PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TffiJESEAY. JANUARY 29. 1920. PAGE SZTZfl Murray Department repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If try of the readers of th Journal knov of any sdcinl event or Ireui of tmeret tr this vicinity, and will mal) lime to this office, It will ap pear under this heading. We want all newsltema Editoii Mr. Long is doing the housekeeping and making a good job out of it. He deprecates his house work, hut says that as there is no one to eat his cooking out himself he will get alon g. L I I . f I I I J Your Business Partner It is a good bank's duty to assist its clients in the solution of their problems whether they be the problemsof a mer chant or a farmer. Both are businessmen. In fulfilling this moral obligation, we like to consider our organization as your business partner interested in your success and eager to forward your plans. Confidential Counsel il ycu wish sound advice in seeking credit, n.?i;ing investments, or even the more personal problems of your business you will be welcomed here. You will find a t3lk with our officers helpful This service is in addition to those commorily attrib uted to banks and is a mark of our appreciation for your account. We want to show you that this bank wants your business. And we want to show you the many prac- 1 r. . : through placing it here, pg5 SaSm, with us Four pr cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Frank Ild is reported as being Mck at home east of Murray with a severe ca.-e of iugnppe. IImtv Todd departed last Wednes day idr Norden in Keya I'aha county wh're he has land interests, which 1" i:- looking alter. He will he away f.r foni" time. !.s'tr son of Ben Dill and wii'--. 1 i v i i: ir sout 1 v. --i of Murray, is lepurted as being -ick at ) home v ir!; a vry severe case of Iasrripp'. Ir i. hoped tie n.av soon he able to be ou? iii'-ain. Oscar Gapen dres.f d a number of lu gs for his ii' t summer's use lat M"iday ;.'' ; ;. - isl v t h , x- ! r t hir drt er. Phillip Keil. w !:o is on- oi" tiie l ("n r-ii; in his line in thi: portion of t!. county. Mis Vera II; "tenet. whr is an op erator i-r the Line:. In Telephone & Tehumpli 'o. at their office in Have lock, was a visitor in Murray and fii-si ar iht- home of her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Janis Hatehett. com ing al-o tr v i i : while her ltnrle. aunt and r.msiti were lure, and ret n mini; hon Sunday to resume her work. YOUNi AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES SEASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! UK VERSE ALL. CAI L? Telpphoi 1511 Mnmiv T.ya ar.g? Frank I i 1 1 aid wife ar reportc-i as being both confined to their homo with the dread malady, lagripp-. and are counted as being very sick. Roy Cole of Plat tsmouth wub a vis itor in Murray last Tuesday looking after some business matters for the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. William Cannon of Plattsmouth w?s a visitor in Murray last Tuesday coming to attend the sale of Mr. Til t:n north of town and while here purchase 1 a cow. Dwyer Todd and H-tlidi Kennedy yere visit ing with friends in Pla' ts mouth last Tuesday evenin?. going np on th afternoon train and returning home in the evening. I'ncle J. R. Valiery. living north west of Murray, is reported as rest ing somewhat easier and it is a dieht hope that he may continue to im prove. It is sure the desire of hi many friends that lie should regain his former health and strength again. His familiar face in Murray has been missed for some time. I'ncle George V. Shrader still re mains at the home confined to th houce and the hed. and at times very low with the trouble with his breath ins. He is receiving the best of care and all that can be dune for him is beine done in the hopen that he may retrain his health. It is the hope of hN many friends that he will be ahle to get out yirain in the near future. W. H. Pi'ls. who has been con fined to his bi'd for some time on ac ciur.t of illness, haviner the charac teristic of laerippe. was able to he up asrair. the firt of the wek. His son Harry remains in h very seriou condition, thouirh durinsr the first of tiie week was considered as holding his own in th.e strusrirle for rpturtiinpr health. It is hp rl he nifv soon be on the hiebway to cood health. BUY Just one item in this ad. It's a U. S. Array Shoe. Made on Munson last; 2 double sole; tan chrome biucher; leather insole. It's worth a dollar fifty more than we aek you. All Sizes in Stock! THE PRICE 50 Hiatt Tutt. MURRAY, NEBRASKA For Sale Ured sows, the best the herd. Oldham Stock Farm. County Commissioner C. F. Harris of I'nicn was a Murray visitor Tues day ceinin? to look after some bui-ne-s matters for a chort time. Albert Youn was kept to his Irvne last Tuesday on acvount of a severe attack of lagri; pe though he assayed to uet oirt and :!iuke it off the adv would r.'.:l t-'nake rr easily. Mrs. L. H. Puis, who kept to her bed .by sickness for some two weeks, is a .eain able to be around but far from bt ins; as well as she was formerly, thor.cli the s ill paining. L. H. Puis and P.en Noell. with the two hijr trueks of the Puis nra?;e. hauled two large toads of hoirs from the fartn home cf J. 'V. v;' n to the of rtation has been closed while the i waiting; room has been kept open for the accommodation of the traveling: public and the fife being looked after by Mr. La Rue. the section foreman. Mr. V.'ilxjn will remain until the re eovtry of Mr. Pettit. which his many friends hope will be in the near future. Is Taking a Business Course Chester Shrader. the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long-, is now in Omaha ivhere he is industriously occupied studying; business law and J hcckkeepuigr and will endeavor to j ccrupieie ine cuui&t; m xo liiuuuis, the length of the term. Chester is an apt young man and should make an excellent business man. sloe!" mar! dav live the afternoon. T. P.. Smith : and at So".th Omaha ret ;:r::t h me ir. 'ut h we- T h.Hwka v.-1 in Hav.-I. 'iver in. t anil iid I. M. Smith livinsr renr Xc reliitive. '. driving they en- Eeturn Home from Trip La rt Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. yen: go Nickels who have visited at a i-:n bor of place- for nearly a month since their marriage in Omaha ;!(! reeing the sights ::i the places of interest, spending son." time at Ex chior Springs, return ed heme and :ie stepping a portio;. of the time :: the heme of the bride's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. H. C. Lj:.g. and assist ing in the care of Mr- Iong who is -irk. They will iccu;y their beau- of Murrav -re visiting with f-k las' S-t-'du: !ieir :uto where f'.il hoT'.io. which, was short time before i 'onipleted but eir marriage. joyed ? -pleniMd time visiting and re turned lo-me late in the evening. C. H. Lewi- ( f Platt-imuith wr. a visitor in Murray l.--t Tne'dny com ing down on the train to t;rcl -a-. a horse et the sab if he f.umd on which : f'" red e?:ceHer.t vulu" at The ("k1 of the bidding. H- r-:n;: i r.-d a port ion of th- tin;' dttring the sale pnd tluti returr-d !?". J(.bn Si'd-ies of K'piwood was a vi--'or in' O'valm hist Tuesday nas-inc throuirh Murray :ee -ni'i;: nied his friends with a couple of loads of s fek f r the live s'o-k icaiket -it S n'h Onu'ba. :n:d :neetir.g 'he .Tourn::l man e'l the trnin bnd ill's ram- tds.ced -'iiii'Tig the readt-rs of ?hi pap;.-r. Josph DeitI is lo-p; to his hor.; n-rth of tovt! on r.ecotint of lr.grinn which h:'- su' "' a M"-inu- ;'.- t- t : the attending phy-i-iiui red ;' :! t'me th-)t p-.o-unii'Tii' ni:;:ht rwii'., A daui;hter was :il-( troubled wi'h v, ton-i's b"t ii i.- ''o;i.-d tliat boih '." ill soon I"1 able to ent Mi-s Pauline O'dha:.".. r-" of tp 'Hjsir-st of women, wording all ti:" time i. n d nii!iiteri:;g to others ps well p.k having evtnsiv- interests to 'oik afiir with th." O'dhaM p-.n e lire: farm, i- f- lin-r si t- -,ui-" r - ing to bnvc the gri'p and p.f :er fi'-f-ing it off for some tim - va keeptr'r o the lir.ti-c the foret.irt of t' w ' with the hop"s that sh tniuh' b" 'ble to and that she will have hrr usual h;:lth again soop. I)'.t:1 last week I M. Hivis and wife drnarted for Lincoln where 'ey will :p:-"k- their h-me ii the fu inre. They were fortunate in that th"- were able f find a number of "cquuintavees on their arrival r.t tiie rnpital citv. But fire" blocks from the lume thev purfhasor i the home "f Mr. and Mrs. George Porter, they hpving lived there for some time. Mr. P-rter is secretary of the Ycuns Men's Chri-ti:n as;eiaf ion p' erdn where he is doing exeelhm! work-. Bather Shop Wf.s Clos3d On acfiunf of the si--knes of Mor f n Lartlett. the barber who has been confined to i is home for : week, the shop was elosed for most ;' the tin e. Last Wednesday the i -pn -.-entalive of the Journal came i' iv. ri anil kept the .-hop open for the mid-week work a d then taking ) his work in the v - stern portion -i" the county, and premising to re rrrn "again on Saturday for the :ul work. He w t;l late Saturday ev- ay be n reommodit ' :.t the barber. Mr. rble to return to tning week. !1 remain un ning that all 1 and hoping Hartlett. may his work the Put Small Crowd for Supper aeeonnt of i : e of ir-kness in etc p. - hut a me e s;:? pc r given las; c ;::! it tee realize (1 :n;stlv fron nerpl nv :;h of : v ;;,;s be'Mi iniprovt ill be discontinued o;mh ; hat the gene . ill rt urn to rem:- r.:id t hat the suj ::ue. e prevailing is ecminunity uer c.rowd at Saturday and i only $ic,.,r,0 rales. Until the commun i the suppers It is hoped il good health n in a short i'ers may con- vv"i'l Have Anothe- Meet Soon V. Ti e general res t' uv.ity meet which. .--k f nd t he excel! i-nj"veo nv all f - work v. ill be r : ar future. Ther (D'.v.i of people of ' mmuui'y enjoy the ." i!U!',;':("1 is workin : the giving of anothr free show the near future. of the corn was had last :t time which ".ho attended, seated in the was ti good this city and iceusion and a for funds for in Visiter- Brcther at I.Turrav Osc-ar (.I Hatchet'.. Wayne ., .if Lakev:, w tliey have mail.1 their wite and Wyo.. w h.itne f-.. r son h-re t!:e r-jsf i -j y.ars. arrtvetl in Mrr:iv la-t Saturday evening and i-ited tint il this week with his t-rot he-'. .Tam,--Tlnchefr ku1 wife, after which, Oscar nr.d fp.niily d-par!ed for Crocker. Mo., '.vhere he will expect to make his home having relatives there, and will expect to purchase land there. Invents Novel Rabbit Trap W. A. (Seotty) Scott, the retaur pnt man and candy sv :o ma::, keeps his noodle working a good portion of the time and has evolved a r. ice means of aporehecdincr the rabbit a? he hops nimbly around after dark or pr.y other tim The device which Mr. Scott hopes to have th" protec tion of a patent on. is one which catches the pnimal choking it to death and nor euttinu off the feet so as to injure the feet in the cae of a fur bearing animal. Erccm Factory Doing- Business Tiie Tilson broom factory is turn i:.g out a gcod rjunlify of h rooms d f"ci day has seen a large num-!-:-r of this household necessity t'in ' ?s:ed. The brooms, which are he it -r made at the factory in Murray, pte of high standard which ha al ''.ys clia'aeterized tiie work of Mr. Tilso-i and while thi is a home en , triri.e it should find friends in ; (rose using this article in this com ! r-unity and all the nearby places, j Mtirray is to he congratulated that sh.e has this enterprise and each jpdded commercial corncern will I nnlv make this a better town in which to do business and also a P?ace to make one's home. Th Inconis Tox Mnn Will e in .Murray (ti Thursday. Uelrirary at tl.e MurpT.v State bank to es-jst and explain the nian ih r in which th- in.cov.e tax blank t'M'St le filled cut this . p r. Yotl have -your blank, look it o'-er and if there is anything y-ui do tiot ':?id-r-stnr.d call at the bank on the r,th and tiie governm nt man will as sist you. extra agent for rr'ved in Mur- ('! ing from Stella. Statfn Arrent I'f.tit Sick Taylor Wi!-on. th the Misotiri Pacific. ray last Tti'-sdav nd has ciiarge .f the office of that company here oji account of the i!l ss of the PL-ent. Ceil Pettit and family. wb- l;jvr been ken' to their beds fcr rrr-p time. Th (.ffice at the At Parting of the Ways Jt'-t what will occur next no one knows, but things are looking rath er hail for some of the people In Murran and who are not the owners of their homes. The matter of get ting some place to live js one which ic pskir.g hard for solution. In the c;se of the druggist. Mr. McCrack m and wife, they have to move, as 'be property which they have been living fn for some tin e was recently sold by Will S. Smith to Robert Ci'nil, who will move to Murray to make his home and hist what to do o iinns not know. He likes Murrav "'id is lH:ed by its citizens as well .'s j also hi crood wife and their d:. u:rhter. If be cannot get some "ire to live he will have to find '-onic place where 1 e can. Tt is hro-Ml that some -ri of a solution -.cty )? niade that he and his fan ":'v nmv remain in Murray. F. S. T'itt is in ;i liVe comlition as they l-o -".ill bavp to rive up the plac -hero (liiv l!v on the refurn of Tiri-isr. ;t,t pd avs " tent or 'cttage. what do I care." !rs. Iferry Lit""". "-it!i !ie nianv tber T.oonI1 in Murray, kert to ber lmuip en riccoun' of an attnrk "f the p-rjn. which l"; keening this good lady in her bed. Meanwhile WE CAN CARE FOR YOUR We are prepared to give special care to storage baUeries, belli ?hose ustp in autos and lighting plants. We have a large assortment of parts and an axcellent workman. We can repair and replace cells, giving absolute assurance of satisfaction. L. ii Puis Garage, iyiurray, Nebraska Doctors All Very Busy Doctors Rrendel & Rrendel and G. H. Oilmore are all very busy just now attending the numerous calls which are rushed in for their ser vices in treating the many cases of grip and other things worse, some having a tendency to influenza and pneumonia. The practitioners are sparing no effort ta stem the wave of ur health which seems to be sweeping the land. Murray Christian Church Regular services at the Christian church in Murray Sunday. Febru ary 1. 1920: ft: 45- Short story. 10 Bible school. 12 Monthly hoard meeting. 11 Morning service. Topic "The T)srniv cf Christanity. 7:30 Evening service. Sub ject. "Who Cares?" Everybody welcome. Come and worshiD with us. C. E. H ANN AN, Minister. Enoenditures on Community Tree Report of money taken in and expenditures of community tree: Amount taken in. $112. 60. Sacks filled and given out, 535. Tree and work donated. Express on liehts for tree $ '.umber for star and braces. Decorations from drug store. Santa Claus outfit P.'.xes and sacks Vlvertising and decorations. I S lbs. English walnuts 1 .1 ti lbs candy at 31c ' lbs. candy at 35c ' lbs. peanuts at 20c Hall 2.ft0 1.9T, 20 7.50 ! . 2 0 7.20 4 5.10 21.00 4.00 5.00 Total $111. CO ?1 donated to Community e!u!. Signed by chairmen of commit tees. Mrs. James Drown. Mrs. Wil liam Sparer. Miss Pauline Oldham. Notice If you are going to have a sale, do not fail to arrange with me for fur nishing of Lunch. Most up-to-date equipment in Cass county. Write or phone No. 28 12. OSCAR NAILER. Murray, Nebraska. Kodaks and supplies at Keedy's the druggist. E. tV. LEAD CONTINUED OPERATION No War Tax to Pay! All kinds of tires are now advancing, and .vith the manufacturers advancing their prices and the jobbers the same, they are coming to the dealers at a higher rate. Many have advanced the price from 15 to ISo. They will go higher soon. All dealers must follow the trend in prices. Just at this time we have a good sized stock which we bought while the prices were lower, and for a limited time will offer them at the prevailing prices, and pay the war tax. We, like the others, will have to have to have higher prices in the near future. Many people are needing new tires, and will want more with the coming of Spring. Better lay in your needs immediately, for there is no guarantee on the present prices, as some dealers have already advanced. We are carrying the following in stock in most of the sizes: FIRESTONE, GOODRICH, FISK, GOOD YEAR AND CORNHUSKER! These tires are all guaranteed for 6,000 miles u&e, and as all rubber goods are advancing, it would be the act of pru dence to get what you need before the advance, which is sure to come, and that within a very short time. THE PULS GARAGE, L. H. PULS, Proprietor I Murray, Nebraska ess? Esssaaxssa cf their proposals it would oe impos sible to obtain legislative action i". thi.: congress, as both nous' at.d sen ate action which is now in confer eience, look to resumption cf ,rJvate jwncrship of railroads. J. ii. Hanley, Omaha, prohibition cc m-missioner for Nebraska took the rath of office today at the burer.u of internal revenu.". Ire will rem r.:: in Washington several days for a conference with other Etat-? prohibi tion officrs and the commissioner of internal revenue. ..Representative Reavis left Wash ington tonight to make an eddress in "Icpeka, Kas., on the occasion of brarng Kansas day. He will return direct to Washington. SALIFICATION OF JOAN OF ARC IN MAY Heme, Jan . 2G. The cere mony of the sanctif ication of Joan of Arc will be performed next May with great -( iemnity. according to an announce ment today from the Vatican. Consistent advertising Is the kind that reaches the public'every day in the year. The off-again, on-again, Finnigan kind usually doesn't get very far. Washington, Jan. 26. (Special) Two years continued government (peration ofrailroads was advocated to house and senate conferees on the railroad bill today by a large delega tion of organized labor representa tives, farmers and railroad brother hood members. The latter included J. J. Griffith and II. O. Richardson e f Omaha, who said they spoko in behalf of the Nebraska farmers and working: men. They presented resolutions to adept a national conference of laboring' men and organized farmers, held re cently in Milwaukee, which in addi tion to government operation of the railroads, urged an investigation by congress of alleged waste, misman agement and inefficiency during the reriod of government operation, de signed to discredit the theory of gov ernment ownership. A similar appeal was made recent ly by the representatives of these or ganizations to members of the Ne braska delegation in Senator Noiris' office. Senator Norris told them that while he sympathized with many COEV3E IN AND BUY YOUR PLoUitE We have just received a large shipment of our popular brand of High Patent Omar Flour, (every sack quaranteed) at a cash price of $3.75 per Sack in quantity lots. Our early buying before the present advance enables us to make you this popular price Phone your order as soon as possible as our supply is limited. The Serviee Store ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor y ; : v Spring Will Soon Be Here! Yes, the birds will soon be singing and spring work will be rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new farm implements and need them badly. We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere, International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are well equipped to furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery, engines, tractors, etc., at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will be complete, and in addition to this W. K. Puis, the Implement &lan, will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I. Case and John Deere lines. See Either of These Gentlemen Wrhen Wanting Anything in the Farm Machinery Line. W. H. PULS, Murray, Neb. LEE, Plattsmouth, Neb. V V V V r f y y y y t V t t