The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Hev. Levi W. Scott Tenders Resigna
tion to Members of Congregation
and Church Accepts the Same.
From Tuesday's Lally.
Plat turnout h is soon to lose one of
the able and forceful men who have
constituted the leaders in the religi
ous life of the community in the per
son of Rev. L. W. Scott, pastor of the
Christian church, who has resigned
charge in this city and the resigna
tion accepted by the church.
Kcv. Scott and wife have made
their homo in this city for the past
two years and have been among the
lea-.Iors of the community in the re
ligious work and their departure from
city will be a loss not only to the
church with which they have been
connected but to the community in
general in which their influence for
good was ,n strongly felt. .The city
has had few abler speakers or lead
ers than Rev. Scott and his excellent
work in the church has been recog
nized by the outside cities in secur
ing him for special evangelical work.
During their stay here the family
have made many warm friends who
will regret very much to see them
leave the church work here but Rev.
Scott and wife will carry with them
wherever they may locate the best
wishes of the citizens of Platts-mouth.
C. K. Metzger of Omaha, former
representative from ("as.- county, but
who i-; now engaged in the grain
buin--; in (;i:i!ri. was in the city
Saturday looking after some busi
ness matters.
Mrs. Peter Stoll, who came to Amer
ica in 1 834, , settling first in Lake
county, Illinois, and later coining to
Cass county, Nebraska. The daugh
ter was married in Lake county, Illi
nois, in March. 185S, to William
Kropp, a native' or Hanover, Ger
many, who, with his parents, had
also settled in Illinois, and who, upon
the advice of friends, had later come
to Nebraska. He remained here only
a short. time, however, returning t'.
Illinois for his marriage and then, in
1858, the young couple removed to
Cass county, building a lwii.o en a
farm purchased by the husband and
remaining there for five years.
In IS 63. Mr. and Mr. Kropp came
to Otoe county and located on land
which is now a pare of tho village
of Wyoming. Their lives were spt nt
on that land and in that vicinity, Mr.
Kropp passing away on June 21,
Nine children were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Kropp. of whom only three
sons are living: John H. Kropp, f
Nebraska City; William Kropj, Jr..
and Louis A. Kropp, of Wyoming.
One .isttr. Mrs. A. Strum, of Ne-
hawka. also survives.
Mrs. Kropp was a member of the
Wyoming Methodist church and took
a great interest in its affairs.
services were conducted in that
church on Wednesday at 11 a. in..
Itev. Mr. Morrison, the-pastor, ha t
charge of the services. Intern-ert
was made at the Cowles Hill teu -terv.
Nebraska City Press.
From Tuesday's Daily.
One of the Phelps lighting plants
which are handled by Jess K. Warga
of fhi citv l:as be n disposed of to
Pollock Parmele. and will be installed
mi Ire in Custer county and
is one of the last features to be added
to the new homo of Mr. Parmele that
will make it complete and up to date
in everv wav. The plant will le
ampl for lighting and other uses of
the home in taring for a water plant
and i-; an addition that will go far
toward making the home on the
ninth the equal of any city home.
From -Wednesday's 'Daily.
The Rev. Cyrus Tow nsend Ilrady.
wel: known author and Episcopal
clerir: man. who died of pneummia
at 1 is hmne in Yonkers. N. Y., on
Saturday. b( longed at one time to
th Omaha o!fic of the 1'nion Pa
cm:: ranroao ami was ordained to
the ministry at Trinity cathedral
aftir studying in Omaha under
Kishop Won hington and Dean Gard
ner. .
A graduate of the naval academy.
Ir. J'.rady came to Omaha in lSSr
and v as connected with the claims
department of the Union Pacilic na
iler V. H. Hancock, at the same time
bei.ig a lay reader at Trinity ca
thedral. After his ordination in 1SS9.
be was n-ttor of Holy Trinity at
Crtte. Neb., for one year, leaving
there lo go to Missouri. Later he
became a rcli deacon of Kansas and
afterwards of Pennsylvania. He was
a chaplain in the Spanish war.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. iMrothea Kropp. widow of
the late William Kropp and promi
nent in Wyoming preVinct and Ne
braska City. died at 1 2 : 1 T p. m..
Monday, at the home of her son. Wil
liam Kropp. Jr.. in Wyoming. She
had been ill only one week.
Mrs. Kropp was born on February
I. 1n:J1. in Mecklonbcrg-Sc: v r-n.
Germany, the daughter of Mr. and
From Tuesday's Daily.
The musical house of A. liospe o
Omaha is to establish a branch of
their company in this city in the
next ten days and will open" a store
in the Hotel Wagner building in the
room that is now occupied by tie
lied Cross. The room will be refit led
and the Omaha company will install
a full line of the highest class of mu
ical instruments of all kinds and be
prepared to handle anything in the
musical line that may be demanded
by the public. Thus company has h
a reprerentat i ve here for the past,
two months demonstrating the :i:e
of player pianos and 11 has ytn -decided
that it will be well worth whi'.f
to have a full line of the musical in
struments placed here. This will
a long felt want in this city as we
have been without a first class mus
ical store for a number of years.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Lionel Ashman, the young Canadi
an soldier who has been making his
home in this city for the past two
months has since Saturday been suf
fering quite severely from the effects
of the injuries received from a gas
a'tack while the young man was
serving with the Canadians in the
Belgian country in 19 IS. Mr. Ash
man was troubled quite a little Sat
unlay by the effects of the gas that
has affected his lungs to some extent
and yesterday morning while he was
in attendance at the service. at the
Methodist church he was taken with
a sudden fainting spell and which
made necessary taking him to the
residence of C. C. Wescott nearby
where medical assistance was sum
moned and the young man was re
vived but is still feeling very poorly.
F; j0&$3
From Tuesday's Daily.
This morning Attorney Carl Ganz
oi Alvo. referee appointed by the
court to dispose of the SO-acre tract
of land belonging to the estate of
Deain Kamni, deaceased. sold the
property at auction at the south door
of the court house in this citv. The
land is located near Alvo and was
purchased by Mrs. K. J. Hedges of
Lincoln for $210 an acre or a total
$ It;. 000.
From Wednesday's Dally.
M in ford Craig has just completed
the deal whereby he becomes the
owner of the Henry Zttckweiler prop
erty in the south portion of the
city and will move there in a short
time to make his home in the future.
This is a very comfortable home and
is well situated in one of the best
residence districts of the city.
s you to buy any. , . vr zmm mmmmmmmmfm, mm
or conven- x (X VAV:' mmm
, furnish one W Y ,
in th3 house v VW 7FMMi :mMPiMmmSM 'iCSA
a surpria-. . ,vi -;. j&!b&i&;ttljr-(-Ab Pz--;- . tl-lx't fir'';.: j.;tr:a. -m- usiVihiZiAA:fm'kK y
see, ...v- V W
Not only is Rartmair s the largest but it is the
GREATEST concern of its kind on earth.
It is the lavgest in the sense of vast magnitude of our
plant and enormous volume of business; it is greatest in the
Ferine of our having devised the broadest, most comprehensive
plan of merchandis ing on wide open liberal credit terms
ever undertaken.
This plan enable
single piece of furniture
lence lor the home
room or every room
complete with the hi
ity of furnishings at
ingly low cost.
T i 1
it enaoies vou to
examine and use th
you oraer ior an en
month before you d
to buy.
ll-U XJLxll VUUl uw
3Ugment uninlluen
by salesmen.
T T 1 , t
lou nave tne on
portunity of secin
whether any particular 3
piece or set of furniture
nts m and narmonizesi
with the rest of your house 3
furnishings. It gives you
the opportunity of judging
quality by comparison wi
prices asked by others. In sr
our goods must please you in
way or we do not expect
keen them.
S KB, If after tkb thirty days' trial you are for " '14
Ed fe aSlif any reason at a ! not satisfied with vour purchase, just JgSSZ
"' send it back. We will pay transpovtatioA chas both
wavs and presnrnlv vefund any lr.onev v ,1 may have paid down. If you decide to tCfS'ritZ 'v5; "fr'-CZtf vif?V
l:eep it, o-.r eav m nth'y pym-nt riar. -Ive-s you a lull year to pay. S.
It is only because of our 812,00 ' 000 capital which gives us a buying Y
po-.ver ;-d ei;orrr.o:i.; f hat it is practical! -lriiimiied, that we can k'jep our nces down - ;
to so low a level ct the ;an:c time rive our mere than t .vo million customers all fsVC : -
over the United Matf the bsneiit o sut a liberal credit terms. i!p!.
air.c.unt 'CTir? ftvir-ii-jJZ t- I
Most BLah&p&S' Br&mi Pla
.Ill ll:c(.-l'
(';? r
CUT CM;- tG""K-
i;h.-v-! cr:-rfit tc
u:; l:bc-val;y.
And why s
a;xj. fi '':'
believe that opening a credit account involves
into cr.e'r. iriv:.:e- affairs and circumstances, and that thereby it certain :
ih:s is bv no :neans the casj in cioaung witn liartman s
LY. V." - do" not ;ry into one ; rrivate atTairs. Our relations with
e trust you-
l.V'i l
1 ti
s strictly co Jential. We extend you the most
Ve ask you to use your cretut wita
:c that can Ix; devised.
an t you; it costs you notnm.c
It is the com-
iicjausi; il requires no iijr onciay oi casn at any lima
cai;t ycu a ce::t more than if you were to pay all cash.
:JJ '' :w tgj id
f M & S3 a
In floating its veriors Liberty Ixians ouf jrcvermnEnt found that the partial
payment plan met with overwhelming: public approval. Thousands upon thous
and.; bought Liberty Bonds in this way who otherwise certcinly would net have
bought so many. The same principle holdu true in the relation of Hartman's
with its customers. Thousands upon thousands of homes hav-2 been furnished"
throughout, made beautiful, and the word ' home" has been g-iven its true signi
ficance simp'y because it has beemade so easy through liar t man's credit plan.
vsHt us au
.f. .
I s, a. f
Kr natter w?-a!; you want in the way of Furniture Living
.r t f. -t lov.:.-r-. ChnTrs, ravc-nnnrts. Dining Roc -a Sets, Eutfets",
uu:?vs, :-ov.' ?, ;?.rg;er, vaoints. ivuenenwaro
;..-ii.?. .'I' fi: jeri.Lors. Ci:iaaware. Silverware. Porch r.r.d Lawn Furni
:s, Draper! 2., Watches. Jewelry, etc., as well as Roofing,
'ieam Se.; rater? and a full line of f arm Implements, including (las
i-Wd 'I ri: ;er, I ecd Ceokers, Vvire Fencing, Circular Saw Outfits,
.flic.-, ?::!r. .s.oto. you will lind thtm all in this big book of bargains
-avi p.jr pr.JCo nr. J or: easy credit terms.
I-Tany pa,';es .f this magnificent book are in. r.atural colors
h.-.wing the e-d.-? a.? t'oy actually are. The illustrations are accurate the
3riut:oii3 a'csclutt iv ieliat-le.
1 ! i '
:..-. i'-i
?.: 1 : !-.-,
r.. . (:
"t ii.cnc'i
In this book you wiil find a fal! explanation of Hartman's
easy, long-time credit terms our positive, legally-binding guarantee of sat
isfaction and quotations of prices ro lo v that you will be amazed.
It is to your jrreat advantage to acc.u.-.I::t yourself with the
Ilartman Plan. It is to your advent aj:? to er s gi'eat institution serve
you. Our Bargain Book f hows ycu h'-w , "oll v c , and v.-ill ?eive j-ou how
much money you can save how easy it is to own the things you want NOW
without the expenditure of a large sura in cash.
This book is yours FREE for the askimr;. Send for your copy.
It will prove a startling revelation to you. Your name and address on a
postal will do. Write today.
1 ....(-?
4165 'Weratworth Avenue, Dsp. 218 CillCAaO, ELL
I buy poultry any day of the week
except Saturday.
On account of sudden market
changes. I cannot quote prices.
When having any poultry to sell,
please call Phone 2-111.
From Tuesday's Iiailj-. .
Some of the Plattsruouih ladies
have a decided objection to the use
of the term housewife as is jhown
by the following letter appearing in
the society department of the Om
aha Dee. The term is evidently
loathesome to the lady for the rea
son that implies sticking around
the li'ome fireside which is something
that is certainly out of date these
Dear Gabby: Having lived all my
life in a small country town. I hp?
not supposed to know or hear much,
however I am a daily reader of the
Bee. I have read and digested your
arrfcle in the "woman's section" of
last Sunday's I!ee "Pigs is Tigs."
and I agree with the woman who
lives jn the red brick house, about
being called a "housewife" by the
census taker. I not only "shy" at
the word, but I am going to jump
right onto it. and trample it to death.
"Housewife" sounds like "house cat,'"
and from-all the word implies, 1
judgo the duties are about the sairo
like the house cat. .she scratches
to get out, scratches to get in. lays
by the fire and cries for what she
gets to eat. When the "census tak
er" conies to our house, I f,hall give
mv pge correctly (I am not asham
ed 'of my years), and my occupation
as Vhome-maker, "mother, or pos
sibly "lion tamer." "snake charmer
or "bear killer," as the occasion may
demand, but never csn a man call
the "lady of his choice" a "house
wife." Oh. no! perish the thought.
Sincerely. A KOOf, KKADKR.
For Sale Fur robe. Set
Rice at Itichey lumber yard.
Will iam
East ot Ulley Hota! A
Coatca Clocli, T.
We have several farms and city
properties for sale that we have tak
en in on western Nebraska deals. Al
so several eastern Nebraska farms
15G acres, two and one-half miles
northwest of Union. Neb., nearly all
in cultivation, known as the Ed
Murray farm. Price worth the money.
Good terms.
GC acres, joining Oreapolis on the
south. 14 acres wild hav, cuts twice
a year; balance level farm 'land.
Joins up to Omaha and K. C. road
Unimproved. Good terms.
40 acres, good improvements, one
and one-half miles enst of Weeping
Water! Woven wire fence. This
will make some oik- a dandy home.
The ground is new. We have this
prjeed right with good terms.
SO acres, seven miles north of Cen
tral City; Neb. Good improvements.
This i in a good neighborhood. Good
CO acres, one mile and a half south
of Valley, Neb., good improvements.
5-acre tract, south of the C. 15. &
Q. shops at i'lattsiuouth. Good S
rciom house with furnace, well. Lots
of fruit and alfalfa. Some pasture.
Woven wire fence. Priced worth
the monev.
Two and one-half sicres southeast
of IMattsmouth. New live-room
house. This would make a dandy-
place for someone working in the
shops to raise a few chickens and
Good six-room house, in good re
pair, two lots. On N. 10th street.
l'ricel cheap.
Two houses ru Murray. Neb. One
six-room, new and modern; one acre
of ground, garage and other out
buildings. One six-room, good shape,
two lots.
Can gie possession on above prop
erty on March 1st:
See us. and make arrangement
for Saturday night trips to Perkins
county, where we will show you the
best bargain on ranches and farms in
that portion of the state.
' IMattsmouth. Nebr.
Murray, Nebr.
A healthy man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy man an
unhappy slave. For impure blood
and sluggish liver use Hurdock lUood
Hitters. Oa the market o5 years.
$1.25 ji bottle.
If it's iu. the book lint, call
the Journal office.
Fn:e line of stationery and cor
respondence paper at the Journal
I have for sale several good milk
rm c t uberruline tested. Will be
fffii soon and are good heavy milk
ers. See Neil D. Cameron. Bcllevue
IJIvd., block north of Childs road.
Telephone South 3317, Omaha.
Model Kose Comb Rhode Island
Red Cocks and lute w yanuoiii?
Cocks: single male Dim, -.uu. i.
II. Reinke. Shady Spring Farm
Bend, Nebr.
We do all kinds of job printing
mnm m
I If? K1 f i 9 VTi r-i V rl Oi t J PI lf-4
u u u ys u j w u ti u tu33 u
mm mmrwm
Buy this winter and save 15 per ccn. Work
not to be paid for until it is set in the spring.
To many wait until spring to buy.
- i
' n
Cass County ionumsn! Company
Telephone 177
Plattsmouth, Neb.