The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 29, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebmka State HiitoTi
cal Society
vol. xxx vn.
No. 54
And Plans Laid to Buy Mr. Richey's
Interest and Retain Plant To
Reorganize Company.
From Friday's Dally
Louisville people awoke the' other
morning to the realization that their
only manufacturing plant, the Kah-
ler flower pot factory, was about to
be moved to Council Bluffs. The ma
jority of the stock is owned by C. A.
Richer of Omaha, who believed that
the plant had outgrown the little
country town and that there was a
greater future for it if located in
the city. As to whether Mr. Richey
is right or wrong the Courier will
not attempt to discuss, but it is
plain to see that Louisville would be
the loser in such an arrangement
and it did not take long for the busi
ness men and other citizens to arrive
at a like conclusion. Accordingly,
last Wednesday evening a meeting
was held in the Bank of Commerce
and sufficient stock subscribed to
purchase Mr. Richey's interests and
the pottery will remain in Louisville.
The company will be reorganized.
Mr. Kahler will remain in charge as
general manager of the plant, an ad
ditional kiln will be erected as Boon
as possible, a side track put in and
a number of needed improvements
With proper management, the fu
ture of this plant is assured. The
territory extends for hundreds of
miles in either direction and at pres
ent there are orders enough booked
to keep the plant running day and
night for six months. The pay roll
at present is no small item and with
additional equipment for turning out
more material it will necessarily be
The company owns two clay banks
and It is estimated that there is clay
enough in either of them to operate
the plant for fifty years. The ware
turned out is unexcelled by any plant
in the United States and the rich,
red color is Just what is desired by
The plant began business Thanks
giving day seven years ago. It was
organized by its present manager,
P. F. Kahler. who came here from
Denver on the solicitation of the
Courier after considerable corres
pondence. Mr. Kahler learned his
trade'in Louisville when a boy in the
old Louisville Pottery, long since
gone out of business through mis
management. At that time all kinds
of earthen ware was manufactured
here and found ready sale all over
the United States. Mr. Kahler saw
a great future for a flower pot fac
tory in this territory. lie realized
that it would have a territory ex
tending in any direction almost 500
miles. The company was capitalized
for $5,000. The machinery put in
to begin with was not Just what was
desired but with the email amount of
money on hand to pay operating ex
penses It was necessary to proceed
In the beginning molds for the dif
ferent sized pots were manufactured
by' Mr. Kahler personally of plaster
of Paris. This necessitated a great
deal of labor yet the very first kiln
burned proved most satisfactory and
spelled success for the new concern.
It did not take long to see that the
old fashioned
method of making
flower pots from molds was too slow
a method to take care of the trade.
T. E. Parmele of the Bank of Com
merce accompanied Mr. Kahler east
on a tour of inspection of different
factories and as a result the plaster
oT Paris molds were scrapped and
machines installed with a capacity
of molding tens of thousands of pots
where hundreds were molded in the
old way. From that day the busi
ness began to increase. Instead of
trial orders for a dozen by florists,
they began to come Id car lots.
There was need for further improve-
merits and C. A. KiOey purchased a
chunk of the stock and the capital
stock was increased to 50.000. Then
came the report that the plant was
to be moved to the city. We are
pleased to state, however, that citi
zens of the town came forward and
purchased the stock owned by Mr
Kichey, thus making it possible for
Louisville to retain
Louisville Courier.
Its factory.-
Word has been received in this
city from Elmer Spies, announcing
that he expects to sail for the Unit
ed States after New Years, having
completed his work for the govern
ment in France and is now coming
home to be discharged. Mr. Spies
has been in France for two
years and for the past several months
has been assigned to moving picture
work under the supervision of the
government. It is needless to say
that the news of his soon arriving
home has been very pleasing to his
parents as well as the other relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Ellen Stafford, Sister of D. A.
Young of Murray, Dies at
Clarinda. Ia.
From Friday's Dallv.
David A. of near Murray
departed this morning for Clarinda.
Ia., in response to a message an
nouncing the death'of his sister, Mrs.
Ellen Stafford, which occurred yes
terday .at her home in Clarinda.
where for a great many years the
Stafford family has resided. The
message did not give the particulars
of the cause of the death of this es
timable lady. Mrs. Stafford was a
daughter of the late William Young,
one of the earliest pioneers of Cass
county and she made her home here
for a long period of years and is well
known to all the old residents of
Rock Bluffs and Murray and who
learn with the greatest of regret of
her death. The departed lady was
65 years of age and has for a num
ber of rears made her home in Iowa.
She is a half sister of Mrs. Henry
Boeck. formerly of this city but now
residing at Los Angeles, and a cou
sin of J. M. Young of Plattsmouth.
Boyhood Chums of Gus Hyers Fall
Before State Agents Here,
Says State Journal.
Prom Frlnay's Dally.
Chief State Agent Gus Hyers caus
ed the arrest of a number of his play
mates at the old home town of
Plattsmouth the past week. Fines
aggregating $1,200 and costs were
assessed following a roundup by the
state agents.
Instead of going to the place of
his childhood to spend Christmas,
the head of the state law enforce
ment division sent several of his
aids with instructions to banish
booze. The chief never dreamed that
the clean-up would involve men with
whom he played leap frog and one-old-cat
in the days of spelling and
It was something of a shock to
him when agents returned and. pre
sented a list of the men convicted.
He wasn't sorry that they had been
caught; he was sorry only that they
had strayed from the path between
the strict pines and poplars. They
were good lads as he remembered
them. He still believes that the
deviation from the blazed path was
but a temporary slip. The men were
fined for engaging in the sale of in-
toxicating liquor. The roundup cov-
ered two days. State Journal.
These tablets are Intended espe
cially for indigestion and constipa
tion. They tone up the stomach and
enable it to perform its functions getting away in the darkness. wen known to a large circle of ac-
naturally. They act gently on the Johnson was bringing the prison- quaintances here, Plattsmouth hav
liver and bowels, thereby restoring er from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Omaha, jng been the former home of both
the stomach and bowels to a healthy to answer a charge of robbing theijfr. and Mrs. Thygeson. Mr. Thyge
condition. When you feel dull. tup- j home of Charles Storz about three'SOn is engaged in the drug business
id and constipated give them a trial, months ago. . Jat Nebraska City, where he is enjoy-
You.are certain to be pleassrn" with I Following Abe alleged robbery of. ing an excellent trade and haB a
their effect.
Weather is Mild and Pleasant and
Makes Conditions Pleasant for
Enjoyment of Everyone.
From Friday's Dally.
The Christmas day in Plattsmouth
was one that was signalized by quiet
ness and the enjoyment of the many
pleasant home gatherings among
the families and the children re
turning home for the day from dis
tant points to spend the day with
the old folks at home.
At the various churches the ser
vices were very heautuul anil im
pressive in commemoration of the
birth of the Savior and quite large
ly attended by members of respec
tive congregations. At the St. Luke's
Episcopal church a midnight observ
ance of the holy eucharist was cele
brated Wednesday night at 11:30,
the choir of the church furnishing
the music for the impressive service
and the eucharist was administered
by Rev. W. S. Leete. rector of the
church to the members of the parish.
At the St. John's Catholic church
Christmas mass was celebrated at the
church at 5:30 Christmas morning
by Rev. Fr. M. A. Shine, rector, and
the communion celebrated for the
members of the faith who were pres
ent. Special musical numbers were
given by the choir of the church that
added to the impressiveness of the
beautiful Christmas mass. The in
terior of the church was very hand
somely decorated with the use of
flowers and the candles that made
the scene one of great beauty.
On Wednesday evening a number
of the Sunday schools of the city
held their Christmas festivities
which included a visit from good
Santa Clans who left with the
youngsters some remembrance of the
pleasant event. At the Methodist
Sunday school there was a very
large attendance present to enjoy
the program prepared by the talent
ed young people and following which
came the visit from the kindly pa
tron of the Christmas season who
distributed to ereryone some of the
good things "with which the large
Christmas tree was laden and mak
ing the evening one of great enjoy
ment. The Presbyterian Sunday school
Wednesday evening held their
Christmas entertainment "Santa
Claus' Vision" in which the little
folks of the school took part and
gave a very delightful playlet that
led up to the visit of the distribu
tor of the little gifts that had been
provided for the children.
Taken as a wbole the day was one
of the most pleasant Christmas days
that have been observed in the city
and in many homes those who were
overseas last year were able to be
with the home circle.
Henry Wedgeworth Being Brought
to Omaha from Oklahoma, Es
capes Near Here.
From Friday's Dally.
Wednesday evening as the fast
northbound Missouri Pacific flyer No.
107 was racing across the Platte
bottoms north of this city. Henry
Wedgeworth, known in the police
circles of a number of the large cit
ies as "Frisco Pete." made bis escape
from the custody of Deputy Sheriff
Johnson, of Douglas county, by jump-
ing from a window of the train and
the Storz home, "Frisco Pete" was
arrested and held to the district
court under bond. When his case
was called for hearing a couple of
weeks ago, he did not appear, and a
capias was issued for his arrest. He
was nrrested in Tulsa several davs
According to a telephone message
from Deputy hhenff Johnson to
Sheriff Mike Clark, "Frisco" asked
permission from ihe deputy to go to
the lavatory on. the train. He was
not handcuffed at the time, Johnson
said. Johnson followed him to the
door of the lavatory, but "Frisco"
suddenly Jumped inside and locked
the door. Johnson immediately no
tified the conductor and the train
was brought to a halt and backed up
to the spot where the prisoner is
supposed to have jumped from the
train. No trace of him could be found.
Notice was wired to all towns with
in a radius of 100 miles of Omaha
to watch for the fugitive.
"I see no excuse for Johnson's
letting that man get away," said
Sheriff Clark Wednesday night. "The
next one of my deputies who lets a
man get away from him without a1
good excuse, will be looking for an
other job," he said.
Young People of Methodist Choir
Observe Ancient Christmas
Morn Custom.
From Friday's Dally.
At an early hour Christmas morn
ing when the majority of the house
holders were? wrapped in-deep slum
ber, a large number of ; the young
peopla belonging 10 the choir of the
Methodist church stole out fo ob
serve the ancient and pleasing cus
tom of the singing of the Christmas
The party r:siic;l a large number
of the homes in the different parts
of the city and with the sweet songs
of gladness and rejoicing ,awoke
their friends to the realization that
Christmas day was with them.
This custom has been followed by
the members of the choir for a num
ber of years in visiting the members
of tin church on the morning of the
day of gladness.
Given for Members of B. P. of Elks
at Their Club Home Last
Night Good Music.
From Friday's Dally.
One of the largest crowds present
at a dance at the Elks club in a long
time, was in attendance at the mid-
holiday dance arranged by the com
mittee for members of the order and
their families.
Dancing started at 9 o'clock, but
due to other Christmas-time amuse
ments, many of those present did not
arrive until nearly an hour later.
Music was furnished by a four
piece local orchestra, composed of
Messrs. Gradoville, piano. Rucker,
saxophone and clarinet. Leclgeway,
slide trombone, and Burbridge, on
the drums and xylophone. The boys
put up a snappy brand of music that
would be exceedingly hard to beat.
and their efforts to please were ap
preciated by the dancers and specta
tors. A pleasurable feature of the occa
sion was the presence of a large
number of young folks, home from
college for the holidays, and they
enjoyed the oportunity of renewing
home-town acquaintances through
the medium of the dance.
At 12:30. when the regular time
of the orchestra was up, there were
still a considerable number who de-
sired to continue dancing for another
hour or more and who were willing wife were unaware of the conspir
to stand the added expense of the or-; acy among the friends and were quj
chestra and accordingly the mirthful city enjoying the etvening in reading
amusement was continued until an ;
early hour this morning
Among the numerous out-of-town
guests present were J. C. Thygeson
and wife of Nebraska City, who are
well stocked store.
Ministers cf Local Churches Will Oc
cupy Pulpit at Methodist Church
Meetings Each Evening.
From Saturday's Dally.
The arrangements have been com
pleted for the holding of a series of
union meetings in this city for a per
iod of two weeks commencing on Sun
day, January 4. The meetings are
joined in by four of the local denom
inations, the Presbyterians, Method
ists, Christians and United Brethren,
and the work of the meetings will be
distributed among the ministers and
members of the various congrega
ions. Rev. L. W. Scott. Rev. H. G.
McClusky and Rev. A. V. Hunter are
to occupy the pulpit during the ser
ies of meetings and each evening one
of the divines will deliver the ser
mon for the meeting. Rev. K. H.
Pontius of United Brethren church
south of the city is to have charge of
the chorus choir work and direct the
musical program of the series of
meetings. This feature of the ser
vices will be one of the strongest
and will combine the best of the tal
ent of the four church choirs.
It has been decided on account of
the central 4 location and facilities
ttvhol5 the series of meetings in the
Methodist church at the corner of
Seventh and Main streets and Wie
preparations are now going on for
the opening of the first of the series
of meetings.
Through the union meetings it is
hoped to awaken the spirit of the
evangelical churches of the city aniJ
create a new strength and vigor in
the work that is being done by the
several churches. The ministers of
the churches interested in the meet
ings are all very able men and fluent
and forceful speakers and the -sermons
are certainly going to be well
worth hearing by everyone regard
less of their religious belief.
From Saturday's Dallv.
To the members of the Grand Army
of the Republic and the Woman's
Relief Corps I desire to publicly ex
press my deep appreciation of the
beautiful flag presented to me
by these two patriotic societies.
Nothing has been more pleasing than
to receive this flag under which for
the time of the civil war I was per
mitted to serve and whose stripes
and stars represent the loftiest ideals
of mankind. The flag will be cher
ished a' long as life shall last and
the kind act of the friends be always
remembered. Justus Lillie.
Number of Neighbors and Members
of Congregation Gather to Spend
Evening at Hunter Home.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening Rev. and Mrs. A. V.
Hunter were very pleasantly sur
nrised by a number of the neighbors
and frJends of the Methodist congre-
gation wno came jn unexpectedly and
as8igte(j in making the evening one
of rare enjoyment. Rev. Hunter and
anA RpWlnc- when a knock came on
the door and in came two of the
neighbors and in a few minutes this
was repeated and repeated arrivals
of the friends brought the knowledge
of the fact that there was something
doing and all members of the party
at once proceeded to enjoy a very
delightful evening. The time was
spent in a very informal manner with
each member of the company being
called upon for some stunt and a
very interesting program of musical
numbers and recitations were given
by the members of the Jolly party.
Refreshments of apples and pop corn
had been brought by the members
cf the surprise party and these serv
ed to add to the enjoyment of the
Frr.-n Saturday' Dally.
The. naturalization department of
the office cf the clerk of the dis
trict court has received application
from John Frederick Baumeister of
Seattle, Wash., asking for a certifi
cate of naturalization from the local
office. The applicant was born in
Germany but was a minor at the
time of his father's naturalization
and therefore seeks to have his pa
pers confirming this fact. Until just
a short time ago it has been neces
sary for the office of the district
clerk to secure permission from
Washington to issue these certifi
cates in cases prior to June, 1906,
but under the latest ruling of the
department of labor and immigra
tion it has allowed the local natural
ization offices to issue certificates
in all cases of this nature.
Residents South of City Having
Packages Rifled Will In
vestigate. From Saturday's DaiJv.
The rural route patrons south of
this city are experiencing some trou
ble with persons who have begun to
tamper with mail left in the route
boxes and as a result the person
committing these outrages may be
made to pay the penalty of the law.
Last Tuesday Urwin Barnard, carrier
on route No. 1 delivered a gcod
sized package from one, of the big
mail order houses to the mail box of
C. E. Allred and on Chiistmas af
ternoon this same paskage was
found by one of the residents of the
neighborhood in an adjoining field
near a haystack where it bad been
opened up by someone. It had evi
dently been thought to be a Christ
mas package by the person taking it
as the contents were all there when
found and the person taking it had
evidently failed to find what he had
hoped for in the box. Frcm the facts
in the case the residents of the
neighborhood seem to think that it
in the work of some child or young
persons and a careful watch will be
kept in the hopes of locating the
arty who has formed the habit of
bothering the mail. The offense for
in act of this kind is very severe and
includes sentence to the federal pen
itentiary for the person who is on-
victed of tampering with the mall.
If you do not enjoy your meals
your digestion is faulty. Eat mod
erately, especially of meats, masti
cate your food thoroughly. Let five
hours elapse betwen meals and take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets immed
iately after supper and you will
soon find your meals to be a real
You will And a nice line of popu
r copyright hooks at the Journal
m m m
If You Arrange
for your next farm loan with the officers of this
bank, you'll experience no unreasonable delay
in the handling of your application. We can as
sure helpful, prompt and satisfactory service re
gardless of the amount involved.
You can be sure of a fair and square deal at
this bank and the most favorable terms. Consult
us before making your next loan.
First National Bank
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home."
With the Return of Roads to Private
Ownership Anti-Strike Bill
Cause of Dissention.
From Saturdays Daily.
Washington. Dec. 2G. Ninety
eight per cent of the 125,000 union
railway machinists voted in Novem
ber to strike with other trades in
the event congress enacted the Cum
mins railroad bill with its anti-strike
. In making this announcement to
day, William H. Johnston, president
of the International Association of
Machinists, said the vote was taken
before the senate interstate com
merce committee reported out the
Cummins measure, and the result
was not officially published because
the association did not want t. ap
pear in the attitude. of attempting
to threaten congress.
The machinists' membership is
around 500,000, but not more than
125,000 of this number are employed
on railroads.
President Johnson explained that
the Strike vote stipulated that union
railroad machinists would quit work
if the Cummins bill was passed by
both branches of congress, not by
"When the roads were taken over
by the government the employes
were free." Mr. Johnson said, "and
we propose that if they are turned
back to private ownership the em
ployes shall be equally free. Then?
will be no necessity for such drastic
legislation as is provided for in the
Cummins bill. There never has been
a general railroad strike and there
never will be, in my opinion."
So far as labor officials are advis
ed, they will not be given another
hearing by senate or house commit
tees, but will keep up the fight
against the anti-strike section, it was
said, and appeal finally to President
Wilson to veto the bill if it should
be enacted with that clause intact.
President Johnson said that no
other trades that would be affected
by the anti-strike section of the bill
had taken a vote, so far as he had
been advised.
I have for sale several good milk
cows, tuberculine tested. Will bo
fresh soon and are good heavy milk
ers. See Neil D. Cameron, Bellevue
Blvd., block north of Childs road.
Telephone South 3517, Omaha.
Cottonwood and maple block
wood $4 and $5 per load delivered.
Elbert Wiles, Telephone 3521. tf-dw