THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE Tl.: 71 i PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his home on the C. II. Boedeker farm, 4 miles west of Murray, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920 Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. the following described property, tow-it: 15 Head of Horses 15 Colt, 1 year old; colt, coming 2 years old; bay mare, 2 years old, weight 1175; bay mare, 15 years old. weight 1275; horse mule, 2 years old; mare mule, 1 year old; gelding, 6 years old, weight j.vvv, black mare, 13 year old, weight lanO; sorrel mare, 5 years old, weight 140; bay mare, 5 years old, weight 14 00; dark mare, 14 years old. weight 1250; bay horse, 5 old. weight 1300; bay mare, 7 old. weight 1300; bay mare, S old. weight 1300; bay mare, S years years years years old, weight 1400. 8 Head of Cattle 8 One milk cow, to be fresh last of May; one roan Shorthorn bull, 3 years old; one cow to be fresh in June; two coming yearling calves; three suckling calves. Duroc-Jersey Hogs Two registered male hogs; four resristtred sows, bred; twelve extra lino "rilts. all of them bred. Farm Machinery Acme 7-foot binder; Deering corn picker, new; Van Brunt press drill, with grass seed attachment and chains and press tubes, nearly new; I'. A; o. wide tread riding lister, near ly in v; John Ieere corn planter, check or drill; three-row stalk cutter with :ngue truck; Overland riding cultivator; Perfection riding cultiva tor; ieupatcher walking cultivator; Bradley walking lister combined; Bradley rising lister; 3-section har row: John Deere disc, 7 foot; walk ing P. & O. lS-ineh plow; walking P. '). 12-inch plow; McCormick mower; hay rack. 8x14 feet; hay rack. -xl4 feet, with truck wagon gotii as new; stock pump; John Ie re wairon, good as new; Inter national teed grinder for ear corn or shelled corn; set l.-inch harness; set biigizy harness; two sets 1-inch harness; tank heater; spring wagon; Acme hay slacker, complete with sweep; corn box; Dain hay stacker; Emerson disc. 7 foot; Badger riding cultivator: John Ieere Stag gang plow; "One Minute" power washing machine: "Old Trusty" incubator; size 4 Sharpies cream separator, al most new; Continental tractor. 20 horse power, for gasoline. Lunch Will be Served at Noon TERMS On all sums of $10 and un der cash: on all sums over $10 a credit of to s months will be given, purchaser giving good, bankable note hearing S per cent from date. All property to be settled for before be ing removed from premises. FRANK MRASEK. VY. C. BOEDEKEK. Clerk. ' i K. YOUNG, Auctioneer. LIC SALE! Havinu sold my farm and going to move to Colorado. I will offer for sale at public auction, at my late home 1 mile west and 1 miles south of Union; 2 miles south and 3 miles east of Nehawka; 7 miles west and 4 miles north of Nebraska City on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11 commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., all my personal property, consisting of live stock, farm machinery and household furniture as follows: HORSES AND MULES One span of mouse colored jenny mules, well matched, weight 2500. coming 5 years old: one brown span iennv inules. coming G years old, well" matched, weight 2.500; one span well matched jenny mules, with smooth mouth. 11 and 14 years old. weight 2 400: one span of mules, 9 months old; one black mare, 9 years old, sound, weieht 1200; one grey mare 9 years old. good saddler, sin gle driver, sound, weight 1050; one black Shetland family pony, 4 years cdd. CATTLE AND HOGS Tweive head of Duroc gilts, due to farrow between March 1st and April 1st; three barrows; seven head of good milk cows. 3 to 6 years old; five rows giving milk. 2 to be fresh soon; ten head of short yearling heifers; two steer calves, one veal calf; one 3-vear-old Red Polled bull. FARM MACHINERY Independent binder: Deering bind er; 2-row John Deere lister; new edge drop combine John Deere lister; St. Joe lister; walking lister, com bined; John Deere planter; Yan Brunt 3 -disc wheat drill; Camel corn drill; 16x16 Janesville disc; 16x16 Budlonir disc; two 3-section harrows- wood stalk rake; 2-row stalk cutter: 2-row Sterling corn plow three New Century cultivators, good as new ; three Jenny Lind cultivators, almost new ; Avery walking cultivator- two sulkv plows; 16-inch walk- it,,. rir.w r.-shovel carden plow; 1- hole corn sheller; John Deere hay THkp: road drag; grind-stone; Bain wagon, good as new; three other ffnl w aeons: truck wagon, with hay rack; top buggy; set single harness; two saddles: two sets of li-inch harness; two sets of 1 V inch har ness; steel grain bin. 500 bushel ca calvanized water tank. 4 6 j.rri- fMlvanized water tank, 13 iarrrl: two theJled corn Economy vrr fneriors: two hoe oilers; two t:.t.k heaters: 100 rods woven wire; 700 hedge posts; about 15 tons tim- cthy hay. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Three iron bedsteads, full size, with springs; two ?4 size beds, with bpriugs and matresses; three mat-resr-es; wood bedstead: dresser; book case; commode; writing desk; two dining tables; kitchen table; center PUB table; couch; kitchen cabinet; kit chen safe; six dining chairs; three rocking chairs; arm chair; three kitchen chairs; heating stove; double washer with gasoline engine; single washing machine; three steel oil barrels; wood barrel; 100-egg Trusty incubator; 220-egg Berry'E Biddy in cubator; 24-foot step ladder; wagon jack; cross cut saw; new buck saw; heating stove; wheel barrow; 20 gallon iron kettle; bee hive; De Laval cream Feparator; pitch forks; shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch Served on the Ground TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand. On sums over $10 a credit of 6 to S months oiacK.wm De given, purchaser grving 1f AA nnnJ V, 1- I. 1 . . . , . (,uuu, Lmmvciuit iiuie oearing eigni per cent interest from date. All) ' property must be settled for before 'being removed from the premises F. W. YOUNG, Owner. J. M. PATTERSON. Clerk. COL. Y. R. YOUNG, Auct. PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will offer for sale at Public Auction at his home, 32 miles northwest of Plattsmouth and 4 mile west and i mile south of Oreapolis. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th commencing at 10:00 o clock a. m., the following described property, to wit: 7 Head of Horses 7 One team gray mares, 9 and 10 years old. weight 2250; one brown mare, 2 years old, weight 900; one black horse, 2 years old. weight 950; one team mare colts coming 2 years old; one black colt, 7 months old. Cattle One full blood roan Durham cow. fresh; one heifer calf. 4 months old. Farm Machinery single harness; Weber wagon with: two sets of wheels, one high and one low; wood churn; low truck wagon and hayrack; buggy; Sulky Bradley plow. 16 inch: Moline walking plow, 16-inch; 8-foot, 16-inch disc; Moline edge drop 1-horse drill; 3-section harrow; New Departure cultivator; Deering mowing machine. 5 foot; Little Dane hay sweep; Deere 11 foot hay rake; sleigh; 6 rods heavy corncrib wire; two butchering ket tles. 5-gallon "barrel" churn; some chickens and a nnmber of other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Lunch Will be Served at Noon TERMS On all sums of 510 and un der cash: on all sums over 510 a credit of six months time will be given, purchaser giving good, bank able note, bearing S per cent inter est from date. All property to be settled for before removed from the premises. J. F. STULL. LEONARD MEISINGER, Clerk. FRANK C. BOYLES, Auctioneer. (Rex Young's Assistant) PUBLIC SALE! Having rented my place and quit farming, I will have a public sale on my farm 21" miles northwest of Nehawka. 6 miles east and 1 4 miles south of Weeping Water, and 4 miles west and 4 miles south of Murray SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, the following property to-wit: 6 Head of Horses 6 One black horse 8 years old. wt. 1500; bay mare. 7 years old. wt. 1400; team of bay mares, smooth mouth, wt. 2500; black mare, 7 years old. wt. about 1000; black mare 7 years old, wt. 1000. 5 Head of Cattle 5 Two milch cows; one heifer; one roan Durham bull calf six months old; one heifer calf one month old. ABOUT F1YE DOZEN CHICKENS. Farm Implements, Etc. 7 -foot Milwaukee binder; 2 grain wagons; all metal low wagon; low wheel wagon and hay rack; spring wagon; top buggy; two Champion mowers; 2-row stalk cutter; riding lister; corn planter, with 100 rods of wire; sulky plow; 2 walking plows; 3-section harrow; New Departure cultivator; hay rake; Sterling 2-row lister; broadcast seeder; Jannie feed grinder; fanning mill; about 500 feet native sawed oak lumber. 8x8, 2x6, in 12 and 14 foot lengths; bob sled; cutter; 1-horse corn and cane drill; 1-hole corn sheller; 50-gallon gas tank; Janesville disc; manure spreader; two sets of work harness; set of buegy harness; single harness; saddle; 100 feet of 1 3i inch rope; canvas stack cover; 5 bushels of al falfa" seed; about 15 tons alfalfa hay in shed: a cream separator; some household goods and other articles. Lunch on the Grounds TERMS OF SALE All sums under $10 cash. On amounts over $10 a credit of f. to 12 months' time will be given ou bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interest from date. No property to he removed until settled for. J. G. WUNDERLICH. REX YOUNG. Auctioneer. F. A. BOEDEKER, Clerk. The money you spend In a con sistent newspaper advertising cam paign will come back to you trippled lu a very short time. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Regulets. a mod ern laxative. 20c at all stores. RECEIVES WORD QF REGENT MARRIAGE Information From Glenwood Tells of Marriage in That City of Cass County People on January 24. Prom Tuesday's Dally. The Journal is in receipt of a let ter telling of the marriage at Glen wood. Ia.. on Saturday, January 24 of Mrs. Margaret Hayes and Mr Kobert Shrader. The wedding was I a vrv mi Pt nne the cnnfract n? parties stealing a march on their friends and having the nuptial cere- mony performed m the Iowa city. The bride is well known in this por tion of the countv as the result of her war work that has won her a great deal of praise in the self-sacrifice and hardships which she endur ed while in the service of the Red Cross in France where she served in the field hospital section of the ar my and assisted in the care of the wounded as they were brought m from the battlefield. She has the esteem and love of all those with whom she has come in contact for her splendid service in the hour of need. In keening with her spirit of sacrifice Mrs. Hayes brought back with her from France one of the little war orphans who has been making his home with her since that time. She is a daughter of C. Jen- i sen, a prominent rancher ot linn Junction. Yyo.. and is a lady held in the highest regard by those fortu nate enough to know- her. Mr. Shrad er has been reared to manhood and is one of the enterprising farmers of near Murray and well known to a large circle ot warm triends. i lie many friends will extend to Mr. and Mrs. Shrader their best wishes for a ,on an(L h married life, NARROWLY ESCAPES ACCIDENT From Tuesday's Daily. Albert Schuldice had a very nar row escape last evening from a very serious accident as his escape from. being run down by a passing auto mobile on the intersection of Sixth and Yine street was too close for comfort. A car was coming down Yine street going east and as it n ear ed the crossing Mr. Schuldice was starting across and as the car at fin-t gave indication of making the turn south on to Sixth street he supposed that it was the intention of the driver to make his turn. In stead the car continued on east and swept by Mr. Schuldice who jumped and the car struck the heel of his shoe but fortunately with not enough force to cause him to fall. However the incident should be a warning to exercise more caution in driving on the streets of the city as someone is liable to receive serious Injuries. GOES TO THE HOSPITAL From Tuesdays Dally. Eugene Warner, who has been sick for the past week at the Perk ins House in this city suffering from a very serious case of Brighfs disease as well as complications of heart truoble, has become so serious ly ill that it is necessary to remove him to the hospital and he will be taken to Omaha this evening or in the morning to receive treatment. Mr. Warner was employed here a number of years a;o at the Burling ton shops and since leaving here has been located in the west and later moved to Chicago where he was first taken sick and later given treatment in the hospital there, coming from there to this city. W. C. T. U. LADIES MEET From Tuesday's Dally. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. met yesterday afternoon at the hospitable home of Mrs. C. A. Troop on Chicago avenue and despite the fact that the unfavorable weather conditions kept many away the ladies had a very in teresting meeting. It is planned to hold a great jubilee meetir.g at the Methodist church on Monday. Feb ruary 16. and to which all the vari ous missionary societies of the city are invited to be present and take part. The ladies are preparing an ex ceptionally strong program and re freshments will be served. SORORITY PLEDGES From Tuesday's Dally. Among the pledges announced by the various Greek letter sororities at the University of Nebraska for the past week are a number of Cass county young ladies who have been pledged by the Alpha Xi Delta. Miss Laura Lloyd, Murray, Miss Helen Todd. Murray, and Miss Bee Garri son of Union, who will enjoy the social life of the sororities for tiie remainder of the school year. A number of the university soci eties have not as yet completed their li-sts at the close of the rushing season. ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it is. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment Clean, convenient, economical. 35c, 70c, ?1.40. CELEBRATES PASSING OF 61ST BIRTHDAY Cyril Janda. Sr.. Given Pleasant Sur prise by Children on Passing of Another of Life's Milestones. 9rom Tuesday's DaJV. Yesterday marked tiie passing of the fllst anniversary of Cyril Janda, Sr.. one of the high esteemed citizens :if this community, and in recognition of this occasion the children of this pleasant and genial citizen prepar ed and carried out a most delightful suprise on the father and grandfa ther. The children of Mr. Janda to gether with the grandchildren ar rival at the parental home and en tering showered the guest of honor with their well wishes for many more years of happiness and success. Ti-i.; is the first time in ten years that all of the children of Mr. Jan da have had the opportunity of be inp present at the birthday annivers ary of the father and as they are all now residing in this city they took the occasion to make the event a most delightful one in every way. The evening was spent in playing aines of all kinds and in instru mental as well as vocal music, the member of the family being excep tionally kifted in their musical work and this was one of the very enjoy able features of the evening. The luncheon which vas served had as the centerpiece the large and hand some birthday cake as a surprise to the good father and was appreciated to the utmost by the guest of honor. It was a late hour when the party dishanded to retire to their respec tive homes wishing that the father might enjoy many more such pleas ant occasion with them The mem bers of the party included besides the parents the seven children and 12 grandchildren. The children of this estimable trentleman present were: Messrs. and Mesdames J. A. Pitz. Edward Rummc-ll. Sharles C. Janda, Tom C. Janda. Vincent Slatinsky, Henry Brinkman. Cyril M. Janda, Jr. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY We have several farms and city properties for sale that we have tak en in on western Nebraska deals. Al- o several eastern Nebraska farms listed. ;0 acres. Joining Oreapolis on the south. 14 acres wild hay, cuts twice year; balance level farm land. Joins up to Omaha and K. C. road. Unimproved. Good terms. TO acres, good improvements, one iiid one-half miles east of Weeping Water. Woven wire fence. This will make some one a dandy home. The ground is new. We have this priced right with good terms. HO acres, one mile and a half south :f Valley, Neb., good improvements. ".-acre tract, south of the C. B. & (. shops at Plattsmouth. Good 8 room house with furnace, well. Ixts of fruit and alfalfa. Some pasture. Woven wire fence. Priced worth the money. Good six-room house, in good re pair, two lots. On N. 10th street. Priced cheap. Two houses :n Murras", Neb. One six-room, new and modern; one acre of ground, garage and other out buildings. One six-rooni. good shape, two lots. Can give possession on above prop erty on March 1st. See us, and make arrangements for Saturday nijuht trips to Perkins county, where we will show you the be: t bargain on ranches and farms in that portion of the state. GEORGE M. IIILD. Plattsmouth. Ncbr. FRANK VALLERY, Murray, Nebr Arc you, Mr. Business Man, tak ing advantage of our stock of print ing inks? Need letterheads, envel opes, statements, invoices, checks or cards? Let us print them lor you. DISTRICT COURT SUS TAINS CO. COURT In Matter of Guardianship of Doro thy Hirz. Minor, District Court Sustains the Judgment. From Monday's Dally. The matter of the guarianship of Dorothy Hirz. minor, . which w as on trial in the district court and which had been taken under advisement by District Judge James T. Begley was decided this morning when thei court handed down the decision sus taining the judgment of the county court which had decreed that the child was to remain in the custody of Matthew Sulser and wife until further order of the court. The de cision sustains the petition of the applicants and states that the deci sion of the court is that the child shall remain in her present home until further order of the county court. The applicants are given 40 days to prepare and serve bill of ex ceptions in the case. This case has attracted a great deal of attention from the residents of this portion of the county where the two children have a large num ber of relatives. The child, Dorothy, and sister. Helen K. Hirz. are daugh ters of the late Henry Hirz. Jr.. and were placed in the custody of their aunt. Mrs. Nellie Sehultz. at the time of the departure of their fa ther for overseas as a member of the United States army. While in ser vice in France the father was killed in battle and the child. Dorothy, was placed in the custody of Mr. and Mrs. Sulser. Later the anut. Mrs. r!chutz, was appointed guardian of the children and action was later commenced to have Dorothy remain in t lie custody of Mr. and Mrs. Sul ser and this application was sus tained by the county court to be in force until the court should other wise decree. SUSTAINS SEPJOUS ACCIDENT. Fro n Mipday'p Ijaily. V.'m. Baier, who lives a few miles southwest of Nehawka, met with a very serious accident Minuay morn ing when his hand was caught in the gears of a small gasoline engine. ffer starting the engine and find ing it required some adjusting, he attempted to regulate the governors, but his matten was caught in the cogs and he lost the thumb and the index and middle fingers, taking them off at the wrist. The aid of several physicians was soon at hand and found it necessary that he be taken to a hospital as quickly as possible. In company with his wife and II. Wessel of this place, they went to Omaha Monday afternoon, where the hand was oper ated on the following day at the St. Catherine hospital. Unless an infec tion develops, the two remaining lingers of the hand will be saved. Nehawka News-Ledger. CALLED ON SAD MISSION From Monday's Daily. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Jennie Klimm and Mrs. Georgia Creamer departed for Chillicothe, Missouri, to which place they were summoned by message announcing the death of cousin, Mrs. Fay Murphy, who pa.sed away there Friday evening. Mrs. Murnhv was a visitor in Cass county during the early part of last summer with her relatives in this portion of the state and during her stay here made many warm friends who will greatly regret to learn of her untimely death. SUFFERING FROM FLU From Tuesday's Ially. George Barr was down town today for the first time in ten days having been laid up with the flu and reports that Mrs. Barr and the children are now dow n with the malady and while in not dangerous condition are quite sick from the effects of the malady. Their friends will be pleased to know- that their condition is not ser ious and trut that they may' soon be able to be up and around. - RESIGNS AS ASSESS50R Frr.m Tuesday's Daily. Walter Byers. assessor of Rock Bluffs precinct, has filed with the board of county commissioners his resignation as assessor of that pre cinct and requesting that another be appointed to this position. Mr. By ers has been a very efficient official and the citizens of the precinct v ill regret very much to learn that Mr. Byers will not be able to look after the work of making the assessment this year. i For baby's croup. Willie's daily' cuts and bruises, mother's sore throat j and Grandma's lameness Dr. Thom as' Eclectric Oil the household rem-! edy. 30c and 60c. ' "We ought fir i i '4S In t'. t v. x- In ih J tli tn s On'.ei si r.IlM -J - i 1 1 mutr.-r f t:. !;. ! 1 );. I. .-' .. ; a!t:i.i., r: minor, t" show iau.-i' M't 1..- issued ti ll estate. ii'.iuin to sell It :i l ill ti.'ii petition of I-Mna !... Si.a:iinn. sris.v ii,a!i of lliuli, a -. tor lieens.- to U the s!i:.r- a .( i r 1 1 v of tin- said tninor in tin !" 'iov:i!t; .i. scrilMcl renl r-staT.-. siti:at ! ill I' (':!. m tii.- 'o::.iv of 'avm' State of Xen'-asi;a. a n utel one-t w.-lf t ii ti fit-of. to-wit: ! V." !, H pittas h i$ e tel Tli" w-st l.all I.ot t -. il'i. jil'd tie east l.i.I K 2 of l.'it t I' K i!l H:' k i, t e, n ! M. in ti.'- 1 M-ii! !!; ; Town I'av;,... ';t. ;.' np!::u to ti,t riT.i.-d :at thereof, for tiie 1'inliiis- ; ;i j : . I - : r: : I! in ... eoe'ls t i'.ei t I !!:, or as inn. h ti ef.-of as may !. neeessare, to the Msj-j.t.rt ami e.iu.atio!, of t e sa .1 iiuii'.r a'el to rein eKt tie residue tin-re. .f for i!ie I- !...::; of the ..i.i r.ur.o.-. II is t i..-refo.. . er.;. r.-.i tat 1: ' In .f kin '' sa id minor air'. ,-. .-..!..- j t . 1 e. ia said i.-U-'." ; : ' 1. Tnis a .. a I- ) f.,-e the ,,-,,! I :..;! .. i;. ! '. . t in -. : .. - . : -. ..i! tin. 1st .I-:' of MilVn,. 1"-". t t.-ii 1 (:' i o'.-io.-k a lis . to -:.o -a : j; at.y there tie. why ii'-en-e should no! !. a nt-'-d to said I-'.dr. a i si: iMianLan of i-aid ; S ha r.i.on, a n-.ite.r. io s. '! t! e sl. are! it.t- ; st oi said :ii.ii"i in a;.d t-- a de- S( lilted real estate for the I e; r;oses s. t :-.rtii in said i;.. .;, : ana a , .. of this .:.! r ' e .;lds.!.e.! ..e. . .;.! wee',, for I ;.; : nee- v e. k- in t !.- I '.: 1 1.- mo : t Ii Journal. a legal ' eii: ' - week ; ' ' ana .i.l.!.-:-e.j in said ':.:.' v ..f .: s. , .. a ! of nerai i ! en i a t mm j tn.-r. i.i. 1 Med this -mi, d.i v o: Jan ::..r-, . 1. :-:. .:. m ks t. i:i:cr.!;v. .1 : t . i nsl ri. t t ( h itii:it en- m:iciNti on I'rlllion for I'fx.lnl men of liiiiniMtrtor. Ti.e State of Nehrasku, Cass .. ii n - ty. In the Countv Court. In tin- matter of t.- e.-tate of Mat tie J. I'nrter. !-eeaset!. n ;ah'i- and niniir tie jet ition of WlUiatn JI. lru-r pra yit-.s that ad ministration of said state tr.:iv l- en gr..:,I.-l to hi! i i!s A i m in i-1 rat ! : i . f ; rd-red. That Kel.i-.iary loth. - . 1 . j ; . lf''i'. at 1" o'eioek a. m.. is ass '.riled ! . , . for hearing said ii ei;. u h en ail per- j i r.. . sons lntereste.! in sael ma .;'! mn pear at a C.ifltv f'itllt to t.e heal liM;., : and for said 'i ;: : ' . ai'd show oiun-i ; wd-.y tiie prayer of p.-i i t j -r s.onid liot l.e granted: ;cid trat note--, of the, ia inn in oi sai-i i'ei:ti-n arai i v i i.u - ing thereof 1..- r iveji to ad p is";- in- t'-resied in said mat ter ! pa !'! is 1. i n g a eopy ..1 ti:i- in the i 'ia 1 1 s'ti: ou t .neiinal, a srii-unKii inwsj'a; r ! printed in said e.o nty, for thre.. nn-. essie weeks, pi lii to said day of liearing. l;ited Jaueai v' t':nd, tie' A. -LLi.X .1. IlKKSoX, Jtl-uW. I li;l!!!V Jli'tge. iti:i i.i:r.i. svi.l Noliee is !,.:: and ly virtue tri"t Coi,ri in ;r Xehriiska. made ISth .!av of N'ov ease of 1 1 a v . order of sale i-si said court on the 19Ji. the under.-ig pointed Py the . sale at ptilioC a front door of the v giv n C : i", older of l! nl for C:: -s i nd on; : i .1 inn. r. !:!:, l.'Dd- e .'.. n i la v . t a i. a i i! a n n d "!,-.- ti e . n ri; . f I h da v (. f .1 a n a; ry, led. idi re,' ciiily ouit. will ofter tor :.'! ion at tii" s on : h Court lioae in the Citv of 1 'l.'it tsmont h. . ass coi n X- Praska. on Saturday tiie 1;tn day of Ketanarv, l'.iJO. at the hour f t. n f.'elix k a. I.I.. the sa!" ! h ... hi ipi n for two Imnrs o;. said day: ;i.e lollov. -ing d.serih.-nl real estate. P-- thef v .tii all apurtenanes thcrenn'.o !-ei..i,itig. situated in the Connt of Cass, Slate of Nebraska, to-wit: Tli west one-half (ivh) of the northeast one-fourlli nv. !i of Section sewn 7, in Townsliip ten (lui. North of Katiire rleven 'Hi. containing eighty acres, more or less. That said pni'.wii! ! made ttpii i the following terms and conditions: :,.. third cash to he paid at the tinit- of sale: one-third in one Vertr are4, oie -th.ird in two years, said !. ' ;. d pay ments t draw int r. st at the rate oi six per eent ( 0 ' ; per s. tin nm. secure .. I.v a mortgage on t:." rea I c; - ate nho. a.-.seri Led. tiie t oi r. i .a s. r t'i have tin- (.t.tiori .f pa. ing any gr. ai-t m ti on. -third in ( ash or tt- entire phase price in a;! , ''i.t all a mortgage tiO.i eitiu-; a M:risi land lor the sura of $::. '..) d : the 4th (lay s-epteino. r. i.; li.tiil at 1 'in Usui' m t h. N raska, this tth day of .Ian nary, i:'-''h MATTliKV. HEIllN'., JS-oW. l :t i.-reu. CARD OF THANKS We de.sire to thank the neighbors ;ind friends for the kindne.---; .howr. us itt the loss of our loved otic and we especially desire to thar'.; I'r. J. S. Livingston for his kindness and services during the illness of our be loved wife and mother. J. I Thompson and family. ra fi " f'ir treatment, anrl no ni'iripv to he p?id iia'.i 1 cored. l'.'r"ei r !. or Pefita ! Du ae;. jUi na lutt and testimonials of more ttaa 1WC promirent r-ople who Lfc . tt- i-erxencntty cu.-e-l. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Eulldlnj ONACiA, NEEIiASKA to make a hit Chcslcrficld AND why not? Never - were fine toliaccoi so skillfully blcnJed! Chesterfields bring you the best of Turkish and Domestic leaf, blended to bring out new de lights of flavor. sJ'Vi.vr mitk i: t t-iuiiii: r n;:i i.D vi : v !' i. (1 I ! . ' V. l: : I k: -V. k a i . y - t I a t n ' -r ld- w! : ! I 1 N . i I . li lt: :: ! .- I .ft.. .w - t , I I : -i ' 1 t l a- l '; 1 to! I 1 .i I la I . I a ,.t ...lion 1 1 1 . - 1 1 ) I . e InT I ,i::iiH:H i -l ;i s. i , : t ! : : t i! : t i: t, r. ets s-ai a v snhna I.I to . I 1. e..-t e- t . lis ! r. dir. ri-. I . i - tain i h t a Tit on t h- en -1 1 : : 1 1 ninir at a : i ti. - i a : f of t .... in ! I h . N 1 1 ' . of s ..: "ii" t v. i ' v.- (ln l:.u.g t t. i h t .- i --'. .:' !: r of sa id v- .- t a- ' ;r.. a t. . : I . ; . s' !:.. of sr.i-l w.-.-t -. i 1 t . I .g! I ! M !: n . i - I - .e-t h-.s i . v. -f. . i : I , -s, 1 . :P IV . v. - ' : f . i '1 a ,fn d that ..; imp.. pr.i .. sAXi I'!., .nti The popular line c: Dn::is:r. stick ers and cards at the Journal Poulfry Wanted! I buy poultry ar.y day of the week except Saturday. 0a account of sudden iruiikcl changes, I cannot quote prices. When having any poultry to s-'J, please call Phone 2111. VV. T. RICHARDSON KYNAED, 2IEEH. Li t? . Fistula Pay When'Cured A mild systrm of treatmect that cares riles. Fistula ane ether Recta 1 Diseases in a short Lm without a &evrre sui fiical operation. No Chloroform. Liber or other cenrrl enpttipfir iTJd. ---r"-i-r?J i D every ca" s-ceD"Kl