.. " i L : , 4. THURSEAY. JANUARY 15, 1920. PLATTSM0UTI1 SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Department 4 Prepared in the J Interest of Ike People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers I I t t If toj o' the w.u.'rs of th Journal koor of any social evrt or item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail g aic to this office, it, will ap pear nnder tins hnadinir. We want ail news Hems rniTOn ii w n.t.iiiiin rTm-, , iimmibhii mm.. . , . , , , ,JS3,d pjl rg: ru,ijiiririiiirji Mr. and Mrs. (). T. Leyda verc Plattsniouth visitors Monday, j For Sale Iired Fuwt, me besr. ol the herd. Oldham Stock Farm. Last Wednedav W. J. Phrpotj AS la ar Clients shipped some ten of his blooded chickens to John Brier at Arnold. Harry liaxlt-r has aoaepua a posi tion willi an automobile ar.d truck firm doing business at Jlavciock and da-parted a few days -:::ce to begin work tor the firm. The little baby of John EppinsT. and -, jfe has been ti y sick tor sev 'eial davs pa?t and is rt ported us be ing: someyhat improved an--' on the road to recover v. i W. Ii. Virgin. Gust Mia:iear and "Walter Mianear v ce looking after seine i. e.-s matters at Platts- .. ... . . . - ieutii m.-t v t iiiirMiay navir.g uriven ; p in il"ii car. i Mrs. C. li. Gllmoi" and daughter! Helen were visitor.- in Plattsmouth j last Tile-day ewning where- t :-ey Jake Urendel was called out to the home of Jack McNatt Monday. Wes Hill and wife were Platts r.iouth visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Lissa Jiiatt has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ivan White. .Mrs. Tony Klimm has been very -ick with lagrippe this, week. She is row able to be ;hp and around aga in. Gu Split t was a Murray visitor Monday. TP.UTH OUR BASIC PRINCIPLE A. Ganseeier Purchases Farm Last Tuesday Alfred Gansenier. ere r i T 'i 1 i , Kin ie I'm: at the -Hide:: music re s of Miss The depositors on our books include the leading busi ness and professional men people whose financial transactions through us often involve considerable sums Their faith in us has been established by careful atten tion to every detail a service vmicn is ex tended to all depos itors, both large ar.d small. We solicit in- .'.vwwv . up vestigation trom an. n U Sa fc ty H o n estvCo uricsy Service g - Four pr ce.it interest od tim deposit?. Our deposits are protected by the State Guarantj' Law. STATE SAfiS " II at lev. '.lane en hv tli: V. Pis. A'.'h'le Mbcr? Jol"v. the illa.MUn is compelled to be off from his wurh by reason of sickne s the wort; which , lie hu be: :; ucc:: : Mr.' t do is be ing looked alter by Harry- MeCuucrh. Mrs. I.. H. Puis, w ho has been sirl at I'ei- home i:i Murny for the pa-( two weehs, is re-poj i etl as who operated a reti' j ray. was a visitor ! he marie the purch: : farm, which cot $ found a renter in Iam5 Tigner who a : iTiiiig !L( of J. I) :cr will farm both on. ral store in ?.Iur :n lTnion. where i-e of an FO-aere 1 ier acre. He the person of ho rented an ad Crose. Mr. Tig the coming sea- In times past it was the common belief that all advertising must be taken with a grain of salt. A great change has come today. All hon est manufacturers try to prevent ad vertising untruths and half-truths. They acclaim the platform of the Associated Advertising clubs of the World, which declares thdt the basic principle of advertising is truth. That always has been our principle. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine never pretended to be a pana cea. This remedy has been recom mended only for -such cases which may be relieved by .the medicinal values of its ingredients. That means for indigestion, poor appetite, con stipation, headaches, flatulence, ner vousness, and other troubles caused by stomach disorders. All of Trin er's remedies Triner's Liniment, Triner's Cough Sedative, Triner's Angelic:! Pitter Tonic, etc. have ad hered to the same principle of truth. Ask your dealer, he will confirm this statement. Joseph Triner Company. i:;r,::-4a S. -Ashland Ave.. Chicago, HI. recoverin have her it u nearly .-lowly hoped conn e ! Dr. T Omaha the firs w . :i: to t i rt ss Iil :: tie bv he; a few Pie F we l'!el ks will it i .-' !?h in the" ii::. vh iior in i was --'u-"": f the week where joy he: ring ai' ad V. J. liryan ;u -1 sy- s(-e ti.e xv.'l ;he vi,:t .iit.nisi v. he'i ttie peerless ora- r appeared on the j.latf..; v.:. Clarence K i dep: rted last Tue. ;y eiiing pi; Ai; it. a. S i . w ier- i ;:?eat row,!:; Moving to Eimwood Sterling iihoden who has made his home near Murray- r all his life and where he has bee'r farming a short lime since pureha.-.-d a farm a few miles from Elmwo.nl and this week is m.iving to that place where he villi Mrs. Khoden and chil dren will nialve t!ir home. Mr. Iihoden and wife ! ..ve many friends here who regret tl ir departure but where they will so :i acquire a large "ii'le of fiieiids :i that neighbor- iOO :'. and what is our loss will be their gain. Murrav School Notes C,-;ple a 'ee bf en ccoT.ii of (j;n Ty: ! Hill 1..- absent sic-knes ee had of the he pa: little folk. t week or e v ili :". k lor a 1 irm ef hi.- v.: a 1, . j v,-!;!!f that gem h r,i j whs. re bo H serviv i nu m'o- rs of I h" I i j f -r t h- iire-f i. :. ern. ! Carl FlricM had i! i run a ''-il t hr..i;uh i t !t-r. ed n :.n K ei 1 ;t'ie ;y M ; in Oim.hrt "!!' of 1." States jury MURRAY mi.-ion r.::e t-1- lip ; , nd g t- ; tine ii';- l':! f badly scratched ui wi. j coasting Saturday evening. H is sled j became v.v. a nagi a !!(- and rio throu:e a board fenee !ie;.r 'y. Tiv- misfortune of '.is head caused flying up and was absent from .i'ved to northern st week. as finished study- and have All buriness transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. w e at the li- Itemember the reading br:-.ry.i-- .absolutely free. The ilcyal . i-hind -,' it Ige Saturday afternoon and el cted I'. ' sure to gtt a book it th Vi e i.ave ."0 "ii . - ones -il v mtt i.ff i- e li-a-d i i ii j pi at -iter ay :i-r amonu nil of thee vou can one to your likiag. A. L. Laker. '!".- tiial .-a'.' -via the A. Gansenier . ;ore. wa.- a v wp.h friends in Omaiia h.'.-t Stii; evening for a few hours, retur: he-me on the midnight traiii. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Hiatt an 1 :.ii:s I.a'ta i i:: i !... i-j:ry so- ci.- v Fi 'day u : !. h , .f rs. Si!ij:h. Tlie. s j-:-: ; ru ?r.e society it- '!ii:,y;r:: .-vmrieaii i?.:st ion and is sure inter.-? ing. Tiif library supptr -S: wa- w, 11 patronir.ed. h el lied v ere Mi.-s Mar chairman, with Mrs. I it UTdav niuht TIkkv who try Walker. ittb-. J-dni Farris. AVilliam Sporer. Wilha;n more. C. H. Gilmore ;:nd .V. A. .,'- Crackeu. Pauline OIdh:.!:i '.: :r t man of next Saturday evenit.g's sup per. The ladies aid society met wuh Ms- Margaret Hrendel and elected officers. Mis. William Seyhoidt wai ciiosen president. All those who have sub.-:, rii-ed 5 ". to Hie library and have nor paid it i:i will please leave it at tht bank a soc::; n convenient. W. H. Puis was a vbi'.cr i". On: aha cn last Wednesday v-'aere ! a was looking after some busii-es. t u?t ters for a short time. lv...t IV.ilw.r Tv-. l-w- lui.n t-:- itin-r in and near .Mtrvav for .-v-n! e ".- r';.vs Ti-t retorted :iist Tuesdav t '- enitig to his home at Grain. j Charles Carrphell and mHc. vh'-' f.-- ii enl a! hnnm one Itlo't liv'l'tll i of Main street, have added to the)'n- eadinsr matter of the home th. jour- I r.al. AVhile they know how to s-rve a good meal, they know a good pa- I per as well. W. H. Pols was this v.- -k re ceipt of a card trom ins si.uer. m Laura Puis, wiio i.- spending t ;n v t-r in the west being i.ca! '.1 a 'title iel'ou i- gettiti along as Ciih' In- epect( d. T. J. ilr,f:d l.,v- ho h- in the in:- ;r a nee business. looking after 'hi t c:rjni! s. Utoe ail tl t ass. was a vi'-'.pir jilie fore part of the week in Lincoln I and v- ni Omaha returning home i Wed-ic day l:c immediately departed for Wteping Water where he li a " some matters io lo d: after in tiiis I i n e. Il-.iny Puis, sin (,f "-V. H. Puis. Laf becri c. nii':";l to his hou-" for : evi -at days with a severe at t tick of pneti rn'in;;'. but is .-lii:htly imp:ov"o ai;'; it is h.-iied that !i" will s o' hv much letter. Mi.-s Eh ie PuN. a da: filter, i- also reported u-; beir.g ' ick with: an ft: lack of the la grippe but :hc ?o- is men better. i it is t r-Ki ol n .Noeti walk at: i :.ke te'ar so eitiiC'-'. Tle o i lit (i iij oil! !e lruch 1 .is-; !'r dav wl ; trip to l'n ion the car vas traveling If. ike d was c o:i; jit lp. d to count t i Muirav. . truck ; t at !i cat. ar.d ti( t a '-ottt it :n whi'h n and 1 e : o' to our i nd dere! let Ml la t er. sev Pi. ! I i.ttic uracil, t ain., w n-r j snendir, g the balmy weath ! clime. she :n ih a 1 1 rT i r w v AIvays F2cady for SaJe Dates far or near. HATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OP. J0 PAY! E VERSE ALL CALLS to tl '-ir T.Iitrr.iv "Era langf ; March 1 TeJepLo-.e 151J J. J. Meier of Weeping Wa: t ai. -;i visitor in Murrav for a -h-ft time a.:-t Vv'ednesday looking after iome ' matters of business and a'-n was at I he home of a number of farmers j near Here selling ana ueu vei i:-. r-v-m-: talking machines. Announcements ih rough the mail iu-r from Kxcelsior Springs. Mo.. ulli!:g of the wedding ol" George NukUs and Miss Calara Gertrude Lens; on January r at Omahi. Ti.e newly married eotinle a,-f' spend in ir some- tine- at this famous watering piace in Missouri -and :!1 ik at bom' friends lit Mut-v liter brnuahi the The Oldham Iu:ic-J' vh.i;i:.(-d hist V da-s(:-.y three Gcno I )oi-'T.s-..;i of (':;!;! !!. wlier" 1. will uc liiem o-i !ii. . : ill' !!', t:a ement itl h; ; : I, !'::, iins. Tio- Oidhaia fern: h ' pint, many of their fine boss to 1 p;:rt of the coeriry covenm t Mid n'-iglibertng . late.-:. I W. K. C; nT-;.:ai 'leu: rted Om: ha farm gi'ts s. r.. farm el; of a v : this las '. her g-.-t ling a gasa cut by a st i '.d-: d" wo i.ittiug him. Clell Ga::semer sche! Monday. Ada Campbell !: par' of the state la The third grade ! in: i'bov.t the L-kimns made illustrated booklets. The first grade having finished a bo kU; of Peter Ilabhit are now able i'i tell 'he story quite well. Elsie Puis. Marie Puis. Char' Howard ;ind Helene Perry were ab sent from school Monday on account of sickness. Hazle Davis. I), nabelle Edmisten. Lester Gansemer, Helen Gilmore. Lor n" hp'tchett. Lever Long, Will Min ford. Helen Perry. Esther Puis. Ma rie Puis, Harley i'uls, Pdanche Scot ten. Lois Se4ten and Nellie Tucker .e!e neither absent nor tardy dur ing" the p;:st school month, which :i'ed January i. The grammar room pupils are en-i-ying the story of "Poliyanna." -o:n- of them vre beginning to play tlie "glto! t-ame" almost as well ar Poliyanna. Say. Will, why did you try t ?hange your seat? Wasn't the other z-M-'l etiough ? WiUa Parks is again in school af ter being out two weeks on account jf sickness. The eleventh grade i.- taking r short course in the "Appreciation of Art." it being included in their Eng lish work. The high school has been review ing their subjects this week in order to be prepared for the closing of the semester's work. For Pale -About 2f0 splif t,-x: posts. F. J. Lillie, phone Xo. tloLL Murray. 2t3w PUBLIC SALE! OF Horses, Mules. Cattle and Farming Implements. Tuesdav ever ing I'oi he h:-d some business to look aftei and after having aitend -o to I bet lit j went on to hi.- new farm vdii-li h card- s.i.!e--red ! recently purf l;;: ;ed near Tekat.iah. Wednes'i-jv mcrr-Jir. Con t ry ma n v.ith his family will in a short tine move to thai plar: ' w here they cpoc' io make their bom' in i b Mo Joke Here! Overall manufacturers are sure pushing prices upward, znd in all confidence to 3rou, now h a good time io l.y in you vill need the coming summer. Men's indigo blue, suspender back, double stit ched overalls, per pair $2.75 iVier-'e ir.di'o blue jumpers to match above 2.75 Men's bi-.JC stitel stripe overalls 2.25 Merj'o bi?' -iifel stripe jumpers to match 2.25 Men's Express stripe, heavy weight denim; a mighty r;ood buy af $2.50 Men's Express siripe heavy wt. jumpers to match 2.50 A limited number of Hoys'. Overalls at O.'d Prices although broken in sizes'. future. j V. C. 'P. it.i-d-er. cashier ' of the ; Ih'iik of Murray, was a isi'or :n ! Omaha for a few day-; rhi week be j ing in :ii te'-dauee e.f the Nebraska bank' con ' -n t ion v.bi:!i was in j session this week. He was also meet j ing with the Nationa' lrire Insur i ance comjiany. who are als.:i meeting J in 1"n at ei'y. ."tr. !ioed"ker is a jmernbe;- and st ockhidder of the; in j surance eompa :iy. j Worth Click-, v ho is farming on j one of the placet-, of C. W. Ch l iwi'--i ser. a few d iy- ago moved into tl;- new bouse which has just been coni iplcud iy th- cont ract or. Senten . j Young, and v. hi"!: ha;'- 1 --"t i ecerttly ; been fini-h d (ui the inside. .Trsf" i Ch-i'Uibers. wh.'i finished the interior in excellent shape, will be-in on tb paiting of t fit outside as faun as the weather will permit. ! Murray Christian Church Services at th- usual time next Sunday. January IS: i ;:-i."" Short story; topic, "Alexan 1 der Paul of China." 10 IMble school. A class for ev eryone. Uichar 1 Itrendel will .speak a piece at the opening service. 11 Morning worship. The finan cial report for the year 1919 will be given and the r.ewlv elected officers rUdica'ed to their work. T:;;o Evening worship. Topic. "Ten Minutes from My Pulpit." A cordial invitation extended to all C. E. liannan. Minister. Albert Wilson was a Plattsmoutl; visitor Tuesday. - Mrs. Jack McNatt has been severe ly ill for the past week. Fncle Georpe Shrader is still num-b'-red with the sick. He is gaining .-.irenglli verv slowlv. On account of poor health. I am forced to quit farming and will sell at Public Auction on the Henry Lehnhoff farm 4'i miles southeast of Louisville; fi miles north and mile east of Weeping Water; 4 miles 'i irtheast of Manley on j FFJEAY, JANUARY 23, 1920 sale to commence at 10 o'clock sharp.1 Free lunch at noon. 7 Head of Horses 7 S One span geldings, one span shire mares, one span of blacks, a mare and a horse. 3 Head of Mules 3 One bay mare mule, coming 2 yrs. old; one black horse mule, coining ', yrs. old; one bay mare mule com ing 2 years old. ' 9 Head of Cattle 9 Eight stock cows, two with calves bv side; one milch cow. All will be fresh in spVing. Farm Machinery Strcughton wagon; Newton wag on; spring wagon; Rock Island rid ing lister; Peru riding lister; John Deere riding cultivator; 2 Jenny Lind cultivators; John Deere 2-row ma chine: Pudlong disc; 7-foot McCor miek binder; 12-hole Mo-ifor press drill; broadcast seeder; 3-section har row; 14-inch John Deere gang plow; 12-inch walking plow; Emerson hay rake; oscillator bob sled; iron low truck wagon; hay rack; Grecheon corn planter with drill; standard Emerson mower; ball bearing grind stone; 2S-foot corn eleva.tor and power; hand corn sheller; pump jack; M sets of 1 L. inch harness;1 one set 1 '4 inch work harness; set single harness; saddle and bridle; S tons good prairie hay; Economy Chief separator; 32 gallon iron ket tle; 120 egg Old Trusty incubator; some household goods and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. i TERMS OF SALE: Sums under MO cash. On sums over $10 a credit of one year's time will be given on bankable notes drawing S per cent interest. No property to be removed ( uirtil settled for. GEO. H. SCH0EMAN, Owner, t REX YOUNG. Auct. j RALPH LARSON. Clerk. t BUY YOUR mow As we predict' much higher prices in a very short time! COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES! Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Products! The Service Store, ALF GANSEMER, Proprietor BULK CANDIES! BON-BONS! ison Records! Just received a new lot of Edison records. Come in and pick out what you want. We will be pleased to play them for you any time. We also handle needles for any talking machine. Let Us Show You the New Edison! The an ieier uru Murray, Nebraska Co. T03ACCOS! CIGARS! OH MURRAY, NEBRASKA An old-fashioned Dance with up-to-date music. Square .Dances, Waltzes, One Step, Fox Trot, Two Steps, Etc. DANCES FOR OLD AND YOUNG FE3SDAY WIGHT, January H'(Bth Come Out and Help Make This the Big Event of the Season Community Dance GIVEN BY THE MURRAY DANCING CLUB ..A. A. A Notice If you are going to have a sale, do noi fail to arrange with me for fur nishing of Lunch. Most up-to-date equipment in Cass county. Write or phone No. 2S12. OSCAR NAILER. Murray, Nebraska. Kodaks and supplies at Keedy's the druggist. E. V.'. WE CAN CARE FOR YOUR ETTS E5C3 fttCT 0 We are prepared to give special care to storage batleries, both those usep in autos and lighting plants. We have a large assortment of parts and an sxcellent workman. We can repair and replace cells, giving absolute assurance of satisfaction. I Y t T T T T f Spring Will Soon Be Here! I Yes, the birds will soon be singing and spring work will be rapidly crowding itself upon us, and then you will need those new farm implements and need them badly. We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of farming im plements for we are carrying all lines at Murray the John Deere, International, J. I. Case and Moline. Thus we are well equipped to furnish you anything you may need in the line of farming machinery, engines, tractors, etc, at the lowest prices. The Murray stock will bs complete, and in addition to this W. K. Puis, the Implement Man, will conduct a sales station at Plattsmouth which will be in charge of D. B. Ebersole, who will carry the J. I: Oise and John Deere lines. . See Either of These Gentlemen When Wanting Anything in the Farm Machinery Line. 1 f t y y y f y y y t v It f if IT Tutt. WJ. H- PULS, Murray, Neb. D. B. EBERSOLE, Flattsrr.outh, Neb. -XJ0 s ge, Nebraska vans as id ii as MURRAY, NEBRASKA Murray,