The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 12, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1020.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Entered at PostoflHce. Plattsmouth. Neb., aa aecoad-claaa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
1920 ushers in national prohibi
tion, with liquor, liquor everywhere
and not a drop to drink.
The small bov with a sled on a
good slippery hill doesn't see why
there should be any complaint what
ever about the transportation prob
lem. :o:
Thrift, like poetry and music,
seems to be a gift just now, rather
than an accomplishment, and not
much more popular than poetry and
music, either.
Of course the bolshcviki are very
brilliant people, but with prices five
times as high in Russia as in this
countrv brilliancy is too much or a
luxury there.
Premier Clemenceau in an address
to his constituents, advised them to
pay taxes and have children. If taxes
in France are anything like they are
here the French families will have
difficulty in doing both.
Kmnia Goldman said just before
the loat mailed that the United States
had signed its death warrant. We
never worry over what Emma says
and. besides, if we had signed it it
would be with strong reservations.
There'll be fewer "busted" resolu
tions in 1920.
The motto of the reds: No peace
on earth. Good will to none.
The once vociferous dollar is now
a poor shinking little thing.
A few men are homeless and many
are home less than they ought to be.
Another war in the Balkans is pre
dicted. Apparently the Balkans balk
at nothing.
It is perfectly all right to turn
over a new leaf, but it is well to re
member the lesson of the one before
Life for a magazine reader these
days, observes K. B. G.. is Just one
darned "Continued on Dasre 110" af
ter another.
That Chicago man who "lias $900
and wants a wife" evidently expects
her to bring along her own clothes
and groceries.
So long as we must purchase food
And pay the water rent.
And stand for being gouged galore.
How CAN we be content?
Don't you ever wonder whether
England's famed long parliament ap
proached the record of 13.000,000
words, attained by the late special
session of congress?
:o: .
Hindenburg protests that he will
not desert "his old comrade Ltidcn-
dorff." We quite share his feeling
that two such pals should hang to
People who figure out how a small
income may be made to support a
large family generally know a great
deal more about arithmetic than they
do about human nature.
The allies owe us $450,000,000 in-
intcrest on the other $10,000,000,-
000 they owe us. but we're not going
to collect even the interest at pres
ent, lor two reasons, first, we re
sorry for them, and second, they
haven't got it.
. : O V ;
ictor Berger's election to con
gress is to be contested by his oppon
ent. Woulun t it be a better recog
nition of Milwaukee's peculiar claim
to distinction to just let the seat re
main empty like Milwaukee's
References to the mean average
temperature of December in weather
bureau's review will not be under
stood. The temperature undoubtedly
was mean but the general impres
sion is it was not average for De
:o: r
Nicolai Lenine has said that in ev
ery grouu of 100 so-called bolshc
viki there are one real bolshevik. o!
criminals and 60 fools. Thus the
conservative criminals, who would
naturally be inclined to let the world
roll along peacefully, find them
selves blocked by a majority of sixty-
. ;o:
Fifteen presidents, more thau half
of the list, served in war: George
Washington, revolutionary; James
Monroe, revolutionary; Andrew Jack
son, revolutionary and 1812; Frank
lin Pierce, Mexican; William Henry
Harrison, 1812; John Tyler, 1812;
Zachery Taylor, 1S12 and Mexican;
Abraham Lincoln, Blackhawk; An
drew Johnson, civil; U. S. Grant,
Mexican and civil; Rutherford B. I that he is expected suddenly to hark-
Hayt. civil; James A. Garfield, civil; I en to and heed some young chap in
Benjamin Harrison, civil; William whose pocket rests a sheepskin, the
McKinley, civil; Theodore Roosevelt, I signatures on which are not yet dry
"We don't want any book-farmer
or fresh young city guy whose socks
match his tie and who has taken a
short course in agriculture to c--mj
and tell us how to farm."
The man who made this speech at
the convention of the Nebraska Farm
Congress in Omaha the other day
stands unnamed. His name is :iot
given out in the chronicling of the
battle of the farmers against some
of the teachers sent out to educate
them. But in a few words he set
forth the position of many members
of our great producing population
with exceptional clearness.
Book-farmers they havt no time
for. It is a little difficult for a Ne
braska farmer of the type tha. has
had his shoulder to the wheel of pro
duction since the childhood days of
the state and to whom is due the
credit of boosting that state well up
toward the pinnacle of agricultural
supremacy to understand how it is
any of our business colleges into the
offices of the Brandeis stores with
the intent to install newer policies
of business administration. If bank
ers and business men and doctors
and lawyers who have established
their reputation and attained their
proficiency were to be suddenly in
formed that berueaus composed of
young graduates iu their businesse
and professions were to be establish
ed by a commiserating public who
wished to lift them out of their piti
ful status, there is some reason to
suspect that the bureau might re
ceive a treatment which would not
quite be described as courteous
The farmer is the best of citizens.
He has a keen realization of the sim
pie but very pertinent philosophy
that "He who will not work may not
eat," and he is practically carrying
out his theory as best he can. He
doesn't attempt to tell the banker
how to bank, the merchant how to
buy or sell, the lawyer how to plead
or the doctor how to cure. He doesn't
do this because he is big enough to
realize that he doesn't know how to
do it. The mark of a really big man
is ability to confine his teachings
to his own line.
We wish the farmer well. We
hope that his example of staying in
the production game may be imi
tated by other classes. While socie
ty may teach the farmer something,
the farmer. has something to teach
society as well.
And with all this, said by way of
explanation of the farmer's frame of
mind, and in justice to his most an
cient and honorable calling, the fact
remains that science has much te
teach the farmer; much to tell him.
greatly to his profit, that he has been
too busy to learn. It is just as desir
able for him as for the physician, the
lawyer, the engineer, the merchant.
to keep abreast of the times, and par
ticularly to be informed of the dis
coveries and improvement that will
help him to save labor, eliminate
waste, combat the agencies of de
struction, and become a more effi
cient craftsman. His opportunities
for doing this have not, heretofore
been of the best. But they have
been, and are, rapidly improving,
and it is due to such institutions .is
the University of Nebraska, for ex
ample, to say that they have been
among the instruments of his prog
ress. State universities should lie.
They are supported largely by the
farmers' money and if they can af
ford him a direct as well as an indi
rect return for the taxes he pays the
more truly they fulfill their minion
The farmer relishes of
and bumptiousness no more than the
rest of us. He properly resents lin
ing talked down to. But he will not
resent, approached in the right way
and the right spirit, any more tlwin
any other sane man would recent, be
ing competently advised how to do
better work with the same effert and
make more money. World-IIerald.
The Best Cough Medicine
When a druggist finds that his
customers all speak well of a certain
preparation, he forms a good opin
ion of it and when in need of such
a medicine is almost certain to use
it himself and in his family. This
is why so many druggists use and
recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. J. u. Jones, a well known
druggist . of Cubruu. Ky., says. "I
have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in mv family for the oast, seven
vcar? ntirl li9vo fminH it tit ha t1lf!4
best cough medicine I have ever
For Sale: 5 acres, close in. Lays
well. 6 room house, near-modern
furnace, cistern, chicken house, barn
and well. Some fruit. Inquire of
A. A. Alexander, phone 251, Platts
mouth. d29-lwdaw
I will sell at my farm home 9
miles west of Plattsmouth; 6 miles
east of Louisville; 4lA miles south
east cf Cedar Creek, on the Louis-
ville-Plattsmouth road, on
the following described property:
8 Head of Horses 8
One team, bay and sorrel geldings,
wt. 2,500; one bay horse, wt. 1,400;
one gray horse, wt. 1,300; one driv
ing team, wt. 2,400; one mule, wt
1,100; one bay pony, wt. 900
1 1 Head of Cattle 11
Nine milk cows, some fresh; one
neiter, z years old; one bull, o years
Twenty head of
pring shoats.
Farm Implements
lhree lumber wagons; one iron
heel wagon with hay rack; wagon
and hay r;:ck; carriage; top buggy;
anure spreader; Deering mower;
McCormick binder; hay rake; 20-foot
corn eleviitor complete; Monitor
grain drill; 1-horse grain drill; feed
grinder; two John Deere 2-row cul
tivators; two corn planters with 120
rods of wire; two lS-foot three sec
tion harnv.s; two Avery cultivators;
one New Century riding cultivator;
12-inch Emerson gang plow; Hum
mer sulky plow; 14-inch stirring
plow; 5-shovel plow; two discs; 2
r.hovel plow; live sets of work har
ness; two sets of buggy harness; set
single harness; DeLaval separator
No. 115; 4 h. p. Cushman gas en
gine; souih butchering tools; ten
dozen chickens; two Round Oak
heaters; some household goods and
numerous other articles.
TERMS On all sums of $1(1.00
and under cash; on all sums .over
$10.00 a credit of from 0 to 1:
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing good bankable note bearing !
per cent from date. All property to
be settled for before removed from
the premises.
Louie Friedrich, Clerk.
Rex Young, Auctioneer.
Don't You Forget It.
Bear in mind that Chamberlain s
Tablets not only move the bowels bat
improve the appetite and strengthen
the digestion. They contain no pep
sin or other digestive ferment, but
strengthen the stomach and enable
it to perform its functions naturally.
continuous snow starune ax o
o'clock. New Moreland Sunday.
Public Service Corporation
Pay ins
Can be had in amounts of
Investment Securities
First. National Bank Bid's,
Omaha, Neb.
and in whose imagination there is a
supernormal pressure of chemical
formula and the Hclenic titular class
ification of a number of geni. ordiucL'
and classes which the farmer has
been accustomed to get along very
well by calling manure and bugs.
It is an interesting subject for
conjecture as to just how a young
man, recently graduated from the fi
nance department of any university
would be accepted if he were to enter
the office of any bank president iu
the United States and authoritatively
proceed to advise that dignitary of
ways and means how to better his
banking methods. It dos not take
a tremendously keen imagination to
conjure up the scene that would fol
low the entrance of a graduate of MYNARD, NEJBR.
Poultry Wanted!
I buy poultry any day of the week
except Saturday.
On account of sudden market
changes, I cannot quote prices.
When having any poultry to sell,
please call Phone 2411.
Having decided to ouit farming
and move to town, I will sell at pub
lic auction on the William Hunter
farm, five and one-half miles west of
Plattsmouth. on the Cedar Creek
road, on
Friday, January 16, 1920,
the following described property, to
Eight Head of Horses.
One bay horse, nine years old4
weight 1200; one bay horse, coming
four years old. weight 1000; one bay
horse, twelve years old, weight 1100;
one gray mare, twelve years old.
weight 1100; one team black tolls,
coming three years old; one black
colt, coming two years old; one spot
ted pony, coining three years old.
Twenty-Four Head of Cattle.
Five milk cows, giving milk; five
cows, coming fresh soon; four steers,
coming one year old; four fall heifer
calves; two steers, coming two years
old. one Whitefacc bull, com in
three years ofd; two heifers, coming
two years old; one dry heifer, coming
three years old.
Four Duroc-Jersey brood sows and
22 head of September fall pigs.
Farming Implements.
One John Deere disc;' one 12-inch
Hock Island gang plow; one John
Deere 1-row machine; oneTip-Top
cultivator; one Jenny Ldnd cultivat
or; one Badger cultivator; one Brad
ley lister; one John Deere corn plant
er, 80 rods wire; one Moline wagon;
one truck wagon and rack; one three
section harrow; one Broadcast seed
er; one McCormick mower; one bug
gy; two sets of work harness; one
butchering kettle; one hay sweep;
one canvas cover, 14x24; one saddle,
good as new; two stacks of timothy
Sale commences at 10:0 o'clock.
Lunch will be. served at noon.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of. $10 and under, cash
iu hand. . On sums over,' $10 six
months time given on bankable note
bearing eight per cent interest from
date of sale. All property must be
settled for before being removed from
the premises.
W. R. Young. Auctioneer.
11. F. Tatterson, Clerk.
Having rented my farm, I will sell
at Public Auction at my farm, four
miles north of Union, four miles
south of Murray, three miles north
and two and one-half miles east of
Nehawka, and twelve miles south of
Plattsmouth, on
Wednesday, January 21,
the following described property, to
wit: Twelve Head of Horses.
One span of black horeses, six
years old, weight 3600, extra good;
one black maret four years old
weight 1400; one bay horse, weight
1200; one bay horse, two years old.
weight S00; one saddle horse, five
years old. weight 1000, natural sad
dler; three brood mares; one old
horse; one span of colts, good ones
Fifteen head of Durham cows; one
milk cow. six years old; two extra
good milk cows. Red Polled; one bull,
three years old.
Fifteen head of Hampshire gilts;
one two-year-old Hampshire male.
Pollard's Star 34th; sire, Cornhuskef
Prince; dam, Xehawka Queen.
Farm Machinery.
One 7-foot Deering binder; one
Emerson mowing machine; two P. &
O. wide-tread listers: two cane
plows, J. I. C. and Moline; two rid
ing cultivators, 20th Century; one
Pirate 1-row cultivator; one Badger
riding cultivator; one walking culti
vator; one John Deere riding lister;
One Janesville disc: one 3-section
harrow; two corn planters; one rake;
one 2-row stalk cutter; one lG-iuch
stirring plow; one 14-inch left hand
ed plow; one feed grinder; one gas
engine and wood saw; one Ross en
silage cutter with pipes; one Key
stone hay loader; one Ford touring
car in good repair; two farm wag
ons, one wagon box; two truck wa
ons with racks; one buggy and one
surrey; four sets of harness; one set
spring wagon harness; lots of extra
collars; one grindstone; some house
hold furniture and many other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Sale commences at 10 a. m.
Lunch will be served on grounds.
Terms of Sale. .
All sums of $10 and under cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of eight
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing good bankable paper bearing
eight per cent interest from date
No property to be removed from the
premises until settled for.
L. G. TODD. Owner.
Col. W. R. Young. Auctioneer.
J. M. Patterson, Clerk.
New System Adapted!
The steadily increasing cost of all kinds of mer
chandise, shortening of terms and discounts by job
Kpr anrl mnmif Acturers and advance in overhead ex-
penses, compels me to readjust my terms of credit, and j
by so doing think I can serve my trade better ana sen j.
cheaper. Therefore beginning January 1st my terms
will be 30 days. Those desiring longer time can se-
cure the same by paying 8 per annum.
wes are wise
and saw imn
Fm n & .
0' You be wise
and save your
afgKsS-- - - - 'fS; BURP
Wi where ir is
Farnners State
m:i-i;Hi:irs sai.i:
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his home, 4 miles west
of Plattsmouth on the Cedar Creek
road, on
Saturday, January 24, 1920,
comeencing at 10 a. in., the tollow-
ing described property, to-wit:
Seven Head of Horses.
One bay team.
....... ' i-UIII III .S.(HI(.tll)
in-- tin i;ty ut .-'lenil..-i
)at. .1 at J'l.ittMiioiit !i.'
mis 1 1 1 iay it January
Nntiit- is homliy nivn tliat nnl-r
and by virtue of an order of tlx- lis-
trii-t Court, in and for Cass count v.
Nebraska, mailt' and entered on the
lMli day of Nofernlier, 191!', in the
case of Hay vs. Hay et al, and an
order of sale issued by the Clerk of
saiil court on the tfth iay of January,
19l'0. the undersigned, referee duly ap
pointed by the court, will offer for
sale at public auction at the south
front door of the Court House, in the
City of 1'lat t smou t li, Cass county, Ne
braska, on Saturday the 11th day of
February, lPl'0. at the liour of' ten
o'c lock a. in., the sale to In- In Id open
for two hours on said day: the follow
in described real estate, together with
ll illllllll'tln:ilir'PK 1 heron tit r, linlnnninrr
situated in the County of Cass. State "i . ' . 1 ""' "" the
d lie
1 'C'L'.
I :
cl t.
AOTH i; 'I'll KKIH'ioiis
The Stale of Ncbia.-k.i, C.-
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the mailer of the
liatu Taylor, deceased.
io ii,e creditors of said t;,i, -You
a,e hereby notified. That i util
sit at the County Court room j,, ciatlt-
' 1 ' " enmity, on the
oi r e in -list ry.
i:-t.ite of Wil-
The west one-half (wVi) of the
northeast onc-totirtli (nw'.i of Section
weight 2700: one ,7. Township ten (10), North
ocxv iiuipc niigtii xw, xjli uiiiiiio j huh's, more or less.
team weight 1800; one sorrel mare,
coming 3-year-old: one black colt,
coming 2-year-oia.
Nine Head of Cows
rimt said sale will be made unon the
following terms and conditions: One
third cash to be paid at the time of
ale: one-third in one year and one-
third in two years, said deferred nav-
nienis to draw interest at the rate of
liiv tifr f,iit tw.i uiiiiiii
Nine good milk cows, cuiuing h,v ., ,risKl. ,, m,,, rp st', ,,,..
described, the purchaser to have the
ption of paying; any creator sum than
one-third in cash or the entire pur
chase price in cash, but all subject to
Twelve Head of Hogs.
Twelve head of Duroc-Jersey pigs,
months old.
Farm Machinery.
One 6-foot Deermc: binder: one
Corn King manure spreader, 70 bu
one Hawkeye corn elevator; one
Messenger hay and silage cutter; one
John Deere 2-row cultivator; one
walking cultivator; one 16-inch sul
ky plow; one Iloosier Broadcast seed
er; one 2-row stalk cutter; one wag-
on; one 2-section harrow; one roller;
one hay rack; one icCormick nay H
rake; one disc; one 1-horse corn
drill one rirlinc lister: one 16-inch
walking plow: one Stover feed H
grinder; one 5-h. p. Galloway sawing
outfit; one 1-hole corn sheller; 1000
bricks; two stoves; one new King in
cubator; 20 tons good alfalfa hay;
many ther articles too numerous to
Free lunch will be served at noon.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10 and under cash;
on all sums over $10 a credit-of 6 to
12 months will be given, purchaser
giving good bankable note, bearing
S per cent from date. All property
to be settled for before removed
from the premises.
F. H. STEPPAT. Owner.
V. R. Young, Auctioneer.
H. A. Schneider, Clerk.
!rd il:iv
... i . j . . . .
May, lifjii. at 10 vi..i, .. ... . .
each of said .lays, to receive and'es
amitie all claims against said estate
with a view to their adjustment and'
allowance. The time limited for t '.
presentation of claims against es
tate is three months from the Lrid .lav
?L lu l" V' A' ,(- ,9J"' time
limited for payment or debts Is ....
J' from Sili1 -nl day of February,
Witness my hand and tlx- seal of said
be,-:nilt,:nM t' -711' ,Ji'" 'f I'eccm:
i. T5i:i:si.v.
County Judye.
Daily Journal 15c per week.
Duy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work
tV pou ior until it is set in the sprinp
To many wait until spring to buy.
Cass County Monument Company
Telephone 177
Plaltsmouth, Neb.