e . PAGE FTGITt PLATTSMOUTir sT,?.ii-wr.EKT.Y journai, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY S.Jgy J r ' i : J v : ! i ' i ' t , M M i i : J I' t r ;f i .'4 7, 3 fLV43:!--'V- Ill ' I 51 leg mmmmmm. : 'ftv.iiraTrA'Tgi lar money in :s:T!i!'B-:i!:':,:s'-! rsaiiirBi b::!::B 2KB ALVO ITEMS Prepared exclusively for the 1'lattsmouMi Journal by our Special Alvo Kepresentat i ve orotecb lfour family -and have no fear of the landlords top on yoar widows door: A GOOD MANY MEN GO ALONG THOUGHTLESSLY SPEND ING ALL THEY MAKE, WITHOUT PROVIDING FOR THEIR FAMILY'S FUTURE. THIS IS WHAT FILLS ORPHAN HOLMES AND DRIVES WIDOWS TO THE SCRUB PAIL. THE MAN WHO DOES HIS DUTY HAS AN ACCSUNT IN OUR BANK AND REGULAP.LY ADDS TO IT. HE DOES NOT WANT HIS FAMILY AN OBJECT OF CHARITY. DO YOUR DUTY STAP.T THAT BANK ACCOUNT NOW. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3',' INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS IN THIS DANK. iT:i..B.:i.;B:: ;evb asi Arm -rz tASf 7 n z- in fa PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA GOOD FARM OFFEHEB AT rOBLiC AilGTiOf. sou 11: I-IuT.V Taylor N 1 : ' ! . 42 ."7-100 acr of riatt?n.;u; ii. roail. 1: now n a lainl. Uz t!:.- Section C. Towr.ship 11. Uai.;:e 11. I.'xatoil on wt'i! j:r::i!"'.l r::a l a v..! i in it hiph i of cult ivat ion. Ni iii!prveir.e?ii- :( .-j.-f f'T.c.-tl. W'ii. l.c rol.l at I'uU'.c Auctii -. ar tlu- t"r.:il Uxor of x ):.' l:.ink c.;.-,- oonuty on Saturday, February 7. i'JZ'j. riuttsii'or.th. Schr. Tli. nt 3:'0 ci'clock p. tit. term- oi sale will he as f.L.:: . 1 , 0 rt f i cusli on day of s:sl; ?:!.;o.t:i can run for fue yenrs :.t " por cc:it. fecureii by first inortae. Ilaianc? cash cr. rIar-h 1st. f'ol. V.'. i:. Youn. Owner. Auctioneer. mm BUG AUCTION ! F0?k SALE Cottonwood nrd tnr;.le block wood ?4 at'.d por load delivered. Elbert Wile?, Telephone ."521. tf-dw POOL I will offer for ?al-. at I'ubiic Auc tion at i:iy bonif. two ini:e-; v--t f 'latt.-i:ioutl, n tlie ('-dar Creek road, just acro-s foru I Couiny Farm, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7th eoinniencir.s at 10:00 o'clock a. in., the following de -criofd pr;:pTty to--wit: 12 Head of Horses 12 lirown team. and S yc:'i; .h!. weight 2S(to; rr.v:i horse,' '.) year: old, weight l.'.'tii; hay i:::ir". CO!;1!!!!; 4 ;irs dd. wsil r 14io); hay h'jre. r years old. u-i-:!it llod; two bay horses, t year - oid. v i-ht 2400; sorrr! mare. S ye;: rs dd. v.tiit 1 . Don; hay tiu're. 10 years old. wei.'.ht 1400; bay horse com in? .'1 years old. weight blOO; b.rown mare comiiii; years old. vf-ipht 1"C0. 20 Head of Cattle 20 Includini; milk cows. luifers, caives. and one 2-vear-oM lie 1 Tolled hull. Farm Jlacliinery 10-20 Ti'an tractor, i"n A-Xo.-l fi.ap"; 4-row l)erin? corn busker and shredder, new; O'lawa C corn yneller; :'.t'-foot corn elevator, near ly new; 7-foot McConnick binder, n irly now; 7-foot Deerins? hinder; omhin'd d;-c ":d shovel cultivator; two walking cultivators; press drill; manure spreader; John l)rere Kanj; plow; Osborne disc; John Doere corn planter, 100 rods wire; 2-row stalk nttcr; pow-T wood saw; seeder; J 1: ii I)eere riilini; li?;er; two lum ber wagons; one spring wa.von; or.e led; hay rack; power feed prinder; fanning mill for all kinds of p,rain ami seeds; steel hard shelter: hay sweep; John Deere 2-row machine; two steel water tank:; tank heater; rotary pump; 3 h. p. gai engine; r,00-li. platform scabs; heavy sad dle, new; three heavy sets of work harness; Yosr; power washing- ma chine, nearly new; 10-gallon "bar rel" churn; 130-eg "Mandy I-ee" incubator, good as new; kitchen cabinet, with top; child's crib bed; two stoves. Lunch Will be Served at Nocn TKRMS On all sums of S10 and under cash. On sums over $10 a credit of 6 to S months will be giv en, purchaser giving bankable note, bearing S per cent interest from date. All property to oe seiuea ior before beins removed from the prem- FRED HAFFKE. R F. PATTERSON'. Clerk. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. The ur.dersit-.ned will offer for :i!o at public auction at his home 2 t miles c:.st of I'nioa on the Oi n et road, on Thursday. February 19. ei.mm.-iuii: at 10 a. m , the follow--descril.Mi property, to-wit: D Head of Horses One brown mare. C, years old. wt-iuht 140t; one iTiay mare, 2 years id. weight S00; one brown hor.-e. S years old. weight i:!"0; (ine j-an gray geNiings, S iir.d 9 year.-? t ! 2. weiuiit 3o0sj; one rpan black :or.-c-. smooth mouth, weiglit 2500; one span driving marts. yea is old. weight ISoo. 11 Her.d cf Cattle Sc-vn miik cows; three stock lniftrs; one rolled Durham bull. c!.ii::g 2 years old. 40 Hetid of Kegs Co:i-ist;:ig of stork hogs and hrood sow;. i- ? rnurq- inp . encnts Or.e v.; ;j:(.:j ar.i'. rack; one 2-row Com st-.i;i cutter; one 2-sertion har ii' v; ( :.e ;';rsier Pre s Drill. 10- iii ie; e::" ie'-rin;; nu v. i:;g iiiacliine and r;.ke; one 2-hoI-? corn shelter; one Standard horse-power feed grimier; two stu nog teeciers; one dipping- vat; one top bugsy; i ne 2-seated buggy; one 10-barrel tank; one "-pa.-sf nger touring car, Don 117 mode!; .ur dozen Huff Oipington chickms; a few house hold goods and manv other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch will he served at noon. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under cash; on all sums over $10 a credit of six to ei-ht months will he given, pur- rt.aser giving good bankable note be-ring S per cent interest from dr'te. All property to be settled for before removed from the premises. D. A. EATON". Owner. Jack Patterson. Clerk. Col. v. it. Young, Auctioneer. Live Poultry WANTED) Wanted : A car lead of live poultry to be delivered at poultry car near the Burlington freight depot, Platts mouth, Kebr., on Tuesday and Wed nesday, February 10th and 11th, two day 3 only, for which we will pay in c-ish : , ; Hens, per. lb 29c Pallets, per lb 29c Tr.rkcys, per lb 29c Bucks, per lb 28c All young roosters, per lb 23c Old roosters, per lb 14c Harrv Appleman is on the sick list this week. Sam Jordan went to Lincoln on business- Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kitzel were in Lincoln Monday morning. Carl Lewis was in Lincoln Ttifii day having dental work done. Jesse llardnock shipped a carload of lambs to South Omaha Monday. Vernon Ilineboutrh was out of school Fridav on account of being sick. A. I. Bird went to Omaha on N'o 3S Snndav. returning home Monday morning on No. 37. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards were called to Peru on account of the death of Mrs. Edwards niece. Elmer Rosenow returned Sunday evening from Kansas where lie spent two weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. fianz and lit tie son left Saturday for a few days' visit with Mr. Ganz' parents at Dunbar, Neb. Oscar Cash of Hallam .spent Sun day with his family who are visit ing his wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harlan of Seward' spent a couple of days here lat week with the former's brother E. O. Harlan and wife. Miss Rertha Ilucknell and Mr? Walter Rathbun and Alva Skinner drove to Ashland Thursday and from there went to Lincoln. Mrs. F. M. Grove and children if Manley came in Friday visiting Mr and Mrs. Carl Johnson until Mon- dav evening when they returned to their home. Judd Weaver was up from South Rend Thursday night visiting hi brother. Ren. and cousins. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. He returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleman re turned home Saturday from several days spent by the former in Holt county and the latter with their daughter. Miss Marie, in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer receiv ed a letter recently from Harrv Clements of Minneapolis, where he and his brother Joe are in business. narry spent several months over seas. Mi?ses Rertha and Jessie Ruck nell gave a party to their frier ds last Friday night. A musical pro gram was given after which refresh ments consisting of buns, pickles, salad, coffee and cake were served. Seventeen gue?ts were present. Miss Rlanche Manners spent las', week with her uncle. E. M. Stone and wife. She was accompanied t. University Place Friday evening by Mrs. Stone where they visited Grandma Stone and Mr. and Mr?. Jack Hazelrig. Mrs. Stone return ed home Saturday evening. George P. Foreman went to Lin coln Sunday where he visited his daughter. Mrs. George Whitman, who was on her way home to Bur lington. Colo., from Chicago, where she had visited her daughter, Mrs. Fox. Iris Foreman from Valparaiso was also in Lincoln Sunday where he visited his parents and sister. er, the study of the scriptures, or pi strict attendance upon all the ser vices and work or religion that tend:', yi to spfiitualize our lives. We must iijdo some things though, that seem "jnew. and a little difficult for some people to adjust themselves to. I iilask that before any are led to con- demn, tney will at least give us a chance to present the .case. We have no wish to offend, only to help. We believe we are doing that, and will do it in a larger way as time goes on. ERNEST A. KNIGHT. Minister. UNION ITEMS. (Continued from Page C.) Holds Mid-Winter Meeting The Friday club held their mid winter open meeting on January 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroemer with an attendance of 70, l'J families being present. Roll call was answered by the ladies with a commandment for husbands. A program of readings, songs and mus ic was men given after which the Rumble Ree family led the other guests to the dining room where oysters with all the trimmings were served. After supper the husband?, were ready with commandments for wives, which all agreed to obey. Arthur Skinner proved, to bo the best guesser present and was given a jar of crackers as a reward. The guests departed at 11 o clock. ex- Hits Cow with His Truck While taking a load of hogs to Nebraska City, James Campbell en-' countered a drove of cattle which ' were being driven along the road,! and while he. exercised the greatest care, one animal gored another caus ing it to jump in front of the truck! with the result that one light and' the fender was damaged and the ani mal got a pretty hard bump.' Sells a Baby Overland Ttobert Willis, the rustling auto man, who is a genuine salesman, has just disposed of a new Baby Over land, which is a beauty, arid no mis taking the fact. The car was pur chased by W. H. Porter, president of the Farmers' Co-operative store, Mr. Willis taking in part payment a Ford which Mr. Porter purchased only a short time since. Mr. Porter declares he will drive the new car when he goes anywhere in prefer ence to the larger car which he also owns. Farm A OoodI AT PUBLIC AUCTION! 42 57-100 acres, 3 miles south of Plattsmouth, on the Rock Bluffs road, known as the Wm. Taylor land, being the northeast Va of the northeast Va, Section 6 Township I I, Range 14. Located on well graded road and in a high state of cultivation. No improvements except fenced. Will be sold at public auction at the front door of the Bank of Cass County, on Saturday, February 711?, 1 920, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, t 3:00 p. m. The terms of sale will be as follows: $1,0C0 cash on day of sale, 3,600.00 can run for five years at 56 1 secured by first mortgage; balance cash March 1st, 1920. W. E. ROSEN CRANS, Owner COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer Mrs. Ben Roddy Improving Mrs. Ren Roddy, who has been at the hospital in Omaha for the past few weeks, where she underwent an operation some time since, is makin pressing their appreciation of the! good progress towards recovery, and royal entertainment given them. Returns from Lincoln Mrs. A. I. Bird returned home last Tuesday night from Lincoln where she had been the previous ten days helping care for her father. R. Z. Pen n. at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Alfred Swale. Mr. Penn died on January 2t of cancer of the liver and had only been bed fast two weeks, having felt better for the past summer than for sev eral years. He was 72 years of age and is survived by six daughters and one son. the mother having passed away Nuyejnber 6, 1912, at their home in W'averly. Mrs. Al fred Swale. Lincoln, Mrs. A. I. Rird, Alvo. Mrs. George Jefferv of Idaho. Mrs. R. V. Dimick of University Place and Fred I'enn were all at the bedside of their father when death came and the other two daughters. Mrs. Reed of California and Mrs. narry .Martin or waverly were un- i ble to be there and co-.ild not at icnn ti,e iunerai. r.jrs. .Martin was ill in bed. Cecil iteed ?i:d sister of Strhtton. Neb.. 3te:i'!el the fur.er;;' The funeral was held at the liora: oi .Mr. and .Mrs.- svalu tr. Lincoln Thursday afternoon nr.! burial was made in the Wave'y cemeterv be side the wife of the deceased. Many friends extend sympathy the bereaved families. were the weather better and no epi uennc oi mi in the community to fear, she could come home. But on account of these and the fact that her husband and little son. John, have been having a tussel with the prevailing malady, she will remain in the hospital for some time yet. Eepart for Home in West Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shrader, of Henry who, with their little daugh ter, Eula. have been visiting in this city for some time as guests at the home of Mrs. Shrader's parents, A. J. Talkington and wife, departed on last Thursday morning for Surprise, where they visited briefly before de parting for their home in the west ern part of the state. Their visit at Surprise was with the parents of Mr. Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. George shrader. to Attended Nehawka Match A number of the sports of Union were in attendance at the wrestling match which was pulled off in our neighboring town of Nehawka last Friday evening. The contest was between athlete Goldsmith, of Iowa and a wrestler of supposed fame, having his home in Lincoln. It ap peared that the contest had been unequally staged as the Iowa man was the winner in a very short time, thei Nebraska man not being iny serious obstacle in the way of victory for Mr.4 Goldsmith. Among those who visited Nehawka and at tended the contest were the follow ing from Union: Fred Clark, Blair Porter, E. E. Leach. Bruce Wolf, Ralph Davis and a number of others. FOR SALE Eight large extra fine rose comb Rhode Island Red cockerels. $2 each. Call P. E. Tritsch. phone P.014. tf-d&w PUBLIC AUCTION! Services at Baptist Church There will be services at the Bap tist church this coming Sunday. after a lapse of several weeks due to he prevailing epidemic of grip and lu which has held high revel in Union and community. It is hoped all who can will be out at the var ious services of the day, which in clude Bible school and preaching in the morning and B. Y. P. U. and preaching in the evening. Methodist Church Items Sunday school attendance last Sunday was encouraging, consider ing the condition f the weather and roads as was the attendance at the morning si'vice. The study of China taken up by the Epworth League is proving very interesting- and instructive, acd the attendance is very good indeed. The stereoptican lecture on Pan ama on Sunday evening was attend ed by all the house would hold and was altogether a helpful and de lightful service. It is wonderful how the people sing from the screen. Next Sunday morning we will again give the opportunity to those who desire to unite with the church. Signs are very encourarinir and point to many who will take that important step in the near future. Why not do it next Sunday? Next Sunday evening we are to have another stereopticon lecture on the subject. "The Six O'clock Whis tle Around the World." This is a missionary lecture showing the con ditions of life and the religious work that is being done among the indus trial classes throughout our coun try and the world. This is free to everybody. The undersigned will offer for ale at public auction at his home 1 i miles northwest of Plattsmouth and :i mile west and mile south of Oreapolis. on Thursday, February 12, commencing at 10 a. in., the fol lowing described property, to-wit: 7 Head of Horses One team gray mares, 9 and 10 years old. weight 2250; one brown mare, 2 years old. weight 900; one black horse, 2 years old. weight 950 one team mare colts coming 2 years old; one black colt, 7 months old Cattle One full blood Rhone Durham cow, fresh; one heifer calf; 4 months old. Farm Machinery One set of one and one-half inch work harness; one set single har ness; Weber wagon with 2 sets cf wheels, one high. one low: one wood churn; one low truck wagon and hayrack; one buggy; one Sulky Bradley lC-inch plow; one John oeere walking plow, lG-incn: one Moline walking plow, 10-inch; one 8-foot 16-inch disc; one 3-section harrow; one New Departure culti vator; one Deering mowing machine, 5 foot; one Little Dane hay sweep; one Deere hay rake. 11-foot; one sleigh; six rods of heavy corncrib wire; two butchering kettles; one 5-gallon barrel churn; some chick ens, and a number of other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch will be served at noon." Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under cash; on all sums over $10 a credit of six j months time will be given, purchas Buys Land in Colorado Roy Girkin, Earl Wolf and Leland Young were visiting in the west last week, going to Arriba, Colorado, where Mr. Gerkin purchased a quar ter section of land and returned home a few days since. Mr. Gerkin reports the country looking fine out that way, with some excellent land opportunities for investment. terment was had at the Wyoming cemetery, the service being attend ed by a number of the friends of this estimable young ' man. The grief of the family and friends has been intense in the taking away of this splendid young man in the first flush of his young manhood. FOR SALE Good cow, splendid milker, gentle, Jersey and Ilolstein. Price reason able considering quality of cow. In quire. Phone 2a 1. Read the Journal for all tn newa i c i a i I i 1 i i I a I i $ a -3 i B"'::bth:'!::S TBTBrrB'BSTa::!: arHTi: ::b: mzb: R CAS and TRUCKS! We have a number on hand in store rooms now, but you may rest assured they won't last long. Better place your order now. You'll need that Speed Wagon from now on. PRICES Speed Wagon $1,710.00 Reo 6, Touring or Roadster $1,820.00 Prices Include War Tax and the Freight. We also have a number of second hand cars for sale. Come in and look them over. The Gold Standard of Values .-x-x-:-:-. I J. E. MASON, Prop. wxBTrcitBnrBsrcEBx u CI H u M H m u u a H M a ti ii H a a a R 0 4 .ma a'BW!CBii;arKii!CBtm,!3BTarttai Notice to Ford Owners! Returned to Home in West Rev. W. A. Taylor, who has been confined to his home and a part of the time to his bed, is much improv ed although he is still unable to get away from the house, where he will remain until he entirely regains his health. He insisted that Mrs. Taylor accompany her sister, Mrs. Abbie Becker and mother, Mrs. M. E. Chase, of Denver,' to Omaha, for a visit at the home or a brother, c. M. Chase before the departure of the mother and sister for their home in the west. Mrs. Taylor and husband enjoyed very much the visit of the relatives here. They were accompanied by a little grand-daughter of the elder Mrs. Chase and a niece of Mrs Taylor, Miss Viola Smith, from the west, who had an excellent time while here. How are your lights? Docs yourmotor crank hard? Iff you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge your . magneto jfwithout taking your motor down for $5.00. Come In and Let Us Explain! W.W.WASLEY, Garage Phone 650 E!!tK3aitii:ax!:BialB:::;ar'!'H,:";,"-"'':i:i TEH! House Phone 502 w..nmiM.ti.j:,Ki. u Hi... KS.SIM :BiiHi.r.B. a;B;'!!'B! ti DEATH OF UNION YOUNG MAN Ceete. per lb 23c Eecf hides, per lb 26c To do this we must get out of the I desirA again to call attention to the work that we are trying to do er giving good bankable note, bear In the community of Alvo. We are", ing 8 per cent from date. All prop- trying to serve every interest in the ( erty to be settled for before removT community. That is our program. ' cd from the Dremfsps. Horse hides, each $12.00 Will be on hand rain or shine Yours truly, W. E. KEENEY. beaten track that we and our fore fathers have trod to some extent. We cannot however set aside the gospel of Christ, the need for pray- J. P. STULL, Owner. Leonard Meisinger,- Clerk. Frank C. Boyles, Auctioneer. Mr. Boyles is Rex Young's assistant. From Tuesday's lally. Charles James, 1 6-year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James, residing southeast of Union, passed away Saturdaw at Lincoln where he has for the past term been attending the state agricultural school. The young man had been for the past week, suffering from the flu which was complicated with an attack of pneumonia and the patient had no sooner shown improvement wnn these maladies than he was taken with the scarlet fever and also was suffering from the effects of a vac cination for smallpox. The condi tion of the young man continued to grow worse until death came to his relief Saturday afternoon. The body was brought to Union early Monday morning: and the services held from the train by Rev. J. B. Taylor, pas tor of the Baptist church. The In- B. K. F. Timers !3 a This wonders. for FORD CARS little accesory on your Ford car will work Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and "short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have, one installed GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. s u f B U V i? B a b (5 h ii ii k i a n Li J. F WOLFF, Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of PostofHce OISSlilMTiS ; b B:ia;ra:iai.aUu; if 1 f.'i 'K 5 1 1 i