"t rlvo where they enjoyed an ex cellent time. A Few Easiness Finn Arthur Borner.)-r. who hs re cently associated with Emil Kuchn "f Lincoln in th- real estate busi ness, vns in Murdock for a few days lt week looking fter some business m? tt er and. returning to Lincoln irf Fridnv evnig. where they will have their headnuarters. but wilt hnndle lands over mauy portions of the country. This firm, with ranch young hlooi1 --n(i pep. should .(1i a good )iisires Thev b:ive much v ete"n land loc-tpit i" .KflnB'is Colorado which tey will offer, b.-iiles manv plecer of property located elsewhere. Arfui Ost After Sirkness Horace Reeves, one of the estima ble citizens of Murdock. who with bis daughter. Miss Edith, were con fined to their home for a number of days on recount of the influenza, are both now so far recovered that thrv are able to be out again. Mis Edith attended school for the first Mrr-.e Inst Fridav, while Mr. Reeves wis able to be down town and abou his chores, thoush not a; strong cf before the tussle with the malady. Farmers' Elevator Meeting The annual meeting cf the Farm ers Union Elevator comnany at Mur dock was held at the Farmers' hall at Murdock a few days since, at which time there was a large crowd in attendance. The stockholders were greatly pleased with the success ful year of business which has just ended. The business for the past year has been an eminent success as shown by the statement of the condition of the business below. Stephen Leis, who has been the manager of the elevator, has met with much success in his administra DO YOUR own ilircsliing witli your own help when the grain is just right. Save loss from sprouting if the season is wet and savejoss from shelling out if the season is dry. Hitch your tractor to ILQ fPtwJ ti3r f-jnrr Tlie Kavtnj; of t rircslilnq; bills will soon pty for it. 7 mr.ji -pay j'or ihtrtf hy siri:'$ ,p?r crop tin's yrir. The Ilubcr is known the world over as the machine that "shvcs the grain." The Junior Tlire.-her is lart;e enough to do your owyi threshing and your neighbors if you like. It is small enough to be rim by a 10-vlO tractor. The IIulK;r Ltglit Four, the efficient l-2-2.t tractor shown above, fur nishes ample jjowcr for the thresher with all attachments. 31adc only by The Iluber Manufacturing Co., Marion, O tion of the affairs of the company. Sales for the year were 5243,256.48 and which is considered very satis factory. All expressed their satis faction in the way 1,1 r. Leis has con ducted the business. Under his man agement the business has been a pay ing one from the beginning. The board of directors for the coming years as chasen are Fred Stick. Au gust Ruhge. Henry Schlaphof. Con rad Haumgartner, Henry Meierjur gen. Otto Miller and G. C. Eachmey er. The following is a financial state ment of the condition of the company as audited at the closing of the year 1919: RESOURCES Elevator building , $4,S00.00 Coal house 1 200.00 Real estate (store bldg.) 750.00 Machinery 2K4.76 Cash in bank 4.257.76 P.?l. due on grain shipped- 3.407.34 Accounts receivable 1.314.31 Grain and mdse. on hand 7,017.70 Total $22,111.87 LIABILITIES Cnnltal stock paid in 511.R00.O0 N" ? t ?s payable 1,710.00 Arcounts payable 15.75 Grain on ba"d not paid for ?.fi7S 4 5 Undivided profits 6,107.66 Total $22,111.87 ; En joying Good Time in South A letter from Mrs. Wilhelmina; Bornemeier. who is spending the j winter in Florida, tells of the ex-j cellent weather which prevails there J at this time and of the flowers which are in bloom, with a summer time mildness while the rigors of a north ern winter rages in the old Nebraska hrnte. She also tells of the denart vre a Fhorf time since from St. Cloud. Fla.. where she is staying, of her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Poy Veacb. for Cuba, where they are snencUne their wedding trio, and ipving a summer as well while the frioniB here are keeping the home fires burning. Thev will remain for seme time in the south. Farmers Merchants Bank The Crop That Never Fails! Ve have good seasons and bad seasons, and the crop you plant in the ground is some times good and some times poor nothing is certain. One crop, though, never fails" and that is money in the bank. Every single dollar is productive - the more you plant the more it grows - it needs no cultivation, and is not affected by drouth of frost it grows the year round Isn'rfthat a good crop to raise money in the bank? We pay 5 on the money you deposit and com pound it annually. Farmers and Merchants Bank, All ways at Your Service. HENRY BECKAMEYER. Pres. AUGUST PANSKA. Vice-Pres. O J. POTHAST. Cashier MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA evening, having a large number of friends who spent a very pleasant evening with games, singing and music and enlivened by a very de lightful luncheon as a culmination of the evening of pleasure. C. L. Ohm and family were in attendance from their home south of Murdock. Material Now on Ground The lumber and other building ma terial are on the ground for the new J tank bunding which the Farmers and Merchants' bank are having con structed and work will now soon be begun, in earnest on the structure with the purpose in vew. of complet ing the building at the earliest pos sible date. This will add greatly to the substantial buildiugs of this ac tive city, and with the others which are promised for the coming season will make valuable additions to good buildings of the citv. Llurdock Schools to Girz Eox Social There are about perfected at this time the necessary arrangements for the giving of a box social at the Murdock public school building on .February 24. Watch for further an nouncement and arrange to be there, the young ladies with well filled boxes and the gents with well filled purses. A good time is assured. (Continued Thursday) Wrn. H. Bohn, Auctioneer PHOXE 2905 ELMW00D NEBRASKA Chiidrzn Arc Sick At the heme of William Reuter, south of Murdock. two of the child ren are confined to their beds and keeping the folks very busy in the care of the little natients. Every care and the best of medical service is being given to the battling of the disease and with the hope that they will scon be well again. The little Fon. having a tussle with the small pox, .while the daughter is down with the pneumonia. Threshers Tractors Power Machines Attended Box Social Fred and Charles Buell attended the box social given by the Epworth League of the Methodist church in Eimwood last Friday evening in the parlors of the church in that place. There were a large number of young people in attendance and a very en joyable time was had. Enjoved a Pleasant Evening Miss Bernise Colbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colbert, with her parents entertained at their home north of Wabash last Friday . v -. 5f.; -A? A .iS? Ths International Line Oomploto! Power plenty of power and efficiency at all times, reliable and dependable is what all want. We have it in the International Line. We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso line Engines. Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators, Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine. CALL ON PS FOR YOUR WANTS IN OUR LINE WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska FOR KALE BY t A Day in a "Mina Taylor" V J Kit ir----?- mm WiLLIAIV! Phone 1G-B RUSH Murdock, Nebr. f V .A. I z x X X X X x f a 3i ji n y. s No morning so gloomy that you don't feel more cheerful just to slip into a good looking Mina Taylor dress with its air of jaunty smartness. The family may not say anything - buf be sure they appreciate its, trimness and good looks, too! And all day long it makes every activity easier. For that is the beauty of Ellina Taylor Dresses For Discriminating Women They are so comfortable and yet eo very good looking. There's the well-cut, well-fitting air about them that shows that the care of experts has gone in to their construction. So in your baking and dusting and all other duties of the homemaker, you can move comfortably, work easily with absolute freedom beause Mina Taylor dresses are made to fit. And just as you yourself would plan it, there's loom aplenty at shoulders and hip and across the bust. Armholes are roomy, length is jest light, sleeves delight you with their comfort and good looks. Yes - a day spent in a Mina Taylor is a day spent to advantage. For comfort's sake, let your next home dresses be Mina Taylors. And the cost is truly economical. v M orkock Mercantile Co., MURDOCK, NEBRASKA T T f V y f T T f r T t t t .y y y t t t Y v t t ? T t