The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1 i -h;'
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' '
' few
.r.da v.
. H ;-.
...i i
t he
k. C bi till
i0 acre farm
northwest of 1
Will rent Do"'
s i red.
ere I;
acre ;
: ere.
corn urn
o acn
i : I !
tin- i
ti '3Lt
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
r jr t h F'ZtT' 7
often fee in
is only a v.' or
is K word you
with many it
an actual fact.
what it ir.eans to you
thin j we practice a
: here it is
Service means to us just
crrvice is some
sine t: rely as we
Carter, of
Union ;
Weeping Water,
i short time last
it confined
davri v. iili
i Water.
Mom'.a ,
! .t . A
' wrs in
.Miss I'va Uog:,s lias hoi
! to her home lor a few
' the iri
i:. V. Fort or. of Wecpin
w.-.s ; visitor in I'nion last
, lookiiin nflcr si)!ii" busings.
I .Mr. and Mr.-. Alex Union wit"
I t :t li repot i ,-d as being sick with the
'. irrippo. the foiv part of the week.
1 i - IMilh Frans. who is attend
' ing siihiu! at Lincoln, was a visi-'t"!-
a! homo over .Sunday of la:-1
i .M i s W nia Hathaway, daughter
! of Al ! t.-u ha way, was report '! as be
sit k at hi r Lome la.-t week with
' la grippe.
i Ationit-y D. O. Dwy.r. of I'latts-
isitor in 1'nioi! la.-t
Sciota School Closed
The Sciota school, which is locat
ed southeast of Union, on tin bot
tom, and is attended by about thirty
scholars, was not opened on Monday
as the teacher. Miss l.uoy Wilson.
I whose home is in Uncoln, departed
last Saturday for her home and did
not return. Without :i teacher there
could lie no school.
:tor" wan In th" wile ehrirj-.e of -f- A.
T..1L i.,-.l..n while the run tiai'.er, .1 .
ll) 'io:s. v., i at home i i h v. i't lb"
la grippe. Mi- liva n.illiMvvny. one
the ;i( i inc. sale r.iri i vmio
j Enjoys Living at Soldiers' Hoir.e
( Miss Cetieviuve Kendall, who has
been visiting in l':iiun for some time
past, but who nmkes her home at the
i old soldiers' home at Milford. re
turned to that place last Siind.n.
being accompanied by her friend.
, Mrs. Mahle Keynolds. who returned
here again on Monday morning.
J.siiM-s Taylor and wife, who are
spending the winter there. rant
, greet in'-'s to their Union friends and
say they are having an excellent time
and enjoy the comforts of the home
has been 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -'. wnn 'tk m wo-
store. wns alio cuiii pel h'l lo fMinin
at l.ome from the arm- mahoiv.
j; hoped the crippled , M (I i t i' tl
will soon be over and things at Hi"
tore again reMitm- normal. Wli'ii h"
di-. covered the t lioriai-e or h Ip. .Mr.
I'orlir promptly went to sori. and
soon had thine.; running ,-moothlv
with only Mr. Ta 1 1; i a v I on and him
self to i uii I l.e Im -im - s
down to
Ti'.o'.tl !i , w a:- a
! Mottd.-i v. ci'iiti
!t!ie interests of his client
in .I'.idg" I'.a lining's court.
' F. II. Met 'art hy and wife are
numbered liinoin;' those Jiavii:
!.i grippe, and while they ;i re
, very s.cii. it is hoped they will
Services at Baptist Church
look after
in a case
si 'on
( 'ol.
' n i. a
( :a:
: ! '
i r i-
: 1 1
a i-ror :ii
hen- lie was
im-.-s m.iTt.r
! rr i.
1 ,-
rt ti.ot
:- i I '
' i "n-i
:,1 n d.' ' .
i- r. p'
: i .-i: i;
el tl
. i. ;
.hau.-n. one ol t:;
l"nio:i .-;di-'"!s.
in X bra-i:a it "
t :
y i vi
to eel ai-oiiad a.ain.
W. K. Yon:;:; was a isilor in
r a r-!i;rt time h'.st Monday
.a.y to a-sist in cryinir a sale
yin i'-on. si nit h v t of this
He drove down in his auto.
i 1 liarrett. who is ji student
e .-i iie un iv.-.-it y, w as a visi
t t!,.' horn.' of his parents. Dr.
Mr- V. M. Karrett over Snn
ret '.irnitr; to hi- studies Sun-
j 1 here will lie
tist church
the morning sit
1 and yminit peop
eeiiine;. Tlie e
be a character
j.eries beini;' deli
and one that
all w ho are not r
of uttendinu' idn rcli el
ami make it a P' itit to
t!;is service. It ill do
Liie Crowd in Attendnncc at JIo:-,t
liXdJlei.t l'ro';t,'im o:l Lrtst
Friday' Night.
ervices at Hi'1 nap-
Sunday, including
ice, Ilihle school. 1
s' nieetintr in the
eiiiiuc sermon will
kidch one of the
ered by t he past or ,
hoiild be heard by
milarly in t he habit
where. Try
i prese n at
::id '
w.i -
oi t;(,(
oti will appreci: if lie;,riut; it.
Enioved Visit in Union
and a
tef l!"
;. :;ion;'
Ti i,t d T
the p.-'
son and daUKb-
l'. 1 Hirris are numbered
the many 1'v.ioii people con-,
i their hotiics on account of'
.,ib'nc of la grippe i:i th"j
e :rt;
Mr. l'ear.-!
a son of
"'I ire. 1:-.
to Sr.i-
Mis- ')r:i Clark, who is at tend in;;
: -el.oo'i of mn-df i- Lincoln, was a
vi.-i! T at the home of her parents.
C V. '.uk am! wife, of Union, for
ti w k. returiiini; to her Mudies
j U. II. Shrader
i litt Ie daughter,
i last Sunday fr
! leliry. N'ebras!;;
I few days at t he
of Mrs. Shrader.
Talkinuton. It
i wdieu we say t !
' Visit - the .mievt
hostess alike, a;
were espi'fiallv
mil wife, w ith t heir
Kul.i. arid e l hi re
m th'dr home at
. and visited for a
'ome of tb" p i re a t s
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A.
is putting it mildly
at al! etijoyed the
and the l.o-t and
1 the !;ramlpan nts
'lighted i:i i lie co'n-
I-irt'.e at
Hi -rt a i te d at
pied by the Union
I 'rida y ' vi n I n i'..
pro;, wlibli 1
for t lie oci a- ion I
Thel-e V, '! ' a
S t U 1 1 I S Will
main event
id I fashion.
. h i ( h I i : :
. ie.l V. i 1 tl i
II jpba-eil crowd
t he room ! orcu
Hocial Hob last
liv an excellent.
ad Ie en nreiia red
v tpe fommii'ee.
I . . I : . .
r oi ol !;cr i. oio s
30,000 Acres
We are making trips to Colorado every week.
Come and make a trip and see the country. Special
prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50
to $50 per acre, according to location and improve
ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land
already sown in wheat. , Have 60 acres 3 miles west
of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good
terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39.
Box 11. Union, Neb.
II II in !
W ! t 1 1
of Hie
I ' l id'
: ' Mill-'-ai
h ot i
ioliu p!a
vre a- !
I ia : :, -
i in.'
einj: Dm
i II v. :
r-." ' on '
-.1 I Ollitl
in the i
to v In
ol h e
' the
,s tl.
f iii
idej .'.
rt oi
n the nature of an ov-ster
upper, to which all did full justice,
'hey (ertainly all enjoyed the oc-
a ion.
prin , Murra
n i -
t P
pi i -
V i I
, o
livened the
of bull
horn frre
it I v.
.' ; , M'liid iv morning.
''r lie p !.t i
.rri-'.r. is Mill iNs Margaret Xiday,
1 1
; r i i
1 1:
i i
. Iowa,
d to dm:
A l:i
r- :1'
r-i t;
. S .
. i i
.f e-
:-d John
y morn i i
sliere t!
e time .
i lie
I !o
W eck
Tod !. .
i re .
;ia i
' i
x -J. - .
. IS
, '.U ifll ut
and M:-s.
t i ; t i i . w
t he
a vi -, ac eO'npar. I' d by :
ii;:a.-:'. i at herim-, d--
y eeiiiii. lor a short!
lome of iitr parents, Mr.
John Miller of Hamburg
v. lu is (iii-
oed in Omaha- was a visitor at
e of lo r piienis hero over
and r i urni-d to her ork
'.lor.-'.iv .mu'iiie"; o:: the Mi.--!'.
"i:ic train.
( lark-, who is in the
n.'i misiness hi iimalia. w::s a
over Sunday at the horn of
"enis. ' w. c?ark and wife.
ret urr.!'! Si:,)',:!.v nis'.it to resnme
his wo; k in ! re city.
I'rank 'aliery. of Murray, was a
v i i 1 1 r in Union one day la-t week
for a. f w hour.-, stopping to loo!;
1 1 r some busin-. -s for a short titin-.
v.';.;1..' on lii- way to Texas, where
he was toini; to look after seme
'a::-', matters.
d. . Olson and kdii. YVilner. of
Vai '. r-.sont !i, bnt formerly of Union,
Haven't Call, d fcr the Flour
i 1 n .'.
i . i
- i r i r
- i'.a:
' urn:
It is strongly .
are two conpl .
Union, who Ikim
t!te past niii'i'icr
not I'.enyine, tin
they aMirminu i'
t place bets or.
fact still rcmai
place some donl
report, and tha:
had promi.-ed a
.Inspired thr.t there
of youim prop'.o in
been married for
of weeks. They are
report ; neit lie- a re
Many ar w l'llir":
either vide. lPn a
s wliiih server To
in the truth of the
is that K. D. SMi.o
:ck of flour to t h"in
when they shonM be married, rr.d he
says there has
hour r.s yet.
in", for th.e p; before :
n no call for
.ybe ?h'y are w
c- f flour to
'lin:; for i;.
i.i.".i a
re j-ir
w U '.
.t i!
of I'l;
t- iion.
ir f-
for .-ale.
4'. miles
ir.iprov d.
. f ' v '
1 i :'. i ;
t lll'e
' e n r
r -,' i l
nlv to
if de
lit I i v -
I 1 1 . 1 1 1 1
:-.i'U per
rt y jmr-
k U!
a '.v l
to t:ni;
i' i r
i acre
Call Phone
ITc. G4
a complete general line of
When in need of anything
call on
w amm itir ti t-aa vt y
Union, Nebraska
i r.
v. and returr.-d to their i.
;y eveiiiiii:.
I We-.-ell ami Herbert
lir'i'r;!it I:.' r;ry Wc-sidl to U:;ion on
la-1 .Mi;!idav ;o i-rralde him to n- to
Omaha with Win. Uaier, who was
injured by '.tiling in too close prox
iinity te a irasdim- er.,",ine.
I'rof. K. A. Ward, nliu was a visi
tor at his home in I'ia-1 :iiou! h over
Sundry, went to Nebraska City Sat
urday afternoon where In- enjoyed
nii:ht. On
the basket ball name t!
Mondav he had as his pues? one
his Nebraska City friend.-, w ho came
tip for a brief i.--it.
Mrs. U. G. Todd and iauhtor.
Miss Alice: .Misses Aimde McCarroll
a!id Klsi" Taylor were all visitors in
O n: in last wek, roinic up to at
tend the recital ivi-n by the noted
tenor sirner, John McCormick. Tto-y
w r "i-eailv impressed with the e-
cellt'Tifi' of the i'iii ertainment. fur-
ni.-h.-d by this i;reit singer.
Masters Uouis .Monday and John
Kverett departeil last J-'riday for
Lincoln, where they enter d the
state university agricultural course
at the state farm for the purpose of
takin"; a short course in that useful
line. The course will require about
six weeks to complete and th"y ex
pect to e(.f thronah in time to take
up tlndr farm in st work the ci'iniiiK
f ea :oi:.
uildsng Materia!!
Ooal and Paint!
were in town last Monday,
down on tin- train for the
oi r.i Tomii!!:- t:ie sal" ot .Mr. Olson s i
brother. Martin Olson. who lives
west of Wyorninc. j
-drs. Mabel Kt-y nobis was abI.- to
return to inr work in the Union ".ro
cry add meat market last Monday.
her return ln-ina most l'orttmatelv
'limed, a- the proprietor, Mr. Car
rii.. r. was scarcely uble to set down
i to the store himself that day.
! While Mr-. Mable Reynolds was
! kept at h'T home on account of the
I illness of her mother as well as of
m-r.n i. .ns jiosie i.etcue acted as
saleslady in th.e business house of
W. C. Carraher a part of the time
and proved very ( ilicient in the po
sii ion.
Mrs. Karl Merritt. who was to
have entertained the Union Helpers,
a club organized to work together
for th better interests of the town,
i was unable to do so on account of
Ibfinu down sick with a case of la
grippe, ami accordingly the meeting
had to be postponed until a later
! date.
Urank Dor.'-'s expects to befrin his
ice harvest in a short time. He will
store enough for his own use and to
supply the people of Union as well.
Those v. ho recall the terrible short
age and inability to secure ice here
last summer, will be pleased to note
Mr. lions' intentions aloni; this line.
Ralph Owens, of Omaha, who with
his father was ensraued in the work'
of grading the government aid road
through this city last summer, nass-
through Union last -Mondav on
Gospel Te'iM Will he Here
A (lospel team from We.-deyan uni
versity, compose., of four young men
students of that institution, are bill
ed to hold a Fern of meetings at the
Methodist church in I'nion on Uri-
.?.... r ' . l . .. . . : , . i t - i
purpose "a. c;iiu,uii) anu Biiuuay, reoruary
Aliner.- ilb . lir
Mil! - r. second
M.ade. third pri
ii-..,i, foiinh r
l'l.i hu double;
first prize, ?L' Mi;
'cond prize. S 1
In the whistling
Charles Chirk maldx-d
w hieh was $ I ..".(. K
came out second had
a sack of p n .it s, but
uot to net th'-m lor
sal is.'U-d ju a t he sai,o
The board of judges
test w-re A. II. Au-tin.
and N. i:. Mar; in. 'i !
excellent team.
D'l I '
'in; D
of ,
t !
a uto
a sh
Min near was
Prist Monday,
to look
rt time.
a visitor in
driving up in
ifter some business
i :
l ceil!
r an I
n and
Lot h'-r
Duke .
t !
bee !
s- om
n' e ,t
e f.r.-t
Jilll, Who
prom iei
iiody for-il-
at tne con
l: id" Uif h
v mad-- a,;
Internal Collector Coming
interna': revenue coi
n lo Union for t
i- fore part ol Feljru-
ii';! and uive assisrance in tne
;f unianuling difiicult situations
mav arisi- Com" i:; when h
The depn'v
b et or w i . I I'
ll .vs durinu t
:try and will n nder assistance to all
who have income tax schedules to
ma ;'
w a v
is h re on i'tliruary ::ri and 4th. as
i;e will be only too glad to assi-t
Vim. While Inre his or'!C head
iiiarters will be in the rear room :;t
the blank of Union. This will af
ford I he peoplo who have schedules
to till out opportunity to get what
information thev desire.
Popular Southeastern Nebraska Auc
tioneer Has Large Demands
Made on His Time.
ilih. 7th and Sth.
i ncv win noiu evening services on
Friday and Saturday, while on l,n
day. the la.-t day. there will be nn rn
insr. afternoon ami evening services
They are excellent singers and mm i
cians as well and are till good
speakers. It is expected the ir.eet-
inirs will be well attended and much
interest shown in the work of the.-t
young men. i ry aim gel oiu to 'v-
ery one of them if possible; if :m
. t 1
possiuie. come to as many as von
possibly can
Girls Lose Game to Neb. City
The girls of the Union school
who nave ino:i winning every gann
oi nasKet nail thus lar. miscalculat
ed their opponents at Nebraska Citv
eellently played game on both sidi
id ine .Mi). n y organization, 1 !t to
2-". The local girls are sure enuf
iasi rriuay evening. losing in an ex-
good players however, and thn is the
first game for them to drop: perhaps
in the return game they thay take the
Neb. City girls into camp.
Those who played last Friday wen
.Misses i-nen hapman, Margaret
Swan. crna Morton. Minnie Dukes
and ISessio ha Kim. who plaved in
place of Miss Klo Garrison who i
sick with the grippe.
Frans Bros,' Lumber Company,
Union, Nebraska
his way to Wyoming, near where
the grading camp winters its tennis,
going to see how the stock has fared
and to attend the sale of Martin
Olson, which occurred that day.
The school faculty of Union was
pleasantly entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cross last "Wed
nesday when they gathered for
uii'ir weeKiy- get togetiier ami con
situation for the best interests of
the school. They were guests of
Misses C'rozier ami Anderson, who
make their home there, as well as
of Mr. and Mrs. Cross.
At the homes of John Ldggett
Matt McQuinn and Dan Lynn, most
of the members of the families are
sick with the la grippe. At the
home of Mr. Lynn, in addition to
immediate members of the house
hold, Mrs. George Hastings, who is
a sister of Mrs. Lynn, is also num
bered among the sick. It is hoped
all will recover rapidly from their
Joseph Dukes, of Minersville, was
a visitor in Union last week for a
short time, where lie was the guest
of I'erry Dukes, and also participat
ed in the Fiddlers' contest which
was given at the rooms of the Union
Social club. And by the way, he is
some tiddler, too, for he pulled down
the first rrize single handed and
made a good hit with the music
Work Going Nicely
l-or a number of years. Rev. V. A.
Taylor, of Union, has held the pas
torate of the I'.aptist church at
Wabash, where he has ministered and
X f -f.. .l m
-ors. liiymr nas worneu everv other
Sunday. hast week being their
Sunday at that place, the people of
Wabash turned out in large num
bers, the house being comfortablv
lil led.
In the evening at the meeting of
the Christian Kndeavor, which is
coin posed jointly of young people of
the Kaptist and Methodist churches
of that place, there were upwards
of forty out to participate in the ex
ercises. It is pleasing indeed to
note that, the work is going alon
so nicely. We should like to hear
of the young people of I'nion doing
a little better, which would help to
inspire all to a greater work.
Loses Portion of His Hand
While working with a ga?oline en-rim-
last Saturday. Wm. 1'aier, who
resides between Nehawka and Avoca,
had tne misfortune to get the mitten
which be was wearing on his right
in lid eau"!;t in 'be ::rchaii:..-m and
in an instant the hand was drawn
into the liiachir.erv with the result
that it was
t ru.-ked it
so severely
was found
lacerated and
necessary to
ivt the two front lingers and th-?
thumb amputated.
Drs. Close and J. W. hrendel, of
Avoca. and lr. McGinn, of Omaha,
were called and amputated the
mangled members and dressed the
wound. They recommended that the
patient be removed to the hospital
at O-mha. where he could be given
the best of care and accordingly on
Monday evening he was taken to
that place, accompanied bv Henrv
If is hoped that he will experience
a speedy recovery, hut at last reports
he was suffering excruciating pain
from the injured member.
Col. W. K. Young, the popular
auctioneer of southeastern Nebraska
promises to be a busy man as will be
noted from the following schedule
of future sale dates he already has
booked :
2 Y. II. Young's saie of pure ured
Ilolstein cattle and Spotted Po
land Cnina hogs I'lattsmouth
?, Grover Will Mynard
4 Karnes! Schnitzker Nebr. City
:, h. II. Heil Mynard
Fliilip Hirz, DurocIMattsniouth
Fred Haft'ke IMattsmouth
W. K. Kosencrans, 422 acres
real estate at his off x at :? p. m.
Otto Schafer. DurocCedar Creek
John Schoeman Louisville
Fred Young " Union
A. P. Johnson Avoca
Frank Mrasek Murray
John Wunuerlich Nehawka
Pen Wiles Murray
Kay Pollard, Hampshire, Nehawka
Adam Schafer Mynard
Dave Katon ' Union
J. D. Cross & Sons Union
2 6
Major Hall Pacific Junction
Herman Burns Avoca
C. . Corbett Elm wood
Ed Gansemer Mynard
Mrs. J. G. Easter Nehawka
F. G. Hull Plattsmouth
Everett Sexon Grant
Ed Nelson Brule, Neb.
Los Angeles. Jan. 26. General
John J. Pershing's visit here today
was a continuous ovation. Cheering
crowds were everywhere the general
was, from the time or iiis arrival,
shortly after fJ o'clock this morning
until midnight when he left for San
Diego. Thousands greeted him at
the station and other thousands
cheered tumultously his progress
through the streets to and from Ar
cadia, where he inspected the army
balloon school at Russ field. .
The nine mile trip in from Aicadia
was made through solid lines of chil
dren and grownups, the former wav
ing flags and throwing flowers in his
path. Time after time the general
halted the procession to step from his
automobile and mingle with the chil
dren. Entering the city, lie again
stopped when he J-aw a banner held
aloft bearing the inscription "Wel
come, General Pershing We are
named for you."
Surrounding the banner were a
dozen laughing or crying infants,
each having John J. Pershing as bt
given name. The general ki.-sed
th em
all before continuing on his
W. B. Ri.-hc-l was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha where he
will look after some matters for the
Woodmen of the World for a few-hours.
Jess F. Warga, Frank M. Best or
and J. Y. Holmes were among those
going to Omaha this afternoon to vis
it for a few hours looking after M ine
matters of business.
Two Jacks for Sale
I have two large jacks, one 6 years
and the other S vears old. which I
'am offering for sale. The younger
i one esncciallv larp-P Thpir rolfu r-A-n
4 be seen here. Address or telephone
Union, Neb.
M. E. Sunday School Elects
Last Sunday at the regular meet
ing of the Bible school of the Metho
dist church, after the study of the
lesson had been concluded, there
was held the annual election of oil;
cers for the coming year. The se
lection of the ollicers took up but a
very brief time, the result being as
W. II. Porter, superintendent.
Fannie McCarroll, assistant super
intendent. Mrs. L. G. Todd, secretary-treasurer.
Mis3 Millie Todd and Raymond
ISrwin, librarians.
Miss Alice Todd, organist.
Miss Elsie Taylor, assistant organist.
Mail Route to be Changed
On account of the roads being so
bad over a portion of the route be
ing traversed by Carrier Derwood
hynde. the inspector who was sent
by the postal department to look
over the situation, reported on the
case, and during the time allowed
for improvement of the roads, those
residing on that portion of the route
where they wore the worst, did not
take the necessary steps to remedy
the existing evil, and the time has
been set for abandoning two miles
oi i ne route. serving some seven
families, as Februarv 1st. But with
he changing of the route three ad
ditional families will be served, al
though the change reduces the
length of the route by two miles.
as well as the annual salarv of the
carrier by $1S.00.
i ne government is verv particu
lar about the kind of roads its car
riers should ho lorced to travel over
and if. after insnert ion. tint natrons
esiding along I he hiahw av do not
akt- steps to remedy the sit h.n
is not a bit slow in curt ai line, the
mail service.
Read the Journal.
A choice f acres close in. Modern
house of 6 rooms, furnace, electric
lights, well, cistern, chicken house,
barn, some fruit. This property is'
a bargain. Will be off the market
February 1st. Inquire of A. A. Alex
ander; phone 2."1.
For tasty printing
ATong in having the
turn out your Job.
you cbn'l ga
Journal ofSce
Things Good to Eat!
I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and
will help you solve the problem of the high cost of living,
have everything in the grocery line in season, and s 11 at
lowest price,
us a trial.
consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Give
Farmers' Salesmen Sick
At the farmers' co-operative store
horo Vina heen noted an annarpnt
1nlr nf holn Mnnlfiv morninsr when climax of the r-vetlliiM
Banquetted Last Saturday
Last Saturday evening at the Mod
ern Woodmen hall, the member.- of
the Farmers Union Co operative Co.,
of Union, wore entertained U a do
light ful program, in which the two
Misses Cross sang a laimliei- of en
beautiful selections. All.-ihe.-. Ander
son and CroZier of the te.uhitoi inio
of the Union schools:
fine music in the duet lino, all .i
w hich w as grout I v a niu t i, I ni
Following this putt ni ti.o pt,
gram, was given a ntont ut.Ki .uut
yet concise address bv llm pi i.U t.l i
of the company. Mr. VV It i',.ii.i. I
who hut recently ii tin nod lu u.
few days spent In Ouothit w hi in hi;
was looking nfloi' Hut tupu uiio.. ot
the Farmers Union t out ul Lot .
Nebraska, w hich vtia In I.i i lo i n btd
week. No one who heaid Mr. iVv
tCT could help but uii.U i t,l ,wut Ilia
working of the union beiioc ,iiit to
had concluded.
Following t ti i n, and comitis iQ ,
W iiQ ti liiUUltrl
That Baby Overland'
We have ncceptod Ihn A&rm t Uui.'n r,.l x y for th.e
"Baby Overland." whu-h xou . -,. r-,?- in t. rtvproviate.
Wo also otirrv OhUeuiobilo Co iv.t Vro.Vv Un Cars and
Trucks. Wo h;o rt tnnuts-v o( s.t; vovJ-.r.i.-s io-:.; hr :.ii work,
that nuv bo olloiod in tr-,v (sr..- V s!,i a fall Mock
of llt'ori ind rtoooioi t.'V taVi" of x-jrv Sv us (or cars or
repair w oi K
Drs Winch & IViach, The Dentists s"-.pM dental offices in Omaha
ii ii i i it i
icsv ti xwMk. ixoy aiirnuant. luoa-
ft -lt- ft
I m Hm hllnrs jum like looth. Inslru-
Vx x t'4"x- flct UMng
'4 .iftim ft. ft a. k w-kf n M
irii? m'UK, l AAiun dluuix. umaha czbsxzzsu
the president came down town the which had been im iMinl bv (liv
. Fistula-Pay WheifCured
K U,l Ttpm nt lntiiiitit that cur TiW. Fiatula and
MhftH Ks IMmihi lu hnrt Umr, without a aevrre lur
i, Nn I'hkmWorm, Eihrr or other griirral
h., l.Hft, jhiH ,, , Mir, v rit for N.k on K-ta 1 OliMftasV. with mo-ei
jM.Miim.uut ihiiit.xtiw'intiHdwbobax'tw
340 D Dulldlnr