The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
is a word you often see in advertising
with many it is only a word here it is
an actual Jf act. Service means to us just
what it means to ycu. Service is some
thing we practicejas sincerely as we
k of Uniogi
Th'o folks an- nil reported on tin
sick lis! at the homo of J. It. Dysart
and family, although they are im
inni!!s; s'.i.:'.;'!y at this writing.
.Mi-s Vcnia Craig, daughter of
Win. Craig, who lias been rather
sick at their home for several days
j:'st with the flu. is now showing a
t-liuht improvement.
.M.m Kobb returned from a pro
longed business trip a tew days a no.
and iH a visitor ::t home for a few
days only, departing again to resume
1: is worl: on the road.
Rev. J. 15. Taylor officiated at the
funeral of the young man. Charles
.!; 'ii' s. who died last week, while at-i-
ii'Iiiii; school a' Lincoln and whoso
remains were brought here for bur
ial I st .Monday morning.
Jo-eph Iare. the drayman. who
!, is In i n kept to his home for some
lime pa.-t with the grippe, is so far
iiiiprov'i' a- to tie atue to ie out
:uai;i. ai.d wili soon he able to re
'i: :; hi- work with the team.
.Mrs. IP-lie Frans was called
1 o!
c- :
. h"
t !:;
,, i ilia. Texas, a few days ao to
after business matters
mvtcd vsi'li the sale of a farm
ch she had in that portion of
cuiiiiiry. Mrs. Krans was away
several days.
a complete general line of
When in need of anything
call on
Union, Nebraska
Joe Panning says he does not ex
pect to have the flu. but that the
folks at home who have it are get
ting a Ions nicely.
Mrs. J. P.. Taylor, wife of Kcv.
Taylor of the ISaptist church, was a
visitor in Omaha last week. where
she attended a meeting of tiie 15au
tist Ladies Missionary society.
Kd (Whitiei Shaw, who was been
kept at home on account of an at
tack of the flu. is reported to be mak
ing good progress towards recovery
and hopes to be out again in a short
.Miss Ora Clark was a visitor at
the home of her parents. C. W. ( lark
and wife of I'nion, over Sunday, re
turning to her studies at the Lin
coln conservatory of music the first
of the week.
Miss Crace F.ogenrief. one of the
teachers in the I'nion schools, spent
her week-end vacation at the home
of her paren's in Klmwood. returning
in time to take up her duties in the
school room Monday morning.
Frank P.auer, the rustling har
nessmaker ami cobbler, who is kept
busy, has b"en absent from hi.: place
of business for the past nearly a
week with an attack of the flu. but
is now slowly recovering and hop. s :
to le able to be out again in a short
time. 'fiS
1 H. McCarthy, the genial grain
man and a member of the Hoard of
IMucat ion of the I'nion schools, who
! has been kept at home for the past
week with the flu. is so improved as
' to be able to be up and dress him
;self ami holies to be down town to
t look after the elevator in a short
Will C. Carraher. who quit farm-'
ling ami is now engagt d in th" iner
jcantilc business, having of
the I'nion market, in which he is the
i interested owner, will hold a sale of
J his farming implements and other
! farm property on February 2Mh.
j Watch for tiie bills and announce
jmeiits which will appear in the
papers in a short time telling of the
j numerous articles which he will of-
1 ti r for sale.
I -em r.arrett was a visitor at home
over Sunday from the state univer
sity, where ho is attending school.
The families of Daniel Lynn, Matt
McQuinn and Win. Marks, who have
been sick, are reported as being
greatly improved.
Miss Flizabeth Habe was a visitor
at her home in Lincoln for the week
end, where she enjoyed the time;
with her friends. ;
.Miss Annie MeCarroll was a guest
at the homo of .Mrs. lleorge Rhodes,!
at Howe, last week, returning home
last Saturday evening. j
Professor F. A. Ward was a visitor
at the county seat over Saturday and
Sunday, spending the time at the
home of his parents. 1
Miss Fanning, who has been at
the hospital in Omaha for several
days past, has so far recovered as
to be able to return to her home on'
last Sunday. !
Misses Crozier and Anderson, of
the Union schools, were visiting at
their homes in Weeping Water over
Sunday, returning to their work on:
Monday morning. !
Superintendent McDonald, of the
I'nion schools had sonic business'
matters to look after at the capital
city and also visited at his home in
Wahoo over Sunday.
Rodgers and family will
for southeastern Colo-'
they will make their1
near future, and where
will engage in farming.
has been looking a f-
the Missouri Pacific
Where He Attended Advance-Rumely
Eealers' School in La Porte,
Indiana for Two Weeks.
If. 11. Pecker has just returned
from the Advance-Rumely Thresh
er company's dealer school at La
Porte, Indiana. He stated to the
Journal representative that he spent
a most profitable and pleasant two
weeks as the guest of the OilPull
company. But we will let him tell
his own story:
"On arriving at La Porte, we regis
tered and were assigned to rooms
with private families in town, giv
ing a little touch of home lite which
workers. They have a two-story
brick building which they turned j
over to tiie dealers, we spent many
pleasant hours in the writing room,
reading room and billiard rooms.
which were so kindly put at our dis-j
posal. j
"This club room was fitted up,
with a regular stage and everything.
We had some great entertainments j
brought down from Chicago. One
night we had the Imperial Quar
tette, which makes records for the'
Victor company. I
"Another night we had a boxing'
entertainment. A regular vaudeville'
show from the best circuits in Chi-!
cago made a big hit. There was a
cabaret girl who came down off the
stage and kidded us. We will re
member that quite a while. j
"The climax of the entertainment
was the banquet given at the Ma
sonic hall by the liumely company as'
sort of a farewell party. Some 'feed,'
I I claim. During the meal we were
Vernon L.
soon depart
rado. where
home in the
Mr. Kodgers
W. L. Sid well
ter the work at
during the illness of Fdward Shaw.1
who has been down with the flu.'
Mr. Sidwell has proved an excellent
man for the place. !
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Karris, living northeast of I'nion,'
v. -Mfe reported a-; being rather sick at
ii'.eir homes a few days last week.
but are now on the mend, which is
good news to their many friends. I
Kd lewis and family were kept at,
honi" for a few days villi an
of the l!u. which, engaged the entire
family, but at last reports they were
all feeling some better, and it is
hoped that the improvement will
cunt niii'-.
Jack Chalfant. who has been sick
for some time at his home with the
flu. is so he can be out again, but
not well yet. He reports the re
mainder of the family, who are sick
at home, as getting along as well as
could be expected.
The families of the Kev. J. 15.
Taylor and Roy (Jerkin were guests
at the home of Ross Niday and wife
for dinner Sund;.; they all njoying
the occasion greatly, and the quests
were loud in their praise of the
hospitality of the host and hostess.
County Commissioner C. F. Harris
was a passenger to the county seat
last Tuesday morning, where l.e was
silting with the county board look
ing after the interests of the county.
Mr. Harris reported two members of
his family as being- down with the
grippe, but getting along all right.
S. C. Keckh r was coniined to his
home for a short time with some
thing resembling a severe attack of
the grippe, but was able to be out
again, and down looking after his
business, though fueling far from
well. He is putting up a good iigh'
ami hopes to lie all right again in a
short time.
L. R. I'pton. like many another
man. has developed considerable ta-
p.. uiy ami accumulated mucii cx
perience as a cook, during the time
the f:!ir.i!v tei: liemi ciil- vi-itli tiie
only a stranger in a strange
knows how to appreciate.
"The school was run much like a
large university with regular lec
tures and laboratory classes run
ning from S:(ii) in the morning un
til .":(o at night. Lecture's were
given by some of the best engineers'
in the automobile industry. After the.
lectures we would put on our 'over
alls' and go into the laboratory andj
work on the machines. There was
an enthusiastic group of men work-)
mg on motors, transmissions, run
ning tractors, etc. We had, alto
gether, some 2.")0 dealers from all
over the Cnited States and Canada.
"One man. a Mr. Ilosenius, came
all the way from Stockholm, Sweden,
to attend the school. He represents
a company in Stockholm which han
dles the Ruin. Iv line in Scandinavia,
Russia and Poland.
"We made a trip through the en
tire plant, spending a half day in
the OilPull and t'.ie same amount of
time in the S-narator factorv. I!e-
a whale of a plant. The
covers 8 5 acres and
.'.000 men. Kverything
;d and things sure do
in a systematic, thor-
lan,l j entertained by more cabaret this
time by a Hawaiian Hula dancer and
a Hawaiian orchestra."
j Mr. Becker is more enthusiastic,
'than ever about the company and its!
I product and states that he is now in i
a position to give personal service
' to his customers of the kind that
can't be beat.
lieve nie. it is
factory a loin
employs ov r
; is well organ
, run t hrough
ough way.
, ' The spirit within the Advance
Rumely organization is another thing
that impressed us. There is a strong
sense of loyalty prevailing through
out the whole works which makes
the organization seem like one big
i family.
"Another instance of this spirit is
shown in the Advance-Rumely club,
, which is nnoi- ..j, f the Rumely
County Supt. Visits Schools
Miss Alpha Peterson, county su
perintendent of schools in this coun-
ty, was a visitor in I'nion last Mon
i day looking after the interests of
the schools, and after a visit and
consultation with the board here, de
parted for Nehawka, and other por
tions of the county, where she con
tinued on her mission of school visi
tation. Relative to the schools in Union,
Miss Peterson had to say that they
were getting along in fine shape,
but with a very slender attendance
at the time of her visit due to the
prevailing sickness in the city and
The teachers were complimented
en the thoroughness of their
and aside from the lack of attendance
the schools presented a most pleas
ing appearance to Miss Peterson.
30,000 Acres
We are making trips to Colorado every week.
Come and make a trip and fee the country. Special
prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50
to $50 per acre, according to location and improve
ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land
already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles west
of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good
terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39.
Box 11. Union, Neb.
Things Good to Eat!
ii!.. i -. . i .i iv. .. r ' : ,, . .... I ,, .
l ain selling oiapie auu rainy uiuaian. uinu m mm v
ill help you solve the problem of the high cost of living. We
ave everything in the grocery line in season, and sell at the
lowest price
us a trial.
consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Live
18. D. STIftJE,
work, church
Rev. Morrison Sick at Syracuse
Rev. Morrison, who visited last
week at the home of relatives in
Syracuse, was taken with an attack
of the grippe, which prevented his
return home in time to take charge
of the work here at the Methodist
church last Sunday, there being no
Bible school
of the Youn
in the evening as was ex
The other services at the
were enjoyed however by
who attended, they being the
and various meetings
Peoples society of the
Death of Charles James
The community is grieved at news
ot the death of ("has. James in Lin
coln, where he was attending school.
Mr l:inn wac trilrrni vvili an at
tack of the flu. which terminated in !
pneumonia, complicated with scarlet
fi ver and was unable to wit list s-nd
the rigors of these various diseases,
any one of which is enough in give
the average person a hard tule. A
more complete account of the life
of this young man i; contained in
an article found elsewhere in this
issue, and which is reprinted from
the Dailv Journal of a few days ago.
(Continued on Page S.)
If it's in
the Journal
the book
lino, call at
5-Sss3 -ssss' Sps5
:, ;
h:is not
i sons he
and the
hurt him.
added experience
but for tr.anv rea-
at the improve- '
: 11 li I II- t I'lVn
Building IVlaienags,
Coal and Paint!
Frans Bros,' Lumber Company,
Union, Nebraska
is reioicin
nient oi the folks.
! L. O. Miner, salesman for the Pol-
Irwl A til ii rt ii i ri t v- m-o - hiiL-iiwL'.?
visitor in Ciiion last Monday, look- i
mg after some matters in connection
with the sale of Ford cars. The Pol
lock agency is selling a lar
tier ot cars just now and finds the
demand already crowding the sun
ply thy can -t.
J. D. Cross, who was sick some
time since, being kept home from his
business with the flu, is down look
ing after the store again. Mrs. Cross
is kept busv at the home on tlio t':irm
nursing other members of the fain
lily. Ray has been nrettv sick with';)))
showing;. My
i- f yf.'.l
is now
or VI
the malady, but
some improvement
T. J. Rrendel. of Union, represent-' j'lj
ing an automobile insurance com- -Avj
pany with headquarters at Lincoln, j
was in I'nion looking after business Jl)l
last Monday. Mr. Rrendel is a hust-'yoj
Kr for business and having an ex-!
cellent company to represent, ho is ! !$L'
writing a large amount of good in-'i'ij
surance over his territorv &.n
I Dr. P.. l- t?re!llWl r.f
Professional caller in Union' and, Ml
3 ! VlCinit V lust Mrnul-iv a iwl tt ,,c .r
y; driven" by Mr. I,, li. Puis, of the IS
W. 1 ,lIs garage of Murray. The pre-. )m
ja Villi 111" liliiilmxln 5c 1. -.11 . 1. .. --l
gtj i e t 'v- jo nvi'ijiii ml nie r,
r3 Physicians nrettv linv iimcn iim i f
rfA 1 iti-iin- .r it...... t.-i .. . .
i lie-in iie-ijig conmeiieu 10
ilfHEN you buy a tractor you want
Hv first, the most efficient, dependable
and economical tractor on the market.
Second, you want to be sure of a per
sonal service from your dealer that
means something. For what good is
the best tractor to you if you don't thor
oughly know how it works and how to
keep it working,
I went to the Advance-Rumely
Dealers' School at LaPorte, Indiana,
where the famous OilPull Tractor is
built for the express purpose of putting
myself in a position to give you such
service. I was privileged to attend this
two weeks course in company with
some 250 other dealers selected by the
Advance-Rumely Thresher Company.
During the two weeks we worked,
and worked hard. We learned the
tractor thoroughly not from books
but by stripping it down and assembl
ing it again. We worked on the motor,
transmission the cooling, ignition and
lubrication systems in fact every part
of the machine.
And they put the "cards on the
table" there at LaPorte. We were al
lowed, and urged, to look into every
branch of the factory no department
was closed to us nothing was kept
from us. We saw the whole inside
workings. The bigness of it impressed
me the machine shop alone is 800
feet long but more than that was the
systematic way things are organized
and the thoroughness with which the
goods are manufactured, inspected and
tested. One of the machines, a cylinder
grinder, is the only machine of its kind
in the country. The OilPull cylinders
and pistons, you know, are ground to
within 1-1000 of an inch.
I was pretty well satisfied before I
went down to LaPorte that the mater
ials and workmanship that went into
the OilPull were the best that went in
to any tractor now I am SURE of it.
In the Rumely OilPull Tractor, I
am not only selling absolutely the most
efficient, dependable and economical
tractor on the market and guaranteed,
remember but I am backing it with
a personal service that means some
thing to you.
"That Baby Overland'9 I
We have, accepted the agency in I'nion and vicinity for the
"P;il y Ovrland." which you must tee and ride in to appreciate.
V.'e ill.o e.-irry )!?. -omoliile Cars and Trucks and Keo Cars and
Tru ks. We iiae .1 number of good mechanics ready for any work
( Ilefed in the repair line. We also carry a full sfocK
acccsorie:; for all makes of cars. See iu for carj or
make over a hundred calls in twenty
four hours.
J. 15. Roddy, who has been in
Colorado for several months past,
was a visitor in Union for a short
time last Saturday, remaining until
Monday, when he was called to
Omaha to look after some business
matters in connection with the sale
in t-wint- lands in me west, lie re
i turned home again Tuesdav beforo
departing for the west.
that in. iv be
of lires and
repair work.
were UM
; Entertained at liebraska City
i lie men hers of the Baptist Young
J'eopte s Lmon ot this place
guests of the p.. V. p. i. at Nebras
ka City last Friday, where an excel
lent program was given, after which
a line supper was served in honor of
the guests from Union.
Two Jacks for Sale
have two :irM(. jacks, one C years
the other S years old, which I
offering for sile. The younger
especially larj:e. Their colts can
en here. Address or telephone
Union, Neb.
Ui VnTAr TT T? TT TT Pk S i"KI st TT rm cctVTT?A
; NJai Advance-Rumely Distributor nJ
If Union, - -- -- -- - - Nebraska
lifl') LA P-3Te" ADVANCE -RlA POND. I,'" " 1
.- - , --v -ar. xc
M" t -" "