The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 12, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. JANUARY 12. lfiSO.
B. K. F.
little accesory on your Ford car will work
Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
Easily installed lasts the life of vour Ford.
the motor
No oiling required.
your motor.
Money Back Guarantee With Every
B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
for, immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your
command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived.
Main St. Garage
Block South
Rca.d the I)a::y journal.
Est ol Riley Hotel.
Coates Clock.,
Second Floor.
Covered Si&le
Good custom tailor
ing brings out the
best that's in you;
your build, the way
you stand, your
ideas, are all made
to count. That easily
can be seen in pleas
ing expression, in
the fine lines of
Dry Cleaner and Tailor,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
It's the expert work
manship, the correct
style, the pure wool
fabrics that makes our
tailoring give you last
ing satisfaction.
ne Measured Nou
A 33-Year Loan
No Commissions
We place such loans through the LINCOLN
Nebraska, which during the past year has
loaned over $6,000,000.00 to the farmers of
Iowa and Nebraska.
Ask Us
ank of
Plattsmouth -:-
No rollers to wear out and short
Telephone 79
of Postoffice
The Advice of This Plattsmouth
Woman is of Certain Value.
Many a woman's back has many
aches and pains.
Ofttimes 'tis the kidneys' fault.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills
are so effective.
Many Flattsruouth women know
this. Ask your neighbor!
Read what one has to say about
Mrs. Ilettie Cumminrs. Chicago
Ave.. Plattsniouth. says: "I suffered!
so severely with my back at times, I
could hardly get about. When I got
down. I had to take hold of some
thing before 1 could straighten. Sharp
pains often caught me across my
kidneys and for a minute I couldn't
move, the pains were so severe. I
couldn't rest well, my back ached to
badly. 1 tried different remedies,
but nothing did me any rood until
I began using Ioan's Kidney Pills.
Three boxes overcame that awful
misery in my back and made me feel
like a different person."
Price tiOc at all dealers. Ion't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get loans Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Cummings had. Foster
Milburn CO.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Wanted, a car load of lire poultry
to be delivered at Poultry Car near
Burlington Freight Depot on Wed
nesday and Thursday, January 27th
and 28th. for which we will pay in
Hens, per lb 27c
Pullets, per lb 27c
Ducks, per lb 27c
Turkeys, per lb 27c
All young roosters, per lb 24c
Geese, per lb 24c
Old roosters, per lb 12c
Wil be on hand rain or shine.
Yours truly,
About It
ass o.,
Live Poultry
Special Correspondence
Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp and Grant
occupy the Methodist parsonage.
Watch for the Mynard news items
in each succeeding: week's issue of
the Journal.
Charles Barnard is the same old
G and 7 and is doing nicely on the
Silas Lone farm.
Monroe Batman and family moved
from the farm last fall and live in
one of V. I!. Porter's houses.
A. (. . C arey is counted among thei
Mynard population and the family
lives in the Frank Marler property.
The Misses lirown are still living
in their home torrnerly ownea ny
Wm. Murray. Roth are teaching
school and doing nicely.
Dad Schloemau holds forth in the!
little house close to the elevator and
looks after the interests of R. L..
I'ropst's holdings in the village.
Mike Rvs. the congenial black-
smith, rooms in part of Mrs. AdamjUOme of her daughter, Mrs. George
Meitinger's residence and has his I Frampton. She left on Mondav for
place of work in the blacksmith shopl
of R. L. Propst.
Henry Johnsen and wife, Laura.
are living in the property recently
purchased from Mrs. Henton. form-
erly of Mynard. but now a resident
or coiisDiun. .rxenrasku.
Art Jacoby continues along thej Texas is a great country, especially
line of trapping fur animals and heat this time of the year All kinds
holds forth in the Hen Marler resi -
aence. nut. unaersianu, ne uoes uisi?rs are blooming ana children are
cwn cooking and housework.
Ralph Wiles has sold the farm re -
cently purchased from R. L. l'ropst.
O. S. Cole was the purchaser. Ralph
bought the Henry Eikenbary farm
and will move onto it in the spring.
W. T. Richardson conducts a sen
eral Ftore where you can buy most
anvthins you are in want c. He
Is also the Mynard postmaster and
sees that you pet your mail prompt
Jeff Salsburg has charye of the ele
vator south of Main street and Nel
son Jean of the one on the north
side. Both are doing a good busi
ness in handling train. Jean also
buys and ships live stock.
A number of changes have taken
place in the precinct during the past
year and the coming spring will see
more as farms have been changing
hands more frequently since the ad
vancing price of land than before.
However, W. F. Gillispie has mov
ed to the county teat and we under
stand be. has erected one of the fin
est. up-to-date modern homes in the
city. We are sorry to lose to wor
thy a citizen, but our lots will be
the city's gait. Success to you. Bill
Mynard is coming to the limelight
along with W. J. Bryan. It has been
many months since ye correspondent
has said anything about our village.
But we are here and here to stay
Hi$h cost " of. living cuts no figure
we are all happy and have plenty to
eat and coal to burn.
And now we come to I'ncle Lewis
Crabtree, the wholesouled. congen
ial harness maker, whose leather is
oak tan and full measure. Shorty
Woodward is plyinr the harness nee-
die and oilin? harness a the busi-
ness is Tery rushing at this time of
year and
Short v understands the
MUM I-I'l I t 'I' fT I'rT 'i i-i
.ju.V? j
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Perry and
children of Blue Springs. Nebr
were guests at the Neihart home on
Mrs. D. A. Youtsey ha returned
from her visit with friends in Nova I
Scotia and Boston. She reports ha v-1
lug had a splendid time. The elder!
seems more cheerful since her re -
Fred Muenchau was a visitor to
Eagle on Monday evening for a vis
it and to attend to some business in
connection with republican precinct
chairman of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and babe I
of Lincoln were visitors New Year's I
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Henry Miller and the John Stark I
home. Mrs. Miller and babj- remain-J
ed for several days visit. I
The infant daughter of Mr. and!
Mrs. John Parriott, who is two
weeks old, seems to have had an at-
tack of the "sleeping disease" and
I II H 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 H 1 1 1'
has plept continuously for three orja little visit with Grandma Flem
foux days. This seems to be a pe-jing. who, we are sorry to say, was
culiar malady and the victim comes!
out all right in time. Proper medi-
cal aid as well as feeding has been
administered the litle one and at the
present time every indication shows
that she will be all right again soon.
On Tuesday morning three carjn. C. West, Mr. and Mrs. John Wun
loads of hogs and one of cattle were derlich. Mrs. Peter Stoll and eon.
shipped from this place to Omaha. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. George Han
Those making be shipment were sen and daughter Edith. Mr. and
Wm. Boroemeier, Paul gornemeier, Mrs. Walter Wunderlich, Mr. Hans
Carl Klctert. Wm. Eueter and ho-
renz Albers. TbeBe gentlemen ac-
companied the shipment. Tbe hogs
were a line bunch and averaged 225
I'.orneraeier Lad a bunch that came
close to 300 pounds. This was a fine.
bunch of porkers and it did a fellow
good to get a squint at them.
Stc-ge also shipped some hogs
cattle in this shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip ILnninirs are
I rejoicing over the arrive! of a baby
girl at their home southeast of town
on Fridav. January 2, l-'O.
j(,e Spence and wii. , of May-
I wood. Nebraska, are hre visiting
Witb relatives. At present Mrs.
J spence is visiting at the home of her
I parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Vullery,
near Plattsmouth. Thej also spent
a week in Lincoln visit ir;g at the
home of Mr. Snence's Ik. rents
Mrs. Amelie Schoemt!. returned
last Wednesday from L;wton, Okla
homa, where she has hn for the
past three months visiting at the
uburn. Nebraska, where she will
I make her home with fc-r daughter
I Mrs. Adam Rentschler
I jjm Terryberry and CI. as. Gerlach
j returned Sunday from a trip to Tex-
I t.s, about three hundred miles west
i or CJalveston. ir. jerrrerrv savs
c.f garden truck is at it- best, flow'
I running barefooted. It was quite a
1 change to come back to the land of
snow and close to zero weather
E. C Twiss received a letter from
his brother, Ult Twiss, at Cokeville,
Wyoming, in which he states that
the winter is most severe in that
part of the country and the snow is
unusually deep. He also stated that
his son has arrived hoiue from Si
beria. He was a machine gunner
and saw some real warfare. He was
in a machine pun nest when all of
li is comrades were exterminated. As
Tit explained it. '"He fit like the dev
il in a hand to hand contest after
his companions were all killed and
ct me out alive."
v iii iivj wniLax .
i it 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M-fr
Mrs. Moses Hiatt who had been
visiting at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. A. Cole, returned to her home
at Murray Sunday morning.
Guests for New Year's dinner at
the Peter Spangler home were John
Spangler and family; Mrs. Fred
Spangler. of Plattsmouth: Cyrus Liv
ingston and family; Mother Spang
ler. Reul Sack and Peter Gobelman
hnd wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jameson and
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis attended
the wedding of their niece. Miss
Pauline Davis, of Lincoln to Mr. Dan
Kepler of Broken Bow, which oc
curred New Year's day at the home
of the bride's mother. Mrs. Kate W.
Davis at 1T12 P street. A large
uumber of relatives and friends were
j,resent including relatives from
Ohio. The vminir neoDle will make
their home at Broken Bow.
R. AV. Porter arrived Friday night
v.ith his emigrant car from Creigh-
ton. Nebr
Among other things in
the car was a fine hunch of thor
oughbred hogs which he expects to
uiake a t:P('cjalty of raising. Mr. Por
ter b the man who bought the t liris
Miller farm just south of town and
also bought the John Ruhga tenant
house to move onto the farm. On ac
count of bad weather the house has
only been moved about a half mile
to Mr. Porter rented the Mennonite
parsonage and moved into it until
he can get the house moved the rest
of the way and get it in shape to
live in.
An oyster supper was given by the
Merry-go-round Kensington at the
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Heebner December 31st. The
j rooms were prettily decorated with
cut flowers and the daiaty set tables
appealed to one's appetite. The la-
dies all brought a bountiful supply
of good things to eat and thus with
Mrs. Heebner's generous share, we
had a fine dinner. The day was en-
joyed by everyone. Some very good
music was furnished by different
persons and the afternoon passed all
too quickly. The ladies all enjoyed
unable to leave her room on account
of illness. We want to thank Mr.
land Mrs. Heebner and family for
giving us the opportunity to spend
such a delightful day. Those pres
enV were Mrs. Catherine Corbet, Mrs.
Stoll and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Murdock and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Hansen and family. Mr. and
Mrs. John Knabe and family, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. St oil and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Fitch and son.
Mrs. Jesse West lake and sons of
Eagle. Miss Etta Schwartz. William
, Obernolte. Andrew Poulsen. Mr. and
.Mrs. (.'. E. lleebner and family and
I Pauline. Laverne and Sterling Ing-
"5 JJ5
Claud Barrett expects to leave to
day for Texa. to look aft'T his farm
S-rgeant Harry Rentier came out
from Lincoln Saturday night to
spend Sunday with home folks.
.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lar.ning kft
Sunday for California, where they
will spend a couple of months en
joying the salubrious climate and
orange blossoms. They also expect
to visit relatives in New Mcxk-o
and other places.
The local town basket ball team
was defeated by the Vnadilla team
in an interesting game at Barren's
hall on Monday evening. Although
the Eaglites speeded up in the second
half they were unable to ovfreome
their opponents' 12 to lead and
the game ended with a score of I to
l.r in favor of the visitors. Nehavki.
plays at Eagle Friday night.
Last Sunday ni.iht what might
easily have a psoven a serious acci
dent occurred at the O street cross
ing, three miles west of Eagle when
the 11 o'clock passenger ran into a
Chevrolet and smashed it nil orettv
badly. The car was occupied by
Miss Ella Kockenbach and a gentle
man from Palmyra', who. we under
stand, was taking her home from a
visit to that town. For some reason
the engine went dead with the front
wheels on the track just as the train
came along, and before the occu
pants had time to dismount struck
the auto. Miss Rockenbach received
some painful injuries but we are in
formed not serious. The train stop
ped at once and brought llie young
lady to Eagle and she was taken to
her home the following morning.
L. It. Ipt'n. John Clarence and
D. A. Eaton returned Thursday from
trip to Colorado where they un
interested in land prospects.
Robert Roddy began taking the
census of Liberty precinct last Tues
day morning. Owing to the condi
tion of the roads he expects to be
ktpt busy for t least two weeks.
Miss Mary Becker and Fannie Mc
Carroll were afternoon pusengers to
Plattsmouth Tuesday, to attend a
met ting of the Eastern St;;r. at
which Miss McCarroll was initiated
into the lodge. They were guests of
Mrs. Mary Allison for the night and
returned home the following morn
ing. The American Legion of Honor
meeting held at the auditorium Mon
day evening was well attended.
ex-service men being present. The
evening was spent in organizing and
in the election of officers, which re
sulted as follows: Walter G. Wun
derlich. post commander; Hal A. Pol
lard and Fred O. Stoll. vice comman
der; James W. Thomas, adjutant;
.Marion M. Tucker. finance officer;
Alfred C. Anderson, secretary. More
meetings will be held in the near
f ut ure.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ross, while
visiting at the home of Mrs. Ross'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rough J
last Thursday evening, were given a
serenade they are not likely to for
get for some time. About forty of
their friends rushed in on them and
proceeded to entertain them hy
rounding every posible musical in
strument imaginable, from a dish pan
to a double barreled shot gun. After
gaining admittance to the house, the
serenaders were well paid for .their
efforts. There was an abundance of
eats and everyone present is positive
that the young couple have liberally
paid their charivari dues, and all
wish them happiness and success in
years to come.
Annual Meeting: of the Fanners' j
Elevator Company Held and
New Manag-er Elected.
The Louisville Farmers' Elevator
company helds its annual meeting on
Monday afternoon and re-elected its
old officers. They are: ,
'James Terrbyerry. president; John
Spangler. vice president; Henry Ra
gose. secretary and II. E. Pankonin.
The board of directors are James
Terryberry. John Spangler, Henry
Ragoss, H. E. Pankonin, August
Children Crj
The Kind You Have .I ways Bought, and v.hich has been
in use for ever thirty years, has borne the signature cf
t'-e Kf.nnl
r ,,, rrf
0'-V'v. 1 ! r
All Court erf oils, Imitations and ' Jaci-as- ?,.. j i" ere Lat
ILxperimects that trie with rind cniancr the health i-f
Infants and Children Experience a?uivct KAptrimcut.
Cistoiia js a h armlet s-ubsucute lor Castur Oil, pj.rt(.nc
Urpps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ir r.i.atains
neither Opium I-L.rphint; nor ether nzz:tA:z : uhttance. Its
age is its ;uaranvee. Tor more thr:n thirty years it has
beer in constant usr- for the relief or C-.-nstipatioii", I ?.tulenc
"V-v-'in: Colic ana Diarrhoea ; allaving Fevcri. hreta arising
tic-refrsm, and by regulating the Stomach a;:i l'i..--e's, aid.
the assimilation of 5ood; (riving healii-.y osd na:u:al tktp
The Children's Panacea The Idothex's Fiit ad.
Eear3 the
In Use For Over 50 'Years
a he Kind Vsa Have Always Bnught
'tander. John man
I ie!rkh.
Ernt.-t Pautsch. win
manager for the j : l t ;
dered his resignation.
has ne :i it s
x t a r.. t er, -.Mr.
had previously been prcvai'u-d i ii
to continue to manate th bu:n--s
but lie refused because of l'.- ;::. I, !. j
of labor attached to ll:e posit i ;:.
After accepting his re--ignat k;i i
Elmer Johnson was chosen to sue-
ced him as manager. Mr. Johiw-:; (
is a young man of business abili'y. !
and stands very high in the Corn- J
munity and it i predict".! tin- J
der his management the businer-s cf !
the concern will continue to prosper!
the Juture as it has in the nasi j
under Mr. Pautsch's ma narement . !
A dividend of J per cent was de
clared for the past year. This in
addition to a $4:'. surplus paid each
' tock holder some tine' uh k Not a
bad inve--t:re!it S 4 ii '-iv-t on a
a..' e c s s s r a '3 n . s c
0 k LLszbb je
CAiS and TR
We have a nurxber on band in store rooms now,
but ycv. may rest assured they won't last long.
Better place your order now. You'll need that
Speed Wagon from now on.
Speed Wagon, $1,710.00
Reo 6, Touring: or Roadster $1,820.00
Prices Include War Tax and the Freight.
We also have a number of second hand cars for
sale. Come in and look them over.
The Gold Standard
of Values
.itaaaiaisaxB.xa s iebcsstb issvs -: wrz
Notice to Ford Owners!
How arc your lights? Docs your motor,
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Dome in and Let Us Explain!
Garage Phone 650
for F'etefrer's
nj.s vten maae unuer Liz tkt-
supervision rlir" i? f n .-r?
- -
. no ..r-O 111 ito.-riv: .-? in V,
SL-rnattire of
M r w V O K C V
: 0'i viiare. Tli-f may be more
it::: n one cause for this. Mil one tliiim
certain. ;'('.d management had its
are in the success of the concern.
Louisville Courier.
Ford one ton truer, worm drive.
Complete with rah. grain box and
.-orl; rack. Also one used Podue
touring car.
J. F. C.ORDER. Plattsmouth.
If you are rot n subscriber to the
Pniiv Journal let us your name
Mi our subscription list.
I.fcdt-1 A. jrV lruf L-1.t (. .
4 h -!. r. tor MmkimikI Hi d
I'Jllw in Kt-d in i 4oiJ nmaiiicVA
Tifc t.n ut h p. iit f fAD
; b.: e.
s 3 a m a e a
B- .
liASJ, Prop.
b sm-xmzmsmxmm
House Phone 502 !