Hebrrka State Eistcn cal Society 0 VOL. XXX VU. PLATTSMO UTH, NEBRASKA. IvIONDAY, FEESUARY 2, 1920. No. 61 DEATH CLAIMS LEO WELCH AT HOME IN OMAHA GRANDSON OF MR. AND MRS. A. G. BACH OF THIS CITY DEATH COMES SUDDENLY. WAS FORMER RESIDENT HERE Young: Man Leaves Wife and Babe of Six Days and Many Other Relatives to Mourn Death. From Frfday'r Dally. This morning at 9 o'clock at his home in Benson occurred the death of Leo Welch, for a number of vears""euua "l lue " -"" a resident of this city where he made his home with his grandparents, Mr. Hnd Mrs. A. B. Each. The death of the young man came very sud denly and was a severe shock to the members cf the family. Leo has been in poor health for some time, ! suffering from a nervous breakdo )wn ! but it was not thought that his con dition was dangerous and Tuesday he was able to be tjp and around a portion of time and appeared to be ' improving but a sudden change for the worse resulted in the fatal end ing of the case. He has for a num ber of years been troubled with an afflication of the heart and .which at the time of the war prevented his acceptance for the army and it is thought that this was the direct cause of the death. Leo eicn was 25 years of age last July and has made his home in 4 Omaha where lie located' after his' marriage auor.t a year ago. a little i babe was born to Mr. and MrS. i Welch on Sunday last and the fa- cociates of this splendid young man j masculine stomach is mut fuseep ther was never able to see the little 'who gathered to pay the last tribute j ar'd prepared and sezved in a one owing to his sickness. j cf iOVe and respect to his memory. I mrinn""" that won the everlasting The wife and little one have their The Plattsmouth lodge No. 729 B. P. ! thanks of the members of the party. grief shared by the mother of the ; deceased, Mrs. Peter Welch, ana ! four brothers and three sisters, all i of whom reside at the home in Om aha with the exception of one broth er. Raymond Welch, who resides at Fairfax. S. D. Mr. Welch was also J a nephew of August Bach of this J city with whom he was associated in the store in this city for some three years. Leo Welch was a young roan of ion in the land where the shadows most enjoyable of feasts should be the very highest type of character of death had vanished and where ev-1 partaken of alone but thi vas at and his manly characteristics won erlasting peace and rest awaited the ' companied by a veil chosen and for him the highest respect of all J coming of their loved one. Rev. ; rplendidly rendeied musi-.- il pro with whom he came in contact and ' John Calvert, pastor of the Benson gram given by the Eagles orches hls genial and friendly manner Methodist church of Omaha, assist- tra under the direction of C. C. Bur made him a host of friends among ! ed In the services and gave the br-dge and as special features .f th the- voung people of this city to : scripture lesson. During the ser- rrogram xylophone solos by vunn whom his death comes as quite a ee- 'vices Mrs. John W. Gamble of Om- ; Pnjcck and a Irombone solo by vere shock. Since his marriage ' ir virh anfl wife have visitei? here freauentlv and in the deep sor- rcw that has come to the young wife and the little babe the deep est sympathy of the community will be extended as well as to the moth er and the sorrow stricken grand parents. TERRIBLE DEATH OF YOUNG LADY - : J.'iss Florence Hoover Burned by Exnlofion of Kerosene Can as j She Revived Fire. t . I received, From Friday's Dallv. E. C. and J. J. Twiss wcrd from their sister. Mrs. Emiiy Uoover of Big Springs, last week, of the sad death of her granddaughter, Viss Florence Hoover who is teach- ing at Cczad and who met her death bv the explosion of a kerosen? can while she was pouring oil in the 6tove Te accident happened on Friday night of last week, when she was alone at her boarding houso with only two children in the house. She was not feeling very well that even- ing and the people where she stayed x h' d gone to an entertainment icav-, ing her with the children. j She bad called up her home folks at Big Springs and they had urged her to come home and rest up for-, few days until she felt better. After she had gone to Ded she felt cold and " had got up to itort j up the fire. She was pouring oil from the can when the explosion fook place and she was enveloji;. in the flames. She screamed :r.d ran out doors, when a neighbor heard her and hurried to her assistance. A young man drove by in a car ant' also stopped to assist her, wrapping a quilt around her after everv shred of clothing was burned froii' her body. Her face was not burned. A physician was called immediately who did all that could c done. :.nd they decided to take he? to a hos- pital at North Platte, but dLr-d The unfortunate girl was 1? years old and was the daughter of Karl Hoover of Big Springs, but who liv ed in Louisville during his boyhood. He is the son of B. G. Hoover. Slit had visited in Louisville with her relatives and was a beautiful char acter, much loved and admired ly it 1 1 her friends. The last tirro s!.' visited here, she was accompanied by her sister. Miss Bessie Hoover. The news of her sad death came as a great shock to the relatives and ler extends heartfelt sympathy to the family in their great sorrow. Louisville Courier. FUNERAL OF LATE WAYNE F. DICKSON ! i Body Laid to Last Long Rest in Oak Hill Cemetery oemces at Presbyterian Church. From Friday's Da The funeral services of Wayne F. Dickson, who passed away in Omaha on Tuesday, were held .yesterday af ternoon at the First Presbyterian church, the body being brought to this city by auto and the services were delayed by the unsettled con ditions of the road, making the trav- el of the funeral party from Omaha very slowT""1' " Tho hurMi rmu-iW to us ca- nopiiv hv the ilri friends and as- O. E. of which the departed had long been a member, were present at the church in a body to partici- pate in the services. The Rev. H. G. McClusky, pastor of the church, conducted the Tun- eral service and gave to those who were left to mourn the loss of their loved one words of comfort and cheer in their hour of grief with the promise of the Master of the reur- aha gave as a solo number beautiful sacred song, "Face the to Face." while a quartet composed of Mesdames G. L. Farley. J. w Holmes. Messrs. McClusky. Frank A. Cloidt. sang a number of the old and well loved hymns. At the conclusion of the services the body was tenderly borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest beside that of the parents of the young man. Frank Dickson and wife, who had preceeded the son in death a number of years ago. The . pall bearers were selected from among the close personal friends and were George O. Dovey. Edwin A. Fricke, Jack Patterson of Union, Lynn O. Minor, Carl Schmidtmann and Mr. Shellburg of Omaha. TITATTT fVF T1TTI T. f'TTTTTl From Friday's Dally. The little eight-months-old babe of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Buffington of this city passed away on Wed- nesday evening at the University hospital in Omaha where for the past month it has been taking treat- ment in an effort to save the little life that has suffered so much dur- ing the short stay here on earth, In the loss of the loved one the grief stricken parents and members of the family will receive the deepest 4 li r9 tn i r ir f-iano j mvaiuj tnrougnout tne city., ine utile one was thegrandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kearns and tne funeral ser- vice will be held from their home but the date has not as yet been announced, or aaie .,ncice iimoiny nay. G. Todd. Phone 1211 Murray, lmsw 10TH ANNUAL BANQUET YOUNG MEN'S CLASS . 0CClV Y OVER j 1W u " BISHOP H. C. STUNTZ SPEAKER John W. Falter Presides as Tcast master and Number of Local . Speakers Precede Bishop. From Friday's Daily. To those who have yearly made it a point to be a guest at the ban quet of the young men's bible cla--s of the Methodist church It seems but a short time since the first of these events was held and yet a decade has slipped by and the oc casion brought to mind last even ing when the tenth annual banquet was held in the parlors of the church. The class has always had very enjoyable gatherings but none have been more so than that held Inst night nd which will loiv; oe pleasantly remembered. While at these banquets the members of the ".tes and their guests fa- the even ing have enjoyed much intellectual benefit from the lectures and rpeeches given, it has been the ably carried out aim of the ladies of the Methodist church to prepare the young men with all the delighis of the table that they might be in the best of receptive moods for ih feast of reason that was to follow. Tills-year"! he rhenn was pre pared and the viands sorreil em braced those things for which the The menu was as follows: Grape Fruit Cherries Chicken Pie Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Scalloped Corn Salad Rolls Jel!y Coffee Apple Pie a la Mod1 Nuts It was not onlv provided that the Clarence Ledgway were features of the pleasing program. The banquet v.'as presided ovr 1 1 y John W. Falter, who. whi'3 not a . iicmber of the class, has been ac , lively identified with the work of the spiritual uplift of the commun ity and in his remarks of introduc tion' the toastmaster touched brief ly on the importance of the work of ti-- religious leaJer.-hip in the com nii;ni'. zr.a complimented iho Mss and its membership on the results shown. j The first speaker of the toast list was Jesse P. Perry, president of the class, who, is his remarks, gave sev eral entertaining stories, welcom ing those who were present as the j guests of the class and especially giving the thanks of the members of the Y. M. B. C. to Mrs. F. R. Gobleman who has cared for, framed and presented to the class the ser- ( vice flag representing in stars the j story of those of the class who had j fought for their country and two of whom had made the supreme sacri- fice of all for the nation. Edwin A. Fricke was the speaker following Mr. Perry and in his re-j marks as a former member of the a. E. F. told of his impressions of France as he viewed them on his stay there, telling in an int?re-ting m . - manner oi me country, us people and particularly of the hardships that had ' been endured ty the French in the long years of war and beside which the hardships of our nation seemed small indeed. j ! ! i Rev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the i church, took the occasion to make I A line or stationery at tne Jonr his toast, "One Plus One, Equals j nal office that can't be excelled and Two," carrying a double meaning and representing 02 and stated lhat it was. 62 years uko in Pennsylvania that a young 'v.rtn hud been born that had since fi en to high iligni- ty in the ehurcf-i and pres-n'c-'l tj the guest of kc;i:r. Bishop 11. C. Stuntz. a handsome birthday cake whose gleaming candies represent ed the years of, life and tho accep tance by the t:. hop was graceful and clear in whl ii ho txpr: -:- .1 his appreciation cr ihe remembrance and blew cut thf traditional candies that graced tho 1'ruitiful creation of the cakebaker. a: 1 which was giv en by the members of the chwcli The last of the local speaker- was Aubrey Duxburji who spoke very ably and concis:- for several r.iin utes on the. A which represent of the nation rc-' rtatus and in tl; cited the preamli tion of that boqS -erican Legion the service men red to their civil the speaker n- of tho ccnstitii that represents most thoroughly! ! he spirit that ac tuates the life qf me organization The speaker reviewed briefly th' work cf the national convention c; the order and th cause of aidint the advance of tr." nun who had served the nation :;s well as the de veloping cf the Id al of the country ana ine preservanon or the princi ples for which the men had fought and for which ma:.v had given their live.s. The war lK:ti brought respon sibilities that coiiM not be passed by if the nation was to retain its place in the leadership in the world and that it was to advance these high ideals, that the leg: m had come into being from the ranks of the soldiers sailors and marin-- who had served the nation in the field. Hon. R. B. Windham was called upon by Toastmrv ter Falter to pre sent to the membtrs of the gather ing the distinguished church man who was to addres them and in a few well chosen -r - marks concerning 4 be-olKervH Um -Wllve -ork of -the bishop. Mr. Windham presented Bishop Homer C. Stuntz of Omaha as the principal speaker of the ev ening. The able head of the Methodist church of Nebraska proved himsell a most entertaining speaker and the introductory remarks cf his address was along the pleasant lines cf clev er humor that kept the audience in a continuous laugh. The bishop rpoke on "The Call for Moral Lead ership" and made his remarks clear and to the point in the time he oc cupied. Of long experience in the foreign mission field, that has won for him an international reputation. the bishop discussed the needs of the world, of the United States and all nations of the earth for moral leadership that should be equal to the great problems that today are besetting the world. Moral leader ship in the home, in the church and in -the schools was the thing needed. He pointed out that some of the leaders of the movements that threatened society were men whose education had been the best but who lacked the spark of moral leader ship that would make them of ever lasting benefit to the world and to their country. India. China and the far eastern countries struggling in the spiritual ur rest were in that position because of the lack of moral leadership among their people that would make the firm and decisive stand for right in spite of what might be. said or done. He related many incidents of. his work in the foreign mission field in conjunction with the missionary bodies of other churches that had resulted in secur ing reforms and forwarding move ments among the smaller nations of the east. The success of some of the great movements in this nation had been due to the firm moral leader ship of a few men or women and these as well as other achievements were made by men and women who had carried the light of the greatest of moral leaders, Jesus Christ, in their heart, and by his command had brought forth the great re- forms, The banquet was concluded by the giving of two vocal numbers by Don C. York in his always pleasing manner and which brought to the close an evening of the greatest of t1oi ph trt " At the opening of the banquet the' blessing was given by C. A. Rawls and at the clase the benediction was pronounced by Father W. S. Leete of St. Luke's church. Is hard to equal ROYAL NEIGH BORS INSTAL LATION HELD LARGE ATTENDANCE Or MEM BERSHIP OF ORDER PRES ENT LAST MIGHT. A SPLENDID PROGRAM GIVEN Head Officers Assist in Installation and Tnll Team Gives Splendid .Exhibition Drills. From Thursday's Daily. Last evening was a record break ing occasion in the history of the Loyal Neighbors of America in this city and their meeting at the M. W A. hall was attended by some 200 of the members and the members of their associate order, the M. W. A The occasion was that of the instal lation of the newly elected 6fticers of the local lodge and the ceremonies marking this event were carried out in splendid shape by Mrs. Kidder, of Fremont, representing the grand lodge and the drill team under the direction of Mrs. George Klinger as marshal. The ofilc'ers who were Inducted in to the different stations were: Mrs. Margaret Tuiene. oracle; Mrs. Fran ces Sehultz. past oracle: Mrs. A. Ghrist, vice oracle; Mrs. M. E. But tery, chancellor; Mrs. George M. Ilild, marshal; Miss Garnet Cory, re corder; Mrs. Jennie Tuiene, receiver; Mrs. J. H. McMaLen, manager; Mrs. William Hasslor,; inside watch i Mrs. lioodwin. outside watch. After the installation of the offi cers of the order the evening was given over to the enjoyment of a pleasant social time with a most in teresting program that delighted the large number present. The drill team of the lodge gave a number of difficult drills which the ladies of the team carried out with military like snap and which was greatly en- oyed. The tribute to the flag given by the drill team was one cf the most beautiful that has been staged by any of the orders of the city and deeply impressed the members of the J party. The remainder of the pro gram of the evening consisted of a ocal number by Mrs. E. II Wescott, which was given in her usual charm-! ng manner, and Miss Stella Starry, ! of Springfield, favored the company , .-ith a most delightful piano solo, :. which was heartily received. Harry - Smith furnished one. of the pleating eatures of the evening in his clever ; entertaining which was most thor- oughly enjoyed. Mrs. Luther L. ! Pickett, one of the talented ladies of the city, gave a most delightful 1 j reading which demonstrated the dra-! matic ability of this lady and was followed by Miss Thelma Hudson with a very enjoyable vocal selec-ihis n. . On behalf of the Royal Neighbors, j Mr. Harry Smith called the recorder j of the lodge. Miss Garnet Cory, to the floor and presented her with a very beautiful gold ring set with garnets as a token of the recognition of her service of seven years as recorder for the order and made a fitting peech expressing the feeling of the order for these years of service. The remembrance was a very beautiful j one and will be cherished by the re cipient as a token of lasting friend ship from the members of the lodge. After the program, dainty refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served which it is needless to say, were much enjoyed and the remain der of the evening was spent in the delights of dancing by the members of the party, both the young and older members and their friends vie ing in this enjoyment until a late hour. RETURNS WITH TEAM From Friday's Dally Sheriff C. D. Quinton returned home yesterday from Lincoln where he recovered the team belonging to John Lohmeier of near Greenwood. The team had been abandoned by the parties taking It a few miles north of Lincoln and when found by the sheriff only a small portion of the harness remained on the ani mals and no trace of the parties taking the horses could be found . The persons taking the horses had evidently been affected with a bad case of cold feet and decided that was the safer method to leave tin rather than run tne risk of be ing arrested with the goods on them. SECURES WOLF SCALP BOUNTY. From Thursday's Daily. ! (.'. A. McReynoIds, of near Murray, was a caller at the office of County Zy'Zr jgray wolf scalps which he had se- j cured on his farm a short time ago. The wolves were of good size and in addition to the bounty of J6 from the state, the fur of the animals will net the gentleman quite a neat sum of money. This is the second time this season that the bounty law has been called upon, as two men from Louisville a few weeks ago secured five coyote scalps which bring bounty of $3 each. SEEKS TO SECURE TRANSFER OF TITLE Nebraska Methodists asks to Have Title of Property at Victoria Placed in Their Hands. From Thv.'sday' Dailj There was filed yesterday after noon in the office of the clerk of the district court a petition by Ed ward T. J. Conley, secretary of the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church of Nebraska, ask ing that the title to the property owned by the Epworth church, south cf Elmwood. be transferred to tht Nebraska -conference - of this church. The Epworth church was founded July 1. 1897, and his since been abandoned and its activities ceased but the church posseses a building as well as some real estate and the fixtures of the church and these the state conference think should be turned over to them for administration. The matter was set by Judge Begley for hearing on March 3, 1920, and it will then be determined what disposition to make of the property. PURCHASES FINE ANIMAL From Thurnday'" Dally. Cornelius R. Bengen, one of the progressive hog raisers of this por- tion of the county, was in the city today looking after some business interests and while here stopped at the Journal for a pleasant visit. Mr. Bengen informs us that he has just purchased a new Chester White sow from the farm of Glen Rider of Farmington, la., and which will be rdded to the drove of Mr. Bengen. The animal is a thoroughbred and one of the finest type of this breed of hogs and will make a valuable ; addition to the Bengen farm. Mr. j Bengen makes it a point to keep farm well stocked with the best and highest type of hogs and in the new -acquisition to the farm feels he is very rortunate. PLACE r r. -i a ii i ii .v.- t" fL i V,M Make Your Nine men out of ten die without leaving a will providing for the disposal of their property. As the result, court calen dars are clouded with lawsuits, and endless bitterness is often aroused between members of families. Every man with property, regardless of the amount, should make a will providing for its disposal after he is gone. Making a will does not hasten your death. It is a matter of plain, hard, business common sense. Don't be sentimental about death and later have the members of your family suffer for it.. Have a good lawyer draw up your will. Now! ) First National Bank "The Bank Where You Feel at Home." STOLEN CAR IS FOUND AT P. JUNCTION FORD BELONGING TO CHARLES EARL OF NEAR WEEPING WATER LOCATED. WAS SOLD TO IOWA PARTIES M8n Taking Car Last November Disposes of it at Junction Where It Was Located by Sheriff Miller. From Thursday's Dally. In the latter part of November a Ford touring car belonging to Charles Earl who residing between Weeping Water and Eagle was stol en from the streets of Eagle one evening while the sons of Mr. Earl were ata dance. A search was made for the missing car over this portion of the state but witnout success al though a car answering to the de scription of the one stolen was seen to cross the ferry near this city. Sheriff Miller of Lancaster county has been looking after the case and today Deputy Sheriff Moore of Lin coln come down and visited Pacific Junction where he discovered the stolen car to be located. An investi gation followed which revealed that the car had been sold shortly after being taken from Eagle by a Grang er, who had disposed of it to a gen tleman named Paul who gave $175 for, the machine, being unaware that it was the property of someone else and it was a surprise to the owner when he discovered I hat he had been driving around a stolen machine and had been miked for the price of the car. The Ford was turned over to the owner, Mr. Earl, who brought it to this city enroute to his home in the west portion of the county. The owner of the machine feels very fortunate, in recovering it and paid a reward of $100 to the Lan caster county official for his work in securing the car. The greatest Eufferer in the case appears to be the gentleman frcm Pacific Junc tion who had paid the sum of $17j for the car and which will be a very costly experience for him. VISITING IN OLD HOME From Thursday' Daily. This morning Earl V. Cole of Brule, Neb.. who is spending a short time with his relatives and friends in and near Mynard, was in the city in company with his broth er, Roy Cole, and while in the city made the Journal a pleasant call and entered his name on the list of eemi-weekly readers for the ensuing year. Mr. Cole has been engaged in farming in the western portion of the state and has been very suc cessful in his work. However he enjoys very much the opportunity of visiting with the old friends and neighbors of Cass county. Will Now!