The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
f THnKSuAY. JANUARY l.r, lftSO. PAGE SEX PLATTSWOTTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOT7BNAL i How will this look for Spring1? Men's Suits REASONABLY PRICED- $75 to $125. You have done a real service if you are one of the miny who have bot one or more suits from our slock of $25 to $35 suite. When you have given it a year's usage you'll thank us for the tip, namely: an honest value and as saving of probably an amount equal to the cost of your suit. Crrr.M 1919 If BANKS OF THE CITY RE-ELECT THEIR OFFIC'RS ALL SHOW EXCELLENT RESULT FOR YEAR AND INCREASING PROSPERITY OF CITY. THRIFTINESS OF ALL APPARENT Excellent Service of Heads of Finan cial Institutions Recognized in Their Re-Election. It wasn't srood news to and it 1 1 j jr v r fc. m y won't be good news to you to learn that many of our Spring clothes will retail at $75, $80, $85 and $90. You think it isn't possible if is a certainty. We may have nothing you like, but do yourself a good turn by looking at least. Plenty of good clothes at $25, $30, $35 and $40 p JhiazciL L J r Wall Paper, Paints, G1as9. Plcttir Framing. Frank Gobelman. APT PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar range for a date as our paint shop is always in use. DIVORCE SUIT FILED trom Monday's .Pauv. An action frr divorce has been filed in the district court by Mrs. Gladys Duffield through her attor ney. A. G. Cole. akins; for a decree of divorce from Warren Dewey Drif field. The petition recites that the parties were married at Nebraska City on December 24. 1917. Cruelty ami non-support are the grounds of action for the divorce. FILES SUIT TO QUIET TITLE T.H. Pollock Garage PHONE NO. 1 roni V.Vdnsitny"s l:i!y The Lyman Sa:id company, a corp oration of the state of Nebraska, has filed an action in :he district court of Cass county asking that the title to certain land along the Platte riv er north of this city be quieted and that the plaintiffs be declared the ole owners of the property. ' The action is brought against George W. Urykit et al. and includes a large number of defendants. Matthew Gering appears for the plaintiff in the action. Prum Wednesday's Dally I he banking houses ol the cilv witn one exception. Held their an nual meetings yesterday afternoon and this morning and elected their officers for the ensuing vear as well us reviewi u me years nusiness. l no Farmers' State bank is to meet this afternoon for their annual election. I he review or the years work in the banks of the city is an indication of the increasing pi-OKperitv of the community and the growth of the financial strength of the citizens of the county and city.. All banks re port increases in the amounts of de posits as well as the seneral increase in all lines of the banking interests. The Hank of Cass Countv at their meeting re-elected the officers of the institution for another year, as fol lows : President Charles C. Parmele. Vice President -Jacob Tritsch. Cashier Kae V. Patterson. Directors F. G. Kgenberger, .Charles C. Parmele. Jacob Tritsch. ' T. K. Parmele. H. F. Patterson. The t bank has completed its most success ful year and shows a total asset of $7"l.rt00 as the result of the year's business and this is the largest showing of any of the county bank's reaching three quarters of a million in the volume of business. 4 The First National bank stock holders met this morning for the annual meeting and the result of the year proved most satisfactory both in the rapidly increasing business and the splendid management that has been a large factor in the suc cess of the year. The officers of the bank elected were: President II. N. Dover. Vice President F. K. Schlater. Vice President K. W. Cook. Cashier George U. Dovey. Assistant Cashier Miss Anna ! Warga. J The directors chosen were H. N Dovey. F. E. Schlater. K. W. Cook i A. G. Cole and George O. Dovey. The Plattsmouth State bank at their meeting found that the condi trons of 1919 had resulted in an in crease in their business that was very pleasing and that the outlook for coming years was very brisk in deed and the bank showed a flatter ing increase in the amount of busi ness for the year. The officers chos en were: President J. M. Koberts. Vice President J. II. Becker. Cashier II. A. Schneider. Assistant Cashier Miss P.erneso Newell. Directors j. m. Roberts. J. II Decker. II. A. Schneider. F. C. Fricke J. P. Falter. John F. Gorder ;nd I. 15. Egenberger. BIG IUR0C-JERSEY SALE One of the largest hog sale. to be held in this portion of the count w.Il be in. Id by Phii.'e llirz and Wil ham Ihrz at the llenrv Hir,: farm si. nines wesi or rial tsmout li on Friday, February (J, lJ):fJ, com men ins at 1 : .'!0 p. 11. The owner;; are offering a large tock of the c ! brate l buroe-ierse.v jwine at this time and every one ol the animals art; immune from dis jase. 1 lie st, k includes some of the best animals in the e.istern por tion ot the state and the reputation of the stock breeders of this ccU orated line ot ho.s will afford tin ua-.i opporiuni v possible tor tl:os who desire to purchase new stock. The breeder- have their, catalogs ready and are ;,t the disposal of tli .ors who desire K V. R. Young will sale and this is : ir?.t class sale. v". ouid-he-purr l write for then ;iliciate at th assurance ot a RECEIVE COMPLAINTS Chief of Police M. H. Manspeaker las been receiving a number of om plaints in regard to the dances in Saturday Hunts riiiiiiiii1' over in- o the Sunday morning hours ii to:;d of closing at The hief has no objection to the; tinning up to the limit of the time. ;i:t under the law the holding !' lances on Sundnv is illegal and therefore it is requested that :.K lances held on Sati'rdav iiiuht be losed at the nnlnight ho.;r a't l not lllowed Ut run over time into S;ni Iay morning. iiyspepsia is America s surse. T, es.tore digestion. normal weight. ood health am! purify the blood. use Dnrdock s I'.lood hitters. Sold : t ill drug stores. Price Si.:",. i. - fc'- 31 A ', I !-"We- V f I LM V i I have purchased and offer for ssle, thirty quarter sections of land in 1 Perkins county, Nebraska; one to five miles, from Madrid, and eight miles from Grant, the county seai. This Land is the Choice Farm Land of the George W. Holdrege Ranch. BOB ONE-THIRD CASH, BALANCE MORTGAGE 5 YEARS AT 6 PER CENT. FOR SALE THE UNIVERSAL CAR Only a Limited Number of Ford Oars There are mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now. But the biggest one is that there are only so many Ford cars just a specified limited number allotted to this territory. Those who buy their cars now will be wise. They will have them to use whenever thsy wish. Don't put it off next spring, eve a next month, is an uncertainty. Even nov?, we must have signed bona-fide orders before our monthly allotment is ship ped us. So the only way for you to be sure of getting a Ford car, is to order it now. Get your name on an order. It is your protection. Again we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and you must buy now while deliveries are possible. As ever, the demand for Ford cars is away in advance of production. So, it's first come, first served. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are all the same to the Ford car. It is a valuable servant every day of the year. Rain or shine, it is ready for your demands. Buy now and get prompt delivery. You won't have to store it. "You can use it. Buy now while the buy ing is possible Phone us at our expense and we will have our salesman call on you for your signed order. BRING IN YOUR OLD FORD and let's see if we can get together on a trade for a new Ford with electric starter. T. H. Pollock Garage, PLATTSMOUTH PHONE NO. 1 NEBRASKA One hundred young f;!iode Isir.nd Hed chickens. Thoroughbred birds of Nebraska farm stock. $?, tach or ?"i pair. Write Mrs. II. h. Gayer. K. I D. No. 1, Plat tsmouth. or phone Murray 170 1. lvd-2tv For Sale: ." acres, close in. hays well. r room house, near-modern, furnace, cistern, chicken house, barn nd well. Some fruit. Inquire of A. A. Alexander, phone 2." 1, Platts- niouth. d29-lvdav 1333 Bank of Commerce Louisvilla, Nebr. Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Journal want ads pay. ACRES 40 AT- Pub c '4 mile southwest of Louis ville, to be sold Wednesday, January 21, at Public Auction on the premises known as the Carlson farm. Sale begins at 1 : 30 p. m. There are 1 6 acres seeded to fall wheat, 1 4 acres alfalfa, balance farming and pasture and. Lay of land from level to' rolling. Would make an ideal i feeding farm, chicken or hog; ranch. Buy this and sret away i rom the city and be indepen-' dent, or live in Louisville and arm it, as there are no im provements but fences and a good well. ! Terms: $400 cash, $600 ' more March 1 st. Balance to be carried payable on or be- ore ten years, $200 each year or all cash if desired. 55c -m&lk'l 55c PER POUND! -r PER POUND! coffee! i rs:d Murdoch &Co. 1 This price is made possible by our purchase of an exceptionally large ship ment. It is a well known fact that coffee will not be cheaper. And as Monarch coffee is packed in air tight containers it ivill keep indefinitely. If you wish to shve money on your coffee purchases and at the same time get the highest grade blend, call us up or come in to see us in regard to special prices in lots of ten to fifty pounds. 3 SUGAR! 3' Frank Graham, AUCTIONEER Phone 91 Springfield, Neb. jT SUGAR The sugar situation is still very unsatisfactory and the outlook for cheaper sugar is not very promising. We have contracted for 400 bas of cane sugar which we can offer to our trade for March delivery one sack to a custo mer. Get your order in early and be' protected as sugar will become more scarce as the season advances. A FEW SPECIALS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Cranberries, 4 qts. for 25c Quaker whole wheat flour, pkg 50c Apples, per peck 50, 75, $1.00 Goochs Best arfd Virginia Smith" C ranges, per doz 35, 60, 75c pancake flour. 25 and 50c Grape Fruit 8V3 and 15c New York buckwheat, 6 lbs. for 30c HEAD LETTUCE CELERY AND CABBAGE H M Phones 53 and 54 . SOENNICHSEN, We Like to Serve jj