The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    t '
I 4
Ye are all-
try Christmas
Thanking you for the excellent business we have
:; joyed during the past year, we wish, to take advan
' ;." e of the occasion to likewise wish you
Painter Decorator
: VP.IDCS -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
' mary pood health and t-tror.ctli. lie
Told lis to have the Journal iu
his list ot" rendiutr iii.iUn
i year lMMn savins ere nuttii:-
j ut ;:n excel lei, t paper a:.! I he: he
'appreciated the cfforis heim; mad to
, famish t )! read-Tv with 1 he new s
(roiu tli' ninrt' seciud"d ('"mi r. o!'
: I In' count v.
(dieeiion (l ir.habitants her.
FMJiu LUliiDAbU t! r;,:'!is hi,vi- !,h"
vere winter weather wiihir. the rcc-
1; n-;
pernt in fs re:. i bed lis low a- de-
I The i acini's and' da " - ! th,
il'awm-e .-"hooj i 1 ro mih--- t.-.rth:
of ;:ir. lod;. of which Miss K.dt.n :
Wii'iiK, of ar M unlock, is teacher, '
held a 'i ; supper am! save an i x
jctli.iit program !:-'- Friday eve:., :.-..
1 I ).; i: M'tr. am! as i remit of
jlh'dr '' ills an oce"ilo! 1 time ias
j had an i neat sum was re;-. lie ! as
!!!. I
Cuni in ;!:' field v. as covered
Sloan's Liniment has the ' i"i'P Vi ii;! ,lr-f1 7 ;!rd vnAd
j husked. The was also buiied
! deet' and live sioek tiff'-red cre.'.t'y
I for for; ne. I loirs which were ready
punch that relieves
rheumatic twinges
stationery ana
This varmth-pivinp, congestion- ; 'i;r market "' r :! bt -I'l""' be-E
scntterinp circulation-stimulating rem- j cause of th conditi- n-. f the mad:-. ?
cry ri-:--iraus u.iui.-m ru ,'mn rue. lit to The desperate net d tv r c.ial moved
the aching snot and brings quick re- , . . .... . ..
, .- t i 1 1-111 ! ant la Ti' ie - olier per ion Kir
J it-1, sitrciv. clcanlv. A v. omlertul help 1
1 r o:n -n:.l pains, sprain-, strains, still- j hauling frotn the ruil ';. d. and this
i;e-s. headaches, lnui'.iap' . bruises. lirous!'' out five tnnx. the fii st in
cv.:r hzxd tl-.e cr.oc:L
- i
(let your bottle toda costs little.
over fi-..' week ' o reach 1 "re. Tin
Cli llli'vL
ncL-t.usc ir price
'aw I :u ir.e i-: c 2'c . 'e ! ui
I 1 i -r ?.-t. :.! i r.-c-eiv ! by .!.
j .i i 1 n. i. n " 'he j ron .-: i si
I "f rui.Mi:.' a "service !:!,e to Mur
. dock for the supplying of i:rrei t
lor the cnv. troin the onice m th
Lincoln i'ower and Li-:hti
I ... ...
( ore, O-. m.,
m;':i'K Tnecii A vnllr (Irn.-eit f. .r
i- .'' in.-Keep 'it landv ior the , r,Jail ri(' '" !i:n,ii,:!;
v.!i.-Ie fair.ilv. The hi- bottle is econ- 'made the tola! per u,!! 12. a: d 1
.. ..: .......... v ... . ,.
i ( iiiiMiii:''! : .Tit- wiu i judi..i it' i
; liiv ... v v .
i-.:-r our rua'-cr-rr:
c err pi etc !-c!c:;ion
; . .-t t . '
W-. v 'A r.d i.
I HfVPT-'TlV tri) T riTTTTlC f T T T C T
-- , - '- ! -we uii! in a .i,,n ,i, ,,;,1,1,f fT22 xuio.x -' "
iMnnslrt? ITrRfiOhMr- l A- -T0Wl l K"m afU'r- bUt hvir lnu-?. to South Uend. and tins' f X.tT "
'f !W U l UPJit! has ,1,,mt 11 V'r-V "iTh.msh at!wii, ,.JUl,ll., tht. cUv .Mur.iock t,: i tlLil:.- i '.LClM San Dieso. Calif.. Dec. is.- Frank:
. ,. hopeful that he may be hin.s. !f : A Z":. we' vim It'Sh fP t H , Los Ar ,eies tiicn ,,,! 1 nv( r -o vi. it ff
Mcni.nuen tr i: la-e ',. jaain in a very .short time. ,.;y ' y,. M.rvi.'-e over ,!l,-,L,'oUy f 1 UII j Tiaj-aua last week for :.. l-nrn sc g
I part of the line w i:ich i- yours, andj I5f j f?" "JF A f I I of buy in;: seme il:n:.!'!ids. was taken fi
i!- :.rv A. (luthmaTtn. one of th.- of-! The .lourt-i'l r proseiitative met an v-u can can- for ;! or w.- , fl rs t ft V i I li'if f v ! in. to etisiodv bv mo-tits ,.f n.e Fni'ed
i 11?
ior I !
I':..'.: ;.e.; ctpalib proprietors of dd time friend. Kdvvar 1 I.,rr. v!ule'iil do .e.. it
th ilani: of Murdoch, has been con- near iTTrnv.ood last week. Mr. borr : '' r'
t ! --d ii hi for tlo- past week has no! been in very aod healtli of 'I - n- ii; - :
vvi: 1: an attack of t he hi grippe. At late, beini: troubled with some af- e.-ptHdv for ;!
this vritiiiK. liovvever. he is better. Miction of his kidneys and was on. Hs.i. p.. the town ,,f M unlock in ,he
ilis '. eji.i: ton pelled to absent hitn- his way to see his physician when near lii' j
self from th" hank hasMnade the, we came upon him. We trust he,
Weil; there a stupendous task for will soon be restored
Sit res dep.: it mei" of jr.-: ic- Thur-
: i r - !.' n P---.curia-;
of electric
f JTRn OU ? (h,y' J'anlilio. it said, ai-t:; two
iornier v il.ista j." tie;-1 ; in i it...
had a iiuniiur of diamond.-- that could
to his cusu.-! i,rinu -he pas, i lo- .b -:-' c,-tt ZQ"Trvyr-z 7;C:T ryOP- T'nrt',:a?'d " r'"viihU' l"'ic'f''
Inal ha-,, ih. .i: of M rd ... , ' f 1 : IHndin catne t San Ideuo with r. ,
,itii tio- intention of lion.- at 1 1 t vZ-'r txj -ta t t I.os Aneh-e eity polif-e detective and "
service of ii- citinen- : i'or'ion of, LkiG lAL. : ,,,. tsr.lill., the tluv eoincr to Tia- 1
on v
' . 1 -
Fcr the nice business this commun
ity and town have always extended to me,
I wish as th.e year draws to a close to thank
ycu and to wish you all a
Yours for the Be:t of Service
At All Times.
Dealer in Autos and the Best Farm Machinery
I A Merry Christina
Thankirig our friends and patrons ior
tlie v: ry nice busir.css which we have en
joved during 1919, we beg leave to also
wish you
lurdock Mercantile Co,
J. E. McHUGH, Manager
I want to thank my many patrons
and triends for the generous patronage
they have given me in the psi and to wish
each and every one a most
Ever at Your Service
E. W. Thimgan, Prop. -:- Murdock, Nebr.
oepart men
!:i d-d: i: s;
our paper. et a Id ish i ;
t !;. -in ft -tn t i:" rev
We f- ! Ii..? in
pap- r h- r- . . io t
tmd co::.n.'..! y
; ,-. u l-i'l -.. .. '. -,.. Till' loTTl:
We are n ore t nan pi. a.-e 1 u i'i
l!'e resit I atid are i.''U:-' tO S! H . i I !:.-.'
1 ,.. t.,i.,1 ill. i tin. f livi.i. "oil-."- to Tin- B
juana lat Friday. 9.
Short !v after cros-im: the i;:; I!.:
. i t . . i . v.- i. . -
"' p '.'V
1 'b'- Ur'r CROP S'JREIJJ ESTIMATE 'aml'th- dete-iv'e we-e arre -
was 1 eid nntil Monday nli"i: ' wa?
rele-a-ed (n orders fr; m (Jovern-.r Ks-
.vervone ha tai-,, 1:o,,i .f ,::,-;!: i f cr Cent ? Over Last t(.Jian i,,,..,,,, of
ter and intere-'ed th.-m.-elves in it . ler.r nna 5 Per Cent Below !..,,,.. t(, tl. ,.,.-,..
to the (Men: that the Murdoch '. - the Ncrctal A.ieae. i " " V.'1"..,, is now ,:,., of tie - .aunst rani,!,,,
of .-ever;il w- run ea'-h we"..
nmtter of nrat iiica ion to note ;
it ic- :! matte- of nratihcatmn to note. , average of pSiDfjinC p:? IT P" TPJ
that we 1-ave imuie t-ie.-d io r.-. :. ! nMLnUitAO I'U I li I !!L in a bu--i!i.-.s war. but fn-j'v- ' "r v- ; -" '-" ' : J. DIP?fMLTv IW'
a p-rKcm! stanotcnt as w-ih and.. ..::..:: n- 17 -r (en- ies.-- iran a' bU$L bUlbib AbA
e appreeia.-'- su-.-h i r i-uus i.:p ; ;.-,.( ;.).o,i: .'- p -r cent uu-
"he Journal fe.l- that i's erforts'', u-,::ai ::n:,.un- according: to ! .... ...
B 1 l E
U i. J
n i. z ?
ET . B
' nd-.n-civen
t .o- j.. :
a: !:'!:.-. -v
of A. h Atoierson of
lo ma e i. wort n-wn'.ie ip-partno-ip I
. . .. ; l. .. I ..... ; : I. , j 1 1 OS. lli.a' es oS
1 ' - 1 . - 111.' ..... t ' , O : ' . v. I j
'rat i " : : d v e i-e : k th" for- it', f ..:.-.- bui eau of crop esi::na;..-' .
. i : l
ihc- i - : c -ote-r.. i (;, Wi Minns o; me siau
t loo. VV r .: :- ;c:i a s - n-' :. . .( . . n 1 1 1 ,
f omi-' to l:v.' von on. : ' ' t
:.-v.- p,iL. p--biNhe-l ; t.yv. acre u
til- I a:'!
t-. a n."
,' 1 1 i: markets am. m rket ;p -..
he nreiiu :;.ary est is :'...''.'
i!.. coontry. ;-.i--t next
i ji, of o'i r i wis. ii I :
: evpem-ove lavoip el e''l -.pmen.t .
t 1 at world danlA' .arra':i tile ;a' s o, .11 town merchant- could
afford t- . .. teni'. ili-r- m. bin
tnore fnl ii-m t he s'ntsdp unt :
j,.,o-o. r-Mp -).: - thi.- il ;ar;m-r.
And t-i vv. as the f'hri s n::' - s.-a-i r
d-a-.v. , . we v.i.-ti : extend t--
ever;.- r, ;,,!.- :.o(i citir-n of Mrr
liock :.'..! v uinity oi:r b' -i - : : .
tor a !.Try 'hri-!ma- am.! :i 1 lappv
; ''rospepou- ?.' vv Year.
t;:;' '.ttsm' i"n : .n ri:N'Ai..
r : in ny i rii-:..; in abo-.p
'i .;! : ;-. .v'o ! ave s. l-.ine'y u; . :
e.- ' h- ir bu'iis and vv ho h:v c n
r.'1 -ip.-d to t !o- rO!(-e.,s of 'i i- . i rr
il !- V- :.!.: ii' ' 'on. pan.'- . w. v i-i.
as:- ' u m th::' - o rt::uiv a;
' - -.- i; t" t io-:r f ri r. ii -1 1 i ! We ai.-o
e- ! t o ; ; , .- ; i : . .- ; : o.;r
' ; i . i :n.e-- i.-; i : : Ho re 1 -
t a : n u v ea n ' o to a ..- ' - m it:
i'i" m-rcau: :b- l;ne ;. .-'i !::. y :.!! u
. u; v'.iin ji: sitrcnc" :hat vour '"an1
v i!i be :.-: (arefo.i a ' : "a u. W
.:!' for t'e tor iruock -; ; v-
thiny short of that i- net -o-.u
'Ui'U'JLI. - i -mi We ifi'Sl 1 !! coli;-
:n- year, n in i he n : t ci: i - a-:d
iill:!Il''-s Ui"li t:-!;,i toaet lo-r to
:!: etid th;'- pro--.. ri i y n:a,v tie con
, i ' : neii mi on r m i - :'' .
With !: v.-i;,e- for a M-rr
( "::ri -t ma i:nd r :: nn New v. ear.
v.e ;.:". At y::r -rvie.-.
:.;!'i::i.' K ?d-:i;-. ,,::ti;.t-: rti
.1. K. Mcilnnn. Mam.-i-r.
t ' acres, as compare
-ooi a cr- h: -' year.
vv 1 1
l;ii!road are out of th" -ti1 ! ;:.-
-s. Thur;-d-.'.v Hale Hoitian. !'-.-
i. :;al director r,f the railroads in 'hi-t-r;-it
-iry. i.---.ied the f-riowinu :
"All restriction are removeil atid
blruniinous and lignite co-al and c'. c
wmi cr
.:. - i-.i rv if
! I... , I
v. m-a- acreage in ilo fall of 1 ? 1 S j
v..; the laru-:', in t'ie : is'ory 01 t ne
.'e. K"du'-t ;..n in acr'-ane thi- last
f.. 1' i- .jiiit - i-en'Tiil ( xc.-pt in some;
v L-iern counties wlieti have the
: .::n-.
.-":! cond:t ion- u . 1 e not favora ble
f .: t lie e.iri v pi ovina for winter
that mav be received frotn connec
tion1 e- mines, may. after tet: (lay-
! ru ilr(.r-cl supply is asim-d. ! d-iv-;
r-d f : consumers under cl-:s.-"'f'ca-
t i !!.- a. h. -. d a :t -.' e. Such consie'i-
' ment will he forwarded :n;med:rf ely
To eor.sicrnees and delivered as bill
! e;I. vvith.out applications,
i "To the extent lhat roads can
io- report say.-, duej i ;.ik( ,UHvprk.s .,, ... t!lt. oU;v-
prnri;y cui-.--e-- witiKUP. j"opar-
ut-'une sttr.n'v tor th- nr-' iive etass-
Th" londi'i ui .:' v. inter wh.-at i J fa to . such deliveries are hi re-
rai! s;. i istaci ory. u at m; i l authorized wi'hor.r arplicat ion:
fcl:.,v : ; ; ..
first t if-- Am--: 'c:.
i-i: ' : i-,-id . a'.:- .:
t : :--. : i i a n;, ' . ; -:- - - ' :'
'!'"- :;::: t ; np. a - -1 a - ". . i
Ft.unc" John --IcCo:t.i:-( k
it: ; ; aoo- a .-:.;ah!i: h: :i. i -
r,.f.;.'- your r.c-
' r
: v. :rh t ,
i "!l -'
1 1 1
an' ' !i a-
-.1 "V. -V
ii; .:, . :
i:: i.. -m :.: .nucr. i-catte.
v.i'i: ;i:e C- rutir.a?
J 'j z - ' , .- r o ; - j
. 1 . - - u - --
:- it :.::. ::h.'.'e cur :.:;c- is
'- ' do :m n: v.y
. tn i- r ,(
. ;:;v : "d ' !
a rv - 1 . of it
the h..:t '.', "car- htt sun r uiio. r hi
hatt-n. J' . : .. .''':;' ".::' i: . nd M :ry
Gcrd'.n a.r a.-: ':u t) e fa:' en- st'.:1.-
tuc:.: v-;c.
' . t ! T
.If f'
j A a-f! that i- ;-,.it;-,th f..r ytuins
! ;r oi'h man -.r v,-o::nin. is a a"od
I bool-:. It cives a ho timr ph a. ure
j that :t more ens' ly aii't c, nid pot pos-
sibly bi :t:a to ti e o: -.- "vins it.
I i.iul th" eh lice reflects (' i .-"r i n : i n a t -I judano-n! m, the part of ihe aiv
I r. Tin Journal has j ot received
j from the badina pa Id : - h i n a. hou -;:.-i'i"
t he ea i-t an cxet o; iotuil line of t he
; i:ew copyrifht fiction a - v eil a
I larce nAiuh"r of the older popular
i novels which vwmhi make a most
j j-leasintr rf membrane" for the ;tb
itent frieml. Th"-e boo';:-, "rub-ace a
! ..ry hirt-e line and ; i ve ;; v.'.ir:h
hohina over when yoa are i-eel, in a
! for a aift for tl:e ('hri. tnnis t:m:n
j I rop in ami 1 d; ov-r i,e iooi.-; and
i s'-e what an oppor; ut. i y i.- offeretl
, to the bo' h lover or ret ker after a
j s;;i-abie c;f-..
!:::!' that v.;.- plowed early ir t he
n is above netnial. while t! at
:. 1 1 . i . j s which v ere p. 'ed late
..: i :-ovv n h-. i is fair to aood. T;i-.,-;:--'
condition for the statt i.- !' !
per cent as compared to in', per cent
a ; ear aao.
' Th- t.r -liniinnrv estimate of rye
;. r caae is ::;.".. ooo acres
ii. -iiit.etM) acre.- sown last fall and
U-v.iiihi acre- harvested this y ea.
Tip' present year's aereac" S"ts a
l ew record for the state. Ton years
a:;., there were (;:'..omi acres of rye
the stale. The condition ot rye
(f Manufaci urine plants --n war
i- dustrits boards prefc-ronco list.
tn) M;:nufa'-ttirinir plfMits not on
v a. r indtist l ies board prt-iV t-ence list.
"If coal held or eons irn "d from
;.:ines to Ptich consumers is not ade
quate or available their needs
he protected with any aviti'::: i-.i" coal,
rare beintr exercised to avoid eivert
intr coal consigned to other consum
ers in priority classes."
who vv e-re broi:ht out i;j:uer hi- no
rection. :!;. Aibert '. hibaaaii. wife of lo-
Herbert M. J,.h r.r mi. bu-iue. . mam r of the Jac-m hii-ht .,,,,1
h n -.., r-.a'ched Ja( i-:.-on x es -
;r..:m:b r fe.r the ('hi'a "o 0;-"r;
t: iiv.
... hre: r :.
('a'::'-: nir: :
: tdcy a:t, mo...: and t! i- j. pular
' I-'e v"'l in; ' e ' lo -l I. - n. in He.:
!':ih1 : city adfHn;; iumdi to J:.( I - n'c s- cial
"Tin- i res. pi ,ea-o- In 'hie--ao. : i;rfc.. ;;r. and Mr., rk.bav.h have
New Yor::. Haon : ;:d c.-th.-r e it ie .n , : pert mer ts i-- jl ."aiitoti vtreet.
will b" carried out exnrtly p.; p'R"-- ! Jaclmon (Mi-r.j flarioii-I.edser.
n- d by Mi'i-i-n ('::nrianiTii. Tf '
: imply a niatttr f o,--';w ;-ti'::; '
all ctmcerr.e,!. ; elS ? -. : -o
well made."
Daily Jorrn:: ! 1 ": re " '
iii mm 7 -. ii m.-r, , , Jii.,
Mni" y to loan en city real erfate
i 'iy the T'lat t.-aioutb Ixan &. Bu'ldlnc
Vssr ";at irn. Fee T. M. Patterson.
, .t(.crp-f.rv 2-2tf (!
;n the stale. l ne eoiumion oi rye rtn t-r pf m f.itirj
- - - " ' I OBAFiD OkEBa Bk,S
p. ted ii, ;is p. r c ut a year aao. f H
Farn-. Laborers Paid More
"The wans of farm labor show :.
. a-H, cranio adva.nce over the waaes
ear ;u.:. Th" averaae rate per
moiith v. nen hired by the year was
:' .". ; with lioiird as compared to $4!
1 .-' year. The average rate per day
1 cr harvest was 2; compared to
5 1.1! la.-! year.
he a vera a e rate-
r.i.a ynun.n jjc!-;, a
jih-o oiie bhi'-h l.ian
l.'iUI cetier.
t yar;: ed.
pr day for farm work other than
i ..rvest work wa.- Jifl'd -oinjiared to
J 1 " last year.
"The preliminary estima'o of fall
.-('iiiaa of winter wheat for the
I n. ted SiiPes is :'. s .77 .(i no acres,
cit, pared tt o . 4 s : i . o o 1 1 :K-r. s plant -
: a yea: aa". T!-is i- a reduction
i f tiiore than ii.! p'-r cent. The cot:
dition i.- s j-t per cent compared to
l"-:.. per cent a year aao. The pre
liminary estimate of rye is ::n.pioi
acres compared to 7.L,".i,'b acres
('oiled a year ami atid tiie avra-e
condition S b . S p-r cent, compared to
y;i per c.-tit a year aao."
fits 4 h iJ- n 5 J S fc;tt li fey SU
To Sc5-oc! TJircctcrp, Tcschsrs and sISo'hcrs
interested in pi'LJr- ho?Ah;
The epidemic season is at hare z-.-i l uV. o?y,ib!e pre
caution s-i.oulcl ta:a n to prevent a repetition of the ex-
1$ pciience o! ds.t y ea
tt- T- i m r-- . i . n r r-. , : t
Work for 1919-20 S.SL-on " ;
Pneumonia Causes Death. jj
L se I'?I:E-G-CIDE for disirifcclien f utvs, . s-at:
Chicatro. Dec. U. (Ttfonte ('am-ls
oors ana all otrit-r sui races in the- scjiool lojirt. And ail K
i other public ami private buildings.
Arthur. N'"b.. I'ec. IS, Forty-two
dollar: a ton is what the last bituini-
we:ahf l .4 '( .onn(i-. One : - ,.-t of ' nous coal received he-ie cost the con
panini. director jre-neral cf the Chi
c; tro Grand Opera Co., diel of pneu
monia this morniua.
.MaestiT. ("! v. l.s in. a weak
ened condition when ;; came to
Cliicatro to direct preparations for
Th.e openinp of th.e' rriand opera
s. n. on November Lin At tlu.t Time
It was not tliouaht his illness wa
seviotis. A few days after the op"r:i
oa--on beaun. however, liis e-onditiort
became worse and h.e va confined
to liis room under treatment of a ; hy'
sician. tie- gradually prc-v weart r end
three weeVs ;i ao was rcn'-ved to a
hoi-pital. Then tu.cnmnn ia drve'-pel j .
and l.eirt trouble defeat"; ef.-rts of i
four physieian to aid hi:- recovery. jje
For the last few days his ch;: lit ion ;?.
had been critical, with
T-. " r r:
f i- yzi ty & v & "h
is solutoc? in water, has a fraprant odor, ia n'-n-irritcitirg
jj and is endorsed throughout the cour try by .Iiv'iicujns
and bacteriologist:?.
ridsnufotursd Exciu&ivcjy Cy
Gt. Joseph, TSic.
rjg m S pi. V,r r. cp
a Jr- L Vk W" LX 4 W Waj
Pi'cff GrrQuth, ! 'ebr2:ks
hciivy work harne-a- in aood
umers. There were only five tons of i
Ah-o seme Y'hiio Plymouth Rok i' '? at.
roo-t r?rs.
:ra dually
wejikeninsr heart action as th" chief
source of iinxiety. A bulletin issued I
two days ;tno by his att
th;it the prieantor.ia wa- dissolvinrr
under treatinent.
Borr. in Italy.
Cleofonto f'ampaniini was, born
lllct'n issued I 5ifSirA 4'. F-JZfiZ y hr; Pft a
cr.dants said ! is iiitlUd CX, iv.lcJ.CZT. h tlQ &U.LiiLZ H
.ti.ic i nmpanp.Pi was norr. i sai i, .r.'. -.j, Jij..
roostars. I:;i Ih.t.-. Colar (reel:.! Since November S this section lias s0,)teluiK.r 1 . i vf.O. in Pprnia. Italy. ! l It Lj
.w-d ' experienced the lonpest tpell of se- j ami first slU(tjf,,i ,ausic i the eori-
l scrvatoire there. While still a youth
he took the first violin desk pt thf
rarma operti. At the aire cf 23 he
P? ' 3vV The brr"'.! r.nd L-tft equ:Vpd cental eiacc: r ; O.-nali. M
S y--"i E::4':rts in cr.arre of !! wcrk. Lady attendant. Hoc- g
.c j--tH 'i crate Pnrer. Pcrrei un Llm?- i-t like taolh. ImMu- g
3: : i ! -L i e v. . -t- i ,-. n
jp menu carciu.iy steni..".ea a.icr u.inr'. n
iu...J -Lt?Jiij r.A ti.?; dlUj.i, Cr..u'x.
C')i:s;stnt no--erti-ii. i the Vine!
that reaches the public . very day in
the year. The off-acair., nn-apaiu.
Finn it;;.'-: kind usual!'.- doesn't pet i i-'or LnfFUrS end Children
very far.
izi Use for Over 33 Years
. , .A.v,,,-. tlCHT,
was made director and conducted
(Vrmei:. li : brother. lialo f'antnan
ina. famous Tenor, playinp Don Jose.
i I'enrv Abbe v. the American im-
Fsstala-Pay When Cared
' fc - t t A TT2-- svstem -.: trwat-nstt '1st cures Pi!.
W.j fa S vr, rM Oilier! "laicise;: in a F.-nrt t n." withnj; a
Fistula are
6 Sertrcf ..-
.... i
and stickers at tlie Journal office.
preparir. waj so in: pressed with (he i
production he offered Canipauiui
for treatmca
! and testi-n
. , cnagthet ? . r.. r-cr i-Tfei!ia pvory cai-hxat. 3
ra. .ucd norr'.nevt-.,. r.-iid uon i c-..r -a. Writ. iUl hk rn Kecla ! Wasea. witu taiac 1
mal.-of :r.o.-e ii.isi. 1 proc;tiect n ;V ". no iavo i.t p-niar:PT)U ".-jred. h I
240 Esb u'Ja'dj.E