MONDAY, JANUARY 1 lfl- PAOT. SIX PI.ATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEFJ-TLY JOURNAL AUT PAINTING! We now have a Paint ing Department and have an experienced Automo bile Painter. Let us dress up your old car with a new coat of paint and make it look like new. Better stop in and ar range fcr a date as our paint shop is always in use. T.H. Pollock Oar Ojiu PHONE NO. 1 week, and while there attended a convention of prominent democrats of the state, who requested him to take the matter in hand of giving a get-together banquet at the Lincoln hotel in the capital city on Wednes day evening. January Hist It is planned to have a large number of prominent democrats present at this hauouct and a great deal of work is expected to be accomplished toward lining up on a program of procedure for tlu coming months, when the campaign will be waged with an ear nestness seldom excelled. Tie- democrats of this county feel honored at the appointment of their fellow co-worker, Mr. Ianghorit who is an acknowledged organizer, to the position of chairman of tin committee on arrangements, which fact alone ;,s:;ures the success of tin banqiDt. A little later the list of .speakers will bo announced. All democrats in the count v who can do so. ure urged to be in attendance at this banqti't. And if a republican wtio wains to be good and learn a les. on desires tie can cone- too. witti the hope that it will do him some J ood. CLYDE MURPHY HERE NOT A WELL DAY IN ELEVEN YEARS Sfc Sfr Sfc 2fa 3 Sfi If Jfr sf MURDOCK ITEMS GASS COUNTY PIO NEER CALLED HOME Pfc 3fi ( font inu'-d fro ml'ae ." i i l q-iMrr. Jchn Dunkirk, at the Age of ' i 83 Years. Dies After Short ! Illness This Week. ard Furnace company prod.: be- Mr;. Marv i:usl:irk. widow of the From Saturday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Clvde Mur phy, a former l'lattsmout li boy. and son of Fred Murphy and wife of Chicago, was in the city looking af- Lincoln Man Takes Tanlac and Says ... ...e I.U.....K- He Has Gained Sixteen Pounds ton railroad, departing on No. 2 for a a tps11i im iiuuit- in v. niLiiK". v. IJUI" lias neen locaieu in cnicago since nis ,,ever knew what a well day discharge from the army in May lwas in eleven years till Tanlac 1D1H and is now married. During the straightened me out," said C. A. war he spent nine months of his ser- Crawford, contracting painter and vice in Prance on active duty and paper hanger, living at 222."! Q enjoyed the experience of the boys of street. Lincoln. Nebr. i.ncie nam in ine oki worm in Clean- -j na,j b,.en in sch a wretched ing up the world war. For a por-LJato of l0aith fr n long." he con n.-i; m n.e nme mc was sianoneo tiuuoSt -jUat I was a total wreck, at Conlie where Matthew Ilerold of i (.ouldn't sleep wil and my stomach this city was also stationed but fhey was in such u (lrpadful condition did not have the opportunity ef ,Maf nothing I would eat a creed with ,,,nl,!,;; """"are oi eaca oin- lne ami x lost Wl .,,, t j W;ls iltle t-rs presence. I he years s.nce the lnoro ,han a vi sUeloton. for i removal of the Murphy family from had gotu.n ,htvn , on( hundn.,i this city have developed Clyde into rounds. Kvery summer my vitality b.g nusky young man and it was ...,., rn ,nu ,, , .1 ... What Size Suit Do You Wear? bard for the old friends to recognize I . i., him as the lad who had been so well known during his residence here. il l,. ..I,., I.,.1 i -l, -il l.r . :.i 11 : .pull II IIH.T. I I r.. u.ti't & i in ifin. inn a uucm oi ine (uim i.nn . u u u 1 1 , ... . ,. ,,,,.... . , , , .... , about two miles north i 'unlock expenses paid by them. 1 here , ... ..,...,., .,, , met the dealers from all over the country engaged in handling this line, and had as his boon companion none other than John Hatter -genial John of I'lattsmouth. who handles the same line of good in the coun ty seat. Mr. Tool wa' very favor ably impressed with the way the company entertained their guests. , vjiii".' 1 age i f n-'arly s:; y ars. .Mrs. ISusl.irk was born in the state of Xew York and lived, there until j she -Miis abom thirty year:; of age, ihti'ng i hero onited in marriage to John I'.uskirk. Liter she and her husband came west, settling near South Lend seme f.2 years ago. and jthis go:id lady has made i r home in I this vicinity ever since--more than ! ! If a -entury. j To this union vt re born eiSht ' children, all of whom survive their Guest of Omaha Tealcrs Wm. Gehrts. the i.i.phTi.ent d-:'.ler. and who is a hustler when it come; to handling all the well known iiii-l i l"r,'if- M"- Hu.-kirK preceded his wife to the other world b- some twelve years. Since that time. best selling lines of machinery, was a suest of the Omaha dealers :ir n, three dav convention held in t he ' l' lsk irk h;is resided on the home metropolis last week. He and f has. Place, being comforted and cared for Schaefer. who is again in his cm ploy, were both in attendance, t'lev having- none to Lincoln and fn,i!-,i Ti e children who mourn the do to my bed ;;nd be laid up for three or four tnor.ths at a time. "Finally I got a bottle of Tanlac, ami soon after starting on it my ap petite improved so I could enjoy my food and I started up hill again. I have already gotten back sixteen pounds of my' lost weight and am still gaining rigl.t along. My nerves are so much stronger and I have im proved so much in every way that li feel like a different man.' I have been working hard everv day the From snt irrtnv's ra:iv I pasi summer, sieep line a log every Judge James T. Hegley. of the night and leel fine all the time. I second judicial district. has beenlam now full of life and energy and asked by the district bench of Doug-J I don't hesitate to say Tanlac has las county to hold court in Omaha done more for mo than everything during the next two weeks and as- j else I have tried put together." sist in the task of handling the nu-1 Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by merous cases that are on the docket F. (J. Frioke & Co.; in Alvo by Alvo as the re-ult of the indictments Irug Co.; in Avoea by O. E. Copes; found by the grand jury against the I in South liend by 7.:. Sviirzenegger ; TO HOLD COURT IN OMAHA NEXT WEEK District Judge James T. Begley to Preside m Up-River City, Try ing Riot Cases. participants in the riot there in in Greenwood by K. F. Smith; in there to Omaha. Mr. G-hrts handle the famous John leer this season, as well as the Interna tional products and Case separator. This will enable him to suppiv the! farmer's everv need. by her son. Krvin and family, have provided her with a home. Ti e children vho mourn the will ! ' ' ' ineir momer are .trs. i .-virali iMlgore. IVrtland. Oregon: l;le l.UKirk. LI m wood: Arthur Buskirk. living in Wyoming; Wil liam Luskirl:. Uloomfiehl. Nebraska; I Louis Liiskirk. Ashland. Nebraska: James Luskirk. living near South Lend; .Mrs. Viola Franklin of Madi son and Krvin Iluskirk. wlio lives nortli of this city on the farm. The funeral was held at the First .;:hodi.-t church in Murdoch last Sand iy afternoon at 2:M!) o'clock. Electric Wires at South Bend The transmission line which is to carry the electricity for use in operating the machinery at the sand pit at South liend. has been complet ed, the wire being strung along thojih' Itov. Larnhardt. of Ashlnnd. f- losiai iciegrapn company s line oi uci.i ing. in- remain" .v",'t laid poles on the Rock Island right -of-' rest in the Wabash cei.utery. way. Lverythuig is therefore ready for the turning on of the current at September that resulted in the lynch-1 Weeping Water by MHer Drug Co.; ing of the negro. Will Hrown. n Klin wood by The second tlistrict is not holding Murdoek by II. L. A. Tyson; McDonald ; lu in I Everybody has the invoicing fever. And we started yester day; first thing we "took" was our west window. Perhaps your wardrobe needs one of these SIZK :i7 Uough mixed bluish grey material, all wool, aud a splendid buy for a young man" $22.50 SIZK 37 A good m ear-risisting suit, if ever one was made. It will fit a tall slim man it's a dark grey, hard finished cloth and the man who buys it will get better service Irom it than from any $05 suit ia the shop. If you're a slim take it along and try it out for a year. $27.50 SIZK 30- .17 A plain business suit of a brownish plaid, hand tailored by House of Kuppenheimer. This suit has good looks, wear, 'nevery thing. The retail price on cheapest Kuppenheimer suit we bought for spring is $55. This suit will save you dollars. $30.00 RIZF. 39 This one is an unfinished brown worsted, with small check. Most long wearing clothing is made up from this kind of material. This one will give top-notch service to the firit man that fits good In it. $27.50 SIZK 3S Rough blue, Society brand, diagonal, all wool, three button plain business suit. If you are tall and slender you will appreciate this garment. Come in and slip it on. $25.00 , We have many others, if you don't strike what you want in this collection. These won't take any prizes at a fashion show, and just now we are not talking to the fashion fiend. We want every man in this territory who wears good clothes, knows and appreciates good clothes of plain, business, and staple models, to look over our stock before paying the rent for the price hikers, at the present time t onducting cut price clothing sales. court at the present time and Judge Louisville by Blake's Pharmacy; in; I leg iey has consented to assist his colleagues of the Douglas county i-.agie by k. . luoomenkamp ; in I'nion bv K. W. Kmlv; in Nehawka court and will therefore take up the by D. D. Adams; in .Murray by Meier work in Omaha the first of the week. The trials of these cases have re quired some time as they are con tested very bitterly and a large num ber of witnesses are to be heard and the process of the trials has been long and tiresome. Drug Co.. and in Mauley by Rudolph Uergmann. Philip Zhiazcib SCHOOL HEARINGS MONDAY VISITS IN THE CITY Frr.m Saturday' Pally. On Monday will be commenced the hearings on the proposed school dis tricts and these hearings will be con tinued through Tuesday and Wed nesday. The commission will pass South Rend This step places the current much nearer to Murdock and it is I expected that steps w'M bo f ik"n in a short time in complete th lon': felt desire of the of Mar 'ook to enjoy an electrically lighted city, with an abundance of current for both light and power uses. Ale yini Taking advantage of tiie le eu prices ;. r:.e .Mi.r.tocK .Ier-j aith' company? i Chairman of Committee L. F. Langhorst. proprietor of the Langhorst Department stores, was p visitor in Lincoln a few days of last I have f( Iit;; roa:1 I -1: r tie Xc h.-vwka. Neb FOR r sale 1 2T,. William Atchison, one of the well known and prominent residents of I Stove Crock precinct, was in the city ye.-terday afternoon looking after ngs as this is the method prescribed some matters at the court hoiL'e. ly law and after the hearing the nt Alr. Aichisou is an applicant for the ler passes out of their hands into that j.edigreed short- j position of county highway commis- tv.ii old. i-ioner and while here talked the sit II J. Tiiiele. N-I tat ion over with the board of corn- here for a visit between trains. Mr, Wcscott was divisional secretary of the Y. at Commercy, France, at the time Mr. Farr was stationed as local upon only the boundary lines and secretary at battle swept St. JlihicI sites for srhool houses at these hear- B!1 mere iney uecame For posts. Murray Pa:- -About 200 split -F. J. I.iliio, phone No. of the voters. The d!stricts as out lined will upon proper petition be placed upon a ballot at the school 2tw i missioners. He has been a member eiecuon anu passeu upon uy me voi- of the jury panel in the federal ers. it umavoraoie mere win ue no court at Lincoln and has just com- change in the present district but if pletod his work there and is enroute accepted the law makes it necessary I oak 2w home to Klmwood. To Combat the H. C. L. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: Cracked rice, 10 pounds for $1.00 Brown beans, 12 pounds for $1.00 I 'into beans, 1 2 lbs. for $1.00 Navy beans, (small) 20 pounds for $1.00 Navy bans, (large) 2 pounds for 25c Baby Lima beans. No. 2 can for J 5c Pork and beans, 3 cans for 25c Standard corn, per can 7Ac Standard corn, per dozen cans $1.90 Tomatoes, No. 2z can for 20c E. C. corn flakes, 3 for 25c Lenox soap, 5 bars for 25c Swift's Pride soap, 4 bars for 25c Apples, per peck 25c, 75c and $1.00 Fine quality cranberries, special price, per quart 122C for the superintendent to organize such districts. All matters after out lining the districts is set by law ard the superintendent' merely followed out the law instructions. SEEKS DIVORCE DECREE From Saturday's Dally. Another suit for divorce entitled Joseph A. Valois vs. Mable I. Valois was filed yesterday in' the office of the clerk of the district court by A. L. Tidd, attorney for the plaintiff. In his petition the plaintiff states that they were married in Des Moines, la., December 3, 1917. and have for the past year resided in Cass county. The cause of action as stated in the petition of the plaint iff is that of cruelty, the plaintiff in his petition stating that the de fendant had struck him in the face several times and accused him of committing adultery with other wo men and by nagging had made life a burden to him so that he seeks the law to sever the ties of wedlock. very close friends as they made the crossing over the Atla.itic on the same steam er atifi their work being so closely allied brought them in the closest touch. Mr. Farr and family have been visiting 5n Wisconsin and re now enroute home to the west jr.d expect to leav? from Omaha this ev ening for the Pacific coast. The visit here of the old friends was much en joyed by both gentleman in their ftories of the life In France. TO LOOK OVER TRACTOR Money to loan on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary. S-2tM Krom Friday's D!ly. The Cass county commissioners departed this morning for Omaha where they will spend today looking over a large tractor tliat Is offered for sale In that city and If found ad visable may secure this tractor for the road work in Cass county. Com missioners J. A. PItz, H. J. Miller, C. F. Harris and J. R. C. Gregory of near Murray were in the party to look over the machinery and pass on its fitness for the use on the roads of this county. E. J. Richey and wife departed this morning for Omaha whex they will look after some matters of busi ness for a few hours. Model Rose Comb Rhode Island Red Cocks and White Wyandotte Cocks; tingle male bird. $2,00. 1. li. Reinke. Shady Spring Farm. Sonth liend. Nebr. d29-lnid. arc DELCO-LIGHT Ths complete Electric Light and Power Plant The Delco-Lighi stora?a batterj is dependable, durable and efficient. ISY ROSENTHAL, Y TeL D. 5093 Omaha, Neb. HIES SUIT FOR DIVORCE IIP mm jQfo)fpfUl I SFFES5 1 Our Special Price on 3-pound can 1.65 i Keid Murdoch &Ca C H I C A G Op EEiicn We Like to Serve Prom Friday's Dally. A sutt for divorce entitled Erna j E. E. Biggs vs. Berl D. Biggs, has been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court and in which the plaintiff claims as the first cause for action extreme cruelty, alleging in her petition that the defendant had called her names of various kinds and accused her of being a Dutch man, rne second cause or action is that of non-support. The petition Etates that the parties were married at Nebraska City on April 14. 1917. and that they continued to live to gether until January 6. 1920. At torney Charles E. Martin represents the plaintiff in the case. RECEIVES PLEASANT VISIT i Prom Priosv' Dally. ' This morning c. E. Wescott was the host to an old friend and former rssociate in the Y. M. C A. work in France, M. J. Farr. wife and little son of Yakima, Wash., stopped off THE UNIVFPSAL CAR Only a Limited Number of Ford Cars There are mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now. But the biggest one is that there are only so many Ford cars just a specified limited number allotted to this territory. Those who. buy their cars now will b wise. They will have them to use whenever they wish. Don't put it off next spring, even next month, is an uncertainty. Eten now. we must have signed bona -fide orders before our monthly allotmtnt' is Md ped us. So the only way for you to be sure of getting a Ford car, is to order it now. Get your name on an order. It is your protection. Again we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and you must buy now while deliveries are possible. As evar, the demand for Ford can i awav in advance of production. So, it's first come, first served. Spring, summer autumn and winter are all the same to the Ford car. It is a valuable servant every darS the year. Rain or shine, it is ready for your demands. Buy now and eet nromS delivery. You won't have to store it. You can use it. Buy now while the h ing is possible Phone us at our expense and we will have our salesman call L you for your signed order. ' on BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR REPAIRS! New is the time to have your car overhauled and tuned up We r your work promptly now; later in the season ycu may have to wait your turn T. H. Pollock Garage, PLATTSMOUTH PHONE -NO. - Ill A- . T I H