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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
MOKIMY, JANUARY 12. 1980. PLAITSM0U1H SEMI-WEEKLY JOURMAl PAGE FIVE M Purchase Threshing: Outfit. The Hcrapke brothers, residing out north weft of Murdock, have pur chased a new threshing outfit thru the implement house of Wm. Gebrts, for delivery next cummer in ample time for the opening of the thresh ing season. Farmer's Merchant's Bank PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. DEPMR TMENT, J The B ank of Murdock We invite our friends who have business in our hne to take advantage of the exceHent service we are Ms to render. We have but little to say in our ad this week as we are very busy with our annual balances and other things that go to keep the work up in tip-top But this need not deter you from coming in, for we are never so busy but what we have time to lock after your banking needs. i ne DanK or m ock ur "The Bank where You Feel at Home" KESRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Yice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier I Men':; slue; ::t unlu-.ird of prices i Ck-;:i!inp house! All jut the .Miini(k Merc. Co. hand K'K's out. G t in j Jcsrf Klyi'HT lias j;i;;t purchased ; ins. .Murdock .'.lore. :t corn si.c:!cr tiiroumi I lit- u intuit1 ! Gehrts implement house. ; A. J. Tool, who has been 'some trouble with toni!itis recer.t y. is showini; son,e improvement. Georpe Moouicy. of i:e;ir ElrnvooJ. .was in Murdoch las! Friilay visiting Iwitli relatives and friends :nd lak ixiT advantage of the sale now conducted ii t tlx- Murdock More.-.n-tik- company's store. After ;i mtI;'s work teaching on the iu '.v term. Superintendent J. H. liurwcll and J'rof. Willurd J.uhiiKiii. of the Murdoch public schools, spent tlie week end at their respective homes in Lincoln and Elmwood. Mrs. Henry Klemn.e, who ha.-: been sick at her home just south west of the city, for the past few days with an attrrk oi' the quinsy, is reported as 1 oin. seme better but stil! far from iur usual health. Meeanss have been held fit the Sohewe and CTi'.l.han sc hool . at which the matter of consolidation was dis cussed from the an -"! of i!-e divi sions ar.noMV.ceu l rot-.: ti'e redtstr ini; committee. As iniht be xp"et e'.. there was not much oi" the 'cet ..:,:! her" idea prevalent in the ireet inirs. Mr.-;. J. VI. Meiluh was a visitor tiie latter part of the week at the heme f her par ut. Gi-ore Tow le old on Co. j lock on the bar- Grandma Tliimjran Continues Low Grandma ThimsHn, who has been sick for the past few weeks, as a re- Arthur Stroy, M,o is attending vtic stroke, is reported as beinK state university, was a visitor at . vVrv nttle better at this writinK and the home of his parents, J. C. Stroy ht.r progress toward recovery is and wife, over Sunuay. (necessarily slow due to her advanced John Miller is af thin time employ- age. Her friends in and about Mur ed at the market of Joe Johansen, i dock would be pleased to hear that asshvtir.s; in carini for the trade, i she is improving rapidly and all wish w hile Mr. Johanns--i is away, he be-1 her a speedy return to good health, ing IreTuiently calid out of town to 1 look after business matters. j cleaning house of all old stock on! hand at the Murdock Merc. Co. J. Johansen was ., visitor in Weep-; :n;v Water last Friday, where he j took a span of nn:!.-s be delivered! to the market of V'm. Dunn and af-! ter the trip there was a hitch in the' deal and the mules were not disposed j (' as contemplate!. Are you takir.c advantage of the ; it 'lie Murdock Mer- i house. - i.. and her for 2 r 1 1: wife, bvii: called brother. Hoy, who i : some time an ! v.;-;-( of ia'te been ver- i.eri t re '. be. n :ond ous. Will Gin-u.i-.ius. percales. I 1 yon get your supply ..1 :r lock Mercantile Co. Hurry! Frnr.V; liu.-cnow- was a brief busi- iv -s visitor in the city over . Friilay tveninn and Saturday, re ; t-.rning home Saturday night on the f Jtrst-y. While there he visited at the home of li is friend. Fniil Kueim. : II ;bert Crav. fTu. who has been on tl:" tick list with an attack of the iiri;. is now a!d to be about airain. ? v. l ::ih in i he best of health, j i: L.:; r. uitd t,-pcs to be feeling ;' as Wvll as ev r mm:i. ; Men's shoes at unheard of prices ' at t.e .Murdock Merc. Co. W. O. Gillespie was in charge of f the busine.-s house of Wm. Gehrts ! during tlie time .lr. Gehrts and Mr. Charles Schaei'er were at the conven- lion in Omaha. Mr. Gilles-pie is a -capable n:au and cared for the busi ness in an excellent manner while the boss and h!.-? assistant were ab sent. M-s. Grv. Il'rynier. v. ho is mak ing her Ivmie at the hotel, where she i ci:.pbyed. and -who has tecu at ( omp; 1 ilne CotiuiICt it. 2 going fast. The ladies : hoes in button and lace yet? At the 'at certainly spell ECONOMY. At Murdock Merc. Co. Mrs. George Shackley, of Avcca. was a visitor in Murdock last Friday, remaininu ov-.r Sunday as a guest at the home of her i-ister, Mrs. llarrv Davis. Carlton Zir.k was a visitor in Kimwood last Friday evening, where! he visited with friends and also at tended the basket ball game be tween the Elmwood team and that of Eagle. eii Miat tin vow: man siiow improvement. Tiie Murdficl: Mercan' ib is at the lnselit 'Kcorc.piv Sale." si:t nested uovernrner.! cost board for a oMutdi: ill she montli nary and is enj -ying a big b being iiatronizi-1 by lai:e l 'f peo; le v. ho care to save a i lars an J v ho are pet; :.:g som i tre',- sick it ion It i f-i-o:; ;ny the 1 retail of ,"an-U!- ill ess. nr.ber:. 'v .'"1- e re inl ine bargains for t'.n-ir ni 't'i y. I'll" store handling a lot ( f pri-dtx- in the line of chickens etc.. th I atioruir-g 11," lariii.. r an cxceljei.t markti for his produce. red'uv d prices erntile "o? Miss Edith Reeves, who is suffer ing from the pneumonia, and whose condition has bee:: very serious dur i ; i iz the past wot:-., is reported as lewhat improved. thousrh still very sick. Her many friends hop" for her sreci:y and permanent recover. GJngbams. law: -. percales, going i'.ist. Did you get your supply yet? A: th" Murdoch Merc. Co. A. J. -'': i was a visitor in Lincoln .luring the latter part of la: t week, a pue-' of her mother, Mrs. Martha Scbe-we, who is con valc.'Ci'.iz at the i.orpital in that place, alter v.ndereuing the ordeal of imving one of her feet amputated a few v. eeks ago. During tlie p.i .J;cl.! one of : pr.biic schoel. has home of Mr. C. M resi;li-o while in :: t;; k of la grip; :us been away fr Llar.y of Family Sick Most of me members of the fam ily of Homer H. Law ton have been confined to their home for the past few days with attacks of the prip. and while they have been feeling pretty sick, they are now making satisfactory progress toward recov ery. Mrs. M. Sorick, of Lincoln, is in tiie city caring for the sick ones and assisting with matters about the Hears Sister Very Sick Word has come to Mr. and Mrs. I Henry Schrader. of Murdock, tellinp I of tiie serious illness of Mrs. Charles Kraft, of Louisville, who is the wife of Mrs. Schrader's brother. Rela tives here did not know of her sick ness until the word came telling of, her serious condition from that dread malady, cancer of the stom ach. Mr. and Mrs. Schrader depart ed last Friday evening for Louisville via the "Jersey," in response to the call, hastening to the bedside of the cick woman in the hope that they might be able to minister to her , comfort. ! her few M o - S i e i m"Ht i I ' v- !:!!: lavr-. w : able here, b, - o! hcr in W; here .bash for the she was sick past with has so far improved that to return to her employ- ; still wiak from the sickness. week. Mis--e teachers at the been sick at ihe mmey, where she unlock, with an . and while she n her duties at school room. Miss Esther Schmidt has taught in her place. Miss Jack .i ;:; was able to h removed to her 'nine" near Elmwood on last Friday eveninir. This bank is for the service of the com munity. Come in when you need something in our line. Come in anyway and get ac quainted: we want to know you all, for we will then be the better enabled to serve you. Always at Your Service Fanner's and Merchant's Bank, HE1JKY BACKAMEYER, President E. L. POTHAST, Vice-Pres. 0. J. POTHAST, Cashier MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA Not Enough Were Interested j The wrdf In: nt which was pulled j O'T in this vicinity last week result ed in the capture of but one lone i wolf. This was largely due to the ; fact that not enough men turned out ' for the hunt, to keep up the neces-. sary line about the territory being covered, and as a consequence the southeast and southwest sections of the territory were weakly supported, j Doubtless had there been enough , hunters to cover the ground numer ous more of the animals might have been taken, as several were started, only to break throush and make good their escape. The wolves have been preying up on chickens and small pies in the neighborhood for some time past and it would be a good thing to rid the neighborhood of them. The honors of killing the one that was captured had to be divided be twien Will Keikinan and Will Vclk, bh of whom got a : hot a': it. Last Friday evening as Henry We.idt was coming from Wabash in his car. a large wolf hopped across he road in front of him and sat by the side of the highway watching the auto go by. Had Henry been armed, his wolfship would have un doubtedly terminated his career of preying upon the farmers' hen roosts and pig pens. Attended Des Moines Convention A. J. Tool has just returned from a visit in Dos Moines, where he was in attendance at a three days meet ing of the dealers handling the How- ( Continued on page 6) Wm. K. Bohn, Auctioneer I'HONE ELMWOOD -:- NEBRASKA Many of the young people Creators of Distinctive interiors Residence Church Public Piaces, Etc. of this . piace attended the basket ball contest j a' Elmwood last Friday evening be-; tween the Elmwood his;h school ! : and that of the consolidated school, at Eagle. j Ladies shoes in button and 1 ice ' at "ECONOMY" prices at the Mur dock Merc. Co. Come earlv! I i James Gamble, of Elmwood. who! is one of the busiest of men looking after his farm and also that of some! friends, asked us to place his name j on our list, and he will receive the Journal in the future. John Timni and lr.s son. John.' Junior, were in Murdock on last Friday doing some trading at the (Mercantile company's store, taking j advantage of the reduced prices in-' 'cident to the "Economy Sale" being conducted 1 1 y the store now. L. A. Ty.-on. in order to keep touch with the happenings at il county seat nr.d over the whole county, has arranged for the coming to his mblress at Elmwood of the .-v mi-Weekly Journal, and will keep in touch with the happenings of the county in the future. The two Harrys. Mes-r--. II. V. Mc Donald and Harry Gillespie. have I bet-ii bnsilv enraged in taking stock i at the drug store, in order to get ai ! where tliey ; re at in a btrouess way. I The institution hns been jnakinp money and they want .to know jnst i how much. Thev are both very sfi38- &32ZZ& CESS sSfcar-c; -TJX .3 El ra jr. In accordance with ihe recommendation of the United States gov ernment, we are inaugurating an MY SALE." mKFCJltS-)iM - y '7 filDX BusteriiiGrf, Intciicr Decoralor, Painter. Phone 19-G Murdock.Neb. -cb ver I'tiriness men and have many t friends both in business and other- wise. ! Win. H. Fohn, w'io does a gen jeral auctioneering business, residing j at Elniveood. has a card appearing in jtiie columns of the Murdock pase. Mr. I'.ohn is a fine gentleman and a ig ;ii auctioneer and is ever reauv to (serve the public in that capacity. has had his name placed on the sun- script ion list of the Journal and wrli keep ii. formed of the current hap-P'-; ings in Cass countv through the i:m of its columns. a n 1 i 1 which vvil! include rrjany articles of common and constant use, and which will be offered from m m H fi 1 Si- Ti a n w fif U 1 iOl j U U n i In many iriotancea this will be s cut of nearly all the profits, and in some instances more than the profits on the goods. DO YOUR own threshing with your own help when the grain is just right. Save los from sprouting if the season is wet and .save loss fro'ii shelling out if the season is dry. Hitch your tractor to rw m c .1 mm U 2XX V&KM 0 1 and Comforters -1 n n rs esttss w Aafoniobiies and Aceassorses AGENCY FOK MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS 0:-.r machine shop is especially well equipped t.vith modern machinery and first-class Vv'orkmen. Ve ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acetyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE LINEW ALL KKJDS OF TIRES mm Tlie saving of threshing hills will soon pay for it. 77 man pn: for if self bif sai'nrj your crop tliia par. Tlie Ilubor ie; known the world over as theniuehine tlult "saves the grnin." The Jtmi-jr Thresher is lartte enough to lo yotir own threshing atiJ your neighbors if you lik.?. It is smnll enough to he run by a 10-50 truetor. The Iluber Light Four, the efficient 1 "2-5.5 tractor shown above, fur nishos ample power for the thresher with all attachments. Made only by The Iluber Manufacturing Co., Marion, O. FOB SALE BY WILLIAM RUSH, Phone 16-B -:- -:- Murdock, Nebr. Threshers Tractors Power Machines Duck Coats and Mackinaws, Men '5 and Ladies' Sweater Coats, $30 0 w Till Oil, Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. i" Reduced prices cn our Dry Goods Line - such as Percales, Ging hams, Outing Flannels. This will be your opportunity to stock up for your summer sewing! g We v'ill also oUer few "ODDS and ENDS" from our shoe stock! J iV!cn's Jackets, blue stifel stripe, at $1.98 Specials in prices will be given in ALL LINES that we carry! WfJ r ir m. , r.i r vr-ri' ,v? &r nni pf l? t' I"" tfVi ffiu fc. nan r3 KlL M J. E. McHtJGH, (VSsnagcr f Murdock, Nebraska The International Line Complete! Power plenty of power and f!iciency at all times, reliable and dependable is what all want. We have it iu the International Line. We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Ga-r-line l-InRines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators, Farm Wapons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreaders, Stalk Cutters, Mills. Girndcrs and Binding Twine. CALL OX TS FOH YOUIt WANTS IX OUIt LIXE WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska