The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THURSEAY. JANUARY 15. I0o. H.ATTStfOUTB SEMI -WEI FLY JOTTSWAX PACE THKEt Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. SER VICE is a word you often see in advertising with many it is only a word here it is an actual fact. Service means to us just what it means to you. Service is some thing wejjpractice as sincerely as we preach. a ok of UNION, The I'.ecker txys. sons of A. IU-cker. shipped a car of mixed hogs Si ii d cattle to Omaha last Wednesday. Mrs. L.. Morrison, who has been visiting at the heme of relatives at Syracuse for some time past, is still enjoying her visit. Thomas Cromwell of Lincoln was a visitor in I'nion for a short time last Tuesday and was looking after some business matters. Albert Hathaway and A. H. Austin were very buisly eniraged last Tues day repairing the pump at the well at the school and putting it in condi tion that it might be used. Alfred Gansemer of Murray was a visitor in I'uiou last Tesday looking after some business matters for a few hour., having purchased the M acres of land advertised in the Journal by J. I). Cross. The place will be occu pied the coming season by James Tigner. Mrs. Klizabeth Kaster. who some time since departed for the west where she is spending the winter in California, writes that the weather there is as grand and warm as the sprint time in this county. She is spending the winter in California and at this time is visiting wth friends f c-in iiifcirn l rii Vaster will re main until spring and thus avoid the j cold weather of this clime for once. FARM FOR SALE! Price $210.00 per Acre. SO acre farm for sale. 4 miles northwest of I'nion. well improved. Will rent 160 for five years if de sired, corn ground, two-fifths deliv ered; acres alfalfa at $10.00 per acre; 2" acres pastur' xt $4.00 per scre. Will lease only u party pur chasing the SO acre tract. Call Phone No. 64 FARMERS MERCANTILE GO. UNION, NEBRASKA lftE CARRY a complete general line of Staple Merchandise When in need of anything call on A. L. BECKER, Union, Nebraska n iuDidong mi (Mi A Union Business! j Owned by Union People! 1 Managed by Union People! We Solicit the Patronage of the Entire Community. HONEST SERVICE IS OUR AIM! Frans Bros.' M Phone 38-A Union) NEB. Jesse Crook of Otoe county was a visitor in Union last Tuesday coming to look after some business matters. lien Raymond was a visitor in Ne braska City last Friday where he was called to look after some busi ness matters lor the day. Glen Austin has been kept pretty busy of late greaking weeds on the right of way of the Missouri Pacific and is making good progress. Sheriff C. I). Quinton was looking after some official business in I'nion last Friday driving down and after having looked after the matters which call him returned home with his car. Last Friday W. S. Doughty and Frank Trotter, both of near Ne hawka. were in I'nion looking after some business matters and being in consultation with Attorney C. L.. Graves. E. H. Schulhofh of Plattsmouth one of the foremost of piano tuners, was a visitor in I'nion last week, do ing some work in the city and ad jac. it country remaining over night and returned home the following day. Miss Rachael Keudell. who has been confined to her home Tor sev eral Weeks with an attack of rheuma tism aird with which she has had a very severe struggle, is so far re covered that she is able to be out and around a little. Charles Garrison and -wife were visitors in Omaha over Sunday where they were spending the day with their daughter. Mrs. Ben Rod dy, who is recovering from an illness at the St. Joseph hospital. lien Roddy and little son. John, two years of age. were visiting with the wife and mother. Mrs. Ben Rod dy, who is convalescing at the St. Joseph hospital after having under went an operation there a few weeks since. Exa Frans and wife and their lit tle daughter. Miss June, and one of the best natured babes at that, spent last Sunday at the home of the moth er of Mr. Frans. Mrs. Belle Frans of I'nion. they all having a very de lightful time. Frank Boggs is limping around for the past few days the reason of which is a very sore foot, resulting from the dropping of a large chunk of wood which lit on his foot, mashing it badly. It is getting along as well as could be expected. There will be an Epworth League social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cross the coming Friday even ing and judging from the way the young people enjoy themselves when they get together we are assured that they will have a very nice time. P. I). MeCormick, who is the own er of a farm northeast of I'nion was a visitor here last Sunday and also was at his farm to see about the place is getting along. Mr. Me Cormick is employed in Ralston where he is making his home and de sires to sell his place. Lumber Co., Union, Neb. 3C 3 Professor E. A. Ward of the Union Fchools was a visitor at his home in Pluttf mouth for over Saturday and Sunday. Lemuel Barrett was a visitor at the home of his parents in I'nion where spent the week-end and then returned to his studies at the state university. Geogre Shrader of near Union and his father of near Murray, shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha last Tuesday. Robert Shrader accom panied them. Miss Grace Bogenrief. one of the teachers of the city schools, spent last Sunday with friends at Nehaw ka. where a few years since she was one of the instructors in the schools of that place. Winfield Swan was a visitor last Monday at the county seat where he was in attendance at the hearing of the consolidated schools, which was being given an airing at the court house. Miss Janet Patterson of Platts mouth was a visitor in Union last Tuesday coming down on the morn ing train to visit at the home of her brother. J. M. Patterson and family, for the day and returned home in the evening. Little Jack Patterson, who has been sick with bronchitis for several days past, is so far recovered as to relieve the apprehension which was felt by parents and friends for his welfare. It is hoped he will soon be himself again. Fred Nuizman living in Otoe county just south of Nehawka was a visitor at the county seat last Mon day and stopped to look after some business matters at Union on his re turn home Tuesday, being met here by his son Eugene then going home with their car. Miss Alice Crozier and Miss Ander son. loth members of the teaching force of the I'nion schools, spent the week-end at their homes in Weeping Water where they enjoyed the time with friends and relatives and re turned here Sunday evening to take up their work in the schools here. Dr. W. M. Barrett, who has been kept to the house for a number of weeks with an aggravated attack of laerippe. is so far recovered as to be able to be down town for the first time last Mondry. It is desired by his many friends that his progress to final and permanent recovery may be more rapid and that he will soon be himself again. W. T. Craig of Plattsmouth was a visitor in I'nion last Tuesday staying until Wednesday morning looking after some land interests, having in m'nd the purchase of a farm in this neighborhood or the renting or one preadventure. He did not find the place to suit him to purchase. Mr. Craig was wall pleased with the looks of the lands here and thinks the fertility of the soil unsurpassed. Mrs. Merritt Pollard, who has been sick at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Frans. has so far recovered that she was able to return to her home in Nehawka during the week. Mrs. II. M. Frans. her moth er., who has also been confined to her bed with a severe attack of la grippe, is also doing nicely and it is hoped that she may soon be able to be out again. Attended Meeting: at Licneln Rev. L. Morrison was a visitor in Lincoln during the middle of the week where he was a delegate to the joint meeting of the Tecumseh. Fair btirv and Lincoln districts of the Methodist church. Many ihino of interest to the church Vvork .-:" taken up and considered at this meeting and arrangement? effected t" more comprehensive team work of all the churches. Officiated at Wedding Last Saturday at Lincoln the Rev. L. Morrison of the Methodist church of Union officiated at a wedding wherein Mr. A. C. Churchill of Wray. Colo., and Miss Jennie Beutds ley were united in marriage. Th- bride was a very efficent nurse and had been holding a position in the Mayo Brothers hospital at Rochester. Minn., while Mr. Churchill is a cap italist having his home at Wray. Colo. The newly married couple will make their home at Wray. Colo. Union Young: Man Married Clyde B. Lynde. whose home has been in I'nion. but who has b"en at Oklahoma City for some time where he has been with an iron worNs com pany of Kansas City, was on last Wednesday united in marriage with Miss Maude Ieads. a very handsoi-ie and attractive young lady of Wien'ta Falls. Tex. The groom, who is well known in this community, is a young man of much sterling worth and one respected bv all who have had the pleasure of his acquaintance and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynde of Fnion. The bride, who is to share the home nest provided by the young man. is one of the beaut if ui daugh ters of the south and is fortunate in .the securing of such an excellent young man for a life partner They will make their home in Wichita Falls where the young man is em ployed. The Journal with the niany friends in Union extend best wishes and hopes for a long, hapy and use ful life. Showing Good Improvement Mrs. Ben Roddy. who several weeks since was taken to Omaha where she underwent an operation for relief from appendicitis .ind o'her complications, is reported after hav ing undergone the ordeal of. a suc cessful operation as showing marked Improvement and her ultimate recov ery to good health is now locked up on as being but a few weeks away. 'Mrs. Roddy is being treated Lt the St. Jobeph hospital. Mkiner Strides Toward Eecovery Little John Taylor, J. B. Taj lor. Jr.. son of Rev. and Mr. .1. )j. Tay lor, who has been sick at their home for several days past with tonsilitis. and whose condition was indeed crit ical for a number of day,:, is now on the road to recovery, and is mak ing very satisfactory progress. It is now thought and is the best wishes of friends that he may soon he him- . self again. Bible School Elects Officers At the last meeting of the bible school of the Baptist church of this place a business session va heid at which the election of off ii rs for ti)(. coming year was held ;md which resulted as follows. Ruper tendent. Rue Frans. a ung man filled with init iat ivw and r.ergy, was selected. As assistant. I! y Gerkins was selected and which an ex cellent choice. For the position of sec:- tary AIJa Taylor was selected and 1 r assistant Miss Frances Bauer, bo- r: positions reflecting the good jurgi ent of the school in the selection. Miss Mable Hanson wa.- the choice for the position of treasm.r. Rav Frans was chose!, as the li brarian while Charles Garrison was s ( given the position as h - assistant, both being men adapted well to the position and which will surely look after In excellent shape. For the bible class ( F. Harris was selected as the teacl . r while H. M. Frans was selected e- his assist ant both gentlemen beii especially suited and competent f r the posi tions to which they have '.(-en called. Miss Bessie La Rue w ;- chosen as organist for the coming : ar. Miss Elizabeth Rabe 1. ;s been giv en charge of the young ; pie's alass while Mrs. Jennie Fran will teach the bovs' class. Services at Methodist Church There will be Sunday school at the Methodist church i xt Sunday, but no preaching in the morning as Rev. Morrison will be ; Wyoming. During the afternoon there il nc a meeting of the memb-rs of three younger divisions of tl Epworth League they being the iMernuiiint". the junior and the primary which, is t in charge of Miss Crozier. The sen ior league will hold their se.-sion Just preceding the service. Rev. Morrison has chosen for his topic "Lessons from the i'latte." You many wonder what this would be but you will find it worth your while to come. This will be a rare treat for an excellent discourse is being prepared. At the Baptist Church There will be the bible school which is starting out ut.der th. new officers and they desire all members , ! of the church and bible schoi to be in attendance to assist in in a kin? this the best school in the co:Tt. F-llijwing this will be the meriting service and will be well wortn while. Tbe Baptist young people's society will occupy the early evening hour which will be followed by the even ing services of the church. Both the morning and evening services w:il be conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. 15. Taylor. Elevator to Have New Manager S. C. Keckler. whe has beei the manager of the Farmers" I'nion ele ator of Union, has resgined his po sition with the company to accept a I oition selling land in Colorado. 3tid :lfo will make his home on a quarter restion which re recently purchased through the agency of Charles Bow dish and L. R. Upton. The resigna tion was accepted with regrets aftti a review of the two years' work of Mr. Keckler. which has resulted in much profit to the elevator company. The company showed- their good j idgmtnt in selecting L. G. Todd ! fill position and we are certain that tlie new man will prove very populur pnd will make an excellent showing for the institution. Will Take Advanced Lessons Mrs. L. G. Todd a few days since gave a reception in honor of her friend. Miss Lula Raben of Nebraska City, who for a long time has been coming to I'nion to give musical in struction to many here and who h.-'.s bad as a pupil hiembers of the fam ily of this lady who has given this reception in her honor. The even ing was spent in much pleasure :ir.d not least among the evening's en tertainment was the excellent music which was the result of the instruc tions given by this capable young woman. Many of her close friends and pupils were in attendance and extended best wishes for a very suc cessful trip to the east where she will take a post graduate in lessons on the violin. Keeps Himself Pretty Busy Superintendent McDonald of the I'nion schools who is bending all of his efforts to the making of the schools a success and with the co operation of the balance of the fac ulty is making a good success, last Tuesday made four addresses in the forenoon besides sweeping the gym that the other teachers could use it Ik the afternoon. ' Had Splendid Birthday Party Last Tuesday Mrs. L. G. Tood en tertained a number of young people at her home in honor of the birth day of her daughter. Miss Alice. The young people certainly en loved the occasion which was one of much mer- ' riment. There was music, singing and games which nil enjoved to the full. The capping of the climax came with the splendid luncheon which was served by Mrs. Todd and which was surelv enjoved the young people who are loud in the praise of the cooking of Mrs. Todd. Many Bay Land in West During the latter nortion of the . week L. R. Upton and Charles Row- ' dish, who were in the west with a ' number of men ") wrp loot--r i over the country -with a view to mak ing land purchases returned after enjoving nearly a week there and all are loud in their praises f tb snio" did looking territory. All who were I w ith the party were so impressed with the country and its certainty with which crops have come to en ' rich those who have held hmd then that all made purchases. 1). A. Katui taking :!L'0 acres and will make that his home in the future. S. c. Keckler also made a purchase of a fjuaricr section and will remove to Arriba i to make his home as soon as he can get relieved from the position which he at present holds with the I'ann- ' ers" Union Elevator company. He will also represent Mr. Bowdish and Mr. Upton in that part of the coun try. J. M. Clarer.ce was ah the purchaser of a hall" section of the wheat growing land. I ' i Statement of Financial Condition of the Fanners Mercantile Co. of I'nion. Xeb.. at the close i b'i.-:i:ess December HI. 3 It l i . Resources Merchandise inventory ? 1 1'. 2 Furniture and fixtures :: 1 . .s Electric liuht Mock -:0 Cash on hand T"l.."l Total Resources . i ::.;;." i l.i a 1 1 i Capital Stock paid up ( upital subscriptions Elevator trust account.. Account? payable j Undivided profits :: (i ().(. l.i r. r..! l Total Liabilities ? 1 . t; i; 2 . " 1 We hereby certify the al.o- is a true and correct statement of the Farmers Mercantile company for the last nine months of 1!U!.---V. 11. Porter, president: E. 15. Chapman, vice president: U. L. Shoemaker, sec retary : 11. M. Frans. director: L. F. Fitch, director. Fiddlers' Carnival January 23 The I'nion .social club will give the people a new kind of entertain ment on Friday evening. January 2?.. at Becker hall, the principal fea ture of which will be a fiddlers' con test and prizes will be awarded the winner?. The list of contest ants is not yet complete, but those who have , signed up to play are Frank Hunhson, Jesse Hughson. Lon Mead. Luther Mead. Harve Miller. Oscar I)avi. j Will Rakes. C. W. Clark. Will La Rue and Jack Chalfant and it is certain j that several others will compete, among them being Joe Pukes. Wil liam Balfour and James Fran. In order that the entertainment may not become monotonous ar rangements are being made for a number of specialties, among which will be a boxing match by Clarence Dukes and Fred Mead, a whi-!ling match by Fred Clark. Blair Porter. Earl Hathaway and others, a pulling match by Allison Clark and l'at Rod dy. Some of the members, assisted by boys, will give the audience a demonstration of what the turning bars and rings are for. an exhibition that will show what the athletic ap paratus will do for the old and young and the ""acrubats" being ert Willis. Ira Clark. C. L. Craves. Charlie Clark (four years old), l'at Roddy. Allison Clark and others. It wLll ie nice, clean entertainment which none need hestitate to attend and the ad mission price of o0 cents will be charged to meet expenses and pay the war tax. Remember the date Fridav evening. January l'.".. Birthday Party The evening of January if) being the ::7th birthday ofMrs. John Lidg tt of T'nion an invitation ex tended to a party of friends and rel atives to be pre.-ent and help cele brate the occasion and partake of the feast that had been prepared for that puroose and it being leap vears the ladies had the first choice for a partner and bv being there Ij noticed each lady had for first choice not her own husband but an other. Finally the table being spread the company came forward as chos en to partake of an old-fashioned fresh oyster supper for the first course with celery, pickles, olives, candies, salted almonds all on the table for each one present to supply their own taste and capacity for con sumption. The second course was then brought forward consisting of aneel food and mothers' old-fashioned fruit cake and fruits. Then a rest for a short time. The visiting began which lasted but a short time as all present were chuck full of music which started as soon as the keynote was touched on the instruments and lasted until near the we sma' hours of the night when some one .suggested we should get home before Sunday. All departed to their respective homes, saying the evening was spent with pleasure and wishing another soon. Those present were Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. ban Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McQuinn. Mr. and Mrs. John Lidgett and Mrs. Joe Lidgett all of I'nion ; Mrs. Albert Johnron. Weeping Water; Miss Knima Harris, Omaha; Mrs. A. Chidister. I'nion; Dr. Swab. I'nion; George Hastings. Spearflsh. S. D.. and J. W. Woodward. I'nion. Ry One of the Runch. SHEEP ON THE MARKET Frank Schlichtenieier, of near Murray passed through Plattsmouth yesterday enroute home from Omaha, j where he had been with his fourth, and last double deck car of sheep, that he has been feeding on his place near Murray for the past few months. He says that he met with a very satisfactory market, and the lambs sold near the top. only one other bunch bringing a higher price for the eastern shipment. The aver- j age gain was 28 pounds and Mr. i Schlichtemeier says they were fed on the corn fields. He fed a total mini- ' her of 950 in the four cars. FUNERAL SATURDAY The funeral of Walter Meisinger will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Eight Mile Grove church. WHAT CRI80PBABTIC DOES Tiie National Chiropractic Association has compiled statistics showing that last winter 8G5 doctors of Chiropractic professionally cared for 35,311 cases of influenza, of whom all but 41 recovered. This h a Death Ratio of One-Ninth of One Per Cent. This low death rate is due to the efficacy of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. There is nothing known to the art of healing that can compare with this record of Chiropractic in its conn let with the "flu." I Ci less in onrcctic is no t,f colds o: ctlicr disorders Chiropractic fortifies c o C ii.SC. ;0 UlUgS. All those afilictcd Ly disease would do well to inquire into th: true merits of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. DR. LEE W. EDWARDS Chiropractor Farnam Streets o o C?JrOCRAFHIC AND X-RAY DIAGNOSES I VISITING ?LATTS?:CUTH ITJEFDS pat. from near Cor- r i ' I in I'lat tsmo'it h lock. S. D.. a J ll-. ..1 t m. i n g icr , .- ;-.'! visit vi'h p-r Vi'.'l r"i ' v-s ; :m! oi in r friends the "id 1-G!!! He ';'m t. Sor.'i: h"gs an! 'oi.k ;.:!vai w i ; h a ca r of isc of th C'p- i.rt 'l' . ; v 1 ' :i II'- rays evr t!:ir. i- v. : 1 plea ! a t t h visit. : fi'iing tine r nd ; South I).,;:;tr:. If it's in the card line, call at the Journal office. 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are making trips to Colorado every week. Come and make a trip ;tnd see the country. Special prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to $50 per acre, according to location and improve ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles wet of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box 11. Union, Neb. Things Good to Eat! I am telling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we will help j mi solve the problem of the high cost of living. We have everything in the grocery line in season, and sell at the lowest price, consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial. D. UNION That Baby We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the "P.aby Overland." which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry Oldsomobile and Trucks and Iteo Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may he offered in the repair line. We also carry a full Btock of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. T UNION Drs. ftlach & IViach, The Dentists for treatment, end no money to be pcid nnul cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, witi name and testimonials of more then I'J'JO prominent people who Lave been permanently cured. - DH. C. R. TAKRY 240 Cea I.ulldiuc OMAJ1A, NEBRASKA o effective when applied to cases incident to the changing seasons. the system against the approach OMAHA, NEBR. TO HOLD HOG SALE From Monday's Ially. While in the city today Otto Schaf er, from west of Murray, completed the arrangements for holding a thor oughbred hog sale which will be held on February 9. 1920. at the .'arm of Fhilip A. Schafer and Otto S-.hafer. This sale will be one of the big events of its kind and with the Philip Ilirz and F. W. Young hog sales will dispose of a great deal ( f th" life stock of the county. Read the Journal for all tBe news STIWE, NEBRASKA Overland" WILLIS, -:- NEBRASKA The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA i . Fistu!a-Pay When' Cured A milrl system of treatment that cores Pile, fistula aad other R'jcta lbiseases in a short time, without a sere re sor fiical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetic noed. A cure etmmnteed i n ererr caw tmntHi